The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 26, 1844, Image 1

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I have sworn upon tlio Altar of Cud, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over tlio Mind of Man." Thomas Je.TerkOn
Volume TUB.
.VmatJier -27V1
oi'rosm: St. Paul's Cnimcir, Main-bt
The CO I. UMMJ1 DEMOCRAT will be
published even Saturday morning, at
'rim DOLLARS tier annum nuuublt
half ylarly in advance, or Two Dollun
T.Vf... ', 1 flint Vint il mfflt if tirtll
Aro subscription will be taken for a shorter
ihnn monthsi'nor anu discon
tinuance permitled,until all arrearages
arc discliargia.
AD VER TI SEMENS not exceeding a
square will be conspicuously insertcdat
One Dollar for the first threcinsertions,
and Twenty-five cents for every subsc-
.....,. inorinii h r liberal discount
made to those, who advertise, by theycam
LETTE IIS addressed on busitiess,muxt
be post paid.
The Texan Banner.
Air "Dan Tucker.
TI18 'Aco of'I'runips' will have lo wail
Before he gels the vote ofthe Empire State!
Ami not withstanding the aid of 'Jan'
He'll get 'rowel up' in Michigan.
Huzza! w'll raise the Tex in Bintiei
From pine clad Maine in Alabama!
This whole coon force will shortly know
'Phut they'r 'gone coons' in O, II. 1. 0.
And 'they'll never be able tosiand the fire
Of 'Old. Virginny neber lilt!'
Huzza, &c.
Anil now, 'Old Hurt)' take a rnre.
Or yon'l not get even little Delaware!
And 1 do not think yon can safely count
Upon the vote of 'Old ViirtMnn.vr,'
Huzza, &c:
Old Illinois is true as steel;
And Mi.souiu made ilia old coun fqucel!
Whilst Alabama has indeod
Safely got the 'varmint' trtcd
Huzza. &c,
The NbwIIampshiiic boys without a doubt,
Will douse the fires of whiggery out,
Whilst gallant, democratic Main.
As she's done before, will do again!
Huzza, Sir..
The same 'old conn' is taken ill,
-He took a large dose of the Texan Pill I
Says he, 'This medicine will kiB me soon,
1 feel it in my bones that 1 am.a gone coon'
Huzza, &r.
'Old Harry's' had a lengihen'd phiz,
Eyer-since die siar of Texas 'nz'
Says he, My star's in il d bad luck,
1 shall lose the vole of 'Old Kkntuck!'
Huzza, &c.
In spite of the Devil, or the man in the
W'll set a trap that will catch this coon,
And when he'd in, he'l squeal and swear,
And call for help on .'ho 'Buckeye Bear.'
Huzza, &c.
And whon he's skinn'd wo'll examine his
To see if his principles are 'wool dyed;'
Or if he's play'd double lo the Nonh and
And blows hoi and cold fiom tho selfsame
Huzza! we'll raise the Texan Bannor
From pine-clad Maine to Alabama I
'Coffee, which do you link de mnse use
ful of (In planenis-dp sun or moon!'1 Well,'
Sainbn. 1 link do mnon orter to lake de
fus rank in dat ar' tickler.1 'Wha, wha.why
you link no, UnlTecr 'Well, tell you
kaze she shines by .night, when wo do
want light, and dn sun shines by day when
do notr 'wen, uun, you is uc
urealcHl n'mirer I knoso on dai's a real
T II 15. P A L M . ,
" So important is the Data Palm to th
Arabs thai they fancifully invested il with i
dignity approaching to that of man, am
of language. The fable that the younp
trees woo each other with llie tsiidcrness of
human love, and that truly virtuous adept,
in the knowledge of the secrets of naturi
may, with lime and study, attain lo tin
knowledge of this language and understand
the morals and the wis lorn of these vegeta
hie sagcB. The last of such favored adepts
was the learned Doctor Abraham Oaon.
who died about ihe year 1510. Thu Ma
hommetlan traditions hac handed main
marvels concerning the Palm! among thi
reel is one which mum have been borrow
I'd from one of the aporniplial grupel of Ihr
Infancy of Christ. The stnrv it. an follow..;
When the Vitgin Mary was on her va
"o Jerusalem to be registered, she laiutcd
and grew sick at the foot of a Palm,is aged
lhai the crown was dead, and there lemair.
ed nothing hut the bare trunk, She had nc
sooner sat down at its root, however, than
clear spiink ol water swelled out from be
ncath the withered Palm, the branches shot
foesh and vigorous from the blacked stem;
the fruil budded, formed, and ripened; tin
whole graceful plane bowed down befor
her and celestial t oiccs were heard, saying
'Drink, eat, and reficsh thine eyes1' Thus
waB the virgin mother comforted, and there
did she bear her divine con Whoever was
the author of tlii fable must have been well
acquainted with the Greek story ofthe flight
of Iiitona to Deloif, where she gave birth
to Apollo and Diam under a palm, whence
the tree was consecrated lo Dia'na. It i said
that Tlu'seus first carried the Palm to A
ihens from Delos, when he returned in In
umph frurn his victory uver.ihe.Muiiil'.ur
The mainland ol Greecw was never favor
able to the Palm, though seveial of llic
(7ieek islands were aihrnfd with it. Even
in the south of Italy they have always beet
are, though they aro not scarce in soim
parts of Sicily. INear Uenoa, there is .
narrow warm, sandy valley, full of Palms
tut they are demimnive in growth anil uu
Vuiifiil, being cultivated only foi the saki
I' the leaves which are annually sent to tin
Pope's chapel at Rome, when they an
blessed, and distributed by iho cardinal
and oiher dignitaries, in sign of the niumpl
of iho chnrch. Callcou's Heibar Sent.-
A good story is (old in an English abou
trick practised upon a Chinese silversmith
hy the captain of a ship. Tom Workwell
was the name of a silversmith, and the rap
tain suspecting his friend Tom, in making
some spoons to his order, had played him a
trick commo.i h China, of adding no small
portion of lu'.enague lo the uitial portion ol
alloy, taxed him with ihe cheat, which he
denied, with the strongest asseverations ol
his innocence. - The captain then told him
lie had bro't with him a famous water, call
ed lie water.which being placed on the ton
gue of a person suspected of telling an un
truth, if the case were so, it burned a hole;
if otherwise the party obcapcd with liouoi
and unhurt. Tom thinking it a trick, readi
ly consented, upon which, with much form,
a single drop of acquafortis wns put on hi.
tongue; he instantly jumped about the room
in violent pain, crying nut, 'Veiy Irue, hall
tutenague,' in hopes that the ionfeting the
fact might slop Ihe progress of iho lie watar
which, from the pain ho felt, hu had some
reason to think possessed tlio qualities as
cribed to it. Several Europeans who were
present, and had bought difl'erenl pieces ni
plate from him, put similar questions lo him
and ho confessed it had been his aonstani
and uniform practice to add & largo quantity
of lutonague to every article made at his
shop, for which! during his continuance ol
pain, he promised ample reparation.
A voiing Irishman who had mariiril
whon ho was about nineleen years of age
complaining of the difficulties to which lii-
early murnago hud subjected him, said In
would never marry sd young auntn if In
lived lo bo as old as Metliueulah!
( Concluded:)
The good old prebend was ubsnnl
from Lmcolu; so it was only fiom poor
blind Saul she could ho low a scanty
sum. which sum was the inoio needful,
as she hid lo travel out ofthe high road
o a liUle town whrro her dearjbrolliei
Tom now lived. lie had ran away from
lioinu soon afltr Hi idget hail left, and
f er many ops and downs in those few
yuais' was now become liaif clerk hall
servant in ihe homo of a country altor
iey. II s inline was mo;e pisMve than
hit of I! id get's, more yielding, less uu
rgi-iie : Having been from childhood
weak in body, he had scarcely bellereU
'lis condition in changing one scene ol
Imdufiy for another. In ihe litllu par
lour of ihe country inn his long sad tale
of pisMVu siillering was told lo Ihe sis-
tei'if ear. II she wepl, it was but For a
no m ntj'hen talking chcei fully of whai
tne lumre should he how they would
rtoik ingnther, how Ihey would be dear
friends, how ihey. in London Would
have one common home, antl asking
nothing from the world, still pay to i
one never-f tiling drill of cheei fulne.-
inu sympathy j how they would do al
this they said so many tunes, that the
supper grew cold, anil poor feehlo Tom
laughed oiiliight. Tuey patted thai
riuiiimei's niglii;there waacornforl when
Budget piomissd that a letter should
come u o i. She did not even hint Iht
joy Hint tdiould he in it.
Once more in London she begin thai
vry wek lo build a homo for Tom.
By a little help from her Long Acre
friends she -procured some few pupils,
wh io parents being ambitious lo adorn
their parlour walls at the cheapest rale,
had their children initialed into the niy.
nriis of art al sixpence the lesson.
Sixteen lessons a week made eight
hilling little enough lo exist upon;
ml it yet hiied a iot?m and brought
read, anil something like the corn,ciouc
less ol independence: 'l nigh', loo.
here were houis lo work in uid thei.
he practice of wood engraving wen1
iimbly on.
In returning hom once a week from
i distant part of London, Budget had lo
taps in an obscure slreet an old book
4 1 a 1 1 . She kOdielimes s'oppetl to look
u,)on il;she always Uid so when he had
-n upon it an old thumbed copy ol
B-rvv':ck's British Buds. In those rar
ec s, that never were surp is-sed,
one who knew all the dilh.-uliies of i In
il l found infinite delight. Sie wa oh
lerved one evening hy a genilem an who
hid come up to the hooksiall some min
uets after Bridgel like her, too, he was
curious in art, and wondoied what thi.k
young poor clad female could find of in
icrets in one or two small piciured pa
ges, not ha.tily turned over, but dwel
upon Hint:, iinnuie aner minuie. lie
'ol!owe ,bit her l'ghl slep soon left hoi
la i' hi; In ml: he camu again iheie site
was-, on iho same day week, with thai
tamo old thumbed Beiwick. Week
went by in ihid manner, till the s'a'l
keeper, remembering her ofien-tcen
face, hid her -buy or else not touch Ihe
books again;' and B.idget, crcping a
way like one guilty of a misdeed, sa
not (hat Ihe curious gei Uti on had bo't
i he books, and now followed her with
poedy fool. This lime lie might hav
found her home, but that, in a street
leading into Ilolborn, some papery fell
fiom Iho liltlo roll of drawings she car
riedsho Monpod lo pick litem up in Ilu
moment of glancing at them she va.
Inst lo siuhl.
Now that night labor had made hei
somewhat proficient in the an, Mie tried
lo get emjiloymini; hut for weeks with
out success. Specimens sent in lo en-
gravcis weie returned, letters to pub
lishers unheeded; letters or specimens
from Long Acie were of a surely inad
missible. The master who had laughl
her was dead. Al last there was poin
ted out lo her an advertisement in one
of the daily papers, thai engravers upon
wood wcic wan led lor Ilu; riens of a
cheap publication. Thfit was reloionce
ton pei i-oii nl whom niniget Imi! luanl; In
-o, sending first Im pi i mi-Mi.i., sin .sln.
i u 1 1 lid need I o the ad Vt it .s i A-'j i
I'm iIIii-umiumi w f rln " i , m ii
pluctd in hei hand. Wl.n. the uuvg
came out visibly from the paper, Ihe ad
vertiser, shaking his head said he would
consider. This cousideiation look some
wetks, meanwhile a leepless pillow
was that of poor Bridgel. At last the
answer came; he would employ her,hii
al a very moderate remuneration. Yei
here was hope; cleir as the noonday'
sun; here was the tirl origin lieaUeii
dtop in the cup of self-helper, hete was
hope f.-ir lorn; here matter lor the prom
nod hitler. I he work done, the rernu
nuiation crning in, the fr union cani-c;
new yet humble rooms weie lured, sec
ond hand furniture bought piece, by
piece; and irwas a proud night when.
alone in her si. II chamber, the pool Lin
coin gin thaukeu Heaven for its hoi)
The proverb tells us that good fortune
H never single handed. On Ihe morrow
il was a wet and rainy day Budget,
n passing into Spring Gardens ob-eiv-
sd thai the stall of a poor lame apple
woman hid been partly overturned by
some unle urchins. She slonned in
helji the woman, and whilft so doinu,
very tat old gentleman came up, and
looking, very quietly remit kd in asm
of audible whisper to himself. (Jui ion-
very curtou! Ibis same very lithe aci f
mercy first inltoduced me to mv e,xc I-
lent '1 om
ay ! ay ! Tom's gone; iheie
Liin,l such another fron Ea'stcheap lo
The name ol Tom was music lo Bridg
et's ears. The old gentleman had mnv
ed away; hut following quickly, Bridget
addrcsed him.
' I have a brother;' sir, whose name
'Tom, 'interrupted ihe old gentleman ,
liuu me my lom seqial; anil 1 11 sj
something to juu. Here is my dddr ss.
He 111 i list a caul into Bridget's hand, anil
went on. Here was a lomanlic omen of
i nod lor Tom ' ...
That s!ime'nighl the letter was indited
Two days after, I he country wanon de
posited Tom in the great city. An hour
ifier lit- s tl at Bridget's hearih.
'Tins night repays me for all past soi
ow,' snd the sister, as shu sat h ind in
land by her broihei's side. 'Years ago
in those lonely winter nighis,someihinj:
ike a dream of this same happy horn
vould come befors me. Indeed it did.
lear rdm,'
Each thing within those same tw(
narrow rooms had a history;ihe cuckoo
clock itsell would have furnished mat'er
for a tale, Ihe six chairs and llie one la-
de were prodigies.
On Ihe morrow Tom, cuided by tin
address, found out Ihe office, of the fat
old gentl-man, who. being a bachelni
and an attorney, held pleasant chanihei!-
lo Clemen.
s Inn. Whether induced
hv lorn'
appearance or his name, wr
know not, inn ihe old gentleman, aiiei
certain inquiries at the coachmaker's in
Long Acre, took Tom for his cleik,at a
salary of six shillings a week.
Wo mils! now allow weeks lo piss b
In llie meanwhile Bridget's work in
creased, though not the money paid foi
it. Yel out of these same earnings a
small sum wag laid hy, for what our Lin
coin girl breathed to no living ear.Abou'
his lime better woik was heard of, hu
ipplication for il, through tho person
who employed her, filled; how, she
knew not. If I had a friend, she said,
I mighl succeed; and though Richard
has passed me in ihe si i eels unheeded,
. i i
mill 1 will make one last appeal lo him.
She wenl, not in rags, but decently at
i'l'liat on are rich, and above me in
ciicunislaiicps. I know, Richard,' shr
humbly said; 'hitherlo you have scotnee
io own one so poor; but as 1 have nevei
wronged you or your name, you will
perhaps say that I am your sister?'
'I madeyour forluno once,' hu bitter
ly answered, 'of your honest purposes
since then I know nothing. Fur tin
rest, it is not convenient for a man in
my condition lo have pauper friends
you have my answei.'
'Brother,' she said, as she obeyed tin
haughty gesture lhat signaled her lo
leave the room, 'may you regret Ihi
wouU yot: hsveso harshly spoken. Foi
the test, believe mo 1 shall yet succeed,
in spite of all this opposition.'
Tho peaco of Brtdgel's home was now
broken hy weekly letters from Lincohi
for loan of money,
whch applications
ii ucreS(.lul lor a lew limes, only
r'he lotteis molt 'in and ir3r-i
I i' . U, (tie m anils,
in- n.i-i'' ii 0 r 1 -r . '
. i. - Huh Rich-ru, Uici dm out
ter's evening in the study of a ci'kb. a
led author throe gentlemen. The one
was Ihe author himeif,as wulelv know.
for his largn human lovipg heart a fm
Ihe books he had written. Ho had now
been for some days translating a child'.
'lory from Iho German, a sorl of spirit
ual child's book, like the Story wnhou
111 lll'UI,
'Were this book illustrated bv om
who had the game self helping soul a
ils auihor, the mine instinctive feeling.'
said the translator lo one of his friends,
'it would indeed be priceless. I 'have
snmolimesthouglit none but a woman
could calch Ihe simple yet dceprnal.ernal
leeiing that lies in these same pages; bui
vneie is '
I here is a woman Capable of Ibis,'
said one ol Iho friends, lurniu'n lo th
nithor; 'beyond all doubt cup.ilile.Luol
He drew forth from a pocket book th
verv pipers which two )eais bofor
Bridget had lost.
'You say true,' answered the Iransla
tor; bui what is this; it seems like th
copy of some carved fuliane, some '
' This mut he Bridget',' interrupted
til- oilier, leaning across the tab!
wnii noxious lace (for it was no other
I I , . . T
nan me miusier prenenu;; see it is,
yes, yes, a copy of the antique carving
Horn llie minster wall. Good Ihinc
liivi- been said in Lincoln of I his Bcidi;
;el,l ui the father would never tell. whet e
she was '
The enthusiastic old gemlomati now
eut. ied into a long detail of .Bridgel'..
youth, which, coupled with the old geir
''(in mi's story, left no doubt that the
peeper into the thumbed copy of Bst-
wick and the Lincoln girl were one and
tlirf same.
Next day anx'ious inquiries were su
on fool respecting Bridget, but without
it i i-. 3.. r i..;- i ;
.uo-c'. i iicii Tfixni wetii uy, Miu It
ihe meanwhile the German book could
find no (it illusliator. But at lam th
woodcuts in the cheat) periodical for
which Bridget engraxed Were remaikei
ipou. Ihe man who hail I he name ol
ileum uotii tne arnsi anu rnnraver wa-i
tpplied lo, and he agreed to furnish lln
desired illustrations. A few were sent
in surpassing the authus hopes; but t.
jii ay leaf, a graceful touch, hi ought ti
memory the hand of Budget, let sin
hould not be heard of, though the old
Lincoln gentleman was indifiiigiblo ii
uis ii ies.
Al length one night ihe prebend and
'lis friend were lemming along tlx
Snand in a westerly direclioo, when bj
Si. Clement's Dunes they ohni rved '
very fal old gentleman creepini; -low 1
along ihe pavement, whilst a d'niioui'nt
you'h kejit watch and guard, now Huh
i f . i i ....
now ion, as either side stemed likely lo
ho jostled by some rode pnspr-by.
'You shall go no further,' at lengil
-aid the old genii-man, slopping shoe
not an inch farlhei.' Go! give my In;
lo your sis'er, you dog, and say that
nave to thank her for introducing to mi
i second incomparable torn.
But the boy was so far incomparable.
that, heing wilful and obstinate, he
vou d see the old gentleman safe with
in iNew Inn, which was near at hand;
and ihe menus, wailing o;itside. stayed
till Ihe boy returned, lor his voice had
brought to thu prebend's ear of Budget.
ine) loiiovveu nim into ijong Acre, iq
wo pair of mair, where,lifting tho laid
he ptebend beheld the same Bridge
whom he had known at Lincoln, "wlnli
his companion recognised, in tho samr
person, her whom he had followei
t ears ago. A good fire biri.t upon ih
neur h, Tom's lea ready, his shoes anu
. i. n r . i . .
"is coai o tne uie, lor tne nighl was
wet, and Bridget her.Hf 1 u-ily al work
upon the illustration ol Ihe German so
ty. Happy was iho meeting betw o
the old man and her he almost thought
lis child; strange ihe felines of th
gentleman who had bought the tliumbo
Berwick, and hoarded those poor draw
ngs. We have not room jto tell th
joy of lhat nig' I.
From this hour Bridget bad worths
friends. Thu moriow brought thesis'
ter of the one who hail remembered
Bridget al the bookstall. Ho was the
same rich merchant who so unknpwing
ly hid praised Bridget's first woik and
aci ol mercy. When hu hoard from the
worthy coachmjker lhat story who,
he knew from Tom what a sister B idg
e w whtrv Mi -il l r.r-h'nd I
Hi V I. i I ' I 1 .. , . . '
Uil.l u. illd ii
i3 It a
k tp-.-i all manner of graceful acts wcr.3
pei formed, all manner of miml
.illre.l; but nothing could shake Bridu- resoivo', no promwes
.Mince her lo quit her humble lru,iinti
lorn; the only help she akfd w8 that
f woik to bo done. Tn n'v:n,
piebend, roturnini: lo Llncohf. -.
nuch of Budget, which uood' i-A..n p
lotlunc coming to her lWr's t!i,.,', (,Q
presently resolved Tas his Wlf. ,V-Q .......
dead to make one home serve for hhn
selfand Biidgt. So comini: to Lun-
lon, he was soon comfortable : exactine-
money, craving for delicacies, not .'car
ing nowtney wer! to be n-ormvd. iili
.'heir once hippy home became o'ie of
misery to loin and Bridget. ' " "
Moi.'ths wenl by, often during wHle!,
tl was meiey to escape to the home of
lei kind eny friends, even for a few
ours. Th house that thcr occupied
n summer time it w3 n-jw'lhat season
-rwas situated a few miles from town,
n I heru one evening the rich merchant
k"d Bridget to be his wife.
You might live vo regret marriage
.vith one so poor as mvself, sir,'wss he
answer; -you who could a.k the hand of
iadies of wealth and beauty.-'
Wealth of money, Br dgel, but not
with ihy wealth 0r soul. Money "is a
advantage which the many have; but
I.O'Olr-m of self help in women is rare
i. . I
ufuaiHu tew are so willing lo be se.lf
helpers, h ja I w,o will he m uie . tV;
having you. I know thai u....,
would prove il. Come, my home must
be yours.'
- Bridgel did al last consent, but with a
'eser vation which must be yet a secret.
Whatever was ils purpose, it was a V..
solve nol to be shaken, hut as lime won,
on, many were the protestations Bgains'
uis resom un. At Itngih, aher days wrrlt-or ij..i,rt:5-itiltf tai)or;27rTTrgt',
i-ktd the old prebend and the meivhant
o meet her at the chambers of Tom's
naster. They did so. Tom was there
is well ai the fat old aenlleman, the one
ooking sly because he knew the t,eciei
! the other wondcringly. The old geu-
leman signed some papers, whi;h m,
Ul clerk aitc8ted; then 2?ridgei, draw
t'g forth a purse of gold, laid the fpew
ipt'n the parchment ot Tom's indenture
s ariivkd clerk ,
This was my reservation, this mv
xcicl. As I have now shown myse f
n humble loving sister of this dear
Tom, so I am now willing to become
Ihe wife.'
A week after, Bridget stood as the wife
if the rich city merchant by the niter of
Lincoln minster ; and dear as the nmrrlage
ing was on lhai day, was the gilt nf
ild thumbed copy of Berwick's jB.;tih
Habits of self-help, like all good il ii-g.
irs endurina. Bridget as the wife mid moth
er, is still the same, fciinp' no opjortiniity
of self culture, no power of being the host
teacher to ner children.
'IV m is at this titno n quaint bachrnrsit
tirney, having sueceeded to the snug pr"r
lice of the fat gentleman. That there es.sis
hi tucen him and Bridgel a rare & enduring
love, we need not make record.
Of the death of the father we rired not
"peak. Over llie selfishtif ss, the pride of
die elder brother, we will draw a veil, fur
the memory of good is better than thn mem
ory of evil, Biidgei had triumph
in ihe fruition of honest labor.
The other day, the erew of tho Wapll.i
in St. I.ouis, were completely nonpiusiti' t
hy a fractious horse which they we.u i-.i
deavnring lo get on hoard. Mr. Eiiot
magnetizer, was requested to operate i -i
we aro happy to learn, dif so with inwmv
ale r ffeot. Simp v luokina the annn-i! ii
.he face, making a few passes dor u Ii
iosb, and with perhaps, n genllo '0 u
iois'-', Iho sonsitivn creature beenni" ,.
'eclly docile, and walked alorl w th -t
ivcn onr.e saying iiei-'i! At l&st su s
i St, Louis ptijiur.
Morning How beautiful i thn
of Nature Irnm her dark slumbers in ih
irnis nf Night ! what an iniai'o nf llie dawn
nig of eternal life lo tho etnariaiod tpitil
titer the shallow ol n gmva! Jlnw a iod
how great, how wish n the Almighty Au
thor o I" all. who plants in the if annus, ncl n
h? Kirieni.; v t'nt i-Hstmea ofHIm wnr'd;
I ii ns of Natort ; tl.ti
; d Ins ,.) - -
mil Mi'ssiM