The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 19, 1844, Image 3

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i , " . . . ......
i 11 is a kiiuwii iuci mat mi ioiu
.'n art war hSSiPfl btf ljnnnrpc clianrMnir
' - i n n o
tjlio compensation of members Frrm six
ii i i .1
wnicn at inal lime a WimlosesHion scarcc-
1 1 fmnlll ft llllMfl nil. finite llttlo ftllnW
H'H a member fifteen tlollais a tlay for
lit aalary, Mr. Clay advocated the
iiissajte ol tins odious aQt)n(l,nmioiign
.,.!.. I. !... I. ...I... .1-1
l. UK lime 110 wasr.cucLYiliiR ftvqtuo uui'
ft . Av r... ilno n a Knufltfltr 111 flpnlamil
that he could not maku mtlinug meel.
It would bo well for ibese coons who
promise an economical adminigtra
tion of the Govcrnmonl, In t ho cvrnt ol
i Mr. Clay election, to remember llm
fact. A man who could not live him
self upon twclvo dollars a day would b
fltf beautiful subject Tuly o adminislei
the pedpto'd affairs icQnomically. It U
a pel led contraliclieii ol terms, and an
1 ii hi) 1 1 to truth, and candor to talk ol
such an nlmirdjty. Hut wo will lei Mi
Clay speak for himself respecting thit
matter. So warmly was Mr. Clay'n in
teres! and feeling enlisted in (he matter,
that fie left the Speakci's chair & deliv-
i red himself of a speech, ad vocating the
passage of the law, a sketch of which
was at (he. time published in the Lcxing
Ion Uenortcr, Mr. Clay's orcan, fiorn
which we make the following ex
iracl ;
'Mr. C. (Clay) said his own persona!
experience determined him in votinp
for the hill. He had attended Loner c,i
sometimes without his family, and ul
other limts with apart of it, and al
though his compensation was doubl
that of other members, h declared thai.
lio had never been able to to make w-th
ends meet at the termination of Cou-
' fcCr'Delow we publish tho returns of lln
Governor's Election, so far as heard from,
together with the vote fur President In 1840
as a mailer of reference.
Facts ! Facts ! ! Facts ! ! ! It U
notorious fact, lhat (he only 3 member
of Congress from Kcnlucky,vlz Messrs
Marshall, Pope, and Spring, who vole
for the present laritl, have renounced
whiggery, and arc banking manfully
for the election of Polk and Dilbs.
It is a notorioua fact that John M,
Clayton, and John M. Dcrrien, IWo o1
the most violent opponents of the pre;-
cnt tjril), and who, voted iigutist il
every, atono, are mukint speeches m
favor of (he election of Henry Clay.
It is a notorious .fnct, .1. M Pot
the whig leader in the House of Ii pr
sentatives, opposed, ami with 35 ot iti
whigs voted again! i tie present I rill".
ii in a notorious iuci,inai me lec'imy
Heeled Governor of Noith Caiolma,
Kentucky, were both in Congress, and
against the piosont tan It. -
It is a nototinus fact, that Silns
Wright, J imes Hiiehsnau, mul man
n t h e fr'irs I mp -aletntjej'wIri'v-Ci.Migro'.'
voletbfor the Prieent' tanlfyand'secured
its passage.
And it is a noloriotts fart lhat Ilnnry
Clay resigned his seat in Iho Satiate bu
a few days previous to ihu na-mge n
the present tariff, in order to escap
the rexpoimb lily of voting lor or agnnsl
Clay's Defeat Confessed:
The New York I' of the mosi
violent conn papers, in the Empire state, in
effe?t admits the defdal of Clay. In its la
test calculation of the resell of lint I'resi
rlentiai eleutinn, il sets down ilin lollowinp
Slates as certain for Clay w)'n:h ii will bi
perceived, barely cleel liiiu, 133 btitig ne
cessary to a choice.
.it Orangcvillc on Saturday Oct., 0lh
President 1840. Governor, 1814.
Counties. II. Har. fjhuiik. Afarklo.
Ailanu it028 iMGJ 027
Allegheny 4673 7Q20f ,, JtS'll
Armstrong . 1744 ISOd" Cll
UeJforil ' 2440; 2010 . 100
IJcrks 7.425 3582 4470
Ducks 4188 4705 302
Dru.lfurd 3844 2031 fioo
Uiltlcr 1804 2100 1G0
Uarlion New (Jountv, nH2
(Jrawford 2908 ' 'alCO ' 650
Clicster 48H.2 6fi7.3.i . 00 1
(Jolumbia 2H2U 1325 310!) l&OI)
Uumtiftlaiid 2005 2700" 37
Cambria 'J20 81.1 170
Center 2242 1444. 050
Clinton 010 037 160
Clearfield 812 4U0 307
Clarion l.'IGC 018 1175
Dauphin 2187 3124 801
Delatvaie 1336 2031 600
Crie 2001 3631! 1250
Ulk . 100
Fayette 3035 2755 472
Kranklin 2802 35SII 5G0
Urcene . 2010 1350 . .017
Huntingdon 2200 3820 " ' 1302
IndUilS ' ' " -"l-Oft 1053- ' - '07
Jeircraou 593 470 0O
Juniata 1013 .000 103
f.uici'io 4119 2771 tltO
I.ationtcr ' 5172 0078 3985
l.rbunon 1402 2300 730
Lehigh 2151 2405 209
Lycoming 2ISI 1501' 055
Monlijomorf 4800 4008 105.1
Morcor 2330 340 33
Mnnroo 1147 345 1221
Mifllin 1209 1220 73
M'Koau 270 2G3 103
iVorthampton 3838 2S4S 1010
.Northumberland '2187 1351 HHG
IVrry 1970 1072 ' 03U
I'hih co. i3393 10180 lft5 1
I'hil, city 4774' 7055 4008
hko 621 135 602
Potter 303 180 350
Somerset 705 "2601 1528
Schuylkill ' 2181 1881 828
Susquehanna 2023 15G0 870
I'iogj .. 1721 895 950
(Jnion :l" 1618 24 2 $ ' 333
Venango 1275 855 012
W vominir 03
IVashiugton ;' 3611 4147 127
Wavne 1188 675 704
Warren 029 827 403
Westmoreland 4701 2778 1923
Vuik 4382 3792 805
Uan'uon's nibj 313 28.311 22,9(30
Purjiianl to a nolloe. a mooting of tin
iriends of I'olk and Ddllan, was bold al tin
'louse of Gcorjje Seiple, (n Orangevilln, on
I liuraday cvontng Scplcinber Din VOili.
inst. I he mooting 'was organized by cal
ling Emamiji:i. LazaHUh Esq , to the Chair,
and .. S If'ootlg, Soerctary, aficr which
e,oJijecl of iho.HUol'ing .being ,Siafd by.
tho 'resident, it wms a urccd to bold a
s't Orangoville on Saturday the 10th ol
OotobiT next, at whirh time there will
The (ollnwini! cointniitro were appointed
to ciiry the same into nffrct.
Committee of Arrangements. Isiac
Welch, Abnnr Welch, S. J ftiaokhousc,
Uenj unin Jlayuian ulid H'illiatn Fieslcr.
Committee uf Invitations. 12. G.
Itirkels, Esq., Latnuel Fornwald and Jesse
1'he Polo will be raised precisely
II o'clock. A. M.
J. S. Woods, Secretary.
Sept 2flth 1844.
THE Mi.?.Kffi!TS.-.
Souih Huntingdon township, Wis more
laud county, the residence of (lie whig can
ilidate. gives to iWarklp 100, Slitink SI 6
Uuuiocratic rnijority CO.
Rhode Island
Louisiana '
Ohio " .
N, Carolina
Total 143
By this calculation, if Clay loses a sin1
gle Slae, except Rhode Island .or Delaware
bo will bo beaten. Virginia, ilie Stale thai
never voted for a federal President, and
nover will, is put down for Clay, anil linn
leaves him twelve less than is trijuisiie tn
elect him.
In the list there ate ui-v other State
certain. for Polk, and Ohio inuong ih nuin
ber, and Mr. Clay's friends cn reckon up
nn with certainty exix'jii, peihaps, Rhoc
Islaud, Ma;sachuc.tls, Vnrmuni and K,n
tucky, and in1 all of whicli, except Rlnlde
Island, tho coons have a bard fight be
fore they can succeed.
To claim Clay's election; by such a cal
culalion, is to give up the cntitesi.
The last New York Morning New
gives its estimate uf the vote of each county
in the Slato, fur the approaching .election.
It claims 30 counties with a majority
And allows tho whlga 12 counties
with a maioritv of If "0
f 0
Leaving a Democratic majority of
and 7 countios balanced.
This Harrison State went for tho Wide
by a very reduced majority, at her election
nn the "Jlli, and 10th Our Iriends aro san
fruino of running tbpm q ihegjrll) in No
St,ancl to 'S?oiir.;Giins. ,
You s'ruggled (jlori'ously for the eiise ol
Demnciacy and Equal Rights on I jesuaVj
ind, dcHnito the t errible alliance in 1'liib
delplna city anil county, you have plurioti?
y triumphed. You havo elected your Go
vernor by a maiorilv 'suffifienily lartro for
dl useful purposes,' and have mii'i'aincd
vour ascendency on ioiut ballot In the Leg
'slatme, thereby securiiiL' a Democratic
United Slates Senator Under the cir
cuinstaiices you have acquitted ynnrselve
hko gallant hhorers in the Cause, lim
relax not your for the MIN
IJ.l I' TLE in November. Every man ol
you remain thinly fixed al his post, and you
will carry Polk and Dilhiu by 15.000 ma
uinty. riiiiRUclnhia will do tietter lor us
by at least 0,000 than on Tuesday, and the
country must nut rcirogado. Now is the
lime for overyogenuine jLJe.inocratj to vpr(oveJ
nir sinneriiy auu zaai. ;iow, or uevi-r,
is the lime, to stand by your guns. Uni
on. ''0
Ohio has elected a whij; Governor by
t majority of 3 or 4,000;" The Abolit
iiionist voting for the whig candidate.
An eleclon for members of Congres.'
took place in Georgia on the 7lh itwt.
Tin! Dcmoerals have elected a majority
of ihe members.Bnd p,iven a Democratic
mi'jnrity in ilni Stale:
it..uip.i.iiii i.t. ,m I u i
Nl ARRIED. At Danville, on the
9' h inst. by Ihe ftev. John Morgan,
Kdwaud II. Hai.dy, Eq to Mis.
Mauv 13i.izAnr.Ti! Jknnison, daugUlei
of Mr, William Junuison.
Al Danville, on Thursday tho lClh
in(-t,by Rev. James Ewing, Mr. Rodkiit
Towns; of Philadelphia, city, In Misf
Ax.iaua Pbiiuno, ofShamokin; North
umbcrlund county, Pa.
DIED In Cattawissa, on Sunday, ihe
Gilt inst, Ezra S, HAViiuusr, Esq, ae'cd a
bout 40. Mr. Hayliurst was one of our most
respectable and honored citizens, A mem
ber of tho Reform Convention, and for ma
ny years a justice of the i I'oace and' denu
ly Surveyor of this county
At (be residence of her son in law,Honry
Sproul, in Pittsburg, on Wednesday tho 3d
of Oetobor inst, Mrs- Elizabeth Grier, of
I)anvilei agtd jbout 73 years
Hloomsulmio, Oct, D 1814.
Wheal, 75
Uy, 45
Coin, 40
Clovcr.eptl, - ' '
n .xseed, , , j 1 25
llutier, 1 (J
O.iN, " ' 25
Kn, S
T..II..W, 10
Linl 7
Diied App'es, C2.
White ye.ius 1 00
Uecswax, 25
Register's Notice, j
O all JrgateM Crcuitots, and other jicrjom in
terested, ill tho estates cf the respective Ucccn !
,lent Rtid minors that thn ndiniuUlration nod guar
diann accounts of the said estates h,va been filed in
tho Office BflhVltcgistcr of tho county of Columbia
and will lie preientad for tho rnnfiimitiou nnd at
uwaiicO tn the Ornhali's CoUrl. to ho held at Dnif
Ville, in and for tliu county aforesaid, on Wednes
day tho ZOth day of Nov, next, at 2 o'clock, 1'. M.
1 The account of Philip Christinan, ad
ininis'.rator of the estate of Casper Christ
man, lato of llloom township, deceased
2 The nconurfts of Reuben F;ihrinior and
Goorpi lintainliniuiiralnrs nf the eslaln of
Jacob Stlno', late of Roanncreck township
3 The account of Charles Ciosslcv, ad
ininistralor nf die cstatn of Ellz:dielli Cross
lov, late of Hemlock township, deceased
4 I ho account of Ccorce hilchner and
William Kelcbnrr.executois of Hie lasi will
ml lexlaincnt of Henry Kclcliner, laic of
Hrinrereck township, dcrcascd
5 I lie ncftoiint of Marv Hosier, admin
istralot nf life estate nf Frederick Hosier jr.
late ni .lilllin township, uccoased
0 I he account nf ,1. P. Snundcrsnn and
Richard Wilson, survivinc executors of the
last will and testament of Samuel Uond,Ulc
of Liberty township, deceased
7 I no nnai account ot Auniinm liess
one nf the executors of Dcwall Halm, late
of Mifilm township, deceased
S I ho final supplementary account o
ivzrn II ay hurst, administralnr ol the cs
tale "of JaooSiCoHrinbider,-late of Mifllio
township, deceased
9 The aernunl! of William hidings, tb
sjnardiaii of Mary Catharii o Kreishrr Hnd
nf Rnchael Krvishcr, two of tlip children
and heirs of CJeorgc lvreisher, deeeafd
It) I ho accounts of David Dam and
Samuel BiMidmuii, cxectiiors of the l.iM w
ind tcstameni of James P. Iloudmaii, late
of Valley township, deceased
II I he accounts of Michael binders nnd
Michael Wrrtinati, executors nf the last will
mil testr.iifcnl of Michael Sanders sen r, Ii
of Montour, township, deceased
Rr.oisTint Omen Danville,
Oct. 10, 18M:
Come one, come alt, give me a call !
US', rtturiiH his kinrcrn tliunK
tor ttio liherul lKilroii.icc heniut'oiu beloeU
Umn hint, and IuJ et fur u cuutlliUJlieu ot the same
with an l.icreue uua the merit ut Ins flio. 11c III
tends Miiirinir laitlirr uuiii or labour to rendei
tHtibUctioii in auv cusejaiul will warrtnt lm work
done with taslo uud iliunbility.A N 1 Al.I'lTl.l
iNKAl i;U 1 UAiN UA.N lit; IJOM2 'IIS AiS V
0711 Jilt 6701" IN THIS PhAUK. Ho his
just received Muliang, late rcpoil of Fashions, I'roni
f Inlaili'lphia. winch can be been ut us mioii at any
time, by which hi: is enabled to cut according
Ihu la est style, or to order. Ilu pricvi nic
accordance to Ihu times. AH Muds ut country
produce taken in payment for work nt market pritu
A very reasonable discount Tor cash.
i'. A'. I.UIDY.
U 1). Outline done with the.Krcatcst 'carc.und
ui inu inont'Bi uoiicu.
P. t I,
Illoomsburg, Oct.. S. 181-1.
Right Faee
P. S. Havinp been censured in the las
.laner lor UUAb J liNl-i ol my ability aiw
kill of (.larinenl culling, by one ol my ow
irnfi'seion. I deem it !ieiesary to reply I
ihu aine, in order lhat ail ;n,iy be made ai
quaiult-u Willi the true rihjecl which I na
n view, Il was not my inlenlion to woutiil
ihu feelmcs of uuv one; but lo adhere sun
ly to the mill', and siirak alone such tinny?
js fju)ii,nr ran.t)ri.provei. hoyond al iloubi
Yet, with all the caio winch was laken,
appears to hit sumo one on a (under spot
and made him speak, who bad lone been
still. It Bppears to have taken him on
surprise, and called forth ideas faster than
lie was awate of, I presume, linl I liopf
le will collect his mind against the nexi
lime he writes, and pay noun; regard In
.'.'Jiat mitfht or might not be so Y'ut it i,
not belonging lo my business .o know that
ho has nut the New York Fashions, later
ban 40 or Ml, or tho Philadelphia Fash
una since last spring, bill it is evident thai
hnth ate advertised as being bad by him uf
die latest style. Such may be the fact, but
( havo ii right to think when I know belt, r
t hink not thai 1 boast or dely, but speal,
.lie truth and am willing to back my opiu
mil with a trial nf Purse & Skill, 'to any
iinjuuil.i'vf hioh tiny be nh'iitibned by, ihe
I say 'come again, but don't brag,"
P. S LfcMDV.
October 10, 181126:
I.Ut ofiutlers
RuMAINIbG in the PobtOfiico at Caltaivisfn.
the quarter ending opf .11), 1814,
Arthur Iiolurt
toman F. L.
llenjitniin Frederick
iriesliacll Yost
Fedcrolph Adam
Gearhart Wm.8
Howard .1ichacl 11,
Knccht Jacob
Kern J'c ter
I'axtou J. D.
Hitler Benjamin
Kelor 11 m.
Singloy John
1 anilcnson Uaclicl .
.Ward John
Wall Philip
Waplcs lientnn W.
Dressier Jonathan
Jlrock Silah K.
Donglar Anihony
Dcrr John
Hcniiingcr Daniel
Kaseovei John
Kunplo William
Alcars Oeorgo
Princo I.yciuidtr
Ilohrhack Wm.
iSharpless Jos. or John
Schuicck Daniel
Thomas A. D.
Wilson Alexander
Wariamanchor Jucob
Ycttcr Ilarluryauu
NOTICE is berebv given, to ihe Stock
nolders in I tie Companv, for erriMiiis;
Hridg? over the North Branch of the So.
iiielisiiuta, between the town uf C.itniw o.m
ml the mouth of r ishingcretk, thai il.i
Board of Managers have this day iVelarn
iMviileiithiif seventy live cents per aii.irt
fot the last six ninnllis fequal lo 0 pel oeiii
per anittnit) Which w ill he paid in the sim K
lioldcis or (heir legal icpre8enlativec,ou and
nfler the S5ib inst'iol, by
Cattawissa, October 12. ISM.
to" E3YBS " MTV-en
Brad's a good dog,
But Holdfast is bolter.
... t
rnVlin'mn!efifgiied would return Iiik Rfnterj iiiiil
Imnible tliaulis to the citizens of lllooiii'sbur
and vicinity, foi the f.nors thus far bellowed upoi
him, and would still further ask a cotitiriminrc ol
the fame, so long only ni atisf.ictinn is rcmlcirt!
He would not say, Come one come alt, but roim
as many as conxciiiently can. Neither would In
promise, (as others have,) to do his work bcttci
than can be done in any oilier shop in tho place
but in hort, he would neither brag nor banter, bin
defy any one who does brag to do work neater thai'
ho does, in a,ll caes. He has also lately rcceiveC
(he Into , i
with which he is prepared to do work Fnshlonabli
and neat, and wilt guarantee a good fit ul all liin
for anv nun vto may f.iMir him wilh a call.
His f!ioi i nt ihu old rtand occupied by hin
for a number nf years And the latch siring vtil
lie found out at alt times. As to prices he wUhe
to bo understood that he intends to do work as lo'
as any of lib neighbors, and as usual, all kinds ol
country produce taken in exchange for woik Join
at his shop.
Dloomsbu'rc October IV, 181428.
Kit ate. otl'hUip Dodder, late of Orang
township, deceased. -
OTICF. is hereby given lhat Iclters nf mlniiii
islration, on iho above menlinlied csl.ili'.havi
been granted In Ihu subscriber reading in Hi'
towrmhiri of.Orjnuc. All peisons indubud to lln
said estate are hereby notified to mako immrdiab
payment, and IIioph having claims arc ri'ijueled I'
present them pioperlv authenticated for Hctllemer
before the first of Nmcmlipr next.
JOH.N I'AltKS.Adurr
Orange (p. Sept. 7, 1814 20.
Y viilue of a writ of venditioni expon to me
directed will be exposed to public rale at tin
Court House, in Danville on tho "Slh day of Oct
at I o'clock P. M.
I'wo certain lots of ground situated in
Noith Janvillc.OoIumbia county, the first contain,
ing eighty four feet In front, and one bundled and
fifly feet in depth, bounded by Mill street on the
east, by tho Northumberland Itoad on thn nnrlli.
or the south by a lot belonging to Jonathan ItUIu'l.
and on tho west by an ulloy, whereon is creeled
fiamo Uiirbcntcr shop. 1'lid second ciintalnine
fifty feet in front and one hundred and fifly feet in
depth, more or les,boundcd in front by Ihe Dlooins
tmtg I!oad, on tho east by Ferry street on thoj.outh
by in) alley, ui.d on the west by land of Alexander
aiontRomcry, whereon is erected , a frame duelling
house, and a frame stable.
i'cized token In executiun as tho properly ol
Peter Hoats.
I BAM DEKR, Sheriff:
Siir.itirF's Oi rtci:, Danville,,
' Oci, fiili, I8U. ,
TN' liuriUance of tho direction nnd Inlunctlln
JL otkn'AWof tlie-Oeiiut-nl tjnnl,tTr iM4 Vtwil!
monwemut, tnc zu day ofr ebtury,A4 . iHMe
I tin hereby givo noiiee, that an eleciio
will be held by the citizens qunllfted In vole f,
inoniliCH ot tho Ueneral Asselnlily, at Iho sevenil
election districts hi the county of Columbia, uu
Friday the Is day of Nov. next.
(hot being tho fith Friday precedine Ihe find
Wednesday in December, at which timo nnd nla
ccs will bo elected TWKNTV SIX PKll.VONS.a.
Llectors of a President uud Vice President of tin
United states.
The scleral .ludars, Inspectors and Clcrkr. wh
shall attend the election for Members of the Ocn
erol Assembly, immediately preceding tins dec.
lion, shall attend and perforin tho like du'ics at the
said Election ol l.kttors. and li subject to the like
penalties inr ncgiccior misconduct, us thev arc lia
ble to at tlicclccliou jf the Members of tho General
(loom township, at tho liiuo ofCliarlej Doi
tier, Dloomsburc.
. Iluar ciccktv.nUl!.tllic lowu-hnuSc in lici
wirk. -T
Oatawissn township, nt the house cf Stacy Afm
lotcin, ID Iho low. ii ul lalawibsu.
Ilerry towmhip, at the boube of Jacob Seidcl, Hi
said township.
liBiilngcieck townsliip, atlho Hou of Daniel
1 celer, in said township.
Franklin township, ut die rtlipol lioune, near lh'
hnuscof Jehu baid luuiisliin.
Greenwood township, at tho hotibo now occupied
uy jonu lcuion.
Hemlock tonmhip, at the hcmio of John Mr
Itcynold, in said township.
Jackson towi)liip,al the houte of Joshua Savage
in said township.
Liberty township, at the house of Hugh McU!
ath, iu said township.
I.iiiicslontt towiiahip, (a icneratc election ilis.
iicl) ut Hi j l.iiion School IIouic, in said town
Mahoning tow chip, nt tho Court lloutc
.) iiimIIc.
Mifllin township, at tho house of John Kellcrj
iu aid township.
Mliihion town-liip. at iho house now occupied by
loin) ivclliver, iu Jersey town.
1otiut 1'l.iasant township, at the house of Tied
i rick Miller, in said town&hip.
.Moiileur township, at the house of Leonard Lai
rus, in faid township.
I'uariiig creek township, nt the house now cc
euiiied by Adam Gable, in said owmdiip.
Orango township at the house of George ,Veiplc,
in Iho '.own ol Orangcville.
i'crson calling for Idlers iu tho above list will
plcoso say they aro adterlised.
Oct 13, 1811.
nd removed there Irom and retiinitd. and i
ihall huo resided iu Ihe election district andpaid
taxes as nforessid. shall beoutitled lo ran after re
idmg in this state six mouths', Provided, 'I'hstdid
while Irceiuen vii lzvi.i,ollhe L idled btfiteB.WtWOCrt.
lite ngesut tuouiy.onu ot.dlnvtity two, ami hning;
icsiiiw in tiiw ktute ON IS YKAIl, ni'd In Ihu vleo
Uon aietntl TUN lJAYH, as aloisrod, fhall Ih
eillided lb ote, ullhuugh Ihey sliull not have paid
uvea, . ,
'No prison thall Lo ndlnltlcd tn Kote, whoso
nitne in iim niniaiiicd in thinliolof taxable luhab
itaulHlliiiiikhdl.y tho toiiimisslonerg aforenid
uuics . i n rrihe produces a irceiplfot tho pay
oiffil vi in, two vturs.of ustalo or eouulf tux.uK-
osscd ti,:Tfral ly to ihe constitution, and ulve satis-
wcloty ucyt either tm lut own oalli cr ilHrrr.B- ,
11u114if.ini m up und aiiirmation ol another, urn nn
"" l'1!'' -m;ii or on uuure 10 prvtiucsw- ro
Up., shall mako oath to tho' payment thtffufs of
. j id - y tie claims u right to vote by llijg ijiv
i,ii iirncrn the ugci of anil twenty
o ytrtM, ho shall deposo on oath or oiruoiatioti.
that he Iihs iChided in the Mala at least one ) ear,
next before his ap llcalion, olid mid c suck poof ot
rsiueuco in tho il'nttict as is rciit.ired by this ncl;
jn.I Ihal h does .enly believe, I10111 the nccoclitj
jiven hiui: that liuia of iho ago al'olcsaid, and cito
such other evideuco as is letpjircd by this act.
v Hereupon the name ol the person u omnittcu to
vote, shall bo inserted iu the alphabetical list by thu
inspectors, and a note inado oppoailo thereto oy
writing the word tai' il ho Ulall he admilted tu
Mite by teoson of having paid a tax. or tha word
age, it ho shall bo admitted to vote 011 oiwutilot
diss age, and in cither case, the iruson of suih voto
shalll e called out to the tle)ks,who chall tuako the
hko notes in tho list of votes kept by them.
in all cases where tho nam. of the person
claiming to vote ia not found on the list fuiliisheJ'
by the commissioners audasscfois, or his right to
volo whether lound thcroon 01 not, 10 oi'juclcn to b
rfuy quuitiud citiieiuU ihall be ttic duty orttis
mrpectors to examino such persuii on oath' es to
his qualillcalious.aud if hu claims to have resided
w'thin.lhc b. ale for one year or mu r.Iii-j oath (hall
bo Mifliiicul proofttmrcsf, but ho hull make proof
by at least one competent witnets, who shall hen
luchticd elector, tliat he has resided vitlmi tho
district fur more lhanten doysiieil iiiimcdiately pro
ceding said election, and shall also himself swear
that hts boilaliJc residence In pursuance of hi
lawful calling, is witlung the district nnd that ho
did not remove into said district, for tho purpose of
voting therm.
kvcry person uunhfied na aforesaid, and who:
shall mako due proof if required of histcsidcnco!
and payment taxes, as uloteaoiJ. shall be edinltteit
to vuia in the township, ward of district in which,
he shall reside.
'If any person shall prrrcnt or attempt to prevent
any officers of au election uudci tins act from hold'
ing such elections, or use or tlireattn any violcuco
my oflicer, or shall interrupt or impiopr.rly inter
fere wilh him in iho execution of his duty, or shall
block up' r ulteiopt to block up the window or the
uremic to any window whero tho ain may bn
lioldeu, or shall liotously disturb tho peace al tin It
election, or shaU Uic 01 practice any intimidation
Ihreals. loice or moIcmco with design to ir.nuciico
unduly or overawe any elector, or lo prevent him
iioiii iOting or to retrain the freedom ofihoicc,
such jicrsoo 011 conviction shull bo fined iu any
sum not exceeding five hundred I'o'latB, and be
Smpiisoncd for any time not lets than one nor mora
I than twelve months. And il" be shall be shown to
The District cnmpocd of thatpait of Jitilin!the couit whtre the trial ofsuch offence shall Lo
TUlho 'UINI'ING yil'SINFSSis wanlrdim
mediately nt this Office. A smart active lad. 15 cr
I6)tars of je will icteiic good rncOUtagtment bad jwioutly btcn a qunififd -.oicr of thit slate
nwiikhip, laid off for a new township, to bo calltd
T.iMoii, winch, by nn act or Assembly, passed the
first day of April, 1830, was established into a
separae election disliet, at the houso of Adam
Michael, in the said district.
Valley township, at the house now occupied by
.hdiii ,1aus, in said township.
At which time tin. I place are to be elected by be
lieenii'ii of ll:c county of Columbia.
In pursuance uf nu act of tho General ssembly
ir,ho .Jo.,,r...u.,mlili f iVuiiKvlvunia, entitled
ifiict irlalioii to the clcctlotisoT tnt-'T'Cninmon
wealth,' pafsid ihe -M day of July, A. A. 183!)
Notice is hereby given
..... .. . .. .
1 nat every peiFou, excepijuslices ol the peace
.vho shoo un oiuce ol iippoiiitinen ol profit
orlrusl under the gnwrmniwitol the Unilcd Sale
or of this ttalc, or of any city or incorporated dis
.rid, whether a coiomisbioucd elliccror olhetwi-e
1 auhorilinalo oflicer or agent, who is or shall be
employed under the legislative, executive or null-
ciary ilciailmeut of this Slato or of tho .Lnited
'talos, or of any eitv or inenrpoiated ili-trict, iiu.l
ilso everv member of ('oiirc.,.niiil ,,f il.i. Si.i..
Legislature, ami of Ihe select or coniuinu council of
inv cil or commissioners of any incorporated
listrict, Is, oy law. nicapahlool holil.tii; r cvcicis
uig al the h4tne time, the olheer r iippoiiitiiient 1 1
luUge, msprctoi, or tleil;, ol tins l.oiiimonweallh
.nil t lm l lioinsputor. Judao or other officer of am
such eb'i.tion, shall be eligible lo any office to be
thru voted for.'
.r.Aud l,!iei said Act of Jlfusmblyt lOilitlcd 'n Ac
relating to the elections uf this Commonwealth
pasted July '.d, IS3U, further protides as fnllowy
in wit.
That tho Inspectors and Judges chosen 11,
iforcFnid.shnl! meet attho respective places appoint
ed for holding the rlec'ion in the district to whicl
hey respectively belong,
before 9 o'clock in the morning on Fn
day the 1st day nf Nov. next,
unit each of f.iid Inspeclots shall appoint nnr
eluik, who shull boa qualified toler ul such dis
In ease the person who shall havo received lln
second highest number of tho voUh lor dispcctoi
shall not allend on ihe day of anv election! the bci.
,iru who shull have received thesccoiid highest nuin
ujlilMl of votes for judge nt tho next preceding
Itc act as Insiitcctor in his place ainfii
case the pt reuji who shill have received the second
highest utinilier nf volrs fyr Inspsctor su.U not at.
lend, th person elt'ctefl 'a Judge shalf appoint ai,
Inspeitorln his place: and in case the perton elect
ed judge, shall not attend then the Inspector whr
received tho highest number of votes shall appoint e
Judge in his place; and if any vacancy shall con
tinue in the boaid for the space of one hour aftei
iho time fixed by law for the opening of the elec
tion, the qualified votes ot tho township, ward 01
district for which such officer shall have been tlec
ed, present at the place ofelection, shall cluct ont
ot their numher to nil suchvacancy,
'It shall be tho duty of said assessors resnettiv...
ly, to attend at tho place of holding every general,
"i'""". '" iuriiuii iiiciioii, uuriug 1110 WHOM
timo the said election is kepi open for the purpose
of giving iiifoimation to the inspector nnd jtulgi
when culled on, in relation to tho right of any
porsmi Uhsesscn b than to voln at mull eleclim.
or such other matters iu relation to the usscssuuii
ol voters nsifie said inspectors or judge, or either ol
...u,!,....... nuin uuiu 10 nine rcipiirc,
'No person shall bo nermilled to votn nt nnv
eh t tiiin as uforcsaid othet than u whlto- frenmSil. ,
"JPfio pf twentyono yriuj or niorr, who. hall
have rcsidtd in this slalo at least one year, uml iu
the election district where tv oilers lo votn at lean
ten lUys immediately preceding bucIi election, and
within two years paid ustulo or county lax, whiih
shall havo been nsicsied at leust ten days bcl'oie
elet'lion, Uut a citizen of Iho L'nilcd Sh,le who
hud, that he person to offended was not k resident
nf the city, ward, dlstrist or township where tho
said utleucc was com milted, and not entitled to vote
therein, then on conviction, he shall be sentenced,
to pay a fun; not less than one hundred nor nioro
ill .1 1 1 one thousand dollars, and bo imprisoned not
less than bix months nor more than two years.
'It any person or persons shall make any bet
or wugar upon the result of any election wilhin,thi.s
Lominotiwcillli or shall otter to make and such
bet or wagir, cilkcr by vetlBl.ptoolntlM- lUauuif
ornyunjr wnten or printed ajioriwmenti-.f tut
leiigc or invite nuy person or persons to make such
bet nrwnor,.upon conviction thereof he or they
shall forfeit and pay three times tha amount so bet,
or ulVorid tn bo bet.
'If any pcron shall vote nt more, than one elee
lion district, or otherwise fraudulently voto more
tliitu once on the same day.or shall fraudulently
told and deliver to tho inspectors two tiiketaij.
ijcthrr, with the intent to illegally vote, or shall
vote the same or if any shall adviso or procure on
oilier si to do, he or they so olTenihng shall on
conviction be lined iu any sum not less than lil'ty
nor 11, etc than live hundred dollars, andbc impiia-
until fur any teimuot less thou three iiul-inc-ru (ban
twelt uioiilhs.
If any person not qualified to vote in Ihij c ni
nii'UMf.illli agreeable Inlaw (except tho ,011 n(
juahlicd cili'.cns) sh'ill appear at any rlsce of elec.
Hon fur the purpose ofissuing ticketj, o)' of influ.
ciicoigthe cilirciiB qualified Id vote, ho fiull on
, fiiMction, f'lifeit' and pay any sum not. extrclllbg
fim hundrxl dollarB for every such olTtncs-siid bo
.inprisonmciicd for any term nt exceeding threo
111 ii litis.;
TheJudgeaare to make their returns fr tho
county of the Court House hi Dan
ville, 011 Fridiy the 11th of day October, A. U
God oavc the dmmonwealth
1KAM IJEIiR, Shirty.
SitKniFi-'s Orncu, Danvilla,
Nov. I'J.lS-l'l. (f
liisl oi' Li.Kei'a
IlKMAINING in tlie Post Olllco at Illoomv
burg, for the quarter ending Sepi, HO.IR.H,
John lllocksdge, Daniel Dorr. William Kllincrr
Gharlcs V, Fortner, Peter Hagenbueh, Thomas
ennnunham Josrph W. Kestifr. Patrirh Me.
Oorinick i7cnnevcllc, John McNulti. A. A.
Mackdowell, William Richard, Uharloe 8ijtle.r,
Persona calling lor letter in tto stove list Twill
pleate jay thay aro advertised.
J. M. MOYER, P. M.
IN pursuance of an ordf r of tbe Opbaa'e Co-;rl
of Columbia county, on
Thursday the 14A day nf Nov. next,
at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon. Obed Hveri t. Admin.
istrator, .enf Kenj.imin IJoone.will expose- to s.i!
it Public Vendue, upon tho premises', 11 certain
uiiuivuieu moiciy 01 an Aero el Land, and n
a Pwellinf. House Tor tho filler and n lraioo 'Sla.
liU silualo hi Ulooii) lowiisbip, on (ho watets and
near tho mouth of Pishingereek, adjoining the Vvun
ytv.iul.i Canal on tm North llraueh of Iho Sus.
iUi li.iniin,anil Aqueduct ucrms Fishingcreek, lato
tho estate pfsaid deceased, situate in (he township,
ofliloorn and Jounty aforesaid. 1
Danville, October I, IS 1 1 UO. r .