nu ' The Columbia Democrat I havo "ivurn upon tllo Attar of Cod, eternal hostility to every form my oror tbo Mlud of Matt."-Thomas Jo(Teron H:- WEBB; EDITOR Ai PROPRIETOR. , '7. .,-;t,,f; f ' "jbLoomsbubg, ?Uiiiic Tllli- COli0MB(A COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, OCTOBRli 19, 1844. Wimilter 20al of Tyr OFFICE .OF THE "DEMQCIUWC otrpsiTK St pAi(L'sCHuncir, Main-m Tlic COL UMliU DERI OCR JIT to ill b, nubliihcdcyery Saturday morning, al fmtpi rrr r drlo . . ..11. I tru jJifJ'isJino per nnnum jiuiiiuu half yearly in advgnccror Two.Dollart Ao subscription will'Jac taken for a shorter period than n monfyatiwr any discon tinuance permtted,unlii all arrearages are discharged.. rthiteliTISEMENV nSl exceeding smart tiill Inconspicuously inserted at One Dollurfor the first three insertions; and Twenty-Jivt cents jor every suose ".: -. '.. j. , i. qitent nsertion. fC7Jl liberal discount large, reu sun wag jum bhihihk y vtade to Ihoicinho advertise by the years j,inj lne tiitls; the sky was gold and pur LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid, POETRYo From the Now Haven Register. OUR BANNER IN THE BREEZE. Unfurl our bannrr to the breeze, To droop or falter never mnro From Main'a fr bminiPrbi tn the seas That roll upon IneTexap shore, Our fjaing li08t cud on in-might sfcTho crushing arms thai frenien wield. And with broken front unite, And form along the battle field- ' In crried phalanx dense and deep, Resolved and firm and undismayed, As OreBn wives resistless sweep, T,hey match with Truth's bright shield and blade. . And still jhey .eame.' The gathering While ring afar the thundering cry, From host to diitant hot along, Far Polk! for Dallas! Victor! ! The Whig look on with wild amase, With pale despair in ey&ry oye, And vainly hope 1.0 quench the blaze That lean, a,.J (lashes through the sky. In vain they hoist their frowzy flag, And flap their coon skins through tht air; In vain they drinlj, and shout and brag; Unfaltering still 'our ilag is there!' Soon o'er the field of conflict won, Above the foe's elernal grave, In vic'ry'a bright a:.d cloudless sun Our sur.getn'd'BotfBlon'pball wave; And'.Man from every distant clime, From every shore and every sea, Shall' claim beneath its fold sublime, The gloiious birthright of the Ireo. Democracy! what joy shall pour IuTswellinganlhem to the wind, When at the idol's shrine no more Shall basely '' bend the mind: When owls, and cats, and coon skins.all Shall pass as lopg forgotten' things, And radiant o'er the land shall fall The day thai truth and freedom brings! EARLY IMPRESSIONS? DY nr.V. JOHN TODD. ' ' You can hanjly be a ware how deep may 'ie the imprcssiop which you make on tlie mind 'of your child even in a very fow moments of u'rnc. For one, I can truly say. I have, nover met with any loss so gieat,aK that of losing the caro and instructions of myjmolhflr' during my childhood, in conse- eiencefpfhervbaving lost her reason. But l-rrtn rwollfcU.liat whenaerjr lil9 plnlU, I was'standingtfMhc open window, at tr close' of a lovely -summer f (lav. The CURIOUS RELICS. 4inong the relics.of the Historical Socie pie commingled, the winds wore sleeping and a soft solemn stillness semd to hang over the earth. I was watrhinz the snn af he sent his yellow rays through the trees, and felt a kind of awe, though I knew not wherefore, Just then my mother came to . ... e r-- me. cue was raving wun irenzy ior reason had long since left its throne and her a victim of mat ness She came up to me, wild with insanity. I pointed to the glorious sun in the west and in a moment -he was calm! She tqok my little hands within hers; and said that 'the great God made the sun, the stars, the world eveiy thing, that He it was who made her little hoy, and gave him an immortal spirit, that yonder sun, and the green fields, and the vyorld itself, will one day be burned up:but tint the spirit of her child will then be live foi ht mnst live when heaven and sarth arc rone: that he must pray to the jreal God, and love and servo Him for ever!' She let go my hands madness relurtifd she hunied away. I stood with my oyes tilled with tear, and my little bosom heav ing with emotions which I could not have (escribed; but I can never forget the im pressiom which that conversation of mj blessing would it have boon, had the.. i .rnlil.ln nnivli'.-nrp n Got! ltGII me 3 r.., .other who could have repeated these in- uructions. accomnanien oy uer dirough all the days of my childhood! i i oi P.ither. for so it seemeth UUI rj good in Thy sight!. MODEST YOUNG GEN I IjIS.MA w. A gentlemnn mlveitises. in a New Yorl. . f nl l...nll., lor nijarn in. a quiui, 8mti .i.lmrA ilmrn nn- iwn nr three beautuul and U'complished young ladies, and where hi hociety will tie iieemnu a suinciem ninii i . . i nensation for boaril lodging, nilipr etceioras. Ilirji is a rare offer, anil, tempNinf as rare. - Another gentleman twenty-five years of age.wishes to be adopt ed by an aged lady or gonlloman, or hnih nf rnriune. He savs that he has the .lionnBit'mn and ability to make Innisell i ,- - agreeable, and, as. the Bo wery classics read san't do anything else. n,Jin. ilm nnihor of Lacon says 'Some females will forgive a liborty, but not .... . - . I t.M nlnlMrf. .Ulllinill ifllglst. 1 ou may muai jm-iuiw offence, though it wero set lit gold, Out vou steal the framo, and leave the portrait Ivou are a, doomed man.' tn nnmipvinii with the above comes inr r..ii,iiMir? 'What can I eivo vou to re member me byV said a disconsolate girl down east to her intended, as he mounted Sf. t UUIDGET PAT1ILOW. 1 4 htm and by which privatn access was higs during the day, he war foiced 10 gained to the cloisters, ho ilnl IJrnli'ot slon till nmht caino with in Ilm unrn.i carry hick thai key, that al last, becoin- chamber assigned to hir ot Iho inn 'ng.i soil ol privileged person, slio was where, the coach had stayed. Willi that illiiwed lo come through the carden.'Bpoloey for a trunk imall aslt which, shadowed by the cloister wall?,' would have held the wardrobes of lhri lay pleasant beloro the prebend's ntuint sillily window. The old man, looking up olien Irom Ins book, and remember ing that In Lincoln her father's- name was linked lo all meanness anil disgrace would wonder lo see her push back from ihe ovei hanging boughs the ripe apples, or the luscious grapen, untouched, tin- tookT toeart Jhat this ooot Brldnel had i touc h ol nobleness about her. From this lime he observed her more narrow ly. Hurrying across Ihe girden, shr ilwjys lingered particularly if the ha lows of evening wero low to look al one piece of wood carving, which, pro moting Irom the old cloister wall, look ed in Ihe waning light like Ihe drooping ivy it mimicked. Uno night the old man questioned her, and said he sho'itd like to be her frlend,to have her taught lo serve her. 1 1 thank you much sir,' said shr. but if . she slopped abiuplly. 4 If what, Urldgel?' If 1 could sew, orcarn ' she sto ped again. Well, said the old man smilinc. I see you are a good girl, Rridget. Titer i l ;r f i i . . iu, ii i rcmernoer vvnai my nonseK'ep- er said, six Holland shirts to make, which' 1 will do them, lo morrow nighi I will come, for I have a mimosa ! serve which win uuko mc worK wnn a ready finger. ' 5he'wHS gone before the old mat coultl anwer. The tnorrow and tht- morrow's night saw thai poor child ply ing Ihe.quick nceedle, whilst brolhei Tom gturdil Ihe chamber door, lest a lcnm of Ihe candle should beiray Ihe oliiaiy and liiddpii task. Unknown lo IJridgel, the tvnrthy pn To work oul an honest purpose in spite of opposition, misfuttune, penury taking no heed of scor n, no heed of tid-ictile,- to say that you who now despiso shall yet. respect, you who scorn shall ct have, benefit; lo say these thincs and lo' them ls lo present 'human rialuro-in o "ofm'wfru'f stfjWroV teOrt'Wiiar T.blnin. universal symfaathy. In this virlm a world of hoi's lies hidden, even for the meanest' for in being honest lo our- olves, we create a po-ver of honest!) serving others. In ihe town ot Liiiculu there lived ami ye rs ago a mm of the name of a hunv, who, having served in lli- army,had retired at the close of the war upon a small pension. He belonged to what is commonly called a good family, was proud of this relationship, and hav ing dissipated his little patrimony, and made ad ill-assorie.l marriage, had enter ed Ihe army, not with the desire to serve btii as the only means he had of finding lo-day's or to-morrow's bread. Alier many struggles between poveriy anil pride, and debt and disgrace, he settled in uincoln, wnen ho was some years past middle life. Here the old course was run. Fine houses were taken, fine appearances made; but ihesc, unlike the three degrees of comparison, did lathpr begin with the largest and end with Hit maiiesi; so nut, when our laje com tnencesjthc fine hoiiMC,in thu fines.) stieel had dwindled into a mean habitation, that could only boast its neighborhood to the minister, where-shadowed by some antique Irees, and within sound of ihe minister's bell, it was the birth place ol Bridget Palhlow. There were two brothers several yeait. older than Bridget, horn before Palhlow nd settled in Lincoln, ai:d on ..iYJjWrtt W'il 'rvnn'g-rfrvtirnav- HotSW .oiu. ty New Haven, o... ,,.-- t peddling expedition with tin faotured fro . lh. root of the tree on h' 1 "you haint got five 'dollars about ,he Salem w were hungj h o k"Q "lavo ?, 8?U1 Neheniiah. The chest formerly in possess.on of the fcmllj J n( . . . i... i re nlit tavern he inaicil was uruneii of Aaron Burr, the arm Williams: General Pulman' And what then I came to -.t ...: ..rr2n.rnl Wolfe Daint 'Tff.1 " . : at Cant. 'Did you Pn..nt your account to the de C&. old ship 'Endsavor,' that passed fendantf inquired a lawyer - ot hi. client. i.i..m.l r..ll ended her days .1 did your honor,' -And what did he say! .. sj , n i . ih. rodtei and glass 'He told me to go to the d-1. found with Capt. Nathan Hale, who wa.' 'Why, liunn uv ne uritisii, on ijone iiiuut -w .n.r iturincr llift revnlntinn. In retalittion J .. t .! . n.i i..i hm i?,..M nf Mind. A vnune lady in B lor tne t.Aeuuiiuii ui iinuiv. uuu .luimvf j . '.-S' ... i.a nntJf ib'Jintc nfio itritidh 'Adin I .came home, from a nuo JJUI icool, iiiv vi-t - i i ni. mniainirif? llid 'ordeis' of the British eveninir, end left her horse army on the day of the memorable battle her falhs houie. walked herself I ..... . -r...l.l.l. .-! I ...I. tUm. Unrmaa nlam I rn.i.,L-Br iii . one sneei oi which is siuih- niau e. anu luun nm n"" r-- Ed and Btaropted .for elernal onduranee,wilbL8lj Slie did not discover hr mistake . .. .. I " r l... k'nnrtl I.L. ...I... Unin In rn hut doWH. Ill other at (he door of to the in tne (ill mSan.'jfor as he had great promises Irom i-rent rehlions. he destined them to or go ilK'rnon. Bes des these two, Uridgci had ano her uroiher, some years joun cor than herself, who being born like . . . . 1 1 r . i Her dunnc the poverty aim n i-ioi if the parents, was looked upon with no Uvoruble or loving oye. Whilst the elder brothers were tietiei clad, well tauchl, inditing pleasant ppu tins to far oil rulalons, pour lorn anil liiitliiei Pathlow were the household . . i ini 1 n o i ir v wot K. io repei - - M - J Uipdy deny wiih the ptoni ed lie. (osteal alone the streets, ami, iv'.ili-ihe heart's blood in her dee, u near ihe unpaid tradesmen dishonor he Lithci's name: lo sit hv Ihe tnele. hftarih. onJiv. the window.Jo walch her Vathei'sVeTurn, wh'o, urned for money' would norhaps keep from home wholi nights, having first lold Bridget that he I 1 ( ...... - 1 : .. A ...nlytU V ' ' illOIUU HOI ruiuill anvc:,iu "oiuii niiu Ihose hours of mental pain, and yet in ihis very loneliness, in these childish years. lo luvo one never failinu b-liel of being by self help nol alway s j very sorrowful or dospisedr sureh nade this young child no dnworlhy dweller under Ihe shadow of the olden minister. Tom was not half so resoluli is Bridnet, nor so capable of endu ranco. The elder hi olhcrs left home when Hridtrel and Tom were not more than eleven and eiaht years old. No lov had been fostered between these cldei iiul vouimer children; yet in Ihe heait of Bridget much love was galhered.Nnw that they were alone, the children were more together, the tioiuenoiu urutiger) was shared belween them, as well asjlln cares and sorrows of their miserable homo, and the stolen play round tht minsier aisles, where many, who des pised the parents.said kind words (o tht children. Designing her for some hum ble employment, where the weekly gatr. uf two or three shillings would supply the momentary want, Captain l'athlow (as he was called) denied Bridget any better education tnan suon as wai auuru ed by a i chool,the weekly fees of which were sixpence; but the had a kind friend In an old glass-stalner, who lived hard by. and another in his son, a blind youth, who .was allowed .to play upon the minster organ. As a return to this nooi vouth for some few lessuns in or gan playing, Bridget would carry borne eaoli evening the key of a litllo postern door? which a kind prflbend had len eiAr??a xrrV!fYer'ii'borrr.-He1ia-.t rich relations,' he said;' who could serve Bridget, without her being a pauper. For the resl no one had a right lointei- lore. Bridget was henceforth 'forbiddei even lo quit the house. Bel the sixfini Holland shirls were at lehglh completeei nd carried home: Tom reluming thi happy bearer of a bright shining piere t I cold, t his was soon lain oui. in "ha'? Bridget knew uesl, ior she Mill worked on by nieht Heiuininc home laic oneevcnina thr firnier observed the gleaming light from ihe lone garret window, and crerpint uiion ihe iwo children unseen, not only paralysed ilicm wilh fear, but holding in he candle? flimc lho diligent workof many Weeks, the fruilibn of that child's earliest desire, that fruit of an hnne.f! mimose-no dainty piece of needle work was il, but the drawn image, leaf by leaf chair of the curious carvinc burn it to ash eg. 'If you can tvoik,' he said fiercely i here' are milliueis in Linroln whi want e:rand girls. Ha! ha Iwo shil lings a week will add ale lo our niglu' meal!' The cirl was only saved from Ihi destiny by Ihe arrival one Saturday ,dur mc dinner time, ot a very large letie lealcd with black, which, being operipd was found lo have come from Ihe elde, brother, whq, staling ihe death of an tin cle. advised that Brideel should be sen immediately upon a speculative visit li iho widowed mini' This was food oft tight kind to Pathlow; he began its di ieslion immediately, 'roti must say inod words for us Bridget goodwordf Hini that a suit of clothes, or a fivt pound note, will be acceptable lo mc, ind a new silk gown to your mother; ind in short, anything.' The girl's few miserable clothes were soon packed within one narrow box, a letter' written to Ihe guard of the coich which was to convey her Irom London into the western provinces, to say thai her relation would pay at Ihe end of the journey. Dear Tom parted with a co ny on paper of that rare carving, laid secretly on the prebend's reeding desk, and on the morrow alter the letter came Bridget, saw the last, g'impse of Lincoln minster, lived in Jonilon, a gay, appa rentlv nrh centleman, studying, it wa said, for a phyoirian, il study he cvt i did -.but as Bridget had been forewarned not to make her appearance at hid lodg- Bridgels mounted on the burly shndl ders of a lierculean porler.lhe girl found llAC llnlllan' lirim. G .. - I I . I imuiiidi i.uiiiu. k?nB nau expecieii lo see rich apartments, hut none so lich as these,, where, surrounded bv all the semblance of aristocratic life, her broth' cr lay stretched upon a sofa sipping his minx, anu reaaing tne evening papor. X wa M8 4Sree,'n8t 'you're fXHtiar-eaa tirefrla wf nrdrr-iTh - hlW PpST.' r 1 hese words fell thill upon the i?irl heart, but she knew she was his sister, and sho knell lo kiss him. 'Dear Rich- rt, dear brother, I have so counted nn this hour. They all send their love: Torn and SjuI, and' There, that'll do. Go and sit down. These things are low; you miikt forget them all. Bui, faugh ! how you're dressed! Did any one seo cuas vms came in?' The answer was satisfactory; so the reading went on. ' Yoii must forget these Lincoln peo pie altogether,' he said after a while, 'you are going to be a lady,and the mem oiy of poverty sits ill upon such. Mind I warn you to have a still tongue. For the re', make youiself comlortable; say black is black, and white is white. A very good maxim, I assure you, for a dependent.' n.m li.mninpea nnmn r . . . L. I .w..iv uuu, OIIUII JU4 lief, or fulute good ? asked Bridget. Can' b 1 1 hrre. that'll do; I never discus points wiiu children, lalkthe matter iver wilh the next maid servant, or re ferve il lor private meditation when vou are upon Ihe lop of the coach.' Bridget had little lo say after Ihispnd i late hour ol the sime night found hei inurneying io me western province, iwUCR,herwidnwpd rnluhnn ittu&l-A.i ieTviirg-TJoiiiroit;"6nB' rimmrtrcrjfeiriir n uunlry town, in a gay street, standing i rion a scrupulously clean step, knock ing upon a very bright knocker, not on ly for her own admittance, but for thai f the scantily freighted box. A de mure looking servant appeared, who, taking into her mistress the introducto ry letter which the elder Pathlow had indited, being as he had said, the fishinu I hooji whereby lo catch the fih, left the Lincoln girl to a full hour's doubt as to whclher she would have lo retrace her way to Lincoln, or be leceived as Iht poor dependent. It seemed that hei unexpected arrival had created much diicussion; for loud voices were heard in the neighboring parlor. The dispute, rising into a slqrm, was only stayed by llndgel's being ofiiercu into ilie pres ence of the bereaved widow, who.being of a subrlanlial form, sat in a capacious , with a plentiful supply of lawn before her weeping face. She was sur rounded by several relatives, each of whom had children lo recommend; but wishing lo exhibit her power, and tri umph over their greedy expectations she rose, and throwing herself upon the isionished girl's Ojck. made visible elec tion o'f a dependent. Foiled in their purposes the relations disappeared. Thr widow, like a child pleased wilh u toy, made for a wliile mueh of Ihe poor .Lin coln girl; old dreusra were remodelled, old bonnets cunningly trimmed, bygone fnshions desennled on, lill,4to croWfJrl?r vvhole,ihe girl wished, back .the Xin,col,n rags, rather than walk tne streets,1,o. be azed al by every passer-by. fa (his matter there was no appeal; there .never is against dogged self opinion or selfish cunning. Pleased with having one on whom to wreck a world of spile, the widow soon changed her first show of kindness to taunts, reproaches propor tionate lo the loneliness and dependence oi the child, Months went hy wiihnu' one solitsry gleam of happiness, for books or learning were forbidden ;idded to all Ihis, loo, were perpetual secret letters from her home, urging her io send money, but there was no ineai) tie- in Bridget, she could endure, but no crave unworthily. Tliips had gone, pn thus for a twelve monli, when one win ters day the widow came back after a vyeek's absence a gay bride, and thai same night Bridget was tent back on her way to Lincoln, wilh five shillings in her pocket over and above ho coach hiro. Bridget had a fellow passenger, who, having travelled far and being young, and troubled with a child, was much ' pleased wilh Ihe thousand litile kind nci-ses lht Ihe girl peifurmcd, so that before the journey lo London Was ended I vast friendship, ,Was established be tween them. They paited wilh much regret; for, lo one like Bridget, so lone ly, so destitute of friends, (he more scm bianco of kindness was a treasure in itself. She had sat some, lime in tho office walling or' Iho Lincoln cfch not without comfort, for the bodkkeeji eYttad stirred up the office fire, snd.s ,, peciing- m?r scanry purie, liml apppl cfl, her wilh a glass of warm nle and -a -toast when a pale Lut respectable looking " man entered, saying thai he was tl o husband of Bridget's fellow passenger. snd come to offer her the comfort of his home for a day or so, as a return for her Kindness to his wife and child. After some little deliberation Bridget accepted the offer, for she dieuded lb ibiurn homo without having written lo say that she was coming; so an hour aftei wards Bridgdsal wilh Ihe baby on her knee by the si Ie of her fellow-passen- gr, in a comfor'able second floor room in a slreel leading from Long A- cre. Never wis there such a lea pre ped as on this memorable nighl, never tuch a hearth, never such a baby, nevor nich a happy young wife, never kush wandering Bridget, for here seemed tiio visible presence of all riches her heait tiad ever craved, here, in this working chamber of a Long Acre herald painter. Here, loo, without wealth was the pow er ol mind made visible; here, in this chamber of the srtuan. A few chean books nicely arraigned, a iaw piints, rich pannelled esculchtons.and cunning tracery, that brought to mind old things m Lincoln minsier, covered the walls. These thingj stood out like Ihe broad written words of hope and perseve rance. Bridget had never been bo happy. priincu, nuiaii llllVdIS, 11 UUIU IIU IUY1- Ution io return; and when il said that Tom had left Lincoln, Bridget had no desire lo do so. Tho stay of a few days was lengthoned into one of months; fur when her good friehds knew her history all oi it, saving her love of art they could but pity, when pity ripening into estimation as her character became more known, turned friendship into love. We draw no romantic character,but one of real truth. Bridget was the busiest ind cheet fulles:; up early, so that tha hearth was clean, ihe breakfast ready, ihe baby neatly dressed; and this not lone for once, but always,so that Bridg et became a necessary part of the house hold at Long Acre. By and by, when she was found to possess an antituO fof draw ing, Trie arlimn ael busily to vfork, and by ihe evening fire paiu obck, in teaching, her honest service. An upturned cup, a book, a jug, were drawn; and when these wero perfect, things of greater difficulty were sketched. Her progress wat but slow, yet so perfect, thai in a few months' time she was a real help to her minster;aud when ho fell into bad health, and had to " work at home, she assisted to bring bread to Mint poor household. The artisan greW no bet ter, but lingering week by week in a con sumption, was each day lest able to per lorm Ihe work, being ol a rare nnd delieatc kind, his master woula intrust lo no other hand, Qns week Cthe week bffnre ho diedj u ertst of xars device had lobs p.iinled up tho panilo of a run city merchants carnage -No harid codUl needle it like ibat of. the dying rrian; b'ui hie hand wau pasj .vvpjk, though'-ihe mind could 0 in 1 invent;, and Bridget, who, knew that bat for lliis work being done no bread could come, knrli, and by his bed earned what was Inst eaten by that dying man. Tho work excelled tho master's hope: ho wondered more when, with that artisan's last hreath,he learned the act o( mercy, how done, aud by whoa Bridget reaped good fruit.- wher. she hs) lost one friend, when his widow and child had left London for thu rntintry; the gorj old master coarhmaker look Bridget home into veriiaMe ong Acre itwt-tr'. Ha whs nut rich: tml paying Bridget nr. a'! ' rr ser vice, she had money whercwi..i toke lesbons in nrt to begin iliii h ru .4 i f wood engraving, in whleli she pTel" t xi el led itu lay by four bright goWptoiii.da. as the liiVaus ol seuifig ,inroln oTifc egaju. -The))' hud no-er wYilten toherirom' home., never for years; but still her heait 'clung to those old memories which ha'd ehcorripas's ed her childhbud. She wb9 now seventeen II was n bright May -morning, when. kie travelled om'tfd a coPr-9 Single urop oi uum w.uwu. mi uaum uv" v r I ... "f - ' - t-