The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 05, 1844, Image 4

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rilEREAS. bv an act of the General As
sembly of liie Commonwealth of I'cnnsvl
vnu entitled An art relating to elections of this
Commonwealth, passed lliu Sd day of July. A. D.
1339,' its made tho duty of the SheiifT uf ever?
county to giro public notice of such election to lie
hoMen, and make known, in sutii notion what
officers are to bo eloctcJ: Thereforo
ItiaTi Sheriff of (he county of ColumWo, do make
known, by this ndvcrllsmont, to the Electors of
said county of Columbia, that n GENE'IAL,
ELECTION will bo held in ttio siid county
Tuesday the 8th day of October next;
at the several districts thereof, es follows to wit:
Bloom township, at the house of Charles Doc
blcr. Illoomehuri.
Briar creek townsblp.nt the town-house in l'cr-
w itk.
Cntanissa township, at the house cf Stacy Jsr
iorom. in the (own of Catawissa.
Derry township, at (ho bouse of Jacob Seldcl, in
.said (owiifJiin.
Fishing creek township, ottjio Houso of Daniel
Peeler, in raid township.
Franklin tewnship, at tho rchool house, noar the
hourof John Mensh, In said township.
Greenwood township, at tho houo now occupied
by John Lemon.
Hemlock tnwmhip, at the houuc of John Mr
Hcynold, in said township.
Jackson townhip,at Ihe houso of Joshua Savage
in said township.
Liberty township, at tho house of Hugh McEl
rath, in said township.
Limestone township, (a sepcrato election dis
trict) at tha Union School House, in said town
ship. Mahoning township, at the Court House in
Miftlin township, at the houso of John Kellcr.jr.
in said township.
Madison township, at ihe house now occupird by
John IVclliver, in Jarseytown.
Mount Plaasant township, at tho houso of Fred
erick Miller, in said towmliip.
M on teur township, at the house of Leonard Laz
arus, in said township.
Iloaring creek township, at the hon'n now oc
cupied by Adam Gable, in said Ownchlp.
Orango township at tho house of Oeorgc Sciplr,
in tho town of Orangeville.
The District composed of that part of ililllin
township, laid off for a new township, to bo called
Paxton, which, by an act of Assembly, passed the
first day f April, 1830, was established into a
ttepsrae election district, 'at the house uf Adam
Michael, in the said district.
Valley township, at the houso now occupied by
John itau, in said township.
At which time and place am to be elected by the
ireemen of the county of Columbia.
One Person
f r Governor of this Qfl mmonweatth.
One Person
to represent the distiif t composed of the counties of
Columbia, Luzerne and Wyoming, t.i (ho Cor.gisss
of the United Stares
One Person,
foi S-cnntnrof this co'iiuionwcallh from the district
-composed of the counties of Columbia mid Lu
te mo.
One Pel son,
for Assembly.
One Person,
for Commissioner of Columbia county.
Ono Person,
for Auditor of Columbia county.
One Person,
for Canal Commissioner.
Also in purmanco oCtho following section an act
passed April 29th, 1844; lovotc for or agniul the
sale of the Main Line ofthe public works.
Suction 80. That so much of this act as relates
(o the sale of certain of the public works, shall not
ro into operation unless approved by a majority of
itho pople, in the manner lollowmg, to wit: J hat
at the next general election, tho qualified vstcrs
of this comtnonwealth,or as many of them as choose
to do so, shall Opposite in tho ballot, boxes
at the usual timos and places provid
ed by law, separate ballots, endorsed 'main line,'
with the wo,d 'for the sale of tho main line' upon
ithem, or 'against the main line, as their opinions
may be; t hat Mesa votes shall lie counted, return
ed und puMishcd, in like manner as the votes for
canal commiisoners ate now provided by law to
be; and ifa majorty of the votes cast at the said
general election, pursuant to this act 'bo 'lor the
.Halo of the mainline,1 then within ten dayp after
the publication ot the votes tiy the proper authority
the commissioners named in till second section shall
proceed to execute this net, in manner and form as
U herein piovlded: but if a majority ofthe votes
cast, as afoiesaid, be 'against the sale of the main
line,' then, so much of (his act as applies to the
alo of ihe-ninine lino, shall be null and void.
In pursuance of an act of the General siembly
rf iho Commonwealth of fennsylvania, entitled
An net iclation to the elections oi this Common
wealth,' passed the 2d day of July, A. A. 1 830.
Notice is hereby given
'That every peison, rxcept justices of the peact
who sha!1 hold any office of appoinlmen of profit
or trust under the government of the United Sfalet
or of this Mate, or of any city or incorporated dm
ii 'ot, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise,
-t iiiburdinstB officer or audit, who is or shall be
t'ODinvrd under 'the lesiilitive. executive or iadi
nary department of this state or of the United
Status, or of any city or incorporated district, and
aU-'o every member of Consress.and of the State
Legislature, and of the select or common council of
any city or commissioners of any incorporated
district, is, ny law, incapable ol holding or excrcis
nr at the same time, tho officer r appointment o:
Judzn, injector, or Clerk, of this Commonwealth
nd that no inspector, Jude or other officer of any
RUfh election, shall be eligible to any ollice to t:
then voted for,'
And the said Act of Issembly, -entitled 'an Act
relating tn tho elections of this Commonwealth
pusod July 2d, IS30, further provides as follow
-to wit.
'That the Inspectors and Judges chosen
aforesaid, shall meet atjthe respective places appoint
ed for UoIJins the elec'.ion In the district to utile
they respectively belong,
m each mi every year, and each of raid Inepectots NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC,
shall appoint one clerk, wko shall boa qualified ,. , , '
voter of such district. 1 " Slar 'I'0 North contains an auvcr-
In case the person who shall havo received the lisemont which lie not only
second highest number of the votes tor Inspector advertiser me as a rUMrtWOt.bdt as a rogue
shill not attend on tho day of any clectionltho pei- j)uty to myself requires that I should eor
so.iwhn shall l.aieroc.HVcd thosccond highcstnunv , , , , , rf fa ,ninB(ioni
n JMibor ol voles for judge at the next preceding, , , .,, f, , .'
oleclioiLshall net as Inspecctnr in his place, and in.1 T "' 'J years ago.
osc tho wrsonvlio shill luverecctvul Uie tccomt year " iruaiuu mu iiucrauiy wen
lighest number of von for Inspector shall not t. In I he exercise of his rr.lnrjrecl benevolence
icnil, the person elcclril a Juuge snail appoint on
Iniiieclor (n his place; and in case the person olccl
cda judge shiill not ullend then the lnspoctor who
received tliu highcft nuu.licr ol votes fnall appuintn
Juilee in hi place; ui.d if auy vacouoy shall cun
it ii u in the koaid tor Iho space of ono hour Acr
the limn fixed by liw for the opening of tho mc
'inn. the iHtalifiod votis ofthe township, ward or
district for whkhsui'h 4bcrr shall havo been elec
cd, present At the jibce of election, shall elect one
ul'ilieir number to fill suchvacuncy.
It shall bo tho duty ufnanl asbessom respective
ly, tp attend at the place of holding every general,
-C'liciul, or tuwiihliip election, during mo wiioie
timo the said election is kept open for Uie purpose
of giving infnlmnliou to Iho inspector and judge
tfhcii called on, in rclaliuii to tho right ol any
pt'rsim aisrMNi by tlicni to voto at sucJi election
or such other matters in relation to tho assessmon
of voters hs tho said iusprclou or judge, or either of.
llicin, Miall from tune to time rnjui'o.
'No pctson shall bq pcrniitlrd to voto at any
eclioli as uforesaid otlici than a white freeman ol
tho age of twenty-one jears or nior, who shall
have resided in Hits stale at least one yoar, ami in
iho election district where he offers to voto at least
ten dv immediately Preceding such election, and
within two years paid a state or county lax, which
shall havo been usscsoed at least ten days before
election. Uut a citizen of the United Statoa who
had previously been a nuailioil voter of this ototo
and removed there from and returned, and who
shall have resided in Iho election district and paid
taxes as aforessid, shall be entitled to vote; aftur re
sidinc in this stato six months; Provided, That the
white freemen cit iicns of tho Unittd fctatca,botween
the ages of twenty-one and twenty two, and having
resided in this stats' ONE Y13AI!, and in tho clcc
tion district TUN DAYS, as aforscad, shall bo
entitled to votealthough thoy shull not have paid
No person shall bo admitted to vote, whose
name is not contained in this list of taxable inhab.
iliinls furnished by Ilia commissioners as aforesaid
he allowed mo the priviloco of iloitiL' ovor
worn alter U o clocK at night, so that by
hcing very IndiiMrious, I was enabled to
cover myclf tolerably decont. For the last
three years ho was not only exceedingly
cross and povisli, but even cruet to mo,
compelling me to work to an ur.usunl late
hour at night, and reuuet inc my life bur
densomo. Hr says, 'cahU tell what cloth
ing he had on,' fee. Thoro is ono very
good reason for this, bocaoso for tho last
two years, I boltovo, he had not purchased
oi paid for an article of clothing that I have
rctoivnl. As it respects 'a guilty look,
which ho save I havo, I only remark, if n
man's innncenco or anilt is to ho established
by his looks, I am perfurtly willing to com
paro races wild my Old Maslcr, id I do
feel confiJonl that I shall not suffer by the
comparison. Mr. i). charges m? with be
inf a Ilocuc. In proof of ihe filscnoss of
this chatge, I appeal to all who know me
This chaige coming from Ihe source it does
reminds ine of the saying of an Irishman
ilinl was accused bofoio a dutch Magiatiato,
who after hcariuf! testimony on ono side
only, replied well Pat you must bo a' great
rogue.' To which Pat replied, 'JVot so
in debi
itisff ft liA'lr'iO sthliH imic
run to be.'
1 admit that I went some iiulc
for i few clothes, which have been, or soni
will be, honorably liquidated. In mucin
sion I would inform my friends and the
public in general that sine; I left Mr.Doan's
I have been living in Salem and doing well.
With respect to my being a Wolf in
Shpun'a nlntnlriR T nnml nnli en ts i V t a
unlcs,. FMTj-ho produces I hfl i pay j , f fe j' f g
ment within two yoers.of astato or county ' ,.,. , , '
... ,u .,; ii,-rnn0.iiniinn. r.d crivn.aii,. I'ko W. Dnan, holly lo persue for four or
factory evidence, cither on his own oath or iflirma
tion ,or an oalh and affirmation of another, that ho
has paid such tax. or on fHiluro to produce a ro
ccipt, shall mnko ath to tho payment thereof; of
ar.eonri! if ho claims a right to voto by being an
elector between me ages oi iweniy-ono aim iwomy
two years, he shall depose on oath or .affirmation,
that hn has tesided in the state at least one- year,
next before his application, and male such proof of
residence in the district us is required by this atl;
and that he dot verilv believe, from lh accounts
given him; that hois ofthe ago afoiesaid, and givo
such other evidence as is rcquirrd by Ihis act.
Whereupon thr name ofthe person so admitted lo
vote, shall be inserted in llic alphabetical list by the
inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by
writing tho word tax if he shall be admitted to
vote by reason of having paid a tax. or the word
'arc,' if he shall be admitted to vote on account of
hiss age, and in either case, the reason of such vole
hallbo called out to the cIerks,who shall make the
ike notes in tho list of vote, kept by thoni.
'In all cases where the nanit ol tho person
claiming to voto is not found on the list furnished
by the commissioners and assessors, or his right to
vote whether lound Ihereou or not, is objiclan to by
jiiv auilihin ciluon, it jlull bo the duly ofthe
tnipcctors to examtno such person on oath os to
(us iiualiflcalions.and il he claims to have resided
within.the stale for ono year or innie.his oath shall
nilheient prool thereof, but ho shall make prool
y at Icusl ono competent witness, who shall bo a
.lucliticd elector, that ho has resided within the
1 1st net tor more I Inn ten duysnuxt immediately pro
t'lhiii' said t'iectlon, and shall also himscll swear
thai hts bonafule residence In pursuance of his
lawful culling, is withing the ilittrict and that he
ilid not rcmoie into said dliiliict, for tho purpuM) of
vol trie therm
'livery person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof if required of Irn'rcmdcncc
and payment l.ii , in afore.taid. shall hu udinitted
to voto in Iho township, ward ol district in which
he shall ri'Hiili'.
five weeks a certain kind of Wolves like
Salem, Sept 14, 1844 j
FKOM the subscriber at Bea'ci Meadows five
weeks since,
ono of them a red cow, with a bell on, tho nlhcr
a while spoiled red cow. 1 hey arc supposed to
have gone to Columbia county. Any person giv.
ins; information to the subscriber where they may
be lound, shall t reasonably renamed.
til) W Alt D M'HUGH.
ZJcavcr Meadows, Aug. 10, 1814- 18.
Brandroth's Fills.
WW, ALT7 U clnterlse.1 in an individual by
jLM.lhe absence of all pain, suffering, or affection I
In any naitot Ills body: by tho Irce and rrgular ex.
erciioofhis functions without any exception,
l hoy consist in having a good appctito at meal
Jw OUIiD respectfully inform the
citizens of Illoonisbttrg, and iis
times, an easy digestion, frco evacuations, without vicinity, that ho still continues to cairy on
looicr.cis or costivcnrsR at least once in every ten iho abovo business, at his old established
ty-four hours, and without hoat,diyiicss, or burning siand on the corner of Main and East
at the passage, the free Issue of the water without strCels. Having received the LATliS'I
acrimony or burning, and without a teddish scdl- n tit r n HP I I III n ntul NPIV VflfiK
ment which is always a sign of a present or an ap- lJl'JtiRz!.. UM . , ,
preaching pain; quiet sleep without agitation or FAUIION , in connection Willi Scotl k
truoblcsomo dream n no taste of bilo or other bad Willson s Highly Iinprovod patent for nil
usioiii mo mouin upon rising in tno morning;, no ing garments in uio mnsi insiiiunauic man
sourness or disagreeable rising of tho stomach; a ,1Cr, warranted lo fit wilhotll any possibilfiy
clean tongue; a sweet bieath; nri Itching, pimples or of failure, and feelimr assured from his Ions.
!?.0t,..!:i.l,V0lkl,,,i',,opi,"i'10 kn'nK heat upon poricnce ln lhe business, that work cxe-
exposed to labor or other known cause; no Inter- euled at his shop, will never be complain, d
ruption to any natural evacuation, nor pain t their he hopes, by strict attention In bnsinesc
poriodical return. to receive a share of public patronage a
Where the stato ofthe system docs not hatmon-lhcreloforc.
"0::,?Tr irrN. B. CASH, and all kinds of
iroaicsi importance mai no ume no ion in senainc ,V7v -T...r . . i
for.,!flr.ini.nrini!in.n rfnBn.i. inn COUNTRY PRODUCE; only taken in
often tho remit of speculation; instead of thiscoutse payment for work done, st iho market pri
lo a dose of uii ain uuiSTu'a I'iMiS m taken, ccs. Uliarccs for worK moileratc to sun
which will not decoivo, but will at once reitoio f 1 1 a times.
which they will sell by WJIOI.ESAI K and II H.
TAIIi, ami on as good terms us the artt,l
frtrj be elewhere jitirchatcd. Mriclirntu n..
others, may find it to their interest to i-u,,. II
kinds of grain received in payment.
tnnr.t,tt ti . "-M'- f 1,..
juoii ii rAiiui i iii.ipk i-
Uloomsbtirg, Nov, 3, 1843.
health (o the organ or part requires it
All who wish ti, preserve their health, ell who
sro determined to defend their life against tho eti'
croachments of disease which might send them pre.
muturely to tho grave, will, without hesitation, have
recourse to the iirandrelh l'l s. when the statu of
., , . i - I -TW H 1TB IT B7V
ine system noes noi uarmouiso vvun ino aoovo pic-i lvftilj. It. IJLiBK
1 1 1 1 ii nF 1. i.o I , Il I
""v .fc.u.". I ,,,, ... . .11! I I .
Those who live in n country where contagious or ' Ho suuscnuers nave eaianiisneo ai wif
other diseases urcvail. should often think of thial above place, a new iSUlllULL i.iiJ,
true picluro of health, and observe himself with par-l and will always) bo ready,
ticular attention, in order to act accordingly. Tho
wise and rightly directed will follow this advice
lha unwiso are lift to their own destruction.
W'anhinglon Kobcrt M'Kay.
Jnrseytown L. clc A. T. iJisel.
Uanville K. II. Ueynolds & Co.
Oaltiiwissa 0. G.
Ulooinsburg J. It. Mover.
Limestone. Habbit ck At'Ninch.
lluckhorn M. (J. Shoemaker.
Limn Ridge Andre A. dillcr
erwick-J W 6tiles
May 4, 1814 a.
bo ready, at tho ahortes
noltce, to furnish to orilcr,
or any other work in their lino. Thev ate
also prepared to furnish WINDOW CAPS
&c, cither of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind n
stone that can be procured in this vicinity.
BCjHavinc had oonsiderablo experience
in the business, they plcdco their work lo
bu r.xciuitrd in as hsii'lsomo n Btvlc as ran
be furnished frnin nv yard either in the
pity or country; and on as reasonable (onus
Dloomsbutg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly28
A Valuable
IS hereby given, that on the 18th day of July
1844, I gavo toji'hn Wilson a note, for (100 bu
shels of Lime, in part paymcntof the purchase mo
ney ol a ccrta n building-, and having sinco otccr.
tuiiird lht thcio Is an oxisting lien upon lliu
nropeity unknown to uie at tho time of tho pur
chase, 1 shall tefusc lo pay said Note until said lieu
is siitis9cd or removed, and therefore caution alt
persons net to puichaeo said note.
V liWl All KUUSU.
Hemlork, Juno 24, 184418.
Chair iUanufUctory.
THD subscriber having established a Vi7 IT
C U.I M M.l.VUJWCTORY on ilairi
street, near Iho residence of I,. II, Mau, he Is now
prcpaied to furnish (Thalia of every descript'o l, on
as good terms as they can be purchaeud cUewheio
the county.
Such us Bed Posts, lfrtiL'on Hubs,
Nose Block , fyc.
I'hls latter brunch, from his expeiicm-e, he believe?
ho nan do a little better than an) oilier person in
this section.
rrVI'OI'LAIl PI.ANK will be l.ikeu in psv-
mrut at the highest market price
HAMl lJl, llAUliJNliUtJH
Illoonmlnirg, July 1, ISit, ltf
For Sale.
IS hereby given that I have purchased at consta
bl sale, as the property ol' Jacob K. Groul, and
have left the same in lliu possession during :uy
pleasure, and fotbid any peison taking it away,
either by purchase or otherwise, without my con
sent, vu. one tiurcau, one lot of carpet, one bland
ono li t of carpel.
Aug. 31 18H.
rffllli; subscriber having established a "AI'EIl
.1. MILL at MILL GllUV'ti, near Ziloomsbur,
Columbia county, where he has tho iucl Imi'hoviu
.Maciiinkut, and having followed tho business I'oi
twenty years ho is confident he can luruish asgoO'l
paper as any in the Country and on us reasonable
teirnB to printers, Merchants and anv
persons who may want the article, lie nlso,kcci
constantly on hand Attorney's Cap, Fool's Cap, 7E SuilSCIDUn orKKIJS TO
i.uuer, wriung, i riming ami vv ranniug na per oi
all Kinds Also, an assortment of School ioiiKb
Also, lllank Hook, I'xtru bound. Pull bound, and
hull' hound of all sizei und, assoitmeut of writing
books Sce. Ho is ready to csi'Iiiiiiro the above for
rapcr or Hooks, lor ltai;s ot sizing.
1illgrove; February 20' 1844 if.
For lale9
Siliialeil in Greenwood township, Co-
before 3 o'clock in the morning on the
,,ZtH. Tuesday of October,
Ifany person shall present or attempt to prevent
any officers of an election undei this act from hold
ing eucti sieclions, or use or threaten any violence
any officer, or shall interrupt or improperly inter-
tero with mm in the execution ot his duty, or shall
'dock up r attempt to block up the window or the
.lvenue to uny window where Iho samo may be
nolden, or shall liotously disturb the peace at such
election, or sliul U6e oj practice any intimidation
threats, foire or violence with design lo influence
unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him
from voting or lo restrain the freedom of choice,
such person on conviction shall be fined in any
sum nut exceeding five hundred dollars, and he
impiisoncd for any time not less than one nor more
than twelve months. And if he shall be shown to
the couit where the trial of such offence shall be
had, (hat (he person so otTendod was not a resident
of the city, ward, dlstrist or township where the
said oltence was committed, and not entitled to vote
therein, then on conviction, ho shall be sentenced
to pay a hnn not less than one hundred nor more
than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not
ess than six months nor more than two years.
1 1 any person or persons shall make any bet
or wagar upon the result of any election wilhinJhU
commoiiweillh or shall oner to make and such
bet or wagor, cither by verbal proclamation thorcof
or by any wriien or printed advertisments; chal
lenge or invite any person or persons to make such
bet or waor, upon conviction thereof he or thev
shall forfeit and pay three times tba amount eo btt,
or ollored tn be bet.
If any peron shall vote at more thsn ono clec.
ion distrfct.oi otherwise fraudulently vote more
than once on the same dayr shall fraudulently
iou and deliver lo ma inspectors two tickets ts.
gather, with the Intent to illegally vote, or shall
vote the samecr if any shall advisn or procure on
other so to do, he er they to nffcndmg shall on
conviction be fined in any sum not less than fifty
nar mote than five hundred dollars, and be impris
oned for any term not less than three not more than
twelve months.
it any person noi quaiuiea to vote in uur torn
monivrallh agreeable to law (except the sons of
qualified citizens) shall appear at any place of elee.
lion for the purpose of it.sning ticketj, or nf influ
encing the alliens uualihed to vote, ho shall
conviction, fwfeit' and pay any sum not exieediiiir
one iiuiniieu dollars lor every such otleiuo and bo
iniprlMinmoiio-j lor any term nvt exceeding (lire
'iheJudgcsare to make their returns for the
county of the Court Houso in Da
ville, on rndiy tho 11th of day October, A. I),
1844 - -f,
God savejftbe Commonwealth
' I RAM DERR, Sheriff,
Simnirr's Orricc, Danville, 7
Sept. 4, 1814. 5
SLtsL informs his friends
and tho travelling public in
geueml, thnl he has taken
tlie abuse Hotel situate III
the centre uf the town ol
UulawiRu,(Joluiiibia coil II-
tt-wuttn" ly ra. nnu lormeiy occupy
ed by D. Clark. Where lie will bo happy to wail
upon those who will favor him vv Hit Iheir rustnm.
'I'ho otel is largo and commodious and well
furnished throughout, and no pains will bo spared
to inn er eenera sutiutHrlion.
ionium couniy, a-joiu a mile welwardlv rom eolt ill will Iip rnrnl.l.r.l uiil, tl,- ii,.
liiioi-rsourg, on uio main rnuu ;ioni ilayman sl nnlrv can afford.
His liar i well stored with tint best of liquors.
lyxcelleiit stabling is Htlaehrd to the establish
ment and coicful and attentive hostlers uro ultvayr
Caltuvvissu, .May 13, 184H It.
ilillt lo Millville, conttiining
m UjIj property.
A T PKIVATU SALE, situated in Greenwood
Jm, towuship, Columbia County, l'a upon tin
ro.t. leading from Khoerabarb lo Jereeylow i, about
wu miles from Klincrsburg, and ten from lllooms
buik, containing
115 Acres,
most of vvhiili is improved, and upon which ai
eroded it
-.11147 linilSI? AO lV r,ti l.-TTT."
IjJllUUiltJi 'ID iJl I'liD
about CO of which are under n good stale of cullil
ation, the remaindrr well limbered with heavv I
ne and onk, There is a strum; stream ofwnteil
at-sing through its centre; on whicTi Is n good scail
a oaw .Mill, or for most kinds of machinery. A I
od new 11 A UN, and other out housjs, und a
ith a never failing spring of water near llie dooi
rrrllio above property will bn sold on veil
reasonable terms, and iiosscsbcesion civ en when
ever required. Apply to
Liviue on the premises.
July 13, 1844. SnilS
and other out
4Iovcr iTBill.
huildiucs. There arc alsu on Ih
Vhc Illoonisbiiri? It. U. I.
11,1, keep constantly cn hind, a large at
BOrtment of
August 17.
E. II.
stale of JOHN BOW YEN, late of
Montettr township, Columbia co.
OTICB is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration on the above mentioned Kststa
have been granted to the subscriber residina in
Monteur AW persons indebtod to the mid '
talc arc hereby notified to make immediate pavnieiit
and those having claims are requested to plcben
them, properly nutlientieitted, to
JUIIiN UUJ'EHlCIl, Admiuibtrator.
Augnst 10, 1844. Cwl7
KESi'E CTFL'LLY informs the public that he
lies removed from Sugarloaf township,and loiuted
himself at Cattawissa, and will attend lo nil culls
for his professional services, particularly in c n
ininptivc cases.
CrJ'AII persons indebted lo him oro rcqucBtcd to
make immediate payment.
Aug. 10, 1344.
IJt vt'SA'.tturs
REMAINING in the PostOllico at Catlawuvu,
the quarter ending Juno 30, lri-H.
Aeor Andrew Harlly Henry
fJennut 'ibco llouer Cain
Ulack Daniel Kinney Andicw
lioyer Vavid I. Laurence Willimn
Hoicc John l.ebold J cob
reck Kelah IS. I.invcll Uac U.
Ileiijaman v ashinglori Miller r?aimiel
Illoomsburg, Columbia Co. Pa
Is hereby giver, lliatl have purcliaseil si
THE subscriber iosnentfullv
frienOs. and the public eenernllvttliat he ha?
tiKen mat well known eland, in Hlooms
'litre, formerly kept by William Robison,
and that the Honae and Stables are under
qomg a thorough repair As liis bar will
lwavB tie lurnistietl with tho eboieest o
Liqubre, and his Lanier with
The land is in a good state of cultivation, and that
which remains uncleared is covered with good tim
ber. He considers it unnecessary to give any fur-
llforins his thcr description, as all who wish to purclnuo will
view lor inemscivcs. u win be sold on reasonable
terms, and possession given on the first of April.
Greenwood, January 5, 1844. 3m37
tteaid I. W
Unci. Ikidc
C'nrder Willimn
Deibel John l".
Ddii Jonathan
Vllis John
Guinn John
Hartman Charles
Hartzcl Joseph
ardor Samuel
'cruon calling for letters in
please s-iy they uro advertised.
Chair iVTanufactory,
i ii i suoBcriocr coniinucs to carry on
uonatable sale, nc the pioperty of John
ulltncr; anil have left the came in his nns
essinn ilurinc mv nleasnr. ami (nMA .,., lers
. 1. ! f I. . '
icibuii laKing u irom in sit enncr by - pur
base or otherwise, without mv ronient.
Une tniru eeven acres wheal in the (,'rounil
ve acres ol rje in the ground; three acree
f corn id the cround; four acres of bunk
wiicbi in me iiiuuiiii; uiree inurt la 01 an
acre of potatoes in the ground; about llitee
thousand feel of moh boards; three bunches
i i. : i . r i
i .iimyies; one ton oi nay ana seven aores
I grass in meadows.
July 10, 1844:
the best the
narket olTorde, and liavinir cond Stabline CHAIR ilfANUFACTORING
ind attentive hostlers, lie with confidence business ot the old stand of Ti. Al S. Hueen
invites all to call and lest bis ability as a huuh. where he will bo rnadv i ll limn
liaiurer lur uie paiaie and siomach, and nal h0 furnish Fanny & Windsor Chaits. Set
unison that none will leave dusaiisti toes. Iloslon Rnckinc Clmir toe. nf srt
ed with their treatment,
Ihe worth ofthe pudding is told m the eating,
orae give it a trial, there will be no cheating;
Bea6t and Man shall always go away rejoicing,
June 8, 18447.
tCT Junius blank EXECUTIONS nd
ouaiMVjyii lust nrlnied and fnr u
tnis utlice
THE Collectors of Miliiia fi nea in
iuveral Townships of Columbia
Itorntu, .nnll I, A.I . .. u. .1 .
... i u t ,v,uiicii tu iiirci ni inn tnmmi..iAn
er's ODire in Danville.on Tuesday the 24ih'
day of September met. for the purpose of
ur.auy seining on meir Duplicates for the
ptveeni year.
My oider of the Commitsinners:
Olivine, oepi, jz, mil,
lescripunn, wiiiufi mav be called for, at
hort notice and on tho most reasonable
terms. He will also execute House, Sion &
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering,
Sw.aHnr bv the r,mr,r,.thrvii ...ii a superior manner,
M. SII.VJJRTHORN Fm bis oxperience in the bnsincss.and
nm hid ini'iiiticc ui .iiuuuiauiuriug mo various
nicies oi nis une, ne uattrrs lnmsel. Itm
te shall bo able to furnish as cood Work
nd upon as reasonable terms as can b
done in the country, all of which ho will
lispose of for CASH or COUNTRY
N. B- Orders from a distance will b
strictly ar.d punctually attended to.
Bloomshtirg, Dec. 30, 1843.
Iist of Letters
HbM AlrWrvu in the Post Offlcc at Blooms.
burg, for the quarter ending June''30,lfi44.
Joseph Bayler
Isaac Dercainer
Wm. Jerret
George Kellog
J. K.Millard
Isaac Sratten
Peter Straitsen
Bamlel Wanich
jVrs. Mary M. Kcherd
P. O. Hagen
Maria Hall
Mrs. Msry Keel
Jacob Lcbolt
Charles Itnbson
Daniel Shavoyer dale
Miss Susannah Vannas-I
Chas. F. Hillard.
the rersons canine tor letters in the sbnv IUi :n
i, - . . -
nty,areH":oe sy meyare aaveruseo.
niSsion J. M. MOYER, P. M.
TVl ! ..
jiy receive immeniale pmn nvmni
"l'l" ,nB 10
f l Til i I Vj Ul Ulgi ICUtlil.AiY
Tt. , , 0' l?" BloomsburgH. H, I. Company, tlnusnee if patronage.
BlooflubujE, June 29, 1841, JmBO May 25 1844-8,
fME Copartnership heretofore existing between
JL Owen I). Leib 4- George Frederick, at Ihe
(.altavvisea I oundry was dissolved on the 15th of
aiarcn last by mutual consent. All persons know,
ine themselves indebted, will please make navment.
and those having claims will present them to Owen
u.unv wno is amy aumorisedto settle.
ti. D.The business will in future be eonlMMorl
by urorge r reutnck.wbo respectfully (solicits aeon
Marpcrnm Cliuiun 2
I'axlun JohC Ii
Rii-liaids John
W'nlls ihilip
Wampole John
Vilhon Charles
Ycttcr Uiirbara Aon
Yetter Isaac
Yettcr Lewis
Hurdles (Jeorec
the above lift will
ThvCrcdit Sj'Ntcm Costs too Milch
Il is now an acknowlesed fuel, that tho
CASK SYSTEM is the only true
one, boih for the BUYER and SELLER.
WE have been selling p.oods on the C.1SII
Ri'STEitt since last Apiil, und its uni
versal popularity ivilh all who have given us a
call and scon for themselves, and the immense tav-
ing to their customers, induces them to invite tho
readers of the Columbiu Democrat to a trial of its
Our stock of Goods consists of all tho variety of
usually kept in a country store.
All of which have been purchased in New York
and Pbiladslphia, fur the CASH ONLY. Dy
this means, we pay for no man's goods but our
own, and we ASK no additional piofit from our
customers lo pay bad debts; thus having no losses,
w tu uu ll, loo, beyond all question, as every
body knows who have bought ol us.
Our Store is in Iho BRICK th
corner of Mill Street, and the llloomsburg rned,
opposite Mr. A. Montgomery's Stone House.
We invite Evert Poison to call and tee our
goods. We are not afraid to show them.
Danville July 41844. p4ml3
of a superior oualitv for SaU bv