The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 05, 1844, Image 2

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    ''tiotu wtTiincr rtin
s.trvito.iv, ovt a, ihu.
roit (jovxknok,
Canal Commissioner,
Wanift ak'C'AsuLtss,
Asa UiMutrc,
1 GcorgbP. l.tlwiiaii
J (.'hriitiau KweJi
;i W'm.ll.SmUli
4 John IlilKI'liilA
6 Samuel K. beech
fi Samuel Ogiiip,
7 JtSaSn Ssharpo' .
6 N. W. Sample
I) Wm. llcimlenrich
) 0 Cor.rad ihimer
1 1 Stephen Halily
Is Jonali Urcwstcr
13 Ocurce fc'cluiaMe
14 Nathaniel II. Lldicd
)5 M, N.-Irvine
1(J JaincsAVooilliurn
It Hugh Momgomery
15 Isiac tikuiiy
ID John.Mslliows
20 Wm. Patterson
Jl Andrew llutke
22 John M'Gill
23 Christian Myers
24 Cohort Orr
congress. .
The Club will meet on Monday evening
Scpl. 00, al early lite Acad
cmy in Hopkins viltc. Turnout.
The regular meetings of the Club ,will
hereafter be on every Monday evening, at
the above place.
The eias&toi8
The pnfuion nesunicd-by the friends of
Beaumont that the Conferees had no oilier
tltity to perforin, limn to settle the qiirMinn.
tit; 11 I It'll unumr.iiiii in nlilljUl .ln .i,llf..W,'l
'sumptions ever attempted lo be inniiitaiueil
'anil c.innot be for one moment sustained in
justice I) those interested. If.eucli was the
fact; why the necessity of the meeting of
the Conferees? Doth counties had selected
men. The one for Congress and the other fur
Senulnr.nml the counties named which were
entitled (o them. If wo were compelled to
tnku them, nolens volens, again, we ask why
eppoint Conferees,! It was a mere sham to
li) so. oeml men 4U miles lo uu thai
which was alreadv done and permanently
fixed, and which they had no right under
any cirrumstaiicee to change. A simple,
foolish act indeed, lint the luet is, the
Conferees, Hie appointed for the express
purpose of presenting a candidate thai shall
be unexceptionable lo the whole district, &
not one whoso principle? would be destruc
live to tho interest of a 'portion, and by thai
means bring union and harmony! upon one
man,otherwiso, discord would always follow,
For it is impossible at the present
bring parly lines lo bear so strong, as to
compel a whole community lo give iheir
votes fur a man who i) known lo be husiih
to all their Interest? The time has gone by
when die interest of lliu people aro to be
sacrified to the interest or ambition of onr
roan. ThcttCurc, we say, that coiifnree
from ear h county were bound In. see that
they were picsenting a candidate who
would advocate, the interest of all, and il
Kiielt a man was not presented by the roll
fi ruec of each county, they could uot with
nut falsefviitg iho trust reposed in them,
consent lo his nomination. Thi is the true
doctrine, andjlhp orly doctrine that can lir ,
sustained, if the interest of'tho two vouuliet
tue at all lo be laken into'constderutiun, Bui
il a man in one county hostile to the inter
est tif the oilier, must be wallowed, beeauei
ho has by wire workiug obtained tiu nom in his own county;thcn wu hnvo ful
It-n on evil limes indeed. This would hi.
ruirying parly- tactics fartlier than wo are
wilting lo do un'iler any circtnnelanres, and
f,irlliti wo liust.-than wo shall ever euiiseni
ti BHbinit lo"' 'We aie nn advocate of part)
nominations, bin wu like to have a-voicr
in litem or it is aim Democrat to compel
us to iHM.iin them n.'pecally when they are
det ill v hostile to our iuteicst.
tjTa "importeil hoiso"h-out with
o I ii ii u tirade offlbuso wf Iho DemocraHc
(''niifeii'PS ami Iho Ltizern.i.' Denmcnlir
ciinnU'TJonveriiou, hecatiso I hey would
nol .stibiiiil lo iiitt diclalions, and lake
the valient Jiiil;o an Ihu 'Cuiigtirstiunal
r.iinliilalc. Kick away, wliilu -you are
at libel I Vi for you wrfl soon he "ham
fcii'nij:" if riot 1 fotlefed," and then
'.an do iioUiki' but iquol,
Base Deception,
lu sh Extr.i of the Danville Intelligencer,
is published the garbled proceedings of
mii a 1 1 moeting held at Wdkesbarru by the
ftiends of Beaumont, and called a 'Ralifica
'ion meeting mil! I'or lire purpoin of prejti
bring the public mind against 0. D. Lcib,
he regular democratic candidate, the fol
lowing resolution, sustaining Lcib is left
out ;
Resolved That the nomination of Owen
I). Leib for Congress, meets the hearty ap
hovhI of thin mecling;ahd that llto Luzerne
county damnnrary 'rendering under to Cic
lar the Hi tip that he Ctcsar 9 will prove
i Columbia that her jnlorctts may be.ajfcly
'Misled hero.
Host was present a this meeting, and had
the impuilcnro to personally oppose tlio
passage of U10 Uusalutinn,hut tiotwithsland
ing his opposition, the resolution was past
ed and tho wholu proceedings published in.
iho W'ilkcsbarro l'Vmcf. From that pa
per, Best extracts them, and liko a base,
reckless, political gambler, falsifies the re
cord, by leaving nut tho resolution in ques
tion, because it shows, that the democracy
if Luzerne, recognise, O. D, Lpib, as the
regular demociatic candidate, and virtually
ondomns Best and Judge Muck as disor
ganizers, and unprincipled politicians for
their Opposition to tho regular candidates.
Such deceptions arc chuiactcristic of lite
innri. He first opposes tho regular nomi
nations oflnc party, and then, to sustain
We ask the democracy of tho county il
they will submit to be tliuu contemptuously
treated, and their understanding trifled with
by the 'imported horse ?' We asK the
friends of Leib if they will submit to be
ilms insulted, and the lights of their friend
taken from him by such a base contempli
ble treachery and deception ns this practised
by the 'man of all work?' We cannot bo
lievo it. Then let every- honest democrat
in the county buckle on his iirmnur, anil
teach Valentino Rest, and Beaumont, anil
their tool Judgo Mark, and the whole liekei
sustained by thejn, by their voles on Tues
day next, such a lesson as will never be
forgotten by them.
C7A1I remember the election of 1830;
when Frailey was elected Senator and Evan
0. Jackson to the Legislature, and remem
ber, loo, the great cry that was mado bj
tt and his coadjutors of Danville, about
Democracy and Democratic principles'. All
remember iheir reckless couisb in gelling
ilii)udencK that was mauifesied by them in
denouncing the regular nominated candidate
of the parly, as a federalist. Anil all Mill
furihe.r remember, iheir boasting after the
election, of having deceived llie Deiuoctac)
of the upper end of llie county into the sup
port of Fraily ami Jackson, ami tlierebj
letoaleii tiie rumiivul nartv. llest in again
al the same old gmue. All n ho urc oppns
ed to his nnli-Reinuvitl ticket, are federal
ih-ts. Ceu. Hosrf, the Removil enndidatr
for Senator, a staunch unflinching Demo
cratoflhe. old school, and who was active
with his party, when Rest was in his cradle
is denounced as n federalist, and Andrew
Ueaumont, who for ten years past, has op
posed thejegular nomination of his parly,
and voled the whig ticket, more times than
he has sustained the regular candidates, U
the best of Democrats. The simple reason
for til is course, is that Beaumont has pledged
himself against Remova?, and Gen. Ro.t
for il. Let ihe friends of Removal re m em
bcr this and cast their votes accordingly.
liCTThe 'Slar of ihe North" the Divi
ion Organ, U out in favor of Judgo Mack
fur Congress, Mid Andrew Beaumont foi
Senator, alleging as n reason that they are
llie regularly nonliualed candidates. Tine
is umru hypneracy anil deception, lo cover
up the opposition of thcie (wo gentlemen, tu
the Removal, Judge Mack and Andrew
Ueaumont ore Die candidates of Iho Danville
mid Division faction of the two i:ounliet;
at d weio both rejected by the Democratic
CongicbSional and Senatorial Confeiees,and
are now "running on their own hook,"
pledged against .removal. Tins in tho whole
secret mat secuies them the support of the
Slat ofihe North and of iho Danvillo Intel.
Iigeucer. Let ihe friends of Removal look
to It. 7,et them Dhow ilitue men that (het
-ire not .again to bo deceived au they were in
1830, into tho suppuit of men who are
avowedly opposed lo their interest.
fJrfGeri. Ros, it a decided Pi titer
live Tdiilf mu ti, Andrew lieautnout
opposed lo all protect inn. cveo lo Coul
and run, and yol the Danvillo wliifjH,
loose epical 8lick'lors lor a taiill, pro
claim their intention of vnlini' for
Hejuinoni. TJiiu' is consistency jvjtli a
v.gene. ' ' 4 - ' " '
Owen D. Loib bail the unanimous voles
f tlio Congressional Confcrtos
of Co.ntnbia, Luzerno and Wyoming
II . ..
, . , 1
Hldgo Mack, it ihu icgular Democratic
I l- l. 11.1 ...
.i.i u wwwuuv, u ,u Vt IbbniVDD l Ul I 1 1 I a II V
tit tins county have rocomtnended him to
advance their own personal ends. Dul
why llits position of Best? why is ho thus
recklessly irilling with tho nominations ofi
of the parly? Tho answer is plain and
simple. Judgo Alack and Bcaumonl aro
mere tools in tho hands of Rest, to do his
bidding, and can bo used by hhn for any
purpose, and when he has an object in
view ho cares not by what moans ho reaches
it, always acting upon tho principle, 'dial
llie ends justifies tho means.' O. 1). Licb,
is tho rpgttlar nominated Democratic candid
no, and Judgo Mack, is but a volunteer
candidate and susliin il by Ileal, without tho
least idea ol his election, but for ill 0
purpose of defeating Leib, and secure the
election of a whig cendidato, Can if ba no's
siblo ho will succeed in his treachery la tho
party! Wo cannot boliovo it,
lCT"Every man in tho Daiivlllo Interest,
both Whig and Democrat, will vole for An
drew Uoaumont, notwithstanding ho is an
out and out anti-protoclivo Tariff man; in
fact the most ultra of any man in the Slate
And why ? Rocatise ho has pledged hiiri
self against the Removal, This ia enougl
lo ensure all tho votes of bold patties even
tho vote of Mr. Cook, who asserted 'that
ho would neither vnlo for or support a loco
foco, or a Rorrioval man.' Yes, oven hi
vole will bo cast for Andrew Ueaumont,
I'arilT, Bank, Distribution, and all his fa
voritc measures will be considered as naugln
when brought in connection with his nppn
sitton lo Removal. Mr. Ross has iiwa)
been a protective Tariff mn. IIu is deeply
interested in iho success of iho Coal anil
Iron business, and yet tho Tariff men ol
Danvillo the iron men tho whins and the
lemncrats dcclaie Iheir doiciminntion to op
pose Ins election and voto for Beaumont, He
is as near a free trade man as man can be it
be an advocate of any Tariff hostile in all
Ins principles to the interests of tho Iwo
counties. 1 Ins shows iheir disposition.
I'liey will saciifice tho best interest of the
country, and their boet friends, in defeating
the Removal. Wlmi an honest set of poli
ticians timet; Danville gentlemen are.
vai party in io;io. uy Valentino ltest, to
secure the. election of' Frailey nnd Jackson,
in opposition to ihe Relnovid candidates.
Ho is playing the same game now, ilonoun
cing llie regular democratic candidate for
Senator, CEN. ROSS, as a federalist, foi
no oilier reason, than because he is a fiiend
of Reincvnl. Bes-t I ousted in 1030 of having
e e.'.ird Fraily Senator over tho regular de
mocratic candidate, and defealod llie removal
hy erj ing democracy Let every reuioral
man remember it, al iho Polls, and not be
again deceived by him, bulcisl their voteo
for ROSS and FUNSTON the Removal
candidates Remember that Ross and Funs
ton are both pledged for the removal, and
Ueaumont is pledged against it Voto ac
gCpWo once moro invoke our lemoval
friends lo voto the whole removal ticket on
Tuesday next. The ticket is a good one,
and is composed of honest, worlhy and
competent men. Ihe path of duly is plain
ind siiaight forward. Every removal man
who fuels an interest in onr grea'l realise
will bo contributing largely tu the 'triumph'
of ihe causo in iho election of tho whole
Removal Ticket. As a mass, the Danville
patty, whatever they may sav to ihe con
irary, will VOTE ONE TICKET. They
will induce evuiy removal mim, ihcy can, la
divide their voles upon Ihu opposite tickets:
and will even promise lo sustain eilher. to
suit you, to secure your voto for it which,
of course ihey do not intend to perform,
unless, indeed, it should be the one upon
which tluy huve agreed lo unile. Thai
ihey will cheat one or the other of tho op
posing tickets is no mistake. They
liavu done eo before they will do so again
Beware, then, of ihu promises of the Dan
villo parly. With iheiu,it is all for self.aitd
nothing for principle.
tC70dy ono half of iho townships in
tho' county were represented in tho mis
named county Convention that nominalej)
J-.iili'f Mack, yet the vvracioim Editors of
tho Danvillo Intellii'micer, and of iho Star
of the North, claim him to bo llm Demo
cralio for Congress Whal fol
7 IMM; i: vu'"" "est; says uar8gain( 10 ,s,, of , Ma, ,,,, of-pub
Lot all boar in mind on Tuesday next.
... l!loV , ,lBfiilIfl ,iin m,PS.inn. rnr ,.r
BgHiimi uio -oaio 01 1110 fliain Jiiuu 111
,in imnr(vpmPI1la. frnin pi.tudolnhi
' '
1 1 a to
Pittsburg, by their voles.
Ileing ourselves
decidedly opposed lo placing tho public 1m
provcincnts of iho Stale in the hands.of a soul
less incorporation of $20,000 000 capital,
we cannot too strongly urgo every elector in
cast his vnlo against tho sale,' and as the
lollowing from thcJunislla Times, express
es our views upon iho snliicct, wo exlract
it without any further remark :
" This is im important subject, and one
that dcscivcs great attention. Upon it liBtigi-
.1. .1 ! . . . , , 1, . ,
uio uosnuy oi many tiiousanu inuivitiuais.
If II is sold, wo will bo left in a worso situ
atioti than wo were before. Wo will have
a debt of '22 or 23 millions on our hands,
with nothing as an equivalent. This wi
will have to pay in soino manner. Our
taxes aro already too high, and if wo wain
to raise thorn higher, the selling of our Main
Lino of public improvements, will be the
very thing lo do it, Let every man, who
has tie least spark of State pride about him
overy one who has any reganl for the
purity of ihe clonlive franchise every one
who regards his own rights and those of his
lellow citizens vote AGAINS I this meas
ure. Lei them remember that if it is sold,
it will fall into (he hands of foreign slock
jobbers and capitalists, whoso influence A
incricans should avoid. l,et them remem
ber, that tho works aro in good condition,
and yielding a good revenuo to the State
ind thai under the present management of
llie people, they aro improving: and will
roiitinue to do an, ho long 73 the people
have the control ol lliem. I his being the
case, wo say votn AGAINS V the salo."
Wo have authentic information from Lu
zuruo, that Andrew Beaumont, is doing hie
utmost to defeat die election of 0. I). Lcib.
in connection wilh Judge Mack, and V.
Best of (his county. Samiuc! Collins the
snn-in-lnw of Andrew Beaumont was in tins
county on Tuesday laat to complete tho ar
rangements. A bargain has been made be
tween them, to sell tho democracy of tin
two counties, to advanco the election o(
Beaumont & Mack. A moro reckless set
of politicians wero never congregated to
geihcr. They aro determined to rule oi
ruin, and it depends upon the democracy ol
the two counties whether they shall be sut
ccssful in their trear.hnious gamrs. The
now boldly act upon tho principle avowed
by Valentine Best, that, "WE ARE NOW
LECTION. Are. thn people of tho tw
.Jcojmiiianrfjia1"l -J"-
rrnlin,jTill they submit lo hai
ve it proclaimed frnu
ihe liouso (op that lliey can bo bought am'
sold like cattle in the market? Tho resuh
of the election, wc trust, .will a!iow to iln
world that the democracy of this district i-
made of firmer and ol belter sluff. Besl.
Beaumont' and Judge Mack will ho rebuked
by Ihe people, as purr as tho election dnj
arrived. We know Iih dfniocracv of tin
tibtlict too well (o doubt il.
The Danville faction has grown desperate
thoy'aec that they are doomed to a blast
ing and bitter defeat j therefore ihey are pro
diicing all sorts of calumnies against ihe re
moval candidates, and individuals of tlio ro
mcvnl parly, lo saye themselves, and wc
i i. . t . , . i i ,
iiium iuuiv uin iur inq oasesi laiseuoous
prior in tli o oleciion. Wo forewarn out
friends against llie in. The best way is to
disbelievo them all to pay no attention lo
diem to treat them aa thev deserve, with
Removal men, Rally, to Iho Polls, on
TiR'bduy next, and cast your votes for Rosb,
Fuu'sion, und the who'e of the Removal
Picket, and they will be elected by a
triumphant majority. Rally, iheh Rally.
Bent, with his usual recklessness, of the
truth, asserH, that bul fifteen persons al
londed a meeting in Wilkesbarre,, for the
ratification of the nomination of Gen. Ross.
Phis a deliberJte & wilful false
hood utlerod for effect in Ibis county. Wo
have been informed by those present, thai
tho meeting was attended by morn than
one hundred of the sterling Democrats ol
die Borough of Wilkesbarre.mid who weie.
all enihus'usiic in Uh favoi, and dclormined
to secure his election. So murh for tho
truth loving 'falsyficr of the record' of the
Danville Intelligencer.
Il is an insult for tho Danvillo nartv
lo ask a Removal man lo tmunurt uithur
Judfu Mack or Audicw Hoaumonl,
volunteer candidates as ilu y aru, and
pleilgetl ngaiust iheir interest. And no
man, unlust ho has ihu imnnduiico
iho "imwlvd turse,1' would have tho
face tu Uo ;o.
GEN. WlhLlAM S. ltOSS.
This sterling Jeffersonian Dbtnocarl,
is no.w boforo (ho Democratic party of
tilts Senatorial district, ns tho tegular
nominated Democratic candidate foi
Statu Senator, and a 'better and mori
popular sulcction could not tiavo been
made. JJuloved and respected by ul
who kmw him firm and consistent in
his Demociatic principles honest ami
honorable in all Ins dealings wilh hit.
neighbors his word consider as noou
as his bond in all is transaction 'in
fuel an honest man, and not a Iriinining
politician; but an advocato of all (he
(4rcalinteresl of Ihe peoplunt laric,lioin
principle, and not from sycoph uio) .
Ie will receive tho largest inajnil)
over given to any candidate in tins dis
trict. And who is ii competitor?
Andrew Ueaumonl, who has been in
office for Ihe last thirty yerj,nnd who
has made himself rich 1'ioin tlu eioU
ol parly and who has boxed the compass, 1
as ofien as he could make it suit In
interest. An Adams man during hU
administration, and only left him, on Ihe
eve ol the oleciion of 1829, when he
found llie current was tunning strong
for Gen. Jackson. Since then, lie
has opposed tho regular Democratic
nominations of Iho county more limes
I lino he has supported thorn, and now,
in defiance of the action of the Senatorial
Coiifeicrs, he is himself running agains
the regular nominations of his parly,
in conjuclion with Judge Mack, a vol
unteer candidalo for Congresn. And
yet Ueaumont, iu declared by Best, to
ho a sterling Domoorat. A lit assocate
for Iho "imported horse," that can
pucCftrot or canter, to'suit his employ
ers, audi a man cannot, nor will not
be elected Senator in this district, after
he becomes kown.
fC?"Tho Danville fiction with llest
ind Montgomery, at Iheir head an
now great sticklers lor Uemorralic
nominations and Democratic mon. They
forget that last fall, they sustained a full;
whig ticket in this county, and gave a
large majority in the township of Ma
honing for Ihe whig candidalo for Con
grcts & for tlio whig candidate for Canal
Commissioner, when there was a largi
Uemocratic majority in that township.
They then sold themselves lo get volet.
igatnsl tho Uemovul ticket, and tine
year Ihey will sell their souls lo rffeni
tho same object. Let the Removal
men beware of them.
To tine Polls
On Tuesilaynext, to ihe' Polls, and caai
i t ,1R rc.mnv.1l intk nt I-"
nothing prevent you.1 Tako your neighbor
along wnh you. Let no man etay at home.
die sin-rets of the queoiion depends upon
iho election or GEN. ROSS and MR
FUNSTON. If ihey aro elected, the re-
moval takes placo next winter. If thoy arc-
(leleatcil tlio linen last vnnrn hilmr nr. I.,ei
The Danvillo partv know litis, therefore
their desperate opposition. Il is theii death
snuggle. May 11 be fatal to them.
On .looking over our repurt of the pro
ceedings of the Democratic County Con
vention, wc observe that wo omitted the
Resolution appointing a standing committee
for iho year ensuing. Wc therefore, now
publish it.
"Resolved Thai Michael Fornwald.
Charles F. Mann, L L. Tate. Joh.a Laza.
rus and Samuel Kisner be ihe Democratic
Standing Comiuiiteo for die year ensu
The reckless 'imported horse' of the Dan
villn Intelligencer, publishes ubout two
columns of falsehoods and misrepresent.
lion in roViiion to tho aetion of the Con
grcssional and Senatorial Oonfejces, and
vents his spleen at die Democratic Conven
lions of both counties, because ihey would
not recognise him mid Judgo us tho whole
Democratic party, of the district. What a
a being this 'imported horse' is, since he
showed his nbcl.
(T'PTwo vcara acn. John Tl TT!,I.,..
was !acel unon the Hnnmvnl mut nni!.
Removal licUol as n candidate for Com
missioner. Hest, finding that he could
not use liitn against his friends.on thoday
of Iho election, sliuck him from the
ticket und ho received butfivo votes in
Danville: cause whv. Rdmir iv nlu.t
ed for Removal. Others in their turn, ore
bound lo ba Heated in tho samu faith,
less manner.
Vnlmlmi. Itn.i l-.ll . nl...i ......
- - "" mini uiium siiauiining
tho Democratic parly, and Democratic
eandid.iles.This conies with an ill grace,
from tlui . wli.i I1.10 I..,. I
M, II.IU Olllllll u
w.r 11 niil it 11 ji
w... uuiiuruii Mii uytng at
Danville, llm C!,io (in.. n, ir
" a iJiiiMJurg,
illltl nl lli, ei,vw, I...... n.l
. ...w nun., .in 0L.11 uig tue
rc-elec.liiiM nf .tnlm rl' :.. 1....1. . ...
. ., 111 uuiii pjricrs
II Mil. '.I .. ....... t .1 ... 1 '
..,. ,,uiu wi;uioi;iai,iuo "iiiipotted
I ift r Oil tml.ll Li '
M. Qrangeville an Saturday Oct., IdA
PlirsUant to n nnllrA. a mnnl'mrr nt
frinniU nf Polk nml ll.illdj warn liuhl .1 ,l..
house of George Seiple, in Onngevjllp, on
riiursday evening Soplember Iho 'JQth.
inst. Tho meeting was organized by ca.
ling Emasuki. LAZArtus Esq., o tho Chair,
.mil .. S (Toodt, Secretary, after which
llle object of the mooting being Slated by
mu i iusiuuiii, 11 whs a green 10 noiu a
l Orancovillo on Saturday llm lOih nf
October next, at which timo ilii-rn trill
The (ollowinu cummiilRO wero appointed
cary iho same into effect.
Committee nf Jir
Welch. Ahiifir R I Ai.i.LI,n.,.u
Ijcnjtmin ilayman and William Fiestcr.
Committee of Invitations. V.. G.
Rickets, Esq., Lamu.ol Fornwald and Jcssd
Mm Pole will bo raised precisely al
o'clock, A. M.
J. S. Woops, Secretary.
Sept. SfJlh 18-M.
Wc staled in our last, that Valentino
Besl, publicly asserted that 'We aro now
going lo leave our coals at home, and tako
our purse with us till the election.' In hij
extra, ho insinuates that the assertion is not
true, but he daro not publicly deny il. Wo
challenge hint to deny having made uso of
die expression: and if he docs, wo will
prove il by n good and competent witness,
one who will bo bclievtd in preference to
the rockless, 'falsifier of tho record,' toe tha
mark, Mr. Dest. We again daro you to
the contest.
JCTVo undersland that Judgo M'ack
Jcclares it to bo I inlemrif riinre todrink
one glass of brandy. How would a
ttulK a dozen ilo Judge? would it not
mil your ideas of temperance better.
(fJGen. Ross, is tho cry from all
cciio'iyof ihe county, and from appear
inces will ondoubtly have lOOOmajurily
here. This added lo 1500 ma
jority in Luzerne will give him iho
handsome majority of 3500 over his
auti land' competitor A. Deauinont.
(jJnthn Removal Convenlion.nine
leen dlslrhl wero rrpipypoied, and hut
clc.vcnin the onti ilcmovai Con venlioii,
and yel Hest talks about Ihe Removal
paily being a mere faction. Straws
shows which way Ihe winds blows.
The Election of next Toesdav decides-
the question whether tho removal question
hall be settled noxt winter. Thai depend
wholly upon the election of tho Removal
hckel. If it in elected tho county is forever
after freed from iho strife and confusion
created in consequence of its agitation, anfl
wo, therefore call upon f yery well wisher
to the pence and prosperity of the county,
without tegurd to party, to vote the removal
licket.ihal this long vexed question may bo
put nt rest. If Ross and Funston is eleelcd
llieie is no doubt of it, Lei evet v man cast
his vole accordingly.
ICT Judge Mack is called a talented man
in the last Danvillu Intelligencer. This ia
the greatest bore wc havo heard of lately,
Judge Mack a talented man 1 Oh, Oracky.
Easton.Sept. ,.2'I 184'L
Dear Sir ;
I understand thati a certain
promising whig, who spqnl&PPmotimc
in our county, a month or two ago, and
during his stay have frequently, edified
his friends by delivering cool whig
speeches; is trying to make Iho people
of your county believe that hero in
Northampton, great changes are taking
placo in favor of Clay, and even coinir
so far as lo nay that our iiohlo old county
win go lor ino federal candidates.
This is of the Coonish syslcm of elec
tioneering deceiving tho People. iVow
I wish to inform you,nnd Ihro' you tho
poople of Columbia county, (has there is
nol a one wnrd of truth in any such
reports, and you may set down any ono
as a falsifier who spreads them. North
ampton go for Ciay? Hah! Why she
urill fril.f "Piltr nr..l It. II. - I
... j,. . v. , um mil Manas, a larger
majority than she'ever cave toGen.Jack
son. Such are iho prospect here.
Jrours Iiuly.
0. P. Q.
Increase of Property in Boston. In
Boston citv an inereuso nf A? nun onn
the assessment value of properly has been
uiuuu nun jtar, unu tno rate pi taxation ie .
of course less, bcinir
3icad of SO 20.
Gen. Markle attended a recent eoon meet
ing al Butler. He was call op for speech
.nriicil frnin liia com I l.r...l....l l..- i
- " iiidiii;ii ins llllir
from his fori'linad. ami r.. I ..I
, """.hiiicu inn iiiiiu
saying nothing, The effect was tlec.