ly necessary that he (Mr. R ) should the .Democratic parly, and said that to J Mr. Fj.enniken, of Fayclle, offorod say a word, hut as thn intimate personal doubt success inauch a glorious conflict jilic following resolution, which was un (ml nolilical friend of ilio lamented Mr. Muhlonborgdio desired thus publicly to express his sentiments, and with the permission of Iho Conventionale would bn nlcascd to have his name recorded would bo to arraign the justice of an uiimotisly adopted overruling Providence. Resolved, That this Conversion ap On motion John M. Read, omnia., prove most heartily of tho nominations it. i. iicniiiKon,nenry weisn, j. in made by (he National Convention held .Fum.nice, baml. Kerr, D.iniel Christy, I in May last, at Baltimore, for President up6n the minutes as the seconder ol ihc Lyon L,emborger wercappoinlcd a com and Vice President; and we pledge our resolution lie did this lor the purpose tntttco to report an address, selvos, each to the other, to support of showing to tho Uonvenltou.ns tar as un motion, Mr. J. i. Jones, mr, said nominations by every fair and it could be done, the determined scntl-Gilmore, Mr. Jones of Allenghcuy, honorable means in our powei. mcnt of the friends ofMr. Muhlenbeig, Mr. IJcalty and ftlr. Orcacrall, were Gen. PunviANCE, of Butler, moved to support with me Utmost, zeai ami ap poinieu a :ammmee 10 iniurin .ir. inc lollowinc, which was adopted vieor. the nomination to bo mado to Shook of his nomination. Resolved. That the resolution hereto day; and ho asked all those who nan iir. head, uom mo committee on i0ro passed by this Convention, limiting united with him in prelernng, original- uiurcss, reporieu me lonowing, which line numoor ot delegates, in lulure, to ly; Mr. Muhlenberg's nomination, to on motion ot iur. jones oi Allegheny, 100 members, bo and the same Is here- cive a unanimous vote for l'rancts U was unanimously adopted: by rescinded. Shunk. This was a duty which we To tlic Ucmocrats oi X'eiiiisyt-I Un motion of Mr. WmoiiT,tho thanks owed to the Democratic party, and ni vuui.-i : lot the Convention weio tnndeicd to was due to the highly honorable and Fellow cilizetis : Our beloved Muh-the officers for the prompt and efficient worthy man; who would no dotiot re- lonberii is no more! In the midst of discharge of their duties ceive the unanimous nomination ot this apparent health, he was stiuck by the Un Motion of Mr. Love, the Conven Uonventinn. hand ol Death, and in a lew short hours (ton adjourned sine die, with six loud Mr. W IMG UT of Luzerne, said iMhiti f.imily lost a revered parent, and ind hearty cheers for Polk, Dallas and was well known that lie tiad tieen in' Pennsylvania one of its most valued ahunk Adjourned. (Signed by the officers. "TnUTII WITHOUT FEAIl ' BJtTVIlUJlY, SKl'T 14, 1811. warm and decided fiiend in the 4th ofKnt virtuous citizens. E ninont alike March Convention of the illustrious for public and private virtues, for hi man, whose death had oecn announceii patriotism and stem inlegiity, hie sound I ashotltimo ago in this Convention. cear sense .and his enlarged views oi That distinguished man was his first State and National policy, for an ex- choke, and the first choice of the county panded benevolence, and true Christain he icprcscnted, but death had removed Charily, he has left, in his well earned him from amongst us, and he wished fame, a rich legacy to hischildren,and a now to assure this Convention, mat ne I 0ble example to the youth of his na and the original mends ol ftlr. lwunten- (jvo Commonwealth here would ro as far as ho who went nv (hjs dispensation of Providence. farthest In support of Francis R. Shunk the Democratic parly of Pennsylvania and the principles of Iho democratic ,as l,oen deprived of its chosen leader party. The gentleman who had been at me coming election, and it has this named had nearly an equal number of jay devolved upon its representatives, votes with Mr. iluhlenberg in the 4th :n (ie exercise of their delegated powei of March Convention and now the in fill his nlacc bv the selection of anoth- friends of Mr. Muhlenberg would unite er candidato for the offico of Governor GrEORGE M. ALiIiASo AVHh the friends ol Mr. Shunk in giving 0 i)e Keystono Slate. The task has FOK GOVERNOR, to him the unanimous nomination of this 1PPn nn asv one. The unnucstinnm! Convention, and the whole democracy 8CC0IU1 choice of this Convention at it, FRANCIS R SIIUNK. of tho Commonwealth would rally to mGetinir. on the 4ih of March last. Ms support and elevate him to the Ex FRANCIS R. SIIUNK, of Allegheny, ccuiive cnair uy an ureiwiiciuuug "'" has been already marKeu out by the jority. tpontaneous voice of the Democracy, Mr. MtAbU said that ne Knew no as ,he SUCCessor ol the lamented Muh- FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES I. FOLK. VICE PRESIDENT, Canal Commissioner. JOSHUA HARTSIIORKE. PRESIDENTIAL man as the original of any candidate. eberg, and his unanimous nomination Wilson McCandless, I l ..1.1 I . . . . . . ...I ' yve were an uemocrais, anu we snouiu ov this body Is but a solemn and nub c Asa Dimock. . . I .1 1 - . ' - . . ... - I ' not oe Known Dy any outer tiisunciion. ra, ;ca, on 0 ihe expressed will of the He; to be sure, had been originally fav people. orable to the nomination of Mr. Shunk Of German descent, and a nativo of but when Henry A. Muhlenberg was ,,e Democratic county of Montgomery. nominated, no mao went into his sup- Mr. SIIUNK has been always dis- ELECTORS' Senatorial Representative. port more warmly than himself, and he knew that the distinguished gentleman would have known' no man after his election as his original friond,or origin if ol opponent. nis course nereioiorr 'had proved this assertion to be true, & hence it wss that he had So many warm and ardent friends. Mr. iMuhlenbergine is'iulimatclv and .hraoiicallvicauaint-hr TCTTIlOr A T. the descendant of revolutionary Ujlh the resources and wania of the linguished for his strict adherence to republican principles;and in the various public tiusls which he has so faithfully filled for the last thirty years, by hi. (entire devotion to the best interests of lihe people. Honest, firm sagacious and patriotic, 1 George F. Lehman 2 Clirutian Kncns 3 Wm.H. Smith 4 John Hill (Phil.) 5 Samuel K. Leech G Samuel Camp. 7 Jess Sliarpc 8 N. W. Samplo 9 Wm. Ilcindcnrich 10 Conrad iliuncr 11 Stephen Baldy 12 Jonah lircwatci 13 Georco Schnable 11 Nathaniel It. Eld led 15 M. N. Irvine 1C James Woodburn 17 Hugh Momgomcry 18 Isaac Aiikrny 10 John Mathews 20 Wm. Patterson SI Andrew llurkc 92 John M'Gill 23 Christian Myers 24 'SobcitOrr was TICKET, ASSEMBLY, pairioia as iiu luuiacii uumu icau uommonweallD, and peculiarly qualihed iv. His veneral father, the Rev. Mr. kv hi rlm nnrl .licm.innato ipmmr. Muhlenberg, wore the cocked hat of the lis cear fudement and lone nubia- THOMAS A.FUNSTOK'. revolution to the day ofhis death, and training, to discharge the high and lie ftlr. jj. nauseen tne otu veteran run-,mpor,aI,t aMes devolved upon the ning to nis cnurcn uunng our secono lUhiel Magistrate of Tennsylvania. war of Independence to ring the beli A citizen soldier of the last war- lumsell, in honor ol our victories, when a discipleof Andrew Jackson heslands. there was noone at band to do it lor him. hledeed against a United Stales Rank in A T T t m . I.I 1 . o . . .T . js iiEWiir n. muiiLMiiBKu wouiu anv shane or lorm.e thor ae a Nat nna have known no one, except as a Demo- or Slate institutionand under his ad crat, neither would Francis R. Shunk. ministration, we can safelv assure out .Mr. S. had been the artificer, of his fellow-citizens. there will be no resnnri. own fortune; he had risen Irom a larm- ,ation of the bankrupt.Ritner monopoly. ter's boy a wood-chopper.and a school- which has broucht so much ruin.distress master, 10 ue me caiiumaie w me we- and deeradalion, upon a free and v r mocracy of the Keystone State, for the tunna nconle. Ifirst olfice in the Commonwealth, and We look with COMMISSIONER, FREDERICK M'BRIDE. AUDITOR, PETER KLINE. THE TICKET. Wo liavo the pleasure of announcing to our Rcmoral friends the nomination of THOMAS A. FUNSTON, Esq. of Madison, as a candidate for Assembly, Nobollor selccliun could have been made A farmer by profession and ptaclice, ho is well acquainted with the wants of the peo ple, and being a man of inlegiity and mlelli gence, tho utmost confidence can bo placed id him by his constituents. Hut above all lie is a firm and uncompromising friend ol Removal, and if elected; as ho assuredlj will bo, he will bo a strong advocate of oai righteousjeausc: FREDERICK M'BRIDE, tho candidate for Commissioner rcsidrs in Limestone, a farmer, and every way quali fied to perform the duties of the office. l'ETEU KLINE die candidate for Audilot,rcsides in the new township of Franklin east of the river. He is a good accountant and a thorough go ing business man. St"y We have been reouesled by Isaac Kline, Esq. and John Aiihenbauch, Esq. to say, thai ilicir names vycro published as of ficers of n meeting held in Orangevillc, on the '111) ins t. without their consent and a gainst their direction, as they were opposed lo a majority of the resolutions there passed and so expressed ibcinstlvcs in tho meet ing COLUMBIA COUNTY Delete Convention. Opinion Touching the impriionmm ofT. If. Dorr, Among others invited to attend the recent. Rhode Island Conven. In pursuance nf a notice of the Demo wero Ex. Presidents Jackson and Van laiio Standing Commillco of Uolumiiia Htircn. Neither attended, but both nt county, a Uonvcniion ot ucieaius, "" written communications, l-rnni tho letie r tho several election districts ot tlio rotituy ()f General Jackson we extract tho fu,v. uscmblcd at the house of Enoch Howell, pnrngrn,,, on Monday Sept, 0, 1811. ! f 1 understand the issuo presented m On motion, STEPHEN HALli i 9fl- die trial anil condomnalioii of Gn. iv. was appointed President, llKNUY Wiuiii, & 10 can liave diinmitlcd no offunco rxcep! W.M. G. HlSIIOf. Secretaries. inann cihiuhvuumB m iiierBuuu uiu uny,! On motion, the list oftownsips were eal- oy ' '"aiin, led over, and the following delet es ap- j,., on ,,, j,,,,,' prillriple whirl, pearod and produced their credentials. tluouult all Cmtsiilutions of the America?, Uloorn Henry Webb, I'etor but. Stales, tlranltng even that lie erred n( .. . ft l. Ilf A I ll.ii.iin Rlnnlinn lllln III .'111 J nillllltull. CttllCf ill rt'fi'f unno i.. uricr urcuK . rt. ""i r;" , .' . ,.. . . lu ww timo or lurm, n i uiinuuu iu coucrivc linwF 'ffl .i . ..i :..ii..... i . 'it; lliu severu jiumniiuivin niiiiuinu upon It t til YOUNG HICKORY CLUB Tho Club will meet on Monday evening Sept. l llh, at early candlelight, al the Acad emy in Hopkinsville; Turnout. l'hc regular meetings of the Club will hereafter be on cveiy Monday evening, al entire cnnfiilenpn tn the above place when elected, as he certainly would ine uiumnhant success of nnrr.anrliHat,. i... i. ...... 1. 1 l. i,n rs r .ul . '. . . . ' .' ,uC,j ne uu.u c u,D uuireiiiu! u, me an( we asli irom the honest men ot all A HICKORY pnl.R nartv. disrecardine all clinues and in-L.wiiui. .,irr .triguers, adhering strictly in all respects administer the eovernmenl wi.hnu. Of 150 fot high, will be raised al the to the established usages of the parly. rear. favor or aflpciion ' nml with -IBUCK HOItN, on Saturday afternoon, "With such a candidate, the column of ajnele eve to the welfare and hnnninfii Sept. 28. ..ajciuui.iuujf wuuiu uc ,usiicu uu u tvi ot ine whole community. iu ii viuiuiv iii uuiuucr ncxi. anu our i Ninnn n, rnrnr. ...... ; n u. n " . ' I UUI IUI IIICI IIJCVIIIIL14 I I I U UC I U MM H. K H H J W M M. M V. M M M. M enemies would be utterly overthrown, cratic National Convention at Baltimore IrUljlLiJJilbXiljAb, bilUWtt llr. njAUlV ol rilUO-lrg gave a live- has unanimouslv nominated JAMES ly account of the slate of fueling in All- K, POLK.of Tennessee.and GEORGE egheny county, said that he had been a M. DALLAS, ot Pennsylvania, as the .pukii.ui ui iiipi-ciiiiuu mm lyicr loo. uemocratic candidates for President and iriiti-iuas an ant -oanK man, and had Vice President of the United States auauu.H-., i i b w.nii party w.ui nunureus M-he nomination of these virtuous and ol his neignuours whenever they ascer- RiniPimfin lm. hn htln,l laineu uiai a iniwi caies uanit wav w lh the utmost enlhus asm n everv rne crvai measure or uie party with art of lhn TTninn. nnd ihn pIpm!. Which they had been acting. Uhirh hivn l.n .of-enilr held in Mr. HAURS mOtlOn Was then Car- Slln l.oi lh nnnrmnnc nnmr,.. ICJ"! have learned that a roporl is in cir eulalion in this county, that I received in 1838 from Francis 11. Shunk, tho Demo itratic candidate for Governor, a letter re questing me to get the Koiiian Catholics, that wero at that lime at work on the Catta wissa Rail Road, to cast iheir voles (or David R. Porter. So far from this report being true, I have never, cither before, at the lime spoken of, or since, received a lei ter from Francis II. Shunk, upon any sub ject whatever, nor am I personally ac- pjainlcd with him. JOHN ACHENDACII. Orange, Sept. 10, 1814. ARTHUR'S LA DIE'S BOOK. We have received the first number of this valuable cheap inontlilv miscellany, which is well filled with interesting articles mostly original, sell worthy the attention of the readers of Periodical literature. It uontajns 48 pages, and i3 neatly got up and handsomely printed. It needs no oilier re commendation, than the name of the well known editor, to give it an extensive circu lation. This number is illustrated with iwn beautiful plates, the ' Citidel of Kingston 'rom the St. Lawrancc,' and ' Phoul a I'hoco, near Killarnv.' Ii is furnished on the cheap terms of two dollars per year' We would recommend it to the notice ot our friends. Mansfield. Catlawissa Stephen U.ddy, John Sincck, tjoirv Jacob Riddle, John F. Derr. FialiinfT (Jreok John Ljzjius. Daniel Stuckcr. Franklin l'ter Kline, Reuben Knilllc. d Oiddli'C- W Moiris, John Barrett. Hemlock Isaac Liedy, John Shoemaker, Jackson James Yocutn.John Mcllcnry.jr r imncinnn Hi. nun Westinan. rlllllP U..K.UV " ... w ... . . . , Riinyan. Madison James Allen, Samuel Kisncr. lonteur Peter Rupert.John Dielurick. Maine Jacob Umslcad, John Kuefer. Mahoning Iram Derr, Clrirles Conner. Ml. Ploas,aut John Munlon, ir. William Snyder. can be justified, In the letlci from Mr. Van Burcn, we find tho following: 'Willi no motivo to look upon fW s Door s case in any ninrr man imp irttal Imi.i I ft I am consiraiued to regard it as one of on. & prcssinn, alike sevcro, liumiliaiing ami un. just. 1 cannot, tliereloro, do otherwug than wish siicccsf, caincst anu sineeielv, tj i all efforts of the character you have desrrtb. ed, which may bo made for his lelcasc.' The dividing in all movements of i ... , . revolutionary enaracicr is so very narrow. 1 thai sucn expressions as tne above aro Ml limcnso value lo the individual ulujc.j chance or prejudice may have placed upon the criminal side of Ilic division. I'll. I ibovo paragraphs aro from very disiingiiKh Orange John Auchenbauch, Isaac Dowitl. e( sources, nnd will, as they should, go r r I Paxton Conrad Brodbender.llenry bliell Roaring Creek Anthony Dengler, Win G. Bishop. Sugarloaf Ezekiel Colo; David Lowis. On motion tho Convention proceeded to Snllnl f.irn rnndiilalo for ConL'res. wllluh wuv " . - 0 resulted as follows : Owen D. Leib had 27 votes Hendrick B. Wright 10 votes John McReynolds 1 vote John M'Roynolds name, by hia request was withdraw previous to voling. The fo owinu reso uitons wore then in fj iroduccd and passed, IFhercas, Columbia coun'y, is entitled to tha next Congressman from this district. therefore. Resolved That Iram Derr and George the Conferees to meet the Demo crattc Conferees of Luzerno and Wyoming, at Wilkesbarre, at such lime as shaM be nreei unon between thom. to lix upon a B I " candidate to represent this district in Con cress, with instructions to insi3l on the nomination of Owen D. of Columbia county, in said Convention. Resolved That Henry Wehb. and in forming posterity's judgment of trance tton now a mutter ot uisiorv. FREE TRADE. Mr. Clay, in a speech delivered in ilu Senate, March 23, lSdS.llius discourse! an Free I rade. 'What is free trade? Does it mean a" trade between two nations, with freedom! on one side and all sorts of res'riciion, , on the othui? Is that frco trade? Or does it mean a trade with absolute free- lorn? that is, with no duties at all, ir ; very low duties and rniial duties on i both side...?' If that is the Senaloi ' nicir- ion, 1VEHSAI. FREEDOM 01' THADU ESTAIIMII kd over the face of the wholu e.inli.' I will not stop todisiuisi the qir. I SHOULD HE GI.AD TO SEE IN C7 We would call iho attention of the public to tho advertisement in another column, announcing a Zoological Exhibi lion on Friday the 20th inst., in this place. I ho collection of living animals is one of the most extensive in the United Slates. The Hon. Silas WrTght, has been unani rnously nominated as a candidate for Go vernor of the State of New York, and ac eepicd. His election is beyond a doubt. AND DEBIOCBAOYo Urain of upwards of 05,000 over Ihi Grand Democratic MASS MEETING OF THE STAR 0F THE NORTH, AT BLOOMSBURG, PA. On Saturday the 2st of September. RALLY, FREEMEN, RALLY. ried by acclamation. Line nomination was immediately ..lections of 1840, and arc sure harbinc united on Uapilal llHl, by i htrteen rs of the great Democratic triumph lllounda of Connon. which u wails us November next. Mr. SMI Ml of lleiks moved that the Our candidates are true Americans in uiemLeis of the Convention pledge enliment and in principle. They will themselves lo support the nomination not charier an United States Bank, of Prancis R. Shunk, and called the which they hold to be unconstitutional, yeas and nays, which stood Yeas 127, uexpedienl and dangerous,' becaust JNays o. mr. niftiatt movcu inai ucorgc ion inseparaDly united with her aristoc- Hemlock, Derry, Berwick, Caltwlssa and Jiremer, the man that cried aloud when racy, her national deb: and standintlMahoning. Come one 1 Come all I will dflenry Olay deserted Democracy, and timy nor will they ever sufler Tcxae your legions strong nnd true 1 defeated Uld Hickory in 1884, bo invit- ind Oregon lo, he wrested from us by lC?"Hon II. B Wright, B. A Bidlack ed to take a seat be6tde the Presidenl ofjBrilish arms or British diplomacy. u- 11 Burkalew, J. O Rhodes and Siownit tho Conventtcn. When Mr. Kremei Jiattling with us in this great Action- 1 c"0?' ' ore epecieu to oo present anneared he was creeled with thret il contest is thn Old Hero of W,iv fir.fanaJuu,l,M ,!ie ansemmy. hfiPM. lean. With tvlmm l,i. rnlBrl fll,. "jB"'n0 31 13 o'clock, M. .Mr. M. addressed tho Convention inlcitizens will Brliii, nc ,,lnriniis n will. 1 OLL .,f...!,i.i.. .i .iL, ' ..:...... . . - ne uised. v Biraiu oi icrviu cicijuuiii;u, ui'ticrioin): i vitiuiy ai nis ia 1 1 III 11 1 soiuters UIU 8 . .. . ... someone, come all 1 lo the rescue Rouse 1 Rally for the cause of Democracy your country and vour riuhts 1 Awake Jiid come from the nines of eallant Gicen wood, bugarloaf and Jaekson l Arouse rom Orango, Fisbinccreek, Briercreek Madison. Mniltonr nml Ml. I'lnnnnnl will .nonarcnicat Cingtanu nas sucn an instil- your hundreds of iron hearied souls. Come feet high will Henry Clay as the man who put up tin military triumph, on the 8th of Janu- rrestdency for sale and strurk it oir to I uy, 1815, when they preserved the the highest bidder. lie also referred J "lieauty and Booty," of the Southern to uie enthusiam existing throughout uitMropohs Irom the arms ol savages y iiouuuy in iavor oj uie nominees o'l'iirenug soiuiery. By order of the Committee. Bloomsburg, Sept. 12, 1844 The election in Vermont, has terminated as usual, in favor of the whigs. Wall, i. Y , lourlepn vh:iij ol rfiri" j wi is said, five hundred nnuniln Shu was unqut'Mi.inahly ihi- n.o-i r. ... . s . inaiKaiiic inManct ol'y i, it em d. IJor remains have hetn c i her ft tend."'. TO PREVENT SMUT IN WHEAT. Take one gallon of water for each bushe' r l . t,M . . . . i wuuai. mcn ii ncgius to Don, add as nunh fresh lime as will make it as thick as ointnon whitewash, then mix it with seed wheat, boiling hot. ror convenience in tne preparation, put your wheat ou a floor, and make a hollow place in the top large enough lo contain all the tune vater, set a bench or someihinf' icross the heap ol wheat, to lay the vessel containing the linio and water; pour it boiling hot, tho bolter iho better. Mix as quicK as you can with a shovel or two It will bo fit for sowing in a few hours, and may be kept for weeks without the least injury lo iho seed. (C7 I ho experiment has been made by several of llio farmers in Springfield, Ohio foi several years with good eiTect. Georgd W- Morris, be the Senalonal Con ferees to meet, similar Conferees from Luz erne, at such time ami place, as snail uc greed upon between them, to place in nomination a Senatoii.d candidate from ibis district. On motion, the Convention thou pro- cceded to nominate a candidate for Ah scmbly, and on ballotinji. THOMAS A. FUNSTON: of Madison township was declared unan imously nominated. On motion tho Convention proceeded to assemblage, was ot couise attiacled. nominato a candidate for couniy Commiss ioner, and after halloaing. PRIZE BANNER. FREDERICK McBRIDE. At the great Democratic meeting held at rr! . .... . I ..:.. l. . I'1'rnr.ln.. M T M'l I.... I..... .1... V.,. I 01 Ijllliubiuuu waa ucuuicu uuuiiimjuusi y i iit.u.i, ii. o. uu i iiuisuhv i.ibt, iiiu nominated. York delegation assured the Ponnsylvanii n iin ,i. n.nnvnn,;nn nrnr.nn,u, ""'cgaioB mat ine lmp-re Slate would gits v' I a arn-cr ma nr iv for lnrv n,l tlmii !!. 1 1. I I O J J J(j(iau io nomtuaie a canuiuaie iur auuiioi anu 'onnav vama r.mild !. nn,i ,,a-,n, if in Large JJiiuness Business lias becom o pressing at tno Uns'.om House, that th uterus aro ordered lo thoir posls nn houi earlier than usual. On Tuesday H50 en inos were made. Meantime the export ol icuiu id going on urisKiy. tfWiU.OOO have gono out t'lis month, and the packet of tin I'iua uiuitino UUI CMIIII.I III II mnrn The amount of money on deposit here on mo iii msi. io ine credit of the U. State was o,a7i,uao. Courier. i tie nurnDcr of Methodist preachers in the Ul ited Ktatos and Tuxas, exceeds thai oi uic siaiiutng army of Pic United Stales. DEATH OF THE FAT GIRL. The Lowell Advcrlisersays that hwl Vanvalkenbui g, the coloied cnl, wliol has been in that city ou exhibition loi ii few days, died at hor lodgings on AI r- riniack Mieel last Wednesday cveiui j; ' Mie was dfnosed but a short lime, ire not informed of diea-o. She was we her the natini' h a native of N Te.mj' A hi and D ii ' ALihS Meeting w.i! held at Swaiiii.-c Massachusetts, the bill of late an'.. . Iced was as. follnwb: A caivo cf e n 1 cargo of o sters, 1700 loliitei.s 10UO hiesli fish and Irimminizs A very 1j i of Franklin was declared unanimously nominated. On inoiion, it was Resolved' That the nomination ol J. K. POLK and G. M. DALLAS, by ihc Na lional Convention, receives our cordial ap probation, and that we will civo them our united and hearty support at the coming election. Resolved That tho nomination of F. R SHUNK, as our candidato for Governor, will bo ratified at tho ballot box, bv some 20,000 majority of iho electors of thi Commonwealth, as an act of instico to hit. wortli and talents. Resolved That wo will sustain tho tick et this day formed by all lionorablo and fair moans. Jicsolved I hat the proceedings be signed by tho officers and published. STEPHEN BALDY, President. He.niiv Weiih, W. . BISHOP, J did not, lo present iho Pennsylvania delepa ' tiou wiin a nanusume nrize banner llio Pennsylvania Delegates accepted the offer mil agreed in present a similar banner''!!! the Now York delegation provided the ma jority for Polk and Dallas in the Keystone; Stl.ln nr., nvniw.,! l.n. .1.- r.. ..... I Stalo r'i Wo assure our deinocralic friends in N York, if ihey expect io get ihc banner.ihey will havo lo cxeit themselves Ualess ue are greatly nihlaken tho ainjority for Poll! 'tui uaiias in this mate will not tail ut .hort of 20,000 American Sentinel Tho Democrats ol Unitv townsiiio. West moreianii county, ihc home of Mnrkle, rc eently lield an immense public nicciing.nul uanitiiousiy passed the following resulu tiou : .'Cioufn''rhat as tlio friends of Gfli. Markle ask the people to vote for htm on the ground of principles, wo cannot sustair iitui. uceauso ho is hi faior of a National Hank, ol an assumption of the State Debts and of the various measures that character! zed iho old hederal, and now mark ihc mo dern whig parly The friends of MarlH'l must not bo offended if wo lako them ai' their own words, and again condemn h Barro, in Massaehushlts, must he a vcr) I prii.cijilcs, as we once did, by a majority ulj healthy place. With a population of 3000 r 500 '" Westmoreland 1 there has uee n no death in the Secretaries, May .lib to August 15, nearly half months. town thrco from aim ai 7Vie Mexican Force. Of ihe ao.OOO men proposed lo bo marched ocainsl TexJ" 8000 are to be fiirnishcd by the deparimfH': l tivi,. 'l'i. r r .i.f ,.1 -.. a.i.i t.f i i .. . . .... iv. j uu viuvriiuir oi oaiuiiiii"j I t 17 ii w,e "HXRan '"tier, has applied lo Santa Anna for force lo cm' a l'rencl man. Ho wn fi.r .t.,i,i u i.:. . .t , ..... t ,n ii.n in.uin. f .t it . -'""" ;vh,iv nun iii nnvu on some American ctsu rV, ,V"!Ut,flllC L",lcd Sla,' under urani. lately ecillcd on ihe Rio BSeiA - iaento,