The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 14, 1844, Image 1

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    Thr Columbia hc.nur, a.
L. , .. .. , . . . " ' ' "-Aum
" I have sworn upon the Altnr of Goil, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mlud of Man." Thomas Jefferson
"JrV Volume VBI1.
BprosiTu'Sr. Paul's Cituncit, Main-st
77c COL UMlllJl DEMOCRAT will be
1 puhlinietl every Saturday morning, at
1 vV) )- ; '. i) . '. .......m
TWO nOLLARSmr annum vamiblc
half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars
rijtij Lents,ij not paid within the year
fA'o subscription will betaken for a shorter
f penotl than nx months; nor any tliscon
I tinuancc pcrmitted,unlil all arrearages
R arc diseliargul.
Wl'JiHTISEMEXS not exceeding at
square will be conspicuously inserted at
One Dollaror the first threeinscrtions,
and Twenty-five cents for every subse
quent nscrtion. liberal discount
made to those, who advertise by the years
ft M ''') U ,...-. I i
be post paid.
roti Tin: comimdia unmet at.
hVo liomv-l anil i-nndid come listen,
Bin! ri'iisuiijyuui judycincnl now sway,
IWhal liavo ih c Coons for llio counlry done,
llltil promise and never repay.
frcfuini and retrenchment they ctioutd,
aThrongh llio nation hy night and by day,
Uh! iler-cived by tlieir Crucudilu tears,
M'lio Democrats gnvo llicm die away.
I'lien swift with the broom of nnmivintinn.
Rliaingcr swept his Imndreil a day.
lid the other pattisan leaders,
tWith rheeefulness marched the snnio way
J.jcIi offices wns then quickly stiiiinioned,
i politics open must lay',
jAnd if they wero found Dnmooiatic,
frThen his life the foifeit munt pay.
sj'rom cellar to ganul each office
O'er which the Uubinct has sway,
Of Democracy cleanly was swept.
i'l'o this the conns dare not say nay,
The expense of llio nation was high,
Illy millions loo high did they say,
IHiil soon as thoy eamo into power,
JThu thought of retrenchment was nay.
j Tlius each pledge and each promise they
Stands plain but a falsehood to day,
And confidence- no more can they gain,
Fur who can believe what they say
the prosperity thauhey promised,
Like smoke Ins all vanished away,
And the overflowing treasury,
lias proved but a childs dreams of pi ly.
A change in llio administration,
lias brought men to reason they say,
And though tho coons shout for protection,
They cant protect Henry Clay,
The Tariff is all they can offer
AWu is tho Tariff theirs now say,
Va3 not the Tariff strongly opposed,
And that in tho Senate by Clay.
Tho Army tho Spoons and the Carriage,
lu eighteen forty bote great swiy,
lint such arguments are usoless now,
And carefully are packed away,
And rolreiickmciil too is out of date.
-Also roform has had its day,
And all tho Federal Coons can shout,
Is Tariff, Tariff, Tariff, Clay
Silent warning', silvery streak!
Not unheeded dost ihou speak,
Nut with feelings light and vain,
Nut witli fond regretful pain,
Look I on the token cent,
To declare ihe day far spent,
link and troubled hath it been
Soie mis used and yet between
, Gracious beams of peace and graco,
Shining from a better place.
Brighter brighter, blessed light!
East nnnroach the shinies nf mulil-
.V,Vhen they quite cnclosu me round,
May my lamp bo burning found.
'A'hc Student Revenge.
Poor J , for numerous sins of com
mission relative to hen roosts and poultry
yards, and omission concerning tecitations,
was expelled from IS college. Ho beg
ged and wept for mercy in vain: The
President was inexorable, and I had to
pack up and mako ready to leave. It was
a cold night in winter tho snow lay on
the ground to the depth of twelve inches. J
got his baggage into a sleigh, and at
1 1 o clock drove up in front of tho Presi
dent's house. Kapiiinc nretiv loudly at
the door, ho soon had the pleasure of see
ing the President's head emerging from the
window abovo.
'Vho'a therel' said the learned digni
I, sir J 1 if you please to step to
die door one moment, I will ask your pat
don for many offences, and mako you ac
quainted with a plot hatched bysoino of the
students for your annoyance.'
'Bless me. , what can it bp, but it it
very cold, and 1 am undressed '
1 will not detain you a moment; but for
vour own sake roino quickly I am watch
The President hurried down.
'Now, J , what is it?' he said, shak
ing villi cold, as ho opened tho door.
' hy, simply this, you old rascalshout-
ed tho enraged student, as he seized the un
fortune President, dragged him in front of
ihc house, toro from him his shiit and
plunged him naked into a snow bank.
iMurdcrl' shneked the President.
'Do you know,' said the student, step
ping his victim's m.iulh with snow, 'that a
cold ba'h in cold weather is excellent, pro
vided you are rubbed well.' And tho tn
xious solicitant for tho President's health,
lommonccil rubbing the body of the college
ollicial with snow Lvrry tune the,' Preni
lent attempted to civo the alarm his mouth
was filled with snow. At -tho end of half an
hour, the unfortunate subject of tho, opera
i on was nearly dead: the student thereupon
kicked him into the house; jumped himself
into the sleiirh. ami drove off amid the
heers of a Inrgo party of fellow students
vho had been invited to witness the sporl
The President threatened prosecution, bui
is all who heard the story, laughed, hi
thought it best to forget it.
Tho Uuff.donian says he would as soon
iry to go to sen on a shingle, mako a ladder
if fog, nhaso a streak of lightning through a
crab annlo orchard, swim' ihn rami a n(
Niagara river; taiso tho dead, stop ilii
tongue of a woman, or set Lako Erio on
lire with Lacifer matches, as to stop two
young tins from getting married when they
take it into tlieir heads to do so.
'My dear friend that woman has been
talking about you againl Sho has been
idling the awfulcst lies you over heard:
why she railed away about you for a whole
'And you heaid it all, did vouP
'Well, afier this just bear in mind, that ii
takes two to make a slander, ono tell it, and
one to listen to it.
'Hero, boy, hold my horse a moment.'
Does he kick?' 'Kick! no-1 'Does hr
bito!' 'Hue! no; take hold of tho bridle-'
lllino ,1 loln l,..n I,. I, ..1,1 1. iM I
.. ,nnu , j lu iiuiij lllllll
Then hold him yourself,' said tlio ur
'Your heel most be somowliat hotter. 1
ihink,' said a gentleman to a buxon lass,
who had a hole in tho heel of her stock
'Why so?' sho askoil
'Hecauso, Miss,' replied the gentleman.
I perceive il is getting out.
'You, are a coward,' said a low London-
to a poor country man who hat refused to
fight. 'No I beaut.' said Hie countryman,
I have nothing to do with cowst I am n
Pursuant In Ihn nail of thn Slain Can
tral Cnmmillpp. ihn dnlniralnsnf thn Dp
; a
mucratic Slate Convention, for Ihe notnl
inalion or a candidate for Governor, to
-uijny uiu puuG ui nit kiiiiuiiicu muu
.nniibiiui iiioi in ins wuun huuju, in
the borough of Harrisburg, on Monday,
jcpiuuiuci iuu wuiiYuiiiiuu wu sentimeni on tne subject. (Jf this not
nnllnl fn nrilnr at Ifl o'nlnnlf. A TVT. lull, I. t..l r . ...
.......... .v. . w.-w.., ... .... "nuic oiijuuw oi o uouui can or will up
the President. hub nested. As far a.t Pnnslilllllnrr llim
n'i... rn...: ii ii. it.:l.i
o n - -
scats as ofllcerg of the Convention
mo .ununiiiggciiiioiiicii iuuu uiuu
President :
lion JACOB FRY. Montgomery.
Vice Presidents :
Win, F. Coplan, Fjyello,
Alexander John.tonf Westmoreland,
GBorce Gilbert. P hi adehhia citv.
George Gilbert, Philadelphia city.
Ilcnj. Crispin, Phila. co.
Henry Welsh, York.
Gen. R. H. Hammond, North'd.
Secretaries :
Fjanois L. Bowman, Luzerno.
Franklin Vaneanl, Bucks.
Hon. JACOB FRY.Presidnnt of lh
Convention addressed the members as
f II v3 .
GF..vrr.r.MnvThn ! ivl,IM,
has made it necessary for the re-assem
bline of thi, Convention, is one both ex
1.,,i; i i I, 4 .
.rao.d.nary and melanclioly-cxtraord.
I. .bhs..,..d m.,.c,,o,y, uAs,
it has been brought about by the sudden
anu unexpected demise o one whnsi
memoiy is dear to all who knew him:
and ono in whose welfare, from the re
lations in which he stood to us, we had
a paramount interest.
.Little did we expect, when we separ
ated in March last, that time in its on
ward course slinnlil finmnnn til.iHf-t lin.r
dull of our Uborsj aVid little Ihdeeu"1 tllcf
1 expect, while on my return Jrom the
"t i i . .
convention, when tor the last time
Have llim the riirhl hand nf fellnwchin
and brotherly affection, that a few shoit
months should terminate his earthly ca
reer, and leave the counlry to mourn hi
loss that those eves which then beam
ed with cralitudo for the Irish honoi
conferred upon him, should so soon In
closed lorever that those hps wind
were then wont to exnress liiuli re era n
for every member of the Conveniion
mould so soon be sealed in death, liu
he decree had cone forih the sum
mons had issued and allhou'li apna
renllv in the eniovment of evii v panh
. . - j j -- j
v blessinii. and snrrounduil hv kimlcsi
friends, tho fell destroyer, as if waiting
ins opportunity, suddenly arrested hi m
and hurried him down to the nanow
cell, which he now occupies. Peace to
his ashes peace to Ins grave peace to
his memory.
II. A. Muhlenberg, tho nominee of
the Democratic party for Governor,is no
more; and it only remains lor this Uon the full and final discharge of
Ihe duiv for which we wero ori.nLl.v
the duly for which we wero originally
elected, now to supply his place.
Foitunately the task is no difficull
one. Public oninion. with .id
unanimity almost without a parallel, has
i i. ...
ureauy spouen in tones which cannoi
be misunderstood, who that man shall
be. Everv mountain and vallav .-VP
cy uiu anu nouseiop ec:ioos mo same
name; how much closer and strongei
must it not draw Ihe rnrda I Inn.,
rince uniled him with the Democracy of
. i. .. tr . ci-. . , , ., ...
'lie jveysione oiate; anu wnen tne ballot
boxes shall havo triumphantly ratified
ntir oroceedincs to mueli iIppi,
er and more abiding must he feel the
obligation resting upon him, to entei
(Idoii the discharge of his duiv wiib a
fixed delcrmination lo administer the
Government In Ihe best inlprplu ih..
liappiness and welfare of an honest and
confiding people.
Un motion of Mr. Rowley of Phila
lelnhia. it was rnsnl.!. ih. tt.i ,.f
lelecales be called ovPr. and
tials of subsjilutes received.
The list havine been called nr l,
ihe Secretaries, il appeared that every
county in the stale was represented.
m, ii . .. - '
i no lonowing tetter rom Ueo. JVI.
D.llas, to Judge J3ucher, and others,
was read, and ordered to be incornora!
ted with the proceedings ; '
Philadelphia, AukusI C, 1844.
: , .
uentlemen A professional engage
ipnl whieh I rannnt pnnlrnl will nr..
ment whieh I cannot control will pre -
vent my participating in tho proposed
Democratic mectinc at HarjUlinrir' .invf.
ted to welcome iho formal nomination
it our canilidatc tor the chief executive
Jilice ol the atatc.
I have said formal, realilv
4"Biaiii.i;, uiu iiuiiiiuaiiun nas airoa
u Lnn
ind subst 3llCCa tllQ nominal inn hnc almi.
- j ".. wjf muu wiiii wiioin rc-
Uidc tle unquestionable rinhl and nower
iiq maKC it wnen anu as lliey Dlease.
i i0 reopie ot Pennsylvania have loud
y spoken their prompt and harmoniou
,. , . ,. r
miiq cantituato ol tne urpuhlican ratty
is involved, it may justly be averred that
ihe prevailing populaj unanimity ren-
ilered it unnecessary lo re-assemble the
convention, and.lhal Francis R. SnnNir
has been for some lime and from Ihp
L , for J; JJ
iir 1 . ' -
higesl authority, designated Ve facto el
SVe have reason to reioice in llio cnn.
... . .. j
1 1 1 1 on 01 OUT llnlllirq. ivltnn an corimit
ind sudden a loss as that nynprinnrml in
he deplored death of Ilonrv A. Muli-
lenberi: can be thus immprli.itnli :m,
thus fully sunnlied. The Tact is cln
quent of union, of ccnerous anI eur li ,
"I'nce.ot an entire abtence of sin iH
. - o ...
.Cal. ?r Persona! jealousir-s, of .. hiuj,
uevouon to lite cause and a Dearly ivi I
10 mainiain h. 1 lie Keystone IJ.-m... I
cra ' so emboa.eU and so anima.,,l.n,.v
r have 0ee". an W!M be ,1, fl!"1-"
ijovernor anunu will ai i uce, in rnn-
firmalion nf lis nn,.,r.1.
'T , vpr To
Mr. Shunk lone and well, anil m Iiuvh
noted the unstained purity of his private
life as well as the manly patriotism ol
his political career. I cannoi be mista
ecn in the conviction that he richlv dp.
serves the whole-souled backing of eve
ry one of us, that is ono whose creed is
Jeffcrs jnian. of everv ono who nrofsspR
the faith for which.ic has vigorously and
cunsisienuy, anu .gcncrousiy,and always
battled. N') firmer morals than his nn
nonester purposes :no deepcrsense of the
ooiigations oi puonc uuty : no mote un
irinc industry : no clearer intell
no wider experience in tho business- and
wants ot this uommonwealth , no purei
lemocracv! Ha is fit forthp. oiTipp. fii
- t v - - j -
for the occasion, fit as a statesman, fit
1 A party man. We, who cling to the
precepts and practices of renublinanism.
who eschew ccrporateq monopolies and
moneyed monsters; who inculcate ecoi
oniy, love good faith, toleration, frugal
urn piain nanus, and enua Hi-- ivo.
, j , , .
can laslen our reliance unon Mr. Sinmi
as fearlessly as ever mariners looked to
tne tried and truest pilot. Whom, in-
deed, could we mom nrmul tv m,i ..-.r.,1.
trust than one who. during war. with
. ...
equal modesty and devotion, wheeled
inio ino raiiKs as a common Boldier
who, during peace, fronted firmly and
victoriously, in ihe vcrv halls of nnr
Capitol, the menaces and machination.
ot treason, anu whose unvarvmit innni
r i :..!.!.. I , v. . . . J "
Z Z C,0r,m?," 8!
be0" m". b . VF'B1'1"""'. J'"'""
oi inuiviuuai ano ouicial deportment has
peace, and good will to all? That hi
will bo our candidate appears to mo nl
most a mailer of course; but it would
luliiiht me lo sea (he natijnal Ipssnii
" c plunbus unum," exemplied in the
icuon ui uiu conveniion, and tne one
hundred and thirty voices at once con
cenlrated upon his name.
I have the honor to be, genllemen,
sincerely and respectfully,
your friend and fellow citizen,
To J. C. Uucher, Jacob Sallade, John 13.
iJratton, II, uuehler, and others
Robert M. Baur. Esa. of Berk
rose and addressed the Convention at
follows ;
Members of the Convent ion Nev.
er have Ihe vicissitudes of life imposed
upon me a more melancholy duty than
i nave now risen lo perlorm. WlnU
l,,e and nation have sustained an ir
r.ePar8b,e bereavement, I have suffered
deep anguish. On the 4th of March
la8.' .we convened in (Ins place, and unj
Pr"en'nB lhe public consider-
'on, as lhe of ihe Democrat-
cnarlvlorlhn nllinn nl (Inooi-nr,,- nf
D ' "i . i ,tV,,,;,
, i ' . aeparaletl, not
ony J" harmony, but with an ab.ding
V" " , .,T". . " ' ' " ' ue
- , viui.ucii wiiii uiu improving
plaudits of our common constituency.
At il,i ti .1...: :.i 1 r . ..
At that lime our distinguished faroriteU OonyenUon foflywj,-
flQrt in aImvm 4 I. . .
iii otum uiu flnnaronr nrnm m nf
h. ..k. of our glorious sta e, Thl seen
ed snnn ,I-.i!,i u. i " .
his Pur; Vnd Miotic se;vy;srGncni 0
...j .. Misiiwuatilliuil Ull
I hoi .. I . .
... y my'? dispensation of
hopes wero
blasted. They wore the vision of a
night, which when the day returned,
were all blotted from exisienr-P. n,
the Uth ultimo, our beloved Muhle...;r
.iiounoi ume to inn pe?cetul reM of
eternity, leavine his friend. . rliz-.
t.i r?..;-. .. .. .. .. .
mi uiiicniufa ui s )ir I. MM! "Mil Hash I.I,
.rass and all the do v f ,,, . ' ' J '
flower of the fiehh" 'in the hour wl
he calamity was lea,! m l. h,n
reconciliations to our lo.a mo.. dlScal.
he has been cilled from
yuymerii oi me more aulntanlial
Hiouesoi "anolher and a belter world"
iipyond the skies.
Il was mv forlunn
to l.avo
nry A. Muhlenbern Ion, ,,! wll.
.0 hevesliared in his W lhl d'
M,j".'nl " tuiiiiuence. vou d t hat
t v. rV other man had knn wm . " ..
bel.eve he would hava IIvp 1 " .
d.d.wnhouta, single enemy ?' Mo,
-u iu mis 11 couiu nave scarcely needed
have hushed the tempestuous wave
f p.rtlx.n.hip into a call and ,
.-cured his elevation lo the chair of State
by acclamation
As a public man tho distinguished
subject of my remarks might have justh
ei vcu as a mouei lor tho American
btalcsman. With ta ents nf a h!h nr
der, a benignant serenity of mind char
acienzeu nis every action, lie posses
: i i
seu tirmness. without Vin onrn. n,ifnr
vent Zeal, without Pafjion. Inheriting
irom revouninnnpv , oV,;..,ir-.,.i
many years of proli acted activity and , i i , ' '"fr ,h anno"
usefulncss, and we all reioice in L un m" w,,lc,l ""J"st been mado by the
clouded certainty of ihTSn jRe",,eman1 Berks, there is a first
We rrioic-,1 hull, fn- ..i.. and.sacred duly for this Convention to
devoliorlMo the g'rfat 0' a"d "P?ir
Enualilv. everv nnlanl Inn rC iia Ynnt
1 j ' - j y w uij iilui
vibrjted in unison with the finaltriumph
ui us principles. Whether at home, or
abroad an his nalivo soil.
climes he furnished irrefragable proofs
01 ins unswerving devotion to the coun
try and its institutions.
But it was in private life (he mon
ippropriaio empire ot the heart that
he virtues of Mr. Muhlenberg shoo
reap rich harvests of felicity-there did
he Rain the colden prize which .1,. r.
wiin iranscenuant lustre. There did h
Die robe and 1 lewelled diadem r,n,,.
confer. Whils his Integrity was stron
,S.a.Wa' "nt, hi. Charily waJllon lrom time . ct " . " --"
puio anu uniusive as tne atmosphere in
winch he lived, and moved, and had
hi. being. His minislralions'.o .he des
titute wero of the most amnlR .n.l .,..
.en.a.ious character, and of d.ilv. na
llOUrlv. nPPIlrrnnnn Hi. ...l.-.ll l.f
indeed, bloomed with the mellow lrui
of truo tioodness. vieldiniran Pinhnrn.i
narvesi oi diiiinioresied philanthropy.
. .u.-o u i cuv.ii , uiuii Horn a fic I oiy
.vhich he thus highly ornamented, can
nol but be viewed as a great public ca
lamity. To his beloved fa milt- thn pvnnl
came like a swift winged Messenger of
IJesiruciioii.and fountains of tears have
flowed lrom eyes that before beamed
with lhe piools ol domestic love and
uenlernen ! riiii tri?.-
. j ' . .J HI.IC .
Our deceased friend has alrdy receiv-
.1 1 1. . i r
eu uie nomageoi universal eulogy, I hat
which neither "storied urn nnr nnim,.
ted bust" can imnart a nnrir r.l-n,l. I
ui coiner a more lasting immortality.
uay nas uawneu upon Ihe night of thr
rave. Mav we noi. thf-rprnm inri.,i
iha hope, that whilst the mortal vest
ments of the departed are mingling with
Ihe clods of the vallev. h
spirit is reposing in the bosom of ii
Ureator and Kedeempr? T.m m;
t -w. UI IjUI
and clorious hono sootha nnr .,i
wipe the (ear of dejection from the
. I 1 a ri
mourning cuceK : i o us no other duly
now remains than lo d
sor lor the high ollico to which Mr
Muhlenberg had been named, and it U
an alleviation lo our recruis in i, ,..
lhat this duty can be easily performed,
as tho People and Iho Press hove alrcal
dy, with unexampled unanimity, made
me puui ui ouiy piam. VVhiLt we
mourn over the loss of a ureal nml
man.may wo not rejoice that his mantle
has fallen unon another. ( mi,..ii .....
Ihy of our suffrages J
Mr. UNULAYrose and addressed
iVumbcr 2l0
w ..
APA hT; " "nB Vid. whic"
death hai made in the Democral c t nk-
ronTf ; ,ribule ,o ,he
M PrERillnn, - , ,
W 'he former mMioUUCZ.
"5" nuutvil l a (.
'J " P" in or of tho
. V me Ke.n,,er " wht
but , r T , mP0UIor 01 U)0 ceased;
':!?.' . K. .ave .,0 now, as!
1 haJ ,Personal
nim who i. Bnn. K. i, u u
,, , .1 ',he had lhe magnanim-
appreciate an onen nml on..,,,...
,..:,: . ,-..
'P08,,'". a gnan.mily worthy of
'"P T. h'S. Ch?rJ0,er-
Lt A 'en., aias ! the uncerlainlvr
-r,!,,ll7:?,,bm,i: ?f i,llmn
our mids. in1trll!l'7v. v riai ?nac,,o.n
oi,cles ho tVtvhnm - Z "u-J" ..Y ' ""u
. . i'iiiww iuuiiu me uomeatic
,, ..n,, I rT , " '""niuency
cpcaledlv confided mnnrti ir.... u
L IIU3 0, lU
' " . ' "inM hyhi country
Ll"6 rrlVXU u se"""e ver herhigh-
t Unl nf i- . . A
LH" ?f Pemoe.y which the Conven-
1 " s T, COntlUed. ' h.s hands.came lhe
,U uX Zs 31?"!,
,nd haR sunk . .
,hJ L" n ,0 lho gve-ll.e grave
iVn lV l
ft heart Zn Z V'lV
-pot where his honored aiheg repose..
Let its verdure Iir ilm firai i ..:-i
under lhe earliest dews of Spring Id it
be the last lo fade under tho frosts of
A.uiumn. L,et his memory bo enshrined
m lhe hearts of bereaved relativcvffec
uonate friends and admiring country.
.Vknn III 1L.1 . V J
..u... u inai can now ha done to dry
up ui icars which trickle down thn
, . .u.tu lllu
. . wv-t vviiibll U1Q
uuuen and awful temnpau ha-
o pay a feeble and perfect tribute to
his memory. I beg leave, therefore, to
ller the following resolutions, viz:
Jiesolvcd That this Conveniion deep
y lament tho prematura death of tho
Hon. Henrt A. MoHLENBERO.reccnt
'y Hie nominee of the Democratic party
J' 'his Commonwealth; and unite, with
"feigned sympathy, with lhe Democra
cy of this State in bearing testimony, to
lllfl 11 nnlllll'n.t .!.... . T
ni8l'?,n;, i" S !" bear'ng
. ."."u8" 1 e.d V r,Uef as a Pr':a, ci.izea
" ' , " 8". I0ned Poli?m which
S ,
mournful nml irron.V.u 1 "'J" 11
viln , ,rreParab' oss to Ihoso
U n I v7"lTfcS. 'f ""'''f. 8S
U,:C . ln.P.r w 0 l,r'b" 88 a public lQ69
T." M 'nS fe" "7 he Demtj.
1 V
Resolved That the mRmhoi-. nu'-
, i iiim
Convention. as a teslimnnv nr ii.:
sense of the public and privalo virtues
i me cieceweu, and in teslimo.
nv of their deep retrret. will ......
on the left arm for thirty days
i w -T. i'muiay of Lap
sf'f. Wrinht of T.iiTi-rn. d..i .
ni -i J i , .. ' u"'iiman 01
Philadelphia co,, Dillinger of Lehigh, and
1 ywr. of Berks, be appointed a Committee
io communicate (n thn famii,. e .t.. j
d. the condolence of ilii nn.i r.
. , ,, . n.ciiiiuii lor
we tfiey have sustained.
J he resolutions were seconded by Mr.
Jokes of Aiiechenv Anil llnanim,...). -
dopted, '
On motion of Mr. WELSH, of York it
Itesolved That a eommitiBP r l.
ippoinlod to proenre the erection of an an.
propriale tablet, in honor of Henry A. Muh
lenberer. in the Lutheran Ohm-M, r.
ing, of which he waa for many years n
The followinc rentlflmnn - .
oil the commrCce. Messrs. Welsh II S
Magraw, Frazer, It. M. Barr; G. n. Esl
Mr BARR said . Whilm
. . ,.u iiiiiuiii HID
loss of a great and good man, we mav bo
permitted to rejoice that his manil ,vil' fall
on one nre eminently wnridv r 1
lo be conferred upon him, snd as the duly
-v ..r . .,..u ucTuiruu upon me of nomi
nating in this Conveniion n successor to
our lamented friend, I nominate Fpancim
K. Sjiiunk of Allegheny, in the room of
Henry A. Muhlenberg, deceased, s the
candidate of the Dnnuicrniin nori.. r i
, ten .j ui j Clin-
sylvania for Covernorj and I move you ihtt
lllld nnmlnnli.iM Ln I I I .
iiuiiiiiiuiiuii va runcurreu in uy acclnma
tion, i
JOHN M. READ, ESq.,saId that from
I he creat number nf iwNnni ....i..
r - - ; - , -"". iitiu icuuv ip
eocond the rcsolutinn n( ih mini UrnnH
Perks, (Mr. Barr, il mt, PfjbPpf, ,,,d