TALL WALKING. An Indian; uf the Penobscot tribc.by the namo of Lolah, elartod from ilaitot 01 Thursday morning at sunrise, walked ti ;EIUw(irili, 20 miles, from Ellsworth In i 13uctisKirt fifteen miles, and from I luck Upon lo Unntfor, eighteen miles morci.Tiali ting sixty two miles in all, and armed aihu r...!.. ..I l..f... ..,m.I tn.,n. isriiug pisco uciuib vuiNit XMertury. ENGLAND, TEXAS AND MEXICO. The Houston Texas) Tdlrgrnpalt o Wednesday Julv 31, contains the IoIIowiiik 5iaitraph. , c now icnrn, upon me nuiiinrny n Cipt, Ellnt himself,' that England had ad vised Mexico under no cirtumvuee. to Ktiowlrd the iodepelidenc. of TeX's, tin to kt't-p op in Aiiiiimc with her as long at )u8lMi hiiiI lo easu a successful Mlemp Hi anitf xulluu between the Uititil tislale' ,nud Texas look plane then to go to win unit would back Iter t the con This cnnfiriiiH ns in the opinion wi ;tnve long enleilai it il liul our independent'! I will never be. acknowledged 'iy Mexi ivhllo there, in prospect of annexation. En gland will resist this mcante as long s i t! hi he resisted by diplomacy. And on (tiiverinRUl journal admits 'ttie inflftirr n' sEiiL'lnd over Mixtco Is almost, if not en tirely unbounded. A Curious Plant The editor of tin KCharleston Courier makes loeoium of i eciiriion plant now e It t miio in ibut en sculled. botHiueally, Jlristtotachia latidu land viik'alry 'The Dm-k Plant.' lis . full and bold vine, with hearlshapi'il lent (and bears a flower, hiving a most eximnrih En-iry resemblance, in body, heail, throat sou tb'll, lo a (Inch ilttatlut" tranquilly on sum iiiirrnreii lane. I ue muck snapeo n iwer u- Cl8luches lo length and 1 0 i I ii h - in eireuin llerence of body, 7 inches in length nf Iihm urd with a slender nr tnvirhy 'leng.h of lai Jjiieasuring 2 t inches I hit imiile of Hie h-alj x is beautiful) molted and variegated with rich untilors, tmiintu'lial IIKh tin nntmior of a preserved ocean shell, hut neih mi hnliaiil nor so ltd, hut rather ul a purple it est. Mexico France and Spain v a llettei romiioica'Cil m ilie Ntw Oilcan- lllei nlil, fi inn an tiuiloilhicil ntuire, ap- p-ar thai a .Sjiriled roi re)OOileoce ln tak' n phice heiwepii lite re pi e.iMni.i lives of Fiance and the Mi-xirmi Mioic ter. relalve lo the m.":iri e uf Kr not. 'nnil Sp iinsh .-iilj els at Toba-ro, It i. Ertiiili-iiilel Mill Ihe oii-aoie at Inllni'n iwasnotii"h iuliti'iian & hat l)ar'in.Tli y Irep e.s--ol, al.ii,i ilu- ri'iei ,1'ioin l-i- the Tex i ii hi. n , veiv inoel ; Iim IS It. Ana .-. 1 1 1 1 1 ) -i I i I I ( ) In. ini. ilfei .o', inliiii in 1 1' t tt ifoiioli- al h-iin ; thai I. is uvei ihinw uf the C-ioiii", ami an-' aff J)e -i.illitliui of ,tlls . ill . f puWei, li.o' i .i pi oh. 1 e. The WlticH of I.nz-noi pouilty havi !ll in nate Jusi pli Hi-lit anil I). S . I.ailiuii as caiiilnlales for the Asemhv, Sharo I) Eliettis. the ilnnrof W likeehernt Ailv.n-ale fur Sherilf. and John I'Vitsieriuocker. lor L'nminttitlnuer. GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK. The retular Democratic Sialo (.'on- Ivention of New JKi rk, f r i he minima lion of a candidate foi Govt root , will b. held at Syracusp, on the 14ib lost ij.idcinij from the tono of the public ! pi est;, and the rccolulions adopted In lho numerous county meetings hel throughout the Slate, ihe choice of tin Convention willbiobablv fill upon tin Hon. SILAS WRIGHT, the ilisiio- luuuhed U. S. Senator fioin thai State. I The onlv apparent difficuliy in ihe wai of this noiiiination.are the doubts of M W's acceptance. These we titiiji, wii be proinpily removed. At a jiinr'tn liku the preseoi, ihe cause uf Deiuoci ,CH' ilemaotls Ihe rvices o! all lis adv cates, anil the mute able utwl ii!ted lb ilcciple, the m r accep'ihle the hipm. fine, Il s ponfl lt'iill beln-Ved, llml i t ic irifl"! iiill'ienpi- of M . Wt isi' i sb(il)! b'- soiieraddftl to the names i f Polk an- I).!ld-, the 'Iitnpne Stie" vmII h - f. lor the DemoniaihlnTWENTYTIIOl S.A'1!) inajoii'y IIIORRIHLE SPATE OF THING- W leaiu fioin lb" N 0. Picayun of the 23-1 that theie w-ie inninis o bloody doi"g in Sliebly mil Iiiio c, unities, Texas, 1 1 .u the L 'lliiaiU Inn The 'Motleratoni' and Kio.tilaiois.' n they term lliemselxcs ate ariave ; PatiiHl each nlhrr, and number aboii ii? I.tindied each. Several person ha. killed, houses burned, and plantation tlesiioved. This i ti uly a hoirihl tate ol t hin u". One Davis, tho loaib i 1 1 f I he 'Renulatois,' has been i-hol, will twelve or lif'cen otheis. It is lirthei staled t ti :ii Gen. Ilemlcrsnn was ahou to leavu Shieveport to use his infltienri to bring about ait arranumuiils ut th uifficulticd. An atininey havinc died in low cirptiin , stances, one of his menus observed that he had left but few effect). That is not much to ta wandered at, said another, for he bad rttuifuw causer, Melancholy Jlccident al Niagara Falls. -An iniercstitinyoiiiie ldy iwett y yearrf of sue, Miss M.ullia K. Riigi. if Lowell, Mass,, met frightful dead il Niagara, last SittirtUy a week. A 'uvv inomeniH previous she hail been en jaged in picking .o ic wi'tl flowem op to Iho brink of a clilf, and wh upon, the iioinl of returning, when her foot kIi, ,eil and she w.n precipitated over ihi lilf, falling upon the pninis of tom rocks one hundred feel blciw. Afiei our hours exertion in teaching the spot, mil removing her lo iho summit, she. ex .ilred, the set vices of the physician call il, Dr. Blsckwill, proving of no avail. The Huffilu Gazelle slstes, that the d--ehsed ihe sit'M in-law of Ml eoi(e W. owe, of I) tt oil. o ios Were lakeo, on Smithy i.t that city, for iotei ineot. Ilel n evening, Marriage Extraordinary John Ross. lie ei'lebral-d Uheioke I'luel, was niarrieil in the I'resiileut's parlor of llariwell's ilniel, in tin- eiiy, on Monday uiiihl, to Miss Mary It Stapler, tf W il mi imtmi, Del. lis is ahoin S3, -toil she about 18 year- ot jv, she is skiiI lo he n vnrv lieii'i'ilnl inl fa I u''Hr ol a inerctniit il ton en. Sue was given away In Iter Ormiier ami oeoded In tier sHler aud a ot'li'e of J ilin iia hs htdesiialtls. He had rullei led eteial of his iiiikhlers and nephews froin M.ardiiip si-hool in N. Ji-rsey. lit lo irtM'iiltd al ihe ut'dilini; aodafo r the eeie nltv a I'hoiiIv pirtv ol 'H) ol loe liusses ( ill hilt brrid lndiuin)!at down to mo t xniupt .mis hiii-qiiet. Kostf I" eitiislileitd lt he miiiIi halt'a million du I is. Mexico and 'I'exas There seems n w a pn'iiive ilelertoiiMlloo no Ihe prt ul ilrxii'ii lii eiiuiuieiiee oper iiihiis opim IVx is. Two i,n!iviiiil-, who armed teeemh ruin liitTlnr nf .M-xii'n s'a't'. wiih apparet. erlaiun ,lhal Iron. 14.(100 18 00(1 Mt-xi an tlitops IihiI as.iemtilnl at tiiii I. mis 1 1 . Piiloel Mime I vi eeki-since and were in heir way lit begin ihe eimiemplated inva -nm of Tex'4d. The tame Mtori-o slali hat the atioy lo question his well provi led Willi urilllerv and eata'rv, A'cit York I'mk g.iiiifiiii( of the I)e out lacy lor the last two weeks III altoiis every rointy in lb JJi-ne, numheri'ti; suttif live liuudted, anil f nm that up to 10.000 cave iiu one to mistake lint spirit that is a brnail, and iho determination uf Hit- peiinlt to iee the Si. iitt to I'olk ami I) t I is bv : verv laruc majuritv. Tlie Anno lnnk anil feels the victor) aboil N. Y. Pa per THE V A Yj l'6 -tiO IT ' 'I he Auiiis.( (Me.) Farmer le.nls oil lib a I ultimo f 1 1 no t'-c o-xi. '(7n it bill sour on ns; , anil in ihe course ul l-ls arli- li tMe eilllor exlti'lis bis readers to be ar lol tow and where ihev yo I ; he ihIU hem tt noil for etlueul on . ill e li ii-io e. wisiloui, iic ; iii il l.tr temper tine; tro it for sirici houesiv, ti it for earl iiiil' u'" n lor oiairiiiioox : anil in muii j m i i i tj a . don tloiet to go it for a newspi ter. NES FROM NAUVOO. Dariel Silencer has been elecieil Mayor ul N iiivoo nro I em (iho. Mi.ler and IVhiihey have been elecieil Trus ees of ilu (' lniri-li propenv, and ondur theii maoaue ti e li I the Teuiplu is pmLTessiot; rapi(ll . S.umicl II Siuiih. brmhirof the Prooln I lied at Naovi-o almut two week nice. William is now llm oi.lv siirvivnii irother, Soliicv Riudou. who planner tin eatlerhip of rhurch.oii the c,rniMil uf hii teing the oolv Mirviyir of the firxl Prei lem-v. and also, on the grounds nf his hnv oil! been named bv the Pioplieual one Hon ik his successor, has had ins claims rfjeciei bv the twelve, who lone deeidid not li lave one Mian for leadei.hot thai the chorcl hall be, t!overil(iil bv llo-m eoHeciivelx The twelve seem in have no notion uf lei M't! in. e man have h ihe aitihori V in he twu hands, especially as they now hold I heinselves. Kentucky. -W nh SI Olid vole to hpcii .outlier i-oire.l woh iii'jorllv of no . 5 1100 lo men nine, the Yi u'iten sts h ii-iooi'iath i.f i nmpkv -irx dcteriniild li ieat Mi. day in Nnvemfiee, QTlTl()US A few il.IVS ag.i, SiVS Mutlilay's N' Yoik Iler-ibl, a Ilirkoiy pole was one eil al Fori I. CP 00 Wlnrh oppasio'i ihen -vas a t'miu niust'r of the ilemopiain o'ccs. II i r ! I bad ibey .pattpied w It-i pi mid and ita't lv E'tle pel plied tlpo is lop, ami tVii since i hi urns at inter v tls fioui hi hinh mount tin v i In bis ufy posiijun. In have a smell of pun i ntnpra'ip air. The far s:i:hlei amoni; he Yoiion II rkorit'H set this down as : ' i vol able iiiiien. MARRIED Oo ihe 29th nit. bv U" Rev. William J. Eyet, Mr. PAsrEn R Rekd of IJeiwick to Mus Mauoaket LAwnANCE of Callawissa. On I lie 22d ull. by the Rev, Win, .1. Ifivir. .Mr- iJAMEL HiEitr.n, to Mtm Sahaii Mensu, both of Ruaiing re i k. BLANKS! ! BLANKS! ! eCJ"sti"slank EXECUTIONS and SUMMONS juet prinitd und lur nale at this Ullico THE Hi,ooM3Buno, Spi,7, 1844. Wheat, 75 Hyp, 45 Gum, 40 Clov:rsLcd( G 00 Klixseed, 1 120 13'it'tr, 10 Oit.i, 20 Eii, 6 Tallow, 9 Liul 7 Diieil Aflp'es, 1 0(1 White Mris 1 00 B-'ftnv.ix, '25 Mr. VVkdii You sre rrquei'cd to say tltnt Majoi WIM.IAM U01l',uf Danville, U iccoiiiintnUid an a auiuble pcrion to rtpie.cnt tlti district in tin.' next Conjrcj. MANY JDEMOCltATS. To the i'liblic. THE subscriber desirous ol quitinc bu mess requeniy all iiiost indebieil to bun ' make payment I III illi'il lately . The lull. iu toy pi lies will be paid fin I'KODUCE in exchange, lor his STOCK OF GOODS 0 I II Hill. GtlOl) WHEAT Iper bushel. KYK 55 eis. GO UN 4o and 50 cts. OA I S 5 ei-. FLAX $1 40 ':l8- VT" (iniiils sob! al cum fur the cash liul I 0 c eillt ylVi'li alter liils tlate. E 11 liUICS Sepi 0-1844 AN APPRteXTBCIii TO ihe 'liliN I'lNU m BINIisa is wuitlcd ii ui'diulely ut lhi tlllitu. A auiuit itclive lad, 10 c 1G e.irsol amj will receive good eiicourdueiiiiut. SOT ICE IS hereby given that I have purchased at constti 1. 1.. ...t .i.- . . ..... n nir an-, an me irnieuy o jucoit i uroul, utn. liavo lelt the Sdiue in his " icfa-inii during !n) .ilca-urc, and toibid iiny nctsiiii takiim it awuv either by purchase or ollierwin-, witbuut my con sent, tu. one bureau, auc lot of carpet, ono bl mid une lui ol carpel. UATUAIilM: KI.t.NUEIt, Aug. 31 1811. STRAYED FKOM the nib,crilicr ut Uca'ci Meadows fi weeks ime, two rows. .me of tlicui a ted cow, with a bell on, the otlu a white spoiled ml row. I'hey ore hupuit.d I Inne (nine in Columbia county. ny i-eun ini; iiifuriiiatioii to the mbseriner where they iua nc toLiiii, miuii no rcauiiiitiiuy reuarileu. EDWAKU M'HUGII. flcaver Meadows, Aug. It), 1844- 18. NOTICE r-i i.... : ... n i . .i .. iii-iunv i;ii-n hi mi vuni ei;icii, in u U10 v i,. Ino Nolcs und Jccinuitii duo Hie elle of Andieu U'hch, l.i to of Mount 1'lr asajii toniit-liip, and other Notes ami accounts due said estatu must be settled on or before Ihe 16ih of October next, or llicy will be left with a Justice of tho i'eaco for im- mediate collection thereafter. JOHN MRMClf, ANlJKKW MHI.ICH. aTE.IIUN MKI.IU. Executors August 21, 184418. A GOOD BLACKSMITH M y teeeive immediaip employ (! y applying to JOSEI'H PAX TON. President of tho Uloonis'mrtf li. It. I. (Joiupiii) Bloomsbujg, June 29, 1814 lmSO Wow ale, A FARM, Situ Hed in Gteenwon l t"Woshir), C lunibia county, about a niih welwardlv fruit thnerhburu;, on the main load from Uuyuiuii lills to Millvillo containing Acres, 'hnut 50 nf uliirli arc iiinlrr n pood sta'c if cult atinn. Hie ri'niiiuiilcr ucll tiinl'creil Willi lic.tvy une mid oak. Thc.'o Ik a t-ti hk slrciuu ol watc ii-i-inn ilironuli its en, Ire: on which is it cond tc.n lira nw Mill, or for nni-t kinds nl innelilucry. ;ooil new ISA his. ami oilier out hinthos, nml n ONE STORY DWEL I TMM TtftMPTl ith a never failing spring of water near the dooi (Ej'lho above property will l.e sold on ei eai-oiuible terms, and pu.bf ttcsbion given when ocr reuuired. Apply to OEORGE FERGUSON. liiiug on the prcmii-es. July 13, 1814. 3uil2 NOTICE Is herehv i i v p r, that 1 have purcbsiteil at r. until. I.. Lulu, uu ilie tiinieriv nf Juhn Pullmet: ti! have left the same iu his tins , 1 ... ... .1 r .i,,,r. . session durinu mv pleai-iire. a id furhitl j person laklito it Irulli lillit e ilier vv pur cimee nr otnerw is e, wiinntu im ruuretii. One tliitil cevtn acres w hesl iu lite frounil tvu...ui nfrt-M in 1 In- i.roiuiil: three ni-ri ofrom in the Krottnd; foul a.res of buck wheal in Ihe around; three lourihs of an icreof potatoeHin the Bronnd; aboul tbini thousand feel nl inch hoartls; three nunche?. of shiimles; one ton of bay anil aeviMi acrm ofttrati iu meadow b. AUK'.M. YOUNG. July 16, 1814; ' WHEIIRAS. Ity mi act of the General As. senility of the Commonwealth of I'ennsx I vanla c .titled 'An act ielntlin( to elections of llii- (.ommoiiwrallli. paim-il llm Sd day of July. A. u IS39,' its mailo the duty of the blii'iilF of everx county to give public notice of such election to In iio'uen, and make known, in mtli notice who officer are la bo elected: 'I'licnforo ! I It AM DKini, ligh Sheriff of the county of (Joluinbla. do mat known, by tliU advertiauicnt. to the Electors o aid county of Colutulia, that a UENUHA1. bl.bUJ lU?i will bo held in (lis mid counU Tuesday ihe 8th day of October next; at the several districts thereof, at follows to wit: tfioum lowiiftlnu, at tuu liouie ol'Uliailej Due. Icr, Ulouiiiiburj. Urlar creett io.vnhi'),at tho town-home in Iter. wick. Oatawiisa towiuhin.at ilia huuiio cf Stacy tat- joiuiii, in ttiu timu ul Catawusa. Utrry towiulnp, ul tlvo liouu of Jacob Scidcl, in aid lovtiiHlup, r islouir euek townihlu, at the House of Dunic 'culer, in s j io township, franklin townabip, m the r.tbool liouae. near tin lioutucl John .Mciit.li, in said lowulup. uivcutvuua ioiiiiip,ui UIU lioune lloW OCCUpleo Ity John Leiiiou, lleuilocU towiulnp, atlhe houuo of Jolm Mc- (eynold, liisjid lowntbip. jjiKsoii iuiiriup,ai luo house of Joshua Savagt ii sau towiisiiip. i.ibcriy lonsiiip, at the house of Hugh Mclil- jlli, in said luivusllip. t.i.ucsloiie tuuii.Miu, (a ueperalc election dls- uclj at Uu union ocnooi iiuusv, in said Iomii up. .iidiiouiuii township, at the Court House it .vUl.VlliC. iWillim luwnship, at the house of John Kelhr ji n raid lO-vlisllip, .OUjIsou iu,i,.liii, at the house now occup.iu i-j olin It timer, in Jeiseyluwu. .Mount 1 ndaanl Iuum.iii, ut the house of i'lf ciick .tulier, in jid tiiwnsliip. nioiiteur tonusUip, ul Hie liousc of Lcuua d l.a rus, III said lowiislllp. 1 Iiu L.leciyisui toe i.ropused new tuwnhi: t .ldinc, sniieiiodsiiol'JjcoU i'e(ei, witiu lui piujscd lien tuwuship. i.odiint; cu itw in uship, at tli e house inov vUpled liy .Ujim Ouble, In aaid luwnship. ura -e lo-Mislup at tuu house ol 'irOie ncip.- III tile Uv.il nl ul Urani;eiUu, 1 ho Untiicl ciiiiiioed ul Ilia', part of .UHl .Ortiis.il,!. laid oil luru new towuslop, to t'Cial. ruxiuu, which, ti) an act ol Assi'iiiidy.pdsa'J l. in'sl cla) ut A,'iil. la.Jli, uus estaiilltncd lulu .epd-alu en'itlnii dlAlitet, ut the lloU.-o ul Adui i uuc-.il, in luo saiil district. Vulley to.wisliip, ut ilie liouso now occupied I, IiiIiii .Mtius. lit said 1 1 1 vv 1 1 iii. Al wlueli liitie and places are ufbe clccte I by tl rceiue.i ul tlie countv ul' CVIumbia, Olll' I'flsoil, for Uoxeruor of this Co'iiinoinvcallh. O'li- I'etson o represent the distiirtcouipyscdofthe counties t .'oluinbia, l.uzurue and V ointng, i.i the Coi.grcs ol the United starei. Oiu- I'i'i s. n 'i Senator of this co'iunoiiwealth from the distric ornposcd uf iho counties of Columbia and Lu .cms. One Person, fur Assembly. One I'riMin, for ('onimissioncr of Columbia county. One Pi rsoo, for Auditor ofColumbid county. 0 ie Pi t son, fir Canal Cotiiuiissioner. Also in pursuance nUlic fulbiwimj section an a t i.tssed April 'JOtli, 1814, In Mile fur or agaiut th .ale of ihe Mam l,un- oftliu iulilic vvurkit. .Si.eriuv :ill. 'I'hal so inucli of tins ui't as rt'ljtt o tho sale uf rettuin of the plililic works, shall in jit into opeoiliiiu unless ajiprnve I by a ill ij rit v .he penplii. in tlm manner liillnuiug, lo wit; I'lu it Iho next general election, tho qilntified votei f Ibis cuinni'iue.illli,or as many ol llieni aschooi n do si, slinl ib'piisi c in t Iiu l ullol Iium'i it the ii-u il times u ; 1 1 places pruvii l by law. si'in,ale It ubits endorsed 'main hue villi the wind 1'ir Ilie sale of 111- mini lino' 11,111 tiu 11. or -iaiiist tha main lino.'as their opinion, nay !).; 'I'll it tlin-o voles shall Im i-iiunled, retur d 11 1 1 puMMicd. in liku in inner as Ihe voles fo canal ciiiiuniniiui'i's urn unw provided by law ti ie; ind if u niaj irty nf the votes cast at I hi) suii jcueral election, puisiiant to this uct 'bo 'lor tin sale of llm main line,' then within ten day.' aftc the publication of tho votes by tho proprrauthorily the cninniissioneis named 01 llm second 'ection xli.il proceed to oM'ctitu this acti in manner hiiiI Inrmin is herein piovidcd: hut tfa mijirtt; of tho vote cusi, ih afoies.ud.lie -.in.iiiul the sale of the man line,' then, mi iniu'h nf this act as applies tu lh sale of iho uiaiue line, shall bo null and void. In pursuance uf hii act of the General ssembh nftho Commonwealth of 'ciiriaylvdiiia, cnlillei. An act lolatiou to Iho elections oi this Common wealth,' passed the Sd day of July, A. A. 1830. Notice is hereby given 'That every person, except justices of the pe aci who shall hold any office of uppointmen of prolii ur trust under the government of the United iSate,- or of this Male, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, i subordinate officer or aaent, who is or shaU be employed uni'or the legislative, executive or udi- ciary department ol this Mate or nf tho United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also every member nf Cnngre.s,aml of the State Legislature, and ol the select or enmrnon council ol any city or commissioners of any incorporated district, is, by law, incaiiabloof holdmc or oxercis. '.. 81 '!" time, Iho officer or appointment of jiiiib". liispetior, ur k. lem, ui nils Vyoniiuouwcailll, , m ;, 1,,0,, jujRe r other offlcer of any hU,., election, shall ho eligible to any office to be then vuum nir. And the said Art nf Assembly, entitled -an Act s relali .i; 1 1 Ihe clectinns nf this Ciiminonweallh I'c.l July 2d, im Imther piovides as follow, oW'.' . Innfplnf nm, ,,,,. . ,n nu arr,.,aj,Bhal meet at iho respective placesappni.it.1 rd foi holding the clec'ion iu tho district to which they rospcciivel, liehuig, , P , . , . ., . urj",c 0 0 " Ihe tnnnnng on the I 2d Tueiday of October, I In caoh anJevary yenf, and ouch oTeald InarMctois shall appoint une clt-ik, who shall be a quulllicd voter ul such district. 'In caie the person who shall have received the second hihert number ol the vutes tor liupectoi shall not ulteiid on Ihe dsv uf any electiuui the iu- soli who shall llivfciejeived thesecoud lilylu-sl liuui n J mber of votes for judge ut the net jirecidiut electiuii,shsll uct as luspecctor in his place ilud 1 case tho pirsou who bIi ill have received the sccuiu hijjhest number uf votes to Im-peclor shall not at tend, the person elected a Judge shall appoint ui Inspector lu his place; and 111 ease Ihe person elect ed a judge ah,i uotuttend tlicu the Inspector win eceivcu tlie highest number ol votes shall appoint i ludge hi his place; and if any vdcuucy shall col uiue In the liuaiU f ir the space of one hour ahe lie lime lixed by liw lor the opening of the dec mil, the qualified votes ol the township, ward 01 Uslrict for which such officer shall have been dec- d, present at the ilsc ufelccliuii, shall elect uiu t their liuinlsr to lilt suchvacuiuy. 11 shall be the duty of said assessors respective- , tt) attend at the place of huld.ng every general icciul, or township election, durinit the whuh one the aaid election is kept open for the purpose f giving iiifoliuHtiou to the inspector and judge vhen called uu, iu relation to the right ol sin ersnn assssscu by theiri to vote at such election trsuih other matters in relation to tbu assessmcu f voters as tho said inspectors or ludire, or either ol hem, shall from time to time require. '.No person shall be permitted to vote at any lection as aforesaid othel than a white freeir.au u the ugn of twenty-one years or mors, whu hal lave resided lu this stale at least one year, ami Ii he election district where he oilers to vote ul least ten diiys iiiimediatily preceding such election, am, viuiiii two years paid a slate ur county tax, which hall have been assessed at leust tin days hi fare lection. Hut a citizen of the United Stales who lad previously been a quaified voter uf this state uu removed there iroin mid returned, slid who lull have resided in the election distiict and paid taxes as aforessid, shall becnlitlcd tu vutc; ufler re- idtim 111 this stutc six monl ProvuleJ. Thult'..i vhitu freemen citizens of Ihe United aiatcs.helwecu he agesof teuty-one and twenty two, and having isided hi this slalo OiNC VEAlt, ui'.l tu the elcc ton uistriit TKN DAYS, as sb scad, shall be utiilcd tu vole, allhou&h they shall not have paid axes. No person rhall be admittrd to rote, whesw came is not conla. tied iu this list of taxable inhaU lants luiiiishrd by the commissioners1 as aforesaid ilia , rinsr: he produces a receip fur the pay em wiuiiii iwu ers,ut astate or cuuuiy tax.us i'.cd aareeablv to the constitution, and live sails iu-.Y evidence, eilhei on bis own oath or afhruui- i "1 an outh and ulfi.tujtion of anolher, that hi n" i-aid such tdX, 01 011 tsilurc to produce a re- ',. -hull make outh to the payment thereof; ul cos,!-u he claims a right tu vole by being .11 tvi-'f bWwt-cn the agei of iwmty.oue and twenty -. , he shall depose 011 01th or alfinuatioii 11 o' uus icdiiieo 111 111c suite ul least one year vi -inure tits application, and msl e suth proof 1A -1 Iciicm iu the d strict as is tep-ircd by this act; 1 1I111 he doei verily believe, from the account viii lulu; lliat he is of the age afoicsaid, and givi 1 !i oi her evidence as is required by this uct .icieiipnti the name of the person so admitted to iliuh Uu uiseried in Ihe alphabetical list by tin specion. slid a note made opposite thereto n Hung tlie wurd tax' it he shall be admitted li i.eliy reiison uf having paid a tax. or the woril SC' if he shall be admitted to vote on account if us age. and in cither case, the reason of sui h vnti li III e culled out to the clerka.who shall maktj tin tkr notes in ihe list of votes kept by them. In ell cases wlicie the nnmt of tho person labning to vote is not found on the list furnished -y the commissioners and assessors, or bis right to ote whclherliiund thereon or not, is objveten to b iiiyquilintdcilizen.it shall be the duty of tin nrpectors to examine such person on oath us lu lis qualifications and if ho claims In have lesideu vt tin 11 ,t ho s ate for one year or moie.his oath slml iu sufficient proof lln-reol', but he shall make prool y at least une competent witness, who shall be nullified elector, that he ha resided within tin llstrictfor mora thai 1 ten days next immediately pn eding said election, and shall ulso himself sue t lat ills honafide residence in pursuance of lin I twful calling, is witlung the district and that In lid not remove into said distiict, for the purpose ol voting therm. 'Every person qualified as aforessid, and wh hall make due proof if required of hisSrcsidcnci old payment taxes, as nlureaatd, shall tic Hdmittci u void in the township, ward of district in v. hid ie shall reside. 'Ifany person shall present nr attempt tn preven my ufl'n eis of an election unJei this act from hold ni Mich slcct'iuiis, or use or threaten any violent'' iv ulfi -ft, or shall interrupt or improperly uitir .'ere with him in the execution of his duty, or filial 01k up' or utlcmpt tu block up tho window or th vuuuu to utn w.ndnw where the same may l Mildi'it. or slnll iiiltoiisly ili.lurh the peace at sue I lecliiin, or shall uso ui practice any intnnidatioi ilircals fiitco or violeuce with design to influeuci iiululy ur iwurawo any elector, or lo prevent bin 'mill voting or tu restrain the freedom of choice, ueii person on conviction shall bo fined in any urn nut exceeding five hundred dollars, and In mpiisoned for any tune not less than one nor mon t mil twi Ive mouths, A rid if lie shall bo shown to ue coutt whsre the trial ofsuch offence shall be l id, thai he person so oflendod was not a resident of the city, ward, dlstnst or township where tin aid ofit-hec was commitied, and not entitled to veti herein, then on conviction, ho shall be Lcntenced '11 pay a linn not less than one hundred nor mon han ono thuuiaml dollars, and ?e imprisoned no ess than six months nor more than two years. I I uny person or persons shall mako any be r w.igar upon the result of any election within, Ilu Cnmmoiiweilth or shall oiler to mike and such liet or wagur, either by verbal proclamation therenl or by any wrilen or printed advortlsments; dial lengo or invito any person or persons to mako such bet nrwagor, upon conviction thereof ho or tliex hall fjrfeitund pay three times tbs amount so bel ur offered to tie bet. 'If any peron shall vote at morn thin one clec. lion distrfct.oi otherwie fraudulently voto more than once on the same day.or shall fraudulent! fold and deliver to the inspectors two tickets to gether, with the Intent to illegally vote, or shall voto the same or il any MiaU advise or procure on other so to do, he or they so offending shall on conviction he lined in any sum not less than fill) nor mote than hve hundred dollars, and he Impris oned for any term not loss than three nor more than twelve months. Ifany person not qualified to vote in Ihi com inonweullh agreeable to law (except the eons of qualified citizens) shall appear at any platieof olec tion for the purpose of issuing tickets, or nf jnflu I .L-.l.t .lid. I l L .. enciugine CKUBriuuuuimuu hi vow, no aail ') conviction, forfeit'and pay any aum not exceedin one hunded dollars fur avsry wjch nffonco and lu impri-o'imcncd fjr any term iwt oxcocdi.13 th-e mouths.; 'I'h Jit liesare ti mike lh"ir returns for t countv "f 1 oliim'itiiti ihf (J-orl ilui ri Dan vine, on rrtdiy tua 11 tu ni u.iy Octa'aer, A. U 1841. Gols.tv tho Cimmonwcallh HUM lKKI Shff.f iJIIKRIFF S tiFFlCK, JallVltt, Sent. 4, 1841. JibMlNISTtATOJl'S NOTicS. 'I Eilate. of Philip Dodder, late vf Qran towtump, iliccused, OTIUH is hereby given that Icttari of Wmtri lstrdlloit, 011 Ihe above mentioned estale.havn iet-11 granted tu the subscriber ri dW In t .il owiishiuof Uranee. All Dei sons indebted lo tho uld estate aro hereby niitiCed tu make itno eJiatn jayment, mid those having claims are requested tu iesciii mem pioperiy aumenuca'.cu let sclUexaeiit leforelhefirst of November next; , i JOH.NUARtCPAUa'r. Orange tp. Sept. 7, 104420. NOTICE 13 hereby given, that on the 18th dv of 1814, I gave to Juhn Wilson a note, for feOO bu- hels ol Lime, 111 port paymentof the purchase mo- icy of a cerla n huiUing, and having eince sKor. ained lht tlieic Is nu existing Ian tiou lbs iroperty uftkuown to me at the time tif the pur basic, I shall ttfuse to pay said Note uiitil said lied is sutistled or removed, and thcrcfoiu caution i jcrsuiis nut to purtbuse said note. VENIAH REESE. Htmlock. June 24, 164418. Clmtr ifSanufaclory. THBsubacrilier hsvlntt fsUblished a .VIjV ar.ii h s?.;.vwwcri'on Mr.w liert, near the residence of i.. K. Mnus, he Is now ircpslllJ tu furnish Chulls ut' every description, oil is guikl lerma as they can le purchasad elsewhere; the county. WOOD TURNING, Such us Hed Posts, Waugon Ilubst llnsc Ishickt, fyc. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL HOUSE PAINTING. Also MOUSE PJlPEIltSG. fids latter branch, from his experience, he htlicvwf he van do a little better than any other person in this section. rrri'OI'LAK PLANK will be talen in ?ey. tneut at the highest market price KAMI Ll, HAUUlNBUi;H Il'.oonisbure.July 4,18',, lllf FOR SJ3I.E BY E. II. niGGS. August 17. 17 NOTICE. Estate of JOHN BOIVYER, late of Munlcur township, Columbia co. deceased NOTICK. is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration uu tlie ubove mentioned Estate lave been granted to tho subscriber residing iu Uouteur AW persons indebted to the said ii. tute are hereby notified to make immediate payment ind those having claims are requested tu ptescu hem, properly authenlieatedtto JUtllN UlbTKUltJll, Adiniuittrator. Augnst 16, 1844. Cwl7 nOCT. VALENTINE STOUT, KES'ECTFl'LLY informs the public that he its removed from Sugnrloaf township.and located himself at Cattawissa, and will attend to all calls' or his professional servlcce, particularly iu cm lUinptivo eases. CTj'AII ppr'sons IndebtcJ to him aro requested to nake immediate payment. Aug. 10, 1844. NOTICE I hereby given that I have purr bated at t)ii.isialile 6ale, ns tlie piopertv of James shnemaker; five acres of buckw heal 111 tin: iioiinil; six acres nf corn in the ,orneiiil:iwo birds uf two acres of buck wheal in ihe Mm ml; ai'il have left the untile iti bis pm essinn ilurinu tn pleasure, nntl forbid any1 ,ieisiin tskni); ii away; either by putchastf tr otherwise wnlumi niv cunseot. (J KO ROE DUlEtSllACIL July 25; 1841. riiCCrcdit System Costs too Much ij noiv an acknowlegcdfuct, that ibe" OaSZ-I SITSTKlVi ilir only irud me, both for the BUY IS It and SELLER JUSTnECElVEDOUUSECO.ND STOCK OF NEW GOODS, THIS SEASON. WE haxe been selling goods on the C.1S1S SYSTEM since last April, and its uni versal popularity with alt who have given us ti 'all and seen lor themselves, and the imiornso saw ng tn their customers. ?nducrs them to invite the coders uf the Columbia hunoeral tu a trial ut its' icnelit. Our stock of Goods consists nf till the variety of DRY GOODS, GROrERIES, QUEENS WA R Ei H A R D W A R E , HOOTS, SHOES, II ATS, BONNETS, &c. usually kept in a country store. All of which have Ih-cii purchased in ftew York ind Philadelphia, fur tho CASH OM.Y. Uy this means, we pay for nri man'B goods but our" iwn, and we ASK nj additional p'oiil from our Uhtomers lo y had debit; ihus having no lossesi we OAN fELLatAMALL ADVANCES, and WE DO IT, too, beyond all question, as every body knows who have bought of us, Our Store is in the BRICK BlIJLDING.at the :orner of Mill Street, and tho Hloomsburg road( ippo-ite Mr. A. Montgomery Stone House. cVe invite Evkut Pxhbos to call and see ouY jooda. We are not afraid to chov ihem. RUSSEL & ORIER. piinville July 4 p4ml3 NASSsS, SPIKES; &cT iJlSTlL 4 ksiip vonmntly on barn , a Jarcc at' 5 V s.irt iient of sijic avi inoxi vhichthev will seb .. a f . j I K and !.;. 'Ml, wul u n .. i't fcriJ ao the nrltcUt) it, ftw xltifiiii-t 11 .ic'm ott Meichaitt and 1 ii'is. i,i,iv nu 1 11 'o uu tr interest to call. A tiudd uf grain no vrd in payment. JOSDru I'AXTQWi TsWrwT,