The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 07, 1844, Image 2

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    thus piiblflv. I will sonn ascertain who
tli s cavalier is your h'g'.nrss.'
The ceremony of msfilage was ended
an I i he j i r i r s wa poioiiiicnit; hi ben
r "ict.ori when ft comninlion was appir-
ill mi Inn further piitotilio hall, near
ll.u dcr, bii I ihf Ihfoini uave way in
Iritni hi fire tn tidr. of Mntunieh
at il 'lie ( ffi-'ffH i f lint lulu' rial Police. '
Wm means all this?' demanded
Mni'einioli nl the ( uflicfis a he'
lame near. 'D
A inork marr'!if, nrincp. hnl hv
Ihf nid.sJ llie pried hall) done il with "f
a grace nnd jinclion an ii he were in
1 1 ear ii pt. Tin re Hand tint happy
rulple, whu weru llie camichid not li""
n priest in mnqerade. aro as s.fely lied
as ever man and wife '
They are tho twu,' u.iid Col Neck
Il i hi ' irri-it llixm. A Un llu rami. tllll
chn !'
The i -ince'r-sislpd and drew hi
mv irtl. Iu the mulse his imsk fell oil
an 1 betrayed lo all eyis the well known
I ...... .!' Ii rt . . 1 'I':... ....
imuirfWI inr- UIIJiITt! mintc. aill'IVI
WJ8 a iteneral utterance of Mil nriae and
n feeliimnf levp inii-r-x ! Si mil anentH-
ly seveul ol the m isk i uiaile a in v-
iiient 90 as lo olHiruci the ti dice anil fa-
vor hierane. He wan snnn neoeiatfo
frirn P.ince Ale llirnich ami (;olnnel",'''H I iwyer, in Ilfnry county, u to 10
penetriled, the bridentoom and bride,
linil hneii nL(uil In. mi,iu p'rorixli riffi. I
rer.o rut of the hall into a c-rriane.
j -
Jseveralof ihe gentleman sprung upon
llie box aud Imc lonlbeard and diovt
wtHi rupidi'y loa dilanl nrt nl'the cny,
where llie prince ami hi.f bride w I .
soon in i, v in a rHreil maiiMon 'i-a.
tht ivnlU finntiiuil P.i u Pri.nli tft..i I
K.llA limit imuu, .... n m.n.l . '
1 Wr . . I .
m. - i in j i inn m ii iiMtujr n iimiiimi
tanrul..,) l,i. .. r......-
n.. r..i I,. ,i.. P I... ,i. ,i
i ' . . 1 i ...
eiy, aim, ai .nr. sum nine ntnwei
rormanily fnrmu hv their friends fo
- . I
c"iiini 111' 111 nut nf the city,
Al leonth Hietr retreat was dicoverei.
Tiic urince was airesiecl. but hm wif
tsean. d m di!.1.iii.e.& leaelu-d P.nis.Hi.-
coi.ff lenient waa now mote rinoiou
thjrf hefoie; the -evetity of which added
to hit gnef at llie -.epiialiuii fiom he
loyclr wife, ronn Wore tinou his pin
arid l.eallii: and: in a few m nitln d'l i '
he died a captive. Tile Pi nice. Nlten-J
i.e. who hint l.i li..r hi. rjn-l
tiviiv.and had been forcihlv home fromhia"', thai, (lenrsrui is .uti:
oner hv llip fjiihful Pmnch nfliur..
011 hearing of hi death nave birth to al'nrd that Robeit .1 Hi-nt. e-q. nidi e.t.-n
(in. anil nrrwil.lril 111, hir lifrf. 'Fhi-I'lie democrat. M -. IJienl Is a Ver
child, the irrtindsnn. ol Njnoleon. Htill
live not fir ftumPttU' a treasure, dear-b'ld
- . . .
Iv ir.iarded and cherished bv those. who.
liaonointpd in their hone of his father
look forward lo Ihedav.oot tlistBiii.wheu
Fiance dull once mote rule the nation
tinder the destiny of a Napoleon.
'Cant. Uerry. of die ship Virkshtirt:,
whii'li umvrd at New Yoik. on Thuradat;
evt'iiiiiu from New Orleaii. repnrl dial on I
tne G Ii AugnM, lust. '27 20, 87 -lO.aii ohjeel
havinir the apiiearanee of a ho-it was tlncov
cred about 'A nouns forward of the weadiet
beam: the Inn's eutirto was imniPihateK I
altered toward it, and on reachh.g t' wa.
Imve to., the hoal was taken alona side, and
even persons received on soard, who pro
ved to be capUin Alexmdr iMeDunalil. urn.
ciew ol the Br. sclmner Ormge, Inst on Hi
voyage from Jamaica to Matanzasi The)
had been thirteen days in a boat 14 feel
lone ami were-all as might be exiiected. ii
n week add critical slate, and thiee of then,'ne hfed on boaid: one wa loiallt
insensible, and althiitn'h everv mens wa
used lo lesiore hnn, he onlv survived three
hour. Theii denre for watter was ver
great and much rare as al fir-dtwed in ad
iiiiniteriui! 11 lo tlieni,nd it was um till the
thtr J dav Hiat their thirti wa atulied,
wlttcli lime eai-.ti .pernon hu used auuul .1
gainm Ol waier.
(3.ini. McDonald latpd ihat on the 24 il
.In v a; 2 A, Al.. when ahnul 111 lal 22 451
Ion 83 Oi .V. die schoiier wa suddenly cap
j . .
sized 111 a heavy quall I'.irlunately Hit
1 up hoti lieinii mowed tiollnm 110 uniiii tin
f , 1 ., k 1 1
lunir hual. Iiimeil nver III die fwater. and 11
hands Mieerileil in Keiini' Hi Mini not clem
of lite vecl, which almost the saim
mo'iunt dtsappeaied' Thus they vrerel
let al llie mercy of tlie wavcs.without ptovt
eluus or water or even an oar lo guide ihe
boat. Pari of a seat was bloke off and
made ol 10 sler the bunt, which was kept
before the sea until ;a Ituht, .liirinu the day
the lining anil foot hoard were take off and
converted inio a mast on which spreml the
Captain s .tluri f'tr sidi the b'fat was steer
ed to the sn iiliw inl wnh hope of filling 111
wilh the land, I myaids evening 11 s -1 1
1 1 1 1 v 0 in sight Inn they wire ton distant lo
bail her. On the 15th, there hit 11 n no ap.
pearitnce of land the lmat' coiiin ws altet
tu the westward. Fnun this lliue ll tv
were drifted ahnut hv the wind. Tlieii mi
ly fond during 13 day was four fish
about twn niche Iniik! found in a piece nl
bamboo which ihey picked up, On llie 3 1 s
nd the billowing da u rained, and MiHicien
water was obtained to quern h Iheir ill r
On the morning of llie U1I1 of August, three
chips passed them, but il wa suppnseii
that the boat was not spen tri'in tliem, hum
weie, howevcr.snnn giattfied with die sight
f tlie ship that affurdud thetu relief.
0 U S .p RO S P E CTS I N G EO R G I A
The S i vannihGeorgiau of llie 3t iriM.,
n" hl)' article on 1 lie prospects of the
'""cess ni i-iemncratic c.iuie in tint
St''1'" "Tier ci'iog iiumeiou reasons !
how thai Geoigi.i will give a large m
lrit-l m j i in at tho iwxi elertto
'"' P"'k H"' D llas.atld the following.
The (hai g,. from the Vhij lo tin
- mot mic rink In tin Mile, lia v
been mnsi reum kulile. To the iiumbi i
prnmlnent mi'n already tccuiiled ii
"'" cnlnmn a.s having ah imttuif il tin
Win a and come nut mi Pu'k and D.I
andTexav'd now biiliiog iiiaolu l
nd wilh a heariy good will in the
uemnciaitc ianK, may lie amied
'(-'ol Shakelfnrd. ol' Cm ronnty, an
able attorney, whu in 1840, was an cm
- iasl IC'er (ll G 'II. IlirriSIO.
and has been a pi nmlnent Willi; uutd "
within the laM few month.
'M-i. II til, nf Mer iwe.ither county
M'u was the Whin Senator in Hie leg,i
It Jl II I jsl lrtfi p 911 1 11 .1 li. jtl I II if I lilt , I
J""! -'- --..p,l ...w.
enlul man.
U iniel U. Miehal, Ivq. of Floyd
eounty, an aide ami an eloquent liw
L.tinnr J. lln, ivq. Highly prom
prominent, and I denied inemhfT of llu
Wine iiarlv III I III' wluilc rnlllll V
. ' ........ "ir
'Uuries t-onpr, h,sq. ol u atkei
county, a relaiion ol .lucue Lnnper.iuii
"l ajinp, u n lennai puiniciau.
'Uen. Uolhoin oiik ol Hie le.iilinu
rinzen. os . iiei iweanipr cnuuiy, ami
""U a leam r in i-n- v iiift nany.
Mll. VUk-I. IdWVf'f. Ill KlVHt
. . . i i.i .1
It. Mlll till HlllH 111 111. Willi NIIUIIL'I
...... j j - - j If
III!.. Ill (HI III IilllnOII ill 1SIO.
-Cut Ii .hnn: ol A nil v. tii.n d an enl
....I i'..l n "...l... l..r I
" ' "."."- ..
-mi, I win r.-n tided hy th W.u-
. .v . .
an acee-ston to tln-ir rdiik, lliu
'really enfeebling ours
'When uch chani;e.q are ocrurintf H
er the Slate when ue'hear tens and
''', who aie leaving the Fedma
ny in almost eveiy county how c.
ve entertain theplmhteat dmihi a Hi Ho
eult of the comiin; 1 1 ction, and vliei
" the U tin I a .iy hook up
n winch t h i'n a hope?' Weliet
eave- lo a'.ure our fnend in olhf
We notice In llie ! i. r fiont Il.i'-
'hie. lawyer, and an excellent opeake
renhtes now tied
I . . 1 1' . : . mA J : .
'" 1111s msinci 10 low, ami wan uiEo n
favnr of the whig puly.
We ate nlad Ilia' he has een tlie t r
'"' "f wy, ""'I has collie oui li out
unoug them
Thirty Englinhmen Murdered and their
Hodies Eultn by I lis CanvViulsX
TliP Journal denDebals gives the follow
mg atorv, coimmmii'ate.l liv
a eurresnim
lent al Akaioa, in New Zealand:
'I'rntiably before my letter arrive in
France, vou will liave learned that die Ala
I'muris. tribe of Z'lander. Hive killei
htriy F.nulish of ibis colon) ; hut vou ier
aps will mil know tint Hie lio Ii -m ol thr-
I mlnrtiimiie men were eaten. I hi i Inn
I on true. We lia.l been out on a luuuiu
I party for ahoul a week, when one eveni 1
ve arrived ainoii llie liteniliy irilie n I
Ireaepiirn 01 Mahonri and muni them r
aahni; ihfinrelves with human II -I
! We all conceived that tliey were t ain.:
hioriie cantites, or native olave id then
twn. A I understood the language. nnl
not resist exiKessini; my i'ldiijiMtion. aud I
dneatened them from the crew of the cor
Tjie sivaies were alarmed, al il endeav
Led in appease me hy sajtngThey are 1...1
aduier, of Mohuuri tlial we are eating, inn
-nine Yee yee .r 11 1 thus ihey '"""
rile Cilii!liBii. I lie) men e&iiimirii in i r
din head of their victim, and I letwmzei
imiinn the in that of Catilaiu W aketiehl 011.
1 . ...
of the diimiiiihed iiihahiiams ol Purl
NichnlH; whu had euieiiiiuled us at iir
l ivvn linure nnen tie went to town to nro
I 1 ,
ili'iim iiriivimoii. I wi aeizeil Willi :imiol
at Hit Main: Mv emiipaiiinns blamed me
- - - . - . ..
Ifnr having risked irrilatini tlie cani'iliat. in -
we wete nuly five aifainsi two liunilted. Htn
they gave n eoiihtleure hv saving. Oh. llu
Owi out (for so they iliMiutMii-h lie ) an
12001I iieonle, hut die Yee ees Mre vert
wicked They then related thai they li mi
killed the English beratise tlmv wished I
establish tlienieles in a hay vil.'ch l'ie
hail mil purclriaeil, and weie unwilling it
gun nn1 We llieu letiretl, with
he, iris lull uf horror mil dirgusl'
The Foreign News. The news bt
1 ... . . We-teio is inn res'ing A until.
er addi'iot. lias h. I'll made In the Rfl si
t 1 1 .1,.. i.v...ii.i, : i. ....
la'lll'V, .111.1 1 1 1 I4IK'"-" .'lllinm mi
' . . J . , . .
lillt'd with llu ual gossip uincli nicli
in event i-eneiallv ocasions The O'Con
ni II case it main- pietiv much the sam
is nl the pifvioiis Mcc.uiinlh. Mehemeiii
Ml ha abtlirated, an veil u "'P''
. t til Ti. . .n .
.iii.ra Iusiii Kurti 11 ji li il. I hi rililiil
.,.bui .. ..i.noi iI.m ........ on Miiliiiaiioi
k.1Tl UV.1 47.7TT, IH1,
J on mesidext,
vice peesdent,
Cannl Cum inissii.nrr.
VciANDLUss, 1 .,,.,
AsaUimuck, S
I CifnrgeF. I.ihmali I 1:1 (icorge SchnaMe
2 (Jliri'ti.m Knpa
14 Nathaniel It. LIJicu
3 Wtn. H.Sinilli
4 John Hill (I'liil.)
5 Mamucl H. Lcrcli
IS M. N. Irvine
10 Junien V'notlliuin
17 HurIi Momjjoinciy
18 Ihiiiic nkuiv
10 Jnlm MmlifU-j
20 Win. I'miriMin
31 Andrew llnikc
'it John M'tiill
2M (.'hliftinn Mjers
24 "uhctt Orr
6 Sa unci Cnmii,
7 .foine Sharpe
8 IN. W. Hamplo
9 Win. Ileimlenricli
Cm:raJ Ahimer
JUHJltygcLliU VOIlvenLlOn
t a. m ..
The Citizena of Culumliia County, fWi'iidly t
Kemoval. are rrqupateil to mrct in thrir rraiirrth
election Dintrict. ut the usual place ol holding tli
Ucmral Klcctiuna, on
Kni,,ln,, ,l.. ..r
inetwrenlho hniirt nrtrirn nml kiv itff.Mtr ii. ..r.
r I n I in u i-
1 I
" -""." iwi-guii-. ill rp iicM-llMHl-ll
u """"V ""ii 10 men in u.c linuce m
"och Huwel, in Uloonisliuru. at J3 n'cliuk. nooii.
.i. , ,...r .. .. ... , . .
" "R. . ..accii. nnminaiton a
llJnintv riftft iii I... ... it... 1 1.....1 mi... I
. iriu.ill1rarum.
O. W. .MOIiltIS,
ANTONV in:.Nci.i:it.
Ir nine raliu i-landihg Ctiu.iii ilice.
The next ulaled meeliiiL' ol Ini CI11I
till he field at KliiierslitirL'.on Saturdav tin
7ih day nf Si pieiiiher mxi. 111 one ui I.
the Mi. 11.... m. A IIIH KOH Y I'OI.L
140 lie l hii;li uill then lie ratted.
TEMl'ERAMJE meki inh.
To inoirow f telling (Saturdaj )lhe imi ii
ty will meet at the l'ri ly leriau rliur-li
lie! all turn nut for we are runt nircil om
cause i good ami we must ami will pre-
fJJA ple...ii.l HICKORY POLE
'11 lie r 'iHd 1.1 F s nun ere. k, i- r t
itise . f riioin.t P I. r .10 Tluiril,i
!-X' Hie 12 h. I) n nei .t. 'Ui 11 oil' , 1
here v i I he a li men nh 1 tn.
On M'MIHH) la'H,llc Ciiiivi 11M01
net at H 11 1 kIiiii u, ami ii,j.ii,hi,ii i. ,
bed hi iii ni 1 m i urn FRANCIS It
".III A K.i. tlie I) uineiai.c i'ainliil.,1.
hi Um . iiiiii. I liis .iiiiiiii'iiu hi will
le nieeled hy tin; Dciuiri -.hi' pm
' llt'iitliilliitll Hie S ilr, as ,1 miii- hallili
iiu of a cei Ijiii ;niil uliii i mis virtu) 1
Oclohtr. The parly will : 1 1 v aimn.
""' wi''y nevei In knnwi
m Ihc Lommuo wealth, which u ill ten
.ler his i lection ceilaiu by al least 20.-
. ,
IJ0U "J""')
1 .. ., . .
jCjPiNrVei wei e Hie u.tiiviiie lactim
,,, ji.,.h,. iinulile than Hiey ai e now li
I . r .
I Willll nil IIIIII I III Wr III! I 't I 1 1". lv.'l,
I 1 r
1 .... 1 . 1 .-.
inn ifcm evciy 1 .isr.i..ii.i a.,., iincjiiiui
lihat their ingenuity can inveni, 1 mad'
ne uf lo divide the Removal pafy
Hie coming; ilecinn, in oilier lo deleai
hem. Tin V twit kmnv il i Mien lt aH
'ingtlte, and tveiy nene u siiiiind
s ll'lllosl exienslou In II' nil llu- el
OUI tUI Hit III, a llllle l.lil r. Ill
Demon al aie cad d upon lo wiisiain
Hent'tal l)i mncialic lOUlilialioi , nlilli
the vhig,s aie tiigetl lo Mippi ri noui' oth
rr than a purely par y iti kei. Runnei-
Lre 1 1 B v 1 lling the county daily lo 1 ff e
, . M ,.,., ;., ,tfJ
""J -' " Jl"
I . . . .1 if
Inrilina nrelens on fur I lie muni nf nurit
' -
- ''" quesiioi. auses win ine pen
-tiller ihemsclvt s lo he ti m cIiphiciI In
)rn) n Ihey were in 1536, at llie. elec
j,,,,,, f Fuiley ami .Itcksou, anil mir
ii vo i htm tht oppoilmnty or risumiiii!
I " 11
be iniiy vole, as in opposition to tin
vuto tu Ihu Reinoysl. Wo think not.
We liniirn In prpad hrfure die ppnplr'
nf PriiiiavHiiia the dpi heratinn of the
Demnrraiio Slate Convrntinn, held in llii
nUep lo.itar, fur the numinatton of a can
uiiiaie inr l.nvernnr. tu iipplv lim nlaep nf
the latnptiipil MunLKNnmto. It will he
een thai the deleirmiN Um hpaily nnliri
pitptl pulilir si-ritiitipnt ntt this suljpct. unit
have promptly raiified the mum, a in n
whiili hail nlrcaily hpen Rpnnlanpniuh
mailp in iIih hinrln of the penptp.
FRANCIS H SNUNK.wm mianunmuU
elnmeii a (lie rppnlilifan ntmhiril hearet.
ninillicr niiliie having ffu muriif.ip,! ,,
Onnveiiii.ii'. or even prexented ilnelfto tin
mild nf a d lewatH
We nlfer lo tho Deninrfarv of dip Slate
our hpariv riingrauilaiiona on
resijlrWnder the )'roidpnilal ilippna
inn that nfllieli'il im, un were fiiiltiiniH in
haviiijr tvH a leader in renerve, ntn ivr
nay now hmk furwiird lo a viei.uv withoni
i parnllel in nnr pntinHl hnnal. On nil
jrcal qiiealiium n Nnlinnal miuI Slate poll
v. Mr SIIUNK mmiiiU iiiilix.olulih
denitlii! with Hip true Deninrraev. I.
ini the iltviTMlled interest of nnr Com
nnnweahli will (ind h .prnre depoMlnrx
Ii niniiH will eniiMiime a pnpn tHr. i
i ill an liiini.iHlile, rnllt ini ery. Mr. Mhi
le, the illm-riiir paper hero nf Wmiiuhih
i'd. will now he furevei witirnctd lo em.
einal oliM-uiiiv. ami ik iletmr-il t.i one .i
"" "hi I iidiinrml di:fi:at4 (nr hi.-h In
tm pruverhud. lie miiv mi hriit
li.uiee nf Miere, Hum u v ih pmpopi
iimelf lu tin- p. ople ..f Wexiumreland lm
.uni!rei and Hit- Slate Li ixhtliirR. II.
Mil ai!Hln he III a uiiiinrilv ol V! Slid In III'
n i-iiumv . i.,.l ..I .-, linn .i, Ri iiu
I I r m.irp riiul il uinnti.i u.
- ...-.n, r.
uile re free in aekliow ledfje llii-i. The
niiiie n Sll l)NX Iimm Hlreailv tilled then
irres wnh i;rii led eouMerilHli hi. AlieaiU
ire it- f?ru 11 tnt in eieiv ilirecllnn. Iiki
lie flitnc-reil rq.iilrni ol I'a. kenliaut, he
re the r.iw truopii .if Ji kb.ui. They an
Uinim; to hear the eiimiuii id Demu, racy
tiiinileriiiu on the rijiht and left, and 'save
'limit' who ((' i ready in le iplnnn tlieii
ilHiir. I'.nir ciiimip.' The mil) qui bui.ii
111 w lo lie ilelrin mi (1 li.. al Milch elte
Inn theV will he llirtrdied wiilst in ()i n,
her nr Nnvenihei? Tin U iir.iMfm w.
ieavu the Democracy to n ve. Uaum
The I) innri .t- id Uniiilun, L Iuimh
ml Sehiit ikill, have 1.11,1, 1, ,.'t i IJ.ic
ViittU me 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 - s,d' Schii) Ikill ciiiiiHk
'hell i'.iniii'i.iii lot Culm !.
Tne I I. Ilinpra nl N01 1 li'illi'ii" I iiu
'I'lllllV. III'IIMII lll'll Iv'wii.l V Hi 1 In
r A'h tnhy and IJ.vid Mm,, fo
t.iimiiii.M"in'i ,
The iJ.Miioeiat of S' lni) Ikill roiin'y.
Uiominat ! o . L. M. S 1.111I1. Inr Sen
te. .1 inn's T'Hii nl. 11 ii !. Host'i. to
-.s-inhlv, F't il. ;irk li
ek , tot' C 'Hi
Jut! ai we Snpinmed It seem h
he (tin he thai there i reM y a nouthern
"iliii'.ii nl (lays Rdeiuh ieecll cnutain-
nit! view on the Tariff exactly onosite In
Ins views mi the me siil'ject in the nor
lltrn . iliiton A'T'TilniL' to the Clnlxt ttiitl
-Is I i ni ut le priuli'tl at ine .'fli 'e.aud in do
ut; 1 lie 111 up to Inr ' a r I tu 1 lit-1 r rehpfctive I
, Kiev uiHile ralherr a cerium, hluudei h
eniliuu eveil (nckaiie of those ilesiifiiei
ir the Smith, in die Nnrili. After ili-cni
rinu their misiake.ihey immeiliaielv look
leasiri tit recover die mifseut ducuuietllr
Vithei hiirci'hllll nr mil we have not exar
v Hie means nf kuou inn;.
TrrinendiiiiH Ifttrririmr and Floiid i
riicniisin Territory . We lorn H-"
he Creen H.v Republieai', that has nn l),
till iusi, a hurricane, ai coiupamit d un
am and ball, Mtepl ovei lirnwii anil (J.,
mil rmiutie with eucli Inr v. 1h.1i in in
pacr 01 nvemy minuies property wa
:esuoveo in nil vuiue 01 to.utlU. lloust
tarn, hritlges, fences ami In in ueie kchi
eted mill -niied about like ehafj; and 1
neny place die criips of every kind wen
1 liened and ile:r till. Tfets fuiir nit'
ie lin'lip in 'laiiielt r. were iui'ttoiT
Duck Creikj at Siriiiii. o Riit r; ad Hi
nge irce die distance nf l'alf a mill'
lie illtri'linn ol die li 1) clinic were ellln
nil up or blown dnw'i. E erv hridg
letween Twin River and Green Hkv two
......i. llf ....... v..,v.prn (3lP.n nn,
- - ......
'.md .hi were swept away.
In heavi giouiid it: tins tiiicimiy. qnan
Miles of potatoes an1 entirely rnliiui ami
poiied Iiighi or sandy soil has pin,
hi reason, mure favorahltt to Hie ere
The cotiHitut s,el weather is the stippiiM
aiisn fur the pnlaio disorder. Tlu rn lui
ecu no drought here, lids year, Jumuica
(L, I.)Farmer
Frnm llie Lincaaler Intellignnrer'
Amnnv tho many diliniruihpd gentle
uiPh wlinn nanip arc now hpfore the ppo
pip a candidates for llin Dpnincrntie (Juhcr
nalnrial nnminatimi in 1811, none il ap.
pear to me, enjoy a greater share of pup
ularliv, than Fravsis R. Siiunk Esq,
nr. Hhiink was horn, in Monlgmnery Co.,
in this Simp, ami. is nnw, I prrsnme about
linage of our distinguished fellow citizen
l imes nuchin in. llu fuller, wag a unit) o(
'lerculean frmiie of bodv, was a model ol
he siroiig en umo'i sense and incorruptible
niegriiy which distinguishes tlie German
huii'ler. The filial afTi'i-lii'li, with which
he sti'j.'ct of this millce solaced the tie
'iniitg veir of his parfuts. wlien Hflltetimi
tressed heavily upon lliem, n mie nf tin trails ,t( l,u character, and one
vhirh i alwats atleudeil hv oth..r anil
binder iriueij. Thr t 1 u i . f, 1 ...... .1
- i 11 iiiiii
oatieesnr Mr. Shunk's father: ('nntwiili
finding the liberal .jew he -nt.-i t.i..i..l
if Hie value of eiliicatin,.) scarcely enabled
dm lo (five In son the elements "of ,.,.,
Eiig'ish ediicaiimi The f,,t,,r. Simfrm
leinlent ol hlc School edoratcil III,., -Hi!
His accmate and erill-al knowledge ,.f the
'Jerimm and Eng, l.nin,; ,.
Clint wtdi ulnch he speaks ami write
"tih; In keen relish ,ir ,,.,d ln . xteu.ivi
"Ti iiut ime with the liiernure ol hml,
nose hnguages. the f.iri'e Hm per.spj,-in
it- elegince of his style of wrciiii. all t'i.
niahle anil varied a.'qiiireim-nl for whicl
- dis istlngiiished. aie I,n own w irk
Ir., in Ins ihihtio... m ,,
"joyed none of the 'nKenn i'. iin tdv tnug -
I wealth or f.uiilv mil lem-e. nerti
hilled his hopes and strewed her n'l-ticle.
1 the pith Hut the nitive energy of hi
I'lnl, and the imloinitahle energy ami per
everanre of his char icier sitMumitited lliem
II. The poor German hoy who labored
lib In hands fir the sub.isiPiice of his
areuu. w ho at the age nf nine yearn could
il speak a word of English, u now one
Hie must finished Engli-h and Grnmin
hnlar in Hie State has filled, (0 die sit
action of every one some of tlie most im
mi taut office.: and is a candidate for the
loinimtdnii for the hig'ies-l tdition in the
ill of the people of hi native Common
Without seeking lo depr eeiale the .iim
r the qii ilifi..,,!! ,11s of the uijiiv il-l,. and
h-tlngoiHlieil ri'ii iit'liini- id Mr. SI111111..
or the lie no 'rat'i' uomuiaiio'i. I inav he
Tinl'lfil to say. no one cou'il hrlng to the
'Ixeculive office a -irmigcr 01 mure liner
fing jmlg in n , 1 more iucoriiiitihle, inns
Hllliig inti'iirilv. g'eater 1 xm-rieiic n
uore piofoiind kmit ledge of ll.e -(Tors nf
his Coil iweaih.tliau I'rancn R Shtink'
lie is fundi . wilh every ilepartm 'ii ol tin
5 iverumenl. lie if versetl in the details
fth.'li"ids d-e I-'inaneial, the School,
h-Internal Improvement Sy.temsi.f the
Mr. Skunk's intellectual qualities arc all
f that solid, energetic character, which
iilmirablv qualify him for an Execume
ffice. No man has received higher tes
imiuiial nf public confidence iben ' he.
Year after yeai be was elected Clerk ol
he limine of Representatives by the von
if the )-inni;iatic member fretb from tin
tenpte. When Hie nre.enl incumbent ol
he Executive chair was elected, ihe pub 11
on e so loudly deiiHiided the appmulmeii
f.Mr. Shimk, as S-cretary nf dm Cum
uuiiwealth, that 11 could uenher he iiiisun
r-li'O'l 01 disr ganled. Mi, Shunk wi i
upturned, am! there was hut uite upiiiimi af
1 ihe industry and ability with which tin
r 'nun duiipi. of the combined offiies 01
i-crelary ol the C ninniiii wealth and Snpi-r
iient 11I Couiiuun Schools were diachirg
Rt Active in his turn uf mind, upright i,
tleullulis, humane slid getiernu iu file
hspnsitmn, Mi. Shunk i pussessed at tb
nine time, of Hie greatest firmness and in
lepemleiice of character. These q.ialitie
ere ili-playe I hy him iu a memorable in
mince dining ihe Hiukshui War, whin
is sid' I i i-Il 111 the mine o( the peoplt
Ceiy prrou ai qualnleil with the hara.
r id Mr. Shu iik, must say, thai he vn
letther be u he. died or luliuiulaled, am
hil y would prtside iner the C'oum il ni
the State,' her iuieiests be effeeimilly pro
iinted; hiiiI the palmy days ol her unetem
prosperity respired.
.i A'zip 011 Trail for Murder, A per
onage tu New Orleans, who tuples himself
King nf Hie Fieuch,' ami maintains the
1 ignity nl his pieteusiuns hy u unguiliceut
beard and haughty demeanor, is on dial in
thai ( ity jor killing llin Secretary of the
Spanish Cunml. Tlie field on king was
known iu France an Luc Tbciicvin,
AH will rcmpinlipf Henty Clay's lettof
'lefore hi nmiiinaiion against tho' annexe
Hon nf Texas, which was intended Tor tho
N'nrihcrn market. Since then finding u
vas lousing hiin grntind at tho South, Im
has written a letter thero in favor of (ho
measure; nf which tho following is an cx
tract. Read It
I do nut think that the sttlje ct of slavery
night to effect the qupsiinns ono way (ir
die nlher. Whclhei Texas he independent
ir incorportcd in the United Slates, I (u
un believe tl will prolong r sborten tin,
duration of that insiittiiiun. It is destined
o become exiinel. al some distant dav, it,
mv opinion. by the nperalimt of Hip pnpula
mm. would be. lo rtfuxeu per
nieiit iironinilion, which will
tow; as the. qI bc remain, on account of
Lnil Case. - V'tsrtiiSH of mind In at I as
penetrated the fasliiun ihle circle. A young
ady inll istot','iiti'niluig to paint her cheeks
with rutige' put all Hie punt un her nose.
She was admonished of her erior hy a per
son asking her to sign the leinpcraiico
Like Either like Son. Mr. Cnbbetsmi
of the author of the 'Political Register,' 1,1
been confined four years iu Hie Q ien's
Ilenclr prison, fur a contempt nf Court.
Tub Paris F nriFicATroNs
F.ftv veir f'aiys the ltnfiiruiiJ .vere nv
1 iired tn fir.islr tho I'n nple nf tht M ule
'tin, thirty to terminate the Triumphal Arch
of the Etude, and h rtyeighl In rcsinre Hip
'aih. dr tl of Si !),.(!,. In six year the
i. is' stuietiduuu work of 1110 lern time,
" " ii'm' nib mei'l of V its, w ill have been
c i ni'leieil, iiofvithstunding the eeneral tits-
tres, the penury of Hi treasure, and the
ipcpssitv of providing for Hie consiriicliun
'frail ivava, roads, and cant-Is.'
SppakitiL' of changes from whieeery, the
Warren (Pa.) Advocate very truly says:
'Hut it is improper tu say 1h.1t every man
.vho voted fur Harrison in 1810. whu will
nw rote for folk, has changed, for 111011-'
sand ofdemnrra's vnted for Harrison he.
ciuse nf hw military services, believing
him fiom hi put (ic speeches nd leiler,'ie
be a democrat, and snund on the hank and
tarrtfT questions Oihers had iinlnhnd il,o
ientiment, pmmulgdeil.hy O'd Hirkury, in'
f ivor of the one lenn principle, and under
ihe eirctl'iisirnees, believed il to be quite as
dpmncratic to vote for Harrison as Van
Huien. Tltn man ne er thtiiij hi o" being
federalist or which i the same thing
whigs Sii 'h persons are lo he found in
eteiv couun , hi e eiv town, ami iu e.pry
lislricl. Happily Inr ileuniciact , happily
or the oppress, d of all nations, the demo
rat are united on their stardard hearer.
Nobudv iln-piilra James K, Polk is
the democratic candidate. Nobndv ilis-
pules that Henry Clay is the federal ean-
lidate, or (in the language of the Huston
Alias, the chief otgan of whig there) die
is llin chos-n candidate of the aristocracy
nf llie whigh put)'.'
The fnllo'ving are the official returns for
Governor of Kentucky in all cnuntied.
Owsley, ( Fed ) 59.310
Butler, (Dem.) 51 752
Fed ra! nnjority in 1811, 4 591
Compared wilh ihe Prt sulenli il vole of
840, the poll stands Him-;
Harrisnn, 58,370
Van Huren, 32 207
Federal m ijo-ity in 1840, 25 973
Shewing a NE F GAIN for the Demo
crals, on Ihe vote ol 1810, of ei.:i70'
A snnilai gam in all the Stales of die llu
1 m; and will elect ami Dallas hv nwr
IORITY! Stand firmly tu your pus's,
Democials, IS WLI.I.!
One of the first Parisian d)crs is qiint
.I as Hie autliHrily fur the following reieipl
or cleaning silk; 'Quarter nf a pound of
s ift soap, a leaspomiful uf brandy, a pint
iu, all well mixed together. Willi a
sponge uf ft iiiuel, spread and mixture on
each hide nf the silk without creating it:
wash il in two or three wateis, nnd iron
Il un the wrung side, it will look as good
aa new,'
Mr Uknt 'N. Notwithstand the great
nppu'iiiuu In met with, at the recent eleo
t inn in that Staie, ha sustained himself
strongly. His friends number a majority
1 in ihe Legislature, and he will; mi
tlouht, be returned to ttio Uuiied Stales