The Columbia I the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Mau.-Thoma Jcffcrgon I have sworn upon mOMSBIIBG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER J3 1844,, Volume Vifll.l OFFICE Of THE DEMOCltAT orroBiTB St. Paul's Ciioiicii, Main-si TE?,MS : 77.C COL UM1UJ1 DEMOCRAT will bt published evert) Saturday morning, a 'TWO DOLLARS per annum payabli half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars, Fifty Cents, if not paid tvlthin the year No subscription will be taken for a shorter .....,.. ;,.! nit- mnnthm'nnr ami ihscon- tnnwice permitted,unlil all arrearages ilixrhnrirtd. JIDVERTISEMENS not exceedingat square will be conspicuously insenvu . One Dollar for iiicjitsi im and Twenty-five cents for every subsc quent nsertion. TA Mr1 discoun aducrlisebu the year LETTERS addressed on business,viusl be post paid POETRYo THE FIVE TOASTS. rriie Norwegians have a song called Get i Tin. Fivr. Toasts, will. uliirli iliev uenerally close their feslivcen ler tainmenls.using the violin cneigelically between the vctses. Of this song tlio lot lowingis a translation, which we have been permitted to publiah-J As by five senses we are directed In all tho bus'ness and jqys of life, So let five toasts bo now selected, Five glasses quailed without caro or Btrifi First fill your glass, and pledge sincere!) Tqfhcrvho'a ainhe world to you; vmi loveiand who loves you dearly Who'mind life's sorrow will slire bo trui Next lo the "Fiiend who has proved uu shrinking In houis of trial when Fortune frowned: Who 'mid tho cold, pioud.and unthinking With ready hand and warm heart wat found. Third to your Country, the house of child hood. riedgo round tho goblet with right good will; To foamy river and lofty wild wood, To busy city, lone glen and hill. Fourth to the Generous and Open-hearted, Whoso liberal hand relieves distress, Who feels for thoso by sorrow smarted, Whose namo the poor delight to bless. Now give my fifth toasts a welcome greet ing. Fill up each glass till it sparkles bright; Hero's to the Host of this'merry meeting, To him and his a kind good night. Written for the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. On Viewing a Picture of Childhood IMay cm in childhood's sunny hour, Ere darkening clouds arise; Ere yet tho beauty of the .lower Is lost 'neath lluealeuiiig skies- For when thoso darker hours shall come, How oft tho thought will stray Far from tho scenes ye listless roam, To youth's unclouded day, When wild with glee and winsome mirth, Tho fields ye gambolled o'er; rincking tho buds still in their birth, To deck some youthful bow'r. Lniigh on! while all is bright around, Ere some declining lay Shall throw its nhtdes on newmado mould The sunset of thy day. w. T. c. Fall Uiver, Mass, July 7, 1811. A GOOD PATIENT. Malorin, tho Fiench physician, obsorv im the anxious punctuality with which patient look a most nauseous medic'tno, said to him with inlinilo gravity Sir, you arc worthy to be sicM' 1 -55SLrf.4; I 1 lW 1 U Ui 1 - ft. M W ( U m.f i , Il.'l.'l."f'"l'rf lilt' Mt I I .1 I. I I 1 V I - IIWIIllMlllt . 1 P . The effects of perpetual day upon the uind, feelings and avocations of men, is tius described in the narrative of liuchaii s Expedition to tho North I'ole. Nothing made so deep an impression on our senses, as Mie change from alternative lay and night, to which wo had been habit uated from our infancy, to the continued day light to which wo wero subjected as soon as wo crossed the arliclic circle Where the grounds is but littlo trodden, even trifles aro interesting, and 1 do not, therefore, hesitate to describe the feelings rtith which wo regarded this change, I'he novely, It must bo admitted, was vcr .irtfealilc: and tho advance of consUini daylight, in an uncNploted and naiuiall liiiisleiuiiti sea, was loo prout to allow us even to wish for a rslurn ol the alternations ,ibovo alluded lo; but the reluctance we full to leave the deck when tho sun was shin mg bright upon our sails, and i i retire lo our talmis lo sleep, ueprivcu us of many hours of necessaiy rest, and .vhen wo returned lo the deck lo keep our night watch, if it may be -so called, and still find the sun gilding lho sky, it soemed as if the day would never finish. What, there, first pro'nirscd lo be so gratifying joon threatened to becomo extremely irii- somc; and would, indeed, have been a ser iiius inconvenience had wo not followed the example of tho feathery tribe, which we daily observed winging lh"ir way lo roost, with a clock-work regluariiy.and ro tired lo our cabin at tho proper hour, where; shutting out the rays of the sun, wo obtained thai repose which the exercise of our duties required. At first, it will no doubt appear io many persons that constant daylight must bo a vnlunable icquisiliqn in every country; oui a nine ie- iloction will, I think, bo sufficient to-show ill at tho reverse is really the ctse, and to satisfy a reflecting mind ihal we cannot overrate tho blessings we derive from the wholescmo alenatioils of labor and rest, which is in a manner forced upon us bj iho succession of day and night. It is im possible by removing lo a high latitude, to witness the difficulty there is in tho regula lion of time, tho pronencss thatjis felt bj iho inuolatigaule ami zealous io rivoi iiieui .elves to their occupations, and uy tlio in lolent and procrastinating to postpone their lutics, without being Iruely thankful for hat all-wiso and merciful provision with which nature has endowed the more habit able portions of iho globe. DRESSING I A U30SE. In a caso for stealing a gooso, tho coun selor for the prisoner, examing an irasci ble old lady, thus began Now; Mrs Wiggins, remember tlio oatn you have taken and its sacrod obligations. upon ihe virtue of that oath.mauain, icnarge you lo answer me without equivocation, wether tho bird, alleged to have been sto len bv mv client, was a goose or a gander.' Why, sir, it is quite impossible for me ... or,.. 1 1, a mnop. ivns conked so it would Iih as hard for me to answer that, as to know weclher vou, dressed as you aro.aro an oiu nan or an old woman.' isBxariaiawnwn LrrETtAitY KA r. a .t,nri liniH dnii'c !i L'entleman who was requested o value the books of a de ,-fiased elerevman, found, to ins surprisu l,n manv of the most valuablo works were imnerfeot. havintr loavos torn out. Upon JBkini a servant who Had liveu wmi mv m . , 1 -.1. .1! vine someyoars.if ho know aiiytinng m ine ,:ircuinstanecs,ho replied, after some, nosiia linn Why, to be suro, sir, I did now ami iar a leave out, but I niver went , . .nn,a sn it could'l bo of twice u mo '" ""- - much consequence' SUULIME. You know, madam, that you oanno ...i. in nut nf anw's ears.' 'O.sii, pleaso fan mo; t navo imnuuu.. u. When vou uso that pedious - I ! !..,,... nl specimen of vulgarity sgai". why donl J;ou i.i. :. ! rnfinflM nhraseoloCVt YOU CIUII1 U III luui" "" I !,!.. anid. 'Ii is impossible to fubri """" ' . " . ..!... I.. cate 'pecuniary receUcle Irom me uuricui-. f ll.o anflnr BfiY Cl( iho fOIlUikiUa. orgu 1 sv,u From tho ,aJics' Companion. MARRIAGE AT A MASQUERADE. CHAl'TEK 1. It was the ixV season ofllie Carnival, The slreois of Vienna wero thronged ivith mnilev nrocessions. and music, and the merry laugh, anil the voice of plcas- .urn wii-i hii lull u ci lor l ie num oi commcice (he serious tones of business, am the brow ot care. 1 lie cny nai nut on its holiilnv suit, and mirth and revelry iciiied ftom hall to hovel. Mm it came on ami tno strecis were nu . ... . . . . -. ed Willi manners on ineir way luvanuue nlacej of amusement. The corijeouB hall of Ihe Hotel de'l mpereur wat, linhted up uiih llieplendor of noon, and ' i i i '. - ils avenues were crowned wnn carria-b ., . 1 C.i mil caleslies ol uie elite; ami giaueiui iml stalely women in mask, and noble iniii-nrinir men. iii rich costumes aliehted fiom them ami ascended the broad stair tn ilm linll in which thev were directed . " ' .. . i .i . by ihe sounds ol music anu rcvciry inai reached the car. the door stood marshala to receive the swords of Ihe gentlemen; ai , .i. i. the same time, accorutng eacn as nc n.iSMoil into ihe lull to lift his 01 llOl mask. The-object of the fust being lo nrnvpnt b nnd-shcdditiir ill anv ciiarice quarrel, thai of the latter to see that no improper person enlcreu Nav. sieur marshal, thou shalt not have mv sword, nor, by mine honor, will 1 1 1 ft my mask at any nun s on ,i;,r These wero the words spoken by stall ii v voulhful maskr, renreseu -. j j - , tinir a Venetian cavalier Ihe elegant mil irrannflll rnstlltlie disnUved HlS fl'llt nnrqnn In nil V.-l ntA 170. while his lofty and haughty carriage gave an air of truth to the assumed cnaractei jior ne er a cavai rried himself with no bier bearing. He wore a slender rapier at his tl.inh. and, his facewas close- ly concealed in a black silk visor. A inowy plume depending from his velyci this Ifftshotilder.from which his scarlet mantle, .slivered withembroi lrrwl ilm.vrrs fell itracelullv as low as .his breast. On Iris arm hung a grace. ul rum. slii hi of orm. but Willi proud carriage. Sho wore Ihetostume .f -, nr.1,1 Vpnntian ladv. and was mask ed in a half visior of silk, which, left ox posed n chin and throat of the most ex quisite beauty. The voice of the he answer ed the marshal, was arrogant and tlefy- inir. The corridor williout was wi rout ed with maskers awaking to enter, and regarding with surprisoanu cunosny tue ex'raordinary scene. 'Nay, then, monsieur,' replied the marshal, placing his sword across the entrance, 'thou shalt not pass. 1 will not be stayed ny a servuor 01. ihe hall! Stand asiile,marshal,'aiiswcr- d tho cavlier, fiercely ; and he drew lit.- iwoid and struck down the weapon hat oppossed his passange. ii,. i T.panns d'armos! Ho! the nuard!' shouted tho marshel and the crowd without. 'Arrete vous, moiisiaur,' cliauongeu 1 within the door placing ihe point of his sword at his breast. . .' . , iii ...i;.,n diiinlr it nsule 11111 Hie OOlU eavrtiici o.."- .,i .,,Haln.r into ihe hall, mingled with the Huong of maskers before he could ihn ion d'armes ne arresiuu, au'i " , ,,, arrived, he was not to be discovered with the strictest search. .ir... i,ni-i,hinM aim i moiut ui 11(111 ,111 HUH w f . f he Capuchin order to the door ol cowl was down and his features invisi a ii n ii nnii a i cu tu h..... ble. . .... ... Lift your mask good tamer, sam mo marshal. , . vt... ,,io nriniK.R not io me, masksonlv are to be lifted,' answered .i n USn iiini .inat irtnn nn fiiii in v wwnf i ihtr nntul n Li u i, uuai tiiw " 1.1 i. t.. : h i inn art n iruo iuuiik business here. inn aa suiiii, wi - , ,i i. i iicrc. and cannot be 1 uavo uuai'i" nciilft. son. Tho marshel, awed by his voice and :.i:i;ni,r ilrnw aside, and maniioi, iiioviiii.ii'v , Inst lo the eve ot IllOflli ouioicu uiim -- i . tho bewildered marshal in the crowd of maskers. CUAVTEn II, The ia in ui the. imperial pal ace.TheEmperoris alone in his audience i t .1 I ... r.l... ace. I ne Jliin pt-i ur in iiiuiiu hi in? auuivuuu rIih iii tier, about tho hour of tho mafriue. radc. His brow is troubled, and lie iaces up and down the apaitmcnt with ,.. t i- i. i i.:..ti ..i.l.. ..I. Ills nanus uenum unirni: :ui,ui-im t oiuiia and summons a naio 'Send M hither., The order had hardly been is.nifdand the page had not quit the piesence, when his minister sent in requesting " .. t ! lmiieuce A itnitt turn. Wnll ivlial K1 m.. l,n ai,l l.,l,n,, ill,. .. , I ft I1 1 1 I O 1 1 I IIU.,1 liu ,,, ink. i,.K. I' I ,ind closed the door leading into the an- teroom. Your manner indicates basic! And more of this nmd youth's pranks?" 'I am sorrv to s.iv t'.iil he is aiiain the subject of my visit lo your impel ial hi nhnass. I Out with it. I have lost all palienci i. i.:..- ir , ol,..l .1 with him. If In; cscmu nun in ha shal be shot. I will cive the soldiersinstrtic ions to shoot upon him!' This would bo im oolitic, vour hicli ocss and bring the censure ofallEutop inon vou.' I would not care so ho were of it Itnl ivhnt linvi- villi now!' 'lit! has anain eluded the viailance of his keepers, ami lias lieu noin me t;ar- ... . . r, , r " . , len.,but notleh the city. 1 liavn mailt mvpi-u innnirv. anil iiiruua uiu uu i lie search.' I ivill hnvn Cnloiicl shot for ll neglect. How happenod ltiis?'demand , " r. r m - ' .nerwas suffered to walk in tin . , ., l i ii u j-j i ijwi wi j grouds as us,.,,., ai lour mis aiie, , , wi ll Hie uru. precaui.0..S u, . '" following h.m.anu a porter-sent no.. tome means he suddenly vanished . rom iho nvn n( ihn soldier and sentinel, as il .. he hail dissolved into air. me men ,.,...,i , il.o .nm. miMiied everv hastened to the spot, pur.uet every .venue, and hunted tho whole ineloson in vain. One ol them, sat.siied ol ms pn,ouei s .... . irwm ii map it. mill 1) 0v GUI II a nidi us on l,imself,and blew out his rains T-T, i ii iviD v. and an c naleu Willi ... , , rus own nan.. r - 1(on done, wnat oi n.s isiiuwr iri mmo irpnil.liiii' to Colonol iiUw...-..- auarters in the city, Ji s young maiuei ,ml .old the. truth, , .hat no fur her HtLv in.eres.ed her confessor in hi should be lost in the arch alter nim.- He was placed under arreM, and--Colo- nel reports Hiatal once every mean; wore set on foot to catch me tug.uve. i . r. l 'And without successr iTni who v. vour maiesty. Aiiei r,;,.iii plnsed in. and uolonel- couui j ...-. - , . "ft , . f, . i ..,.,:,, i ... . nni uiiir nt him. ho waited on VCl ICJIU iiuiu.k - I me wnn n.s renin.. ..-., ..I - , You Placed him under arrestr- niu me Empetor sternly . No your hi ghness: his .. .er y was necessary lor ine preseni, iu a.u ... v - . , ecuuns uia i A qa icw lfflve TlC isSUc all UI .Vm.r miestv shall bo obeyed, utit may it please your .iig'. - nr. I ....... ntli vu r ar. further. vnen im ...... ... - son announced, who came in guarded nriher. vnen no " i"-' son announce.., '"- " . ,r hv two so diets, w no uau .ciwhuuhi life stress that he saw a man descend .he garden wall by mean's of a grape vim u. I : B C-nuihln frl.r met h.m a,,d , , , hurried lum awa) , A Canuchin! I will ihe.r ...on s.ery for .his treason. What said the fellow furthei? ..,., Nothing that we could act irom w nv certanlV. 1 then mailO no uu...j but hastened lo acqunn your majesty with what had occurieu. 'And you have done ll quietly as " eon had como to tell mo the younc ' . . . ii l !i. . . anil Ijtlli T."0' ?h? ! tn ,t l iiigiu. i ... ;"" - allached lamavvareo the m o to Ihe safe custody of this young man. ,'Pi, nf Knrone. noiuiiiK. How now sir page?' 'General, the uottnt udienco with your majesty on a mallei of moment. 'This may touch this affair M. Ad- mil him. But how can he nave uearn of this escapade? If it known that ne . ill ' ll.. mill lIlQIll has eseaped.Bnd is stilt m mu ,.... is such a romantic sympathy for him that . i ... V nnnn IV. II hp halt lho hiding cioseis ... open for him. Let it be kept among ihe soldiery on duty, uuuu Cv.., count! What tidings bring you mai you corneal this hour, and in this hur ried guise, tnto-our prsencer .i L, .,n..r maiestv's Dsruonti latn- L.J.-vii.wif.h can cive him little A UOU. WMl J ft . ! r., aiiJi,..7,--,w-- o j t n - . .. I.Mr. n ,-, rl i. ,n fiPtprpnee io hiiih ,0,B,UO . I ." ISH n..r colume. 1 come miner iu "" r"' ma SSpo"c. Ivc qui. li Ky- Du she ring my absence from home, two liouisj .1.. II... t 1 it. .j ....... ,!... 1.. Il.i i iii in o,i-u iuiii iniiiw, Mini, aao, she fled, leavini: this note, that b fine I beheld her .igti shu should he the bride of the nun who hail lon l,n,l I... I, , i ntu, nvn,,. .'PL it ' 'Then 'twill 'be a hannv bridal' Du , ii I will not ji'st wiih thy giief, for v have ours uNo. Siu- no one the flight? Siifpecl you no out?' 1 did not, your highnes. bho ucvei had an aitueliiiicnl. fur sho is vers (HI II c. s.ivi! lor uiic iiersoii and he it C..I fl It 1 1 1 llP.' -' 'Andwho was ht?' demanded ihelSm- peror, quickly. 'IheyouihlulFrench prince, youri inaitly's nrotei't-! I hey often met in childhood, end uccjsionly since.' 'And he, and no one el?e h,n run s v,iy wilh your dnughther!' cried Hi !,i,.,.,i - ,ir ilV,, I,,,,,. ;,,.,i I,,, I i'mIuII iiiinntror. 'We hive msl liul inteil enee of his escape. It is plain enougl iow that Colonel has been nuigen -laled. Love and a woman! If lh l:iiii'litr be IiiIirii. si, p. st.inils ch.inri jf being arrested ds a traitor, count. CHAPTER III. We will now iru back lo a neiiod stil nrinr In lhi niirhl nf tlio Tin eiuel imnrtsonmenl of yoiinc Napoleon i... !. a ,.,..ii 'IV lllu XIU91IIUU tUVUl I1IIICIII, I If IVCII l.imwn In IIia wnrlil. nnrl h.ic. ninri, ilppnlv mnvpil Ihn HVmn iIIiicm ul -j i - , , . .. i. o younn ol all nalions man itie i;uo oi nl tan Ittftrif narinniifD IliiriMu nijf utllQl lllli ci juiib n'j. bis imprisonmenl, when at the age ol sevenleen. he was detained for some . monastcrv. ,le -,lon n .,.:.,, a(lioined .hat of the C.sllc of - f , ,b . . name lo ne oarrier. anu. ov l ie in , . . l0ii01i ,i, . . --i'"-i - Mg a( fi.,, ' ; - , anweeJ , 0 . . . . , . t. ,'pnmD aP... ........ . ,. a ,' ,,H shadow of n- .nled nd lho prince from being Uee , enamored witn lh beautiful gen- i -. , . . . ...... ' d , who . m3 - .. . , , ?. r. ... r ... .Mecretiyjiriea lo-soiien ine rigo, oi .... .mnrisTniment. After the prince wa. ,! hi, prv nm,nt. io elos, '. .. .. . . , . j- n,during whicl, I 8Jie ja2 ' ' m, . ' ,,lnv nr.i iiic v wu lit iiaiJiiiwuui " wiw.t I , . ' , " T. wa, f!1 ollirh , f . . . beloved Ai - - , , .. ...... . , . ......,. nnii n up. maiuen resoiveu io iii.u.e bo d euori loeueci ni- escape, rauui , . : . , .. ..... l., , ha isr rm riniu n in III 11,1 ,m;iin;i,iWWw............w.,..M....-.-.- nnfoi lunate ni'ince, for he had been u ,.- ,.',., T him ,hn p,. 1 UU Irflfil " wttiiT ...... ,;ti,l her nlans. True to her eon . hj'm )e .)romlsed to ,eeoill . . ..,-.,,, :n -,..: ner wian, tunnmu .. . nrince confefcor so far asto in;..; I I . - . ... him the medium ol corresponucnci between the two loveis. This coire- continued for some lime, r.lnrcd his tiat ion & , " ' ' VliM III- I - ' ' . . I . I- I united with her. II ,,,as Il0W Uvculy one, she seven teen.nnn - . . ,, ball, weio bea.itif,, He, tall and manly, she, lovely t.s . .... .... ... - " uui l.nw tuuiu i,k , , . ,imuld ihev be umit-.i - - oflorivarrs n. ? -ow . . , - , bui ,,.;' ,....-.-rnl and will prevail. A' favor ,hcm. A - ..,,!, thBihir.l q UR ,let, " . . . .. She snucht hei .hrnm.h him. her plan. - " , , p Wire IINIIB mi""" ' -In- day before, in a note, wrilten, whenever you can hnd a shelter :or nn wilhoul, I feel confident of being able ' ' frnm lha ,rden as ,0 eud, 1 mlT GO rt I I It M U. Ii is not so difficult li escape from the garden as to elude ob- servalion in the sireet. iiy .r known to every soldier in ihe city, for once a month my good relative, tin ibem in review, or, lather mo in review before ihem at mj balcony. I have discovoreu a tree wmci I can easily ascend, having been practis mg if, seemingly for exercise, from lateral limb which 1 1 1 v 1 1 awh-- - - touching another growing from nnothei Iree. Along tnts i can reacn mo, Ji lliirrl Imp. nnd SO A fourlh and fifty, i.iii ihp kt limb brines mo within reach of the wall, which is a nunarea foi iiutoni frnm the first tree. I can .... inr.rt iv,oo i i m hit . ii i can lean uu observed into tho tree, entire concealed - mc the e.i of Mcp..' It Im buen jwi thtt hu ...iT-.f !, 1 1. ii.,rtl1 IP tllpr.fcd Th .1 11 I IIHI!' 1 Ill 1 ' IVMII rMIL"l -iww a the note in leiily to his which n him to make the ailoinp : AIy noble fiieud will avail limn n ,if i In- mnans ho uxnUined when Ii next walks into the garden, at f.jiir I'. l; A fliimie'iiii will receive him an I cm !nct him lo his momsteiy whic'i close at 1 here ho will asccis-nii wlnt further touches his safety. 'I'nn in ineii on lellintr llimStflf now I from tho wall, ws luuried b Ihe m) l inlo the court of ihe nmnalory, an i conducted to his cell, I here , lo ! suniiiie. the princw beheld tho ilitgu of a Venetian cavalier, which a uu fjom ihe d.iiiglitei of Couiil .les.i- e,l li ( t ii lo iisuuie. He obeyed, and tin n inoked to the monk for further insti u- 11011.'' U ii your highness' desue to be IpiI in ihe maiden who has facililaK I your excapt?' akeil the tnoik. 'This would only complete tne n.ip of this hour of fieedom,' he u weied, warmly. 'Urn hearts arc on , 'jihei; why may not ui' Imud bi?' 'Then hear the pliflfai Miiged for ti consummation. I o night w the if ' ina.iquerade at the Hotel de U. linn; - rcur. It t planiun tnaiyoti accompany tho vounii Couuliii thithi-r, she ii ihe costume ot a noole Veiiiuan la M. There 1 shall be present, and during I various scenes fial luke place Ihcie 1 ' the amusement of the gucsl, you sin i come up to me, and gaily propose lu I) united to Hie lady for the on'oriaioim ,i of ihe company." I will then piocenl. and gothroughlhe marnage ceiemti ; which shall solemnly unite you.' This is well conceived, aud may succei-d 1 1 1 f nrinrp: but how shall 1 mcei v,.ii corridor lo a postern, which ho opened ....I nnuLXllI I II mil If K A few minutes' walk lluoujlh tho streets I4vbich ,weic filled with mrsUrs. ai'-t ' whom they attracted no particular atenii... , i,r, t.t them into a lane in the reat of tho -aniens of the General Count 'Wait here a few moments.your tiiguiu t-a said the Oapiichin, unlocking a private g . u ud disappearing in ine ;"'"" n. i. ... nrinrp l.ud iiino to crow un IJt'.UII. .11 ,...w 0 r paiient the monk re appeared, leading Ci.tinitss INitenne, wnom y"K - .rdeudy clasped to his heart, In -a m .Iterwards.a carriage which she had pn-v-led, came up; and gelling into it they (In.. o ihe hotel del'Emperor, leaving Hie mum. who said he would soon follow. Your highness will not icmove ) r ask .hump: the eveniiiR,' said lie to uu priiif J as he took his leave. 'iNo,' answered me prince urm.j'. CHAI'TER IV. 'There is to be a mock marriage in th niher p..rt of the saloon,' soid several of t nasluMi-; and a general movement of n. .rnwd was made towards dial quarter '. 1-M. ss it. In the midst stood iheVciieim-i r ,,,,1 ihp I adv. both ilissked.bul Uu h .inkiiif: from the grace and digniiy of :h. r er..n and carriage- Near ilium stood ti (Japn.-lim. A nraiblo pedem-al was com., ,...i ;,,i,. n ulipr. hv niacin" uimii ll a rri fix. the candles suatchtd fium ihe earn!.,.. lira. ICfcel children.'" said the Uap-irinn m,,u. Thev knelt, and Hip monK proem ,led to go through the aerure, while all i oiowil siuod sround observing lias Un y would a scene in play. CHAPTER V Tim Rmnprnr and his minister, Meiinr nich.and General, the Count .were hi I .....,u, .hnn a inesaencer entered anu an -linil. 1 1 " j nounced an officer of the guard. He u aj dmilled. .n,..i.,n vnnr mnieptv. hill, if ihe I'rnn e Xanulenn has not escaped, iherc is in -ia a person whose voice and carriage his own.' . What mean yon? Ol whom uo jmi ipeak?' A mask, attired ns a Venetian ea ier, who entered the hall a few ml.- - ,ai c nop. ns 1 was lOllermn in-,... " refused to lift his visor $ fmced his w . in with a lady on his ai in, ts J masue- . habited as a Venetian. -His resemuiai. in voice and air lo tho prince indi...- me to hasten hither lo inlorin yout n. t jest V. r...i....ol x . ' Kim have uone wen, winwnvi - . . . I In ..... or. I give you my uuunimn., with you sufficient means and ane f.' br tic before me tnis cava.iu.. 1 nd return soon wtm mm in custody. Metternich, you will a iccompany him. It must be our fluw.. bird.' , And he U as silly as a bird lo ap( t f