When (ho bill fut (lie admission of Zoii siana into ll.o Union was before Congress in 181 1, Josiali Quitiry of Massachusetts, ihon a leading federalist, and now n con apicuouo Clay whig, piopliccied th'J follow ing : " If this bill passes, it Is my deliberate opinion ihut it is virtually n dissolution of thu Unior.. Thai it would free the Slates fr.ini llii'ir itifirsil O-blilaliollS a rill til Ut ilS It gM will bu ihe right of all.so it will bo llio duly 'JBf of miiiio definitely lu propose for separation amicably if they can loroibly u iliey IIIIISl." The same hind of prophecies are now tillered in nijiml to ttio annexation of Tex an. They will turn out aa they did in 1811 in smoke. SAGACITY OF A DOG. A curious instance of llio intelligence of n do" is related. The animal ticloni'eil to n celebrated chemist, who tried upon it the t'lltol of a certain poison, and upon the next lav administered a counter poison, wlneli had the- cll'cct of prnscrvinL' the poor crea lure's lifo. The next day another dose was offered him, but mei.ci i said ho, ho would not touch it. Different sorts of prisonous vlrU"s were presented to him, hut ho ioso Intel v refused all. Uread was offered, but hi; would not touch it: meat, but ho turned (root it; water, but !io would not diiuk. To r re assure him' his uustei oilercil him broad K :inil meat of which he hiuiisell ate in the dog's presence, and of that the sagacious animal hesi.nted not to partake, lie was liken to a fountain hut he would drink m where but from the spot where the watei irushed free and fresh. Tins continued f.ii several days, until the master, touched by the extraordinary intelligence or iho pooi iMeature,resolved to make no more aticnipit upon him wilh Iris poisons. The dog it lion' very gay and very happy, but will cat of ooihliiL' that he does not sea his master touch, nor will he drink except from tin purest spot of llie fountain. EXTRA OKI)! NA R Y RESC U E. Tio schooner Herald, which ainveda Iiahi.-rioru on die 20ih nil. brings iho hi I loiviug singular intelligence, A boy twelve ears of aye was taken from a wreck on the l'Jih, in hit. 38 10. long. 72 at), who hud been imprisoned in t lie forecastle for nine days. The crews of the Herald, from Hot ton; mid the Washington from North Caro liua, cut a liolu through (lie bow of the cap Med brig, and lo their great mi prise ilun ('mini a little prisoner in daiK and snlil.irj c.unfniemenl, silling on the bond of a cask with his feel in water, but havui plenty ol pro v i s i litis near him. The boy stated iliai lie was from Jamaiea;liut could not tell hou long he had been in confinement, and sup posed the icsl of the crew of llie ling had perished. The captain of the Herald did not learn the name of llio brig, or that of the captain, but from the fact that a boai was picked up at soa on thu 1 (ill tilt, with the captain .and crew of the bri" Sir Lionel Smith; from New York for Kingston, Ja inaiea. which vessel was capsized on the ltlih nit. and a boy drowned fas was sun posed) in the wreck.it is reasonable to infer that lliu is the same vessel. RUIE INS I'ANOE OF HON ESTY It is stated in the Ilnslon Courier that mum nine since a uunureii dollar mil was given by mistake to a Polish Jew, named SIowumu Harrick, (residing at the Western llotol,Ueacli Mreel;) in payment for a small box ol steel pens, purchased of him by the clerk of a tiiereautllo liou.u in this city. The error was unperceivuil at the liino, by either of the persons; and search was made by the clerk afterwards, lo discover a deficit in his cash account of i.ineiy nine dollars, without sucee.NS. At length iho money vva considered as lost, when about fifteen days afterward, lierriok roinrueil the identical bill paid linn, having jusi discovered tin error. Such an nisiaiire of hone.My and fidelity merits tint applause of lite public and the person interested in llie terovery of die money, trust iliai ibis notice of n iii i contribute Ui the pioprriiy of the hum Me indmdii.l whotu honesty proved siiuu ger than te ni ji tutiun . AN INNOCENT MAN II LING II Y A MOU. Under ibis capiion, the I'aris (Mo.) Mei rnrv, oainio some curious particulars con litcled with mob ,aw. Sowm yenrs piiici Mr. .1 jiiics Hanic, miii ofAipiilh Manic of Missouri, was hung by a mob in Arkau sas, liec.ausri he was suspected of having iniirdercd the 'Wrigiit family' in one of tin counties in that Stale, Darnes, to iho verv last, asserted his innocence, but the mot were inexorable, and hu was hanged In lliiMti. It now appears from staicuier.ts in the Van IJiiren (All; ) Intelligeiieer.thal the real murderers have been found, and arc in confinement at l'i ctieville. in ili.it Suiu Thero ate three of iliuui, by the names ol Siar and Reese, ami iliey arc said to lirvi r. quenilv hoasicd of the crime' they wilt he couvn-teil, it is. .ml, on t)ie testimony ol nuiu wii'ie-so. ui ilo sti eunfessious, Bui ihur c iivi.-iiou wilt not restoro the inno cent m io in lifii. nor sjvu his murderers from the stints of remorse, for so cruel a fail. '(), The Baltimore Rup'tibliean says A friend has sent us a piece of Poke, of im iiitnse growth, from the vicinity of Mr. Clay's rctidcnco in Keuiucky. Fiom the Kpccimen before us, and from llie gieal pith liiiirii'in io il.il noiil,) appnr.r linn it thriven Lest a '.en in cunlacYwlth CAuy, Another Disgraceful Scene. On Friday! last, a vonlh of 18 was executed at Cariuel Putnam county, N. Y. for the murder o an nld man. Ho died impenitent ano iiaroen ed. The law of that Stale determines that exectilions shall bn private; hut this misera ble youth was taken from tho jail UresseL In w i tc. with the rone round tils hock, tu tne front of the Court House, wjicrc a table was placed wilh a chair upon it, upon wtncli lie was sealed, exposed lo til c cazn pi some thtco thousand people, until half past three o'clock when ho was taken within u leni poiary enclosuto erected near ihejail, wilh some -10 or GO persons inside of it.and hang ed. While the clergymen, of whom then were lour, wcro addressing him, iho pooph were fiuhtini: and riming immediately wilh in l ie Bound ol ineir voices ami ins maiei wailing with a wagon lo take llio dead bvd) away, MU. CLAY'S OWN" STATE. While in every other Slate the Demo may nrc battling manfully and making suc cessful inroads upon the Federal forces, out friends are not idle in the Dictator's own Konttieky. 1'hey arc daring enough to attempt the capture of the very citadel of the enemy. The aclivo tfloits of ill c Republi cans of Kentucky have put the Whigs into a high fever, aud they arc lustily calling their ' followers' lo arms. The Frankfort! Yeoman thus merrily talks about Ken tucky : If a like number o! (he distinguished man of Iho party have turned against Mr Clay in other Slates, his prospects must bt hopeless indeed. Who perlnrmcd inoro oi heller sctviccs for Gen. Harrison in 1810, .tin it tho then Governor of llie Stale, Hon Mnrlcs A. Wickhfle ; or Robert WieMiffu Sr. Senator; Robert Wickliffe, Jr. sinco n Whig Representative, and several youngei members of tho familv f This family all oppose Air. Clay now, or very ueaily all ol them, and a very iiillueniial lainiiy it In ilways been in Koutkrky. Besides ihesi hico are three Whig Congressmen fron Kuniucky in 1811, who do not now sup port Mr. Clay, viz: lion. I. .Mar than, Hon. J. Pope, and James C. Spngg. 1'hcfe ure (he leading seccders from Mi Olav'u rinks in Kentucky a Govern or, Ihrcu members ol Congress, a Senalu and a Representative, Bui this is noiliitij when compared with the hundreds ol illu eniial private citizens lo bo found all ovei the Stain. Let the whigs recollect thcsi rhiiigs and cease their boasting.' MR. CLAY AND TORYISM. Mr. Clay in a speech dcliverad in llie S itate, August 28, 1811, says that when di nmg wilh Mr. Van Bnreu at tho Whin House, while the hitler was President, hi (Mr. Clay) asked permission lo give a toas io which MrVnn Buren assented. Where upon Mr. Clay gave as his loast 'The ac cession lo power of a Toiiv Ministry it England, a Tory Ministry in France am. a IV ma Ministry m the umteu states. Perhaps, some ol our whig coiempoia ries hereabouts can tell what was nieaui bj llarrv ol the West' on the occasion. W it to sliow an identity of principle beiweei loiyism abroad and whiggcry ai home ? l'caihcrstoneli3Uuh praises Mr . (.lay, anC thinks that tho civil zed world requires hi elevation lo the I' residency, and Feather stoiiehaugh's world may be presumed to hi a lory world. loom I'oivtlcr. lunivM weights ol ear bonatc of soda aud calcined magnesia, wrll mixed together, and applied twice or ibrici a week. 1 his makes the purest, cleanest and most cllieacioiis looth powder, havm been long tried, and therefore lecomnicn led Leeds Jntcl. An Account of an Awful Tornado whicl icc.irrcd al Pnieville.lll., is inven in a leitei published in the Newiou Pa. Journal of yer terdav. rhesloiiu occuired on tho 5th nh mil Mr. Curiis 1). Trego, ol Piueville, who was wiiiehiiig it, siw two black clouds ap iiroacliiui' eacP oilier, aud when Iliey met 'every Hung was in a whiil.' The violeii'T of the wind burst the door of Mr. Trego's house open. and demolished every window Mr. 1 rego finding thai the house would be -iioken down, attempted to get his children mi, but was thrown down ami blown along the ground miiiio distance, when he wa' -tru-U violently upon the head, and lay in -iciicihle fur half and hour. The house wat ilerally blown inio a wreck,but furiunalelj tlrs. Trfgo and the children, excepi one -scapeil in lime. The one left behind wa oiind in the cellar unhurt. Thu dwelling f a neighbor, Mr. Howard, was crushed, iinl himself and his little sou killed by tin I'llliug rums. A Mr. Allen's dwelling suf ered the same fate s llie others, and soint il .Mr. Allen's family, his wife especially, were badly bruised. The tornado swopi -very thing in its path about loriy house.- were blown down, luriinuru and goods seal vcrcil and lost leuces torn no, and corn aid level with Iho earth Not a panel of a fence uae Irfi standing within a mile from he centre of I'm storm, Tho Stale election of North Carolina look place on the Id Inst. From the com plexiou of the returns as far as received, (he probability is that Graham, llie whig candi late for governor, is elected bill by a great ly decreased majority from 1812. Gov. Donn is employed in llie Rhode Island Slate l'i ison, 111 panning fans. Hin imprisonment will remain a blot up on iho con ntrv'd history, for scores of years. It is the most infamous .mil anli republican act thai h3 occurred in the United Statts, for a long time. Election. The following Stales voh between the 1st and 5lh of Auuusi: N Cuolina, Alabama, Kentucky, Indiana. Illinois and Missouri. MARRIED I3y the Rev. 1). S. To bias, on iho 28tlt ult. Mr. David L. Hovku frotn lleatlitif' ,13ui ks co, lo Mis Mama Voiii:, fiom Catlowlssa town Rbip. TEH MARKETS. I3i.oomsijuho, Aug. 10, 18M. Wheal, Hy, Corn, Clovcrsccd, Flaxseed, Uutlor, Oats, 90 50 -10 G 00 I 20 10 31 Eugs, 0 9 'p.. n 1 illllMV, hi I'll Dried Apples, White eans Beeswax, DOCT. VALI3NTINE STOUT, UnSi'IiC'ITl'IiLY informs tho imblio that bo hr.s rcmmcit I rout augarloat towiisluii.and located himself nt t-intlawissa, nml will allondto nil eallj for his protcsBional BcrMccs, particukuly in cm euiuntive e.uca. (jj-AII persons indebtcj to him aro requested to make imnieiliato paymout. Aug. 10, 18-11. SlUCRIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of n writ of levari faci3 lo mo t! . .1 til. t ... . iiirccieu win oe exposed to public snio on Friday the Ulld day of Aui'iisi next, at 12 o'clock noon of said dav.ai iho Court house n Danville, the following properly, to wil All (lint certain messuage and lrci ol and siiuale in Derry township, Columbia our.ty, coniaiuing one hundred and nine eres, be llio same more or less; adjoining mils of John Biddle, John Craij, lends in UiSUksion of widow Davi3, Josepii Clearer ind oiliers.wlioroon is erected a Lou Dwell ing House ami hog Barn, and about eighty icres are cleared and now in possession ol Uavid Uiix, it being a tract of land late the suite of John Buck, which William Kileh n late high Sheriff of Columbia county iloresaid, by deed, poll, under Ins hand atn cal, bearing date the llnrd day of Novem icr, A. D 1B29. for llie consideration there in mentioned, did by virtue of a ceilain wril of venditioni exponas, therein iccited, grain md confirm unto Jacob Cehr aud his heirs mil assigns, wilh llie appurtenances. Seized taken in execution, and lo be sold as the properly ol David Cox. I RAM D13RR, Sheriff. Siir.rtirr's Officii, Danville, July ;ilsi, 1811. Iist of Causes, For August 'Fcrm 184-1. 1 John II Reitz vs John Everit 2 Ilenrv Prick Adm. of Francis Ball dee'd vs John Rhoads 3 John V Hart t al vs Samuel F Head 'ey 1 William Montgomery Esq et al vt Frederick Loiby 5 S. N Norton ct al vs Simon P Kase et al G Cliailcs F Mann ct al vs Mathew M' Dowe'.l 7 Henry Miller ct al vs William Kitchen 8 Thuaias Edgar el al s Daniel Gross et al 1) Thomas Edgar et al vs Daniel Gross 10 Jacob Dillinu'i vs Jaenb Nuimcsscr 11 William Conror vs Joseph Gibson 12 Augustus P Welles ot n vs Danville and Potisville Railroad Company. Kl Jacob heisenring el al vs Henry Fisli era Adm M Samuel Parker vs William Donaldson If) Knowlcs Lancaster et al s Benjamin Morris 10 George E Gehrig vs Frederick Head ley el al 17 Valentino Best vs Henry Doiflenbacher 18 John T Davis vs A. B Wilson el al 19 Robert Montgomery vs D. S Al out I'oninry, Ex. 20 Win. McCoy vs Jonathan Lodge el al 21 Moses Mover vs Ocorgo llairel el al 22 Daniel Ramsey ut al v Peter Baldy 2:t William Bitterly ot al vs William Righter 21 Edward Carey vs Isaac Sbtiman 25 Burtcn W Waples vs John F .Mann et al 20 Jonas Barrels Adm vs Samuel Brnglei 27 Leonard Siineinan s John M'Will lams 28 Charlc.1 Bailer vs Wilier Trego el al 29 MokeH Moyer vs Adam Michael I!0 S. F Headley el al va John ShalTer NO flCE It hereby given that I have purchased at Co.'isiablu sale, as the properly of James Shoemaker; live acies uf buckwheat in the ground; six acres of corn in the grovndrtwo thirds of two acres of buckwheat in the giound; and have U fi ihc same in his po session during my pleasure, and forbid any person taking it away; cither by purchase or olncrwise without my consent. GEORGE DRIESBACII. July 25; 1811. BLANKS ! ! BLANKS ! I SC?Justkpf Blank EXECUTIONS and SUMMONS jtiM printed find for sale ai ihis Oifico Sheriff Sale, Y virtue ofa vend, exponas to mo Jirrctcil, will bo exposed tu public salo on the prcmi- Saturday, the tth day of Jlugust, next, at 12 p'clock, M. the followlnr property, to wit A certain lot of ground, situato hi tho towuol Hloomabtiri', Columbia County, conlaliihii! one- third of an acre, adjoining a lot of Dr. Gcarhart'c ncirs on Hid weft, an alley on tho cast, an alley on the south, unit fronting on Maine xliect al oaid town, wltercoti is creeled n LARGE TWO iS-j STOIIY BRICK SlltiTAVERN HOUSE and two ltcils, anil a largo fialno stable, a good well of water al llio door, with a pump, unit the ap purtenances. jgycifvd, taken in execution ami to be sold as the property of Daniel (iiu.ss. '1LSO t tho samo t nic anil nlatc. a ccr'.ain lot of ground, Minute in jloom tonin,liip,Columliia coun ty, lying near (lie north-cad biaiuli of the l'ennsvl "itnia enimi, nounueii ny Inmu ol illmm iSloan, the road leading from Dloonislmrg to ibocanal.con. taming one acre and a half, moioor lens, whereon is crectcu ' TWO FRAME DWELLING HOUSES, one frame stable, ono frame shed, a good Well of walcr al the door wilh a pump, and u good wharl oiulbauin on llie name, with die niinutlcniinccs. Seicil, inkrn in execution, and lo be bold as the property ol Daniel Gross. 1RAM DI3RR, Sheriff. Siinnirr's Omci:, Danville, ? July 10, 1811. 9 I he foilowinc is a r.oov of the bill for Iho Removal of the Seal of Justici of Columbia Counly, introduced into t lie benatu last winter. A IV ACT To Authorise the Ittmovul of the Scat of Justice in the County of Columbia, anil jut oi cr purposes. WHEREAS, a lariro inaiorilv of the taxable in habitants of the County of Columbia liuve, by their memorials, set lortk lo tho Ucricrnl Assemblv ot this Commonwealth, tho great hurdshins and imon vcnicncc they buller in consequence of the seat ol Justice fur said county being loclted ut Uauxillc which they Mate to be bituolcd on tho verge ot the county, and jiraj ing tho bamo may bo amoved ti the town of llloomaliurg, l'or rcnicdy whereof, Stt-riov 1. lie it enacted by tho Senate aud Ifmtscof Representatives uf the Vnmiiwnwealth at I'lnmuhaniu in General Asisemblii met, and iti hereby enacted by the ruthurity J the tutnc, '1'hal at any time within three years from the passage ol this urtjt slialt ue lawlul lur Iho caucus ol lllooms burg, in the coiintj of Columbia, to erect, or cause to Lo erected, at THUIlt OU'.V l'HOl'lilt UXI'U.NH, in thu town of llloomsliurg suitable huilunigs.of hnck or sto;.e, of not less size and di mensions than tho counly buildings now at Jan villo, for u Court House, prison, uud dillcrcnt olli ccs for tho keeping of tho. public jpcimls, under llio direclion of iho county Commissioners, who an.- autnorlscu lo recct'e a conveyance lor sucli lot or lots of grounds, for the use of sucli county build ings, not exceeding one acre, in fee simple, clear of all incumbrances, lor the uso ol tho county of Co lumbia. Tho said buildings to be erected on such lot or lots of ground thus conveyed. And the said counly Commissioners aro hereby authorised lo sell at public auction, or otherwise, nil Iho right, ti tle and interest which the said county may have in the real estate situate in llie town of Danville, and to execute uonvcyance to the purchaser or purchasers, and the ,1ONllY AKISLNG FliOAi l7i: SAME TO UK PAID HSTO Till. COUNTV TItEASUItV l'OK COUNTV 1'L'H I'OSES. Sue. That ns soon as h public buildings arc completed according to tho pinvjsiouH nfthoiirsl section nf this net, llio Commissioners nfnrciaid shall lili! a report of the same in the Court of Com mon Picas of said county, and thereupon tho com missioners am! SheriU'nl said county, shall causi the prisoners, if any them confined in the old prinn to bo safely roinnud (o iho new, and llie public pa pers and iccords thorn remaining in Iho public olli- ccs al Danville, to bo safely deposilcd in Iho new buildings so :h utorcsaid limit and prepared for the reception tlicicof, and from thenceforth llio seat ol justice in and for the county of Columbia shall ce.iso to lie al Imiiviiic, aim tlio same slmll ne I'inovcd aud fixed at llie town of lilooiusbiug. in llio said county and tho public offices lioictofon kept, and the courts of justice heretofore held at Uanillc, in aud for said county of Columbia, shall ho kept and held ot Dlonmsliiug, in the buildings crcted for their nccoininodalioii as aforesaid. St.r. I), It shall bo lawful fur tho citucua ol Uloomsburg to obtain subscriptions from anv per son or pereons willing to subscribe any money or materials for the election of such piihlio building, us are piovidcd fur in the first section of this an, and in default of the payment of the s.ime.lho coun ly conunis-ioiier.s ;uo hereby empowered lo cause suits to be brought in Iho uamo of tho count) to enforeo iho collection ol'lho same, and v lieu collect ed to bo applied towards difni) ing Iho expenses ol Midi buildings. Sr.r.-l. No much of the evicting laws of llii Comnionueallh ns aie altered by Ibis act bo and the same aro hereby rcprnlcd. A GOOD BLACKSMITH May receive immediate employment by applying to JOSEPH PAX TON, Prfsident of iho JJIoomsburg K. It. 1. Company. The h'ubscriber Is lecefvlng and for Snlc jJO fiSl-' MAt'KEREh & SUA D, 20001bS, SMOKED DACOiN, AI..SO, A (JENEH.1L ASSQIiTMENT OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES , &u. iSic for which ho uill lalio GRAIN, LUMBER and PllODUCE fenerally, MATTHEW McDOWELL, Wllilamtbiirj, .May 10, 1841, Register's Notice. IftTTO'l'lCi. ishcreliv given to all legatees, credit- IB on and other persons iutclrstrd in ll.ouitaio ol tho rcMicctho decedents and minors, that (bomb miiiiitration and guardian nccouuts of said etalc , have been filed lit iho oflico of tho liegistcr of the county of Columbia, and will be plesentcd foi con. iirmatinn anil allowance to too Orphans' Court, to be held at Danville, hi and for the county aforct.-iid, i J liurbilay, the 'i'iiX day or August next, al o clock. 1'. M, 1 The account of John Kisncr, adminis traiors of the estate of David Berlin, late f Stigarloaf Township, dee'd' 2 1 no lirst and final account ol Uaniel Iloats and John Foust adminislralors ol the estate of George Duals, laic of Horn lock Township; dee'd. It 1 ho account of Win. J. Ikeler; ad ministrators of tho estate of Jacob Ale; late of Mount Pleasant Township! dee'd. 1 1 no lust and final account ol I homas Clark; administralor of llio estate of Wni Clark, late of Mtihoiiing Township; dec d. 1 lie account of Joseph iirohsl and John Ilartmnti,' excrutors of tho last will and lasiamcnt of Casper Ilartiuan; lalo ol Cat awissa Township dee'd. 7. 1 ho account of fcolonion Neyhard, administrator of llio estate of Pcler Knorr, lalo of Briar Creek township, deceased. 7. 1 ho account of John Miller, udmini; irator of (lie estate of Jacob Miller, laic ol Catlawissa township, deceased a. 1 lie account ol David Huberts, one of the administrators of llio cstato of Tho inns Hays, lute of Mahoning township, do eased. CHARLES CONNOR. Register. RnoisriMi Oitici: Danville, July 2!1, 1811: S TlieCrtMlit SjsKim Costs too Much is now an ucknowlcgcd fact, lhat the CASH SYSTEM is the only true one, boili lor the IJUYUK and sisiihlilt. iijsT itccKivni) oun second spook or THIS SEASON. JV. have been selling goods on tho C.1S11 SVSTIW since Ijtt April, and its uni versal popularity with all who have given us a call and seen for themselves, and the immense sav ing to their customers, induces them to invite the readers of the Columbia Democrat to a tnul of Us benefit. Our stock of Goods consists of all the variety ol DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QU EENSWA RE, HARDWARE BOOTS, SHOES, II ATS, BONNETS, &e. usually kept in a country sloro. All nt which have been purcbaseil 111 rcw iork anil I'hiladsliilua, lur llio CASH OKIjY. H this means, wo pay for no man s goods but our own, and wo A'SK no additional pudit frotn our customers lo pay hail delils; thus having no losses. wo CAN SELL at S.MAM, ADVANCES, and WL 1)0 1 1 , loo, beyond all question, as cverj boily knows who have bought ol us. Our Store is in the 1IUICIC lllllhDING.nt the corner of Mill Street, and the llloomsliurg road opposite Mr. A. Montgomery's Stone Houm- Wo invito l.vr.nr IT.iison to call ami see out goods. U'c aro not afraid lo show Ihcm, RUSSEL k. GRIER. Danville July -1 1S1 1. plml3 NOTICE. Estate of DAVID SLOAN, laic of hnerircclc lownsiiiji, Uulinnbia co deceased. J&TOT1CE is hereby given lhat letters of Ad Jj ministration on tho above mentioned Est,nl were this day granted lo the Mth-rrihcr n-siding f.iglit-Strcet III persons indebted to llio said ; tato arc hereby notified to make immediate paymeu aim those having claims arc requested lo prescu Ihcm, properly aulhcntiealeil,to OEOHGH SJ.OAN, Executor Light Slreet, Juno 7, ISU. Cw8 9 I On TuciJiay, tho 1 1th iiisl., upon Iho torpath,be tween the I.ork kept by me, and the I. oik kept bj Mr. (juick, a A GAhESKIN POCKET HOOK, containing a TWO COLLAR and a ONE HQ. I.Alt HANK UILh; a Due Dill against Samuel Harmaii for lillecn dollars; 'dsn, I think, a Note against Win McKelvy cc Co. for 6ixtj -dine dollars, and several other papers of no consequence lo any ono hut tho owner. G. A.,H. is vvritten insido tin pocket book with a lead pencil. If tho finder will return it to tho Kulifcriln-r, or leave it at Iho office of the Columaia Uemocial, bo shall bo liberally re warded. JOSEPH I.ILI.EV. May 17, 1811. 4 "nASLS, SPIISETS; Sec. The sssociisshuj-i? is. ec. a. t:. ki'P constantly on hand, a large as sorluient of A1LS, SPllvIOH. AXD UIOX- which they will sell by WHOLlHAI E ami id) TAIL, ffiiif oil sooil It rum . the aitlcln can tie ctnvhrrc jiurclimvil, Meichanls am others, iiiuy find it to llair inleicst to call. All kinds of grain received in payment. JUiSEPH PA.Vl'ON, Piitsii.KNT. Uloomsbujg, June 211, lull. 8m 10 NOTI CE The Cohclora in the dificrent lownshirs tlironghout the County, 'are hereby notifutl. dial tlie county in want ol money, aid unlesa ihey pay olf llie dtiplicales for 18-11 ai.d 1812, by Augusi Courl, iliey may cn peel lo he proceeded against immediately il'ie r thai lime. The Commissioners dlrcei mo lo bay, iliey aro in earnest, and anj ouo ney lei;tinj 1 1 1 i notice will find jt out. lly older of Cominissioners. D. CJ.AHK, 'Pres. Col co. July Q--1841. AN APPRENTICE TO THE tailoring Business rab wanted immediately by Ibo subscriber. A lad 15. 15 or 10 years of age, who can come well ic. commended, will receive good encouragement, 11. UUi'EltT. Ulooiusburg, May 30, 1811, .0 Fop Sale9 A WARM, Sliualed in Greenwood township, Co lumbia county, about a milo wctwimllv fiom Ithoersburg, on tho main road from llaynuli'tf ,li I Is to Millvillo, containing 8 Acrej, bout 00 of which aro under a mood stuto of colli vation, tho remainder well timbered with heavy pine and oaU. There is a strong stream of ivuler passing through its centre; on ulurb is a good seat lor a Haw Mill, or lor nio.-t kinds ol machinery. A good new DA UN, and other oul housjs, and OiNE STORY DWEL ldC6ft 1 ivn nnner.i with u Hover failing spring of water near Iho door fj'l'lio nbovo property will Lo sold 011 very reasonable terms, and posscssession given when ever required. Apply to UlSUICCli FISKUUSON. Living on tho premises. July 13, 1814. 3ml2 DISSOL UTION OFPJ1R TX Eli SHIP E Copartnership hcictofoio existing between Owen ). I .cili A Geaigo rredericl:, at ibe iiltawissa Foundry was dissolved oil Iho 15th of March last by mutual consent. All tiersons know ing themselves indebted, will please make payment, anil tlmso having claims will present Ihcm to (Jucn D. Lcih who is duly authorised lo settle. uwvix u. i,i;iii, CEOKOi: FltEUEItlCIC. Jf. I). Tho business will in future bo cnnJuctcd by George Fredtrick,who respectfully solicits a con tinuance 'jf patronage. .May 25 181-15. Jt DMINIST1U TOWS NO TICEi Eitulc of George. Zcrr, late of Catlawissa township, tlcccaseil. kTOTICE is hereby given that letters of nilinln- l istration, on tho above mcntiuncd Cstatcvvero this day granted to the subscriber residing In tho town of Catlawissa. All pel sons indobttd to (bo said estate are hereby notified .to make irnn cdialo payment, mid those having claims aro requested to preterit Ihcm pioperlv authenticated to li.l. a. IIA 11UHSI', Adm'r. Catlawissa, May 23, 18 t l 5. Chair ifSmmfactory. HE subscriber having eslabliilied a .Vv'H VMM I It Jt.l.WlWCrOIlV on Ma- street, near Iho residence ol I.. I). Minis, be is now prcpatcd to furnish Chaiis of every description, on as good terms as tney can ec jmrchasad clscvvhcro n the county. WOOD TURNING, Such as Bed Posts,. Il'tufifon flubs, Ease Jilocks, -c. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL HOUSE PAINTING. Also HOUSE PA PEEING. I'liis latter branch, from his experience, he believe he van do a little better than any other person in this section. rrrPOPI.AU PLANK will bo taken in pay. ment at the highest market price KA.Mi:iSI. IIAUEISUUCH Dloomsburg, July 4, lSlj, Jltf lAst of IjV.Ucvs REMAINING in tho Post Olllcc at Blooms imrg, for tho quarter ending June' 30,1 R-M. Joseph Uaylcr Isaac Dcreainor James Hudson Wm. Jerrct George Kcllog .1. K.Millard Isaac Sr-attcn Petru Straissen Samiel Wanich jlrs. .Mury M. llchcrd 0. Hngcn Muria Hall Mrs. Mary Keel Jacob I.ebolt Charles Kobson Daniel Shavoy er dale Miss Kusannah Vnnnas Chan. ttiilaid. Persons calling tor letters in the above list will please say they aro advertised. J. ftl. MOYER, P. iSJ Iiist of Jurors. August, Term, 1811. nioom Samuel Mehch, Thortias If norr, Hnoih Howell, William Snyder. Hriar creek Oliver iJvans. Catlawissa Joseph Vocum, John liarjdcss, Pishing creek William Robbins. Liberty- JnhnClaik, Richind Wilson. Mahoning John C. Grier, .Thomas-C. Ellis. James Dcen Mudison John Wellivcr, John Allen Monteur William Smith Oiunge Samuel .1cHenry, William Tiitlcr" on . Roariifg creek Joseph U CloaverJwhua Fcttcr uau, John llerninger Sugatloaf 'I'lioiuaa .Vendenlull; Ue.aiuU'i Cub ley, William Cole Traverse .Furors, Bloom Jacob Hagcnbucb, Jacob Eyor, Jai b lidlcman, JohnRobUuu, Ephrairn Ainiotron.J. Im 'fitleuheniler Hriar creek Henry yjjclei ich, John 'Kclcbucr, lobii Doak C'uttawissa Jacob Kruck, Michael rornwald, Jacob Vctlor, Milton Ifoou, Michael lirobst Ucrry Michael Hondershot Greenwood- Anihew ILelcrjr. John Robbais, fobn Uarret Hemlock Adam Stroup, Elias Dictcrich, Jac U ilunis Limestone John Gougcr Miflliu Cornolius liittenhouso Mahoning Miirlin AfeAIister.Chailt-sN.Savago John Mooie, Thomas Llo)d Orango .Michael C Vance, Isaac IfoLluus jr Roaiiiig creek Samuel Eck, Ehus llelvvig.Jolm Barret Sugailouf -Peter Keins, John Conner, James Wilson, Samuel Mchenry NOTICE. THE Mombcn of iho Independent Troop, rr'- 6CSbing State iirms or uccouiiomcnls of any dec ij. lion, arc required lo hiiuiuitn iieiolt lliem, eill cr with Ur. (Jcorgo loli. Orangnville, II n., Ncol, Uluomsburg, or with Uiiulu ' P-uton, '.,ti. (t. rRI'UEiaCK-iS.WAlli', Cant, Maj' 25, hill