Fiotn Hit Ladies" Nat. Magazine THE KIUII Milieu A NTt II was late t night, and the streets were nearly deserted, Hie more especially as it -whs snowing fast1 A single traveller.tiow ever, mtpht have been scpii wrapped in ! single overcoat, urging his way against the tempest, by the dim lamps. Suddenly, as ho passed a tuition tenement, the figure of pitl started on before him. .Pleas, sir,' she said, 'if U's only a pen ny mother 's sick, and wc have eat noih' ing to day.' TI.e fitsi impulse of the mo menl wm to eo on; his second to stop. He tnt'oil l iIih ifirl. Her face was thin and IUU r V at w pale, and her geiments scanty He was a man of good impulse; so he put his hand toward his pocket intending to give hot a shilling. She saw the act and hor fuslro less eye brightincd. But tin traveller had forgot that his overcoat was buttoned light )y over his pocket. It is too much trouble said ho to himself, and this wind is very culling. Besides llieso beggars are usually cheatsI'll war rant this girl wants the money to spend in a gin shop.' And speaking aloud he said eomewhat harshly,' I have nothing for ou: if you arc really destitute, the Guardians of the poor will take care of you.' The girl shrunk back without a word and drew her tattered garments around hot; shivering foim. But a tear glittered on her cheek in the light of the dim lamp. Tho man passed on.and turning tho next corner soon knocked at the door of a splen did mansion, through whose richly curtained windows a rosy light streamed out across the storm. A servant obsequiously gave htm entrance. At the sunnd of his foot teps the parlout door was hastily upenod, and a beautiful gir'.oppaicntly about eoven teen; sprang into his arms kissed him on each check, and then began to asssl him in 'letnoving his overcoat. What kept you so long, dear pap:.?'she said; Ifl had known wheto you were 1 would have sent you the carriag'e. You never slay so late at the office' No my love, I was at my lawyer's busy very busy, and all for you,' and kindly pal ted her cheek. 'But now, Mary, cant you give me some supper!' The daughter rang the bell; and order cd the supper 10 be served. It was such a -one as an epicure might delight in, just the aupper for a traveller on a night liko that Pa said the daughter, when it was finish ed, 'I hope you are in good humor, for 1 'have a favor to ask of you,& she threw her nrms aroand his net.k. and L.okcd up into his facc,Avilh that winning smile and those beautiful dark eyes of hcr's. I wish to give a bill on ray birth day mv eighteenth birth-dav it will cost, oh! j --a " a sight of money, but you are a kind, good tpapa, and I know you have been successful or you would not have been at your lawyer's- 'Yes! my darling.'hc said, fondly kissing Iter, 'tho cotton speculation has turned out well. 'I sold all I had of the articlo this .if- tcrnoon, received tlie money and took it to my lawyer's, telling him to invest it in real estate. I think I shall soon give up busi- lieeB.' Oh 1 do, do' papa. But you'll gtvo mo this ball won't you!' You little tease !' said the father, but he spoke smilingly; and putting his hand in pocket book, he look out a note for five hundred dollars, and placed it in hit child's hand. 'Take this if it is not enough you must have another, I suppose. But don't trouble me abonl it any more. The next morning broke clear but the enow was a foot deep on the level, and iieie and there, lay in huge drifts, blocking up the door ways. At ten o'clock tho rich merchant was on his way to bin counting room. He turned down the same street up which he liadcoino the preceding evening. A crowd had gathered around the open eel lar door of r ruined tenement. The mer chant .paused to enquire what was the mat ier. 'A woman sir, has been found dead tic low there,' said one of the speclalors . 'she etarvod to death it is said, and limy have sent fur the coroner. 'Her daughter has just come' back after being out all night. ( believe sho wag begging, Thai's her moaning.' Ah !' said tho merchanljanll a-pang weni through his heart like an ire boll, for he remembered denying a petitioner the nighi hefoic, llovpnshed through (he crowd and descended ihe cellar steps, A girl enverod over an emaciated corpse, that lay on heap of straw, in one corner of iho dark prlment 'It was tho sarno girl ho had fearecVu would prove. Tho merchant wsc liorror- trunk. My'poorcltlltl!' ho said.laying his hand on m shoulder, 'you mtlslbp cared for Sod forgive we for denying you last night Here tako this !' and ho put a bill into her hand, The girl looked tip and gazed vacantly at him. Then sho put back the proffered money, 'It will do no good now,' sho said, mo liter is dead and sho burnt into hysteric (cars. And tho merchant at that moment , would have given half his fortune to havo rccallod her to life. The lesson thus loarnod ho never forgot. The merchant personally saw that a decent burial was provided fur tho mother, and afterwards took the daughter into his house educated her for a respectable station in life and on her marriage presented her with b proper dowry. Ho lit cd to hear her c'til drcn lisp their gratitude. THEM YANKEES. Tho Ship Howqtie, just launched at N York is to bo commanded by Captain N.B. Inter. Hu has beru attached to ship sailing out of that port, and has been Admi ral of sevend of the Atlantic packots. Sov eral years ago hu sailed nut of a port in Connecticut in a small clipper schoonei, and discovered several islands in the South Seas. About that lime tho Russian Gov ernment fitted out n squadron of discovery which was sent to the same seas Early ono loggy morning, the Uussians found themselves near somo uninhabited islands. which tho Admiral in command could not find laid down in a chart. This delighted him beyond ineaaure,(andiho was preparing to land and take possession thereof in the regular way, when tho fog lifted, and he discovered a clipper schooner bearing down towards him, Tho little clipper ran along side the Admiral, and her captain, who was none other than tho daring Palmer, hailed the Admiral this wise ' Ship ahoy! Aro you in want of a pilot!' Satan and martin spikes!' said the Rus sian, 'Are there pilots hero beforo us !' He mounted the side of his ship and cried out through his trumpet Schoouer ahoy ! who aro you, and where are you from!' Schooner Hero, from Stonington, Con nqclicut, on a piloting cruise,' teplied Cap tain Palmer 'Do you want a pilot I' Good gracious,' exclaimed Ine Russiai these Yankees ore every where. How. could that lillle craft get here!' He madn the best of the adventure, how ever, invited captain Palmer on a board hit stitp, and named the newly discovered land Palmer Island,' and to this day and for ever, they have been and will bo known at snch. Slump Speaking in Arkansas. About nino o'clock the voters, numbering near one hundred, presented themselves, and a round shouldered, shock-haired man aroao and ad dressed ihcm as follows : .Feller Citizens This are a day for the people of Wolfs Mouth, and I moulh say, if I warn't modest, that our carnal cranchas men, (that's a hard word, but I got through with it) depends on our heterogeneous ex ertions ! Hill isculptn arc our candidate, and Jack Jundes swears that he's bound lu shoot every man that don't vote for him ! heller Citizens I'm goinL' to sand mv speech with quotation from Scizcm, thr celebrated Latin cricket, when he addressed tho Catihageniaiis and Rocky mountain cods at the battle of Ihe Cow Pens ! Look out ! I'm enmin' cock vour rifles and be ready ! 'Fat yo buruto E' as tho immacti- IuIh feller said when he got stubbed in ihe back in the House of Representatives I Long and loud were iho shouts of the orator s party; and it was wild difficulty silence could be maintained, until at Jast the opposing speaker mounted the stti up. He commenced in tho following classical manner : Feller Citizens: There arnt no our skcered in this crowd ! I'm not afflicted like Charley Cuplivcr with tho disease called E plorubus uuim ! 'Tempt us frcgit,' by tho concordat and evacuating nacob ol Jerusalem Old Jim Grimes thought he'd frighten me with his Greek ! but I can pu orj the big licks and pile on as m o h agony as he ever heard ol I 'i'iib slultus ! ' la Parissima Block; Island Point Judiah hex taglions !' Historia Sacro! and ftdu :ei ot hroadaxo 1' What docs tho fellow think of himself now. He's a travelling synagogue; but he can't catch mc with his high lelutiu words ! Vole (or lorn Ores jey, he's n horse and so am I ! Ecco sit- num ! 'Auiuito 1 MJejure ane do in spire, pcro.' litis rati lor I om urnssoy ! Wo stood at Wolf's Mouth for ncarlv diree hours and had the satisfaction of see mi! I'oin Cressey elected; all through the superior learning of the last speaker. A clergyman, who was reading to his congregation a chapter in Genesis, found iho last sentence on the page to be: And die Lord gave unto Adam a wife.' Turn ng over two leavos together, he found writ ten and read in an audible voice, ' and she was pitched without mid within I' He had unhappily gel into the middle of a desorip i'iod -of Noah1 Ark. Trifle loves always to be seen in the light other vices choose to be in life dark, Sheriff Sale. HfcY vitlue of sundry vend. eponaps. to mo di Jl reeled, will bo exposed to public sale, on Hiulsdav. the irlh dav of Auctist next, nt tlio Court lloiitn in J.invlllr. at loii nVlofl . A. M. (he following piopcrly, to wit A certain plantation and tract of land situate in Dtiercrcek township, Columbia county, containing two bundled and twelve acres more or less, bound- cdon Iho cadt by tho Susquehanna river, on Ihe went by tho main road lending from Urangcvilto to llrnvirk, and auinininx lands or John IJowiTiaii.atid other lands of defendant, all of which Is in a high statu of cultivation, whereon is creeled a latgo FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, A LARGE HANK DARN, and other out Inutilities. Seized, taken in execution, ai d to be so d as tho property ol liilocrt Fowler. ALS9 T II R undivided ono half ol a certain lot of (-round situate in Danville. Columbia eountv numbered In tlio plan or said town. no. (32 hTtv two feet on Mill. street, ono hundred ntul fiftv feet to an alley, adjoining lots ol Thomas Clark, where on is crc( ted n A IARGE 13 KICK AND FRAME 3 STORY TAVERN HOUSE, with frame stable and sheda. Seized, taken in rxcciitiou, and to bo sold as (he property of George U. mown. ALSO A certain plantnlion and tract of land, situated in llricrcreek township, Columbia eountv. beginning ot a post, thenco by other lands of Sam uel F. Hcadlcy, north 70 degrees cast, 05 perches to a black oak, north 85 degrees cast, 08 perches to a sionc neap, inoucc ny lanus nt Jacob Kono anil others south ono and n half degrees west 190 perches along (ho county lino between Luzerne and Columbia to a stone, thenco bv land of Zchncr and other lands of Samuel F. Hcadlcy and land of bamucl ticadlcy deceased, noilh 10 degrees west iao perches to a slono heap tlio place of becinn ne ftnnt fit tit rr UlU.tll-.iUlg 1625 ACRES and onc-fomlh of land, more or less, whereon is erected a frame house, and a framo barn, n cood apple orchaid, ono hundtcd acres of cleared land, more or less, part of which Is exec lent meadow, bcizeU, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the propcity of Samuel F. Hcadlcy. ALSO certain lot of ground situato in Orangcvillc, Columbia county, containing one half an aero more or less, whereon is erected TWO FRAME HOUSES, one framo 6tablc, lying on Main-street, numbered in the plan of said town, adjoining land of Isaac lvhnc and others. Seized, aken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Charles H. Mc'hr rsoti. ALSO A certain tract of land situate in Valley town- jL. E"ip, Columbia county, containing 50 ACRES moro or less, adjoining lands of Joseph Maun, Tho mas Yorks OhswcII and Alurdock nnu others. On tho premises is erected onu log and one Irarnr dwelling house, ono stable, about ten acres of land is cleared and under fence: ihero is valuable iron oro on tho premises, und a vnlunblo water power is attached to tho premises, with n right to erect a dnrri on Mahoning creek on tho land of I homai Vorks, and carry tho water through his laud to tho premises. bcized, (aken in execution and to bo sold as Iho property of Daniel Montgomery. ALSO ALL Iho right, tillo and interest of tho defend ants inn certain tract of land idtiiato in Dcr ry township, Columbia county, containing 120 ACRES more or less, bounded by land of Mary Hobisou, Itolieit rattcrson, Hobcrl iWcuov. Marearet McCor- mick and others, whereon is erected a largoCr!! Mill, two dwelling, houses, and a largu Dank Ham, with tlio appurtenances, seized as tlio property ol David K.Uriiu. Alro, on a lot of ground situate in tho town of Washington, cou.ity and township aioresaid, containing one-fourth of an ncro morooi less, bounded in front by Main-hlieet of said town. on Iho south by an alley, on iho east by an alley, and on tho north by other lands of defendants whereon is elected n largo Tavein Home, stun room anl htable. AUo, on one other lot adjoining tho aforesaid lot on the south and Ileubeii Murtz on the north, whereon is erected one Tailor's Bbop Aho, ono other lot of ground, containing one-six-tccntli of an acre more or less, bounded in front b Main ttrcct of said town, and on tlio west bv landt of the Mill company, whereon is erected ono ware house and btable. Also, on ono othel out lot con taining fivo acres moro or less, bounded by lands ot. licntamin, .Margaret lcGormick und others. AUo, on ono other out lot containing five acres more or les, bounded by lands of Peter Mcser, William Itoyd s heir and John 8. Kit-hel, Also one other lot of ground in tho town aforesaid, con taining oiio-fourth ul un aero moro or less; bounded by laud of tho Mill company, whereon is erected ono dwelling hoiuo now occupied by William II. Johnson, Kkij., seized, taken in execution as the (property ol tirnnand JJerr, beizcd, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of David firirn, David W, Derr and John S. Dyc, lately trading under (ho firm ofGrim, Den and ZJye. ALSO A certain tract of laud situate in Miflliu town ship, Columbia county, containing 280 ACRES moro or less, adjoining lands of John Sherman, William ohcrman, Jacob Hosier and others, where on is erected one log house, one log barn, and one stalilo. Seized taken in execution and (o bo sold as (ho properly of Conrad Ilrrdbendrr. ALSO LI, tho right, tillo and interest the defendant has to a certain lot of urouud Hlualc in Mtg lontgomery s addition of iho town of Danville, Columbia county: bounded by lots of I eaac Faubttiought; Iioberl Young; und Church st. and an alley on tlio west; whereon is erected frame shop- Veized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Shortledgc. IRAM DERR, Shcrijf. Shkriff's OrncE, Danville,? July 10, 1814. 5 NOTICE THR Members of (ho Illooimhurg Artillery, pos. sessile State arms or accoutrement of anvdecain lion, am requested forthwith In lulurn them to me, (hat new airangcmcnU may be. mtuo with tho UrI gado Inspector. Jl. VKnn( Cant. May 25, 1814-5. Brandrqth's Pills, riOTUllfi OF HEALTH. "BlfBALTfls characterised in ait Individual by R jLthe absence of all pain, sutlcring, or nflcctinu in any paitol his body; by tho Ircc and regular ex erciso of liifl functions without any exception. They consist in having n good appctilo at tncal times, an easy digestion, frco ovacuations, without looseners or costiveneas ut le.iat onco in every twenty-four hours, and without hcat,dtynrss, or burning at the passage, Ilio free ibhiio of tho water "illiout acrimony or burning, and without n reddish sedi ment which Is alwavs u siuu of a present or an ap proaching pain; quiet sleep without agitation oi truoblcsumo drcaiiH! no tasto of bilo or other bad tasto In tho mouth upon thing in tho morning; no (ourncss or disagreeable rising of tho stomach; a clean tongue; a sweet lucatli; no itching, pimples or spots on mo skin; no piles; no burning heat upon any part ol tho body; no cxceesivo Hurst when tin exposed lo labor or other known cause; no inter ruption to any natural evacuation, nor' pain at their periodical return. Wiicro tho Btato of Iho system does not harmon- izo with the above picturo of health, it is of tho greatest importance (hat no lima be lutt in ucuding for n doctor, or in tlio uso of foolish temedics too often Iho rciultof speculation; instead of this course to n doso of IIIIANDURTH'S I'lLLS bo taken. which will not deceive, but will at once rcstoio health to the organ or part that requires it. All who wish (o preserve their health, nil who aro determined to defend (heir life ncainst Iho en. croachmcnts of disease which might send ihcm pre maturely 10 mo grave, will, witlioul hesitation, have recourse to tho Jrandrcth I'ills, when tho state of tho system docs not harmonise with tlio above pic (uio of health. Thoso who live in a country whcroconlacious or otncruircascs prevail, should oltcn think of this truo picturo of health, and observo himself with par ticular attention, In order to act accordinnlv. The wise and rightly directed will follow this advice tho unwise aro left to their own destruction. AGENTS. Washington IJobcrt M'Koy. Jorseytown L. 5c A. T, .flinch Danville E. JJ. Kcyiiolds & Co. Cattawissa C. G, llrobst. Dloomshurg J. R. Aloycr. Limestone Dabbit& M'Ninch. Uuckhorn M. G. Shoemaker. Limo Ridgo Andro & jliller icrwick J W 6'tilea May 4, 1844 a. TUB subscriber having established a PA TEH MILL at MILL GHOVE, near iJloomsbuw, Columbia county, whero he baa tho latest Imi-huvi-.h Macuinmit, and having followed the business foi twenty years ho iscoufident ho can furnish as good pnpur nsnny in tne country and on ns reasonable tcuns to printers, Merchants and Lawycrs.or any persons who may want tho articlo. He alsn.kceim constantly on hand Attorney's Cap, Fool's Cap, Letter, writing, Printing and Wrapping paper ol un moos aiso, an assortment ol School Uuok. Also, Ulank Dook, Kxlra bound. Full bound, and half bound of all sizes and, assortment of writing books &.c. Ho is ready to oxehanno the ubow! for rapcr or hooks, lor Hags of Sizing. THOMAS TKENCII. Mllgrove; February 20' 1841 if. J, DYER. BTia ESPRCTFULLY mJ9L inforinflhis friends nnd tho Iravellingpublic in general, that hu has taken lliu ubuvo Hotel situate in tho centra of the town ul Catawissa.Columbia coun, tv 111 nml fiirmnli, cd by D. Clark. Where ho will bo happy to wait II, inn llineA tiil. tuttl 1....... 1.1... ...III. .I.,.: ul,u" ...WW u t.iii id.ui nun iiii uiuir l iigUMII. Tho otel is largo and commodious and well furnished throughout, and no pains will bo spared to render rtrnnrnl &rttor.irlln,i collia tablu will ba furnished with tho best (lie timry can allurd. His liar is wi ll stored witli the best of liquors. Excellent Rtldllilirr in nllm-liP.I Id llm merit und careful and attentive, hostlers aro alwayi in attendance. Cattawissa, May 13, 18133. HOUSE, lllooiiisljiirg, Columbia Co. Iu. THE subscriber rnsiieRtfnllv informs li's friends, nnd the nubile ccnerallvtthat he has taken thai well known stand, in Itlnnms burg, formerly kepi by William llobisor.. and that the House nnd Stables aro under sjoing- a thorough repair As his bar will always he furnished with tho choicest ol Liritinrs, and his harder with the best the market affords, and having Rood Stabling and attentive hostlerc, ho with confidence invites all In call and test his nbiliiv nc n catorcr fur tho palalo and stomach, and Hat ters nimscii mat none will Icavo uissuiisfi cd with their treatment, The worth of the pudding is told in tho eating, 'omcgive it a trial, there will bo no cheating; Delist ami Man thall always go away rejoicing, Swearing by thopovvcri.they'llcallon returning. M. 6ILVEKTH0RN, June 8, 18147. 3m. BEE II1VES A New Kind. PHIS is ono of tho bent constructed Deo Hives ever invented. It is so arranged, that you can lraw from (ho bees, honey at any scison of tho year, without any iniurv to them. It olso prevents tho bees being injured by tho worms. Tho subscri ber Is now prepared to dispose ot townwip or single rights in Iho following townships, on the most reasonable terms. lllooin. Hemlock, I, ibcrty Jefferson, Ml. Pleasant, Greenwood, Orange, Fishing crcckugarloaf and Jackson. Ho also keeps Ihcm on hand, ready made, which ho will.sel cheap. Ha has in his lieo house, several swarms ofbecs in operation in hives of tho obovo descriptions which ho would invito Iho public to call and ex amine, for ho believes that all who 'do so, will at once acknowledge that they are the Lets hives novy in uso. OEOKGE LILLY. Dloomshurg, Apiil 13, 1844. PAY THE -FN INTER, QUICKLY. CHILES )'BT &9. 1 OUhl) respectfully inform Ihr r.ilizutis of Hlontnsbiirg, and its vicinity. 'that hu still ctintintios to entry on the abovo busi nets, nt his old established stand on tho comer of Aain and East- tt..;...- . ! l I'ir.' t" sircKij. iinvinu rccisivuu inn wiuiui PlllLAniiU'MA and NEW YORK FASHIONS, in coniioction with Scott & Willson's Ilichly Improved patrm for rut ing garments in tho iuohI fashionable man nor, warranted to fit without any possibility of failure, and feeling assured from his loup exporicnoo in the business, that work exe cuted at his shop, will never he complained of, ho hopes, by strict uttcntion to businesc to receive n share of public patronage a heretofore. tCTN. H. CASH, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE; only taken in payment for work done, nt iho market pri ecs. uiiargcs lor won; moderate to suit tho times. nionmahunr. Nov. 3, 18 l.'I. 28 Wanted9 NEAR DLOOMSHURG, 50 000 fccl Il1cl Iino Hoards. 50.000 foot Wcnlhct ltoatds. lOO.OOO Lap Shingles. 30.000 feel Fine and Hemlock Plank. 2QOO 'ocl lineal Hound 1 miner, Irotn ' . ... I .1!..- iu to l'i menus in iiiumuii-r. And a miantilv of Oak and Pino Timber for Mill Right work. pply to JOSEPH PAXTON, President of the liloomsburg Rail Road Iron Company. March 23, 18-i-I. -J8 A Valuable Property For Sale Piir. orrnns to sell ins Valuaiimj JFAMM AND MXTJL, PROPERTY. AT PIUVATU SALIL situated in (Ireeuwood towuship, Columbia County, Pa., upon the roan leading from IlhocrsbarS to Jerceytow I, about wo miles from ltltocrbburg, and ten from lilooms- burg, containing most of which is improved, and upon which arc creeled a TWO STORY BRICK jgggg HOUSE, -IS JiY 32 FEET mm&m a saw miixi AM) CI ver Illill. and other out buildings. aro alio on the land two very coon lylfe APPLE ORCHARDS or FJRSTHATE FRUIT. Tho land is in a good e tatn of cultivation, and that winch remains uncleared is covered with good tun' her. Ho considers it umicccksarv to cive anv fur ther description, as all who wii.Ii to purcliarc will view lor themselves, it will Po sold on reasonable terms, and possession given on Iho lira of April. WU.J.I.UI JiU.MUiV. Greenwood, January 5, 18-M. 3mU7 Chair JVTanufactory, 1 lib subscriber continues to carry on tho CHAIR Jlf A N U FA C TO R I N 0 business at the old stand of I)- & S. Hauci lui eh, where ho will be ready ,il all timet to furnish Fancy ib Windsor Chairs, Set ices, Uoston Rocking Chairs &c, of even ilcscrintinn, which mav bo calleu lor, a' hurt notice and on the most roasouabli Iqrms. lie will also execute House, bigu A. Ornamental I'ainling, and House Papering, in a superior manner, From his experience in the business, ant hjs facilities of manufacturing Iho variotu articles of his line, ho flatters himscK tlni' he shall be able to furnish ns good work and upon as reasonable terms ns can bt done in the country, all of which ho will dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. IJ Orders from n distance will hi strictly aul punctually attended to. II. WAU1M IJUUti. Ulootnsbiirg, Dec UO, 1813. List r Totters nr.MATXINO in Iho PnbtOffico at Caltawinsa. Iho quarter onding Juno 110, 1811. Aeor Andrew Harlly Henry Dcnnct Zlbeo Hovver Uain Hlack Daniel Kinney Andrew Ilovor Javid L. Laurence Willinm Doico John heboid Joeob Wreck Sclah 8. Llnvell Isaac D, Ucnjaman Washington Miller Kamuel Heard I. W. Margcram Cllnion 3 yircck Isaac Paxton Joseph Cordcr William Itlchards John DeibclJohn P. Walls J'hilip' Davm Jonathan Wampolo John TJIlis John tvileon Charles Ouinn John Yetler Uarbara Ann Hartman Charles Velter Isaac Jlartzel Joboph Yelter Lewis ardor Samuel Jlilglic licorco iVrfiin call nc for h-Kers in the above hit Mill tilciisi! s-iv ibev are ailt rrl it-ril. i c. a. uitonsT, r. m. Nuw is tfte vert nick nftimc h Snl scribe, as, un the 1 Glh of Af,;c( ISdd. will commence, the Aiurir..n I olitmc of TIic Family IVcwspapci'. Tin iiiiiiAii'i.i.iiiA SATURDAY COUHlEn With the !:iii;st Siihscriptiou liu in Iho World! Qy'YO NEW SUHSORIHERS, Porlhe pltrposo of fneilititing thofnnhalinn 0f ('i.jin.of which any nldnulwcriliernHiciatiiiLnvIll - considered as one, we iiforthe following I'.vd'aordinary Iiuliicetiiciitl I'hreo roptcs of tho Saturday Courier, 1 ieur,or ono copy foi three years. Seven copies of tho Saturday Courier, 1 year Twelve .Seventeen 10 15 SO Two and I ropy of Oodoy's Lady's Hook, or Graham's Magazino 3 Pile copies of the Saturday Courier.and 2 copies of Godcy's Lady'sllook, or Graham's Mjga y.iuo ij Two copies of tho Saturday ('ouricr,& 1 cony ..C.I,,, 1.,. I Vnllnnnl . ill uiu iitiui.n .Muiuiiui .'iiiu.uiu j Pive copies of tho Saturday Courier, 1 copy of Godcy's Lady's Hook, or Griiham's Magi zinc, and ono cepy of tho Ladies' National Magnwuc H Five copies of tho Saturday Courier, and 1 copy of Frost's new i'ictorial Hhtory of America, a fB book 10 f) In fart, whatever oiler l madc,by any otlitr Family Journal,ut all approaching iu Yorlliy,lic.iuly or prctcniiions, to the Satuiidat CouiilEii,iill bj furnished Py us Tho Satuihiat CouniEri has becomo so well and favorably known through a triumphantly popu. lar courso of thirteen years, that it would be kupcr ll nuns to say much on thai subject here. Wo may remark, however; that to tho industry, talent and cnterprise.whichhavo for years kept thin paper a bright exemplar for nil its imitators, will constant ly bo added tho productions of every available writer, and continued judicious and liberal expen ditures will constantly be made, as well in tho Literary as tho Typographical departments. Out means will enable us tu bo iu advuncc of all others Original Domestic Tules, Essay$hc. Every number contains several phrtica Domestic Talcs, Essays, or Sketches, from such pens as T S AR THUR Esq. otic nil most popular I ulo-wr.ters in America Henry W Herbert Esq. Dr. James M' Henry, Profctsor Ingraham, John Frust, L i. D.i Mrs. Caroline Hcntz. Mrs iM. St, Leon Loup, and indeed most uf tho writers in litis country or Europe. 0"J?w 3NGP.ATI1TGS Scarce a number is issued without one or morn instructive and explanatory engraving or copy of Kiiino gem ot tlio old inaj-tci.i, tvilli u ilccnptno Tule, 1'bf.ay, or Sketch mill TZCATKLLUK, In this department constantly appear Original or Selected Ln-rr.iis from our (.pecial corrcspimdriits or '.ransicnt travellers, in Upgland, Francc,lrelaud, and Germany To I'arincrs, CiardcHcrsi iVc. Our increased tiio j ives us much more spare to I..,..- !.. .... r..,...:u ..C lltU.m ll.n liniititr. IIH1UIUU III UUI liiviilliu PlIIMt.ui uiiiiihtii' OIM earill, lino ei-pccon lUH-lllliui is yam iu .1HHI.UI- lurc, Horticulture, Floriculture, and tho culture of cvciy tiling calculated to improve and benefit man kandi make them independent of Foreign Mono polists, pernicious Legislature, ccu Our Ehropetin Correspondent. Our especial European ('orrcspondent, rcbldrtit in Lnndon,keepsiw supplied with tho earliest issues - I 1.- ..... .l.,nn.l.nniitu .tlfll anu maieriam iur viiiitiiuiK uui iiw'i' choice Litciaturo nnd Yaiicty, nnd giving to Ihni grauU, as well as others, a correct nnd connected account of whatever occurs ofintcrett, cither al homo or abroad. THE MARKETS, Particular caro ia taken to nrocuro tho earliest advices in reference to tho prices of all kinds of Grains, Piovisions, Produce, &c. tho 6tnto Stocks, Banks, Money, and Lands; and our extensive ar rangements will hereafter render our Prices current of inestimable value to tho Traveller, Former, and all JJusincss clastcs whatever loomsburg MARBIiB YARD- 'Plin niihipiihrrR bnvn established at (bo abovo plaro, a now MARBLE YARD, y and will always bo reauy, al tlio anoricai notice, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOM 11-TABLES, TOME-STONES, HEAR Til JAMBS, MANTLES, PAINT STONES, MULLERS, kc, or any other work in their line. They aro Un nrrmnrfiil In furnish WINDOW CAPS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, &c. cither of .Ma.blo, Lime or any kind of stone that can be procured in this vicinity. i-7Il:iviniT bail considerable experience J a , , 1 in iho business, tnoy pledge their work to be executed in as Handsome a stylo as can lm furnished frmn r.nv vard either in tho WW " j J - city or country; and on as reasonable terms. s . nm-r - a v 1 11 i Aitftis rituiNu i 11 u u 11 liio, Dloonisbutg, Nov. a, 1813. ly 28 NOTICE B hrrcby givon to oil concerned, (hat I have loft !n tlin rwtdrcKlnn nf Inrr-ili A' lifttm ahrr AtiT nig my pleasure, ono Mulcy Heifer, one Dining Tu- and foibid any person taking them from him, t'Uhei py puitnasu or oincrwiso, wiiuouimy contnu. i.tiO OJlUl'.ftlAlVUIl, uric 28, 1844. COAL COARSE AND NUT COAL, Of a superior qanlity for Sale by .