The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 27, 1844, Image 3

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    Great Wealth and J&xlwnc Povcr I 1 Sort Yoursetves? Tlicro Is a slofy of
in one Family. There lives, or -ho officiating minister at Manchester Col
rather subsigtn, in an old hovol on an logialo Ohureh having to marry thirty con
obscure street in this molropoli, an in- P.lfl altogether on WhltMonday. Towud.
r,m ,i.iu,.i ...i.i... it,r .ui,n toe en'l of the service, a fomle voico cried
.husband was one of two brothers of an 1 oSt-S
.ancient wealthy Dutch family. She yflUrsove8i BOr, you'rso, . an,i went
; was younj; and beautiful; ho was ardent Jn
wmi anil nrave. un uio morning ui , M
i the mr-morablo 20th of AuriisI, 1770. Size of London. London is now. bo
she encouraged her gallant husband tu yond all doubt, tlia largest and most popu
leave nor ai ino mansion oi nor pareniB, uu tny in uio worm, n may sotncwiiai
and piojs over to IJroo klvn to battle t hp assist ino imagination in lorininii a coticen
invading Brilish lroop9.JNo;ir Iho closp don of its iimnensity, when we reflect that
of tlio disastrous conflict he fell, nobly, it.8 pteaeui population is equal to that of the
at the head of his volunteers at lsuih- . . , ,7. . . . .
wick. The bells tolled his funeral knell TVt ,,a,,"8, 0,'-"B,'cu' 111,0,18 ,slad'N
., . i , .i . r .1 iiaiiiiioiiuc mm v ui mum,
n tins city, amidst Iho tenor of I ric I '
i. -i- ...u: I-.: ! ii.-!. -
Avnn.u w.g popuiauu.., -,. uB u.o.. Ponularitv. 'I was do most bobular
lomca 10 ino overwiinmiim army oi nnv, ,,,, . Nw VnrU
heir oppressors, ino young wmow hiial smiablo old Dutchmin. Rnv. Ymph
I . i I I I . . . "...
lied into ooscurny; aucrwaros married miuw was tliair' asked his friend. 'Why
3 . ... i i r. i i . . . -
knottier victim oi uorny, who leu nei i came in unanimously, and dun I went
in poverty to rear a umily, who remain out unanimously; was not dal do true popu
The number of immigrants who arrived
in IN oh York Irom Ureal ISriUin and Ire
land dnring the month of May and June
was over llurty thousand.
ino neorews ttiruualiout ttio worm aro
said to number, in all, six and a half mill
ions-nearly. They scarcely increaso.
fru ir to this day,
blii encountered a succession ot ad-
vm ships, and linnliv. finer a lonso o
Hi fly years, was impelled by dire ncje-si
ly u a inly to tho aod surviving brol i
er of her hrst love. Me hail taken and
kept all the property and income of hi?
nlv brother who had valiantly laid
down hi life for his country, and for
E)ii kindred he had'alsu retained the
.. t . r . t f f1 i ll
Rimmense I'SUie 0 HIS lamer. 1 HO Oil Mnnlrnal U lnnra.-iinir Wnnilf.rfiillv. ami
fnatriol weni over his lone lost sister, maRllanicg wai-nn havo risen in at '20 and
fund exel limed, I will do her justice nrwl. si -10 a day. with an opportunity to earn
Binore than juslice, lor 1 love Her like an more when working by tlio piure
own sister; nut subsequently the evil
fccunselg of those who watched over hi- n , calculalod that .620(1.000 havo beer
declining years and his iiinifhiiig estait alreidy expended in portraits of Queen Vie
nrevai oti on him to turn her oil with t toria.
small nittance. 1 he arronnnl ihrealh
nf a master spirit and her declinmu 1 he juice ol onions applied to the pari
years and pinching want induced her to itung by a bee, nszid to afford irmmd ate
rz".w .. , .id in in nviriiiiimif inn ntn.nn
siiiirfpnt nn snaniv tiinr : ner ri 'oiracien -(, i
mu- i " .
life has outlasted this miuII portion ot
Eher own tust rinhts l lie venerable
brother has deponed hpne. The van
eslalc hai uassed inlo the iioisession ol
DY virtuo of sundry vend, exponas, to
me directed will bo exposed to public sale
m l hursuay the loth day ol August next,
ul the Court House in Danville, at 10 o
lock A. M. the following property, u wit:
A certain tract of land situate in Hem
ock township, Columbia county, adjoining
lands of Andrew Mellick, doceascd, John
Wanicb, Robert Kussel and Heniamin Rus-
sol, containing
more or less, whereon is erected n
a good
with the appurtenances.
Seized taken in execution, and to bo sold
as the properly of Samuel Wa'nich.
Sheriff's OFricn, Danville,
July, 27, 1844.
RoKistcr's Notice.
l1TOTIUl'; iahercW elvtn to alt Irgatrei. credit
IJtI orsand oilier persons Inteicstcd In tliestatia
lot tlie reccflve decedents and minor, tliat the ml.
iininuuatlon and curdian accnunm ol said estate?.
Ihavo been filed In tilt olTico of tlio Ueginter of tho
county oi oolumwa, ami will w piesenteu 101 con- S.,,,.,,,.1 i. a.nlv,, , .
Urination and n owance to 1 10 Orntians' Court, td . . . iUnllMii i.un
bolicld atllanvilloJrinnd forlhn counlv aforeMld. .mm9. counly ul tt mile wctwardly fronr
Fop Sale,
mM iii'jKI'jAW, tlio Hon, Josiru u. Antuoht 13 0 clock. 1'.
I'reMdentoiUie Uoutt of Oyer nnd Ter.l
58 Acres
Is hereby uivct; that 1 havo
uunsiauio sale, as the properly
Fullmer; and have left the same in his
All Thursday, the S3d day of August next, t If-'n Ml ,11 Uom IIaJman 4
(17, I " " "1 VW.I.....U5
t.,1 t .at
miner nn.t riminr.i iii iitiur f?, oro I 1 "e account oi Jonn uuner, aiimints
Boasiuns of the Pcaccind Court of Common riwllra,or8 f dio estate of David Uorlln, late
aim vm(jiii. uuun 111 uio eigiiui juuiciBi aisinci,ui wiikiiubi 1 uwiiaiiiii, uru u- 1 l, en .1 ,!.,i, .... J 1 . . , .
rnn.Fll nf ih. tnni!.. .f Lii,..i..j o'iH.- ,i!Ji . T!il . . . are under a Rood state of cultl
....... ,.,,,,,, , HID III9I1IIU mini ULLUUIII ui lyailici v.t nn. th. tm n.lof ivn I ml,...,t ..!,. X.
n nn ITnlrl.iA -n.l I .. . 1 1 .1.- If I. . . . . i l inutiviui 1 CBVT
wir n i j"k, uoais anu John fousl alminiitrators ol P ne and oak. There Is a stmris stream of ater
TJZS&uSZSL J.9., late of Hem U lu icon,,; on ttZ
Miil lhetmr-fi..,thPmin- .l.i. ,hn 27,1, V. ni 'Uck 1 owiishlpi duc'd, lor b aaw mi u, or lor mo. t kinds ol inacUincrv. A
.... . "-j 1 1 in, , r t tl. -I j limnd new HAKN.nnil (,lh.rm,il,n,i.,. ...a .
Anlpl 111 llin lpnr nl nltr I .nwl tl,n,,r..n.l I O I D UUCUUIll Ol in. J. IKOirr; HU I ' '
eicht hundred and forty.four .and to mo dircctcd.foiminiiitrators of the estate of Jacob Ale; late .mVwS 0r- STORY DWEL-
holding of Mount T easanl Townabin! dec d.
.H Cniirl nf filler nml TViroiinw j 'Vt.-f.... I c..i ' . r 'lu UiUL 1 1 SAT 1 T Vn tmnot;
" 'J ,, V, , i i n uwr n i no ins, aim unai account ui i iiuiiiai-iMVD'w j.ajuoi,
erni .(lit uenvrry, uenerai wuarier IJ ark: niliiiinistrainr nf ilm nl Wm. win. i,v.,r r.illnr rin r ... ,. .t-.
P...! r .t.. n".. r, n, I ... . ' . . : . . " . . - ..V. s -I "b "W"'
ui me icucc. common I'teas MJ arK. laic ol Ma inniiu ' iiwna ll n: dro'd. arrl ho above nronoitv w ie so I, on vcrv
l n .l n I .... . - . . .
ami urpnan s IjOuti. i I ho aceount of Jnseph Urolut and John rca"onam.8 lcrm aml posscssrasion gcn when
IN DANVIU,E,in the County of ColumWa, H"lmn,' executom oftlie lat will anl)r-' "-i- "vv'i .
Living on tho nrcmUtm.
I., I. If! I OH ,i..,n
.Notice is therefore hereby iriven to I 7. Tho account of Solomon Nevhard.
Ino Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Con- idminislralor of the esli.t of I'ctcr VinMxi,DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP
Btauies ot the Haidcuunty ot Columbia, ilia" they late of Uriar Creek township, deceased. rnHRi:n,in.r.i,;nU .,ft.,-. ..: ' i... '
be tl.t,, and there in their ,-erson,, at. 10 - r0 acC0UU flf ....... Miller, adminl,- ' 1 ' W 7) , V v .V T
uu uay, wiui uieir , , .... u i .... .Ufr. t w ... . . :. ' ... .
lalC III wuiiuij nn. U1J3UIYCU oil 1XIQ IDWl Ol
juarcli last by muluil coi ajnt. All persons know-
on the third Monday of Auguti lext, tbcinc the lastitnent of Ca per Harttnan; lato of Cat
19th Jay) and to continue ono weeks : lawissa Township dee'd.
..!..,. 1.. .I. r .i . 'V l . .. .,
o i-iMi'K iii mo lureiioun 01 saiu uay, wun ineiri. ...... . e ... .... it , .,
-. records, and other renVn,l,rnre. In "a,ul ,,,B rsla,B JacnD rt,,1,er.
iv f Jnl. those tliings which to their ollkcs appertain to tlawtssa township, decoased
y 0l,n bodone. And those that aro bound by rccogni 8 I he account of David R
bv roeoeni . 1 lie account ol lJavul lCobcris. our
POS ,.n.n, (a nrn.nln innin., Ihn i,.:.nn. I j if I It a n il .... n i o , , n ma . . f ,1... . . I .. C 'I1 1. -
., , .111 NiUiivuBp i,unbuiu.aill Ifl.auilta lllav OICIUI III. UU 1(1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 a 111 I C VI I llin usiaiu l, l,
session during my pleasure, and forbid any h,r may be in the Jail of said county of Columbia, Uaa Hays, lato of Mahoning
I' " " ft "".j ii viiiivi v j ju! iw w vi ii, it uiiuiiiuu iu fiuo,vuL aUviuai, tiicui I CPQSCtJ,
nhiise or ullicrviset without my consent. as shall be just, Jurors arc requested tube punc CIlRf PS CONNOR 7?irriitfir
na inn on.inf. ... i. 1 1. . . . . i 1 1 ii n i i n inn r n i xp.n ni ncn. nirrnprin v rn i in r timirfi. i -..-.,
- ""tiwt,iMiiwi - .1 . - I lfni IBT r n I Inntnn I liniii u
r.r. r. :.. .i. i. .t uatcn ai uanviue. me luui uav ol juiv in .i.v" wiw. """i"'!
, . " u Kruu'"" iho vcarofour Lord one thousand Pjoht July S3. 1841
hundred and forty-four and in tho 08 year
of tho independence of the United olalci
of corn in the ground; four acres of buck
wneai in ine ltouiki: inreo lourtlis ol an
acre of potatoes in the ground; about three
thousand feel of inch boards; three bunches
of shingles; one ton of hay and sevon acres
ul grass in meadows.
July 10, 1814.
of America.
Sntntrr's Orricr, Danville
July 12.1814.
I.oiits Philippe, King of the French, is
73 years ol age
three or tour relatives, who may wal
from their splendid and luxurious man
tions in twenty minutes 'to (he comfort
less obode of their aged and infirm aunt,
behold her destitution and h-Mcn to her
nioanintiv and faltering imprecations.-
They nny light up her (iickeiing lamp
before it leaves them in darkness for
ever. Ar. Y. Evening Post.
KnmuleJ'je of Jlmerica. Mr. Walsh
the excellent correspondent it P.iris, ol
the Nalional Intelligencer, quotes Irom
one ot the papers in that city, the stale
nienl that "Mr. Van litiren is abandon
ed by Virginia, Baltimore, and severs
other slates of the Union, on account
of Texas." The same wi iter says thai
another paper tells its radeis that the
"bo'ilhorn Slates of the American Uni-
I.... ..I.. i i....n.. i... !?... . ..,t
r t i . M't T " i ti I"11 ,i u iiiiiauiiuii uu ruv u.y r ici u. .inn
Aovel tdrrcxt. 1 Im Ni-w York Ex U . r. , ., ., .1 ,
. 1 . . , c. I 1 -'IJ'l 11 1011 UICUIU9, IJCdlllllUI .
ill ,iij iiii'i, ,1.111. Mini ,1,1, 1,11,1 ,11.1 nnpr nil
ihe Mexican steamer Guadeloupe ha
been ai rested and held to bail in the
mm of S1000, unon tho complaint of
ne oi (he seamen on board and in the
'Mexican service. The arrest was fot
false imnrfsonmcnt ihe complaint of
Ihe seaman being, thai he was detained
against his will. It is further said, that
fthe complainanl was a Texan, found
bearing arms against Mexico, and thai
he was permitted to gn unpunished Upnn
cnndiiion that he would enlist in the
T. r .1 ....
iwexicun ivavv. 1 tie seaman now
jeiaim,) trie proiecwon ol our uourts, in
Snider that he may escape the service ol
Dreadful Steamboat Explosion at
Jlio. The Biltitnore Patriot has a lei
ster ft oin Rio tie Janeiro, dated M ay 28th
which gives tho particulars of a most
(deplorable accident that happened al
Ithal place a day -or two before, by the
scxploston of a steamboat, on board of
iwhich was a parly of 30.0 nonllcmei
land ladies; going on a pleasure cxctir
jsion. she had jus
Biiusueu norn tier moorinc. wnen tin
iboiler bursted with a mosl awful explo
sion. "The boat was a complete wrecl
Mammoth Cave. Twenty six large
ivenues and a third river, larger than
any previously known, have been dts
covered in the mammoth cave, Ken
tuclcy. A suldiujspring, of an excel'
ten! quality of water.has also ben fount!
joiiio miles within Ihe cave. Boats of
inmirablc construction have been built
expressly for the rivers, so that the visi
tors desirous of taking a water excutston
i dozen or so miles under ground, can
be accommodated.
Too Much. It rosts about n million
of dollars each session of Congress foi
the taking of the ayes nnd nays. The
pa' of members amounts to S555 pet
hour all the tune the session lasts.
Tho Crvdit System Costs too ITIticli
H is now an acknowlegedfact, that tin
one, both for the UUYER and SELLER
ing themselves indebted,, will plcate make payment,
and those having claims will prtsont tlicm to Owen
u. l,ciu wno is duly authorised to ftttlc.
N. B. The business will in future be rnnWtpil
by Gi-orge Fredtrick.who respectfully eolicita a ton
linuance of patronage.
.May' 20 18140.
SYSTEM is ftie only trut n . . f Gear.f y , . f CaU
r ihe BUYER and SELLER. u "ae . ...'f,rr' laUJ attatLt'
luwnsmp, utccaseu.
Sheriff Sale.
SVSTIiJU sinco lat April, and its uni
16 Y virtue ofa vend, exponas to mo directed. I
Jf will bo exposed to public sale on the premis
The following is a copv of the bill
for the Removal of the Scat of Justice
ol Columbia County, introduced into
ihe Senate last winter.
To Authorise the Removal of the Scat of
n - iuii nuu owi 11 ivi v uiiu itiiuiwiou na''
J, ' . ... ing to their customers, induces them to invite the
WHEREAS), a lame maionty of tho taxable in-
aaturauy; Ine Mill uay Ol Ml gust, next, habitants ot tne voumy or Columbia nave, by their benefit.
at 12 o'clock, M. the following property, to wit memorials, sci lorm 10 ine "cuerai Assemmy o. 0ur stock of Goo(lj cons,sts 0f all, the variety of
A certain lot of ground, siluato In Iho town of vcnicnco tlcf sulrer in consequence cf the seat of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,
OTICE is hereby-given that letters of admin
i.slration, on the above mentioned estate. weres
ihis day granted to the subscriber re tiding in tho
town of Cattawissa. All peisonR indebted to the
laid estate atu hereby notified to make imn.cdiato
mvniKnt ami llinai. tintln. a. a ...,..,..) . .
ElIiiLBllingig00'!'i ." th, ?IS" Prcae"' tIlcm P'PCT,V "illidnllcatcd to
Caltawissa, May '.'3, 1841 5.
Uloomsburi;, Columbia county, containing one- ..,:- rr nM,, nri.l i n,,,.!!!. l.,.,.. .
third of an acre, adjoining a lot of Dr. Gcarhart'sL ,).., .,., , i. e;t....t.-.l nn ihn vrr nfilu lu Ci-aVY AUCj,
n.. Il.n nlln. nv. .1... ni, nllM I . . . " . I
,,..1,0 ui ,..u "". u"v "y "" county, and praying the same may bo removed to, uiiu iiuiiiiiik uu i.iuiuv niv U1U 1 ,,. r M ,ir,iii i,lr,r. Knr rpmpilv wliprpnt.
town, whereon is erected a
Chair iTEantifnctry.
THE subscriber having established a A'A'K
CU.lllt ja.US'UrjtCTOUV on Jlnin-
itrcet, near ttio residence ot Ij. II. Maus, he is now
preputed tofprnish ChaiiA of ovcry description, on
.is good terms as they can be purchased clseivhcru
n tne county.
Such as Ilcd Posts. Wasuon Hubs.
Uose Elocks, &-c.
StcrniN 1. lie tt cuacled hy the Senate anal
Housenf Representatives of the Commonwealth of usually kept in a country store.
fcnntylvatua in uenerai Asssemuly met, ana uni All ot which have been purchased in INcw Yorh oir M OTJ !M A IVt IPM'P a 1 r ti
hereby enacted b rj the nathority of the same, Thai and Philadslphia, fur the CASH ONLY. By
:.l.r...l. I . ..I l.i ... .... .. ..... ... ,. ,.... ....I H A I l I 1 J I .
ai any lime wiuiiii uiicu yeatb irum iiiv usaum; ui means, wc pay lot no maus goous uui our
this shall be lawtul lor the citizens ol llloonis. own, and we A5K nu additional pioht Irom our . Also
hunt. 111 the county of Columbia, to rrcct, or cuusr customers to uav bad debts: thus havinc no losses, I TlClTTXW T.f1 V KiDTKn.
1 1 . Trnt, r n r, r. I. ., .......... ....... ,.,..,i I .... ...... .... . . . . ...i . ,1 j y a a m. . w .
lAVJiiUIN llUUSEi to bo erected, ai iiit.iu uvi riiurwuwe tiAlM vai.U at .VftlAUL, AU v Al uw, anu Thi. i,r, fmm Ms ,; i,i,nl,.
rYe,' "! f ,,.lorsUu.'B ,UT u r , 1 fl )-un u 3ue,Uon M eyeT aan do a little better than any other nerton in
l,iiil,li.,nD nf .pinb nr clni.n nf l-iit liCd GlfA flfltl 111 Ihndii IrnMvo Ii ntn kniitrht Sit lid I .. 1
and two sheds, and a large fiatno. stable, a good , hc m buildinus now at tan. Our Store is in the BRICK the "Sn Vr a n dt a ... .... ' s
wen Ol water at tlio Uoor, with a pump, and the ap- - n f ,., nmlRB. ,,,!.,. and different olli -,, f Milt Street, and the Uloomsburi road. L.i .7 , uu ,n l,aJ
purlcnuncrs. "7 " ," 7" . "'r.u' . ,1 " " . .1 x . a m s,.ii.,. '"e,u al Ee.niarKei price
tup,.!, taken in execution and bejioj jirtctton otlhe county Commissioners, who ate Wo Invito Eveut Pnsorx to call and see our
imiptny o. umuu Uios. nnthorUed to receive a conveyance for such lot or
lots of ".'rounds, for the use of such county build-
U the same t mo and place, a certain lot of M'lg. not exceeding one acre, m leesimpic, ciearoi
ground, situate in ZJIoom township,Columbia coun
Thomas W. Dorr is employed in ma
king fans fn his new stale quarters. He
laised a nrellv utr breeze in Rhode Is
i ii d a lew years ago
A etirious instance of Russian juslice is
alluded to in the French journals. An old
man, a Russian, has just published his ine
ninirs, in which he declines thai he passed
52 years of Ins life in loilinir in tne mines
of Siberia, but that ho was. never tried,
The mutilated remains were gathered l,ever even informed why he was puniah
SB soon IH nossmlp. nnd remnvful in hl2U
neighboring hospital; some with tin
l(Wt of a limit iinmA iliffiflfillltr annlilnil l Tt !.-. unM 1 t, Ir.mnuro tC VKnrt r
w. - i puifi-w mii MHiuii ( bivniiit.wi i x i id cum hip ui 1 n wn
nrwl ltrrn nitn.ltn.,!,... ll.... ... n n C. I I . . . . . t
v.,,u .,u,,,uC1inK uiciiijii a3 '".nSan(i iNew York, slum the prisoners
ty", lying near the nortli-cost branch of the l'ennsyl
"ania canal, bouisdcd by lauds of tt'iiliam Sloan,
iho road leading from Bloonikbuig to thccaual.cou.
taining one acre and a half, moioor less, whereon
is erected
one framu stable, ono frame shed, a good well of
water at uio uoor wun a pump, anu ugoouwuart
and basin on the same, with lliu appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Daniel Gross.
IRAM DERIi, Sheriff.
Siinnirr's Office, Danville,
July 10, 1811. 5
Sphere were eighty six wounded in the
liou?u besides those removetl to privalt
dwellings. 1 hete was fifty two ascer
Stained to have been killed, and sevcrjl
Epersojis are ini's'ii" yd. Seven ti
eight have died siiice, and I ain infortp
ltd there are as iiijiiV as I wont v whu
ire pionouuced incurable, and will pno
Euably linger in angony for several day
il he number of wounded whs srotjl
Iliving, as far a-; ascertained, is Tboil
pixty five. This is the first accidont n
Ithekind that ever hannened here, ant'
b. .' .....
Ilias caused trteat excilettienl. JNo A
U "...
pnencans were iniiired.
soup kettles lo get grease to sell to the
t til o w chandlers.
I3loomsul'ko, July '-'7, 1844.
ThcUnus Trcc," livingeplant of thi-
celebrated Itce ha, been lately preset)'-
fed lo Ihe llin ticuliniiil Socioly by th
lOtsi India Conip.iny ; nnd is now grow
I ing in the Chiewicl; Garden, London.
It is in neiffcl ht-ulih, and notwilhslaud
ging the f.ihlrti uf Dutch trjvellurs,perpGt
juaied hy D.irwin, may bo approached
Willi safely. It is, howevcr,so v
a poison thil no piudcnl
hand lu il without proper precaution
Wheal, 90
Rye, 50
Corn,. ' 40
Cloverseed, 6 00
Flaxseed, ' 1 20
Butler, 4 ' 10
OJts, 31
Eag, 0
Tallow, 0
Lird 7
Dried Apples, 1 00
While Jeans 1 00
Beeswax, 20
Hard run for JIusfiunus. An ex
... . ....
(diange paper says: "The girls in somu
; parts ol Pennsylvania a:e so haul run
i for htichands that they sometimes t a U o
jip with lawyers and printers!'
Ii hereby given that I have purchased ai
irulenl Constable sale, as the ptuperty ol James
. . Khnnm-il-nr! fivn antes of buckwheat ill the
pusou wouiu , ivn,.res 0f com in the crovndrtwo
i iii rn h it lwn acres lit uuckwiiumi in ine
croiind! and have left the same in his pos
session durinc mv pleasure, and forbid any
parson taking it away; either by purchaso
or oilier wise wnuuui my ciuiocu..
July 25; 1814.
all incumbrances, for tho uso of tho county of Co
luinbln. The said buildings to bo elected on such
lot or lots of ground thus conveyed. And the said
county Commissioners aro hereby authorised to
sell at public auction, or ottierwise, all tne rigtit, ti
tlo and interest w hitli the said county may have
in tho real estate situate in tho town of Danville,
mid to execute a ' onvcyancc to the purchaser 01
BY virtue nf a 2d Pleurius Vend. Exponas
lo me directed, will be exposed to public
salu at the Court Ilntise, in Danville, on
Monday, the 19 ill day of August next, at
12 o'clock, aoon, ihe following properly,
to wit :
Ml the right, title and interest that
the defendant has in a certain lot nf ground
liiuatn in the town of Danville, Columbia
ounty, rnntaining one unvri lot, iidjuitiinu
William Ilnrln-an and Charles While, and
he canul, and fronting nn Mill-street, wherf
in is creeled a house weaiherboarded.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
old as the properly of Noah McKesn.
A certain plantation nnd trad of
hnd situate in Uricroreek township, Coltim
bia county, bounded as follows beginning
it a post, thencoby land of Georgo (Janer
north 12 degrees west, 70 perches to a heap
if stone, thence by land of Philip Upp,
inrlh 78 degrees east, perches to 111
Huntington road, thence by said road to the
lino of land surveyed lo Thomas Waters,
thence by die same south 80 degrees west
to the place of beginning, containing
more or less, about seventy acres cleared
land, more or less, whereon is elected a Ing
lain and a frame houso, and a good apple
urehard; with tho appurtenances. '
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property.of Richard Kinney.
I It Ail DEItft," Sheriff'.
Sheriff s Office, Uanvillo,
Julv 10, 1811
We are not afraid to show them.
Danville July 4 1844. pi in 13
Bloomsbujg, July 4, 181t J Itf
Estate of DA VI D SLOAN, late of
Bricrtreek township, Columbia co.
"TVTO'J'ICF. is hereby given that letters of Ad
I minlalrilinn nn tVin nliAVn tnantlniiAil T3tntk
!!yjase"a" 'Y.? KI?J FrK wire thU day granted to the ulcrilr aiding at
THIS OAMti JW I-AIU UUU AilHrU,.Slr,M ll Mr.An.ln.UlnlhAMt.l
'amwm'v vnv AKnifV vnti PnrTM'PV Pl.w.l .... '" .
in "pV www., . w.. ta(e are hereby notined to make immediate payment
trim, thnsr hnrimr rlnimn nrn rprtnpfitnd In nricpn
O 'Dial na onnn no tltn Dtlhlio rill I lil I iirrs nrn ! . . . . 1
vjAiu m uu t ua i-""" "llhrm. nrnnprlv AiilhrntiPJ tmi. tn
rt.o.r.l ! nrr tn tlin TiTAVICtntlB nfllll flTSlI 11 J . ..
Iiist of Letters
REMAINING in tho i'ost Office at Blooms.
burg, for tho quarter ending Juno' 30,1844.
Joceph IJayler
Isaac Uereaincr
James Hudson
Wm. Jerret
George Kellog
Isaac iSratten
Petre Straissen
Samiel Wanich
iUrs. Mary M. Ccherd
P. O. Hagen
Maria Hall
Mrs. Maiy Keel
Jacob Lcbolt
Charles Ifobton
Daniel Shavoycr dalo
Miss .Susannah Viuinas-
Chas. P. tlillard.
comuletcd according to tho utovisiotis of the first
section of this act, the Commissioners aforesaid
shall flic a leport of the same in tho Court of Com,
inon Pleas ot said county, anu thereupon tne com
missioners and SherirTot said county, shall caust
tho prisoners, if any theie confined in tlio old prison
to be safely removed to tne new, anu tno putiuc pa
ucrs and records there remaining in tho public offi.
ces at Danville, to be safely deposited in the new
buildtngs so as aforesaid built and prepared for the
reception thcicot, and from tliencetoitli the scat oi
lusttce in and tor tlio county ot oolumma
ceaso to Lo at iJanvute,
Light Sticct, June 7, 1814. Cv8
Persons calling tor letters in tho abovo list will
please say they aio advertised.
J. M. MUYER, P. M.
On Tuesbay, the 14th innt., npoti lite
tween the Lock kept by me, and the Lock kept by
Mr. yuick, a
shall containine a TWO DOLLAR and a ONE DOL-
and the'same shall be UANK DILL; a Due Dill aguinst Samuel
removed and fixed at the town of Ulnomsbuig, in Harmau for fifteen dollars: ilso. I think, a Note
Ihe said county, and the public ofliccs heretofore against Wm McKelvy & Co. for sixtydine dollars,
kept, and the courts ot tustico iierctoioro neiu at Utid several other papers ol no consequence to any
Danville, in and for saia county ot lyoiumuia, suau ono but the owner. U. A.ili. ts written inside the
bo kept and held ot Bloomstmrg. in tho buildings I pocket book with n lead pencil. If the finder will
crrcted for their accommodation as aforesaid. tcturn it trt the subscriber, or leave it at the office
Sec. U. It shall bo lawlul for tho citizens oil 0f t,e Columaia Democrat, he shall be liberally re
Iiloomsburg to obtain subscriptions trom any per- warded. JObEPJI LILLEY
son or netsons willing to subscribo any money or May 17, 1844. 4
materials for tho election ol such public uuuuings,
us ore provided for h the first section, of this act, 'JtfATT.S. SPIKES: &.C. nfihrmvmentofthnsamB.thecoun- iwf v-t
ty comtnisiioners afe hereby empowered lo cause TIlC BlOOIllSblirg; R. IE. I. 15.
suits to be brouuni in i ie namo oi me comuv w i---tit t i .,n.. i 1 i..
"r...- I -.:.' r.l..m .!, !,.,, nlUM. k ,.'" ntcl' .ivj, a l,6o as
Oliuilto luo lu.M'v - - y w sortmc,)t ot
Srr.t. Ho much of I io cilstuiL' aws oi ints vvtucninev win sen uy vjiul, naai c and uti-
Commonvv6alth as aro altered by this act be and TAIL, timl on a good terms at the arttclct
can oe netencre purcnasca. nici chants anil
others, may find it to their interest to call All
kinds of grain received in payment
JOt$El'H 1'A.VIUK, I'EMtriEKT.
Uloomsbujg, June 'J9, 1844. SmlO
The Coleclors in the difierent townships
throughout the Counly.'aro hereby nutificd.
that tlio county in want of money, and
unless they pay off the duplicates for 1811
anu itiiz, by August Court, tbey may ex
iiec to bo proceeded against immediately
.fln ,1,, I ! m a MM, a f"..m.., l, ,u .
.I.u. .U, ,MU, 1 ll UUIlillllll.lvllltlD UUCUI
ne lo Bay, they are in earnest, and any
ono neglecting tlim notice will hnd it out.
Uy oitler of, Commissioners.
D. CLA.UK, Trcs. Col co
July 5 1841.
the same are hereby repealed.
May receive immediate employment
hy applying to t AAiUii, i resident
of the Ulootusburg Jt. R. I. Company.
Tlio Subscriber Is receiving and for Salo'j
&c. Sic for which ho will lake GRAIN.
itUMJSKH and PJtUJJUCE Generally
Williamsburfj, May 10, 1844.
Tailoring Business
S wanted immediately by the aubscriber, A lad
16 or III years of age. who can come well ie
commended, will receive, good encouragement.
uloomaburg,May 30, 1844. C
List of Jurors.
August Term, 1814.
Bloom Samuel Mchch, Thomas Knorr. nnn
Howell, William Snyder.
Uriar creek Oliver ivvans.
Caltawissa Joseph Vocum, John Sharpless,
Fishing creek William Robbins.
Liberty- John Clatk, Richard Wilson.
Mahoning John C. Grier. Thomas;.
James Dccn
Madison John Wclliver, John Allen
Monteur William Smith
Orange Simuel McUenry, William Patter.
Roaring creek Joseph 11 Clcavcr.Jiwhua Ye net.
man, John Berninger
Ssugarloaf I hoiuas Jeudeuhdll. Alciander CoN
ley, William Colo
Traverse Jurors.
Bloom Jacob Hageubuch, Jacob Ever. JaenS
fiidlcman, JohnRobison, Ephraiiu Armstrong,Jol
mirenuenuer '
Briar creek Henry Dicterich. John Ke Ichnr
John Doak
Cattawissa Jacob Kruck, Michael VamtrsM.
Jacob Yetter, Milton Boon, Michael Urobst
Derry .Michael tlcndershot
Greenwood Andrew Ikclcrir. JcJin Robhiim.
John Barret
Hemlock Adam Stroup.Elias Dictcrich. Jural.
Limestone John Gouger
Mifflin Cornelius Riitenhnuse
Mahoning Martin Mi!Alistcr,CharlsN.Sav.!?B
John Moore, Thomas Lloyd
urange Allrtiai'l U Vance, Isaac Robbins jr.
Roaring creek Samuel Eck. Elias Helwli?. Join.
Bugartoaf Peter Kerns. Johti Conner. Jimn
Wilson, Saamul Mct enry
TUB Membt n uf the Indopcrdcnt Troop, rov
scssing Stalo arms or Bccouliemeuts of any deeciip.
nun, aiv ituiiiu io lortuwim uepyou l icm, oil r
with Dr. Oeorgs Lott, Orangeville, yV'w.Ntal.
Bloonisburg, or with Bright R. Paxtpn, Otltawlj.
May 25, 1B14.-6,