The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 22, 1844, Image 4

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    From (ho American A uricuUuiahst.
In llio tinruVuitsisllic moat oclivo monlli
for vegetation of lllo ivholo year. It be
comes llic farmer, lliercforo, to bo olirrinji
with the lark, nntl watuli nllonlivcly tin
wholo circle of liis fields. Nothing ohould
bo neglected Tho potatoes designed for
winter should now bo planted; rota-bagas
nown, and If any vacancies occur in the
ignr bent and mangel wurzel beds, they
should be filled up by transplinting. The
ruta baga in one of the nnsl impoitant crops
of Great llriiiau, but though a useful one
in this country, the uncertainty of it com
pared with many oihcrs, and its far inferior
value to Indian corn, lo which our climate
and soil is perfectly adnptod, render it bul of
secondary cniisentiencc. Uv many who
have tried each, the sugar beet is much pro
(erred for feeding stock; and it is certain
tho alter will keep longest without injury;
and in most parts of tho country it is a much
htirer crop, suffering loss from drought, and
vastly less from insects. Davy, who ana
lyscd ihein, gives for ruta bagas; only 01
parts in 1000 as nutritive matter, while he
found 13G in mangel wurzel, and MGj in
1000 in tho sugar bceti Whcro an oar!)
crop is taken off the land, rula bagas, and
even tho common white turnip, may be
raised lo advantage, as they may bo sown
after any crop, and still have !imo to in
eure a good growth. C!routrI bones are a
most excellent manure for every variety ol
turnip, as is-also lime. The last may be
used to great advantage with almost all
crops and soils, when not already found in
them in abundance. Tho plow, burrow,
cultivator, and hoe, ought to be plied con
fitantty; the surface kept finely pulverized,
and all weeds exterminated. It will fre
quently save a vast deal of labor to lift farm
er to go through his fields of wheat, oats
mid bailey, and lo pull up all tho noxious
intruders, chess, cockle, charlock red root.
&c. The-garden requites particular alien
tion during this month. Keep the weeds
out and the useful vegetables in. As soon
rs the early radishes, lettuce, &o., aro taken
off, supply '.heir places with cabbage planls
turnip?, late beans, and peas. Leave no
nook or corner unoccupied.remcmber that it
will require fifty li ncs Ihe labor lo extir
pate tho progeny the following year, that is
necessary 'for extirpating the weeds that nrr
suffered to seed this. Weedy fields and
liard sods intended for buckwheat, should
be prepared, and though the old rule is to
sow when the chesnut blossoms appear, ii
is a safer one, lo get it in somewhat earlier
especially upon land subject to early frosl
ciheep ought to be carefully looked at aflci
shearing. Uold, dieiiching rains aro pecu
liarly hurtful to thorn at such times. In
1812. largo numbers, in the stile of New
York, were chilled to denth in June. Un
less they havo dry, well sheltered fields to
run in, and aro stout, well fleshed and liar
dy. they should be driven home, for the
night at least, and ptovided with a little
prain, beans or roots. A supply of salt in
Iroughs.wheie it is not liable to waste from
rains, should tit all times bo within their
re.ieh. Always have tar at llic bottom of
the trough. This last precaution prevents
worms in their heads, and has a general
healthful effect. Some of the early glasses
mid cliiveis may ho cut, and when put up.
.. id salt lo the extent rcquiied by the ani
i i I while feeding, animals like salt with
i i ir odd, 'as well as man. Renew your
,i. Ids of bri'Ml vast or drillrd com for soil
,i g. TiOuk wol! in your bens; many swarms
will coiiiu out litis month, and your hives
in n t all be in Tcadiness. Their preparation
f r swarming may be known by their elus
ii ring on llid oiitsiile of tho hlvr, nnd a "po
i"ili,ir piping nuiso from tho new queen.
I se soro-e of the- improved hives so as ti.
-'u'ore your shwro of llio honey wjiliou
I'd.tngrring the lives fifths bees, Watcl
t' c ninth closely, and kill them as thoj
i'M found, and .when they huvo made thoii
w.iy itto thfl hues, get at ilium llioio end
cjoi minute them as soon s. possible.
h'ilchiu Garden Tho main point it
this inmifii, i uHtcpp'tho garden oniirolj
lr ar of wouds, w their growth will now In
- ( IV luxuiiani, end if thoroughly aibdned
will SiC'diiifli more easily kepi out the sue
if eding .mouths. This is cepcoially requi
Mln with cuimmiHirs and itnilonr, nroyni'
which keep tho.'jjround entirely clean inn!
4oiee. Sweet potatoes cultivate well, unit
flnnv tho onrth up about lo rools. Oabbn
for autumn, and winter use ohii bo plan
ted tint, amlculery plants be irnnefcra'd into
trenches. Peas may 'bo sown for late crop
although' IIicvhIo nut boor en abundantly pi
those howji .earlier in the season. Sow let
iucuand'trsiiiplant cury wu-Ij IHjr lo
insure a regular succession throughout tho'
etison, l in h sliould Do uotio in most
vcatlier; oril in Ury wcatlicr, late in llio
ifiernoon, aecoinpanicd with a plenllful wa
. . n. ..i.. .i. .i. i, ..I..-.. .....I
;.i,.g i,uu,ig .ni; iuh..i "u
iithcr bear.s, for successive crops, and in tho
early part of the mouth, a few lima beans
J ,' , ,, ' . ,
may bo planted foi a late Mipply. J urnips
for lato orops may also bo sown this month
Fruit-Garden and Orchard Dining
ifiis month apple nntl other ftttit ttces can
he trimmed. For this work, tho present
neasoii is preferable lo tho winter, for the
reason that llic sap, being in full circulation
will exude, imd covering the wound, heal it
in n short timo. On tho contrary, in the
winter no sap r.m exude, and tho branch
will frequently bo quite dead for some inch
cs in ihe wound. All useless limbs and up
rijjht shoots cut away, and let tho lico be
trimmed to an open hand. In pliimttccs
ill black knots, formed by tho insect, must
be taken off and burnt, or tho disoaso will
spread rapidly. Cherries will not bear
much pruning, and it is generally best to
let them grow naturally. Stone fruits fre
quonlly bear in such profusion, that the
Iree is unablo lo manure them all, and they
arc thus of comparatively small size. To
remedy this, the cultivator should thin out
the fruits by hand, leaving only a moderate
crop; iho nourishment of the tree being thus
devoted to a limited quantity, will produce
larger and more delicious fruit. When
trees aro allowed lo boar loo abundanlly.the
groat effects made to mature all their fruit,
will sometimes exhaust ilium to such a dc
yree as to induce diseases, from which it
will often lake tliem several years lo recov-
cr. lairing tins month, insects will fie
qucntly attack fruit trees in great numbers.
For eomo of these, as the slugs nnd others
of the seme nature, a sprinkling of ashes or
limn is the most immediately destructive.
For the Alphis and smaller insects of the
same habits, a solution of whalo oil soap,
ipplied with a syringe, is the most cfiica
eious. caterpillars san be destroyed while
they are yet in small clusters, by moans ol
burning sulphur.
If you have any old fields on your place,
which mortify your feeling every timo you
look upon them, then pass your harrow
ivcr them, (hen sow a bushel of plasici
(hereon, per acre, keep your eatilo olf until
tall, and, unless wo -.ire much mistaken, you
will have an excellent pasture of which
you may feel proud, and for which your
stock would be grateful, were it possible
for the instinct of their natures to give birth
tt that feeling. Wo say toone and ill thus
aituuled, Iry our prescription.
This work should command your earliest
mention; and when you shall havo done
hauling oul all you may have prepared
look lo your lanes, roads, woods and other
places, gather up all you can find; and take
n also to your fields destined for corn-doin
be afraid of giving that ctop too much man
uro, Icslyou mun it up it's a fallacy for a
farmer to talk of burning up audi a plant
by feeding it too luxuriously.
Apples two years Old I Cornelius
Williamson, Itariian township, in Hunter
don county; biougkt lo our office; on Sal
uiday last, a number of apples; perfectly
iouud, which; ho informed us; were a fair
iample of some which he had on hand for
nvo years! II iggins for tall timothy; and
Williamson for lino apples strong team
ihat. Flcminglon Gazelle.
T It U T II .
Truth Iihs been thus eloquently i!o6crib-
ti by a wiiter who lived upwards of twn
lundred years ago:
Truth is the glory of tune: and tin
laughter of eternity; she is ihe lift; of tell
,'ion; iho lighl of love, tho grace of wit, and
die crown of u'uilom,shc is iho brightnrs ol
honor, the blessing of reason, and llio f joy
of earth; she is llio angle's worship, llic
mini's bliak and jnarlyr'a crown, ihe hath
i pure eye; a plain hand;a piercing wii;iiud
i perfect heart. Her tongue never faints;
ier iiunii never tans; anu tier luiiti never
ears. Shu is honored in love: and graced
n constant,)'; in patience admired; mid in
vitality beloved.'
Ar. Iiish post boy: havinj,' dilven a stage
or n gentleman during toirenis of rain; iho
enileinnn dryly said lo Paddy. 'Aro you
-t ry weil'
Arrahl I don't care about Seing vciy
art-; but plasr vonr honor, I'm Very
yollriw fflvcr wasi
tagllijj al'VOiu OruV,.oii the Dili inslaul
Brandrcth's Pills.
pion in: of hualth.
wwkai.T, Is characterised in nn vi.lual bv
J& ji the absence -of till pain, suuering, or uh"cctioii
""y prut "fills body; by llio free nuJ rcpular ex
crclofhU functions without ruiy oxeoptlon.-
They consist In having n good npimtito nt mcnl
l,mMano'"Jr ,0 ewcuniloiw, wiitioui nr costlvciicsj t least onco in every ten-
ty.four hours, nnd without hoat.tliynoss, or burning
nt tho passage, the frco issue of tho water without
acrimony or burning, nnd without n gctli
ment which is always a sicn of n prccnt or nnnn
proachlng pnln; quirt fltcp without agiuiiotl or
truoliIcKoino d rcn n iv, no tnslo ofliilo or other had
tJntoin tho mouth upon lining in tho morning; no
fouriic or dingrcrnlilo rising of tho ntomscli; n
clcnn tongue; n vwect bicath; no Itchiim.tiiinnlcii or
vpois on ino RKin; no piles; no burning licnl upon
any pari ol ino nouy; no ciccmivo thirst ulicn un.
exposed to labor or other known cnusc: no Inter
riiplion to nny nnturnl cvucualion, nor pain at their
iruiumcii return.
Whcro tho state nf tho system does not Itntmon'
'i7.o with tho nbovi) picture of health,. It U of tho
grcnlcsl importance that no tunu lio lost in sendum
for n doctor, or in the uso of foolish remedies too
often tho result of speculation; instead of this course
to n dose of lIKANDKBTU'S I'lM.S ho taken,
which will not jlcccivc, but will nt onco rcttoio
heallli to tho organ or part that rcnuircs it
All who wish to prcaervo their health, nil ivlm
aro determined lo defend their life nga'uul tho en
croacliincnuol iliscu) winch tninlit n'tid llicni pro
maturely 10 1110 crave, win, without hesitation, havo
rccourao to llio Vrandrcth Pills, when llio state of
Ihn system does not liarmoiitso with tho nbovo pic
line of health.
Those who livo In n country whcro contagious nr
other diseascH prevail, should often ihiuk of this
Ulio picture ofhcallh, nnd obscrvo himself wjth pnr
ticulur attention, in order to net accotditiglyi The
wise nml tightly directed will foliow this w vice
Iho unwiso aro left to their own destruction
Washington Itobert M'Kay.
Jcrscytown I,. tS; A. T. 7iisel.
Danville K. U. lteynolJs & Uo.
Cottnvvissa C. O. lirobst.
Uloninsliurg J. It. Moycr.
Limestone Habbit & M'Ninch.
llilckliorn M. (J. Shoemaker.
Limo Itidgo Andrn & jUiller
crwick J W 6'lilcs
May -1, 18112.
rSfllUD SulKerillPr linvil.,. n.ln1,lt1,ml n A1PI
M. MILL nt .MILL OitUVL, near yiloomsl.uig,
Mjciiinkiit, and havinji followed Iho busbies f0i
twenty years ho is confident ho can furnUli us iiood
viuiuuia cuuuiv.witcro no Il:iai:in Inlinil lri.tif, v.,.
paper nsany in tho Country nnd on as reasonable
leima 10 printerH, Merchants nnd any
pcrfcons who may want tho article. Ho nlso.keeiw
constantly on limit Altorncy'a Cap, Fool's Cap,
Letter, writing, Trimiug and Wrappinc paper ol
all kinds Also, all assottincnt of School ookk
AUo.Hlank Ilotk, L'xtra bound. Full boiiiil, and
half bound of ull sizes and, assortment of writing
books &c. Ho is ready to excltanco Iho nbuvo fur
i-apcr or uooks, lor Kngs ol Sizing.
lillgrovc; February 20' 1811 if.
.1, DYER.
informs his friends
nnd tho tr.TVcHitiK public in thai hn linn tnt.-rii
12 tho abovo Hotel Bitunto in
tho centre of tho town of
Cntawissa,Uolumbia coun
ty l'a.ntidformclv occuni
cd by 1J. Clark. Wlicro ho will bo hoppy lo wnit
upon llioso who will favor Inm with their custom.
I ho oit'l is lareo nnd commodious nml well
luruklicil throughout, and no pains will bo Bpurcd
In render general satisfaction.
ollu l.iblo will be furuiblitd with tho best the
unlry can alloril.
His liar is well stored with tho best of liquors.
Excellent stabling is atlached to tho
ment and careful-aud attentive hosllcrs oft abvayi-
in uill'uuaucc.
Cnttanissn, May 13, 18133.
ItGMAIMMj in tho Post Olllcc nt Cnllawis-
sa for Iho quarlor ending March, 31, 1844,
lluwrs Cnnaid
Hoono Milton
Jnvles William
Jtmroo Isaac
Pnxion Joseph ft
Poler Thomas
1'urscl Lusaiiua
Keiiz John
) i tidi George
Foterolf Michael
Guger Josoph
Haver Elizabeth
Harder Washinglon Hitter Davis 2
Hughes Ellis Hitler John
Johnson John bcliuk iJenrgo
Kitchen Ebenezcr 2 Shcllharl John
Kunso Pcler Werniz Cyrus
Laurence Samuel Wollcvcr John
Lilly Abram Wilson Emilino
Millcs John Ward John
lills Levi agar Alfred
lt;liehael Alfrod Zarr neniamin
Pcmoiis calling lor letters in tho abovo list wil
please tay they aro advcrlihcd.
U. A llHUUb r, '. Al;
HEM AlNING in the Post Olfiee, nt
Orauguvillu, Ihe quarter ending March, 31,
lames Anthony
Jonas Kissncr
J. C. Hughes
Luther German
Wilauiina Everhnrt
Samuel Henry
Jacob J, ICIiuo
Hetibcn Pnrrish
Elizabelh M'Cotd
J. Paiks
Abram Uobbins 2
A. Valloiclininp 2
Isaac Devoilt
Samuel ISogiui
rumpson Dillcy
Andrew Emmons
Jacob Good
Jonas I lay ma n
Kolit. Lockbart
Uuv. John Lndcr
fonaihati Miller
Samuel Kicliart
John Uoyer
Itussell Wlitto
Surah A man
Persons nulling for letters in the above
list will 'plo.uo say they are tulveriised
& hcrcliv uivrll to ull concerned. Ihatl have pur-
clin-il nt (JiiiiKtablo Mile, ns lliu piopety ol
J.UIIM Vulk, Iho Cillowlng proneily, nntl huvo It'll
the same in his posit smuii tltiriug my pleiwute, ami
foibidiiny imriiiiii taking it Ironi htni,eiiiierny pur
cliiKti or til icrwito without mv consent, viz:-
One rov horsfi tint) brown maie; one Iwo horso
Wagon; twcUeurrus ol liyo in uiogrouou, aim nan
ol llyuuCfcs new aiiHiiiu wheal.
May 18, 18U-l.
New and Improved Series,
To tho Subscribers of the Philadelphia Sal
urdny Museum.
It Is with unfeigned satisfaction on the part of the
Proptictors, Ldilora and Itcgular contributors ol
Ihn Saturday Museum that their paper is now ol
fered to ha numerous subscribers, under such ui
raiigcmciits ns will placn it beyond all midship n
molig Aincricaii Weekly Ncwspajurs. Certain
features In tho typography having heretofore been
adopted in Iho Museum, which it is now considered
expedient nnd more consistent with good lasto to
abandon, 't ho sections into which the paper was
divideJ, occupied much valuable space, which by
tho present condensed nrrniigcnicnt .of iho matter.
Increases tho amount of rending in ever nuinbei
neatly four cojunins, equal in tho course of n yco.r
lo two duodecimo volumes of three bundled Paces
Hlth this chango in tho jtuscum wo havo llic
pleasure of niuioiinciliL' nlso. a cencral imnro"cmcni
In nil its departments, with additional ad
vantages exclusively presented in this journal.
They are briefly exhibited under tho follow hie
Tho MUscHin la sustained hi lis editoral columns
by Ihn talents and cxpcricuco nf gentlemen compe
tent for every species of periodical writing. The
violence of political partiznnshin nnd tho prcitidicc
of religious sectarianism will bo equally eschewed,
It is hardly necessary to nssuro tho subneribers to
llio muscuiii that this department will bo richly sup
Under these titles tho Museum will contain the
contributions of tho nblcst vviilcrs of our cily.
1 his general head embraces nn endless varlclv of
..i.,i:... r..- ii. t)i i ,
bv.ivi.,i,mis linn, uiu uti iuei uiiu jiiua.iues anil oiu
cr Hcriodical publication of Luropc. This nib
vantage Iho jiujeum lioasts as peculiar, nnd of itscll
sullicicnl to secure il universal p ipularty.
This head will include every species of mallei
propeuy nciongiiig ton newspaper,
An experienced editor is employed exclusively
for Iho collection nntl reporlini: of iho junkets, life
revision of Iho Hank Nolo nnd stock Tublcs, and
mo regular correction ol llic pnco current.
As Iho most important of all arts, n portion of ihn
Museum will bo regularly devoted to the subject ol
Wo micht proceed to cnumernto under vnrioii
other heads, tho biibjects which will constitute dis
tiiiguishing fertluicu of tho jiuscum. Siillico it to
say Hint nothing will bo omitted necessary lo pre
serve its character ns tho greatest nd best
in America.
To Agents and New Subscribers.
to tnko Iho Saturday museum.
Ono copy for ono vear $3
Thrco copies for one year, or one copy for
thrco years Sfi
Seven copies for ono year 10
Twclvo copies for ono year 15
Seventeen copies do 50
1 wo copies for ono year, and ono copy of
Godcy's Lndy'B Hook, or Ginham'B Mag
nziuo " 5
Five copies, nnd two copies ofGodty'sLn-
ily a IJooli or Lnuhom k Magazine 10
Tho money must always bo tent in ndvanco free
of postage.
Tmims Two dollars n year in advance Tluce
dollars if not paid (ill the end of tho year.
To nny person i.cutling two dollars in advance,
wc will hend the Jiuscm for one year and ono ot the
now novels.
For Five dollars three copies and one ofllie new
For ten dollars seven copies and cither of the
now novels.
For twenty dollars tixteen copies and two new
Chair Manufactory,
'IMIR KllllSl'rillpr PfltllillllPR In rnrru nil
busiures at the old slam) of H- & S Hsgcn
buch, where he will bo ready at all timet
lo furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Set
lees, Roslon Hooking Chairs &c, of everj
lescriplion, winch inav bo called lor, ai
short noticn and on the most reasonable
terms. He will also execute House, Sign &
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering.
in n superior manner,
I1 mm Ins experience in the business, and
his facilities of manufacturing tho various
articles of his line, ho flatters himseK thai
he shall bo able to furnish as good work,
and upon as reasonable terms as ean be
done in the country, all of which ho will
dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY
N. IL Orders from a distance will hi
strictly ai.d punctually attended lo.
1). liAUUNIJUUll.
Bloomsltirg, Dec 30, 1813.
rflpV1'3 Uoparlncrnhlp heretofore oxMing between
H Owen I). iV Ucorgo 1 reUeiick, nt the
t'attawisfca Foundry was tliisolvcd on the ISlh ol
March last by mutual consent. All persons know
ing themselves indebted, will pleaso make payment,
and thofeo having claims will present them lo (Jwen
D, Lcil who is duly authorised lo utile.
uV7iT ii, J.i;in,
N. I). Tho business will in future bo con Jutted
by George Fredcrick.who respectfully solicits aeon,
tiiiuauco if patronage,
May 20, IH1 1 D.
Filalr. of George, '.err, late of Cutlawissa
township, acceasca.
TOTIOr is hereby Riven that Idlers of admin-n-iuimiliiM.
nn iho aliovo mentioned etatcwert
this day granted to tho sulucribcr residing in thr
town of Caltiiwissa. All peisons indebted to the
taid eMiilo are hereby notified to make immediate
payment, ami thosti having claims uro retjuctieu to
piVhcnt them pippurjy iiutheiillcated to
1 i;',lLH. HAVHUJIST, Adm'r.
CatluwissJ, Slay a a, iii o.
jlOULD respectfully inform tin
citizens of Hlooiiisburg, and iti
vicinity, thai ho still continues to entry op
tho alutvo business, nt his old established
Maud on the comer of Main and Fast
itrccls. Having received tho I.JITHS'1
FASHIONS, in connection with Soon A
Willson's Highly Improved patent for cut
ing garments in tho most fashionable man
nor, warranted tn til without any possibility
of failure, nnd feeling assured from his lonji
experience tn the business, that work exe
cuted at his shop, will never bo complained
of, ho hopes, by strict attention to busincso
lo rcccivo a share or public patronage a
rrrN. 0. CASH, anil all kinds of
COUNTRY PRODUCE; only taken in
payment for work donn, nt llio market pri
cos. Uliargcs lor work moderate to suit
the times.
Hlooiiisburg, Nov. 3, 1813. 28
"iO-OOO fccl Lich Pine Hoards.
50,000 fccl Weather Hoards.
I(),OaM9 Lap Shingles,
30,000 feet Pine nnd Hemlock Plank,
2'0QQ fctii lineal Hound Timber, from
10 lo I I inches in diauiRtcr,
And a quantity of Oak and I'inc Timber
for Mill Right work.
pply to
Piesitlcnt of the IMoomsburg Hail Road
Iron Compnny.
March 23, 1811, -18
A Valuable Property
Tin: SuiiscniEn ofpeus to sell his
A T IMHVATl) SALH. situated in Greenwood
township, Columbia County, Po., upon the
roan leading from Ulincruliarii to Jcrecytow I, about
wu miles from Hhocrsburg, and tun from Ulooms
burg, containing
IIS Ares
most of which is improved, and upon which are
creeled n
MMi!tMrirnC!T7l a a UV on I?T7'T?'I'
Clover Mill.
and other out -buildings. There aro ulao on the
wits irnnir nnnn sti
Tho land is in a ttood stale of cultivation, and that
which remains uncleared is covered with good Inn
her. Ho considers it unncccscary to cive any fur
ther description, as nil who wish to purcliaeo will
view for themselves. It will bo sold on reasonable
terms, and possession given on tho first of April.
Greenwood, January 518'M. Um37
We to day commenco n New Volume of Cham
bers Journal, and wo avail ourfeclvcKof the ocensim
to remind those who desire to subscribe for il,thut it
is tho proper time tn do so. A work that has hm'ii
to n circulation of 75,000 copies woolly in
Uriliau, ciinuot ho ono ol menu pretensions. I or
moral tendency, information instruction, nnd chcop
ucss, it has no euual in tho Kimlish lanuuace. It
can, therefore, bo recommended to families in
every rai.k of society, without stint or reserve, and
if it bo desiiablc to put into thr hanJs nf (homing
generation agreeablo mid instructive reading, as a
set-oil' to the Fiiglinh and French novels circulating
in such juoftission, Chambers' Journal is a work
eminently adapted lo Ihat purposo
In order lo put this work within the reach of nil
classes of ihi public, wo havo determined tn issue
il at tho very low prico nf one dollar and u half per
annumaiA also to furnish it to agents ntn dis-cnunt
from thisprico of tlurty-lhrec and a third per cent.
And in order to disbcminato lite publication still
mora extensively wo hnvo determined to givo in
dividuals or companies of individuals who may or
der Jive copies the advantages possessed by ogents,
and to extend to them also tho benefit of the dis
count. A remittance of fwe dollurx then. provided
il be i'h fundi nt par in Ihe city of New oik, oi
not more than five per rent discount, will command
five annual copies. The publication is weeklv
contains eight pages, nnd is piinlcd in the quarto
form, with neat typo nml on good paper. It L
scarcely neccusnry to stulo lnt llio low prico at
which we oiler this woik, will onllge us io auntirc
lo the cutfh hvstcin without any deviation whatever
Editors throughout tho Country inserting this
Prospectus four successive weeks, and teiidiiiii u
aopv containing it to Iho Albion Oilicc, will Le
Cllllieu to .1 ireu cujiy lur uiiu yuur,
. . f . . , . . . e r .
ALL persons Indebted, to the subscriber, will
plcaftt tiiKn nolicti that the subscriber, has left hi,
Hooks in Ihn liandH of .Solomon Newhart Hni.foi
eollcetion, All (wrsons indebted will please call nnd
vcltlo thosnine losavo cost nml trouble
March a2 18 i J,
Now is the very nick nflime la Sub
scribe, as, on the Gthof March,
18-1-1, will commence the fourlccnih
Volume of
'I'hc Itamily rVtVirspniierj
With tho liirf-ottt Subscription list
in the World
Pnr ll a nilrnnsrt nf fnpilttntlni llm rnrmjlinn nr
Ci.uns.of whichnny old subitcribcrnfiiciating will uo
uoii8iiiercu as one, we oner ino loiiowing
Extraordinary Inducements
Thrco copies of iho Sntuuloy Courier, 1 ycor,or
ono copy fot thrco years, $5
Seven copies of tho Saturday Courier, I year 10
Twclvo 16
Seventeen 20
Two nnd 1
copy of Godcy's Lady's Book, or Grnham's
Magazine 5
Five copies of the Saturday Courier.nnd Sjcopica
ol Godoy's Lady'sUook, or Graham's Maga
zine ' 10
Two copies of the Saturday Couricr,& 1 copy
of tho Ladies' Nntloual Jfagazino 5
Five copies of tho Saturday Courier, 1 copy of
Godoy's Lady's llook, or Graham's Mogn
zinc, and ono ccpy of tho Ladies' National
Magazmo 10
Five copies of Iho Saturday Courier, and 1
copy of Frost's now i'iclorial History of
America, n ?5 book 10
OC'In fact, whatever offer is nny other
Family nil approaching in worlhy,benuly
or pretensions, to tho Sjltuiiiiat Couitii.ii,will bo
furnished py us
Tho Satuiuiat has become so well
and favorably known through a triumphantly popu
lar courso of thirteen years, that it would bo super
fluous lo say much on that subject hero. Wo
may remark, however; ihat to llio industry, talent
and cntcrprisewhich havo for years kept this paper
a bright exemplar for all its hnilators.will constant
ly bo added tho productions of every available
writer, nnd continued judicious nnd liberal expen
ditures will constantly bo made, as well in tho
Literary as tho Typographical departments. Our
means will cnablo us to bo in ndvanco of all
Original Domestic Tales, Essays kc.
Every number contains several practica
Domestic Talcs, Essav. or Sketches, from
such pens as T S ARTHUR lisq. one oil
most popular 1 alo-wr.tors in Amcrir.ii
Henry W Herbert Esq. Dr. James M'
Henry, Professor lngraham',Mohn Frosl, L
L. I)., Mrs. Carolino Leo Ilcntz. Mrs.
M, St. Leon Loup, and indeed most of tho
writers in this country or Europe.
Scarce n number is issued without ono or morn
instructive nnd explanatory vliornvlni: or copy of
snmo gem of tho old master, with a descriptive
l ale, r,6say, or ckcicn
In this department constantly appear Orioirinl or
Selected Lettkiib from our special correspondents
or transient travellers, in Kngland, Fratice,Ireland,
and Germany
To Farmers, Gnrdcncro, &c.
Our increased sizo pives us much more space lo
indulge in our favorite subject of tilling Iho bounte
ous earth, nnd especial attention is paid lo Agricul
ture, Horticulture, Floriculture, nnd tho culture of
eveiy thing calculated lo improve and benefit man
Icimli make them independent of Foreign Mono
polists, pernicious Legislature, &c
Our European Correspondent.
Our especial European Correspondent, resident
in London.kecps u supplied with tho earliest issues
and materials for enriching our departments with
choico Literature and Variety, nnd giving to L'mi
grants, us well as others, a correct nnd connected
lccouut of whatever occurs ot Interest, cither at
homo or nbroad.
Particular caro is taken to procure tho carlieit
advices in reference to tho prices of nil kinds of
Grains, Provisions, Produce, &c. tho state 'tock,
Iloriks, Money, nnd Lands; and our extensive ar-
rantieinculs will hereafter render our Prices current
of inestimable vilua to tho Traveller, Farmer, and
all Business classes whatever
The subscribers havo established at the
abovo place, a new MARBLE YARD,
and will always be ready, at the shortcut
notice, to furnish lo order,
or any other work in their line. They are?
also prepared to furnish WINDOW CAPS
&c. either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind of
stono that can be procured in tins vicinity.
ir-?" II a vine had considerable experience
in the business, they pledgo their work to
he executed in as handsome o style as can
be furnished from any yard cilhrr in llio
eiiy or counlrvj and on as reasonable torms.
mooiiibbutg, Nov. 3, 1813. , ly 28
List olT.ctters
REMAINING in the PostOflico at Bloomsburrr
Iho ipiartcr ending Jiaich, 31, IB-It.
John Hutchison Joseph Mirry
Mia. AVariah Hall Ransom L Porter
Chuistion Heist Normon A Smith
John Lot
7'orson calling for letters hi tho nbovo list will
please sty they are advertised,
J. R. MOYISR, 1. M'
Of a superior quality for Sale by