"rntrni without vkah " FOR PRESIDENT, 1. FOLK. VICE PRESIDENT, FOR GOVERNOR, J1ENRY A. MUHLENBERG Canal Commissioner. JOSHUA 1IAKTSIIORKE' PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS V,.n McCandluss, ? A.eiarora As,V UlMlICK, . i HurnKSENTATIVR. Ocnrge F. Lehman s ChrinUii KtiPB 8 Win. II. Smith . 4 John IlillO'hil.) fi Samuel 13. I.cccli 0 Saml Cflnip, 1 Josso Shnrpo 8 N. W. Samnlo 0 Win; Ueindaiirich 10 Conrad .Vlilmcr j 1 Stephen Baldy 'i Joi(ah Brewster 111 George Schnahlo M Nathaniel II. I'.Uicd 1C M. N. Irvine 10 Jumcn NVnodburn 17 Hugh Montgomery If) Isaac nkiiiy 19 John Malhcws 20 Wm, l'atlcrsnn ,31, Aivlfcty Jltu-ke , , 23 John M'Gili ' 2H Christian Myers S4 Hubert Orr tCj"Every mail btir.gs us renewed ovi deuce of Ihc entlnt.iaism that prevails in the Democratic parly throughout tho country jn favor of 'he Democratic candidates Folk and Dallas, and assurance from all quarters of tho certainty of their election. So. con fidoni of siicess aro tho Democrats at Wash jngtnn cjiy, that I,cts 10 nnY amount, aro offered, that CUy, will not get a single jlcctornl vote, south or west, except Ken iiiu v hi. own state. And it is said that if lie gets these, he will have to scratch for ilictn. THAT NAME. Wliv do tho whig nan-rs and orators dMiko to call llio Democratic party by its right and proper name? 'Vhy do they be stow on it 60)ilo oilier appellation! For ihe simplo reason that they aro as usual unfair iind unmanly. Knowing that tho Demo crats hold at this hour tho principles of Thomas Jefferson and of 08. they resort to tlIS poor, pilllUI moans to inaitu me pcopir believe that tho Dqmocratic party have swerved from their ancient faith and gone to'worship strange Gods. All wo can say, U, that we pity tho poor things who thus- expect (o creata bucJi a belief. Can any 'pne'ltiTa moment suppose that a reasons hlo mun will be thus influenced by names? Surelv the principles of boih parlies will bo looked into, and although you narno one Aulimaeon, Whig, Adams party or whatev cr else you please, nevertheless the cloven foot of Federalism will appear revealed Again, call tho other party, Republican party, Loco Focos, or what you will, still they are that same old Democratic party. W hat folly it is then, thus to attempt to blind the public, for to uso a phrase of Al exander Hamilton, it's " pork still, only with a different sauce." Rut notwith Handing all wo havo said, wo daily seo some whiirs almost ehoak over that word Democrat. TALL GRAIN. ff'T'Wfl have been presented I lie nasi week, with several stalks of wheal of an extraordinary length. One measur inii G feet 3 inches sreyv upon the farm of Philip Ever, near Hloomsltirg,othci measuring, G feel grew upon the farm of Adam Strotip, of Hemlock township. This is all Democratic Removal wheat, and wo venture lo say cannot he beaten in the county rTTCoui:roM adjourned or: Monday l.'isi Oui able if'i)n;enlalive, Mr. Rid- lack pafcscd ihiougji here, on Thursday nn his iv J v homo. uutl navo lit. c hecritm intllinence of tho prospect ol tho election oi Jamks K. Folk, the de mocrats candidate for the Presidency MELANCHOLY OCCURRENCE, The Geiubiirg Sentinel says that tin wife of Mr. David Owner, of Mcnallan township, mot with !ier death last week in a distressing manner, oho was lnuoriug under a slight alienation of mind for a short lime past, anil on Fiid.1) week she placed wood in thn.ovcn, hied it. anil got in he hind it, with tho viow of boring hereo f to death? She remained ihero until her bod) was burned to a crip. whrn slio came om and precipitated hcraoll into a well abon twenty feel deep, out ol which slio again r3capcd'by clambering up the sides of I lit well and uullttig for Hssiitaiice to tho famili who wero all in the field at the time. Shi tuns sn much i ii i ii fed . however, that sin died un Tuesday following. EC-Tltc communication of Mr Fundi, shall appear it) our next mwr Our nlnonec from homo, after its rceolp iinlil out inner wis rc.idv for urns'". must o our excuse for its not aiino.irine: thU vvock. NEW COUNTERFEIT. A now counterfeit nolo of S10, purporting to bo of the Mechanics' Hank of I'luladcl phia, was detected -In Baltimore, last week ll ha? boon offered to one of tho city bank for deposit, nnd was doloclod by tho teller I'lio editor of tho Baltimore American says it is the best executed counterfeit ho has over seen; tho vignette in tho centre of the nolo rcptescnling tho signing of tho Deo laration of Independence and tho orna merits from each end appear to havo been obtained from tho genuine, dies. The only lcfect is in tho signatures of the PicHidcut and Cashier every thing else U in the host stylo of engraving. Keep ;i luok out for them. HENRY A. MUHLENBERG' Thus fjr our political opponents have not been able to adduce one single fact or cir etimstanco discreditable to tho character or standing uf our candidate for Governor, Wo have within the last few months con versed with n number of his immediate neighbors and acquaintance; most of then political opponents, who have known him for years, without a single e.xorpiion the) have uniformly borno'testimony to hi higl character and estimable qualities as a man. I'hcso (acts speak volumes in ptaise of Mi Muhlenberg. The editor of the U. S, 07. cite, ll is true, has round latilt with linn lie charges him with having written smer al letters from Germany, upon 'uufortiiuaii subjects,' and thinks his style is not i classical and chaste as it might be. Now is the editor of tho Gazette could onl) Judge of the stylo through the medium of n translation, vc should hardly think him competent to decide. Resides, wo think that an objection of this character come.- with a very bad grace from ono of the sup porters of Joseph Market, a man notorious ly illiterate. When our opponents arc Irivpn to such shifts as those, ii too plainl) shows the difficulties of their cause. Sun bury Jhncrkun, THE CANAL BOARD. The warranto applied for to tho Supreme Court by the Attorney General, under thr direction of Gov Porter, was argued befon that tritunal 'on last Tuesday. Tho .-on slitutionality of the law, under which thr new board was chosen, was vindicated will sicnal ability Sy Mr. M' Conjiicrc of thii- place, and Jr.ssn Milluii, Esq., one of tin Commissioners. The Governor's Mile tvm represented by Mr. Johnson, and Frederick M. Watt?, Esq1, of Carlisle. .Wo have oi filo a sketch of tho able argoment delivered by Mr. Miller, designed for publico ion ii t I ! . our next paper, .ir. .u Having iiuvui been ircd lo the law, his masterly effort agreeably surprised even his wairnes' friends & has contributed much tu enhance his reputation as a sterling republican and statesman. Bern. Union. During a recent discussion in the house ol Representatives, on'thc bill making appro priation lo furnish tho President's House. Mr. Duncan' of Ohio, after slating that o! the $G, 000 appropriated for this purpose if MO, some 91,500 went for wine mnvcc that notto of this should go for liquor. Bir ho promptly withdrew the million upon v suggestion of Col. Wkntwoktii of Illinois. hat it was unnecessary, as Gov. Poll, did not drinh ivinc Hymen's Votaries, An unusual wed ling company assembled at Pollux. hill, i hull time since. A marriage was solemn zetl between Mr. Hall and Airs. Morris. It was an octogenariar. gathering. Six pet ons formed iho company, and their united .iges amounted lo 420 years tho bride 'room, til; the bride, 02; tho bride's ftlliei, 1)2 the acting father, 77, tho bride's maid, 70, The parish clerk was a joyous mem her of the company, and his agi is T)5 This gives an avcragowf 70 yaars to each The aff,ur. as might bo expected, excited c insidernblo iniciest. The company krp1 ho wedding up joyously. Experiment in JErostatian.'-iK nou ind curious experiment is about to bo made 111 mrostalion. A balloon mado of sheets if copper is to be seen in Paiis, near tho Versailles rail road station, and an ascent is uun lo bo attempted, It is supposed Ihal f die experiment should succeed, 0 step . ... 1 1... .1.- ..l- for balloons towards Iho' application of tho neapi cngido lo ajrial navigation. nil have ueen gaiueo oy me uso 01 inuiaum walked mil without asbiM.incr: and the IGURE IT UP! Now that the nominations of both nrtiei are brl'jio iho county, it will no! tome amiss to begin to figuro up Ihc irouaulc result for tho November elec tion 1 he while number of electoral votes is 273 necessary to a choice 138; )l these, it may ho put down as quite certain, the following will go for the Democratic ticket POLK and DAL LAS ; Maine, 0 I .flm'l brot forward, Ml) N. Hampsire 0 LonWana, 0 Now Yhrk 30 Indiana VI I'ennsvlvania 20 Mississippi 0 Virginia 17 Illinois V Soutl.Carolina 0 Alabama 'J Georgia 10 I Missouri . 7 lcnncssco 13 Arkansas .1 Ohio 23 I Michigan 0 119 For the federal Total ticket Clay 200 and Ere linghvyaen . Massachusetts 12 Rhode Island; 1 Vetiuount G Jlm't brut forward, Delaware Kentucky 22 3 12 37 0 22 Total Doubijul. Connecticut G 7 13 Maryland Nurth Carolina Now Jersey 11 30 Although we havo clashed NortS Caroh na with the doubtful States: yet we believi that sho might with much more propriety lie put down as coitatn for 2 oik and Dallas Gov. Polk is a native of that Slate.atid win- educated herc. But wo wish to give out ippoiients all ihov can hurly elaun; ami more too, r.itht'r than lake from them. In Keniucky, Clay's own Stale, we shall pusl the enemy hard. Ho will have such a fight t'icro. ns he hever had In fore. If anv Urn id calculator thinks wuhtve mado the dem iciatic ticket too strong, lie can cast off il 'ie pleases, 08 Irom if, mid still havo e uoiigh for " 1'oung Hickory, Dallas and rictoryy ,JS."' .L' JWXJI E R Y SINGULAR PHENOMENON A friend, who bus just leturncd from the South, te?!s us that about forty miles this -tide of Tuscaloosa, on Ihc road to Hunts ville, the driver pointed to a large hole in lield, which he said was the greatest curios it y in the world. The passengers wont to ho spot, and lound a round hole about scv nty feet 111 diameter, with the earth on a -lidos apparently solid, and overgrown will grass. I here was waicr al tho bottom apparently 100 feel Irom the surface. It is at the lop of a ridge of earth, upon which, al ihc distance of twenty rods, stood the descried dwelling of the owner of the plan tation. The driver staled that about three years ago, ir. tho dusk of the evening', ihe planter was starilcd by a rumbling noise, and stepping from his door, was astonished to find that a magnificent nine nee, .more than a hundred foot in height, and a noble oak which stood by its sulu in an open lield, had both disappeared I On going to the spot, tins Hole appeared, hut nothing was 10 tie seen 01 me irecs, nor lias the top ol these over oecn reached though a lO'.inding line had been sent down three Hundred feet. The planter deemed it un safe to remain so near a neighbor to such a catastrophe, lest that should befal himscll mil his family which be I'd the piuo and the oak; ahd so he removed to another Ihhiso n 111 i 1 0 distant; yet, nuilung of tho kind has happened since, and the wonder still re. mains unaccounted for. Saturday Court cr. A FEARFUL LEAP AND ESCAPE. NARROW Otto of the most extraordinary instances uf pieservation, under circumstances ul imminent peril, occurred a few days since, 111 the vicinity 01 ISoriuamplon. in this Sutc, which is thus related by the Demo crat: ' Un fritlay, the .list tilt., at the Jilk factory of the Northampton Association 1 building four stories in height, George Washington Sullivan, a young man connec ted with that association, went out on 10 the roof lot the pttrpuso of picking up n mineral which he nnd accidentally droppeo there while standing in tho belfrv, To set ore himsell from failing he look off hu shoes. Notwithstanding this prechutio:i. .liter descending the roof a few steps, find nig himself s'ippinp, he took oil' 0110 of his stockings, but win, si utimupling lo take oil the oilier, his motion became so much ac celciated that further ellbt is to savo JinnseH Irom the leorlul fall wero useless, lie then, with romai katdo presence of mind, rolled Himsell uvcr 11,1011 Ihe roof whilst ho wa sliding, 111 order to prevent falling upon tin platform, and iv hen he reached the eaves, having lirst drawn 111 and held his breath, clenched his teeth and haluls, and contract ed his muscles, he leaped lo the ground, a distance nf '10 or JO leel, and came upon his feet I The concussion was so great a temporarily deprive him of tho power ol standing; He was earned into tho Ihiiim- and pl.iccil in bed, and was soon after vx linuicd by a surgeon who decided that no hums hi ie broheu and no joints dislocated dihough theiu was reisou to apprehend iei lutis injury to the muscles about ih spine, where there appealed to bo greai soreness. The oiiiil' man's friends then wrapped him in sheets wet 111 eold water. tdei iho manner prescribed by the 'waier cure' system, whi.ih soon produced persiii ration. A cold bath was afterwards admin Islered. In tho al'icniuon uf ihe . . . '"V next day was running about with his usual (hilarity, complaining of no uupig'asant ef reels fiom Ins fall rxccpling a slight l.iino nets Hi one of his feet I A reuiaiksblo fact, onnti'tcd with this occurrence is, that vmplous of a serious dlsouse With rltieb hi) was previously (ttll'eiiilg, have since', in a cfcnt measure, disappeared. It seems .is if the change of action which was prod n ceil in so unusual a manner has been sola- tan, and that instead of so frightful an ac chljmt being ratal in its ellects, as might tie expected, it has been the mcaitsof rcstonng him to health !" i7Vi(c Jicnevolcncc. Tho citizens o iVutchez have contribulcd SI 100 to tho im iiicdials iclicf of the Now Orleans sufferers by the Uio fire in that city. THE POWER OF MEMORY. Scncci sn j s ho could in his youth repeat a thousand names in the same order as tho) were read-to him. Thctpistoclcs mailt himself master of the Persian language in f year's liino.i Mithlidatcs understood as many languages as he commanded nations that is, no less than twenty two. Cyril relaiucj) iho name of every soldier in hi irmy. 1 1 ully says ol Julius Utcsur, 111 his oration for Ligarus, that ho never forgot inv thliii! but injury. A cirl a', u Sabbath eycninir school in the north, repealed the 1 10th Psalm, in .prose, without a mistake ,V blind man, who lived in Stuilins, could repeal the whole Bible, which ho had no quirc(l by hearing children read at school lie used to say, that if ho hoard any thing read twice, he never forgot it afterwards. Mr. Wesley remarks, Thpmas Walsh was fo 'lhoroughly acquainted with tho Bible, il tie was questioned concerning any Hebrew tvord in the Old, or any Greek word in the New Testament, ho would tell after a littl pause, not only how often one or the olhei occurred 111 the Bible, but also whatil mcani in eery dace. Jl New Tom Thumb. The Pittsburu Gazetlo notices a Tom Thumb who h been travelling in the West, and who is 21 years o( age, 37 inches high, weighs abou 25 pounds, ami is well proportioned. m wmjii us, t iis MARRIED On 13th insl., by Musgrovu E-q. Mr. James Denak, ii iMiss Maiiy 1' Aiit it an", both ol Mt.Pleas ant. In Muit2y, on the 9th inst., by David b loytl, Eq. Mr. P. GnnvEi.iNU, ano Miss M r.i. vina P. Somkiis, b:uh Madison township. In v ilkebberrc, on ihe 2d inst Rev. W. Stiddards, Rev. U R. Clax and Allb KLIZABIiTlI,. tluuctltCR. of- till l.iteJudg.u Scoli, of that place. THE MARKETS. Bloomsiiuiig, June 22, lS'M. Wheat, 00 Cpi'o. -10 CloVersced, " C 00 Maxseed, 1 20 Hotter, " '' 10 Oals, ' 31 E'ig, (i Tallow, Linl Dried Apples, 1 00 White eans 1 00 Beeswax, NOTICE, H hereby given lo nil concerned, Ihal wo have purchaM.il at constable sale 111 the property ol John K. Kotuns, ami hao li lt the same 111 hi ioict-Hiou during njr pleasure ami lorlud any po nun taking it from him either by pirchabC 01 otherwise without our consent, viz: jliio inaro and colt, one horiel hnie, one sett ef uuriH, one hcu piow gcur,uuo beu biugio uarucss me double sell lly netls, two plows, one harrow, wtiiii ncrrs ol ryoin Iho cronnd. sexen acres ol ivncat 111 tho ground, seven acres of oits 111 the ground, ?iv, acres pf corn in tho ground, half acre il potatoes in the ground, half acre 01 llux in tin iround,oiio wind mill, two sleds, 0110 denrbouri ivaggop, two swarms bees, one "heifer, one bow. JOHN llltl'ni.r.K, BU&'ANMA KINNEY. JuneC, 181 10. DLANKS! ! Rl.ANKS! ! BQJii8tir.rs lll.ink EXECUTIONS ant! SUMMONS just printed and for sale ai this Olitce l'0 HE SCUU AT PRIVATE SALE AN cce cut B'.illlilv IIOIESI!. a ecu ot II.A tt.TiIIS, not long in use, a neat strong SI.BIOlli a IJtJri'AI.O,' liOlJ;. uem-lv new; oui nOADDit, and IIKIDI,!;; all Iho property ol ; Kev. W,M. II. UUUIiiSS, Dliinmsbiirji. lo whom apnlicaliou may bo undi Juno 15, 1'Sll 8 NOTICE. Estate. of I).flFW SLOAN, late, of Jinrnrrefe township, Columbia co deceased: YVrOT,JOi; ii hereby given' that letters of Ad iy ministration on tho above mentioned E.tate wi'in this (Jay granted to the subscriber residinz at l.ighl-titrcet Al persons indebted lo Iho said iv's- l.ile an) hc-cliy uotihed tnmaUo mineihato luvniviit .uiu uuk ii jiiii, L-iuiiiia uro rcquosiou in prwent Ihujii, proporly aiitliontioatcd.to 1 1 .1 1. ..'!.. . .1.1 . . ' UKOUt.K BI.OAN, 2vVecMor. fdiih Street, Juno 7, 1811. TO the 'HPVriNO til 8NII8Ri ivalilc.llm mediately at tliUOlficc. A mimtt actim lad, to or Hi vcurnoraRC will rrtclw good uicourugciiiiiit. 1811. NOTICE H hereby Riven to the public, that 1 havo hired' to Lewis Mcaste, a unall HAY HOlWB.witli wart in the near eve. (oi tho miruoso of boatinc hiring my pleasure, and 1 furblj any person takinc .( I I I. ... ... .t t .. uiuf;hu iiDrsu irom nun, uucr uy purchase or oui erwisc, without my consent. isoAii , rituiN riaa. May 29, 1811. 7 AN APPRENTICE TO THE Tailoring Business S wonted immediately by tho subscriber. A lad 15 or 1C yenrn of ip, who am come well ic- commended, will receive good encouragement. II. HUI'KIU . Bloomsburg, Muy .10, 18M. G t'olttinli:i Co. tu. ICIooitislisn-; THE subscriber iospectfully informs h:f friends, and the public generaHy;th-dt he has taken that well known stand, 111 Blooms burg, formerly kept by William Robison, and that the House and btablcs arc under going n Ihnrouijh repair As his bar will always be lurnished with the choicest ol Liquors, and Ins Larder with tho best thr market adonis, nnd having good Slablinc and attentive hostlers, he with confidence invites al) to cull and test his ability as a caterer fur the pnhitu and sinmach, and flat tors himself that none will leave dtssalisfi ed with their treatment, I'he worth of the pudding iatold in the eating, jomegivo it a trial, there will be no cheating; ltcastund Man shall always go away rejoicing, Swcaiing by the powers.tbey'llcall on returning, M. StliVfikTHOKN. Juno 8, 1811 7. am. NOTICE, THE Member-) of the Independent Troop, pos sessing otatc arms or accoutrements ol any uescrip non, arc required to forthwith deposit them, cither wilh Dr. ucorgo Loir, Urangcville, llin. iNeal Illoomiburg, or with Ilright It. I'axton, CaUuwig rrtPDEIUCK SWABV, Capt. May 23, ISM. 5. NOTICE TIIU Members of tho Bloomsburg Artillery, pos scsting State arms or accoutrements of any dccciip lion, arc requested forthwith lo leturu them to me that new airangcmcnts may bo mado wilh the liri gauo Inspector. . WEBB, Capt. May 25, 18145. NOTICE. HOSC pcnoo.3 having demands against the lyomnionwccllh, lor labor porlo.-med, or ma- tenuis turmshed, for tho repairs ot tho NORTH BRANCH CJ1N,QL, prior to the 9th day of January, 1811, who have not handed to subscriber an account uf tho Mime, aru rcquctcd to uo no ot tho eai bust possible, mo ment, in order that they may bo put in form for set tlement, s soon as the fuinN appropriated for the payment of old debts can be obtained. Those living nt a distance arc requested to for ward by mail or otherwise. W. U. MA1TET, Supervisor. WilkCbbarre, ilay a, 18-11. FISH, BACOffa &C. The Subscriber Is receiving anl for Sale 20 EMS- MACKEREL & SHAD, 20001DS, SMOKED 11ACON, ALSO, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, at 7 Sic. ifciv for which ho will take GRAIN, I.UMIU.li and I'ltUJJUUli genrrally. MATTHEW McUOWELL, Williamsburg, May 10, 181-1. SEW CASH STORK. fljnilE subscriber informs tho public that ho hat .H talion 1110 oiorc 1 jrmoriy occupied hy ticorgc weaver, on .iiniu-nicei, ioomsimrg, and lias opened an extensive asbottuieut of Dry Goods. G-roceries, Quccnswarc and Hardware, compiibing almost every article usually kept in a 11111t.l1 v Ktore, which bo oilers lor hale on llu mmt rc.1s011.1bln terms, for CASH or COIN THY IMIODCOE. EI.IAS WEIlTiMAN. Blooimburg.May 11, 1811. k ytT. TAYfiORSNGIo fTTMIV. subscribei respectfully iufnrmshis frieiuh U and old cuslomcrK. thai he lia lemoved li W llliamburg, m-ar M, J'Dowell t store, where In continues the in ell its vaiiounbrmiclirf, and pled;(v himself li do wqrk entrusted lo him, in I ho bci,t anil iiealesl manner, nt moderate prices. Uo hope lor 11 ;h.ni of public putronago. jo6i;ru i;. rjcEDEisiCKS. May -1, 1811-2. N. '. All kinds uf trade, such as lumber, erain, c, liiken in payment fur work. PAY. THE PRINTER, QUICKLY. TllO followinc IS a irthi nC hill fur tho Removal of tl'O SrM of Colt inbia Counlv. introdocn.l ir.ln llic Senate last winter. A iv Arr To Authorise the Removal of the Scat of Jtiatirr 111 ll,n n, ,.,1,. f n..l ).... ...r 1 Jor ott cr purposes, WlIKnr.As.iuJame nulntliu nf tlir InvctMit ( n . habtlanls of the Coiiuiy of Uohimbu have, by their . , ' 1 10 llle weneral Assembly of ibis Commonwealth, tho great hardens andlneor. ..,m;.,,vu muy nuucr in consequence i-rthe scat Of jusuei-iurssiucounijf ticttig locitcd at Danvillo, which they Male to bo situated on tb county, und praying tho aino may be removed to w.v with ui iiiuQiiibuurg, rorrcmcily whereof, ,,r'i'r l' llctl ciO'tal blithe Scnttlt and Iluun tiflteprtstntatives nftfic Commonwealth .of I eiiniLlcaniu in General A:.tr,l,l. .J n.. herthi enacted hy ihe authority of the. tume, Tlpt stony time within threo yeara'from the passage of nun ui.1,11 muni ue lawiui lur the citizens of Blooms iiurir, in the county of Columbia, to erect, or cami to be erected, at TlIL'.llt OWN PltOl'Iitt luXl Ii-NSIv, in the tuwn of Bloomsburg suitable jiiildings.of br.ck or stone, of not less sizo and Ci. incimiuns man tlic cuuuiy buildings now at Oaii. ville, for a Court Hoilsii. niljuii. aiid didnrrnl nfll. i;s for Ihc beeping of the public iccorclj, under tlu direcllmi of tlnj county Commiasiuncrs, who am autlioriwd to receive 11 convryaiiro for such lot or ,01s 01 grounds, tor tho use of such county build ingn, not csreeeding one acre, in fee biniplc, clear of all incumbrance., for the use of tho county of Co lumbia. Tho said buildings to Lo erected on nucli lot or lots of ground thus conveyed. Arid tho said county CommUMoners aro hereby amliotisrd ti iell nt public auction, orotltcrwic, nil the right, ti tle and interest which the said county may havo 111 the real estate situate in tlir-town o'f Dam-rtle and to execute u 'onveyanco to the purchaser or purchasers, and tho .ilONEY AlilSING 1'HOM Villi H.AM1: TO BE 1'AII) INTO Till) OOUNTV TKEASUltY FOK COUKTY I'LUi Sic. '. That as soon as the nubile buildinirs am comploicd nccording to the pioit,ions of the first section of this act, the CommiHsioners aforesaid hall file a report of the same in the Court of Com mons-leas ot aid county, and thereupon (he com missioners and Sheriff ol said county, shall causo the prisoners, if any theio confined in the old prison 10 ue palely removed to the new, and tho public pa pers and records there remaining in the public ofll ccs at Danville, to be safely deposited in tho now buildings so os aforesaid built and prepared for tho reception theicof, and from thcncefoilh Iho teat of justice in nnd fur. the county of Columbia shall cease 10 uo at uanviue, arid the same shu bu removed and fixed nl the tuwn of Bhomsburg, In the said county, and Ihe public -ollleeS hcrctoforo kept, and the courts of justico heretofore held at Danville, in and for said county of Columbij, thall re kept and held ot Bloomstiurg, in the buildings erected for their accommodation as aforesaid. A'kc. a. It shall be lawful fo'r the citizens of Bloomsburg to obtuin subscriptions from any per-.-011 or persons willing to subscribo any money or materials for the erection orsuch public buildings, as oro provided for in the first section of this net, and in default of the payment of the s.une.thc coun ty coinmiRionera are hereby empowered to caun) suits to be brought in the name of the county lo ciiforco die collection of tho same, and when collect ed to be applied towards defraying the ci prases of iuch buildings. Skc.4, b'o much of the existing lawn of thi Commonwealth as are altered by this act bo and the same are herctiy reptalcd. COlK") nr w'''ch the hiuhest prie will bo paid in CASH or GOODS. E. II. lilGGS. February 17. BEE HIVES A New Kind. THIS is one of tho best constructed Bee Hic ever invented. It is so arranged, that you run draw from tho bees, honey ot any scison of the year, without any injury to them. It al 0 prevents ihc bees being injured by tho worms. The subscri ber is now prepared to dispose of township or Single rights in tho following townships, on tho most reasonable terms. Bloom, Hemlock, Liberty led'erson, Mt. Pleasant, Greenwood, "Orange, Pithing creek, i'ugarloaf and Jackson. Ho also keeps them on hand, ready made, which he wilt scU cheap. Uo has in his Bee house, several swarms of bee- in nperatinn-in-hivca of tho. above, description which he would invite the- public to call antf ex iminc, for lie believes that nil who do so, will nt nice acknowledge that they are Ihcbess hivcbnow in uso. GEOIIGC LILLY. Bloomsburg, April 13, 1811, On Tuesbay, the 1 1th int., upon the tocpnth,l' iweeu the Lock kept by rue, and the Lock kept by Mr. Quick, a A CALFSKIN POCKET HOOK, containing a TWO COLLAR nnd a ONL 7)0 L LAI! BANK BILLi a Duo Bill nsaint tfiumicl lliirmau for liltecn dollars; ilso, I think, n Koto igaiust Win Mclvclvy & Co. foi sixty -dine dollars, mil several olhcr papers of no cimsequcnce lo any uio'but iho owner. O. A.,B. i wiftlrn inbido th" pocket book- with a lead pencil. Ii Ih" tinder will icliirn il tn Iho subkcriber, 01 Itaie it nt the otlico nf the Columaia Democrat, he thall be hbernllv re warded. JOSDI'II LILLL. May 17, 18 tl. -t NOTICE. TWi rn-parliirrilup of Furry Brown having been diHiled by muttial consent, it bc ilnt-s neccMiirv that ihe accounts of tho concern Ulould 'hi cIohmI iniinediatuly. As the subscriber hutho 100I1H of thn firm in Ids piwsiion olid is oulhoiu d Pi collect the debts, ho reouetita all pcrJona u - Jebtcd to call and pay tho demands against lluii) llhout delay, WILLIAM FURRY. Dlooinsburg, May I, I S-l-1 ". DIVIDEBTD, ftTO'l'ICC is hereby givn.i to the Stockholders In 111 Iho company for erecting 4 Bridge over me North Kdfct 'ram h of tho river Nufqiiehsiin bolwrcn tho town of Cattawisai nnd tho unuth of fislnngcieek, that the Mannuem have this ilav d lu.ed 11 dividend of Seventy-five Cent per Sliarti '11 Iho nsl siv mnnthn, (equal to 0 pn eer 1 pc uinuni) whleh will !k inud said bimkli'diif or ihir lotfiil io rjsenlativcs, t the 7ieaurei'i. t'fiao ill or nner ino 10111 mat. U7.IIA B. HAYIIL'IIST, Two rrr, Trcaturer'v OlBce, Cattawisa, April 1, 1811, u v9