The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 22, 1844, Image 1
71 .. I liavo sworn upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every foruiOf Tyranny over the Blind of Man." Thomas Jcflernoii Volume VIII. OFFICE OF THE DEMOnRAT. OrrosriK St. Paul's Oiiukch, Main-st TERMS The COT UAUUJt DEMOCRAT will be f.vr.rn Ntiitinlnu .,,'., TWO DOLLARS per annum payable ,ir ichm ix mivancc, or i wo Dollars Fifty CcntsAf not paid within the near. No subscription will be taken for a shorter ... in..... .i i' 17 jibuvu wiui jtx manias; nor any aiscon linuance permilted,until all arrearages are discharged. J1D VER TI SEMENS n of exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted al vug uuimijur tiivjirsi inrcetnseriions itnd 'Pinrnltimfine ,io Via " - - "-fy vcit.u auiae aitr.nt nutrinn. tiTJ HU J ' " T twoUr U(OLUU( vinde to those mho advertise In the year LETTERS oe post pain. POETRYo I'rom llio I'liiladclpliia Dollar Newspaper. The Child's Portrait. DY J A NT. T. WOUTm.VOTO.V. Il lonkcili on me placidly, ThM sweet nntl simple face Not a shallow dims its Ioniums, Not a cloud is on its grace. Hut the purity of peaceful thought Is in that childish gaze, And the smile is full of innocence Thai on the red lip plays. It is a fa co where friends have looked Willi many a fear and caro, For all that life might bring to one Whose dawning was bo fair. A father's eye had followed him With fond and earnest pride, And a mother's glance had loved to dwoll On the bright ono by her side. And fervently their visions sought His future to unroll And prayerfully ihoir spirits asked A blessing on ils scroll ; And that the light of many years Alight rise upon his gaze ; Alas ! we know not what wo do In asking length of dayi ! A sad and weary-hearted man That lovely boy becamo A worshipper of worldliness, A smilor upon shame ! A dreaming and a doubling one, A scorncr 'mid his woe, A scoffer at the holiest things The human heart can know. He lived to loso the very hope Of ever winning rest And they who wished that he had died Were those that loved him bosl. Fur he had not a promise left Of all his childhood gave, And hopcleBS were the bitter tears That bathed the skeptic's grave ! How little dream we, as we gaze On youth's unsulllicd brow, The mournful record time may writo On the heart so tranquil now. Ah ! meekly bhould our spirits bow, When the pure and lovely die, For lenghlh of life but soils the soul WI1060 home is in the sky 1 A TOUCH OK THE SUBLIME. " I'll climb tho frosty mountain, And the i c I'll coin the weather; I'll wrench the ruiubow (rum the skies, And tie both ends together.' I'll mount the clear cerulean, To shun the templing gypsies; I'll play at bath with the bun und moon, And fright yo with eclipses." A weak mind is always conjuring up misfortunes, ui)U makes ustl) wrolchru uc I'utu its ijiuu, A YANKEE OUTWITTED. ' Jonathan,' a cunning and shrewd land lord in tho western part of New York, was! unfortunately tho owner of a most mischiev' ous and snappish cur, that aniwercd to tho laminar name or Watch. Worried with Hie vexatious tricks of tl'u dog, the m?n con eluded that Watch must dio. As there it. more than one way to hang a dog, the old man was pondering in his own mind as to the best mode, when, to his no small sur prise and pleasure, iho tandem team of i Yankee pedlar drove to the door. ' I can't sell you any clocks to day, cap. 1, mister V 'I don't knowreplied the landlord; 'I'm nearly out of cash, and it would rathei incommode mo to purchaso at present.1 ' Wal, I'm not particular about cash, enn t I swap with yc for something for somo skins, or dried apples, or a'most an) thing V ' 1 havo a watch,' said the landlord, 'that perhaps 1 should like to swap for a good clock. Tho pedlar quickly brought in an assort ment, and tho old man, having selected oik io his fancy, commenced the'trace. Landlord 1 should bo willing to swap my watch fur this clock,if you like; it is on. in tho field now, with one of my workmen, nut 1 can get il soon. Pedlar How old is it ? L. Not more than 5 or (5. P. Whal kind of a thing is il to run? I. I'll warrant her to run as wel as she would wheii now. P. Got a key to il !' L. Yes, a sicel one. Wal,' said the pedlar, 'you may have that clock you've picked out there, for youi watc-h.' ' It's a bargain,' said tho landlord, and he waul lor his watuh. Ha went out, whistled a moment for hir dog, which was soon cau ght, anrf an oli, trunk key having been put around his neck, with a red string, ho was piescn ted to his new master. The pedlar first stormed considerably but having been satisfied that the dngV name was Watch, ho fastened his Watel. io the axletrco of his wagon, and was oil for tho land of steady habits1' A CHILI) TO BOAST OF. A farmct's wife, in speaking of the stnnrt ncss, aptness, and intelligence of her sun, ;i lad six years old, to a lady acquaintance, said ' He can road fluently in any part of the Bible, repeat iho whole catechism, and weed onions as well as his father.' ' es, mother,' added tho young hopeful, and yesterday I licked Ned Kuwson, throw ud the oat in the well, and stole old IliucK ley's gimolet. SENTIMENT. ' Behold, .Miss Flora, how glorious na ture looks in all her bloom ! The trees arc filled with blossoms, the wood is drcuscd in its green livery, and the plain is carpeted villi grass and flowers !' ' Yes, Charles, I was thinking of the same thing. These flowers arc ibtmluliuns, .inu wiien uioy aro "ailiared and put in h pot with a picco of good fat pork, thev make the but green in tho world 1' TRANSCENDENTALISM. Tho lollowing is the last grand effort of transcendentalism. It is a luminous rcn dcriug of the vulgar and common (dace term of ' clear out;' ' Enubiliitc the atmos phuTO of your presence by calling into ac lion your quicseont motive power, and transferring tho material elements which compose your terrestrial organization to some other portion of this mudano phero.' 1 1 contend tho gentleman is entitled to dm Jloor!' as the member of Congress said when ho knocked his opponent down with mftst, ' John, tho oak, it is said, will 1 1 v o iiftcon hundred years. So will yew? replied John. BliOOOTSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, .TUNIS 223 1844. I'lum Sam Slick in Ktigluml. THE ELDER AND THE GRAVE DIOGER. Did ever I loll you Ihoslory of the ''Eldprjind i ho grave-dipnoi- ?" " Nevei," I replied ; 'but hero we arc al our lodgings. Come in, and tell il Io mc." " Well," mI1 he, I miisl have a glass of mint julip fust, Io wash down that ero disappointment about tho mare. It was a dreadful go thai. 1 jisl losl a thousand dollars by it, as slick as grease. Hut it's an cxciiin' lliing is a lioltiri' race, ton. When you mount, hoar the word ' Start !' and shout out ' G'lang." ind give tho pass word." Good heavens ! whal a yell ho perpe trated again. I put both hands to my ears, to exclude tho reverberations of il from the walls. " Donl be sheered, Squire; don't bp skecrcd. Wo aro alone now; there is no marc to loso. Ain't it pretty? li makes me feel all dandery and on wires like." " Hut the grave digger ?' said I. " Well, says he. ' iho year afore I knowed you, I a-goin in tho fall, down to Clare, about sixty miles below Annapolis, Io collect some debts due Io me thuro from the French. And as I was a-joggin5 on along tho road, who should I overtake but Elder Stephen Grab, of lieechmeadows, a mounted on a considerable of a clcver-lookiu' Ua:k mire. The Elder was a pious man; a luaht ho looked like otic, and spoke like one too. Ills face was as long as the moral law, and pchaps an inch longer, ml as smooth as a hone; and his Voice was so soft and sweel, and his lonrup moved so ilyon its hinges, you'd a llio'l you might a tiusted him with untold goui, ii you uiuiv't cue whether you tivor got it agin or no. lie had a bran tew hat on, with a brim that was none if the sm illus!, to keep the sun from r.akiu' his inner man wink, and hi o-to-meeim' clothes on, and a pair of silver mounted spur., and a beautiful vhite er.ivat, lied behind, so as Io havt io bows lo it, and look meek. If then was a good man on airth, you'd a said il was him. And ho seemed to feel it; t ud know it loo, lor there was a kind o look o'u iumph about him, as if he had conquered ttio jvn Une, and was con siderable well sali.kfi"d with himself. ,( Il'are you,' siis 1' 'Elder, to-day? Which way are you Irom t " Fiom the General Christian Asscm bly,J Miid he. 'to Goose Creek.' Wi had a 'most refrcshin' lime on't.' Ther was a great 'oiilpjurin' of iho spirit.' ' Well, that's awlul, sato J, 'loo. The magistrate oiig'it to see to that; .iin'l right, when lolks assemble thai way lo woiMup, lo l-o a-sellin' of rum, mil gin, anil brandy, and spuds, is it?' I don't mean that,' says he, 'allho jt'rhapshcic was too much of that wick od tralhc loo. I mean the prcachin'. Il was very peeoweiful; Iherc was 'ma ny siuneis saved " I guess there was plenty of it,' sais I, 'oiiIps.h thai neighboi hood has mucl improved since I knowed it lasl.' " h's a sweet thing,' sais he. 'Ilavt you evor 'made profession,' JMr.SIic k?1 " Come, sais I to myself, 'this is cut tin' il rather too fat. I must put a slop to this. 1 his ain't a subject lor cover cation wilh such a chcairu', caniin' nippociytical skunk as this is, Yes,' jiis I, 'long ago. My profession is thai of a clock maker, and I make no prcten sinn to uolhiir else. Hut come, lei' water our nosses hero ami liquor our selves.' And wo dismounted, and gave 'cm a ill op to wel their mouths, "Now,' sais I,a lakin out of a pockc' pistol that I generally travelled with, ! think I II '.aku a diop of grog;' and ar ter holpin' myself, I gives the silvei cover of the flask a dip in tho brook, (for a clean rinse is bettor than a duly wipe, any lime), and sais I, 'will you have a little of the'oulpuui in of the spir it?' Whal uo you say, Jlder V "Thank you,' says he, 'friend Slick. I never tuuuli liquor, it's agin our rules. "And hu stooped down and filled li wilh walcr,atid look a mouthful, i$- then mukiir a faco like a frog a fore ho goes to sing, aiiUwclliu' his cheeks out like a Scotch uagpiner, lie sjnl it all out. Says lie.1' That is so warm, it makes mc sick; and at I ain't otherwise well, from the celestial exhaustion of n mecliii', I believe 1 will lake a little drop, as medicine.' " Confound him ! tf he'd a s.uil he'd only leave a little drop, it would a been more Mke the thing, fur ho e'en u'mo.M mpliqil iho whole into Iho cup, and Ir.inklil oir clean, without wiiikin'. " It's a 'very refrcshin' limp,' sais I. 'ain't il ?' Hut he didn't make no an swer, bus I, 'that's a likely beast of yourn, Elder,' and I opened her mouth, mil tooh a look at her, and no easy m.n iur nunier, i ten you, ior sue neiti on like a) bear Iran with her i.iws "She won't suit you.' aais he, with n imile, ' Mr. Slick.' " I guess not,' sais I " Hut she'll jisl suil the French,' sai he. " It's lucky she don't speak French 1 "en, sais I, 'or they'd soon find he tongue wag ton big for her moulh. I mil critier will never seo five-and- iwenty, and I'm a Ihinkin' she's thirl year old, if she is a day.' u I was a thinkin', said ho, wilh a sh i , ... . . ' y iook out o' iho corner ot his eye, as t( her ago warn'i no secret to him, 'l wa a Ihinkin u's lime to put her off- and she'll jit 6Uit the French. Thev hanle much lor bosses to do, in a giniral way hut to ride about; and you won't sav nolhiii about her agp,will you? Il might onciamnily a sale. " Not 1,'sais I, 'I skin my own foxes and lei other folks skin theii'n. I have enough lo do lo mind my own business wilhoul interferin wilh other people's.' " She'll jisl suit the French,' sais he. ' they don't know nothin about hosse, or any thing else. J hey aro a simple people, and always will he, for their priests keep 'em in ignorance. It's ai. awful thing to see them kept in the out er porch ot uaruness that way am tl?' " I giirsf you'll put a new pane ol glass in their porch, sais 1, 'and hell omo o' them lo see heller :for whoever gels thai mare, will have his eyes open ed, sooner nor he bargains for, 1 know.' 'bais he, 'she ain't a bad marc; and if she could eal hay, might do a good leal ol vvoik yet,' and he gave a kmdci chuckle laugh al his own loke, thai founded like the rattles in his throat, il was so dismal and deep, fot he was one of them kind of fellers that's too good io lane, was ateve. 1.' Well the horn of grog he look be gan to onlooson his tonguejand I aa oui of him that she came neardyin' the win ter afore, her Icelh was so bad, and that ho had kepi her all summer in a ih ki pasiuic up lo her fellocks in while elo ver, and gmn' her ground oats, and Indgian meal, and nothin to do all sum mer;.md in the fore part of tho fall,bilcd polatoes, and he'd got her as fat as seal, and her skin as slick as an otter's She fiirly shincd agin, in Iho sun. "She'll jut still the French,' said Iip 'Ihevarea simple people and don know nothin, and if ihcy donl like ihf mare, they must blamo their priests fm not Ipachin 'em belter. I shall koe ivilhin the strict line ot tuilh, as he conies a Lhrislian 4unn. 1 scorn to take man in. " Well we dialled away arlcr (hi fashion, he a openin' of himself and mi walkin' intohimpiid we ingced alone till we came to Charles Sarrio's lo .Won- tagon, and there was th? matter' of thousand French pcodo gathered there, chatlcrtii' and laiiglun'ind nunrrcllin ntd racin', and vvrastliu', and all a eiv in tongue, like a pack of village dogi- when an inilgian conies lo (own. 1 was town mectin day. " Well there was a crillcr there, call- id hy nickname, 'lioodish Grcevoy,' u nounted on a white pony, ono o' tin c.n icst little screamers you ever see iuco you was Oorn. tie was a Iryin' io gel up a race, was Ooodish, and ban enn' every one that had a boss to run wilh him. " His faco was a forlin' to a nainlei (lis foihead was'liigh and iiarrcr, there on only a long stnp o' lawny skin, in o Une wilh his nose, tho rest bum' covei ed with hair, as black as ink, and as iley is a seal's name. His brows was thick, husky and ovet hanging, like young brushwood on a did. and onderiiealb was two black peppin' little eyes,' thai kept a movin' about, keen, good natuted and roguish, but so jsI into his kull, and looked like tho pyes ofa fox pepp ing out ol his den, when he warn't to homo lo company his elf. Uij nose was high ,s'iarp and creeled, like Ih. luck of a renpin' hook, and gavo a pit. 2,y sight of character to his face, whil. his thiiinish.lips.lhat closed on a straiglp ' " ' cuiiii, a u down it the other, shewed, if his dand nr Wan raiscd.hc could bo a jumpin', tarin,' wij.ji.-iiuug ucvii ii uc rnope. Hip pint of his chin piojccted ami turned un ;er,lly, ns if It ixpected, when Godish losl his teeth, lo rise in the world a rank next to the nose. When good natut' sal on the box, and drove, il K4r,. n It,. I P.. . ...1. . il x. . .., wiien will iMcIC Wa coachman, I guess it would bu as well to give jlaster Frenchman dm rnnfl 'Ho had a red cap on ; lis board hadn'i iiecn cut since last sheep shearin,' and he looked as hairy as a t.nrier; his shirl collar, which was yaller IlinneL fell on his shoulders loose.and a black handker- chcr was tied round his neck, slack like a sailor's. He woro a found iackei ntd loose Irowprs of homespun, with no waisicoai. ami ins towers was held up by a gallus of lealhei on one sido.and of old cord on iho other. Either Goodish Had growed since his clothes was made, oi nujickci and Irowsers warn'i or "poakin' larm's for they riidn' meel by ihrec or four inches, and the fchiil showed at ween them like a yal- vi iiimiui ojau luutlll llllll. un; Juel was covered with moccasins cf cniannec mo osc hide, and one heel was 60t ofl with old spur k, looked slv and wicked. Ho was a sneezer thai, and he flourished his great long white of a whip stick, that looueu line a nshin' rod, over his head, and yelled like all possessed, he was n caution, that's a fact. 'A knowin' lookin' Mile hoss, it wa, (oo, thai he was mounted on. Its tai was cut close off to the slump, which quareu up Ins rump, and made him look awful strong in the hind quarters. Mis mane was'hogged' which fulled oir ihe swell and crest of his eais beie cropped, the crillcr had a game look iboul him, There was a pioper good onderatandin' between him & his rider. they looked as if they had growed to-gelhcj-,and made ono crillcr half hoss, half man, wilh a touch of the devil. 'Goodish was all up on oend by what he drank, and dashed in and out of tin crowd ar ter a fashion, that was quiti cautionary, callin' out, 'Here comes 'tin grave-digger.' Don't beskeeied, if an of you gel killed, here is Ihe bos Ilia will dig his grave for nothin.' Who'll run a lick of a quaiter of a mile, for pint of rum. Will you run? siid he, i. ipuukin' up lo the Elder, 'come, Ict't run, and whoever wins, shall go ihe treat.' 'The Elder smiled as sweet as sucat candy, but harked out, he was loo old, lie said, now lo run. 'Will you swap bosses, old broad cloth then?' said iho other, 'because if you will, here's al you.' 'btevc, look a squint at pony, lo see whether that cat would jump or no, hui the cropl ears, ihe slump ol a tail, tin rakish look of Ihe hoise, didn't jisl al 'ogeihpr convene to t lie lasip, or iln- nidified habits of tho preacher. Tin word not, hung on his lips. like a worm v appl", jisl ready to drop the fusi shade! but before it lei go, tho great strength, me spiyncss, and Ihe oncommon obedi ence of pony lo the bit. scorned to kind er balance the objections, while the sar- lan and onliniely com! ih.-.l l ung over lis own maro, during the comin' winter lealh by starvation, turned Iho scale Well,' said he, slowly, 'if we yach other' beasts, friend, and p:, a- ii-ee as lo Ihe boot, I don't know :is I wouldn't trade; for I don't care lo mis.. noils, bavin' a plenty of boss sjock on hand, and perhaps you do.' How old is your lios.?1 said Hip rcnehmaii. (t ,t;.. I rai'o it,' sais Sieve. Tn,( Wheellock, I believe, brought her lo our Darts.' . 'How old do you'lnko her to be?' 'Poor critter, she'd tell VOtl llPI'anir I she could.'said hp, 'for she knows li..ti but she can't speak ;ind I didn't suo her wnen Mic was loaldcd.' How old do you think?' 'Age,' sais Steve, 'depends on usp.nni on yeais. A boss- at five, ir ill ,.u,.,i :.. ld; a hoss al eight, if well used' is young. 'Sacry footry.!sais Goodish 'why don't iVuiiibu' Q0" you speak oit like a man? Lie or oit le, how old is she?' Well, I don't like losay,' sais Sievo I know she is eight for sarlain; and I may be she's nine. I didn't raise i I. rou can see one that was.' 'A long banter then Fgrowcd out of 'ho 'hoot money.' The Elder nsked 7 10s. Goodish swore he wouldrr-'t el vo thai fur him and his boss together; that I they were both up lo auction that bless ed minute, thev wouldn't brink it. Tho Elder hung on it, as long as there was any chance of ihe boot, and then fort (he iirouml like a man, onlv eivim? in inch or so at a lime; till ho drawed up and made a dead stand, on ono pound. 'Goodish seemed willing lo come (o larms loo, but like a prutlent man, re solved to lake a look at the old mire's mouth, and make some kind of a guess it her age; bill tho critter knowed how lo keep her own serecls, and it wat ever so long, afore he forced her j nvj open, and when ho did, ho came plaguy near losm' ol a linger, lor his curiosity; mil as he hopped and danced about with pain; ho let fly such a string of laths, and sarcy-cussed the Elder and his mare; in such an all fired passion, hat Sieve put both his hands up to his ears, and said, Oh. my dear friend, don't swear; don't swear; it'd very wicked. I will lake your pony, I'll ask no boot; if you will only promiie not to swear. You-shall have Iho mam as she stands. I'll give up and swap even; and there shall be no after claps., nor ruin bargains, nor lecantin;' nor uother; only don't swear. Well, the trade was made, ihe saddles bridles was shifted, and both panic mount ed iboit now bosses. 'M. Slick, 'sais Steve, who afraid he would loso the pony, if ho staid any longer.'Mr.Sliek.'sais he.'ihe lean said is the soonest mended, let's bu a mov in', this scene of noise and riot is shockiii' to a religious man, ain't ii?' and lie. let go a roaii, as long as Iho embargo a'most. 'Well, we had no sooner turned to go, ban the French people sot up a cheer that made all rinij agaip; and they sung our, 'La Fossy Your, and shouted it again and agin ever so loud. 'What's that? sais Steve. 'Well, I didn't knew, for I never lieerd tho word, afore; but it don't do to say you don't know, it lowers you in the eyes of other folks. If you don't know what mother man knows he is shocked al your ignorance. But if he don't know whal you do, he can find mi exeuse in a minute. Never say you don't know. 'So,' saii 1, 'they jabber so ovcrlastin' last, It am l no easy matter to bay what they mean; uui n sounus like 'good bye,' you d letter turn round and make 'em a bow, lor they ate very polilo people, is ihe Krinoli.' v 'So Sieve turns and lakes olThis bat, and makes them a low bow. and they laifs won than ever, and calls; out again, 'La Fossy Your Ho was kinder ryied.was the Eldc'r (lis honey had begun to farmer)!, and smell vinegery. 'May bo, next Christinas,' sais he, 'you won't larf so loud, when vou find the mare is dead, Goodish and "the old mare arc jisl alike, they aro all tonguu them crilters. I rather think it's me,' says lie, 'has tho right to larf, for I've got the best of this bargain, and no mistake. Tin is as smart a n httlo boss as ever I see. I know whero 1 can pin him oil' to great advantage. I shall make a good day's work of this. Il is about as good a boss trade as ever 1 made, i he Wench don't know nothin about bosses, ihey are a simple peo pie, their priests keep 'cm in ignorance on purpoio, and they don't know 110111111',' lie cracked and biagged considerable, .mil as wu progressed we came to Montagoii Bridge- The moment pony gut fool on 11. He stopped short, pricked up latter eeinJs 01 His eais. snorted, squeeled and refused 1.1 omlge sin inch. The elder Elder nut mad. lie first iua.ed anil nailed. and soli Aawder ed him, and then whim ami snurred and tliraslied him llku any limn?. 1'unv unl inad tuo, lb 1 hos-cs has tempers as well as r.iuurs; so ne turned to; ami kicked tight straight up on ocml, like Old Scratch; and kept on without stoppn.' ,0 sent tho Elder nglii slap over his head slaniciulieu urly.uu llic.broad or bis bark into iheiver; nul be floated down thro' Hie biidg'e juJ -.eiambled out al I'otheriide, Creation! how he lookud. Ho was to mad; ho was ready lo bile over; and as 11 was he smoked in the sun, il,e a tea kt tilu His clothes sluek close down to lum; us u uut's fur does to her skin; hen she's out m ihe raiiijund every nop ho took his bouts v cut i-quash, like un old woman ehuruin'but ter;aud his uct trowers chafed with a n0b0 like a wel flappin' sail. He was a show; and when he g.n up his hnsi.; and held 011 to ins inauc.aiid ur-t 1 ud no ,,,iU