The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 01, 1844, Image 4
hsb assumed a new ajpeat. The crops and A rVD 7r4TTT-,fT,TT!R.AlaIST 8,oc't flourished; fences and outbuildings were pin in goou ortier. in rva or mrc" Brandroth's PICTURE OF HEALTH Pills. THE SATURDAY MUSEUM. New and Improved Series. USE OF SALT OR BRINE. I' Uy., It was seen by iho steward's "i aSaU :o TEALTlschamcteti8cdln an individual by To ,ho Subscribers of the Philadelphia Sal 's iJ.the absence of all pain, suffering, or affection ur(J Mscum, books that the farm was miking its way rrcisoof his . ..I ... . . .( I T lm t!lfi unMtn.J mtni,i lltA iiktl rtf ftw f ,v i f ,i. TCniwtitvn "UWftD 1MJ ,IC "OJ5 a " irrciflo oi ins lunruons wunoui any exception. i s.niiavinu Uu m Mr. J. A, -KcnriCKi Ot Hie wewiowu r . . i t. . ..!.:. -..:.( . v..n Itia., v,.,..,, ... tw. rtrt.t 0niiia t m., Proprietors. Kdilora and Hctzular contributora ol Nt'irseries, near Bosloh, h the Magazino or . . times, an easy digestion, free evacuations, without h Saturday Museum that their paper is now ol- lliirBoiica, K i . .. John. I link tlld farm dOCS VerV Well HOW. I, ' J.,,..., : ' . fcrcd to lis numerous subscribers, under such ul. T 17.. ..'JT.; A ntl iIiIki Hint. Iinlll TO I ' Miwci.t m uviiiniw n lonivms in iini mni- - . , , tlOrtlCIHlUIC 1UI '"II "'" " l .:l A.n.. ..rain . unll ahnll Vin Ipnanl llu.fViiir l.mlr. on.l v.lthnilt li ,1 1 nr l.nrntnir ranfrCmcntS QS W DlaCfl It UCVOnd all riVBlSlUP 0- cnly, all his been destroyed by as o io8d fajr,y at the pMsage, the fs l.o oftho wslyr l.hou Ar,;" b Weekly Nevrs .Certain thO ClircUIIO, anil alter irjing vjihiik. .rw . ,,... i i.nn. ..nl1 wm , pnnhleil in i'i.i. I. .i"' .1 e adontcd In tho Museum, which It U now considered , - i i 1 .w.m j v. - .. . 1 11 vil V WHICH IB Utlt UJIOH Elli Ul B J I UOUill Ul Ull I I ' r timcnts, ho almost despaired ol finding an u i,ere The Duke rode off at lifclpronchins pain; quiet sleep without agitation o. expedient and more consistent with rooJ taste to Mmti.-ihn 4iiinr heard aall rccomineiHi ... , . . itruobicsotnc urcami: no mno ot tnie or otner Dau c """r""""1" HU 11 t 11 31 1 u 1 1 iti 1 ii lUa i nu 111 a 11 Diuuu 111 uDiuii 1 1 k.i. i t. 1. ti.. . : . iiuviut.. urniinirn mum vn 1 tin run nnnrn. wmrii ni cil,J.concludeil to make a Uiai 01 sail o, jg,lmc bnl a ha y feow ,0 wa, werj( BurneM or aisaSrceatjo rising or tho stomach; a the present condensed arrangement or the matter. havinc-a nuantity at command. The yard . , , U10 steward ho fonod thai dean tongue; a aweetb.eath; n itching, pimples or tncrcwM tho amount of reading in ever numbci " I J . , 1 , . on appllllg to the steward, IIO lOllDll II al ,poU 0 llle ,klll. 0 pilcs. no bulnB hcat upon nearly four co umns, equal in ho course or yeai IU rn.rfiinrpil fin innnnt In llip r,.,.. r ,i, i,.i. .it. ,i,i, n. to two duodec mo volumes cftlucO hundicd liacch 1 ,au ..111 one hundred trees. In the f . ag j( gtood ,n j(3 eal,red condj. exposed to labor or other known catm no inter. h. ..,. 1 .fi ,niii two rnrds of meadow . . . , , . ruption to any natural evacuation, nor pam at their tuin wuscnango in 1110 m spring I Had ahont two corus ui menu Oon; 1 will venture to any liotvcver, tliut the p-Jiodical return. pleasure or announcing also, a mud, well saturate", win: lye, eveniy spr- )(,;o arid'ipaded in. The yei.r .previous in all its the Museum we have) the ccncral improvement departments, with additional ad- iiamo qtianlity of dock mud was applied in two.. ..nd ilm Imnnla.i mnn nf llml Whprn ti elnln nf itin aVRfpm ilnpa tinl hnrmnti u.,,. u0 ...v ..u,,r..a. ...a., w. - ,"- -. rePnle,l l tllU tn.linnl - I iio wiui inu uuuvu uiciure oi uuaiiii, 11 it ui uici a- . ... ----- 4 " ; rtrnlrc Imnnrhnrn thl a VUnst Un InU in enndintr 1 hCV BrC UriCflV CXUlbllCd UllUcr tllC fOlloWlUC Ifnp n Anntitr nr in lltn lipn nf fnrtliati rnmiiilioa lnnUCatla tho same way. About Itio IiMt 01 June 1 COMPARISON OF THE RESPECT' often thoresultorspeculationjinstcadof this course VIUUINJIL JIHTICLES. nut nil a Inad of about five hogsheads In ad- miotwrcc nrt-nn-c nw viim ,e.?.,,0,.?, ""rtlN. 11 ..' u.'IjS " ,allen' The Museum Is sustained in its cditoral columns J .. , ,,;,,;, 1T" w- jvnicnwuinoKieccivc, uui win at once resioie by ,1C lalents am) clpcrieuco or gcnllemen compe ncaim to mo organ or pari mar requires 11. ,, cnr .r.! nf n,!.iiAi ti All who wish to preservo their health, nil who ..inll.n ri!,ini n.rii,.n,i,i .l il in tirntl1i1I-o r I...,. ... .ic.,.i i:r.. :... " .. . 1 r !-" 1 ........ j-.-j " pruicDNiuus, MIHI.I.1..H. . ub.viiu uiiii "- ol religious scctatlaliism will bo equally tscneVvcd ll.IUUl.lllllt.llV.-3U. UIBUWU .UItlllllHl BUIIU V11UUI i( tJ O R I 0 I N A f P'tdMON Irccourso to the iratnlrctli i Pills, when tho stato of IVE BUSINESS DUTIES OF MAN Dillon, pouring it from a large watering poi, WOMAN I . r. . 1 ' - - - about two -liommon stccu paiimus mi. i j .i.-l If wa iivprlnnlr Irin Ipnrnpll -.iron Bal.irnt nrf tllC W lOiO croUHO in II1B " " ..rri- nml n nowerful was tho application " w""" UBCUI'7 D",n . ... . j ,,i, r..nnil iI.p portion of Iho mass of man; WO shall find rccourso to the Jrandrcth Pills, when tho state of It is hardly necessary to assure tho subscribers to mat lllCre was UU n wci.u hlin .vtlrm rWa lint ImrmnnUn t!lli llm nlinvn nil-, llin Museum ihnt'lliia ilpnarlmpnl will l.n ricldu enn. height of two inches during the season-ev nogrea, exe. ion o n. a men.a, P-" iu,c 0rh;Dnh7 ' plied. ,cry tree bore well, and many of them were " rcquireu to penorm mu common run u, i hosoxvho live in a country whcrecontagious or ORIGINAL SKETCHES, ESSAYS.&c. -so completsly loaded with fruit, that I was ousincss as wm . 'uuoMcturoofUltli, and observe himself with par. "nJer theso t.tlcs the Museum will contain ihr comndllcd to Stake them to prevent their ca" i " " - titular attention, m order to act accordingly. Tin l I ... il.... H l,.lr.n . n o'lflfliml-Of In fnl.fl.in1 v I ..1 1 1 1 1. .1 i ....) ...1 (..ill P.l ! 1 1 . .. .1..rtA breaking down. Experiments in liaising Potatoes, t Williams, of Argyle, Penc scot county, Maino, took a small quantity mention a baker, a tailor, a shoemaker, to wise and rightly directed will follow this advicc- J'his is more I unw'bu arc lult to their own destruction. AGENTS. 1 1 C la ca tiirirllw nrnnliaOfl ll Mr.JSIisha AVilliams, of Argyle. Penob r m,!! nnanlitv "e" Pd8B ,U,,B F ..n.,. make good our assertion especially the case, now that the division that men business It . 1. - . . f . .. . .. f I ill In tpiflii.n i 1 jt:.,iitn,l ,,!, nn HVl-S 111 iiiaiiuiatiuio ui .inm inning 01 poiaioes ,a5l ,,.,fi,-,v. ,. ... ,1B -n-,n.niinn nf which thev taioe into four equal parts, planting the out b Even when the result of a number of men's labor is a com tliA two r.rnirn nieces bllUt III- -StKbU 1UU mix .... - . , ,ii r m i.m mental faculty whatever, snnaraie: and tho nroduco was from ine Out . i ends 40 lbs.; from thn seed ends73lbs.; &, iftom the centre pieces together lOOlbs showing the superiority of (ho centre .pieces .by 4811)8. in tho quantity planted. pi icatcd piece of machinery, many of the men employed in constructing the different Waihington Robert M'Kay. Jerseytown L. & A. T. iisel. Danville U. II. Reynolds & Co. Cattawissa C. G. Urnbst. liloomshurg J. It. Moycr. Limestone Babbit & M'Nincli. Uuckiiomil. G. Shoemaker. l.Ime Ridge Andre & ililler Berwick J W Stiles May A, 18442. pans may find the complete machine a riiiB subscriber havhm established a PAPER great an enigma as if they had no share in JJ. MILL at MILL GROVE, near TJIoomsburgJ contributions of the ablest wiitcra or our city FOREIGN LIERATURE. 1 his general head embraces an endless variety of selections Irom tho iicvicws and Magazines and oth er Periodical publications or Europe. This ad vantage the Museum boasts as peculiar, and or itsell sullicient to secure its universal p ipularty. NEWS. This head will includo every species or mattei propctiy belonging to a Newspaper, COMMERCIAL AND OTHER MAT TERS. An experienced editor is employed exclusively lor Hie collection and reporting or the Markets, Hie revision or tho Rank Note and stock Tables, and tlio regular correction or the pnee current. AGRICULTURE. As tho most important or all arts, a portion or the CULTURE OF FLAX. PRToULD respectfully Inform ll citizens of Ulootnsburg, and it vicinity, that ho still continues to entry nn tho ahovo business, at his old established 4tand on the corner of Alain and East urccts. Having received tlio LJi l h o PIIILJIDKU'IIIJI and NEW YORK FASHIONS, in connection with Scott Ai Willson's Iliehly Improved patent for cut ing garments in the most fashionable man nor, warranted tn lit without any possibility u failure, and feeling assured from his lane experience in tlio business, that worK exe cuted at his shop, will never bo complained ol, ho hopes, by strict attention tn busincse to receive a share of public patronage a heretofore. IC7-N. B. CASH, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE; only taken in payment for work done, at the market nri ces. (Jliargcs for work moderate to suit Hie times. Ulootnsburg, Nov. 3, 1843. 28 Now is ihe very nick of lime to Sub- scribe, as, on the Glhof March, 1844, wilt commence the fourleenih Volume of The Family Newspaper, TIIH PIILAICr.PHIA SATURDAY COURIER (pT0 NEW SUDSCRinERS(n:p) Portl.e purpose of facilitatinc thcfomMliou or ULUiis,or which any old subscriber officiating will iie considered as one, we oiler tho following IlKlllCCIIlCtlfS'" Wanted, NEAR HLOOMSBURG, 50 000 fcet Inch Pino Hoards. 5O-O0O feet Weather Hoards. . 100.000 Lap Shingles. 30.000 feet Pino and Hemlock Plank. 0,000 feet lineal Round Timber, from 10 to 14 inches in diameter. And a quantity of Oak and Pino Timbe for Mill-Right work. pply to JOSEPH PAXTON, Picsident of the Bloomeburg Rail Road Iron Company. March 23, 1841. 48 ilio makinpofit We have been credibly 00'UIU1 counlyiWiicro no nnstno latest iMruovtn Museum win uo regularly devoted to tlio sutyce4. ol . . ' .MAciiixEiiT, and having loUowcd tho business Iml Agriculture, i iiiiuimuu, inn ncii in mo jjiuiuo.iuu. mvcniy years lie .-aconluent liecan lurnibli ascood MKiPPtlivv 1 1 .. nn .. t n n n .i Ant.- I naner flfl linv in (MP t .nunlrv nml nn no rmur.nnhlfil vo arc sur uibuu uiai uui .a.,.n..a u ..u. wimcu uru uuscu uuoi. rnunuc, iv . -- --- v --- -- --- -v ; - Wo .. ..,. ,n pnmnrn iin.lpr vnrinn utirn their attention more to tne cuiiivauon itie leading men wno are requireu to exeri ,;i, , ,,,, .,!i ,,' ia,.i,' other heads, tho suiiiccts winch will constitute dis- ..,r fl.v Tliia ; a nrnn.n.nltv raised, and I mupli intpllppliiot vnnr. Inol ihn mPil!npr..lconfctantlv on linnil Altnrnnv'a l!nnPnnl'a Cnn I tinguifclllng fcatUICS of tho MUSCUIU. SufTlte It to 1 I b . Ir.oiio. n. ...i w' : iiNnv that uotiiincr will be omilted necessary to nre- I 1 .1 r.P..,f,lr.lll,i.1 T .1.. f. . T .. 1 ovuwi .....lliu, . I1I111IIU U1IU .VIUIIU1IIK U I I "... . . . "Wlicn nruucriy iiiuiiukcu u ciy iuuuuvw.w unju,utrs oi inuau iiruiL-iiiiiuiiN olivc hi i-i.ii ai ...7 . r c .:.. 7 ... servo Us character as tho areatcst nd host .1 I inii iou . u i aaau ui uluuui. JiUUKM w one1 it is-somcwnai cxuauBiiiiK wncn hp preuucesnip, eei lino a ioe-iroi rouune uiiaiso, uianx uoni:, uxtra hound, l ull bound, and aseed is permitted to come to full maturity, duly, do their work by the rules and tables 'lal( hounJ of all sizes and, assortment or writing I J IhlinUK.VP. Ilplarpnilt In j.i innnn I in nW.fn. -as is me general jifatinii. iii uiio wmn.j. i.ji wisur ut-aus, uuu uic iciiuiilu iu ll I'aper or Uooks, for Rags or Sizing. 'Hut we cannot expect to make our cake I itieit mental faculties much less than i THOMAS TRENCH. -.vitbuut doufih, end when we get a large gonera'ly supposed. To be very successful '"'"grove; rebruary 20 1814 tl. -crop of seed we get a full equivolent for the in any of the professions may require more -flxhaustifti. When taised as it usually is urinness ol nerve, and more steady cor. (in Ireland, where large crops are cultivated icentration ot intellect, loan to manage a and pulled 'before the seed ripens so as tolfamily with propriety; but certainly the recciUO a more Uelicaie uuie lor inu ueauprupcr mauagi-meni ui u luiiiny iiiicis uic iqualities oflincn, it is not exhausting. Our presence and constant exercise of these practice, owing to the coarser laorics we moniat lacuiues, a greater concentration oi manufacture from it, is to secure both (lore which than usu al is occaiionaly required in la I nd seed, which, for our purpose, is un- the learned piolesstons. neither are there ed by D. Clark doubtedlvtho most nrofitable. The seed is any rules or tables which can J, DYER. I ESPECTFUI.LY wc,vo copicsfor oncycar inform. I.l. fr.r.n.U OBVCniCen COpiCS UO FAMILY NEWSPAPER ill mcrica. To Jlgcnts and New Subscribers. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS to tako the Saturday Museum. Une copy lor one vcar Thrco copies for ono year, or one copy for three years Seven copies for ono year S2 10 nml ihn travelling pulilin it.l 1 w. copies lor one year, and one copy or general, that he has taken! j "i IliB nluivn HpIpI Ritiinln if, I utllio the centre of the town ol v ,v, ,C0P'CS' nn0 two C0I'"'a 01 J'y L nninwiun.f !nli, pp,, dy s Rook or Gialiam's Magazino tv Pa. and fbrmclv occuni i 1,0 moncy must always be sent in advanco free .Whprnlin ivilt l,n linnnwtn ...nil P' P"StagC, matnriallv upon thoso who will favor him with their custom. . S. "'' lv.ou.a" a year ii auvance j nice iTho (i .....i ...,.i. ...i .... nl dollars U not nam ti l tho end oi tho vcar. . , , i n .. .1. f r .1...:.. I ..w.i uuu wiiiiuuuiuun uuu Weill one Ot the most.pcrnaps ueciueuiy me mosi assist woman in mu ponuriiiairju oi uuuo ' IfuTniKhod ihrouchout. and no pains wUl be snared l'KPJiM I U AIS nulricious that can be given to stock, when the features of which are so various and to render general satisfaction. j o any person sending two dollars in advance, b . 1 .... . Ir-ollia tnldn will fitmialiml wiiU fl.A I.At .1.1 we will semi lli Miit-em for nni nml nnn nl llir a I.-.I : ...n.n. -fn; I a h i ft i n ft p-irtli tvnmnn mtlol nap hpr nwiil mu wo. inc. ooncu or aiiaucu in him i " ' b' " Unirv can afford. Inewnovcls. cicnt time. As an article of commerce it 11 judgment her own case, and continually His Bar is well stored with the best of liquors. For Five dollais three copies and one or the new I . . ... . I l.-..nll. ..l.i:.... I. 1 I .1.. . ,.f 1 I nAl,fl a .. ...1 .H 1, nn. lm ....n.ltirtt tn its flh.nmnn nlioona I Avtuuilt nllllllluc IS UUUCUCU 1(1 II1U estnnllfsll. I uu.vto. OUlie 30 Ollieci 10 raiso, WUCll .miicu """I " 1 ...u6...6 ,-i.u. - . ,. ..." l-W (en dnllnra even r.inioa nn.l rill.Pr ,.f .1.. - t , ,. i It . . . I tl l .1. it i . I 1 ",,v wv.w.H uu vK.4iu .i iiuouvio uiu am uP - - i w. - rv to use manure plentifully lo keen it in power of mental endurance, that capability Cattawissa, fliay 18, 1S-13 3, t I' ... .. . A Valuable Property For Sale. The buiiscinr.n offehs to sell his Valuable FAMM AND IMIIili PROPERTY. T PRIVATE SALE, situated in Greenwood towuship, Columbia County, Pa., upon tin roii. leadinc Trom Rhocrsbar2 to Jerccytow i, about wo miles from Rhocrsburg, and ten from Li looms. burg, containing 115 Acres; most of which is improved, and upon which are erected a TWO STORY 13RICK c t il 'LIS? TTrtT2-Tr a o T)r. nn PPPT' 'IO i- 1 L iUlU I A SAW MILL AND proper condition. of long-continued intellectual labor, which But one of the great advantages lo be de is required lor tho successlul pursuit ol rived from this crop, is the employment those occupations which must ever lorm the -which getting it out gives to the men and great staple of man's employments. II 'boys, and to the women and children in these thinks are acknowledged and borne in rj0ye3 William rsninniniz and weaving in winter, when thev mind, we Hope lo carry our readers along Dunn George i .... . . . . . i . i . 1 1- , i have little else lo do. and for the want ol with us in the opinion that the domestic t'oteroii wicnaei liist of Letters REMAINING in the Post Offlco at Cattawis- for tlio quarter ending March, 31, 1844. new novels, For twenty dollars sixteen copies and two new I novels, Dowrs Conatd Lionno Milton .17unroo Isaac Paxton Joseph 5 Poier Thomas Pursel Lusanna . ReilK John Raver Elizabeth r i. ...l.I.l. .1 . . r 11.. I.ll I, I. llin. nC ,1m mo.n nf ...nmpn nra mnpp nn.l"uKer JOSOpil W...u.i, uru .uu iu.C or aomc- - . - - m-.j.. VaBir,nrrl(in liittnr nvis 2 I . I 1 P .Inrnlla nml rminirn minn nsmilas mania av I ... " . . tiling worsu. as a iiiuaua ui improvement n-ijunu gma.ui uivn... l"vIurhes E Ills It iter In in tind preservanon of industrious and econom-ertion than duties connected with business Johnson John Schuk George ical is of creat value indenendent of tho mass of men. Mrs. Hugo Reid s Kitchen Ebenezer 2 Shellhart John w I ... 1 ir . n . t,r . i of its nrofits as a -field rmn. Ahoni 400 Plea for Woman- tviinse reier yvcrnizoyrus ( - Cimiial I,.!,., 1 C A linLlI f 1 I aassiiiMi I I Jd U U II liU 0 nuu M UllUvli) JUIMI iuiiuua ui-iiiiA uuu & uuellcis oi scvu is ul . ,. Ahm Wilnn Rmilinn much Hcyunt iu u uvy. Jo,m WarJ Joh) Ozias Linley, Sheridan's brother in law, I, Wills Levi Zagar Alfred was subjected lo fits of abstraction. In Wwtdichael Allrod Aarr Henjamin simplicity of character, as well as in ab fair crop from an acre. The. flax is worth 8 lo 10 cents per lb. in tho market; the seed 31 40 to SI .CO per bushel The Duke of Portland. sence of mind, ho was another parson Ad Ono of his tenants, a small farmer, wes arns- A" lie was ono mofning selling oui Tatlinfrvoarafier year, into arrears for rent. on horseback for his curacy a few mile Chair Manufactory, i riu. suuscnuer continues to carry on tho CHAIR ilf AN U FA C TO RING business at the old stand of 0- & S- Hagen buch, whero he will bo ready at all timet- ho lurnish raney & Windsor Chairs, Set tecs, Huston Rocking Chairs &c, of even description, which may bo called for, short notice and on the most rcasonablt terms. He will also executo House, Sign & lUrnamental 1'ainting, and llouso Tapering in a superior manner, irom his experience in the business, and his facilities of manufacturing tho various articles of his lino, ho flatters himself tha he shall be able to furnish as good work Persons callintr lor letters in the above list wil and upon as reasonable terms as can bi pleaso say they aro advertised. done in the country, all of which lie will C. A I) ROB ST, P. Ms OF LETTERS. I dispose of for PRODUCE N. B- Orders from CASH or COUNTRY bf T 1CT uui.m, N. R. Orders from n distant uill Kb.MAWUNU in the Post Ullice, at strictly ar.d punctually nttended to- 1$. UAGENUUCII The Duker-odo to the farm, saw that it was distant fiom Norwich, his horso throw ofi Orangovillo, tho quaiter ending yiarch, 31, rapidly deterioatiug -and tho man, who was oneo1 1,18 8Iloe8, " 'a"y wno onserveu me 1841. experienepd and industrious, totally unable accident, thought it might impede Mr. Lin James Anthony 10 manage it frnm.povsrly. In fact.atl that leJ' 8 journey, and seeing he was quite un aamuei oga C -. i .i.-Irnnsridlia nf il. nnlilnlv rnminilpil liim llim I ' OmpSOtl Ullloy UD u,. .v , ,n ouuug.i ,o pay --- - - i " Andrew Emmons arreatf. Jonn,' said the uuko, when tho U,,D Ul '" "U'BU 0 0"UCB "au J,,s tu"1B laeob Good 'farmer came to meet him as he -rode up to ''''hank you, madam,' replied Linley; will Jonas Hayman the farm house. want m Innft over the yJ hen, have the goodness lo put it on Robl. Lockhart r...m o iinin- Ac ii.p., .p. .1 . !-. for ma 1' Rev. John Loder . ,.. , - 1 1. . .i . .1 uy, a,u ,,e, every is in a very oaa a Gentleman nnnn heinr, ,V tvliPlliPr Samuel Richart . ttn frnid tunnl nn can itmt n.. ' It i. I i . fc . :. . ' -,o was seriously injured when a steamboat i irnucn xv Miin irtiinauil Jonas Kissncr J. C. Hughes Luther Gorman Wilarnina Everhart Simuol Henry Jacob J. Klino Reuben Parrish Elizabeth M'Cord J. Patks Abram Robbins 2 A. Vallorchamp 2 Isaac Devoid Bloomsburg, Dec 30, 1843. tinder it. All your stock and crops wont Luj .nav'tne retil'in arrear. l -vill inll wlioi.l . I ll H wnq nn liapd In hplnnr lilnwn nn hi. IkmI r nn;nn. r... t.nA.. In .l.n nr, ft YrTlnxr Hint labn IriR.furm inln m " ' "J ",r ioii.uiii,aiiii,e iui louiin mi ,.iu uuuvc AiVVlHI" J ' " wifn. Ihnl rrvprn Blpnm limt nn .tlsni imnnl lot will iilnasn av llifiV iirn nilvprlispil handtrjou chell'look ftsr iffor mo, and I jm( 1 E. LAZARUS, P. AI, rtjvill nnv vnti vnnr tvarTpn' Orpnupn , l.n. a I I Y-i i i ft -' .-u ...-. r..r.r. was no aavirif nav-the .nnnr man lxtwud Tim ilnrr U tl. r.nlu Kr..i animal iIimi! ivcyvo, j j j- ' -- - ' " W Vlll UIMIIIXI tll assent. Presently there ame a reinforce-dreams, and he and the elenhant aro the lpr p vnlmtpfl . la s-iiil Innavn ri.ntlol lli.ll. I inll i,.i.i . 1 ' --itjaraii Ainan wi filial i. . i i. a. ... ... i . t . I, i r . "w " wi-ni uiwwii u i u; siipi 1 UfBUlia VJrtlllllL! Uf lUUt'in III Of course there oor man bowed ame a reinforce- snont of stock, then loads of mauure ; at the only quadrupeds that understand looks n.p.r.r limp, cflf-i' nnrl mnnH rrnm if.. nl..i I '.r I. .l.nLm I. .1... I .. : I ,1... l.n '"" - "u.iu. wu,. .u B.uj.unu, ,u,u u.7 miuudi mm, uD. . ofl)0.rd, on Kl.huin creek nfalmut 5.000 fePl - C T T 1 I . . t f ls f . . I . . lutiuns lor rupaiiing gates anu uuiiuingi.- psiues man, leois sorrow, Hie uog tne only one lot or boards at C: Ashc'a mill, or about 5.0UO The Duke. rode over frequently. The man quadruped that has been broucht to speak- cet ?no fannine '"'"i one cuttingbox, one plough, Wil.M'KCLVV. Mey 2, 18U-2, SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of alias vond. expona to me directed will be exposed lo public sal on the premises, on Saturday the 8th ol June, at one o clock P.M. A certain lot of ground situate in Orangevillc, Orange township, Columbia county adjoining a lot or Emanuel Lazarus, Charles Mc Phcrson, and fronting on Main street of said town whereon is erected a largo three story frame HOUSE, a well of water at tho door, with n pump. Also upon ono other lot of ground situate in Orangovill. IS hereby given, that I have purchakrd at consla. aujoining a 101 oi yr. ueorgo vv . i.u.i, a ble sale, us the property or John Karns, tho fob lot now owned by Bunon Kaso, Lite ll illiam lox lowing atticlcs.and have left tha same in his p. and fronting on Main strt el of said town, whereon session during my pleasure:-ono yoke of oxen ono ' erected a Cabinet Mokcr shop, ono largo frame parted himself, and seemed quite relieved Leibnitz hears witness to a hound in Saxony it.-oia'a load of care by Uie change. Thing that could ajieik distinctly 30 word?, Ham nr Stable with the annuitcnances, Seized taken in execution, and to bo sold us the property of Gco-go Heiple. IRAM DERR, Sheriff. SmnurF s Orncii, Danville, May 18, 1041. mm ft With the Ini'ficst Subscriptiou likt in tiiu World! id 15 so 10 10 10 Clover Will. and other out buildings. Tliore are also on tin land TJf'O VERY GOOD APPLE ORCHARDS op F7RS T m TE Fli UIT. The land is in a good stale of cultivation, and that which remains uncleared is covered with good tim ber. He considers it unnecessary to give any (ur thcr desciiplion, as all who wish to purchase will view lor themselves, it will bo wild on rcasonal terms, and possession given on the first or Aptil. WII.I.IAM liUMUiV. Greenwood, January 5,1841. Um37 Exirarilinnry I'hrce copies or Ihe Saturday Couticr,! ycar,or ono copy loi three years. Seven copies or the Saturday Courier, 1 year twelve. Seventeen fwo and 1 copy orGodcy's Lady's Book, or Graham ' Magazino Five copies or the Saturday Coutiet,and S'copics ol Uodey's l.ady ellook, or Urauain Aluga-zine I'wo copies or tho Saturday Couricr,& 1 copy or the Ladies .National .lagaziuo Five copies orthe Saturday Courier, 1 copy r lioduy s Lady s Hook, or uraham s .vlaga zinc, and one ccpy or the Ladies' National Marrazme Five copies or the Saturday Courier, Ani 1 copy of t rout new i'lclonal llltJoiy ol America, a 85 book rrlrlii Tact, whatever offer is any other Family Journal, tit till approaching in worthy ,licaulv or pretensions, lo the SiTUiuiAr Cni.iiir.ii.will Iw 4 lurnishcd ny us I lio Satuiiiiat lyonniKit tut liecomc so well and favorably known through n triumpluiilty popu lar course ot thirteen years, tuat it would ho Mliier- lliious to say much on that subject here. Vc may remark, however; that to tho industry, t a knit ind enlcrprisoAvhichhave for years kept this paper a bright exemplar for all its imitators, will constant ly bo added the productions of ever' available writer, and continued judicious and liberal L'tpeu. liturcs will constantly ho made, on well in tlio Literary as the Typographical departments. Our ineaiH will enable us to bo in advanco of all others Original Domestic Tales, Essays &c. Every number contains several practica Domestic Talcs, Essays, or Sketches, from such pens as T S ARTHUR Esq. one oil most popular 1 aln-wr.lcrs in America Henry W 'Herbert Esq. Dr. James M Henry, Professor Ingraham, John Frost, L L. I)., Mrs. Caroline Leo Hontz. Mr. M. St. Loon Loup, and indeed most of the writers in this country or Europe. Searco a number is issued without orw ot mors instructive and explanatory engraving or copy of iomo gem of tho old masters, with a desctipu'ic Talc, Essay, or Sketch OUR TItAVELIiEB?. In this department constantly appear Original or Selected Lcttrhs from our r-pecial corresixindents or transient travellers, in England, Pranclicland, ind Germany To Farmers, Gnt'duiicrs, &c. Our increased size fives us much moro space, to iuIuIko in our Tavorito subject of tilling Uic bounVs- mi earth, and especial attention is paid to Agrirul- urc, Horticulture, Floriculture, and theculture of vciy thing calculated to improve and benefit man- kand; make them independent of Foreign Mouo (johsts, pernicious Legislature, xc Our European Correspondent. Our European Correspondent, redetit in Lomlon.kecps us supplied with the earliest iusu' ,ind materials lor enriching our ilepnitmcnts wiui cboico Literature and Variety, and giving to Emi grants, as well as others, a correct and connected account of 'whatever occurs ofiutcrcct, cither at homo or abroad. THE MARKETS, Particular caro is taken lo procure the etrlWt advices in reference to the prices or all kinds or Grains, Provisions, Produce, &c. the state .Stcl:s, Ranks, Moncy, and Lands; and our extensive ar rangements will hereafter render our Piiocs current orincstimablo vitue to tho Traveller, Farmer, and all Uusiucss classes whatever THE NEW VOLUME, We to day commence a New Volume or Cham bcrs Journal .mid we avail ourselves or ihcnccasioi to remind thoso who desire to subscribe for it.thal it is the proper timo to do so. A work that has risen to u circulation of 7.r),000 copies wcelly in Great Uritian, cannot bo one or mean pretensions. For moral toudciioy,iuformatiorv instruction, and cheap ncss, it has no equal in tho English language. Il can, tho re fore, be recommended to families in every rank of society, without stint oi reserve, and ir it bo dcsliable to put into tlw hands or the risina gencratson agreeable and instructive reading, as a set-oil' lo the Englibh and French novels circulating in such piolussion, Chambers' Journal is a work eminently adapted to Ihat purpose TEEMS In order to put this work within tho reach or all classes or Ihf public, we havo determined lo issue ll at the very low price oronfi dollar and a half per nnnumiaud also lo furnish it to aecntsata discount from this price or thirty.lhrce and a third per cent. And in order to disseminate the publication still morccxtcnsivcly wo have determined to givo in dividual or companies ef individuals who may or dcr Jive copies Ihe advantages possessed by agents and to extend to them also tho benefit or the dis count. A remittance otjive dollars then, provided it bom fundi at par in the city or New York, or not more than five per cent discount, will command live annual copies. 1 ho publication is wcckl contains cicht nuccn, and is printed in the nuattc r . -.i . . i . .. i . r. : lorm. wiui neat ivuo aim on kuuu un uui. n i i.carcclv nccessarr to state tha the low prico which wo oiler this woik, will oblige us in adhere to the cash svstem without any devulUin whatcvci Editors Ihrouchout tho Country inserting tliii Prospectus four successive weeks, and sending u 1 ... -...- ii- nil!. !M I.. oopy containing it to tuo vviuiou uniti, vtiu u entitled to a freo copy for ono year. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted, to the subscriber, will please taku nolico that the subscriber, has left his 1 . . . . .. i i r oi ... A- I . .. . i i.t. r.. Ilook in the hands of Solomon Ncwhart Esq, for collection. All persons indebted will please call and settle tho some to savo cq1 and trouble. . j.iimM wiinn "March 2S-.18H, . MARBLE YARD' Tho subscribers have established al the above place, a new MARBLE Y.1HI), and will always bo ready, al the shortest notice, lo furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, TOMB-STONES, 11 EARTH JAMBS, MANTLES, PAINT STONES, MULDERS, &.c. or any other work in their linn. They mo also prepared to furnish WINDOW CAPS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS. Sic. c'nher of Ma.bjo, Lime or any kinlif stone that can be procured in tins vicinity. Ha ving had considerable experience in the business, -they plcdgo their work to be executed in as handsome n stylo as caa he.filrnislird from r.ny yard either in tins city or country; and on as reasonuble terms. ARMSTRONG & HUGHES. Bloomsburg, Nov. a, 1843. ly 28 1.1st ofliUltcrB REMAINING in the PostOflico at Dloomsbttrj tho quarter ending March, 31, 1814. John Hutchison Joseph Aurry 1is. yiariah Hall Ransom L Porter Cliaistiou Heist Nonnon A Smith John Lot J'crson calling for letters in tho above list vKJ please say they aro advertised. J. R. MOYER, P. M- COALc COARSE AND NUT COAL, Ul a sur luporitfr' quality (or Sale by GEORGE WEAVER"