The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 01, 1844, Image 1

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    The Colombia Democrat
1 . ... . ' ; ,i
I have iworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jcfleron
Volume Villi BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, JUNE 15 1844. CiViimlic'r 6a
OrrosiTK St. Paul's Church, Main-si'
The COL UM111J1 DEMOCRAT will b,
v published every Saturday morning, at
Tiro DOLL'ARSper annum payabli
half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars
Fifty Cents,if not paid within the year
A'o subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than six monthsfnor any discon
tinuancc pcrmitlcd,tintil all arrearages
ure uncharged.
Ji I) VERT1 SEMENS n ot exceeding a
aquarisuiill be conspicuously inserted al
One Dollar for the first thrccinsrrlions.
THE USE OF MARRYING, ' he next Governor interesting teller
I r r t t
Galignina's Paris Messenger telates the Jr"m rion' uames enanan.
following amusing anecdote : 1 he York "Democratic Press" of
A jolly young fellow, named Soubil'.e, t riday puts us in possession of a highly
nade his appcatnnco at tlie bar of tho Cor- .ntcrrsting letter from the Hon. James
rooiional Tribunal, with such a stereotype Buchanan, touching the gubernatorial
imilo on his lips, expressive of self content- ik.sue, elicited by the inquiries of an in-
mcnl anil good nature, that overy one pre- fiucnlial Democrat residing in the coun
sent was astonished when it was found thai ly of Yor;. The views of Senator liu
..u wo. c.argeu win. oea.wg .us who. i chanan on (his 8ubjeci are entitled to the
ImnQt rOfltlPO llltl nnnctilnrolinn nn
v. -J---- - --',. i,u. .... ... .,.: .
ositt n 4 )tf oibf II ICQIUC I U II U 1D llliaUIILl . I . . . .
mniuiOTuciMiH i ih .' . man in the Union has enioyod more a
i ou are accuaeu oi ocaiinG anu KiCKine , , . , . -
' vl h iru nnl m Anna r I inn - t n iw n r r
tiuent nsertion. ICTVi liberal discount
made to those, who advertise by they em vou, wife.'
LETTERS addressed on busmcss,viuA . AvP( ayo.jt9 a )iabii 1'vo got.'
ICcligioii--Wliat Is It f
by ntsrtor m:ncrt.
Is it to go to church to day,
To look devout and seem to pray,
And ere to morrow's sun goes down,
He dealing slander through the town?
Does every sanctimonious faco
Denote the certain roign of grace ?
Dues not tlio phiz ill a l scowls at sin,
Oft veil hypocrWywilhin I
Is it to make our daily walk,
And of our own good deeds to talk,
Yet often practise secret crime,
And thus mis-spend our precious time ?
Is it for sect a-nd creed to figli', . -,Tr
call oiiratfsl .tie rutu'or-riglitr
When-what wo wish is at the bcil
'.To see our church excel tho rest.
Is it to wear tho Christian dross,
And love to all mankind profess,
To treat with scorn tho humble poor,
And bar against them every door I
Oh no ! roligion means not this r
Its fruit more sweet and fairer is
Its precept this : to others do
As you would havo them do to you.
And does roligion this impart I
Then may its influence fill my heart ;
Oh I haste tho blissful joyful day,
When all the earth may own its sway.
bundant means of forming a correct es
limate of the merits of Mr. Muhlen-
f I. -I... . . I
' You would do well to cot rid o.' ,t.' "Kllu man ne' temporaries n
Of my wife! I should like nothing nai councils, during an evcntim
better'' " period ot our political history, and act
'No; no, not that you know perfectly mg in concert upon all the imporlani
well what I mean. Havo yon any reason questions of National policy cotended
to complain of your wifo V for by the illustrious Jackson, the most
' I don't know that I have, but ynu musi friendly relations necessarily grew u
tee when I am in a rage it miiBt fall upon between them,wliich have existed with
something, and as my wife is always at oul diminution or interruption to Ih
8,10 caiu"us ' present lime. The numerous personal
luusuow amosiuejuoramo wan MJnd political acquaintances of Mr. Muu
, , tii c i.F.NUEna will readily discover, that the
1 II ! .I..1 nnl Toll lift. I alintllil I n f(iil '
II 1, MIU 1IUI UI Ull IIUI, 1 OIIU'.IU IU IUII , , . . .
. . . .. r , ., . panegyric here pronounced upon then
meaning uie iiiniuuru; uui mere is no suen i . ...... ,
., , vi distinguished favorite is true to the life
rifck. vim know, in slnkinn mv wife. 65
Here tho Presided exclaimed. " Hold No1 " fea,urc of the portrait will bear
youriongue man '.you only aggravate your the 'mputaiion of flattery, but is a true
offence' lamiiui rcprebciiiaiion oi uie ongi
The Tribunal sentenced him to two naI- Tl,e PC0P'e of Pennsylvania, of
months imprisonment. On hearing which a" parlies may congratulate themselves,
his everlasting smile left him, as he remark: that a man so entirely pure and unex-
ed, ' Well, I certainly did not expect that, ceptionable is destined to be their next
Two months for slanpific one's wifo -t- Governor.
What's the use of marrying V
IjCWisskrry, York co. April 22, 18-11.
Warmly and gratefully attarhed to both House of Representatives. I havo morc.binc the wholo strencth of tho narlv
I !.! f-l. ...1 I Ik.n I n ,l I ... .. . . P .
i iiciiucr icu uui uxirct3uu a jiijijuii.ii .ii.iii ..iiu ncnid uuuciiii uiicKsou ii i m -i man tJonry A. luiiiilcnuerg.
prcrerence for the one over the other. sen speaK id the strongest terms of the Ar. undoubted Democrat from hi'a
IJul the Convention have decided the support which he had rebel veil through- vouth unwards. confided in for vests.
question in favor of Air. Muhlenberg : out this conllict Irom Ueneral Muhlen- bv one of the most Democratic eouniipn
anil I coniider it exticmely furtunatejberg, as he always CHllecf'him, and when in the Stale, and found never to have
that, amitl our existing embarrassments, on one occasion, t told him that Mr. betrayed his trust: the companion, and upon such a Muhlenberg was no Ocneral, his reply through all the difficulties of his admin
man. formerly, in l'enusyivanis, was-- no mauer, no ought to have islration, the friend of the illustrious
ihe wheels of the Stato Government been a General." Jackson, what more proof, sir, lot n.o
moved alonn so smoothly over the beat- Uespecled by all, Mr. Muhlcnbcre ask. should be demanded nf in. l.-vnimn
en track, that any matt ot integrity, with continued, ably and Uiihlully to rcpre- to the feelingi and the rights of the in cat
...i:r. - . iHI.i .lici.i.., ... f ... -i. ! . .. . "
uiu uiuai uuiiihiuii iujiiiii:uiiuii3, ivasiati" nu uiiuiw in uuujji tjj uiiiii r eu-moiiy 01 tile people f
comnolent succcsslully to discliarno the rtiury, 1H3H, when lie was appointed I Neither pan his will rnrnrrf ruihtin
lutics of Governor. IJiitoitunately oUr lusl l!iiivoy iiiXlr.iordinary and Mm renutation suffer anv draw-hack, if view
. . . I fi ... . I J - ----
those good old times havo passed away, isier ricnipoieniury to Ausliia. A ed through the medium of his private
nd we now require an experienced andptatesman ot Uerman descent, and a life and domestic viitues: affable. vit
kilful pilot al the helm to weather the ihorotigli German .scholar was thus most dighified, ihe people of Pennsylvania
storm. With a debt ol more than forly pproprialcly selcclta to open our di- have in him a sure guarantee that no
millions impending over us' which must plomatic relations with the Austrian Kuspicion, even of corruntion.will attach
ne paid: with our vast Internal 1m- Empire. itself to his administration. The Wholo
provemcnts which must be wisely and li was to havo been experted that the course of his life, nublic and nrivale.
t. i i rnT oi i i ii.
economically managed, so as 10 yield menus 01 iur. anunii. wno are justly places him in tliis respect, as well as 1
the largest profit at the least expense; nd devotedly attached to him, would firmly believe, in every other, beyond,
uiu wiiii uiiiui gcriuus uuaiaeiea in dui V" ituuu iuiiiiumi iiiuriiucaiion ana lie teach 01 Slander.
wat to prosperitv, winch-1 need noi regret at inoir uisapiioiutment. Indeed
enUmerate;lhe crisis demands a Govern- 'his was inevitable, I am happy, liowe
ar, not only of unspotted integrity, but ever, to observe that ihese feelings hav
uf extensive praciical knowledge, sound gradually yielded to the prevailing affec
ludgmenl and unwavering firmneb's. lion of every tiuo democrat for 'Mht
Alr.Muhlenberg is the very man for the good old cause," in the success of which
limes, lie possesses these qualifications the liueity anil happiness ol Ihe people
in an eminent degree and above all, hi or this country are deep'y
With much respect, your,
RonnitT M. Hauii, Eq. Reading.
That Ileniy Clay, in the first debato
JjllOORs" llflU UCCHSiOn'tO CiVr',r ul,L"nu..
untry are deep'y involved. ,n the Missouri Hill: February 15.181fl
is truly an honest man whom tempta- .Men are but the beings of a summer's see files of National fwhicl Intelliten-
lion can never seduce from tho path ol day, whilst principles pass from genera- ,.er, used the following languagr: '
duty. During a long life, no shadow lion to generation, and are eternal. gentlemen will n' t allow us lo have
of suspicion has ever rested upon hii- Nor have the friends of Mr. Shunk ULACK SLAVES, they must Ictus
personal integrity. It is ' impossible tu jny reason to regard Mr. Muhlenberg tavc WHITE ONES; vn cannot cur
be in his company for an hour without with a jealous eye. Fiom my intimate oun Fiitcwoon, and iilack ouu shoks
lorming the most decided opinion thai knowledge ol the man, l shall hazard AND HAVE OUR WIVES AND
he is an honest man. Frank arid fear-tho assertion, that he will. bury in obli- DAUGHTERS WORK IN THE
less in his nature, as becomcsa demo vjon all that has occurred adveiso lo KITCHEN!!''
cralic Statesman, he docs not conceal hit- himself before and at the 4th of March Don't Fokget, that Henry Cley was
thoughts, bul speaks right oul like one Convention; and.should he be elected, the advising and controlling friend of
who is neither ashamed nor afraid to a- in his selections for office will only en- ile men who oriinnated tho Duel be-.
vow his sentiments before the world. quire " Is he honesi is he capable ?" twecn Gaaves and Cilley, and pushed'it
Under the administrationul such a man, Nay more, 1 shall venlurc stiongly lo l0 iisJU,lJJiJRQUtot'R;MIrYutrf
ihe people will cheerfully subntil to tax oxpreas inyMirjij rc'"":";:diTeo7Tnfevr.' TnT in tended hy Mr. Graves, and ma-
i .i.:. ..i... i i r.i.u .i...l.,.i t,v any oroiunv, , ...
Dear Sir: I have taken the ItberiV P-VV VoV.rV 4niiaT. lo co.iler ofllcn upon them, anu ihing it 0J mclia cnaracier inai a jaiui
. . . . 1 w. - n u I M i: I (Mill laii IIIL V Mill tuui w . . 1.1 ... f m I ...... i .... .
erend flominio Thomas Scratcha.d while formalion, in whisl my neighbors and ; ; ' (hal he'r con,rlbu,ionB will that he will stand upon the Dioau P ! to JJ. ' '
i . i,., .....iin.. nnliiic'nn Jtorm o Democracy wnnoui oumg m-.- uamc niai nu i j-j.hi - .
h"t"t "iZ c d I v anv clmues or .ec.lous of the LEN0B which Mr. Graves sent to the
mvscli feel some interest. The
' ... a n T . i. I . .
uui uci,M,4",,"t" J " o ' i i ,.H.,aAi m.d i thH I VWflV. ml p i MP. inVPJ 5enL 10 LIU
I I .1 l,nrnr1linil(i HiIImv!
Don't Foiiget, that Henry Clay
j yj i . . .1. i . r..ti ni i vn i nil- a i'
..... ... o , . i i m ii k litn mhi i, iii mi-.e.i mt n ' 1 1 A I . I .!; i ( . 1'. l ) lu anui
C3Siei Hie rj 0 C,a,,. .,- in US- t..l, If .mlnlnh nf Roa
rp.renu IJi . iiresuiu ki io vm. - i . i-" --
-eminent qualifi-
loininioin!' be enquired of a nation of Ileniy A. Muhlenberg as the 1ul w,u be faitlifully applied to the pay .-yiced by any cliques o
who opened the. door. Democratic candidate for Govt:1or' men, 0f,,e public creditor. parly,
lome, but he's no in,' replied well received here, and will be show,, Mf Muhlenberg is a native" of Lan- Believing in l ie pre
di,,' next uctouer ai uiu lil-uuuu. (Uv ca8l.r the place ol my own residence, uawono u. .
hlni ne same ... . . - - He is lc 8on 01 tne .a.e .i.everei.u . , y- - " -.A m,e,rUV.a,,d LnnlrP i debate.' althnufih Iho Con,...
ot me, as 10 ins puu.. i' Mu,cberg, wlio lor many year? previ n..u.. o i-- . ....., U Alx cwniiN
nlcs, which I am not os familiar with a f' ... hail bec ,ho Pastor ol in his genuine Democracy, I shall give tutl0n, NN H CH .lb HAD
lamwithRIr.Shunk's, who was mj g Zan cSuS in that ci- nim my most chee, ful and .up- ft) SUPPORT, expressly proh.b.Ud
t tic ueiinu" ijumviuii -iiv.i v , , . .
,1 tuna n man ttnlVHt'Cn llv beloveu noil. 1 am happy to learn uiai ...
lli.- .'. " " rnh ni.,,,!!. .nation has been well leceived in you.
My Early Way.
My early days, my early days,
Ye morning stars that linger yet ;
And beams as dear departed rays,
When every other star is et.
Spray of the ocean of my life,
Blossom of fruit all faded now ;
Ye golden sands in old time's glass,
Yo green leavos on a withered bough.
Oh '. where aro ye, cm! whoro am I t
Wliere is that happy sinless child
That chased the gaudy butteifly,
As gay as thM, and far mote wild
Am I that bold and fearless boy
That slemm'd the tlood and clim'd
height .'
All health and truth, and life and joy,
First in ihe frolic or the fight.
All ! whero once tho sunlight shone,
1 wander now amid the shade,
The hopes thai led my boyhood on,
Are withered all, or all betrayed.
I cannot bear to gaze jgaiit
On visions that could fado so fust,
Nor 'midst a present scone of pain,
Cast baek a thought on blisses past.
I lie was at Glasgow
Is the Dominio
portly damo
T!n' nl lirtmp.
.. .1 ..i nf
1. 1.. I...I.. j tin's in ilin vnril RnnnnrilltCllUlM wuiuuv. ...
Saunders the carpenter. Yo can sec
moo, aif your business is veia precise.
Snooks assented, and walked through til
innr nnintpil to him into the vatd, where he r. and which therefore I
heboid a carpenter briskly planing a joist to 0t very fully answer. It is lor Urn jig QWn congregationand universallj
r..1 ll.n lunil u ..n.n 1 tvritn In V fl 1! . U n O W 1 n L' VUU ,. , i... .1, ...i. l., Kim Al
01111 nu ...... mic. Dun..'- J o I CSDCCICU UY ill. m.iu nin.'! . 1 rf . ,i .
Unwilling to in arc well acquainted with Mr. .Muhlen- I h h(j over look 3ny aclive par, U,U from your known character, hat
i . .... linn pnn much 01 I S course , u: ::.. ...oro L-nmun Kvl lOCe VC vuur.itaiiT O.M.I. ,
; i.i: Li.ln.M nml I hnnp. if pniive-l .J . .1.. .1 ti..livi
. ... I. I I I ll. 111 IJUUIIU UUCJII.V.D.-, . ..
ninistcr say
Saunders V
No answer from the carpenter. (,e services he has rendered lo uemo-i jn pi i (iCiplc
Saunders, I say, can ye no near mcj cratic principles. Word, but in deed.
w . a I 1 tn mlifi vt irtin itn IPI
'Yes, minister; I hear! What s you
lanokc, 'for words
Dominie standing by
lirude on their conversation.Snooks stepped
i inpir pnnversuuu i.u uuii3 i n- ... . , .. . iijui.iiu
,i i,na,.l H.n I'l1'1'0 bus.ness, ami i nope, 11 conve- st.ongly democratic.
ULm,,u QM' nient, you will gratity many ot you, . H ear,y imLbcd lheso prici.
friends here, uy expressing your up...- , j jb8 eV(jr sincc btiCn a ,lemocrai
lonsot the Democratic candidate, anu oi mprev : rofesion, as
so many
meicly in
1 1 .
Hi. withstanding you were ong..a.. "
ft tend of Mr. bliunlt.
With sentiments of respect,
I remain your tiieud.
ECr"Thc following admirable letter,
Dakicl Stuugkon, one
I remain your Irienu and
obedient sorvent.
To Hon. James Buchanan.
Nliong practical common sense for which
lieisdibiinguishcd. Fiom the veiy first,
M. Uaiui, Esq.,
read with interest.
ashington Crrv, April 2, 184-1
William Nichols, Esq
I know no one to whom I can bettei . . :niimaielv acntiainled
nnlv than lo yourself for this informa Ti,,i,i,.ribei i? ever since De-
I.: An 1 Inntu nnv nilP. W IfiSft Omni i i . r..., in,!- ... t. . I.,
, rt enmn mn p sn PIllM UUil, uui w - nnm ,fir. lSy, W lie II lC ! WlUltiU Ul
,o while ve're at wnrkV oM be more satisfacto, i.y rccvl , m j wo rCcollecl ll, lf dislin(,uished United States Sena
bj .,.. tiii oy uiu jcu ,,. common wil l his coiieigiies, 1 soon I,.,..,.,.
Aweel, minister, if it be your wull, 1 II ' wi1 cxcuse me for trou. con mo hi,hly the soundness l0,s' to Ho-1
... i. n ii ' ..r..... . .ii nl limp, when vou an- . r ;.,i..ina n.wi dim IKeadint!, will uu
a mi uvu ' iuiiii j" i. uid sleauiness oi ma p. iii-'!""2 u-
Upon which ho cliangeu tne air 10 " u0 busily engageu ai vajmuRiu.i
dead match of Saul, greatly lo tlie ninuraucr
of what was now painful pUning. Ihe
Dominie looked onsomo minutes in silence
nnd llien began
Saundeis, I had anither wot it lo say in
yo. Did ihe guid wife hire yo by the day'
darge or by the job V
Tho day's darge was our grecing.
Don't Forget, that Henry Clay,
while a member of the Kentucky i.inuso
of Representatives. CHALLENGED
AND SHOT AT another member
(Humphrey Mrrshall) 'for words spo
ken in debate
Don't Forget, thai in 1811. lionry
Clay, then holding a seal in the U. S.
Senate, was put under bonds of Fivo
Th.insnnd dollars NOT TO FIGHT A
DUEL will) Col. King of Alabama,
wnom he had grosly insulted in debate.
iCr"e was then about sixty five years
f WON r I'uuuiiii "u' J
01 DEFRAUDED Gen.Jackson oul of the
Presidency in IS24.
nr! .,M!r,ivi' that llen'r oiav, in
t J i A wiv- t
Wasiiinoton City, May, 9, 18-M. Kvas a
,t, r ii, trni'pd Stales, deno.m nomine ve, ..,., u SiR havc 003e,vcU AhcmlQr f Inland as 'THE
he was considered uy us , s a g, eau . jh ,al ,hnt , a ,)aper l,u" PLUNDERER OF HIS COUN 1TIY-
quisition io uiu - 1.- .. . B, narribuig,eotne ideasare i.e.u sMohuwk Courier.
. ' . IT. , . Tfouse. he ou' of -n opposi.ion emanating io ,e
out wneu ne u." " . . ..nriv itself, to t 10 UUUei naioi iai uauui-
Iways listened to wmi piuiui.uu . -
The well known fact that a large ma
un. Mi- i ... f M..r-1, AinVeiltiOU. r.l. r...ln m.rn in 1 810 UDDOS'
. .1 i. . ni....,l n in.,P . uate oi uiu u. - iinriiy u..ii ,wr ..
I did not receive yout 'enlion, anu ii -"t-"" - A )a.JCP promulgating such uocuines yQi Q a ArJlioiia uU; and the
. . n , i ii.SnL- way ;
fhen, on the whole, oaunuH., . - v ',' ma for information
n .. . .. Sin
.. roi!i nil . vP.erday. aniimeater influence with his letlow mem . . as known fact thalMr. Clay was then
,av!"1....;:" . " '.. ; Ip ,vp,1 . tin bers than most ol those whose nan.cunou.u u. . ; -r-- - - - . - micumnromUinix advocate,
IS II IIU uciili J 1-" , ... . ,. n.,ntn9nnri I III L'lieillV II. Ulft,, . , ,
I hasten lo give tl a.i answer. uu ' ' " lnR ' ' ; n-.-m. ,nki ni: that paper ot loo much tmpoi i- wero the duel causes ui
orma.ion relative to un - ' -, . be Lnce, even to give it a passing notice. Harrisburg in lS-llh i
yo maun just as weol gao back to whistling ifo a)U prncjpcs 0f Henr) comber, 1834, hanB '
I r . ' . I. .!, ilmnnnmlin p.indi. IWeett tlirCO alld OUT
bonnio Maggie Laudei.
his def-at at
Hut Iho Whig
A. MUllleUUerg, IHO UOIIlutiam; ."'";."-,.... ; , L 1 1 mm
i. - - .i. .. ir. iiun enoeiK,
date lor uovernor, .0 . u uu i,,Creased
I still found Coming, however, as I dc, Horn the, Congress that came into power w.m
u. but wSh western po.lion of Ihe Stale, where this Genera Harrison, passed a bill chai ler
B".t'.". " !r-..n.i...l dlKtiBlaction is supposed to msI a Hank, ni:shed with victory hey
iscu .. v.. 7 .,. ,. ,,-,., , concealing
wai exisl, 1 teel li lur.umuei.i - - ..u - -
ir real pi incipica. '"
. oor. nny.t.OVE EPISTLE vourself and your neighbors and you , reputa uon g . ;,
. . ,,atn .hat ' have seen much oi .miiub" B'-"v r , -. i ,u i.. nnd to slate io vou
i. ia ;.! that a touchuie and elteeling J-- ' .,:, i. which had ueen wage, . i ...u .wV . , ,,- . . m . , 8neolllll for th0 oiv.iiia-
.imlUr to the following '''r-r-r ,.'.!, vnr i, . line, by Iho lian ic oi me u n.ieu ot. v,bV. - . -- a--; ,ifii,rrnhv in 1SU. A true
I""1"" ou'"1' ' ..... 1 . . j J"" ...o;.,Ei General Jackson, he was a pillai apology lor wuuuig. ; - WK!n Na-
nontetl t emocrai oi uie coou o.u uui... .;t,i wi.-iipvpi- t hen may nave uueu issue is lorceu u pun ...u ,....b- - - -
.... .1.. .1.:. . .innn a h rnin i ou u.u
A Tottclt of the Sublime.
I'll clime tho frosty mountain,
And there I'll coin iho woather;
I'il wrench the rainbow from ihe skies,
Anil tie both ends together!
I'll mount lb" clear cerulean,
Tp shun the tempting gvpsics
I'll play at bowls with Ihe sun and moon,
And ftigltl ye with eclipses.'
intorcenled bv
- - ... i
' My dear Miss, 1 can wail no longer,
To refuse mo ts a sin;
Every day my love grow's stronger:
Mercy, what a state I'm in!'
a school boy to u
II.. .lint ttlf
was aciuauy win.. gr - - ; ..... respuctou "" 7, " . , ,? .,-,!, in support ol the administra- unaievu. ...... -."- ,, 'r" "7" ..i..M.n.l l.v Mr.
eniiatiements neie am u vu..uu, .... ... iln vnrp-Q :, Uoimd Democial is concei.iui., v..uv.. recci u,BUuuC....b
pressing, that I cannot ,p.ra the Ume 0 ton w - who clicerful.y to the will of the p!"Inqulrtr.
give you such an answer as x eou.u ,.. "tered the Government', and expressed by the vole 0, ue w u- ; ,lEi?0UKTllJ3 PEOPLE
and as youueserye. . Miifi, nnallcd and and It will Ho iquany 1110 pum, u riann ,ioeiarod ho had recoiv
Previous to Mr. Aluhlenborg s non , r- u ,e du.y of ihe Wcs', .0 prove at .... T ."V ho ha. ds of Henry Clay 'only
nation, by the 411. ol Aiarcn oonvenuu.. ......j v mnrnL.n,,r,n election, thai in this tuciaratiou - --- lrMtmon, . renital for years
r ..iu.i;i.iiHniif r. 1111 1 u iuci siuuu mv o , 1 iiiimviiuiwii v
O...., .i.. "dy U.f...a .r 1 tet;e 1,1m ,nd Mr. SI M . k"c m n w.l ,iooor f ,,.
thing 10 learn ven I comes to go lo
! The ninhlmare is now polite
1 - - - - - a
1 l.nrfif nf thft feminine fionuer.' s
' " ' ' I'"' r- - h' .nnBa ,h0 distinguished honor of hav
leains overy thing now, I shant have u,y; t pa uo n w ro l"-- and carried tho previo,.
Tho nichtmare is now politely tcrmeu cat cr.s s, a. .. ...u-.u . .1- rr":. " fnr more than two months lu the
1U3UUU iTfllll iu bwiwuiwi 1- 0
1 i.vp dnno it no moio than. insiice. ..
nun toil cnruifR V
4 MM . w . " j 1 . . 1 IUI iiu ' MiVU ww 1 rt ir tl
Among many sound and woauy ici- nijjp j-p BEFORE Tllb I'liUfi.n,
low citizens, whom it would have given lhal GcIli uarriSOIl said; 'I have done him
me pleasure lo see advanceu to ipo nMr. uiayj man) iavor, i.n
ofiice in Iho oiaie, 1 utuiy lurueu uiciu "" v.
thcio is no one bcUr calculateu to com te.