The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 25, 1844, Image 1
I nji i iu?JiZm Mat & tmm I liavo sworn upon the Altar of rtod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jclfo.on rm BTOR. Volume viie.j I5LOOMS35UMG, COJL.SJM1SIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, MAY 253 1844. :Vei!!b)t;r 50 OFFICE Of THE DEMOCRAT OrrosiTK Sr. Paul's Cnuuon, Mai.vst The CO I. UMRIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum payable huff yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents,if not paid within the year. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than nix month ;'nor any discon tbntancr permitted ,until ull arrearages ire discharged. JtDVERTISEMENS n ot exceeding it square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollaror the first threeinsertions, and Twenti'five cents for every subse quent nseriion. fCFA liberal discount viade to those who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business,mits be post paid. Now is the very nick nf lime to Sub scribe, as, on the Glhof March, ISM, will commence the fourteenth Volume of "I'lic Family IcVHpapcr3 SATURDAY COURIER XVitli Use Isivgc&l SubMii iptlnii list in tin; VT o.j hi! fTTO NEW SUHSCRII3EnS!ccQ) For the purpose nf facilitating tlic formation ol Clciii,oI' which my old subscriber officiating will lit considered as one, wc offer the following IS xlrnrdinary Inducements- 'J'hrce copies uf llic Saturday Couricr,l ycar.or one copy fut' three year. Seven copied of the Saturday Courier, 1 year Twelve Heventcen Two anil 1 copy .if Godcy's Lady's Bonk, or Graham's Masszlno n 10 lfi 5:0 Tivc copies' ofthf Saturday t?6tirier,nfia'3Zcopici ' ot Godey's Lady's 11 00k, orUruiiam's Mugif- , zinc ' .',..." 1 Two copies of the Saturday Couner,& 1 copy oftlm Ladies National .Vagazino Fivs copies of tho Saturday Courier, 1 copy of Godey's Lady's Hook, or Graham's Mag 7inc, and one ccpy of tho Ladies' Nalioi al 10 10 Tivoropieiof tho Saturday Courier, and 1 copy f frost's new 'ictiriul History of America, a S3 book "1" fjj-ln fact, whatever otlVr h ony othei Family all approaching in wortliy.braulj or pirtciulniiB, to the Sa-juiidai Cotmtii.will hi furnished iy us TI10 SiriMiDAV Goenir.ti Im become so well and favorably known tluougli a triunijihaiilly popif 1 ir course of thirtcou yours, that it would ho super, futons to nay much on that biiIijhcI horo. We may ronnrk, luiwevcr; that to tho industry, talent and enlcrpriso.whicli havo for year kept this paper a tiriht exemplar for all its imilatora.will constant ly bo added tho productions of every available wiler. and continued judicious and liberal ililun will constantly bo made, as wi 11 in the j.iturary as tho Typographical departments. Our means will enable us to bo in advanca of nil others Original Domestic Talcs, Essays Sic. Every number contains nevernl praeiiea i ni- t"......j ... ';i.i, rM. WOineallU 1 iUUSj I oa n, ill -v,unuo, 11 vim fitich pens as T S Alt I'll UK Esq. one ofl mnst popular Talo-wr'ters in America Hfiirv W llcthorl Esn. Ot. .lames M' Henry, Professor Ingraliain, John Frost, L J. I)., Mrs. Carolina Leo Hentz. Mrs. 1I. St. Leon Loup, nnd indeed most of tin writers 'm this country or Europe. CUE ENGPwATIlTGS Scarce a number is iseiied without one or more Instructive and explanatory engraving or ropy of some gem ot tno- om innier, wiiu u ucnpuvr 1 ale, Lssay, or ckctcrt tri this department constantly appear Original or ftelertod Lettsdr from our special corrtJsponduitR ct transient travellers, in Ungland, rronco,Iioland, and Germany To . farmers, Gardeners, &c, Our ivesun much more spaco to indulge In our favorito subject of tilling the bountc mm earth, and csnceial attention is paid to Agricuh i uro, Horticulture, Floriculture, and tho ctilturo of cveiy tliuig caicuiaicu 10 iiupruvu uuu tiu n.un kandj make them independent of Foreign Mono polist?, pernicious Legislature, &c Our European Correspondent. Our especial European Correspondent resident in London.keop.i in supplied with thc'cnrlieit iwiucs nml materials for enriching our depaitruents with rbnieo Iiitcraturo and varietv. anil clvinnr to litni. rii'it, as well nil others, a correct and connected eccouut of whatever occuia ofinterctt, cither al homo or abroad. tub ftiAnsEETS, Particular care ia taken to procure tho carlieil advices in referenco to tho pricoi of nil kinds ol Grftim, Provision, Produce, &c, tho state .Vlocks, Banks, Money, and Lands; and our extensive or. rangomcnts will hereafter render our Prices current oflnMtlmsbleviiluetotho Traveller, Funnor, and allDusincsa clastea wliatecr PAY THE PRINTER, QUICKLY. Bloomslrairg MARBIiFi YARD- The subscribers hitip established nt the above plaro, u new MAR RLE YARD, mil will nlwaj? ho ready, A the khorlest notice, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOM II- 'MULES, TOMBSTONES, R TIL J A MRS, MvlNTL US, PAINT STONES, MULL EES, Sec. or nny other work in their line. Thry arc also prepared tn luruisi WINDOW CAPS nml SILLS, DOOR KILLS ami STEPS &c, either of Ma. bio, Limn or any kimiol stiino that can bo procured in this vicinity Having had considerable rxpr rienr.i in the business, they pledge their work tr he executed in as haivlsmne a stylo as cm. he furnished Iroin .'my yard either in thr ity or rriiimrt ; and on as reasonable terms ARMSTRONG ft HUGHES. Blournsbuig, Nov. 3, 1813. ly i8 THE KB5W VOIiBME, We In dny commence a New Volume of Cham lieu j"ournal,aiul wc avail ourselves of the occasioi to remind thoao Who ilesiro to subscribe (or il.thal ii is the proper time to do so. A work that has rUcn to ft circulation of 75,000 copies vteclly in Grcai lliitiau, ennnot bo one of mean pretensions. Fni iHorj tendency, inforinxtion, inttrurtinn, and rlienf nets, it has no equal hi tho English language. I an, therefore, bo recommended to families 11 every m.k of society, without stint 01 reserve, am if it lie desiiable toiputinto thr hands of ihcib.iiif geniTBtfion agrc-'able anil instructive readini;, as h et.ofTto the. Englihh and Fronch novels lirculatint in such piofiunion, Ouanibcru' Journal is a orl. eminently adapted to that purpose TERMS In ordrr to nut this work within the reach of ah cki'so of tin public, wo have determined to is,ut il at tho very low price atone dollar and a half pu )inum;and alan to furnish it to agents ata dheouni from this pi-ice of thirty-tlpee and a third per cunt. And in order to disseminate the publication still dUiihials or companies of individuals who may or i)cr five copies the advantage!! possessed by oceiite. and to extend to them ulso tho benefit of-the dU count. A rcmittauco of five dollars then.providcil tbom funds at par in tliu city of New York, or qot more ihan five per cent discount, will commam ivc annual copies. I ho publication is wceici; ontains eight pages, and 19 pn tiled in tno cjunrt orin, Willi uoat tvR nun on geou paper. 11 1 carJllvru'iVssary to stnto tha tho low prico 11 lvhich wo offer this wnik, will oMigo us to adhpi 10 iur rnii eysieiu wummi uny orviuiiuii wicucvt l?dit us llitoughout tho Country ircrlmg tin Propei'tua four bueccasivo weeks, and tending ::opy containing 11 to tno Albion Uluce, will b ntitlea to .1 Ireo copy lor 0110 year. Chair Manufactory, THE subJcribcr fontinues to, carry 01 tho CHAIR N U EACTO I N G business at the old stand of IL & S- Hugei hueli, where lie will be rcadv at all lime lb furnish Funny & Windsor Chairs, Set tecs, Huston Rnnkint; Chairs &f, of evert escrintion, winch inav Do called lor, a short notion and on the mnst reasonuhh lenns. He will also execute House, Siim & Ornamental Painting, and House Papering 111 a superior manner, rriiin his experience. 111 the husiness.ani) his faeilitit'P of manufacturing tlio varioiu irticlcs nf line, lie flatters himscK tliat he shall ho able to furnish as gnnil work. uitl upon as rcasonahlo trrrns as oan In done in llie country, all of which ho wi) lispobo of lor CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. IL Orders from a distance will bt strictly nt.d punctually attended 10. 15. HAUUNUUOJI. Bloouihltirg, Dec. 30, 1313. J". MER. fit EFB nsPEC'I'Fl'LLY !P"i3 11 KV uilornis 111s inenut flJiK nml llio travelling puuue 11 Q-i f en 'rai, inai no na Kri VA llStf 12 die nl .ivc Hotel silunle ii iV, f en 'ral, thai ho lias taker r 1" it... nl ...Airnnl H'fiflTlfe tho centre of tho towi iSIcLlJ- Cntawlssa,Colunibia c sysSgSfferi-- ly Pa. iindformely oiv town ol cnun occupl cd bv U. Clark. Whcro ho will bo happy to wan upon those who will favor him with their custom. Tho iotel is large - and commodious and well furnished throughout, and no pains will bo spared to render ccneral satisfaction collis table will bo furnished with the best thf untry can nd'ord. Ilisflar is well stored with tho best of Hipiors. Excellent stabling is attached to llio cslablhh mrnt und careful und nttentivo hostlers aro alway; in attendance. Cnttawibsa, May 13, 18133. 'isi' i juunw.a V n't 4 REMAINING in tho PostOflkc at Bloornsburg1 tho quarter ending March, 31, 18-14. John Hutehison Joseph Mirry ,lrs. 1iiriah Hall Hansom L Porter Ohaisiion Heist Normon A 'Smith John Lot i'orsan eallins for Utters in tlio abave lit will p!a'i aiy tlmy aio adverttfeu. 1 J. R, MOYER, P. M OULD rcsppetfuily inform tin citizens nf ISlnomshiirg, and in- vioinitv, tliat ho still Continues to cairv on th! aliove business, at his old established stand on the comer nf Main and Rati streetx. ilnvmir received the I.Jl l luct PHILADELPHIA and NX IT 10? A I FASHIONS, in nnnneclion with Scott & Willsnn'B Hiijlily luiiiruvcd patent for cut nig garmctiN in tho most fashionable man nor, warranted tn fit without any possibility I lailuro, nnd reeling assured from his lunr "xprrienco 111 the business, tliat work exe cuted at his aliop, will never he cninpliiiiicn if, hu hopes, by strict attention to busiiiuee to receive a share of pilbliu patronage a heretofore, SCT-N. II. CASH, -and all kinds ol COUNTRY PRODUCE; only taken it payment for work done, at tho market prt 'ps. Charges for work moderate to aut tho times. Bloornsburg, Nov. 3, 1813. n'28 Wanted', NEAR HLOOMSBURG, "iO OOO feel lMti Pino Unanls. tsO OOO fecl Weather Hoatds. 100 0(4i Lap Shinnies. 30.000 fed Pino and Hemlock Plank 2 0OO frcl I'neal Round Timber, from 10 to I t inches in diameter. And a quantity of Oak and Pine Timber or Mill Right work, viy to JOSEPH PAXTON, Piesiilent of the llloomsburj; Rail Road Iron Company. March 23, i8 11. 48 a Valuable Property rue &un5ciBnn otpiibs to sell his Valuaiilb w 7? AND Ivill.Ii PROP35BTY. fi T PItlVATE SALE, situated in Greenwood tmvushin, Columbia County, Pa upon lh' m i leading from IihoersliarS to Jeri-iytnw 1. about .v. miles from Ithoersburg, and ten iiom Ulooms. iilig, containing nost of which h improved, and upon which are rcctcd a mnrn n'nnmf mil nil" j-TirCk. 1 VU Sit 111 X iJlUUIY mi I t Q U . tjIIOUSE.dS UY 32 FEET AND Clover mil. tnd other out buildings, and There arc also on the Tiro VERY GOOD APPLE OKCI1AKUS OK Fill T I.Vi TE FR UIT. Tlie land is in a good state of cultivation, and that which remains uncleared is covered with good tinv her. He considers il unnecessary to give any fur iher iWiiptiou, us all who wish to purcliaso will view for themselves. 11 win bo toM on reasonable terms, and poksesfcion given on tho first of April. WILLIAM LEMON. Greenwood, January 5, 18-11. 3m37 E3 AND we & tn o THE snb'criberhasalall times on liand.rcC'tT Slut to coli such as yu ND,snoin and K11IP.STUFF, at niodcrato prices Will 0I.0 have a full supply of NOVASCOTU and LAKE l'LASTEIt tho coming spring on hand ground. m. Mcdowell. ilcDowolPs Mills, Jamirry 20, 1814. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted, to tho subscriber, will nlnnun t il.n nntlee that llio subscriber, lias left his . . a r, n . . vt i- . ijoiiks in llio lianuw 01. oiomon i ow nan collection. All persons indebted will pleaso coll and ecttlo tho same to savo cost and trouble. SAMUEL WEflB. March 2S1814. CJOAiLo COARSE AND NUT COAL, Of a iuperitfr tiality for Sahs hy QEOKQE WEAVER 6 519 mm AFFECTING ANECDOTE. "During out tedrous passage to tin north, I remaikeil nninn tho stcern' pjssengprJ, n man who sberited to Upp uim'elf a pari from tho rest. lie won the uniform ot the Fori Artillery, anr spot tod a dutyoi'M's slripc In lh jouisc of the nfternooo, I s(cVptlil)ei'6re the funnel and cuicictl into conversation vitti liitn.loai ned that lie liai! been mvTr 'ided and sent home from Canada, lia l3fseil thu Hoard in London, ohlained n pension ol a shilling a day, and was re turning lo a bolder villjgo where lie had been born, to Hsceitain whether on of a family were living, fiom whom In nail-been separated for nineteen yeais. Ho casually submitted, that during tills- long i11iertr.1l lie had held no commtini' cation with his relations; and I set liirr lown accordingly as some wild scape grace, who had sloler. fiortj a home, wlioie happiness hit? follies hail com promised loo often. He showed nie hi lischargc the character Wss excellent but it only went to prove, how much men's conduct will depentl upon tho cir cumslnnces under which they act. IL hail been nineteen years a soldier a man ' under auihoiity' one obedient tn molhei's will, subservient to strict dis cijiline, with scarcely a fieo agency liiu ?clf, and yet, duiiug that long prohatioi he had been a useful member of tho ho dy politic, sustained a fair reputation ind, as lie admitted hinuelf, Lcen a con " T. ' "' man. Me iwnuui nome 111s own msuter,: 'wenty yeryfl. Alas! it was a filal frm igency f'Ji" him, for limrs had not bro'i tvisdoin. The steward told mo that In had 1 tin lint while his me.uis allowed it, had misted a parage twice, nml had 01 lie preceding vening came on hoaiil. when not a shilling ictiuined lo wast. 111 drunken i.'iBsip.ituni. 1 de.siied that hu ioor roue should he supplied with oine litilu comforts during the voyagi1 anu when wc landed at Heiwick, 1 arc him a trifling sum to assist him to teach his native village, wluvo ho hat' obtained vague intelligence that son.i aged m em in i'a of his iamily might oil tie found, 'A few evenings aflat wards", I was fitting in the parloui of one of the many little in ns I visited whilu rambling on the banks of the Tweed, when the wai tress inlormed mo that ' n stalker was speai in' after the Colonel. Ho was di rected to at tent! the piesencc, and mj fellow voyager, the Artilleryman, en ured the chamber, and made hii mill tart salaam. I thought ) ou were now at Jed burgh." "1 went there, sir, bill there has not been any of my family for many year. residing in tho place. I met an oh: packman on the road, nnd lie tolls me there re come persons in this village nl my namo 1 camo here to mako inqui res, and hearing tliat your honor was in he house, I made bold enough to ask or you." " Have yon walked over ?" "Yrs, sir." " 'Tis a long walk. Go down and iet some supper before you coinmenci inquiries. " the soldier uowcil and left tin room, 3iid presently tho hust entered h. ;ivo me directions fur 0 route ninong tin heviots, which I had contemplated tn take the following day. I mentioned tho soldier's errand. ' Suto enough," relumed tho IioeI. theio are on nuld decent couple of tin name here. What is the todger call- ed?" 'William, I replied ;for by that namt hi discharge and pension '.hill were fill ed up, " I'll slfi across (ho ftinel lo tho auldl oik?,' said Ijonifucp, and ask Ihem a mv qtipstiniig. "The epl'ilc of humble life liint.fol owed was afcrwanla thus described to no by my host. Hp found the ancient couple Sealed it the fire, the old man rading n ohnp er 111 his liibh', as was Im jiuslrlm al- vys It. foitr he nnd hi i!d nariRut- n. freil'fof; "the nihl lo rest. Tho landlord explain) lle olijecl of the soldif r'.i vi k, !ind inquirtl if nny br thcit children .n'woTed trie descfiptiou of the wunde 1 r r. - " It hi our Jock !" exclaimed the old ivomm pa.'sionatuly.'and file pnir n'e'er- lo-wccl has cam hnme Iff closu, hid 1110 Jiei's eyes.' ' ' - "No," said the landlord, 'the man,. name is Wolly. ' 'Then he's nae our bairn," relumed he old man, with 0 heavy sigh. ' Weil, weel His will be done?' aid his helpmate, turning her blue and faded eyes to heaven; 'I thought the prayer I so often made wud vet be cran t-d, and Jock wad cumo hame and get my ulos,snr etc I died.'' " lie has! he has !" exclaimed a bro ken voice, and the soldier who had fol lowed the landlord unperceivod, ami listened al the cottage door, nthed into hu room and dropped kneeling Hal hit mother's feet. For a moment she turn--d her eyes with a fixed and glassy stare upon the returned wanderer. Her h. n I was laid upon his head her lips pai led is if abouLtn '" ; '-. nrnmim.,1 1HeTsu7gtu'i o. sounds issueinTanu-jjni; wiowlv lc'iiifed forward cm the' bosom 01 he long-lot prodigal, who clasped her n his arms. "iMither! miilter ! speak and bles ne i " Aim the power of speech was gone loiivor! Joy, like grief, is often fatal to 1 worn out frame. The spirit had calm y passed the parent hail Jived lo set mil hless her lost son, and expire in the ii nis of one, who, with all his faults, ppcared lo have been l.ertatthly favi r .te. NAMING A BABY. A friend of ours, who had the pleas ure of an interview with Mr. Clav, a Milledgeville,and who heard him relate 1 number of anecdotes of himself, loin us the following which we have endea- voicd lo give in Ins own words." Shoi; ly after entering Georgia, a man was seen tunning uown a hill ally yard- from tho load-side, hallooing at tho to uf his lungs, 'stop ! stop! stop!" The I river reined in his iiotsrs. In a few moments the man, nltno-ii breath!'..-, reached the coach, and inquired it Mr Clay was a passenger. "Thai's ni name," said he, at the same time tinust- iui his head through the window of the coach. 'Well, then,' said the man, 'I'n 4l.ul you've como al last piy wife h lud me looking foi you lor the lust Ihiui lays She's in that house up on tin hill she's too sick lo come out in Ihtr rain ('it was pouring down at tho tinu) and shu wauls jou to go and see her.' M deal sir,' retnat ked Mr. Clay, -J should be very glad lo sec your goon lady htii;ieally,l do not think il would be pi (idem in an old man like myself to el out and walk tin that hill in the aking rain. Give my compliments in your wife and tell her, under any olhei cii omittance, I stnuldbe tnosl liuppy to make her acquaintance.' But even tin did not satisfy nut farmer. Hu offeicd 10 take oil Ins coat any gi"e it to Mr Clay in order lo,proicct him ..fium the rain. And while expostulating wil him in the most indent manner, a littli boy, a son of Iho farmer's, was seen hurrying down tin; hill, hallooing,! cyijwp, "Datftly! daddy! daddy ! iwairmy.stiys jou inusl gel Air. CUv 10 nnmtx'lhe bui-b y, if he won't come ! ' Ah, tfiarTVill do with a grit deal of pleasure,' sjid Mr. Clay, 'what is it. a git I or a boy?' A girl,' answered t'n lurmer. 'Then tell your good hi,,' said Mr. Clay, 'to call it L'ucrtliu f r my wife. What uvour wife'. 11.1 -.1-?' 'Luuisn' 'And toil her, continued Mr. Cliy, 'that my nxt daughter fchail , mmifil houisa, alter hei I S, a Misaeltuny, Some things vera ILimlhttical ;; thf! Whigs tu dream on. 1. If Cljy received in 1S24, a lis. number of votes foi President than at y other uflndid.iic before the people, whit jroiimi, nave you tor interring thjt he u now an 'available' man? If in 1826, the pBopIo kicked out John Q. Adains.and with hint said Chy hy a majority of nearly 2Od,00O w'ui reason have you, for imagining thai ho has gained popularity? 3. If in 1832 as a nominee of" a res'l- lar National C111 venlion, Clay receive . S9 out of 3fil voles, how much f.iv. r must he at that time have gained in tlo eyes of lhe people? Must he nut 1 , been behind between 500,000 lo fjOy, 000 votes? 1. If in 1838, the whigs dared not again place in nomination this boasted fiiend or the ' Ameiican system,' tio n a well grounded knowledge ihat t' vmj 'no go,' wlialtnfi rence can bu druv , Convention, ho was lit--rally beaten off t ie course by a n a 1 fr infu o vin ma ny respects to his Clanship, how 11 w' p ipulai ity had he then icjuited lo rcu lei him availabltr' C. Il 23 Siaies have, since 1S40 0 i 1 favor of Democracy, (ill sonir of 1 n the sirjngest such agO iio wi.ih v ") vhig majority,, and N. Yofk wpIi - 1 - wenty morn how much has'Mt. C y g lined s'mce 15-10? 7. Ifinihu 'Banner Slalc,' u;,"-c Ciay resides, the wfrigs have cotno w 'ii :n an aco of defeat at the last cl c , how can you exrwet to elevate h.m to iho Presidency? The above hypotheses aro all L"r I upon acU.ji facts, and we call ,tipo 1 ii' 1 coons to deny them if they can. W will beta 'virgin heifer' that the 1 ' 1 hoy of the slashes,' never sits in tlr : ttmes-exprcled seat of his grasjiii.g ,. Dttion. N. Y. Plchian. trsswi'aaEES'B , THE HUNGRY ARAB. , An Arab was lost in the desert. T r t vo dsys lie was in danger of 1! a '1 from starvation, until, finally, he d. uv ercd a fottnlain, fiom which triv- U r vere iiccustomed lo wati r their Near llie fountain, lying upon ti.c, , tie saw a leather sark. ' God he praist-il!" siid' v lit' aisud und felt it, 'Ihc-e a to, T latns or nuls of some kind. ' On.' 1 vill strengthen and refresh, my s if .j on hem!" In this swuet hope, he opened 1 ncU, saw the contents; and cried j nil of sorrow: "Alas, they arc only Pearl!'' A MII.R, A misor in Allooa gave no ont r'n'r. nenl lo a few fi iends. When the ju ra of the grpe had violated, hit waited on a justice and begged to he comn. ti-d to prison on 0 charge of 'ijiug iuIk 1 iiinjoir of ten dpIUrj ! . Tiy your, fieml ' ii4lihoou, ai I (thefaeajjit a 'sccri't, ;tlT. . him tho tiulh,