"rnnni withou;- itui ' mitviiv.iv, .?.!' is, tbii. .9. Senator. The, Connectlcul Ioijjc of RcpresenlftUrca on Thursday, nadc choice of Jdbi z Huntington, as U 3. Scnator,lor six years from ihc t h of March ncx. Hon. Cliaunccy F. Clev( Und received the support ot tho demo :rnlic member, for president, Tho Nominee of tlio Democratic National Convention, TOR GOVKKNOIt, HENRY A. 3IUIILENBEUG Canal Commissioner. JOSHUA IIAIITSIIOIIXE. PRESIDENTIAL 'ii LECTORS' Wilson McUanoi.i:s, ? , . , As a Dihock, S Senatorial Hi;rnnsr,NTATivt: 1 Gcnrao V. Lrhlnali " L'hriditiu Kficas II Wni. ll.S-n.illi A John Hill (Phil.) fi Samuel 1L Leech ( Hamiicl Camp, 7 .lofwofriharpa 8 N. W. Snnipto 0 Wm. Hoindcnrich 10 iJoiirad .Sli imcr 1 1 Stephen Uatdy 12 Jonfih Urcwstcr 1:1 George Sr.hn.iblo 14 A'ulliniilel II. KlJicil 15 M.N. Irvine 10 James Woildbwii 17 Hugh Montgomery 1$ Isaac Ankeny HI .lolin Mnihetvs 20 Wm. Patterson 21 Andrew lturko 22 John M'Ciill 2U Oliiisilau Myers 24 'iobcrtOrr ICTA Eiertiocs.itsc ftfieeJitsf; will be held nt iwillvillc, on Saiurdaj next, May 18, nl 12 o'clock in the niter- noon. Several addresses may be ex peeled. (TTho ncxl Mated meeting of the ORA AGEVILLIS AND R1IOERS IJU11G HICKORY CLUlLwill be held al Orangcvillc, on Saturday, the 1st day of June, at one o'clock in the afternoon. BLANKS! ! BLANKS ! ! CCT-JiiMics Blank EXECUTIONS ant! SUMMONS just printed and fur sale at tins Office CfWo this week ddvolea 'arge. pt r lion of the inside of our papcr,lo the able and interesting addres, lo his con Miiucnts, of Daniel Snyder, Eq. oui late Representative, in (ho Siale Legi. Inlure. Il depicts, in plowing colors, tho scenes that bavo been enacted al Ilarrishnrg by l lie opponents of Remo val to defeat that fivorile measuic of a large niajoiily of the people of Colum bia county, and gives a faithful history of his own acts in its favor. Daniel Snyder has faithfully, bonestly an d de votedly served his constituents for the last four years, and had it not been foi the treachery of Senalor IIeadley,would have procured the triumphant passagt of the Removal hill through the Senate, as he has thticc through tho House of Keprcscnlatives. And in retiring fiom public life he cairics with him, not only ihc consciousness of having done his du ty as a Representative of the county oi Columbia, but the gratitude of the people. ftyi-nst week we gave an account of the two first daygof the disgraceful liol in Philadelphia, Monday and Tuesday, On Wednesday, the riot con'irued with increased fury, though no lives were lost on that day, but an immense amount of properly was destroyed. A large number of dwelling houses and other buildings weio lurnt anil destroy ed, besides the Catholic Churches of Si. Augustine, and Si. Michael, and the Sister's of, Charily Seminary. Whole loss of pioperly estimated at not ott than Iwo hundred and fifty thousand 'dollars. On Wednesday the Militar) of the city were called ou', and a com pany from Ilanisburg, and one from Lancaster city arrived. The city ws declared under Martial Law, and the Military guarded every avenue through out the disturbed district until Monday last, though no further disturbance oc curred alter Wednesday, and at the la test dates all was again peace and quiet, nest;; the military having been discharg ed. During the tint, seven person? were known to he killed and six bad) wounded, in addition lo some 15 or 20 slightly wounded. J'olcsfar President. The follow ing is a Matcinenl of the votes givon a' i.MlTnrpnt limn for primtifhitnn fnr il, Presidency." 168 Adams, 507,113 Jackson, 7111,000 1832 II. Olay, S38.G01 Jackson, 707,107 Harrison") 1830 ll'liilu C 730,730 Vun Duron 713,140 Welister J) 1810 Harrison 1,202,703. Yalillurcn 1,120,137 Jl Strange Request. A gentleman who visited and conversed fieely with Hal!, the murderer of Mrs. Bacon, ii the Middletown (Conn .) j.ill,a few day since, informs the Haitfoid Times, thai ho declares It lo be his intention to pe tition the Legislature for the privilege of being hung in puLlic. He docs noi like the idea of being put out of exist ence in a back yard, away fiom his fel low beings, save pcihapsa surgeon and dierllT. He says thai ho prefir.s lo In executed, rather than to have his pun ithincnt commuted to impi imminent fur life, and intiniatrs that he shall lemun- liato ngtiust any petition of his i'riciiclh lor commutation of punishment. Hal is a man' who is said lo be naturally in lolligenl, but without any edu.-atioi whatever, being unable to read. The Schuylkill counly papers of Sal unlay contain n card from I'. W. lluisims, Eq., announcing lo his con stituents) ihnl he has transmitted to lh Speaker of ihc Senate his resignation a i member of that body. Mr. II. wa elcctod laal fall, and had yel two yens o seive. An extraordinary nrcss of private engagement is assigned 33 the reason of ihc resignation Congress will probably adjourn on 'lie 17th of June, ihe Homo having passed a resolution to that effjcl. General Jackson ha? recently written mother letter in favor of Ihe Annexation of Texas, declaring hid belief th.it il must lake place, "peaceably if we can. forcibly if we must ,; Virninia has gone Whig, by a major ily of Iwo on join t ballot. The Whigs are beginning lo paint cinica'iip's, as tisinl. We hear it said hat a new cut is soon lo bo issued, giv. ing Mr. CI ty Iwo faces, one smiling vciy tariff-wiso towards tho North, the other crinninn free trade to the South. MARRIED On the 12'h insl.by'lh. Rev, William J. Eyer, Mr. Thomas Uomhov. il IJIoomsburg.io Mus Cath- aiiine Jam: Akmstuonq, of Madi- von. On the same day, bv tho mm", Mr. CiiuisTonr 13uoi.uv, to Miss Maiioa iiet Ron:NiJEitr.i:it, boih of SchuylUill Haven, achuylkill county. SSfftDfiilB'a'o DIED On 1 he 1 3th insl, Magdale a, wife ol John Shuman, in tho 2Sih year of. hur age. In Hemlock, on Vednesday last, Mrs. Hahhaha, wife of Mr. Alexander Roai igcd 30. COMMUNIOATCU. On the lllh insl. in Catlawissa, IIkn uy Ekwinl", in the 03d year of Ins agf. In his car ly youth he iulisud in the reg ular arm of the Revolution, and iuugh inder Washington in ihc evermemoiu- lie batlles of Uiand) w ine, Trunlon and Monmou h.Afurthu close of tho war,hc -leltled in this counly, which then com poiied a part of Northumberland, and ivcd happy in the bosom of his fnnily till the (lnu of his earthly career. lit was a patriot indeed, and warmly at tached lo the political institutions of lii counlry. In his latter yeais he was ve ry feeblo and cxpeiicured severe badil) afilictions; but hecnduicd (hem all will out a murmur, and, although he wus fully awato, that ho was fast hasleuiii). o Ihe grave, still he had no fearor tin truths of the Gospel sustained him in his trying seasons,and gave him hope ol i blissful immortality beyond ihe bounds of lime. On the 13th his mortal re mains weio conveyed, followed by n large concourse of iclaiivcs and fiiends. lo' the Lutheran burying ground, ol which church he was for many years u consistent and.efikicnt member. THIS HloOMsuuiio, May 11, IS 11. Wheal, Rye, Corn, Cloversecd, - . C Flaxseed, - ,. 1 Butler, Oats, i Tallow, Lnd . Dried Apples, :'" 1 While yeaus 1 Beeswax, SllERH-F'S SALE. BY virlun of a writ of alias vend, exponas lo mn directed will he exposed to public sale on the prrrniiis, on Saturday the BU 0' June, at one o'clock P.M. A Certain lol of ground siluale in 40. Ornnacville, Orange townshii, (Joluinlih county 00 ndjoinliig n lot ni i;rninncl l.aznrui, unarloA Aid. rncrijon, nun ironun on .muiii sucei 01 mm town, whereon Is erected 1 larijo threo story frmno 8.r, 51) G 10 8 ofj 00 HO AN AI'PKBNTiCB TO the 'ItlM'INr WHSINKSS U wnntcilim- mediately nt thUOIIiro. A wnarl netivn lnd, 1 6 or ll ventHut aeo will receic good I'licourngciiii'iil. AprilSJ, 1811. n welt of water at tho door, with a pump. Alto, upon onn other lol of cro'ind Bltunlo in Ornnaeville afonm.iiil, iidjotninif 11 lot of Dr. (Icorgo W. l.oll, n lol now owned hy atmon Kim, lito 1V1II1.1111 1' o. mid fronting on Main strict of Kuiil town, whereon U erected a (Jabinet Maker shop, nun lnrgo frame nam or cuniio wiui tlioAppurtenunefwi. Hoiml laUcn 111 oxfenlloli, una to bo fold a? tho properly of lieo-go Seiplo. ' HUM Dl'lUlv, .Sheriff. Sirnnirr'n Ornn:, Doiiville, ? May 18, 1811. S NOTICE S herrhy uiven to nil concrrncd. thntlhnvn pur- elwH"il at UoriRliihln mile, Iho tiiopeciy of inniiH V11IU, the Villowins iroperly, ninl have lull die K line in liU pow hs'uhi diirinpr. my ptennure, nnd forbid any person inking it from him, either by pur chnso or otlierwito without my consent, viz: One grey mate; ono brown hone; ono two horse wngmi; twelve nrrea of lije in" the grouod, nnd halt nt live acres new ground whe-.it. JOHN HOMSON. May 18, 18-111. TAvmiy mm HOUSE, NOTICE. rfpilIO.SR ror?oo! having dnm.indu ngnlnt the H lommonweellli, lor l.ilnir iicrtornied. or 111.1 leijnlj fiirnixliixl, for tho repairs ni'lhc NORTH BIMNCI1 G.IN.VL. prior to tho Uth day of January, 1H1I, who have not handed to subscriber nu iiecuiinl of the wmiD, ire rcipjeslwl to do mi nt tho emheit iowiblo mo. inent, in order that they may bo nut in form for Ret- tlcinont, nu oon iih tho AiiuU iipproprlaled for the payment ul old ilcbM enu ho oblained. Tlioe living at a didanco uro requested to for. ward by mail or otherwise. W. K. MAF1T.T, Supcrior. Wilkesburre, May 3, IBM. On Tnontiny, tho Mth inst., upon iho loerinlh.be tween iho Lock kept by me, und the Lock kepi b) air. ijuiuk, n A CALFSKIN I'OCKHT BOOK, containing a TWO JOM.Alt nwd n ON12 )OI. f.AK HANK BH.li; n Due Bill against Samuel Harmiu for filleen dollnrf; ilso, I think, a ftnte igaimt Win McKelvy Co. for Hiilv-diuo iIoILub, und ticvcrjt oilier paper. of no consequence to any one but the owner. G. A..U. in written inside the pocket book with 11 lead pencil. If tho finder wilt letiirn il In the subscriber, or leavn it at tho nlliec nf the fJolumnia Democrat, ho shall be liberally re warded. JUSUl'll 1,11,1,1; V May 17, 1811. f TTIiUO,OSAI,.S' will bo received by the Comini sionera of Oolumliia county, at tlio house V John M. Uitck.ilcvv.iii I ishimj creik to.vnthip, on Tuesday the th day of June next, between the. bourn of 10 A. M. and U 1'. M. of said .lay, for building a bridge over J'ilio Creek, linn lohu Al. Iluckalew s, 111 i-ai.d tuwiishin, of the fol lowing descriiilion: .Stone abutment, 9 feet high from low watci mark, 18 feet long up and down Ihe creek, C feci thick at the top, and 8 feet nt tho bottom, tho wing nulla to tic in leet long. The Superstructure to be 11 Wooden Uiacc Uridgi 18 feet between Iho abiilmeiilH. Al.bO It tho hoiiso of John Wanic'c , in Sit Pleasant township, on Wednesday the 57A day of June next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. of aiil 'ay, for building a bridge over little Fishing creek, near John WnniLk'a, in said t jwnship of ihe folb.w iiijilebCliptioii: SStouo abutmentR, 12 feet high from low wain nark, 20 feet long up and down the creek, 8 fei I .hick at tho top, and 10 feet at tho botlom.tlie wiui wall on tho north-cant side, to be 20 feel long, nun on tho potith-wcht side 22 lect long. The .S'uperislructuro to bo a Wooden Arclt 7Mdg 80 feet between tho abutments. JJy order of the Commissioner., K.'Mr.NIJiVNlIAUi, Cl'k. ClIMMISIIOXKIlS OlTICK, f Uanville May 1-1, ISM. 5 NOTICE. rnlll- Commissioners of C'oIuubiaVounty herein H.givo notice, to nil concerned, that tho Itoan ot liewsion (Absociatc Judges V llornniUaioners) liave mado the following urraugemeiit lor holduiL iho appeal. for tho respective township in said bounty, viz ; or Iho towiiMiip nt .Mahoning, on .Monday, tin Cth day of Slay next, at tlio Counnissioncis' ollico, Uanville. For the township of Fiankliii, on Tuesday tin 7th, at Slciisch' school house in said tnwiibhip. Fur tho lowiiblup ol Ualtawma, on Wednesday t ehSih, nl trio Uoiinu ot nlacy aurgaruiu m Cuttawissa. For the townsiiip of Konrin? eirek, on Tliursda iho 'Jlh.iit tlio ouso of AdaniH (!abln in said l)i. For tho township nt iMillliu, on l ilday, the 10th nt iho Ilimtc of John Keller, m said township. f or tho township ol Uriercrccli.on onluidiiy, llu lllli at the place of holding thupptiiu Elections in the townsiiip. For tho township ol Ulooin, on .Monday ,llie lath at Iho llouso of I'oberl llageiibuih, hiKiiid Ip. For (lie townsiiip of Monli ur, on J uenbiy, tin Mill at the llotiro of Iiiiouard i,a7arus, in Knid tp. For tho township of Hemlock, on Wednesday, tlio I!iili nt tho JluU.se of John SIcKeyiioliIii, ii said twonship. For the township of Sit. I'Jeasaut, on 1 liuisda iho IGth.at tho House Frederick Miller, in said Ip. For tho township of Orange, on 1 inlay, the I7tn at tlio IIou-c of fieorgo Seiple, in Orangeville. 1 For tho township ol Fishing creek, on fcuturc'ay, iho lHth, at tho ouse of JJauiel Peeler in suid tp. For the township of Kugarloaf, on Monday, the 30th, at tho Homo of Fzdiicl Jole.iu said ip. For the township of Jaolison, on Juosday.the 21st, at the House of Joshua Savage, in said tp. For the tuwiislnp ol lJrcenwood,ou ediiesuiiy. tho 22d, at tho House ol Joseph JiCmon.ui said tp. For tho township of Miidisou, on 1 liursilny, I no J3th, ul the House of John Welliver, in said Ip. For the township of Kerry, on Friday, the 2llh, at Iho House ol Jacoli Kcidle, III said lownsiiip. For tho township of Limeslone, on Saturday ,tliu; 25lh, at the place of holding election for Kiid tp. For the towiniliipol J. ilicrly.ou .Monday ino .vu it tho House of Hugh Slcl'.halh, in mid townsiiip Foi tho township of Valley, on Tucbday the iBtb.ut the House of John Sinus, in said tp. jauoh uriiiuT r, JOJ1N 15. EOAU, SAAIUEL MKAKS. Commissioiurs, .litest, U, Mi!.snr.NiiAi.r,. Clerk. OoMMisuoNipts Ori'iqn, ? FfiSIiT, BACOW, &C. Tho Snhhci'ihcr.ls receiving nna for Halo ?,0 llEw. MAOKUItHI, Si SUA I), 20001foS, SAKJKED BACON, ALSO, . OENER.1L ASSORTMENT OI Brandrolh's Pills t'K Tt in: oi iiiAt ni. MnM17larlianri. i ,e ! , nn in tjvi .,, In lilfHlisi'iirc of -ill piiri, Mil) Jim;, r,r olli i Moil il ui. paitofbH body; by toe Iree nnd rejuhr rx rciKo of III fiinetloiiH Withuiil I'hey coinit ill ImviiiK a Rood Bimclito at nxml ilme, an easy digestion, free evaeuuliom, wilhoul lioscr.e or cinlivenosw nt lew! once In evnru l. ty-four hours, nnd without hoat.diyiioM, or burning .i mu i'.iige, inu iree issue al till! water without acrimony or liiirliunr. and without a rmbllsti .ll. nnSht which ii nlwayiin sign of a prcaont or nnap. prmehing pain; iptiet slp without agiialioii m iruouiesntnc ilroainc, mi Instimfbi o or other I....1 lastoin tlio month upon lisiinrln tbn innriiiinr: m. iiurniw ur nisagrci'iiwo rising ol Iho stoinitch; n clean longue; a sweet bieath; no itching, pimplos or Bi.-pii .ni urn sriii uopiii's: no luriunu? irnt nnon any port of the body; no exaWtvo (hirst when un exposed lo lalior or oilier known came; no inter. riipumi io any natural evacuation, nor pain nt their l'iiiiuiuiii reiiiru, Where the slain of the system dooi not hnrnion izn wiui uieubova picllirn ol health, i( U or llir grentest iinporlaiice that no tlmu be lost in sending for il dorlor. nr in the iwo of foolish teinndie. in oflen the remillof pcoulalioii;iuti,,id of lliimiiniHi loj..nWoof IJIIANlliiF.TIfS i'H.I.S be UnVn, w Inch Wl not deceive, but will nt once resloie Health to Iho organ or pari iti t icqt.iic il. rt.l wlio w sli In pre.ervf Ihfir heallll, ell who are ditiriniued lo defend tln-ir life anuinst Ibu mi. eroiielunentsof dincase wliich might nnd them pre- iijiun'i. in uiegruve, will, willioilt Hesitation, have recourse lo the nilidiuth i'llls. whi n the stale of tne syslnm does not liarinouue with tho aboro pie tutn of health, ' Those who Ihi, in n country whore eonUnlnm nr otlcrdi(oascs prevail, nhijuld oflen lliink of llii iruo picture ot lieolil., nnd observe liimulf wilh rmr. neul.ir nllenlMUi, in order In nrt eccotdiniily. Tho "" "H'lii.l iiineicu "111 IOIIOW HUH nilvico - Hie unwise ae lelt to their own duilruclion. A G 15 N T S. Wivh i ncton Uobert M'Kny. Jerseylown I., it A. T. 7iscl. Danville U. I!. lieynolds & i.Ut. (:ittn;iKi C. O. Iirutnt, lilonnisburg J. K. Moyer. l.inielone Dnbbil it SFNinch. Huckhorn 31, (5. Shnemaker. l.imc liidge Andre & AMIIer oiwick- J W itilos May !, 18-14 2. 'i LY G &o. Sic- fur which lie will lake Git UN I.UMllliR and PRODUCE "cnr-rally. mattiikw Mcdowell. Williauiobtirg, May 10, 1811. SEW CASIE STOfSIS. F1"I1E sulncrilier iuformj llie public that ho has H taken the ISiore formerly occupied by George oi.nur, mi iiiaui-sireer, Jioonisimrg, and li.ii opened an extensile asssortmeiit of Hvy Goods, Groceries Qucensware and Hardware, comprising ohnost every arlicle usually kept in a cour.try btore, which he oilers lor sale on the not reison.iblo terms, for CASH or CUfiN thy vnuuvvK. ELIAS WERTiMAN. DIoonisburg, Slay 11, 1811. 3tf, SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas ii inu mreneii win ue exposed to iiubli ...I I . II ... IV .1.' .jii3 .ii mo viniii i j un ( m uanviiie, on S itunliy the 1st day of Juno at I o'clock l AL A .f. . , n , . ncenain tract ot lanu Biitialo in I.iincaionc lowiif,hin, Columbia rouniv, ad joining lands of Stephen B:iilici,the hens ol Henry Jiller, deceased, Joseph Bradly lonn r. tierr nnu .lueoo bhiriz, contauiint! seventy Iwo Acies and eiohiy two Perdu' oral measure, be ihe same more or less-, on which i eronii'd one Sioro UousV, one l.o House, n frame bank Barn and out tiuilil nigs, with an apple orchard and a spiing of vvaier Seized taken in exeeution, and io bo tolu as ihe ptoperiy of John F. llower ALSO A certain lol of ground siluale in tin ri .t. . ., town oi lanvuic, .;oiuinuia counly, run mining sixty leet in front and one hundred ml fifty feet in depth, hounded by M street in front, a lol of Alexander Wilson on the south, a lol lieliiiiL'ing lo Brown Si Ceailu'iirt uu the unrlh anil nn the w est U n iilley, w brrton i.s erei ti il a Iwo nun Ira in i: Dwelling House and other out build inoa .Seized laucu in execution, and lb lie Bold s lite property ol Thoin.is Clark, adin'r. at William Ulark. deceated. I RAM DEMI, Sheriff. Sirnnirr's Orrioi:, Danville, ? May 10, 1811. 5 jJOTICT, is borel.y give.i In ihc Stockholders q 111 tlie compnin lor erectini: a llridirn uvei bo North Last iraiiih of tho river Susuuohiilm '.ictwecn the town of Cutav.is,i and the mouth ol rislnngcieck, that the Malingers liavo this dav de- I'lared a dividend ol hcvciuvmncr Cmlnjifr Shun for thel n?l sit month, (eiiual lo 0 per cuit. nei annum) which will bo paid said sloikholders oi ilieir legal representative, at the 7 roasurei's Ollici on or ullcr the liith insl. KZRA 8. HAYHt;i!ST, Tftamrrr. Treasurer's Uliicc, Oatlawissa, April I, lbU. KJEGSIHUENTAIi OltDEIlS- TIIH enrolled Militia icsidiim within lliebnuiu! of the i 7th Heg'nnent, 1st Brigade 8lh liiiou, P. SI. will assemble for parade as follows: The first Battalion, will meet at Orangeville, on lUdncsday the 22dof Slay 1113I, and tho Volun teer companies ntluchcd thereto will meet m llm same tune an 1 place. Tho second Battalion, will meet nt' Cattawis-a on Thursday the 23d day of Slay iust, m,d tho Volunteer companies: nttt.ched thcicto, wiil meet at Ihe b.imo lime and place. 71 HA SI I! KJ.I.1H?, Colonel. April 27, ISM. TIIH subscriber having eslablikhcd n 'APE It SHI. I. at MH.l, OKOVU, near ifloomsbur, r'olumbia county, where lie has the latest Impiiovhi .M.iiiiixi.iiv, unit having followed Iho business I'm twenty years be is confident he can furnish as good paper as any in the Country and on as reasonable lei ins to printers, Mm-huuts and l.awvers.or an persons who may want the article. He plso,kccs constantly on naiitl Attorney s (Jap, t ool s La i.euer, writing, muting and Wrapping paper ol all Kinds Also, an assortment of School ooks Al-o, BUnk Book, Ktra bound. Full bound, anil half bound of all turn and, iistortment of writing books Arc. Ho is ready lo exchange tho aboie for Taper or IJooks, tor llas ol sr.ing, THOMAS TffENCII. uVillgrovej February '20' 1811 if. the mm-Dw nrsEtiM. awl Lnjirovd Spiirs. Vo die fSuL- ri'x rs n die Plnlailelnl, 1 . S:ii1 utday Museum. It is Willi im'V'iimrd aliftrll,i il, ..... ,.r ,1... lropiiet,.rs, lidnar. snd R,jiilr ontnbuiu.s of Hie Miiiin-diiy Miisenni tbvt ih.ur t,n.r 1 ftrod loin mimorou'utjrhnv under such ruiigwin iii. as will puru il beyond ll rival-,,p . 'ruing Auieniean Wcklv tin,,,... 1:... ... feature. j th lypo,,, l,,tl;i ,', ;i,rorc ,', u.ipinu in me misi-uiii, whi. li , , 1, , v ,otl..,.,,,l s'lOilMit lid morn e.i s sWnt 1 ,n, t ();,iet., nlillidon. Tub Hii-tioHs int., l, I, 11,,. liv.ib'J, ucanleil miieb vnln,.l,l 1. 1 .'. the present coll Wed nrr-inui u.eui cf i,P ,.., , iiicremo) tbo Hmotint ol r- ul.n,. 1.1 tier riuii.lur iienrly four columns, e,pi,,l 1,1 u ra . r to twodiiolecimo yoluiims d tl,, i,, 1 ,iJrc-1 1,', 4 aacli. ' ' lUlh ihUehsntn in tbp pleMlllo of uiinouiii-inii li. n oeiti-rl imm.,' . , ill nil ita iletwilmefiln. M, ..i,iii:.i .. . Htilsge nxelusifPly irfset.tr,l litis ji.uin.d - I hey uro btiofly exhibited under the f.iJ,ivi. heads. " ORIGINAL J1RTICL E S. The Kiismiu I miMnlned in iu hy the talents and oxporieiire of geiillmiicn e..n. , . tent for every species of periodical wriling. 'I l violeiiea ofktlitirn irtir..irwhip ami Ih pr. jn , ,1 of religious sectarianism witl li eijnly pscm-ncd. OltlGlNAIi FICTION. It is hsrdly neeewinrv lo assnro itu ..il..,:! , . 1,. the nfUMunu thot this .Icpartment will lr richl 1 porn. OKKMNAL SK13T.OI1ES, EiSAy.S.&e. under tliCie t iles the Museum will mm,,!,, ii, contributions oftbe ablest writer ofourcify. I'OKEICN UEKATUHE. '1 Ids genera! licnd embraces an endlau v.,.!, v ,,r selei.tluini from tho Koviows nnd mngmiinc-, .n,,' ii.. er I'eriodical publicatioits of JJurope. 'flu n '. vnlge Iho Museum bonsts is peculiar, und of u-. ,f suRcieiit to secure its universal p ipularty. NEWS. This head will include everv snerta if i,ii',. prftprily belonging toa Ncwspoisr, COMMERCIAIi AND OTHER MAT TERS. An oxperienceil editor w cmnlniul nv,.!,:.,.,!.. fijr Iho eellei tfon and retiortlmr of ilm revision of the Hank Male' and slock '1'ablcs, 'ui.J. the icgulur correction of the price current. AGRICULTURE. As the most important of all arts. 3 nonion nfi'n Museum will be rognliitly devoted to the subj' of MISCELLANY. Wo might proceo I lo emimeralo under varimi ther heads, till! subiccls which will cnniiti,i.. .1 .. liupuisbing fealmes of iho Hiiscum, Snfihc ill,. ay lliat nothui( will l.e omitlil ueeessuiy lo pic ere iu character as thu greatest and Ik-st FAMILY NEWSPAPER in inrriea. , To .1 gents and .Net Subscribers. EXTRAORDINARY lDUCE.MEN I S- to lake the Saturday Museum. One copy for one vcar 0 ' 5.2 Threo copies for uiio y,ear, or 0110 copy-for uireo years Secn copies for ono year Twelve copies for one year nevcntcrn copies do 1 wo copies for ono year, nnd one cqpy of Godej's Lady's UdBk, or Graham's Slag 117111(9 Five copies, and two copies of Godey's La dy's Uook or (iiahoui's Slagiizitio 'J'ho money must always be soul in advance fr ot postage. 'J'i.ii.ms Two dollara a year in advance Thin, dollars if not paid till the end of the your. I'Kli.MIUMH. To any person sending; Iwo dollars in advance. wcwill send tho MUscinfor one year and one ol Co new novel. For Five dollars three copies and one oftbe nc;v uotcls. For ten dollars seven copies and cither of tho new- mneU. For twenty dollars sixteen copies and two new novels. HI IS 20 10 CO LETTERS. in the Post Office. fjrVn subscriber roepcctfully informs his friend H mid old customers, that ho haa lemovcd to U iiliamshiirg, near SI, .U'Uowell s store, where he conlinuos tho in all its iirious branches, and pledges himself to do work entrusted lo him, in tho best and iiealesl manner, at moderate prices. Ho hopes for a ahnio of public patronage. JllSLil'H i;. FlfUUUliU'KH. May -1, IBM a. N. . All kinds of trade, such as lumber, grain, c, taken in payment for work. l)anvillc,Aptil 80,18-1 1. TTBIIOPOSALS will bo immediately received by J tbo siibscr'lior at tho store ol the llloniiisbuij' Hail lioad Iron Company, for mining from THREE I" FIVJE THOUSAND Ions of Iron Oio, on the property owned by Fishor &. Slorgun, lato a part of t bo Slclick I'uini, und de livering the same at Kupytown. CHAM KS 1!. PAXTON. Dioomsburg, April 11, 1311, LIST OF noil i iitMf-, niv.iiiiiiMiMi in tne fost cilice, ni Ortingoville, the quailer ending Jarch, 31, itf 1 1. lainrs Arllinny Jonas Kissner Siiinui l Bogait J. 0. Ilunhes Luther Cinrinan Wilainma Everhart S-imiiel Henry Jacob J. Kline Tnuip'on Dillcy Andrew Emmons Jai'iih Ciiiiil Jihiiis Hayinnn Kohl. Loekhurl Rev. John Lodir Jonathan .Miller Sauitiul Richart John Buyer Russell Wiiiio Sarah A'uiaii Persons call in,' for letters in llie above isl will please eny ihey are ailveriised E. LAZARUS, P. M. Reuben Parrish IChziibeih Al'Cord J. IViks A br ' in Bobbins '2 A. Vallrrehanip. 'J Isaac Devoiit tAst oi' FiCttcrs RlLMAIMMi ill the Post Dlllr o nl f nll ii,.!.. sa for ihe ipaatter ending March, al, Inl-1. Buwiti Couaid Boone Milion Bo vies William Dunn Ceorire Eeierolf ,1iehael fiiij.'er Joseph Harder Washington Hughes Ellis Johnson John Kitchen Lbenczcr 2 Ivuiiso Peter Laurcnro Suiniiel Lilly Abroni Milles John Jills Levi JA;lnliael Alfrvd .1uiiroo Isi.ao PiixioirJosi'ph fi Poler Thomas Pursel Lusuniia Reiiz John Raver Elizabeth Riuer Davis 12 liiitei Joint Sehuk (ieorgo Shellhari John Werntz Cyms Wollover.lolin Wilson Emilino Watd John Zaoar Alfied Zrr Benjamin Persons rulluig tor Ullnrs in the aloo Ii4 plwse pay ll.ey am ailvcrthrfd. 0". A BROBST, P. .M; wil BUSHELS OF WHEAT COKV) fr which the highest nria will bu paid in CASH or COODti.' E. II. BICCS. February 17. BER HIVES THIS is ono of. the best coiulruiled Dee Hiven ever invented. It is mi airuiiiHl, that yon cm draw fn. m llie bees, honey at any scwon of tlio ear,Hitbout any injury to them, "it alsoprcun's ihe bees being injured hy the worms. Tho suumvi ber is now prepared" to dispose of lowiislup t single riglils in Iho following township, on tbn iniiyt reasormhlo term. - Ulooin, IIemIucl.,Libeiiy lell'erson, Sit. Pleanut, (ircuuwood, Orange, Fishing creek, -"ugailoaf and Jacksou. Ho also keeps them op hand, ready made, which ho will sel cheap. lie has iu his lice house, several swarm!; of bcei in operation iu hivos of tbo abovo descriptions which bo would invite the public to call ami ex iiniue, for he belicves'tluit all who tin so, will ul once tiLnowltilgo lliattney mo the bei hives ik iv in utc. v GE0KvJ14LLV. llloomsliurg, April 13, loll, NOTICE. ; ' S hereby piven, that I juto. purchased l cnp-ia. Uloeale, as llie propsy oj Jiaui Harris, llu- !..! lowing ui u. b s, ami mvo left the ssuitt in hi. i . Kossioyduing my jtlonsure: one yoko, of o,in i no lot of hoards on l'hshlnc cieolt of about f.OtO l i . one lotot boaids ut C. Ashe's mill, (,1 nbuu1 I 0 ci t one fuaninz mill, one cuttinir box. one i :, i ,-.- one llutiow, ou Msaw, und uup sled, WJMM'KELVV. May 2, 18-112..' i ii. '7 " -cr: 1 NOTICE. THE co-partnership of Furry & hwr h .. -beuu dissolved by iuutus.1 ensirt, it hoi-, u . i necessHry that tho ucvouuUof tho concern ii. ni l bo elosiHl Immediately. As (he subKriber l,di!m book ol tlw firm iu his pivse(iUn audi autlioi.. cd In collect iho debts, ho requests all prisons in. clcbleU to cell ami pay the douisods nguii.st' ilum willmut dejsy. WILLIAM FURRV. Jilormiluiu, May t, 1811 s. .. .