The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 11, 1844, Image 3

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Mr. Hellion's ludiuuiinl rebuke ilf thosu flniistntiln Iliiolies. savslhn T.nirnstrr
politicians Will) Would UM up n lallirp:illicll,.lli,r.inpr. Ins inst shown n a mum.
M I'l I f ,Hl 'I M" 1 (III If IIU0CIVU3 inilTCIDMI
heed. Wo hI recollect the, similar gamo
which whs plnjcil in cnnnciiion with tbu
limk a game thai resulted in (lie most
disastrous ciiiiscuiiciilos. hmh lo that ineti
ttitiun ami llie coun ry. In ii nut mtirli to
lie rieplotcd, ilioi such important ami per
manent interests should liu delivered up in
political managers, Id bo spurtcil with m
subordination to the cnhcip vrl party con-
..r .1... .1 .. ml. '....i. .... i
hkiw im niu i i u sueii extent noes
delusion prevail, that many of tho blinil
p.inuans oi ir, 1,1 ay naiu uecn snauu in
believe tic is ilui nciml Uthcr uf American
.. r . , . i .
iiinuuinciurc?; niai domestic industry "V-as
nut known until hatched into existence b
tin 'lint inciibiitiuii and merilricioiis cmbra''
res oi Ills so eallcil 'Ainunuaii system.'
Mr, lleutun proves thai our manufacture
mo of ancient anil tpontanvous growth, anil
in u nicy, as well iim agriculiure and cum
merer, worn in a most flourishing state be
lorn the war, when 'LnilV was never tnvo
l;ctl, or even lieaul of. as tho means ol' en
i.'oiiraging or protecting tnanufaciutcs.
"Mr. Henii.ii was done with this part ol
tho uuliji-ri; t there nnulher part of n
which claimed bin attention. Ilu had lis
tciied to nothing with more pleasure ihir
session than to the indignant manner in
which the senator from youth Carolina
lr. McDufiio 3 in his lirsi sprurh on tin
larilT, had ih'uuiiueeil political legislation,
llu poured a stream ol hot and burring elo
quence upon tho legislation which lookeil
to presidential elections, and prostituted tin
halls of legislation and the law making
power, lo ihc execrable business of puiiine
up or nttttiritr down a presidential candidate
11" (Sir. 11 ) concurred with him in tin
lofty and indigmnt feelings which he ex
pressed, and had hoped that the senate
clumber would he Ireo Iroin the presence
of that plague, which, liko the frogs ol
Egypt, spread iuel everywhere. The Scn
nto had been fiee from it until this day; bin
the Senaror from Rhode. Island had iutrotlu
icd the presidential candidates one for ap
probation one for rniiilemnalinn. He (Mr.
II.) would not imitate him; nor follow him.
)ml considered nil thai he had said on that
tuhject, with the laincnuiioiw over the de
muclioii of manufactures and ruin of labo
rers lo bo tlin commpiirmeni of a panh a
cold blooded, studied commencement of a
panic to be taken up out of doors, and rai
ihiough the land. This was in oriify iiii?
und humiliating, and he ptofoundy rcrci
led lo sen it. We. had panics enough in tin
lime of the oil Hank of tho United Siaies
ami tho hnh larill ehamniuiis nil scrvei1
their apprenticeship to panic making then
Dcsiiuclion! rum! loss of w .ices I loss ol
propcrtj! the Lank the only saviour of tin
tirjiln1 uilnli u-qb 1 Ii it urti lit 1 ll n li'l nU H!in
ics! end, fiom the givings out of this day
all ilns is lo be reneated bv the hied larill
party! and larill now, liko bank then, ii i
he the only means of saving the people fron
everlasting perdition!
"iiOt there uo no names no nl.trms,
the high larilf eaudiilates for the jirendeur)
unit Hie vice presidency wcro uoleateu in
1832: the bill:) then introduced in the llousi
of Representatives showed hat matiufac
lures had nothing to fear from the issue ol
that election; thai discrimination and inei
dental piotectiou was the basis of democrat
ic policy; and thai every interest of tin
country would be duly sustained, Th
same now. The success of tbu democracy
in 1811 will ha auspicious to every interest
und us much so to manufactures us lo any
Icrfeit ol tho denomination of $10, on
the Chnlrr County Hank, Tho plnii
is admirably executed, lull hat no re-
semblance whatever to tho Chrfilci
County bank note?. It is said to he an
old tilato altorcd probably of ono ol
the Philadelphia Dinks; hut It may lis
easily detected by tho fact that it con-
ains a vignette ol the Declaration ol li -
dependence, which is not to he found
hi the (;cnuino note.
The Grpnt Klin Tree on Boston Common
is 171) years old. It was sot about tho year
1070, by Captain Datunl Henchman.
Forty fi i years ago the great elm had ii
largo hiii iw in It, and was rapidly ilocayine
hut was i alcd in tho mode recomnn;nd!il
by Fnrsyi by clearing the cavitv of rotten
.vond and ' 'linn it with a ouinpnsiiinn com
poped prim 'lally of lime rubbish, from old
buildings, an . clay; oid ihn restored, it t
now apparent! is flourishine s ever, and
without any appearance of the hollow, whir
was once largo enough foi a boy lo hid
himself in.
Hi.ooMsnvnu, May 11, IS-M.
Dried Apples,
White Veans
0 00
1 20
TIip rnrrpspondent of tho Chronicle
Tlio Subscriber Is receiving an it for Sale,
A I, .SO,
lion. John Al. Miles und his scat in tin
U S 8rntitt'VUe credentials of the Hon
John M. Ntles, who was elected by the
Legislature of Connecticut a Senator from
that State loi six years from and after the
4th day of jlarch last, were presented in the
U S Senate on TuesJay. Ah Ndes wat
present, and a motion mado that ho be qtH
ilied Alt Jarnagin, in consequence of the
rumors abroad that tho Senator elect wm
suffering under some malady, submitted i.
evolution for the appointment, by lh(
Chair, of a committee of five, to inquire into
his qualifications and capacity, be lore per
jijittiug Siiin to lalio his scat This course
being aaeeptabTi in the gentleman whom P
pecoliarly concerned; was nrquieseml in bj
nil sides, without, however, admitting the
constitutional right of thai body lo institute
smv innniry lino tho capacity of Senators,
iiud yiessre. .larnagi.i, Benton, Berrien,
WriL'bt and .1c liilhe wcro uebiniialua to
constitute the commitico.
Col. It'm.T. niothct and Afr. riender
son, surrendered by iho Governor of Rhode
Island to Iho Masoaehuseites authorities, on
Ihc requisition of trie Executive of Massa
(husetts, and inilieted for breaking inio the
liouso of William Crooks, m , Bellingham
Mass. in eoarch of Mifl'rai'e men, have been
tried at Di'dbam, and found guilty The
Jiubro directed the oueHtion ol fact lo be
argued, whether it was necessary for Rhode
LJ.oid in self dufenci) to enter the teriitory
ol iMa-ncbusetis The question of fa-jt the
.lurv ducided ncainst delendaiits, and tin:
defendants took tho ease by bill of uxcep
lions to the rulniL' of tho Jude. into the
S uiircnifi Court of the Stale of Massachu
sells If that Court deerdo against tho do
feudanis, it will then he cairied into toe Su
preuie Court of the United Stales
Tlin ntiniln r of ilelegates in attend
ancc al the Diltimore whit; convention
from every Stale of the Union, as nffi
cUilhj slated by llio iplh rs", was 7,a-lb
Tho celebrated 0. A Urownson of AIn
sacliusclts has Uittiod to bo a Tyler man,
willing iindei dale of April 2(1. Irom Budgi
ion, (N J ) says. Oiir lililu town has been
lisgimod to diy by the execution of a fel
ow being the poor girl, Rosanna Keen
it being the day fixed by the Oovcrnor for
her death About half past II A. M. llu
thten reverend clergy of this place weiilinte
her cell, to console and pray with her in
which devotions they were ardently enga
ged until 1 o'clock, I'. M. when they had
to leave to givn place to the females who
were in waiting in dress her for ihc gallows
ll this time she seemed quite composed
nd reconciled In her fate. But wlieu the
ShciiiT Mt. Mattison, entered, her eyes
rested upon him for a second, and then shu
hum into a llood ol tears, anil acted us a
frantic maniac, until the clergy rn entered.
when she again became reconciled. Ros
lima was then conducted to iho place ol
xccuiion, the yard of ihe prison, where lb
'..Hows was elected. This was about 2
I'cloek. Having arrived at tho gallows
ihe said to the Shciifl, 'Dow long before 1
mi lo die?' Ho answered, 'One half hour
One of the reverend gentlemen then prayed
with her. At the close, she acalo said lo
tie Sheriff, -Dow near is ihe tune?' He
replied, 'Fourlcpn minutes. Tim rope wa
adjusted on her nrck, and she was asked il
iUu had any thing to ray. to which she te
plied, aTell the Sunday school childicti thai
I went to school with, to bpware. of my fair,'
and bid those present an affectionate 'Fare
well ' The Sheriff then asked her if bin
was ready. She answered, 'I am.' and al
most immcdiaiilv exclaimed. 'May the
Lord teceive my spirit.' The enrd was cm
and the poor sirl was launched into aierniu
i! precisely Ilf) minutes past 2 o'clock.
After the body had bung for about 10 turn
otes. the doors were thrown open Inr tin
multitude to enter, and gaze on the horribh
sight. The body was ihep cut dow n, phi
ecd in a coffin, and set m front of the prism
for iho inspection of the curious and such
a spectacle I wish to behold ngViu.
The hanging of ibis poor girl, gentlemen
was not the act of tho intelligent and reflect
ing in our cnmmunili'. Dud she lived tin
ill next month, May, she would have at
taiucd tho age of sixicen years. Her offence
you will recollect, was tho poisoning ol
Mr Serlev, last fill. She was shortly af
icrwardi tried, and convicted on tier own
evidence, while the minds o( the peopl
were prejudiced against her.
&c. &c fur which he will lako GRAIN
IMAUlKll and PRODUCE generally.
i l All 1 1 V Me U U W K I L,
Williamsburg. May 10, 1811.
PPJVir. subscriber informs the public that be has
I, 1.11,1.-11 mi' ohm u mi iiici ui:i;uii u i.jr viuu
Weaver, on Mnui-fettect, JlooinsburK, and liai
opened an extensive iisfcbortnicnt of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensvyare and
comprising almost every article usually kept in
a coui.tty Store, which he oilers for snle on the
most re.moimlilo terinj, fur UASII or UOUN
Uloomsburg.alny 11, 1811. 3tf.
Brandroth's 3?illJ3.
picruitn ov iicaltii.
IJAliT Is cliaractetlicil in nn intlMihial li
the nlikcnce of ill pain, Biill'cring, or iiffecllnn
in iiny p.ntof his body, by the free mid regular ex
ercise of lik functions without any exception,
They conislst In liavliiR a good nppellte at meal
titniH, aneaiy ilim'ritioii, free r.vuciiution, without
looocneis or costlvcoeni nt loaist onro In every Iwen-
ty.four hours, and without heat.ihyncs, or burning
it tlio passage), tho freu issue ul tho water utttioiit
acrimony or burning, and without a sedi
ment which is always n. sign ol a present or an up
proaching pain; ipairt sleep without agitation or
Iruublcminc dreamt; no tiiMo ol lulu or other
t.isto In tlio nioulh upon rising in tho morning; no
ournc9 or disagreeable rin'niL' of tho stomach; u
I'Ican tongue, a swrrt hieuth; no itching, pimples or
inula on tbu skin; no Men; no burning heal upon
any part of tlin liody; no excessive thirst when uu
cxpoicil to labor or other known cause; no inter.
ruption to any natural evacuation, nor pain At their
niiulinil return.
Where the state nf tho syntcm does not hatmon
ie with tho aliovo picture of health, it ii of the
grcatChl iniportnnco tint no thou lie l.t in xcinling
lor n ilortor, or in the ino ot IooIimIi lemnliei Ino
flen the result of Biieciiliiliun.uiKteiicl nf ihntrnurw
lota.lo,eof llltAMJltl'.ril'S 1'IU.S he Uilien,
which will nol deceive, lint will ul uiu-e reelu)e
heallh lo the organ or part th it recpiinw it.
All who wish In preserve llu ir heuliti, ell who
are ilelermiueil to ilctcud ttimr lile iguiiHt Hie en
ro.iclunentmil dieaM' which nuuht wml them pre
maturely lo the grave, will, without lieKilation, have
iccourMi to the iruuilrcth Pills, when tho Kluto ot
llie Bjstcm docs not harmouiao with the uboe pie
tuio of health.
Those who live in a country whore contagious or
other disease prevail, ehoolil niton think ol tin
truo pidtiro ortieulth, und obserso nun-ell Willi par
ticular attention, in order to act riccoidiiicly. Tin
wise and rightly directed will lohow thin aduee
the unwisu arc left to their own destruction
A G D N T S.
V'ahinston llobert M'Kny.
.Icmeytowu I,. St A. T. ihscl.
Danville B. I). Iteynolils & Uo.
(Jattiiwissa ii. (!. llmlisl.
lllooinslnirg .!. It. Moyor.
I,ime.stonu Ualiblt & M'Ninch.
UucUiorn iV. (i. Shoemaker.
I.itne Itidgc Andre & Jiller
(crwick J W &tilcs
iMuy !, 18112.
rWIIll Commissioners ofOolniihia'coiinly herelp
1 give nolice, to nil eoncerneil, that tho Uoari'
ot Itevision (Associalo Judges i (!omiiilssloncr
nne mado the following arrnngemniil lor holding
die appeals for the respective lowuships in alu
r.ti.(., ..t .
, tiling, vi I
l'or iho lownsliip of Mahoning, nn Monday, the
nth day of May next, ut tlio Commissioncm' oll'ico.
l'or the township of Franklin, on Tuesilav the
7th, nt Mensch's school house m said township,
l or tlin township ul Uattawiwa, on Wednesday
i ciihiii, nl tho House ul otacy Margaruui in
l'or the township of Roaring neck, on Thursdnv
ino the jouhooI Adams liable In said tp.
I.:.. ..r i:,t!i i..'..t.. .1.- ,.t
l Ul vtiu IUI, IIHIII I ,1, 1,111, till, Ull 1 IlllUV, ulu lUil
at tlin House of John Keller, in said township.
Tor tho lownsliip of Dricrcreeli.nn .Vatilidny, the
1 tth at the placo of holJhlg iho Hpiiu Ulcclious ill
the township.
l'or the lowmhlp ofl)loom,on Monday ,thc 13lh
at Iho House of Kohert Hiigenliuch. in said In.
l'or tbu lowiikhip of Montcur, on 'J'uei!:y, the
nil) 'it the House of Leonard i.ftzarus, in said In,
I or the townshin of Hemlock, on Wednesday
thelSlh at the jIoucof John Mcllevnolds, in
sain iwousuip.
l'or the lownsliip orMt. rlcasant, on 1 hutmlav
tho lOlh.nt ihc IIoumi I'ri'derick Miller, in said In.
l'or tho township ofOnnigc, on 1'riday, Iho 17tn
it the House of (iiiorge Seiplo, in Onoigcville.
lorlho tnwiihlnp of r iMillig creek, on Saturday,
tho I Slh, nt the ouse of Daniel Peeler in said tn.
l'or tho township of i-'ug,irloaf, on Monday, the
Dill, nt the Iloiie of ll.ekii l ole.tu saiil tp.
l'or the township of Jackson, on Tuesday, the
1 st, nt the House ol'Joshua Savage, in said tp.
Tor the township of (ircrnwood.ou Wednesday,
Iho -"cl, at the lloinsi of Joseph I,cmou,in said tp.
I or tlio township of Madison, on I liursdny, ihe
Hlh, at Ihe ItoiHeuf John Welliver, in said tp.
l'or tin) township of Derry, on 1'riday, the 21th
;it the House of Jacob tieidlc, in said township.
t or the township ol Inmestone, on .Saturday ,tlie
nth, at tho place of holding elation fur said tp.
l'or the township of I.ibcrlvain Monday tho '-7th
it the House ol Hugh Mcl.lrath, In earn township
Pot the township of Valley, on Tuesday tin
-SUi,nl llie House ol John .Mails, in said tp.
led for electrical
rail road,
A manufacturer in ICnglund has
wire rope 128 miles in length. It
THOSH persons having demands against the
(Jominoiiwcclth, for labor performed, or ma
terials furnished, for tho repairs of tho
prior to tho 9lh day of January, 1811, who have
nut handed to subscriber an account of the same,
iro requested to do so at the eailicst possible mo
ment, in oidcr that they may he put in form for set
tlement, s soon as the funds appropriated for tin
payment of old debts ran ho obtained.
1 lioc liMiig at a distance are requcjicu to lor
ward by mail or otherwise.
W. u. MAlTi;i , Supervisor.
Wilkcbarrc, My !l, 1811.
II Y virtue nf a writ of lest. Ii ti. to me
irecled wi be cxnoscil to public sale at
he Onnrt House in Danville, on Friday the
list day of May at one o clock r. M.
A ccilaio tiact of land situate in Cat
iwissa and .Mifflin townships, it' Columbia
ounty, cDiiiaimng
400 ACffiES,
more oi less, adjoining lands of Jacob Shu
man, Jacob l'isber, Juilge lox ami others
hereon is creeled Seienieen Dwelling
llotifci'f!; one l' ircH, one imsi .Mill, one
Saw Alii'.one Smith Shnp,onu (3oal
three Stables, ono 15am and ono Purnaeo.
Seized taken in execution, ami to bo sold
is the property of Adam Miller.
IKA.t JJJ'iliK, aiirnj.
Siir.uirr's Ornon, Dantillu, )
Jay 10, 1811 5
made ;
is in ton
on some
D.irr's Trial. A correspondence of
he I'roviiloncc Chioniele, w, nni); finn
A'cwnort, says that on S.iturilay tin
mutt was orcti ii icd with iIii-cosmohs up
in points n law, as lo wlioilicr licasoi
ignnsl a State is nol lipas-nn i;aintt. tin
Uoiieil states. Iho nrjnnu ols tvei
veiy iniciesliog. Mr, Duir hiuirlf
took a very active pail in lliem. Th
opinion seems lo be that Mr. Dorr vv i 1
be eonvicicd. 1 lie trial was prnbab)
ended on 1 hursday lasl.
The French Army amounts to 3-ld
000 mcr, iiu'lnilin ofliceis, anil 83,000
horses. Of this total SS-1,000 mon and
G8 520 horses lor in the division
France, anil 00,000 men anil 13,4 10
i hose in algicis.
democratic National Convention 'This
body will assomblo in lialiimoie, on Mon
day tho STlli day of Ahy.
The General Klcction in Pennsylvania
for tlin lilection of Governor, members o
Conine?. &e. takes placs on Tuesday llu
Slh of October.
The Presidential Dleciion in l'cnnsylv
nia will be held on Friday ihe first day of
A 2 BJ B2 N T ii C IW
TO the 'lllM'INti Jl'HIMISS is wauled im
mediately at IhisOllieo. A taniiit active lad, 15
10 veins of age will rcccivo good eucourat;cuieut.
April i7, 1811.
Sequestrator's Sale.
Y virtuo of a writ of sequestraion, issued out
of iho court ol Common Pleas of Uolumbij
county, and to medirected.will be rented, at public
He, on the pi causes on
Friday the I'th of Alay inst,
12 o clock noon for the term of four
ears, all the nhi title and interest of tin
efendant, Nancy Ruhr, viz: her life estate
in a certain tnet of land siluatc in tho lown
hip of Greenwood Columbia county, con
. ; ..: .. ... i . ,
inning oim) i wu Acres muro or ICS
hnunded by lands of U in. Hdai, Joini
llayman, Daniel Kitchen and others, where
on is erected ono
RY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas
to mo directed will be exposed to publi
sa t; at the Court House in Uanviiie
Satuiday the 1st day of Juno al I o'clock
l Al.
A cpttain tract of loud situate
.imisione township, Columbia county, ad
joining lands ol Stephen lla.licl.ihe heiis ol
Henry .lilier, deceaseil, Joseph madly
John r. Uerr anil Jacob isliiriz, eoniaiuiiu
seventy two Acres and eighty two l'i rehis
iral measure, bo the same more or less, on
which i.s erected one Siuro House, one l.oe
House, :i frame bank Dam and out build
inys, with an applo orchard anil a spring ol
Seized taken in execution, and to be to!
is the piopeiiy of John I'". Dower
A certain lot of irround situate in thr
lown of Danville, Columbia county, con
tniuina sixty feet in from and ono hundri'
and fifiy feel in depth, bounded by ;ld
street in front, n lot of Alexander Wilsoi
on tho south, a lot belonging m Ilrown iV
Ccailit'arl on the north, and mi Ihe west b
an a ley, wherton is erected a two stor
Iranio Dwelling House and oilier oul build
Seized taken in execution, and lo be sold
s the properly ol Thomas Clark, utlm'r. nf
William Clark, deceased.
Siinr.irv's Ornci:, Danville, ?
Ahy 10, 1811. $
S hereby given, that I hao purehau'd at eousta
hlosalc.'aa the nropertv of.lohn Karus, iho fol
lowine articles. and have left tho sainu in hid pou
i.essiundii'ing my pleasure! one yoko of om'u oiiu
lot of luiariU on V islung creek ol about u.uuu tTt
one lot of boards at (.'. Ashe's mill, of uhout (5,1)111)
eet one fanning mill, ono cutting box,, one ilough,
one llariow, ono Msaw, and ono bled.
Mnv S, IB i I ii,
V.. Mi'.Nni'.N)iAi.,i Cleric.
Coii.nissioMiits Ori'icr,, 1
Danville.April '0,1811. I
Bisl ol lit'lfoi's
Itr.MAlMNr. in the Post OllUe at Cattawis.
sa for the quarter ending March, .It, 1811.
tiS AM)
good well of water at the door with a
on a rcrlain house aiHl lot situate in tin
town of Rhorsburn, townslnji and couniv
Inresaid, coniaining one lourib ol an Acre.
more or less, bounded in fiout by the mam
mad leading from Rnoisbuig in Orangi villi
nn ihe souih bj a loi of Vaniuli Rees, on
mo w rsi oy nincr lami oi oeienuant, anil on
the north by R I Welliver, whereon it
erected a l wo story
mw am.
IRAM DERR. Sequestrator.
Snr.itin-'s Oi't icK, Danville, ?
May 1, 1811.
Uowrs Conatd
lloone Milton
llovles William
Dunn (lenrge
I'cierolf jlicbacl
Coger Joseph
Harder Washington
Hughes Hllis
.lohnsnn John
K lichen Kbcnezcr 2
Ivunse Peter
Laurence Samuel
Lilly Abram
Millcs John
1ills Levi
Ah 1ichnel Alfrml
Junroe Isaac
Paxton Joseph 5
Poter Tlinmas
Pursel Lusauna
lleiiz John
Raver Elizabcih
Rittcr Davis 2
Hillt r John
Schuk Ccorgo
Sbellhart John
Werniz Cyrus
Wollcvcr John
Wilson Kmiliuo
Ward John
Zigar Alfred
arr Benjamin
Person calling lor letlers in the ubuc list
please say lhe are mlsertiu'd.
C. A llROBST, P. M,
RDM A IN INO in the Post Office.
Orongoville, the quattcr eliding Tlarcli, 31
181 1.
amrs Anlhnny
fjTVT. subscriber respectfully informs his fiiriuls
n u i hi oiu eosiitiii' i. uu. n. ii iiiu.h. i"
U illiauishurg, near .M, .li'Dowill s store, where he
couluiucs tho
ill all ita variouMiraucncs, auo pieoges inui-eii in
lo work cntruMed to hun, in Hie host ami i.eati sl
uanner. at moderate pricis. Jlc hopes inr a uliaie
uf iiiililie patronage.
... ..nun , nnfui.Tiici'D
,IU.Ml ll 1.. 1 lll.lll.IUI IV'i.
May 1, 1811-2.
K. II. All Kinds of trade, fiieh as lumber, grain
U'., taken in j.uienl 1'urwuik.
GtiooiL?Mti'H' Artillery.
THH members of Ibis eninpaiiy, together with
die Hand, 'ire hereby notified to meet at the houti
of UM)UH 110 Will., in ltloomshurg.on
Saturday Alay 11,1811,
it ten oMock in the forenoonnr conipaiiVCxerrlsc
mil diill, iiiiifnrmi'd and equipt aeeorduig lo law.
Punctutl utlendanco isieipurcl by nil tho iiiem
!icrs, as business of importance will lie acted upon.
II. Wl'Jlin, Captain.
April 27, 1811.
ETTlltOPOSALH will be immediately received by
y the subscriber at tho sloreol the lllooinsbui
Itail lui.iil Iron (Company, fur mining from
Ions of Iron (lie, on the properly owned by l'isber
iV iMorgan, 1 lie a part ol 1 he .Mel.el: faun, and de
livering the tame at I'spylown,
fill AM ll.S Ii. PAXTON.
Dioonmhurg, April II, It'll,
Jonas Kissner
J. U. Hughes
Luther Herman
Wilannna Dverhart
Samuel Henry
Jacob J, Kline
Reuben Parri'h
Elizabeth M'Cord
.1. Paiks
Abram Robbins 2
A. Vallcrchamp 2
Isaac Divoiti
Samuel Rogarl
Pompson Dilley
Andrew Emmons
Jacob Cnoii
Jonas Dayman
Kobi. Loekhart
Rev. John Loder
Jonathan Miller
Samuel Ricliarl
John Roycr
Rm-st'll Wiiito
Sarah Ainan
Persons calling for letters in the above
list will tdcase say tbcv are advertised
rSTUin suhseriher haing established a 'APR!
U MILL at MILL (iliOVH, near iloomsbur
r 'nlumbiii county, whvru he lias the latci-l iMenovr
M ii-iM m.iiv, and having followed llie business foi
UM'iitv year ho is confident he can furnish as good
nnper as any in tho Country and on as reasonable
le ois In printers, Merchants and Lawyers, or any
persons who may want the article, lie nUo.keeps
coiiMuiitly on baud Attorney s Cap, 1 ool s (jap
Letter, writing, Printing and Wrapping paper nt
all kinds Also, an assortment of tii imnr. Voniik
Also, Dhl'k Hunk, II lira bound. Full bound, and
half bound of all m7ch and, assortment of writing
books Ac. Ho is reaily tn exchange the above for
rnjier or Hooks, lor Hat, "t Nzuig.
1illgrove; February 20' 1811 if.
New and Improved Scries.
l'o Iho Subscribers o! the Philadelphia Sal
u i nay .Museum.
Il is Willi Ullfciutled eatitfartloo on ihe i.nrt nt ll,. l
Propllctors, llditors ond Itcirol ,tr rotil riliiiliirt,
tho Saturday Museum thai their paper in now o.
l ' numerous uucniiers, uiiiler Mich ut
rungcnienls as will placo it beyond nil rivaWiin u-
...U..JJ ,,..,v....n .iihiy ncwipaptrs. Uertain
features In tbu typography having hcietoforo been
adopted in tho Museum, which it is now considered
tprihtll und moro cousistfut with good lale to
,.l. ......... 1 1 1 .: i . , ,
i. i.ui., i ecciiuun ii in willcu llu, l.nnrr un
livnleJ, o 'cunlcd much valuable ptmrn. ubii-l, li
tlio present condensed iirrangeuicnt of the mutter,
niKii-KBut iiiu nmoiini oi reaumg in eler numlier
noitly four columns, opnil m tbu courm of a year
to two duodecimo olumcs oflluco hui.dud nunos
oach. ' B
llllll this chatun in tho MUseum wa hnur il.n
plcanuro uf aunouiiuiug also, u ncneral impro-cinent
in all its departments, with ndrliii,,,,.,! a,i.
vantages exclusively pr.ouuled in this jouinul -i'hey
arc briilly exlnbilod under thu follow ins
on i a iN.iL .'in Tier. e s.
The Miisciim is sustained in its cditonil columns
by the inleuts ami exiM-rirnte ol gentlemen cumin .
tent lor every specie of periodical writing. Tho
noicuce urpouucai pai07.imiiip anil tlio prejuilu .'
of teligious sectarianism will lie ojiially utciiuwiu.
It Is hardly necessary to assure the uWrlbrr in
the. Museum that this department will be richly aup-
L nder these t ties the Museum will contain iho
contributions of the ablest writers of our city.
1 his general head embraces an endless vaiietv of
selections from the Itcviews and Magazines and oili
er I'eriodieal publications of Europe. This ad
vantage (ho Museum boasts as peculiar, and of itself
sufficient to secure its universal p ipularty.
This head will incluilo every species of mailer
propeily belonging to a Newspaper,
An experienced editor is cmnloved ewhwiv. V
for Iho collection and reporting of tho nurki n-, i iu
revision ot Ibe llanl; ftnto and stock I'abl , ... f
the tegular correction of the juice current.
As the most important of ull arts, a portion of iho
.iinseuui win ue regularly ueiolcu to llie subjec'. of
We might procec 1 lo enumerate under vnrinn
other heads, the subjects which will constitute dis
tinguishing featuics of the Museum. Suffice it to
say that nothing will ho omitted necessary lo pru-
ervo us cnaracicr as me greatest una nest
in tncrica.
To Jlgcnls and New Suhsrritins.
lo bke Ihe Saturday .Museum.
One cojiy for one veal
1 hrcc copies for one year, or one copy for
three j ears
Seven copies for one year
welvc copies for one year
Seventeen copies do
W; 1 1 wo cojihm tor one year, and one coiiy of
tioiley s ijady u Hook, or luuliam a .M.ig
five copies, and two coiics of Godey's I,a-
(IV s lloolc or liialmiu s Jilaga7.uie
I lie money must always he sent in advance free
jf postage.
1 J wo dollars a year in adiancc Thico
lobars if not jiaid till Ihe end of iho year.
To any person sending two dollars in advance.
wo will send the uuscm for one year and one ol tho
new novels.
l'or 1'ivo dollats thrco copies and one of tho new
For ten dollars seven copies and cither of tho
new novels.
iii 15
Tor twenty dollars sixtccau cnjiies and two new
Sfi Y Hi and
CORJlTi ""or which the hiL'hest pric
will be paid in CASH or GOODS.
February 17.
TftJOTIOK is hereby givc.i lo the Sloekhohlers
lfl in the company lor erecting a Diidgo
llie JVorth Last ranch of tho rier a-utquebalm
belween Ihe town of C.iltawiss.i and Ihe mouth ol
PMlingcieek, that the Managers have this da; de
clared a dividend ot SirciititJirr Cent jii r Shun
for ihe l.i-t sU uiouths, (cijuat to ii per cent, pri
annum) which will ho paid said slockhollers u
iheir legal rrircscutnlives, at the 7'ieasiirur' Dili i
on or ailcr the lfith inst.
L'.UA K, HAVIIi:i!sT, Tmtftmr.
Treasurer's Otticc, Cattaw iw-a, Ajoii 1 , 1 et
TIII1 enrolled Militia icsiding wiihin Iho bounds
of Iho 7th Hogimcnt, 1st llrignde Slh Viiion, P,
A New Kind.
THIS is ono of tho best constructed 11 co Hives
cer invented. It is so arranged, that you can
d raw from the Ives, honev at any tesson of tho
year, without any injury lo them. It also prevents
the hers being injured by the worms. Tho subscri
ber ii now prepared to dispose of lownsliip or
angle rights in tho following townthijw, on tho
most reasonable terms. Uluoni, lfonloek.l.ilierty
leileriou, Mt. Pleasant, (ireenwooj, Orange,
fishing creek, ""'ugin loaf and Jaiksou.
lie also kecjis them on hand, ready made, which
lie. will teVI cheap.
lie has in bin liee house, several swarms of bees
in operation iu hues of Iho above descriptions
whii Ii ho would invite the public, to call unit e
iiuinu, for he believes that all who do so, will at
onie acknowledge that tney aro the bess hives now
iu use.
Uloonisburg, Apiil 13, 1811.
M. will assemble for parade as follows:
The first Ilattiilioii, will niectat Orangeville, on
lioilicniav lliu y,M ol .May inst, and tho oilm
co-partnership of I'urry A Drown having
been dissolved by inuluil cousorii, it l ecoines
necessary (hat the accounts ol iho concern should leer companies attached thereto will meet at
bo closed immediately, As tho subscriber has tho, same tiinu an I place.
.i i .i... :.. l.! !....-, , . , . ,, . .......
niiiiKs oi uiu nun hi urn pios.ioii uini ih auiuoii.- i ue seeoiiu liiillalion, will meet at ( atlavi:a
ml In collect llie onus, no requests all persons in-on I huisdav t ho ".1ilit.iv nf Mm. in.i u,,.l ,i,r
dehtrd to ciillauiljiay tho demands against litem Volunteer companies alluched thereto, wiil jueital
vHuiuumiuiy, i ino sainoiiniu und iHaro,
illoomalmrg, May 1, 1841 y.
April V, 164 U,
WHAM I! KI.L1K, Celoiid.
PHHI' suliscril'crhas al nil linie-on I , , C,.
sueli as tltAMi.MH i.
a smrrioseii.
nut siiiivs'Ti;ri'. u
Will ulsn have a f
m:i p!v ,.l 1IV V
ind LAKH 1'LAbTUU itu- lomiii.. .
baud ground.
f. MeDOV. ! I '
.lellowoll's Mills, Jnmirry 'iti, Hl I.
ALL persons indehiisl, to (Ut iilw, n n
pleaio I ike notice Ihsl .Ihe iiIiihti,U i, bus I. i ,
Hooks in Ihe hands of .planum iNcwhsn 1' ,
collection. M prwons indelHuj vill please cad and
i-ciiie mo wine to save tout prm iiiuibic,
. March 221811. .