"TIIUTII WITHOUT FKAll filled B.rrVtUMl .V.71'11, 1811. TIic Legislature of Conncoliciit on Aptilj Jlrmtaf the Publisher of the Ar. J urA I 2 met in convcntion.nnd nceording to the Evening Post,kn officer of thu U. S. provisions of iho consiitution, wliero no. Senate, llio New York Sun snvs. has nrres . ... ... . ' ItVPl'R r uoicc tag been mat o bv l ha nrnn e. nrn lei! William 11 it.mna. Km mi , dior .r . i . .. . . - .... I . CB 11 I ll'll rnlKu IJinl III .1 ....mil .....I ll..l .1... I lilt VP flir llm ll'.llll nnii.nniimi.ii. IV n .!.. inrtf nil In in n a. inn n Nniiniim. 'I' li n ' 1 1 I.' ....;... II... I r I . "'"i iinut ..lui umi ubVIIIICU mill J ICI VI ' " wi ..i.noi i, uii iiv-i-a II 17 SI I i.i.i.vii iv u. .iv....ii'ii ui . ii ? ui 1 1 1 i j nu.inu ivciiu.i. I us . li li li li n niinrun ni nnviiiiii i . . . i " 1 .i... .i... n i 'i:rriv iimin nnmr mnv up rnciiirmi tminni r.i i i i . i . Kin mi: li iv m n vimm. ii it m intn in i I .. ........ ...u.ii. u rui in bloodshed tottorrd by 12 or intense cvnrv mnninnt. nm In wim me particulars ol ai. Native AmoriiMtis wrro preparing them- FOIl PRESIDENT, Tlic Xomtucc of the Democratic National Convention. YOU GOVCKNOlt, HENRY A. MUHLENBERG- Canal Commissioner. JOSHUA HARTS IIORKE. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS' Wilson MoOandless, Asa Dimock, IlKPUKSENTATIVn, Senatorial ' noo'jjeF. T.eliinnu . "l-uiiun Ktieaa n in. 11. Smith t John Hill (I'Jiil.) 6 Samusl R.-f.ecch (I Samuel Ciirnp, 7 Jchso Sliarpo 8 N. W. Sample ! Wm. llcttulcnrich 10 Conrnil .Vhimer ill Stephen UalJy IS Jonah Urcwater 13 fJcorge SclinnMc I t Nathaniel II. KMicd 15 M. N. Irvine, lfi Janice VVooilturn 17 Hugh MoiAKf'i'y 18 Isunc A nk my 10 .tohn .Mathews 20 Wm. Patterson "1 Andrew liutko 22 JiJui M'tiill 2.') Christian Myers 21 lobcrtOrr Rumsr with her ten thousand loneur.s. Dfi tells ten thousand lies:" There is an atsertion in llio "last Co Inmbia Democrat that Allen IS). (! .mer er owed the Stale last Jnnnnrv one llinu unit llilltn.,1 ' Wn Intnl.. it ... ill 1.. he believed that any one roulil bo found so following was the result; Wholu vote 208; feloniously obtained a copy of the Annexa. on U,L ua P110"3- I'lOin mem wt lost to all honorable leeling ng to make n Hercssary to a choice 105. linger S. Dald lion Treaty. The officer returned to Wash. Ilavc C0l,ui-'nseu ine toiiowiug account. Order and quiot were 0uii.-im mho ui; uuuvu uum ii a pamci. , received 110; UliaUIICCV F. Cleveland inilton 011 Wcdncsdav with his nnscinnr. One of till) most mi V alarnnnir rinn iliml I O'clock at night. 0 evidence oi lis mini, n.u it is never ,Ceeived 83. Whi majority on joint ballot i . I." taken place in ibis citv, ociurrcd On Tuesday i.iorni.u', a lnrsje meelinc of lliuitra nil. ii u win c.iutura ill lull lllis l. .... .. ... I 11 im 1 11 nl 11 1) nil,,,......., l.i... ... I .... I I in illlni.. in.. .,..1 i I .1 . . . I .. I IP mrcainn nl I in imw nunm... I fi.l I. ""J mil uuuu uui w cull luur 11 II II VI I """" " iiuiii. in iin;ii M I i-biiiiiiiiiii session to nnw mat tno nsscrtion is witn "w ' ' ".. 1 a.M.gcs 01 spcccncc ,,.,,1,,,.,. ... , ,i1D,ri, , . ,. .. ,.,, nnso,i (TU,! , r .. n.... i i. .I...I t I ...I li I rnnnMM kiIm in i in i.tn Il0no :.. -ii .1.. i i . I .. " "oiisiiiKiuii. J nr . i -- ...f, - ......... w u,,.. mi., in. cuauu.i ... .....M, n.. i iiuti;i inn ...v ni.,,.,,,,,,. in ill l uuillll iiiiur IMIIIUICU I10UIIIH KNilllVl! Allll'l unni. hii.mm I.ll .li I 111 I SIM t II r t tin I nlP.H nil nf I in nnrmiir..li. il tt,n .. ...!.. !. n..l.. ... Ii. ...I.....! ... e i . . ' 7 'I iu u iniuiii. uun ,.v niu i.ii.ii. ... iauuiihu wwunn u rtcoiliiiiuiiuu vuiuiUH iruiri'll 01 local re lave UCeil receiVCI nl t in tin In i, nil iifficn I 111 t ic (till! v nsninra itini ..I - i 11 ISO limn nr in m i linn In Itin rniVnn u .r. .i. . . ..in. i. i " i . rr.v,..u.u. I.U mur uii: i.i- 1110 ' irn irr UUIiarimeill Will llllll ll an nr'lf..rm A mnnn nllwim ,l,nll,n, il, . f . l.l r....l. . I i ... .. .... ,S m. n.i.l ,l..ul... t... fnrm 1. 1. Il.n n lu -n.lnnmninii.rni.lili ....... ... . . M".i.' .....w.iK wiiivii., miiviiivi ...I iiiim iii iu a aiiiiu uuurcHH. iraiiKen iiv inn r ! k ni i inu.ii,i oiiuuis, ur iiil1 iiurnnsi i 'j '" ".i ij..ii.i.i.ii rant laoricatlnn a IllftllCIOUS anil nalpatllt .... , ,., " , ' nl'diiriniiiiiu lli.ir ,il ' ' Piirliiir llm nmrnln. .Minl Mmilii wmn falsehood. Capt. Webb .nnears to be try- """ . ,uw" ""V" uc o. tne nouse o. uepresenlalive. -" ; ; " - - - if -A'""rn:"-n inir l nnt.lin Hnrnn Mm, l.iisnn l.nn.nin restored 10 colored CtllZeilS, as tlieV lomiCt .... i.-.".".. i.T.. b . . T - . V 'g.' " . V ;, V. V ' " - S ' i i riiiiii'r ii hi i viiriiii n tiiini m ...i . iiii I'xi'iiiiifr i ii iiinn. hut no one will think of beliovine his state ty enjoyed it, when possessed of tbo same A Petition for a pardon for Kaine nnd hollowed by lleneriil Siniilt nnd' Lewis Ll The papers of Wedncsdav Rive an ac mem meieij on ins asscriwn. no one, we quulirtcalinns which confer the right on olh Flinn, the two I'ilUburL' publishcts, in pri Levin A low minutes afict Mr L. coininen of the conlintialion nf the liol on presume, is sou cnoi.gu tor mat. ,r citizens, who are not electors of iho .t. un.. ccd addrcssltli! the inullitndn. n ui.ir.u .if 'I'tu-sdav. In llin nfi rmnnn nf llml ilav ICTThc above we takelrom the 'Star h'ho banks of the Slate are aaid to bo in ex sible iudees do ncl liko to bo called has been rai" C"I,1U "' alltl 1C mcclinB mljourned in U meotinR was hold in the Stale Mouso I the JNorth,' a paper said to uo prtnteil cellcnV condition. 1 he school fund of the sent Iroin thai city to Governoi I'ortcr will at Berwick, and under the nominal Ed- State now a.-nounls to y3,05I,4a3 77. thrct thousand names. M. Gancewcr. lati I'lic dividend distribuiod to the schools dur tC7A Dcmocralic IVIcclin will be held al the School House in Es peylown, tins Evening, (Saturday, May 1 1. tar the purpose of forminc a De mocratic Club. ICTX Democratic iTIcctina: will be held at Millvillc, on Saturday next, May 18, at 2 o'clock in the after noon. Several addresses may be ex pected. (QThe next slated meeting of the O II A AG E V I LLE AND RIIOERS liURG HICK0IIY CLUB, will be held at Orangeville, on Saturday, the 1st day of June, at oneoclock in the afternoon BLANKS ! I HLANKS ! ! rcyJusticps Blank liXECU'HONS and SUMMONS just printed and for sale ai 'this Ullice RIOT IN. HIILADELPIIH, I ;i contlniied when onr rcpor'rr Itft tlifl 'Pi.n Pi.il ..I..!,. i.i -CM' i... 5munu 1,10 cxcuemcni fas urtiwinir nora l I I " ilotship of Alien M. Gangewcr, Collector of Slate Tolls, at Berwick inB "1C Pasl 'ear las UL'e" l ""O lor each ndthc dislributor of the filth of the scholar between the ages of four and six il.n n,r,.,;n,. t... teen years, amounting lo 8117,717 00, in 1UI lJUUt A. Ll U II U 111 M-f UIITHIV 111 - - " I I . . . ... .1 fifliponrpr anil nnr wmili! lmninnn Irn in I ' ..n , 0... the boldness and assurance wilh which he "I'll"'- - peak5,thai he was one of the mostrit- loving, innocent oeings m tnese uiggins, SIIAMOKIN COAL REGION ...I.. I.. -II . II- .- I WU U.l U,BI9 1TC.II p.O.-O IU l.U -3 ...C .p.,,, SunblJrv ., 1 Gazeu gaV8 ... -j. .1. l I ... I ' ' ' -l assgrowcu. iipwarus. s we nave, tcngive businoM wi bo t011Ci duri1(; ,ho however, no disposition to tamper much present summer, in the Shamokin coat re coi.8rqiieiice lo a small market hunnu i;i thn v.inl hv ilmlVniivn Amnrini t ivliini, ..eigl.ourhood. Upon entering llio market speeches wcro made anil rcsnlmion itltiKf n litriiintinn I . t .1 I .... ...... i. B, UW"U-,1UU u 7 iimprom. passed, and final y, very in ndic ou y, inenl men tn the cause csnouseii hv the A. r . i . .i r. iiinM,.,,,,, ... .! .:. y A adjourned to meet acain thai nftctnonn. iy a onil 2V T "",nUmai i- .Lo vicinity of the scene of the pre w . . .1... : i i .. t : Jual i nun id timn Mr !....:-. vnusuuy i iui , auu i lie crown i iniiicii i- " liUVIII I. .... .... the stand lo resinim his n,li,.,to ,,..,t ..,.1 alely wended their way in that dit cctio- spoken but a few momeiits. whpn ilm Ni 1 ho scene of the riots of Monday at- 1 1 V Aineriprum umni ..UJ..II..,I i i Ici'linnn. ill Knnsinntnn. was rmipl rtnr. . . . ..... .V..V...H i.viU IIONIIMII V 1 II I 11V T 1 ' .... out or the baggage car or the passenger M brickbats and other missiles.' 'ng Tuesday morning, and many fatni- train of the Baltimore Line, between lialti 1 This unexpected attack throw the meet- !ie-were rcmovint: from their dwell- ... ... I. - ' more fcWilmington, while on route to Phil a "'8 11110 llle greatest disorder and conslcr ings. In the eatly part of the arternoou The robbery was effected Sy unlocking the . , 1 . ,? 1 .cm:0Ullle entiftl, and largo numbers of people were gathered u l ltniVII III I llnL iiii.t HI . I . I ' . . . cat by moans of false kevs. ",.:.V I " 'V..., Ia, ''. .. . r l,ev" ,n various quarters, nut wcro peaceable ADROIT ROIJHEKY. On Wednesday night, ti lth ull, three box cs, containing specie to iho amount of $3, 000, in Amctican half dollars, was taken having iho stand, endeavored at the lop ol Lid orderly. Between four and 1119 Vllllltl 1ll.lln. .I.n ...nnil I . . .1 .... ..... with the Utile iustrumcul,' we will iion. The large anlhracite furnaco which ins voice, to calm the meeting, and just ai The lms ",u'er.i musuets were tired from the teat oi tue liiocrma Llose llouee, in Cad- Military Conspiracy in Paris oniy,in answer lo his charge ol lalshood.hvas erected a few years ago.and which had 1 ,c,,u" ,al,urs ""' " -'"""? uu,'sl''raLValladei st. exhibit to the reader the following, tak- been idle for the last year, has been fitted c-v ,,,M 1,89 uccn u'sC(vcreu among me gar This vulloy dealt death and destruction in en from the Books at th, nrnnnr Dp. up. and has aaain been nut in blast. The rlson 01 1 arls! 80me say,ng "lal lic reports ihe rauks ot the Naliv- Americans partment," by one not only well quali- business will now oecanied on under more ar exaggerated, others that they are a Lib ,,,a,, 8n Aineriean, was instantly . . . . . . J . 1 'pi.- . .t lUilleu, and ten others seriouf v wounded. lied, but autlioriseil, lo 'examine them, auspicious circumstances than lormcrly, """""" w "y 0, who1 was a foreSnc, '...i ., .v.,Jwhich was held in the Siale Iloti.iu millet himjudgeupon whom Iho charge there having been several rich iron mines "ave iauc" I)UCC 1,1 1,18 um ""nentoi tne supposed to hive been wounded by a stone Yard, a largo body went into Kensing of 'a malicious falsehood' rests, whethei opened in the immediate vicinity of the "nD) mal a" ,eavc Ul aoscnco "avo Hung by Ins own party. inn in procession, wnh a banner and I ' I.. I I . I. . I Ai ii.i . f .1.. ! .1 i I 1 tl, . t . . t . nnon Allen M. Ganp-ewcr. or unnn ns furnace. The ore which they yield is said pviiuurawnj r au ...ai bevera, couiicusou iiju ui iiiu procccoings mo a in-'g. iney immediately repaired i d i i i - - i n: t i i,.. l.l ... .1.. 'iu.. .:i o'clock the crowds of individuals be came great, until they numbered in llio aggregate at dillerent points two or thrcu Ihousand. I he urcater patt of thdm. were however, considerably below Iho scene of llm riot. After t lie adjourn ment of the Native American meuiinu. Here you have it. I to be very excellent. Ali the different coal At itiin stage of llio procccdincs the A hi general officers have been held atthoThuil ,n(irlfll's eu in an uireciinns, and subse he market housp, when iiiurnlly teurgauized in small 'squads,' anil . . I Inline 'I'll rt II M f 1 rtnnnii! punil fin liinnnv iiiinra uiai nave uecu u iBiieUiSuuiu ui wineii u emu en in i hp nil I ininap vim ' ' l.n. 4 4 "ave no been worked 8ince 1811, will again aPPears 10 be som0 sorl of Uiowralical Re ralt,d Ulld auacUea lhc hose house.brokc in ALLEN M. GANGEWER, Collector at be operated upon. puunc associauon; wuicu, oi coursc.tne me winnows and Hour, and here they wen t . r Eerwick, To the Commonwealth, Br. JANUARY 1844. To balance on Canal Tolls t'un iho Com monwealth, $1027 30 " Enouh said." authorities are prompt in quashing. A HUGE ANIMAL, fjThe Bloomsburg Rail Road Iron 'Company are now progressing rapidly in lhc construction of their works upon their upper power on Fisliingcroek, They have contracted with individual for the construction of about two thirds of their canal, who have already com menced work, and the company, ha v .also a large force on the remainder of the canal, and at work upon other parts of the establishment. This, when com pleted, will be one of the best establish ments for the manufacture of Iron in Pennsylvania. Being situated within half a mile of the Norlh Branch Canal, on one of the best water powers in Nor thern Pennsylvania, with abundance of ore and lime-slone in the immediate vi cinity, and surrounded with an exten sive fertile agricultural country, it gives it advantages that no other location possesses either in or out of the county of Columbia. The Whig National Convention mei it Baltimore on Wednesday tho firsi lay ol May, and nominated Henry Improvement in Solderiim. A discove- Iry of importance lo mechanics who use soft liolder is mentioned ln-the report of the Ex Tho Arkansas Banner contains aminer of Patents. Zinc is dissolved in nidation ftom a Mr. Anthony, muriatic acid lo saturation; pulverized immoniac is added to the solulibn, met Willi a feu dejoi,' ami again scattered) in all directions They however, although fighting against such lea r I nl odds, maintained ilieir ground nantully lor a lung lime and demolished In gical rxcile- ncnt ensued, and iho rioting renewed. Shots were fired from cevcral of llio toiisps nppojilo, and one young man 'cilled, and several wounded. Tho lion es from which the shots were tlischarg (I were a?siiluil. The Carroll Hose carriage was taken from the house in Fourth sireel, abovo e'and- housc . . Uvery window where a nun had been fired M'cr, and dragged up side down.ihro' giving a de rum ,lc Oist r ict ; the hoso iniitred. and tho sal scriplion of Iho remains of an animal; the The excitcmcni which pervaded at this, carriage made a wreck of. The hotiso which, largest ever discovered. 1 he ball ot head time, cannot but be poorly described with of the Ihbcrnia Hose Company was also liter being boiled for a short lime, is decan- of the thigh bone, shows the probable length ,M0 P011, . A9 11 8ina11 bani of a,lvaB were .utacked, and a borrowed cairiage taken .ed and ready for use. In using this com of the animal to have been forty nine feet!- "' ' Vs. T " , . ,. ' ' T , ' . . . nu' 0ul "ol wrcih 1 he llrin llur,,,K tin nnr! nn p nnnttirr nf ifin mnlnl in iianafiii! A mnnrf llin Itnnna nf llin linni ti'nu fmintinli i . i . i . . i. r ..w.... , ..w .ww.,.,,. , ...ui.iwiui i ttvwoDuiTi-- ...w ..v. - Itll Hill. II 111 1 lift NIHIL II III I1I1L 1,1 KM III IWI1 fl. I . . i i i . i Pt,w. nf KVnliinltw. for P,5,lnl. and .1....1 .:i 1 ' : V ' . ... . ' . " 1 . ...V. .. . . ' Otimocr Wliere WOUIlUeU While w- --v. 1 - 1 inuwuvei uAimicii, anu uu, rusiii, auu oiuer iu?n ui iiiiincnsu siiu unn vi;iyni,ini ,ioiiiiiig iieei; one young man in 111 is pariy was buoi 1 .,pr ... :n .i. i.?..i i..ii. ni l.' 1 : 1 . 1. ... . . . ... . . . . i.: 1 1 . . L. 1 1... i---n on we iniru uaiioi, ineuuuic v icime,- maieriLis are dispensed with. It is only twenty nine tnciies at lis largest extremity, "'" a" 1 Thrco were killed instantlv and iwelv was liuurcu in iub riuni fiiuuiuer oy a uritK rr . 7 i,.., pr iiucen wounucu, some uangerouslv. ipon a stick9 or feather, this solution lo iheltliree hundred pounds. '1 he situation, in thel . rpnnripr fnr ihp. Nnilvp Ampripin n. A Mr. 1 awrencc, while slandin" on part to be soldered, in place of the material, structure of the animal, of lbi3 immense tusk well a a renorlet for this nanei.in common Second alroct, received a shot which for Mr. Spencer, Secretary of the freas- generally used lo prevent oxiilaiion ond fu. or us use, cannot be determined. with otherseemed to bo selected as a mark innately struck against a penny in his ... I I'. . .1 n e .1 11 C I. . I . I l.i ..( I...la Mm 'IMm f'...itii. Imnnnnail IvPlI liriplfpl flllll ftifll.lm im finiltn. nrv. ias resumed. 1 'I itate n o now oi tne soiuer. oncn is uu . in.,..,. '""". luiumi ""cr11"" munci )u -J C I .. I .inniiliinl.ill.i tit tint inln llm r-inL't? nf llm Inul.flllri. ll.i. I Ii I ...lnil. ll. ..U..1. I mcacy, nut n two pieces o. oar, possess fff Directed Enternrist.-Samv twelve i;a,i,iir-., hv hi. ,lnvi,r.,s ,.,hi... hthnr n..,nu - .r. " . :"' The excess of lolls on the Phila.IcI- nig considerable surface, be wet wilh "iibI aB since Mr. Samuel Williston. of 12atlie oacuped serious injury made all around. One small boy v hilo phia and Columbia Rail Road, during soiuuon auu presscu logeiuer, upon ine ap namp(on MaBsacbusetls, began the manu 1 here is anotlier incident connected will, .landing near the mat kel house, wan plication oi tne soiuer.ng tool tne aoiaer f Gf Cloth iiutlons. Bv desrecs he 1 s 7,n,r wo. T- ?' a l3S'"1' .- Nu uck with a ball onthelowci uill immPi inii.lv Hnw hnlu'upn llin n hIhh ..... n nnu a smiiii iiuuiucr ui nmi.v aiuuiiMin ' ..-.-.-v , IllOUgllOUt. huyscn, of Now Jersey, for Vice Presi- necessary to apply, with a bit dent. the last five months, over the corres ponding months of the last fiscal jcar, sS2G,302 5S. -HORSE STEALING. On Friday evening, the 2d inst., two valuable hotses, and a saddle and bridle were stolen from the stable of Mr. Al exander Jri veiling, of this township Upon their being missed tho next morn ing, suspicion fell upon an Irishman, calling himself Patrick Hutchinson, but whose real name issupposed to be Gradj .vho was prowling about 'the neighbor hood the day previous, pursuit wah made, and he wastraccd through Wilkes 'oarre, and caught on Salnrday night a bout 12 o'clock, 25 miles beyond, on the Easton turnpike, snugly stowed owaymbed at a lavern. 'Ihe horses ond thief were returned lo the county on Monday, and the thief deposited in -the county jatl, to await the orders of the Court, at the August term to taker journey to Philadelphia in company wilh the Sheriff. A serious and melancholy acciden' occurred on the Philadelphia, Wilming ion and Baltimore Rail Road, five mile.' below Havre de Grace, on Saturday evening about nine o'clock, by the col lision of two passenger Ira ns of cats which resulted in tho immediate death of one individual, and the serious injury ofsevertl others. Ono of whom ha? since had a leg amputated. HAIL STORM. On Friday afternoon, tho 2d inst., i --violent wind and rainstorm, accompti nied hv a little hail, passed over this place, tearing up by the roots scvera fruit and other (rccs. In Huntingion township, J.uzerne county, about 20 miles from tb' we learn that a larg quantity of hail fell, covering Ihe ground three or four inches deep, and Lreaking considerable window glass, as well it iniaterially injuring the grain. In llaz-' fclloa it was also very severe. expanded ins business and cniargeu his were reirCaliim, a horse attached lo a milk wealth. Iking of a generous disposilion,in wapon, became frightened nl lhc shouts and addition to manv acls of munificence anion!? yells ol the l,ulhulics, and dashed down Hit Cottazes of Unburnl Jfrick. Mr. Ells : ,,.,..,.,., i, i, , , i street with fearful rapidity lhc animal m HilO in n uruiuiii uu ihuuitib u nuiui wauifii U . , , , , , worth, Commissioner of Patents, says the , 1 i,.l.ni .nnin... ..r ii, n"'o. B"u 1,0 waS" ovenurncu a liw 1 1. w w w uiiu ' "llll w l w i w w w iiiv II. ,. mill twin n II i unn IV In IIKiri. experiment oi cneap cottages oi unourni (lay anu Ravo ()f his u.ealh mos, amply . . f . considerabl v in nrien nassucceeueu aumiramy. ino cot About two years since he endowed an in iured tigc erected by himself at Washington, in I stituttors for education in that town, by a The Catholic women turned oul in grcai lliniiiiera, uiiu wuic ueu lunuui in ii.ij handsome as the best brick houses; warm in Winter and cool in Summer. view ot tne uapuoi, anu which is two sto llonalion of $30,000. It has become highh ' u'"""". ' k ii i v, . i ru i iiii. ii iviiiir iiii'ir :iiirn is n t'u n i rics in tieigl.l, stands well, and appears as or0inoroUBi nnd recenilv he has added ao. , sTn .T,i,., .,i' B.,nt,n,i i IUIIInuaui vuu I ii i-ii i i , , w . anU HlfWn tn (.ia nrirrinnl npinnt Mr. V tl list nn 1 1 Ii a tian Cirtt irnmnn rnftvm it lilntv Irntn I 'UV ll III" VIIIIIUI Wk-lj UkUl, 1M lllMlll Mlj llllll Vllb UIIIUII IWV.V-1'WV Wf... U( continues tho business of manufacturing a missile over iho eye, and was knocked Some have doubled the nolicv of crcctin"Li.i. i i ..!.... i.: down She imincdiaielv regained her feel - UlUlll UU11UI19, illlU Oil UAlGllblvU UIG IIIH II1IUI I ... i i i i i . .1 ,uch houses in cold climates, but in Cana .., lha. ho no, onlv 6m)nies ncarlv ,i,P " J"1110!1 vv,lh ,h? l',shmiiing at the to ....... ' . . ations, mat no not oniy supplies nearly tne if ,1(.r , jt , ,el)), , l0 iefn. UU UIUSU UU1IU1UII3 IIUVU ueuil BUCi:usaiVUI .,- ninrkal hnl rpmilntna llin Irnflp in Ihl I C....I. l..... I ... i. ... . in .... .,. .1 , .1 - - ..nui. uu. ............ .... . oncn a seene, n.ia inn ueuil ivuucsauu in iCrwe niiutin.il our iiaimsoHies. prt)VCll. United Stales. iho d.sirict of Kensington, since .he memo bow to our friend Tate, for neglecting to mention in our last, that he had been tilecled a Lieutenant Colonel, by a ma jorily of 1 1 voles over his competitor, fter :i well fought contest. We hope he wil wear his honors meekly. pool dales fifteen days later than before P-ongo rec lived. Che Texas question of annexation had reached England, and produced a very groat sensation in political circles. Ireland was in a very excited state, mil our next account from GrealBrilain mist bo of the most interesting nature 'O'Connel and tho other Repealer.' who were convicted with him of a con spiracy, were not brought up, as it was rrxpected they would have been, on llu isrsi oay oi easier I April lorm, but a rule was served for them to appear be fore the Court on Thursday. A rub was also 6erved on the Crown, by 0' Conuel for a new trial. The result of these motions will be looked for within able riot which occurred near the G'lubi llillc nlii.nl 1 vnfirj noil The Rov. Samuel Woflard, of South Car jj u Ground Work. Mr. A. Ronald ' A7,ie O'clock. P M Kensington is yet olina, has purchased the Limestone Springs whoso Colliery is situated on Mill filled with laigu numbers of pen.0113, iiui! property, in Sparlansburg dislrict, from the rjj.jjgjj Iloar i0itt, villo has in order in overy uioineni olhcrB from the surrounding St.to Bank, for ihe sum of $20,000, and aval limScf of the use 'of the Railroad Ji'eis are pouring 11, We learn thai larg. ..... ,. . ,, .. avail nimscii 01 win usl 01 uiu iiauruau Bta,;i.s 0 tire arms and men aro secreted in lias presented .1 to the South Carolina openet an old jrlf(( whicll extends from Sl Michael's Church, nnd word has just ar Meiuouisi uonierence, provueu tney win Mij. Creck l0 Mt. Carbon Railroad, a dis rived thai moro than 1000 armed person Church A largt Native Amcr- 1 1 i n a 1 On I VV.i nrinrh V M A nnmlmr nf N'a FOREIGN NEWS, establish, in a certain time, a College with UIC0 0f upwards of twelve hundred yardb are in St Augustine's Cliurc The Steam Ship Hibernia arrived at two Professorships, one of Divinity, and H,1(cr ownthrough which ho now'hault I'onlire has been made by the IS 1.1 .1 1 1 ii.i - " iif:ins Ros'.on on Sunday last, bringing Liver- 11,6 n"ert" aw5 a'sn a house and lol lor a ,j10 coa, until tho Mounl Carbon and Carbon Railroad incompleted. jiaraening nooa. uy means ot a preparation, by exhausting tho air, and then infusing the sulphate of iron or other sub stances into the pores of wood for railroads, it is said the wood has been rendered so hard that the iron wheel of the car leaves no trace after more than a voar's use of this metallic' wood. me Americans have just arrived, and whilr naar Gcrmanlown Koad nnd becoud street number ol nnviiii? stones were showered Casper Hauser.h. New York cones Lwn 0 tem from die roof of a house, bui nondent writes: 'I received a letter Hit without any serious cllect 1 lie INaiivet other day from Germany, which states thai rallied, and stoimed 1110 House, breaking 11, J l.l. n iniHiLiiiiD Mt n Unt'irnl rtiina mnn nim 1 e r.i lli i..,l ii-B. I u uuB ) uui.ioi lui o uiu 11101 imv. kiiu ui tw w.,w .,w., l. Uil. uiilna nln il.n M IM... . M . 1UCUI1 llfcU UJT UUlll OIMI-Pl HIIU IIIU fill J H- Ilauscr, is about to be unfolded. Iho lei 1 Oatholicfi have complete possesion of tin tor states that he was the legitimate 6on 0) market, nnd seemingly each man in tinned, die Dowager Grand Duchess, that lie wn some with muskets, others with nflec, nut! i.n i.,e, ,i ,!,., ii ; ii,.,, Unn. nmi Uhot guns IIIU IU.I IIIU1U ULILtl till lb 111 ...U. .1.1.1 Ull. 1 ; n. n. . . , j;ttvin " much, v was taKPti out oi 1110 way 10 iiiuku m Tho mob collet1- ted about the lllarti wlitru Ihe fllltiff corn ., r. 11 t.. . .1." .1 t ft. , . II.. 1 .. . . .... iiam iiuooer i ioor Cloths. Mr.Uood- 'or anotucr laniuy, anu iinauy ansasbiua ,,ienced in tho alicrnoon l lio exciicmcni was moblinlnnso A fter partinlly demolish ing ihe brick house, from which a musket iiiiwi ! mil '1 llin nfl Afiwirili llllll? Iitrviifiil I.. f I'll1 1 ii 1 I m 1 1 fii t 1 er l"UB llini 111 iiiw ui v 1 uutni tin- iiiiitt-n iu ..1.. ui tn,..;,, which uiuiiiaiaiy win unvc juuwjneions, 1 no proprietors 01 tne 01 wnt(ls ,,0 Qiphairs As Intn, wliero they oil cloth out ol Iho market. 1 lie rubber is Charles Hotel yesterday treated their board were mel with a volley of inuskelrv from spread oer a coarse duck, the surfaco is'ers lo these delicious melons lit tho 'lasi iho liibli Onllinlics, w ho wero serreleu year, of Maseachuselts, has introduced a- led.' moiig his India rubber iinprovfuionts, a spc part of ihe abdomen, which, luckily inst uraz.- ed the skin. During llm latter pan of he afternoon, the houses on Cadwalla. Icr street, north ofMasier, were (1 tec!. ind continued burning for several hours No (ire apparatus was put in requisition It is said that several companies nude illcmpls to reach the spot, but were pre vented. Thoiexlent'of damages by the fire, up lo ibis lime, cannot be asceilained riom appearances, we judge that some ton or twelve buildings wore con- umcd. John Taggart.charged wilh tho shoot ing of Rhinedollar, was arrested yester day afiernoon, and laken before Alder man Haileau. Ho was commitled nnd put iulo lhc cuslody of an ofiiccr, to brs uiltcn lo prison. 1 ho crowd iliat fol lowed td the oflice.upon his being laken out, resislcd lhc cHoris of llio ofit cr to 1 xecu'e the commitment. On the wav down second stiect he was beset by iho 11 . . -. t moo, wno wero exciltd lo the highest pilch, and beaten and batleied in tho most awful manner. Propostiions weio made 10 hang him, and a rone was nut around his neck, wilh which he wan dragged some distance, until he was completely exhausted, and supposed to ue dead, Alter this he was laken tu the Northern Liberty watch house, wlure, it appears.-, he survived, and wad still living at lhc la6t accounts. It waa alleged that he was seen lo discharge a heavy musket twice, ond when ancslcu he had it in his possession, charged wilh a ten finger load. About daik, the military arrived on 'he ground under.lhe command of 'Gen. Cad w.i Under, and I heir appearance had the (fleet of producing quiel, and ihu.i ended the second day't, t;oi. mrYabTiUen. Tho Washington Globe concludes n w long and able article on Iho subject of lhc nexl Presidency, by saving; Mr. Van Uuien ia not withdrawn he in beautifully smuoih. ani. llm fiirnrpR nrn n.'nni.n' i ,llnn,.r Ti,nu lunrn r.np rinh nn,l "l iho sy hint insiaiilly killing one man ...i.,,, n ,1,.,. , r..i 1 1 i. 11 . mi 1 f.i. 1, ... 1 and morally wounding iwo oiheis The various as tl ev are tastellll. An Ini i vnl nw I T nn I nf in . vn iv K 11 i invi , ... ,. ..:.: r..i...ii i... . 1 . ........... . ........ . - ..-j . . I vniinn mini Uil ri . wn earn, is a h(in nl .ilr. , , v.u..u.y , neu.c ,.na, mbber fluor colh cannol bo worn ou( ar)J - , 8mark HpB(Whle yc, yo aro irudg Wnj,,,,, tho Cun.mis. inn Merchant on Vino Chrilllfl in in mn nnnoi il hm tlirAi.i . ... 1 1.1 .1.1 - ... I " - "w 11 can ue wastieu wild 1110 same caso as oil ing through snow drifts, Muskmclons on htnei whaif We wero unable to asrertafn ireljnd into an open stale of rebellion, cloth, the 17th of April, A'. 0, Picamme the names of ihe oihcrs iniurod will mil bo wilhdtawn, but by the sanio voice of thai great parly which has ip viietl him to tho position he holds. L t lhc Demnciacy of the whole Union teuiaiu assiucd of llii, Washiugion let Icr writers to the conliarv nolwithiland- Tlie firing ing."