The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 04, 1844, Image 1

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    1 havo sworn upon the AUnr of (Joil, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson
Volume Viai.
.Vuinbcr 2o
Oi-rosrn: br. Paul's Ciitntcit, Main-st
The COI.VMJShO njiMOCP.OTwillbt
published every Saturday morning, at
J ii u I)()l,I.JIIi!S per annum jiayiwli
half yearly Hi tidvautc, or Tuo JJotlan
Fifty Cents df not paid within the year
No subscription will betakenfor a shorter
period than nix months :'no'r any discon
tinuance permilled,until all arrearages
are dise.hurgid.
.11) f'Jill TISEMJi NS n ot exceeding a
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One Dollar for I he. first fhrccinserlions,
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ijuent nscrtion. CT"Jl liberal discount
made, to those who adv. rlisc. by theytai
I. liTTHHS addressed on busiiess,mus
be post paid.
The Marquis of Normanby wag proceed
i ii 5 U) rc;ly on the question of Ireland,
u linn
I he Lord Chancel'or took Ins sent nn
lie woolsack, nml eomplaiued that lie want
ed lo speak, when
Tlie Marquis of Normanhy said that Ii
was cxtremelv unfair, anil that the I
1 n -it w -----n i - mrrsxxwma
ClIAt'TUIl 1.
Mmv arc Ihe iliiik Idols
which iii
i. ...i. ii. .... r i i:i..
tl.ionii c.i"-i uvt'i in': i'U'- "i hum. no in'-
.mini' I fn t fin 1 1 inn - flf ill litn r :l II I ! 1 1 PSlI
ii. ii t . t .t.i.i I r" V '
uiii.ll. ximr Mao i.u .u a,..-.m . ... . , .
u llll'll
nv sirs. suuTin:r.
How ! gains the leak so fast?
Cle-m out the hohl
llni-it up thy uierehaudisn,
Heave nut the golil,
Thoic let the infills go
Launch thy baik, Mariner !
ChrUiian, (Sod speed tlieu !
Let loos-c the rudder band
Good angels speed thee .'
Set thy sa'ilri wirrily.
Tempest will mini :
Sieer thy coiuse steadily
C hrisiains, sicer home !
Look lathe wcntlicr Jin '.-.- ..
Uriakcrs are uround thee;
Let fall the plummet now,
Shallow may ground thee.
Reef in ihe Cmesail, there 1
Hold the Xelm Lull
So Id the msel wear
There sweep3 the blast.
'What of the nigh1, watchman! "
What of the night?'
Cloudy all qui-,c
No land yet all's right,'
Ilu wakeful, bu vigilant
Danger may be
At an hour -Alien all sccrneth
Securest to thee;
Now the bhip rights;
11 uriah ! the. hulior's neu
Lo, the red lights !
Slacken not a sail yel,
At inlet or island,
Straight for the bearon steer,
Suaight for ihe high land,
Crowd all thy canvass on,
Cut through the foam
Christian i cast audio w
Heaven is thy home.
T 1 1 'fsiLK NT LA N D
Into the Silent Land,
Scvnial Louis cried nut, 'Yes ho has.'
Lord Riougham. This is all irregular.
You are all out of order. My learned
friend, Lord Cumpbell moved thu adjourn
ment of the debate and did not sueak, which
1 am very clad of.
Lord Campbell. As to you, you speak
us or seven times on every sutuect. l on
iro alw a s uiegular.
Lord Rrnugham. 1 irregular ! 1 wil
tot submit lo be told by n novite -a per
son w'no knows not even the A 11 C of par
liamentary enqueue; n grossly ignorant mid
uiosl singularly empty individual. I say
I will not allow suuh a person In tell me I
im irregular; and, as lo my being innonsis
cut, I say once for all that 1 have alwayr
ecu consistent in thinkivg lii'n the rnosi
grossly ignorant, the most eminently, pre
iosleroui,ly,and undeviatiiigly self sufficient
iidividuil I ever had the misfortune locdint
.ii runtaet with.
Lord Campbell said, that whoncver
Hiiiled his noble and learned friend, he
would nrovo his noble and learned fiiend
o be the moit unprincipled and mosi a
illiatin" individual that evei deserled
auso lo which he had solemnly pledged
Lord Brniisham, I defy my noble mn
'earned friend lo the proof of- what he a
.ens. lie is a
The House then adjourned, and the tie
fiMtstep of ciini" havo been; but nevci
its powoi maniferitcil in s.icli ilreaillu'
in chi,i ever its bliu,liiiiini: nsltini shown
so fearfully, . wh u it se z s on Mio-o-
lerlinns ofotlr nalurc which mi-' left u.,
he relics of lvlcu s innocence .& lurnes'
them to ministiis of our own dark pur
-....mmicli in mivmas'y; loras r
,iased ihiough it we'fouiid
Lord Campbell (on his legs) exclaim
nir vuliitinRiiilv. 'You're another !' and w
Loid Uroupham gesticulating with awful
his emotion..', hitler disappointment, an
ijer against his rlnld, rage with himself
for his own hliuiluu4 md stupidity, in
not preventint; thu poisibilny of Mich an
veil", in lorhiililion the young man
Us hutNH, lie . Hilt down anain in t.lw
eal from which liu had I isen, unable ful
io mi! 1 1 rni! to siiciilt.
Alice alarmed .it the slate lo which
iier confession h id bmUdhi her lalhei.
knelt at his leel, with I cm is btSMiijh
Hi, Minimi. I will lorn V(I l'lt0 A',c
tit suit in a I mil lil l Mi- voice, Ml thou
will inilueil be my child mid obey me.
Would my been u loni
uo in ihe ur.ivo of my l.ilhers, rather
lnu have i;rowu i;rrfy,io hear a dii,hiei
of Ihe house of Dis Leon contess Hi n
i'ii lutli loved a bise hjin peas
The main fu.ilnrp of my lale is one f.u
from uncommon: for while tha love ol
rnld ; or that of pas.ioii; life a nature,
houuli men have ftiuen H a more nob .
oatne, inle with ihe it" iron sceptre tin
hearts of men. there will not he wanUny
many, (it many he Ihe ureatrr ,r' 0
men are such,)who, si range in to any
more gentle feelings themselves, can
little for them in others; there will noi
be wanting fathers, who, without it?
'noise, will cloihe their children in pur
pie and until, unheeding of the breaking
hpai t the idle splendor hides.
let, were 1 to cive such n charactr
i. hi me
conquered; and turning lo his child, lio 'Nay,' interr -pled tin- 0n in.,,,, . t
4aid in a stein voice. No blessing will thy father It. mself judge llivo
"I'u tiinu who uispiscs ner l thy ave to speal: with linn u
lathei's house. If ihuu dost inatiy this suhj:t?
iijii, iiiuu wiii onug upon iny iieau the
read eoii! ol a l ilhers broken lieari.
'o-muirw uiuining, Chat Irs Lonuville
vill visit thee. Receive him kiudlv.oi
Voiii "hat time thou shall no longer he
ny lUuglncr.' Wih these votds be
n Hie
'That father he
,iil egeilv. 'A
is not,' renlicil the
bise bom peasan
.voiild nol strve so neai the iierson of
he nobl" I ii r d of Nurinantoi
.eilher would he bear ihe noble bro
md linn heat 1 ol Oeiaid DumoiH.'
'Cm ses on his fear aii'l btav
ne.iH,' teiuiiied the 11 nun, 'if he u
lieui but lo bring shame upon our 1hju-
lie would tiol sei ve at all, gill, when
his biith such as beftis thy husband
Ilul Alice, 'he cnutiiitied in a sofiei tone
Hunk befine thou te fuses! to fulfill m
fondest wish. See ihe husband 1 luvt
elioeu for thee; than will find him
to Ihe Hirnn tie Leon, 1 should do him ..,,.... i,,indsome. rich, noble. Tliinl
'ome wrong, lie loved his only chil.i , f ,,. ,U)U dost that which w.ll bie..k
AIicp with a loudest love; lie would
have Epurednothini; lopleaseier, ... , nnliei ' said the utI
it cost him his heart s blood. Hot there .. t , .. wuu,,, nt ,iiat ihy d iniili
was one thing which an old Normin tep ;,)U, ujve .r UM Wlere llr,
Uarno, of ancient line, whose eeiHcl.- CJ) uf.VPtr 0,'
I on had been handed down without a ', ,,., Alice ne L,.0ii.ialk not thus
hint for sge, could not give up hi, , . onv c,ic, thou knowin.
.i i .ri.:.- ir. i.i
uonor. tne nonnr oi ins ri'f. in- t
We piss nvi-r the time that c'ansed
p. . ...
aner uie celle we Have desc iueu
ime Ihat made a sad change in Alice de
Leon. Her tlaik lus'ro'is eve hau
;rown dim; the blush of healih upon
oei cheek hid .one, her light and fairy
like step had become heavy;, as though
ii me Lidiuciiy oi youm Had passco
i way. ohe was the belioyed of Cuailee
LoiiftVille. She had seen her t'lheiV
aalili decaying, care making deep tui
ow on his aged blow, she had heaio
i ni walk resilessly in liu loom during
He liouis ol the night, or groauliii;
ie.ivily in his klucp and she cuuld nol
ull her f.iihei. Ueraid Dumout had
if course been banished from the casll
hy the tiaron's oiders, but by the hel
ol her attendant maideii,shc had manag
ud to let him know all the cireums'taiice
winch hau lutceu her to lake hack the
faith she had plighted lo him. 0
huu, loo, daik file pressed with
ntavy Hand, tun wiuio Ii i liearl wal
iwell nigh breaking, ho was ohl ged to
Ml mv failier chooseth lo sec Mine, of
otiise I cannot pieveutil. In lint' I
ee not why thou hast spoken to n.e on
the mailer.'
'For this reason; I know report 'uili
uf'en tell foul lieif, mid 1 would I a n
from thine own lips the ituth, lt I had
lone thee a harm instead of a kiiulm--.
''arewell, lady. When we next met.t.1
(rust thy fortunes may be bnghiei.'
iy Ihe order ol Lndy Alice, Ihe old
man was conducted to a large li.ii,linn.
round the troplueu ol De Leon's ancient
proweis, banneis and aim, and oilier
.polls taken in bal'le, as well as old
family picluri-w. Heie he was led to
wait ihe Huron's p'eisuic. He looked
round lor some tmiiuiet,-, seemingly
losi in thought. 'Pride troeih btloie u
tall,' he muttered to himself. I hivo
waited long, De Leon, for my lime,but
l Knew it would come. 1 know that
crimes like thine would not die unre-
veuged,aiul 1 know not lfow I could
more deeply wound thee and thy child,'
he conliued, Mhe sing of the father shall
oe visited upon the children.' Ho was
inieinpteU by the entrance of lha
' Thou woutdsl speak with me, old
mat.?' he s ml. 'If thon h ot t huon thul
I can gmn. it .hall be thine.'
Knowest ihou to whom thou tmkts!
have centered alLmv
j, -,. v .v... v .
fl Courteous Magistrate and an Jlccom
noduling Police Officer. .The Washing
ou Correspondent of the l'iul.i. Ledger ii
in amusing letter about ihe lato 'meetinu
between Messrs. Uiu'er and Seholt, says;
l,reviout lo thu duel, the Sheriff (I
from Uladeusburg. I believe, was on tin
ground, and seeing the parties arrayed in
haitle. informed them thai he was about lo
..nidi itinm. nl thev had intruded on tin
Maryland side.
Will then,' observed ot.e ol the leconiis.
wr will keep within the distiiet.'
That's quite another sffaii,' quoth tin
Sheiiff, ! have nothing to do with thai.
Whieh is ihe boundarj line?' deinandco
one of the war patty.
1 will draw it lor yon,' tephed Iho so
her Jusiiee;and the hue of deiiiarkalion wa.
If you keep beyond that lino' said lb
,.,r,n' u ill, rnnrieous Suuihern bow, 'I
can't arrest you.'
Pnii'iiinl and seconds I banked him. ant
he Sheriff remained lo 'see ihe sport.'
Af.rr ihe ilupl was over another rear
Urtr' ir, m told one of Iho cmlleinen
.1 -i . . . ... .
Ah ! who shall load us thiihert
Cloiu'.s in Ihe evening sky more darkly gath vou meat) (0 f ,,t) j lvi show
. 1. I-. .1.!.!.- ' ... i
you a place where no one shall see you
liu thicker on the
And shattered wrecks
strand !
Who leads us with a gentle hand
Thither, 0, thither,
ltito the Silent Land I
Into ihe Silent Land;
To you, ye boundless regions,
Of all ncrfection ! Tender morning visions
Of beauteous souls ! Kierniiy's own band!
Who in life's battle firm doth stand,
Shall bear hnpo'a tendet blossoms
lino iho Silent Land 1
0, Land 1 0, Land I
Tor all ihe broken hearted !
The mildest herald by our fate alloticd,
To lead us with a soft and gentle hand
ljujo the, great departed !
In death, 0, whither,
Hut to the Sdnut Lund !
fThe place chosen was so near ihe railroad
line that the parties could very Ui.tinctiy oi
teen from the cars.j
How an old maid always eyes s singl
aaniUniaii ! She looks at him just as sue
docs at a dog in do days wondering
whether he iutotids to bite.
An Irish drummer, who now and then in
dulged in a noggen of right good polteen
was accosted by the reviewing general
'What makes vour noso look so rent
I'laso vonr honor," replied Pal, 'I alway
blush when I spako to a general officer.'
thai I hive loved thee Willi mole llian s
1 ..tlier's love. I have watched Ihei
ruin mf'nrv, and as beauty giew will
,1,1' iv:.r.-. I have loved Ihee mote an(
nun- illpi ly. 1
ill ie-i on thee. it ihou do-.' man
lii, Geiaiii Duniooi, ii will be Hunt
mvii act will lay my grey head in n
gf.ive of soi low.'
Alice was much moved. 'Thou hast,
indeed. ' she said, while she thiew hei
.ii nis aiound lie Leun'.Micck.and turned
iei weeping f-ice up lo his. 'Ihou has'
.oik til, been mo-e than a father tome.
Hut oh! thuuOin hast loved me so tin
duly, would'st nol hiing misery upm
me? What are riches and honot, whei
,11 lies cold and dead williin? Oh, mj
ailu i! ihou wert j oung once, and hasi
hou nol loved? as nol theio once a
,,n. when thv suit it was filled will,
ne haniiy ihougln? when to thine eyes
,11 naluic seeint (I anayed in lines ol
gioiy? when buds, und winds, and
,!. all sounds of caith and heaven
,.,.,iii.d lo whisnei lo thine ear one
.I..I .1,... Illill writ I III' (Ml? Ol
. - . . . . . .... I lull r i ii. l
bravery while fichlnmg under his skim . , , ,u cloms lotjiken a
in mote peaceful spoils, of his UP""1 ht,BVen , ,rjRht 3 mine liallt been.
hearing null graceun manueir, Thi ILrmi htood lor a moment in
not bear lo think his iinblo castles ami
wide dnman should ever pa- into Mn
possesiinn nf.a lioiisi! Lms nohle ilnn hi--iwn.
The sif'-'y of his uviit'-r depeii'i.
rimily, and Mie lliren had for imi'
been seeking for some hciie wlioe aim.
nighty in all hnno', be quirten-d with
Ms own. The young Ch.nK Long ille
eemed to him in all lesperls a fi' siii'or
or his daughlei's hand, and he neve
"or a moment, anlicipaled I lint. o hand
omc & acrompli'hed a nian.who-e mm'
W..S hacked by het falhri mo t. earnes'
wi.hest, would meet with any nlisiscle
u ihe hand ofthe youig lady heiselt
Y t, so ii wa.
Inoneoflhc rambles which Laiij
Alice had been used lo make in the
urrounding forest", permuted hy her
indulgent father more freely lhan pin
lence, perhaps, would have dicla!
had chanced to receive some trifln t:
issislance from a youMi who served n
ihe irai'n of a neighboring noble Repnr
said he bad distinguished himself by hi
confess thai lie would not have wished 80 g'acious an oll.r,Unon De Leunr'
nei lo act othei wise. atu Mie old man luuking eaniesMy at
It wauled only u few days to thetime ',lln'
tppointed foi Ihe mairiage, when, one 'I know thee not,' he lepl'.ed.
veiling, a sei vanl informed the Lady 4 1 hou knowest nie once my name
Alice, that an old man stood without, is Grant. '
ie-iiing earnestly lo speak with her,he Dc Leon started as though a fcrtient
nail ihe appearance of a pilgrim, and had bitten him. 'Art thou indeed the
aid ihat lie was travelling homeward'a,ner - .
iiom a long journey, and had matters of 1 was ,1,e 'at'cc ol the unhappy ilary
great iniportanco t'o cIl.'9uJnirlifouii? i?,eJ2P,'-83'cl-htlTJnalu,I"i "
ner maid desire nm to tell his news to uu muuui muu umi, reiurneu
the llaion, but when she returned with llie Ji-'ion wiMi a frowning brow,
ihe jitlgiim'tf earnest riquest to be ol- ' That piper may convince Hue that
sowed io Eee her, affirming ihat his tale he betrayer wa beiiByed,' and .in-
would he lold lo no one but herself, shi 0,11 ",a" uanueu mm tue papn JS ,IU
conscnicd lo admit him. He eeemeo 3l'ke.
very old, with long while hair; yet h De Leon unfolded i , a i.l wiih a ges
i.n eves had not lost all their lustre. llr,s 01 a8ion,nmeni looKeit ii.r -oli i
"i i t I . i I lV'.iIi I.. I i.
ii.ii u BUiiiciiidi ouiii iiiui U'll'ir,
md a close obsei ver might have markei
herself willies. The seivice he h.n
i lence, gazing oti ihe
lone lo the Lidy Alire piocmed bin ,A",'(1 eat, 'iei me
dmiilancelo the Haron's castle, wheie v as ,l0Uaii ,l0w.
face of his child
When 1
i .,..,.
.it,, a iWilli.ll '1 LT II (III .11 I till IV. 1 IUU iillll.1
ie. soon liecame a nrqu.:... Kui-a. , , , . ,L.n,.., lea en
'avoriie with Ihe Uaron, as well as in- , lirili aiuA fIM. ,ul unknown, of
numhle biiih. I u,ave mysell up to tin
nasiun ihat was soon master of my
,oul: I lei il lead win ie H would, and it me 1 da i e not tell ihee wniiner.
Hut Alice, in my heail il set a sling
vhoe cm irl is btiiuing even lo this day;
laughter, the former, with Ihat slrangr
blindness so ofien seen in such eases,
never ihinkinz of the danger thai (In
handsome youth might engage hi
hiei'ij affections, till it was ton
The llaron first made tins fearful di
enveiy when he announced to the Ladv
J . i iii-
Mice, that on the morrow Mie wuniu in
visited hy one whom lie wishpd her
receive with favor. 'Thou knowest
Mice ' said ho 'that on thee depends l
Mm honor of the family; anil il is Mm
ihou shouldst wed some house equa
in honor to our own. Moreover, I an
urnwinc old, and would fain see
chancff of some one to inherit Ibis nl
casMc, before I am carried out of it. Bu
i a cuise that ha Mi h.uin'ed me da)
S,' night for j ears and years.Oh gul.lhir
n iijI love; believe me II is no1; n is i
f. he deluded passion, brim
hee nothing but bitterness and sorrow
I'l.ic i not love. Love's nature is lo
ies. not lo ci ise to fill the heail
wiih joy, nml hind together wiih iu
olverc'iid, husband and wife, father &
h'llil: nol lo sow there trouble and di
.in il. and aeonv Oh. inV child! Cast
" " ' , - , .
I'll.,. Iw.jiI line n.isi.lll that Wll
- ,. i . , I III) HI III, ". I.-
I will leave ihee to-night lo thy resl. & ,,)eu rjBieve mej, hath nol heave.n
o them a somewhat evil oxiiressio n. eturned il saying, Whatever m liln
1 .king a low levercnce lo the lady, he have been thy purpose in cuintnS to me,
jeuted himself ai her command, and ap- 11 W3S a bad plan to bring loig-tl pa-
ejred lather embarrassed how to com srs.
nence his 1013'. 'Would it be askini: The old man took the naner. and re-
too much, lady, lo le,t an old man speak heated calmly, 'It is a true paper, Baron
till Iheo quile Jlone,lor a lew mjinen 6 inu not a lorgtry; and II was a true.
he s.Md, for Alice had desiied her nism naniage betwetn theeand my daughter
o remain in iheioom. uul not a cheat as thou didst suppose
'You may liust my attendant, ' sh The pnesl himself gave me that paper.
replied, Mvilh anything to my It seems thy agenl had mote comcieuco
Welfare. ban his master.
'It might be belter otherwise,' re- ,, . . .. . .
' ""h .'..III n inoi'eil Irne. A lipnjipr t'pnnp-,n.n
uined Ihe seeming pilgi nn; 'but let n I , , ,
he so if it is thy pleasuie.' Hepiuied h lie nau y leu was coming ,.n huu
'Thou wjlt Wonder, lady, thai an oh. ,,r 1113 ei: crime. Ann u uan ui
nan shokild uo lo address" thee, high him misery enough before this y -t f
ioi n and fcTeauiiful, on such a subject. hitter remorse fur the fate of a young girl.
Dip I have known iheelong, lady jlovedU-hom he hai'. fat be thutighO lieimed
hee, a. an old man might love his ...,i tlrnP, o.v . uir,i. ... ,n.
Iaughiei;and I would fain du aufchl ii . L . , .. . , a, .
. . , . roni uii I'vihi'i m u inu emu iiufc
my power to minisler to thy happiness , , . , . . .
'J.'. . ... r . V i he had eanei unon was liresUuu I
A tew winds win snow inai i uuuw , - "
. . I.iwluuil in litis ndf in ird Muiifu t, v K .
nee. Thy mother died when Hum ' - r"" 1 " u,
werl vat an infant; and thou hast lover blnul fame, Uy stiowlng that hi.j.ia.ifrl nr,
thy father eo dearly, that thou art now No prized, so loved, so dined on; whouii
bout .lo sacrifice thyselt lor him, o was about to give awny in
marrying a man thou dust not love.' uc, pomp and a,ile:idur. was not leguunaift
'I hdve hut Utile iliaiiKs lu give thee, fof ,lf) knew ,ha, puor Marj. W8fc Mve aJur
aid Alice proudly, 'for into Ml. ,le haj n)arried ll0 nio.lier of Alice
ecrets of my family , and then coming
in tell mc what 1 knew full well.' in" vv'm,Ks """ "auBimr li d reeen-
'Heie me out, lady,' continue 1 the -d at the hand of We Lton hud driven Grant
old man. 'Ihou lovestoue of Hi. know . iltnosi mad; lur Ins pn,s no seiii-d down
ihat thon mayest arise wiih a brigh .'f 1leomM ot wilh Miy fattiei
f T ""Mendel!' loMvir.6' ? 'Innders.mid Ihee no,, father. Why
-yes, thou ,hisi no, love? It halt
, ...,,iuf,M.n lU.L-n,, 'irouglitioy anu giauness io my nean
i .. .. i. : ! . In ii. t J I ion i, 7 r m , U hath been a blessing and net a curse
vore pr- he. ould bind us all togeMier will,
l ' ,i. v'. .i..i,. breath ess hand. Oh! do ihou bless
marriage Willi iiib yoinu. io nuiur-i
did that f.own become, when askine v blcS3"'S w C01C P
iinexnectedunwillinciies' ,s' a"'
he learnt that she had no longer a heat! U Lon spouo noi lor some minuies,
The Chinese have a notion that the conl
of a poet passes into a granhoppcr, because
itiiilja Mil it stattcs i
hiith I know his parentage.'
Alice stalled, but did not intcnup
His parents were noble a Miinc own
And Ibis was my pUlpoe in cnui.n
liiihei; it) off r ihee, if ihou wi i uccep
i, em. mv mm vices with thy l.ihei:t
whom I will lell such things, Ihat h
urn a net p, uuruiuu uesiro i.i revinjiH.
vluch he bad fnsieied in hii: Ik-mi i..r e rs
A'lihniH any nppnitiinity in taking li t
teemed to him siillii'ieutly dreni ul n-
g ance. Wow Ihe lime tiaii eo:im vhe-i ho
would wound htm in the leiulttesi pm Mm if
his nature, in his daughter; nod m his pm o
shall himself desire Iho maich as mud. A preseni, howeier, Im veiled Ins d ik
is thou dol.' Ipuipose, and professed Ilia! he li.ul rrme lo.
'Bui ail Ihou sure of I hi, old man;' re.urn good to his child for (he evil Da Leon
she replied, looking attentively in liu n nl done bis own. He rmnited eternal
face. Hill il II he so, il is luo law, Ai. geereev if die Damn would co sent to the
i prepare", the tnaiiiage cannot be u, bclwen Alice and General Du
ii i i
Think, lady, how thy f-llur's heail
will It ap w Mb joy, to hud thai In
nonnr and thv liJiinliif.ks can bulb h
ilVl,(( i!,e n. io i ar iettr-iu ...insenint t.e eve
i . I r.lil. ..... iiliian lliu nhl i,l!ll llMa liearl. which wei o almost loo siroiHil 'I fear his honor would lie in dang'r iir.inused that t' I ''.ui'.'i-i he
ws no ayerpowerjd wiilt'lhc vatie'y o'Tot his rvoildly policy. Ubl the bttcHw-U-lHUl?, ioi&villci,' ai Alice. ,'pper i Mih ic the juo'pic, of htj,
give; but when in fearful accenls slu but paced the room with troubled siepw.
nfessed that lo Gerard Dumout hei Tying. lo master (ho heller feelings of
imiiii on no other iciin' II iliese were
ioi iiirreed -to, Ins t .Io slmuhl be tnld,
I'resM.d hv ie (i-irid'M' irt aier sliauie,