The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 27, 1844, Image 4
-I f 6 mm from Wash n InA, thai on Sni1y I a t Prrsiilent Tyler transmitted Id t Senate nf the Unlird Slates the TREA TV ANNEA'ING TEXAS TO THE UNITED STATES. The Senate immedi Ttmv went nto accret session, and l id no ' ' ... ,l. I... - . -..1 MMlh lurmi 1IUI1 lis uuuia mi kHTrirtl iniiiia lit. ivnim " 0"A 1 . , . I I IT t "i He iremv nave not vol ueoit inaue nuoiici V -An important movement also transpired i oS te mmc day in tho House of Reprcsen ihiita lit rpunril to lbs Tnuff I ho new Ifj-M t ! nf Mr M'Kay was taken up by , VJte of 1 10 to 01; and in now under rifisqrssiun, but it is generally believed that ilft .'M rannni pass, and that the present jMjfl T will remain as it is I RESIGNATION OF GOV.SIIANNON. Governor Shannon ofOln'o, having been t a ipjunted by President Tyler Minister to 'Mysjco, has resigned the office of Govern oso lhal Stale; and we presunm the Demo TMid 'Duckeyea' aro not all sorry. T.W. Ifhntoy, Speaker of the Senate ( Demo 'cai).has become Governor by virtue of the t5tuiitii)n. anu lias entcreu upon tlie tils fJrfcfge of his duties. Mr. Hartley i the ' sy Mordecai Hartley, the present Whip irtarfOftiute for the same office. Curious. Thero nro strong doubt whether Mr. Harper, the Mayor elect of New York, ran constitutionally discharge the duties of his office 83 it is alleged that lie arrived in this country from England when about four years of age, and has nev. rr taken out letters of naturalization. A strange anomaly it would present, should it be made to appear that the Native Jlmcr icens had elevated to offico an unnalurali zed foreigner Infanticide in China. From the inves tigation made by the Rev. David Abeel, Missionary to China, it appears that pro bably about one third or nno fourth nf nil the female children of that country are slain soon after birth. A machine by which old woollen rag? can be. converted into superfine cloth, nt a .vine of money and labor, has been intio duced into this country finm England. The cloth made in this way is rotten, and liable to tear very easily. Manufacturing Artificial Marble. The Fittsbiug Chrnnirle says an individual lias a mode of manufacturing marble which t pronounced superior to any oilier artifi cial itona or marble in use, and will-super cede the use nf lime mortar in the varied processes of plastering, will be extensively used for stucco work, mosaic, statuary, mantle-pieces; tablo slabs, atmospheric and hydraulic cement, rnnfing of houses, paving of streets, &c. It will set or harden in six hours wlion applied in plastering houses. It will resist the action uf atmospheric heat, damp, frost, &c , and is susceptible of a high polish, and can be manufactured at a cost little exceeding ordinary lime mortar. The Magnetic V'elegraph. .The Nation nl Intelligencer says; "Considerable pro. tress has been made in the construction of the Magnetic; Telegraph, the invention of Professor S. F, B. Morse, upon which a test experiment i3 being made under the authority of an act of Congress. Tho line of conductors is constructed as far on fiom Washington as to a point on tho lino of thr v railroad opposite lo the residence of C. H. Jalvert, Esq (six miles) and the work is making progrexs at tho rata of about n mill a day. A trial of it was made on Tuesday ss ihe cars pasaed Mr. Calveit's by commu nicatir.g the fact of their passage lo the point al which the line begins in Washington; and an answer, acknowledging tho receipt of tho in lelligence, was received back in t wo or ihree seconds." IMPORTS OF SPECIE. From a table in Hunt's Merchants' Mag jizino, furnished from the Treasury Depari ment, it appears tint tho amount of specif imported into ihe United Statrs in the yeai 1843. was S23 7.I2 031. Of this am'fUH' 817,251.470 were in gold, and SO. 33. 075 in silver. This is greater by about $0,000 1)00 than the unpins of any year sinAe 181 1 'IVie amount exported in 1713 wu mm ,1111 uimaivauHH Fni"Cw re twenty (m'ma . tajWBWiaBHK - seventeen millions passatrpet-dtttancpj thin 250 miles. It is itn possible In mate the number of letters which passed side the mail. rhe steamboat New I'liiladelplna, one lie line between Philadelphia and N k, hears a Fox on one paddle box, and a on tho other, while a wooden Hoostci plies on tho pilot house. ere is an axe manufactory at Collins vilLbotil fifteen Wtt:n from Hartford, Cl, will trims out eight hundred a day, yet cunt fill all its orders. There aro one liunl and forty five men employed in it Thetoisell for 13 3 ilc.en, MORE OF THE WHIGS ELEC TlOiVEERING GAME. Tho reader will probably remember hnu much capital tho WMl's made in lolO In illuming t It u endorsement uf clergymen for lluir candidate. I hey have already ut tempted the same course in 1843. Rut they do not find it quite so easy lo procure tho lufititnce of the clergy in favor uf the western duellist as they did fur tho moral and amiable Ilairtson. Still Ihey feel the importance of securing this influential and weighty portion ol our citizens, and to pro euro it has fallen on tho old gamp of pipe aying, for winch they are so justly distiti guished. Tho following letter jrom l)t Gapers, n distinguished minister of the iVmhodisl churuli i) Hie West will show to what means they have rosnrled in older to obtain tho voles of the religious community for their candidate. It seems that n forged letter, purporting to have been written by l)r Capers, and glorifying Henry Clay, lies been put in circulation Newark Morning I'ost To the Editors of the Itichmond U'hi ukntlumun: l am inueoieu to my friend, the editor of the Richmond Christian Ailio. ate; fot a copy uf the Richmond Daily v iu: oi me om nisi, in wuicn i unii an articlo copied from the Louisville Journal, purporting lo be 'an eulogium on Jr. Clay by the Rev Dr Gapcis of South Carolina.' from a speech said to have been delivered by Dr Gapers, 'before the whig convention of Alabama last year 1 tic speech is high ly applauded by the editors of the Louis villc Journal, and; they say; by the Haiti more Whig, ir. which latter paper, Icon elude, it appears before its publication in in c former Now, of the merits of this speech as a party t'lFusiun, 1 hive nothing to say; but I im in tiuli concerned about the mutter of its authorship; and the more, since in the dis charge of my duties as secretary for miss ions in the southern and southwestern divi siunof the .lethodist conferences, I passed everal months last earjin the quarter from whence cqrnes tjip speuclj You vv ill,tliere fore permit mo to say, that there it, and there,has been, but one individual known under the designation of 'Rev. Dr. Capers of South Carolina, 'either in South Carolina or elsewhere; and that iiiat individual (li.iv ing now the honor io sddress ynu) was nev it present nl a whig convention, or any ther political meeting lit Alabama or else where. laft year or at any time lie never in his life imile a political speech, and so fur from it, has refrained fiom voting fur anv iyil officer since the time when, in a sirusr le to put down Sunday marketing in Un ity cl savannah, (some twenty lour years go) the candidate whom he supported lor this solo purpose, having been e.cctcd, went against the measure lam gentlemen; of South Carolina; and thete is no peculiarity of this State more congenial to mv lasto and feelings, or which my understanding more entirely approves, than that which makes it scandalous for ministers, of the gospel to be bandying poli tics 1 had the mortification to hear, some nine months ago; that polnical speeches, nl the same party character as the present and from the same quarter, were imputed to me; and 1 then exculpated myself (hs I hoped) through the Southern Christian Advocate uut it seems I could not gain the ear ol political editors through the channel; and I am therefore -ionslrained. at tlie nrcsnm time, to roueai you to publish this dis claimer, as an act of personal juhlice. And I extend this request, through you. to In (laid more 'Vlug, the Louisville Journal; and other papers who have published the libel wiierrul i complain. 1 am, gentlemen, very respectfully. WM. CAPERS. Chaiileston, March 18th; 1815. S U 13 M Alt l NjTiTa T TE It Y. An immense concourse of spectators. not less, as we apprehend, than fifteen thousand men, women and childrpn,wii itemed the expeiimcnU on the Etiien Hranch, which were made by Mr. Colt. with his Suh-Mnrinc ll,ittory,lasi SiUn day evening, about 5 u'oluck. Tin contimioiii hillb', wharvcyhoi CK.biidgci buildings and trees ivcr all fully tied. Two sicamers well loaded with passengers and a number of small boat, were also seen keeping; liowevir, at a respectful distance, in the Eastern Branch. Two or three minor explo sions were exhibited before thu scamer on board the 'doomed .hip' made theii exit, which they effected Jinid the deaf ing cheers of the rauliitude,whose eyei were all towards her. She moved slowly, in sailing order, along the navy yard channel, and in a few minutes af ter leaving her mooring phco blew up tith a crand exnlosion, which raised tin Ktov of the vessel completely out of tin th in water, and seallereu her fragments in. i . . . - . -' Vu ri flic ,1 i rl Jfino Tl tvnnlil iinnni llitl " vviiuu.i ... u w w . . . ilia- ,e splosion was made a little too soon is hail the batteiy struck the vestel a niiiiutelattr, she would have been com pletely Nlestroyed 'leaving no wreck behind." The experiment, however, wo sup. pose may be considered as eminently Miccesiiful in itf result, showing as it did most compIelcly,lhe tremendous power of the Sub-Marine Hatlery, when appli ed lo blow up ihe ships of an invading enemy in their approach along rivers and hatbors. Nat, Int. The Legislature Inivo resolved lo adjourn on Monday nexi(ie 20th, Wo lind the the lollowine naracraon in a Icttor of the foreign cortcspondeir of Ihe New York Tribune, descriptive uf the Arsenal nl Venice. Uuw many if our modern inventions that Jiavi ihntit tho same claims to oi iginalil) ? 'Tho modern inventions of repealiitg nd revolving guns, such os Colt and others have constructed among us, nn here found anticipated by simo cen turies. In one gun I hoi o arc (went) barrels, which aio turned nroiinil by nessing a spring, while a flint anil Hammer, which icmaiu fixed on Ion, lire off each in succession. In Iho other form, there is only one harrol but five call idges revolve, and are successively lischargetl through the barrel. 1 his curious anticipation of both the modus of conflicting repeating fire arms seems too remaikablc for a inert; coincidence, and it would bo worth while to inquire whether any of the modern invuntots had ever prcviouily visited Venice.' Storm. We had the severest storm yesterday lhal we ever knew to occui at lilts season. It most have been ex iremelv dicasiroiM,if not absolutely f.dil lo vessels on the Likes. Snow I' J I in considerable quantities. I hero wer? drifts this morning of a depth uf three or four feet. Chicago Express, Match 30th. Cost op an English King. Thr Urand total of Ihe Iloyal expenditure from the accession of George 111. to the leath of Georgruhc fouith, was tin normous sum 92,0D0,857, or foui hundred million of dollars. VALUE OF CORRESPONDENCE It is proverbial at VVashington, that tlu people there, both citizens and members f Congress, are in a great measure de pendant upon Ihe Iclter-wi iters station ed there by the more distant pi ess, for n knowledge of most of Ihe local news & lomestic gosip, as it returns in the published coi respondencc. This fact? reminds uj of another which may be ited in apt illustration. A seruean' serving under the Duke uf Cumbei I and. in thu Lowlands in 17-15, wrote to hi. wife in London 'Send me some news- tpeis, that I m ly learn where we are nd what we are doir.g.5 OUTRAGE AND DEATH. Three men are in jail at Schenectady on a cnarne ol causing Hie death ol a woman named Jane Oillespie, of Oswc- i;o, on the LS I ult. I he lie Hector ays, they took the woman from a wagon nd compelled her to follow them to this city, on foot through Ihe mud. rriveil hero, ihey took her lo an un occupied house in iiuvernoi a lane, near the river, where they remained all night, abusing her person. On Ihe morning of the 23d, at about seven 'clock, screams of distress were heard to is-fiie from the house and thoic who arrived Iheie, witnessed an awful ?pec 'acle tho woman lying on ihe flooi,her clothing entirely burnt from her, sod sh- literally roasted alive! bhe was im mediately taken to the alms-houe, where she was propel ly cared for& she linger ed till tho morning in great agony when she expired. Tieinenduus Explosion al Norwich, CnnnCLticutund probably loss of Life. On Satiuday afternoon, the citizens of Nurw.ek wore thrown into consternation by i tietnendnus concussion, which shook their buildings with great violence, and oc casioned considerable damage in the ties ruction of cro. kery and window glass. Wtrihuling it lo the explosion of powder stored in a building erected for lhal purpnM hunt three quaiters of a mile from the tou n many persons repaired thither to a? erlain tlie i;auu and consequence of the -aiastrophp. They found the house. which lad contained between eighty and a hundred kegs of powder, a mass of ruins. In ilt vicinity were the bodies of four bnys; and 'hough life was not oxtinci, they had lieen dunned into a state of insensibility, and were incapable of rendering any account of dm disaster. Two of them, at least, are probably fatally injured, nnd it is doubtful whether more than one of the four can sur vive. It is probable that playing "ith pow lur in the neighborhood, ihey communicat ed file accidentally to tho contents of the milding. Rut this is only a surmise. ew York Journal of Commerce, COLD IN CANADA. To day is the first day of April. Yester day morning the thermometer was down to live degress above zero, this morning to ten degrees. Wc observe that at Montreal it is stated to have been below zero on Friday. The snow in this vicinity is near ly as deep as it any lime during the win ter, and iho ice bridge on the Sl Lawrence has got stronger by the freezing of the rain which fell at different tunes last mouth Wo may yet have a favorable spring, al though it cannot be now what is usually call ed an early one. ueuec Uaz. Died, February 11 th, al tho residence of his sin, in Norlh Wouubury township n.. i.r:r... t....i. ii- ci--,. 1 11 .. 1 .1 'ol 10 n clovk A. M. wirh amis and acoutrements in uiv soldirr of 1771, who had attained lhe:,i riP,ipr. ii .,if ago 01 one uuuiircu anu luu j curs ami ri. ' r 1 1 I I .... Otoliths, MONUMENT AT EPIMUTA. Wo l.avc montioned that Mr. Uuchanni. lias presented to the Senate of die Uniiei Stales, a memorial (ioui many rcspcclabh niizens from (he township of Ephrala,Lan faster county, Pennsylvania, iicting us h ito'iiiuilleu in buhulfof a public meeting, tl is slated in ll'e memorial, that in the an tuniii nf 1777, after thu buttle of Brandy iv i n o, five hundred soldiers were brought from tho American army, smite of them wounded and Others suffering with (lis camp lever, and were placed in a hospital provirf ed for them by the charily and patriotism uf llit) rcligiovs society of Seventh Day Uaptists, which tlion had a largo establish in cut at bplirata. I hat afterwards two hundred of ihein died, and were buried on iho summit of n hill called Mount Zion, about unc hundred feel in height, and com mantling a rich and picturesque view of the surrounding country. The spot has since been neglected, and is now overgrown with morns and brambles. The effurt on foot is to endeavor to rear monument over the remains of these sul dicrs of American llborty. Tho memorial asks ihu aid of Congress for that purpose. Ii is title thai utir ''ounlrv bus paid too little attention lo the spots where ri-posu the ti iihiiis nf her patriot benefactors, The cili zens nf Ephrala ai'id t is vicinity deserve all praise in their exrtions lo rear a tnotiti incut over the site where repose, thu remain: of two hundred champions of American freedom, The New York papers say that 5,000 persons have been naturalized in that ul ly during the past two weeks. The lion. Klienczer Kincslituy, of Honcfilale, Wuy no county, died at lita residence on the even ing uf tho I5lh just, after anhort iIncs.v. Tho Democratic Nntionnl Convention will meet in yalttmore, un Monday the U7lli of .Vay next. Tho Will sellintr the Wain Line of tho Pennsyl vania C'aiial.atnl levying n tax of three mills on lic dollar has pushed llio Senate, with. amciidincnU. The Whig National Uoneulion meets in ZJalli- moro on Wednesday next. Tho Cnmp Chest, utcd by Gen. Washington .luring the Ito oiutioliary War, wns pncnled to Coiijjrcfw, a fow days since, hy the direction of the will of Gen. Winder, of Maryland. TSS MALES'? S. Bloomsiiukg, April 27, ulS'M. Wheal, U 85 Kyn, 50 Corn, 40 Cloversecd, G 00 Flaxseed, 1 25 Butter, 12 j Oats, 2S Eugn, 6 Tallow, 10 Lnil , 7 Dried Apples, 1 80 .WIvlle feans 1 00 Beeswax, 25 AN APPWEWTICJE rOthc 'KIM'INO BUSINESS U wanted im mediately at this Office. A smart active lad, Hi or 10 years olaRO will receive good encouragement. April 27, 1811. . ' KEGOIENTAIi OKDEKS- Till-! enrolled Militia icaiilfnc within thehoundf r of the 7th Keijiment, Jt Urigado 8th jOixision, J'. M. will assemble for parado as follows: .The first llultalion, win meet al uranrjcviue, on Itedncsdav die 2Sd of Aloy inst. and the Volun teer companies attached thereto will meet at the same lime an J place. Tho Hccnd Ilattalion, will mcrt nt Cattawi-a on Thursday the 23d day of May inst, and the Vohintcc'f'companics attcched thereto, wiil meet at theiamo time und place. iIHAM II KIiLVJ, Colonel. April 27, le-TL islooiuslnii' Artillery. THE members of this company, together with tho Hand, are hereby notified to meet at the house of ENOCH Uloomsl.urs,on Saturday May 1 1 , 18-14. at ten n'clork in tho forcnonti,for compnnv'cxcrric and diill, uniformed and cuipt uiconliuK lo law. 1'unctud altcndance is required by oil the mem hers, as htuincss of importance will bo acted upon. 11. wisuu, uaptatn. April 27, 18U. TO COiV.Tfi:AUTHtS. ItOrOSALS will ho immediately received by tho mbscribcr at the store ol the Ulonmsburu Ituil Iload Iron Company, for mining from THREE to FIVE THOUSAND tons of Iron Oie, on thonroporty owned by Fishc & Morgan, late a part oft he Mclick faim, and dr livcnng the tame at rspytown. CHAItl KS It. IWXTON. Utoomsburg, April 1 1, I S I 1 . TO CONTRACTQH. IJnOPOSAl.S will ho recived on Friday, thi 20th, on Saturday; the 7th, and until 2 o'clock, P. Al. on Monday, tho 20lh of April, inst nf tho construction of several soslions of Canal coiiiprisins about ouu uiilu in Icimtll.iin tbepropcrty of the HLOOMSHUItO ItAIl. KOAU IIION COMPANY, For mforma- tion rrspcctinchhoplariofrenstruction, &c. nnnb to CHAHI.ES It. PAXTON, by whom propi.a will be received, at tho citoro of the company, in Uloomshurg. JOSEPH PAXTON, President B, It, 11. 1. Company April 18 1811 Atfenlion, ma liANGEUS, 3 iiieot for drill in UK JLOOMSBUiUi KANGEHS.ynu aro hereby comiiisiiu.u 111 int'oi lorurui 111 uiooniiljmg, on Saturday, the 4th day of May next, ..v" ' Jly order of Capt.JOII.N 1IA15LET. April 13, J81-1, NOTICE. rBIFE Comtnlstiotiprs of ('iiliinl)iii 'county lierchy JH. give notice, to all concerned, that the Hoard if Kaviaion (Assoclato Judgen ,V ComttiiHslonrr) 'tavo made tho following arrangement for holding iho appeal fur Iho respective towinhlpat ill raid Comiiy, viz. : For the township of Mahoning, on Mond-iv, the Gtlt dty of May pest, at tile Coiliililesibnora' offkt-, Danvillo. For thv township of rianklln, on Tuesday the 7th, at Mensch'fl school house in bald township. For the Inwnshin nf Caltnwissa. on WpiI ni-ail.n the H1I1, at tho lluuto of BUcy Margaruni til OaUawisaa. For the township of Koaring cifok. on Thursday ihn Olh, at the otiso nf Adamu Cahlo in ,iald Ip. For the township of Mifflin, on Friday, die 10th. at Iho Home of John 'Keller, in said towm-hip. I- or the township of llriercrcr k,ou A'attuday, the 1 the placo of holding tho Hinini E.'caion. in slid township. 1- or tlie tov.'iislup of Hloom, on .Monday, Ihe lBlh at the House of llobrrt Hagcnbuch, in said tp. ! or tltc tnwnstup ol JMonlrtir, on Tuesday, tin 14lh al the House uf Leonard ?,azarus, in said tp. For iho township of Hemlock, on Wednesday. tho 15th nt the Houso of John Mcltrviiolde, in said twnnship. For tlie township of Ml. Pleasant, on Thuimia tho I Oth, at tho Homo Freilurick Miller, in said Ip, l'.ir llio lownslrip o-Urang, on t ilday, the 17ln nl iho House nf Gnorec Selplo, in Orangcville. For the loxvnship of Fishing creel;, on Salua'av llin Kith, at the Woum of Uaniol Peeler in said (p. l oriito luwninip 01 augarin.ti, on AloniUy, the 20th, at tho llnure nf Ezekiel said tl). 1 or t'10 lowshin nf Jackson, on U'ucsdav, the 21 si, at tho House of Joshua Savage, in said tp. For the lowiiKtitp ol urrruwuoiKon Wednesday. tho 22d, nt lio llou-e of Jot-cph bemnn,ir) said tp. For tho township of Madison, on Thursdny.'lhc 23th, at tho House nf John Wollivcr, in said tp. For the township of Dcrry, pn Friday, the 24th, at iho House of Jacob tieidlo, in said township. For tho township of Limestone, 011 .Saturday, tho 26th, nt the place, of holding cl:etiou for said tp. For the township of I.iberty.on Monday tho 27lh at the House of Hugh McElrath, in said township For tho township of Valley, on Tuesday tin :Slh,ut the HoubC of John Mauw, in said Ip. JAUOU DliMOTT, JOHN H. E(?AR. SAMUEL ME AHS. Contmuiioners. Jltltst, E. Mr.NDUNHALi,, Clerk. C0.MMI8MONKU8 Okkicb, ? Danville, April 20, 8 U. S fiist ol Letters REMAlMINt? in the Post OtUrc nt Callawis- i.a for the quarfor ending March, 31, IR44. Howrs ponaid lion ne Milton Hnyles William Dunn George Feierolf ilichacl .17unroe jsaac Puxton Joseph 5 Foter Thomas Pursrl Liisanna Hcitz John Haver Elizabeth (itiger Joseph Harder Washington Kilter Davis 2 duplies hilts Hitler John Johnson John Sohuk George Kitchen Ebenezer 2 Shellhart John Kunsa IVter l.aiirenrc Samuel Lilly Ahram Milee John Wcrntz Gyrus Wullevrr Joln Wilson E'milino Waid John Mils Levi Zgar Alfted Mi.Mii-M Alfrnd- Zarr Uenixmln Persons calling lor letters in the above list wil n!co6C nav thny anf atlverllsed. ' G. A IJKOIJST, P. M, - LIST OF LETTERS. REMAINING in the Post OfTico. a. Orangoville, the quaitor endingsarch, 31, Ibll, lames Anthony Jonas Ivissnrr J. G. Hughes Luther German Wilarnina Everhart SuiiupI Henry la cob J. Kline Reuben ParrNh Elizabeth M'Cord .1. Paiks Ahram Robbins 2 A. Vallerchanip 2 Isaac Devoilt Samuel l)ii(;arl I'oinpson Dillr-y Andrew Emmons Jacob Good Jonas Dayman Roll!. I.oclihart Rev. John I .ruler Jonathan Miller Samuel Kicharl John Boycr Russell Wit 1 to Sarah A man Persons calling for kttrra in the abovi list will please say they nro advertised E. LAZARUS:, I'. M. THE suhferiher having established a 'ArER Mil, I. at MIL), GliOVF,, near Hloomshur Columbia county,whcrohe has the latest hirHovrp Maciiinkiiv, and having followed tho business for twenty years hu isconl'uent lie csn furnish as good paper as any in the Country nnd on as reasonable leims to printers, Merchants and an) persons ulio may want the article. He nlso.Ueepf .-onstantly on hand Attorney's Cap, Fool's Cap Letter, writing, Printing and Wrapping paper ol ill Kinds Also, an ansortmeut of Si-nuor. 001; s Also, Ulank lionk, Extra hound. Full bound, and halfbouud of all siet and, assortment of writing hooks cr. lie is reauy to eichauge tho above foi I'ancr or Uooks, for ItaRB of Sizing. THOMAS TRENCH. Sillgrove; February 20' 1811 -if. NOTICE. IS hereby given to Iho Stockholders in tho Com. .lany lor erecting a Wndgo over the north easl irnrich of tho river Susiiuehauiia, between Iht- town of Catawissa and the nioulh of FUhiilg creek, nui n meeling 01 said fttockliohlcrs will bo held nl tho houso now occupied hy Jacob Ilycr, in tho town 01 uamwissa, on iuonuay, mo sixth day ol vtoy next, between tho hours of I o'clock and 'u o'clock, V. M, fof tho purpose of electing one Prei. iieut six manogors, 0110 treasurer anu una .SVcre iry fsiid Company, for tho cnsuir.g venr EZHA S. MYHUUST.'Ha-r.tary Mjrc h 30,1844. TOTICE is hereby givcv to the Slncltlioldcrt fi in tlie fur, u It.;. I.... ...... tho orlllEa!lt Wransh of tho river Huwiuelioua between the town nf(!:iiini!-i -...,i o i. f ...... .......... ,vru UWU utuvili, Ul V IMltnffPlr,)1r. KI ll.n ton,,nn l,. .1.! . .1-.. - ,.,ov,vv.., ,.,augi.ia uu.u una uuv yc- dared a divi lend of Sevvntyfive Ccntapcr. b'liari for thol am six months, (equal to 0 per cent, net annum) which will bo paid sab stockholders or their lecral rrnriAnt!ittva nl Uu. ,li.,l..',nir... w - ..-V-, ,..v . Ibiauiui a un ur unci inu, loin insi, EZRA S. llAYIIL'ItST, Treasurer. TrojMircr'sOfiicoCatlawiMa, Ajuil I, ISli, TULI SATURDAY MUSEUM.' New and Improved Scries. To the Subscribers of the Philadelphia Sat uidny Museum. It Is with unfeiqn,cd satisfacllnn on the part of lh fropilrlors, Editors and Itegnlar rurriliutorn uf hn b'nturd.ty mikcuui that their piper in now o -ercd to' iu nuineroi tubjcrihcrs, under such angeinents ns'will placo It beyond all rivalship t nong Amrrlcm Veekly Newspapvrs, Certain eatuvs In tllo typography having heretofore hocii idoptud in Ihe museum, which it is trow considered 'JtpdJIuut nd more consistent with good tajto to ibandoii. Tim ncctions Inln which tho noner was divided, decupled much valusllo 'space, which by ino present ronuenieii urrangeinent ol tho matter, mreagcj tno amoiuit of reading in ever number marly four columns, cdiml in tho cnuno of a veir to two duodecimo volumes of thrco hundred page each. tt"ith Ihnchanfo in tho Museum we have (he, pleasure of announcing nlso, a general improvement in oil its departments, with additional nc? vnntagen exclusively presented in this journal 1'hey arc brielly exhibited under tho follow!!;; heads, ORIGINAL - Jl II TICL E S. Tho MiHeim N sustained in its nlitond cohtnun by the lalents and experience nf cenllenieti mmrie- tent for every spi-cles of periodical wrilinrr. Thn violence of political partizann'hip and the prejudico of religious sectarianism will bo equally i-sencivcd. ORIGINAL FIGTION. It is hardly necessary to nttro ilia siiltscW'ii-rj in the Museum that this dcpaitinent will bo tidily sup- ORIGINAL SKETCHES. ESSAYS.&r. Under theso t'tlej tho MUum will cnnlnin ih contributions of the ablest writers of our city. FOREIGN L1BRATDRE. 1 hii grnernl head cmbrares nn endless vniptv nf selections from the Kcviows and ragaj.incs and oth er Periodieil publicalioiiH of Europe. This ad vantage tho Museum boasts as peculiar, and of itself sufficient to secure its universal p ipularly, NEWS. This hcid will intludo every species c' 'ter propei ly belonging to a Newspaper, COMMERCIAL AND OTHER MAT TERS. An experienced editor is employed, exclusively for tlie collection nnd reporting of tliq jinrkets, Iho revision of the Uank Nolo and stock Tables, ami die icgular correction of the prico cimcrd AGRICULTURE, ' An thcmot important of all arts, n portion of lha iiuscnm will be regularly devoted to the suljec' cf Agriculture, MISCELLANY. Wc might procecil lo enumerate under virion other heads, the subjects which will conli'tut d tinguishing featuic of Ihe riuscmn. Sufiice it ( say that nothing wiil be omitted necessary to prc 1C rvo its character as the grealt'tl slid best FAMILY NEWSPAPER in mcrica, 1 To Agents ami New Subscriber. EXTRA'O R D I N A R Y INDUGEMEN TS ti take l)lo Saturday Museum. One copy for one vear - ?3 I hreo copies for one year, or one copjvfor three years Seven copies for one year Twelve copies for one year Seventeen copies do k Two copies for one year, and one copy of Godcy's Lady's IJook, or Graham's Mog azinn ' Flvo copies, and two copies of Godey'i La dy's UpoU or Giaham'a Magazino 5 UJ 50 in The money must always bo sent in advance frco if postage. Tlbms Two dollars n year in advance Threo lobars if not paid till the end of tho year. PREMIUMS. To any person sending two dollars in advance, .ve will send the 'jtusern for one year and one ot tho new novels. For Five dollars three conies nnd one of the new novels. For ten dollars 6even copies and either of tho new novels. r or twonty dollars sixteen copies and two new novels. WVimMeiii BUSHELS OF WJIEAT fit B K "d COISPJi h,r w'hieh the hiehest pric m be paid in CASH or GOODS. E. II. UIGGS. February 17. A New Spinel. THIS is one of the heat constructed Dec Hives ever invented. It is en urrnncL-d. ihnt vm, draw J'rpm the bees. honey at any tcisuu of thu yeur,iinoui any injury to tiieni. It n'-.u prevents tlie bees licinn in iured bv tho worms,. Tim cmI..-i. ber is now prciared to dispoio of township or uncle riclila in tho follow! III? lOWIkiilimu. nn tin moat rcasQiialdo terms, lllonui, Hemlock, Liberty jcuursnn, .tu. rieasnut, tireenvood, Oraugo, Fiahing creek, "'ugarlo'af and Jacltsmi. llo nlsn keens them on hund. n-.uU mn1r ivlnt. ho will scl cheap. lie lias in lus lieo houso, several Rwnrmsofbpja in operation in bivca of tho abovo descriptions which bo would invito llio public to call und ex. iminc, for he believes dial nil who d o so, will nt onco acknowledge that they aro the bets hives mw ill UBU GEOKUE LILLY. Hloomsburg, Apill 13, Hit. AND JlnL THE subscriber has nl oil timcion Innd.K'cflit, Stuff to soli such as HI ND t-'llu uidSnil'iTUFF.atmoderat,, Will also have a full supply of NOVABCOTI V and LAKE PLASTEU the coming stmng on hand -ground. v i n. ... , M- McDowell. iVcJJouell's Mills, Janurry 2(5, 1B44. NOTCH, ' ALL persons indebted, in il,n r.,t.n please tako notice that the subscrib. r. hn. let, Ur ous in tho handi nf .Voiumi, . ri hi! co'lection. All poivoii, iiHiedw;i! ri sctllo the same to savo cott and ftouMc. I