V" Co! !! in hi hi I have worn upon the Altar of God, otcrnal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomsw Jefferson 1 f H. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.- 8 1, .r 1 I. : . i i- , 'y nSBSBBSB Volume Till. OFFICE OF THE MJMOfillAT OrrostTB St. Paul's Ciiuucii, Mhin-st The COT. UfiiniJl DEMOCRJiTvnn ht published every Saturday morning, al TWO DOLlJlltS ptr annum payable half yearly in advance, or Tito )'oliars Fifty CintsAf not paid within the vtitr No subscription will be takenor a shorter tinuanee. pcrmitted,until all arreurugs arc discharged. JllWim T1SEME NS n ot exceeding a iiuare will be constneuousht inserted u One Dollar for the first thrccinserlions and Twenty-five cents for every subse- ijuent nsertion. tCT liberal discount ,: , " rrn r'V1 "f"""md fashion of old Virginia's gallant and fJfflEIlS addressed on business ,mui bc'tpost paid. POETRYo l-' 10 ni ifcntley'i .Wiscllancy. THE FOREST TREE 111 to the lone old forest tree, Though past his leafy prime .' A type of England's past is he, A tale of her olden lime. He has seen hci nuns, for a thoufr.nd years, A run ml him raise and fall; Uul well his green olJ age he wears, And still survives them all. fYarp Then long may his safeguard the pride- and Of our children's children be; And longinay the axe and tempest epaio The lone old forest -uoe ! The Norman baron his slecd has rein'd, And the pilgrim his journey slay'd, And the toil worn serf brief respite I'liinM In his broad and pleasant chadv; The frtar and forester loved it well; And hitherto the jocund horn, And the solemn lone of the vesper boll, On tho evening breeze were borne. F.risr snd forester, loid and elavr, Lie mouldeiing; side by side, In the dreamles3 sleep of a nameless grave, Where revelling earthworms hide: And Echo no longer wakes at the sound Of bugle or vesper chime; For castle and convent are ivy-bound By tho ruthless hand of Time. But gentle and few, with the stout old tree, Have the spoiler's dealings been; And the brook, as of old, is clear and fiec, And the turf beneath is green. Thus Nature has scalter'd on every hand Her lessons since earth began. And long may her sylvan teacher stand, A check to the pride of man. And long may his safeguard the pride&care Of our children's children be; Long, long may the axe and tcnipesl spare The lone uld forest tree ! J' B" T IT IS IN MEMORY. BY J, E. CAnrCSTER. It is memory stealing o'er mo That (weel dream of olden time, Vanished scones appear before mc, Now I hear some olden ryme; Pleasant songs and happy faces, All that youth and fancy traces, All thnto well remembered faces Smile for me; , All that once appeared befor me, Sweet droauj of youth ye still restore mc; In memory ! It is in memoiy how together With my little friends I sliayed, Life was then all sunny weather, Laughter then sweet music made; But though all those days are over When, a thoughllese, happy rover, Sportive I audi the clover Wander u tree ; All that once appeared before me, Sweet dream of youth ye still realoio me In memory I CiESAH AND THE RAZOR STROP. During llio vice roy ality of Lord Dote tourt, there lived and flourished in Will iamsburg, Va. a black barber named Ctcaar a queer old fellow, and famed through all the .country around for llio hluntuess of hi wit and die keenness of his rnzrtrs. Now Conor's shop was, in llinse ancient day, as tho barbers' shops are in modern times". tlio focus of all the news imd sranlal of the plane. And thither would the tliPn map nates of Virginia repair, to enjoy the gossip of the Cap'nal.and to have their 'chins new reaped' by ('sugar's incomparable sharps Even Colonel Bird llio mirror of the taste joyous day, would discard his crowd nl mletR and go to the barber's shop when hi wisked to indulge in the luxury of a suiooil diave. 1 ho tvoinne! doterntined to enquire into the mystery of these su porior sharps, and said, 'Cxesar, you old vitlian, surely tin no vii must strop your razors lur yon oi how do you acquire such an edge? Her ani I importing year after year strops ol reat price and elebrily, my rascals arc otilintiBlly stropping, and yet we cannoi raise an-cuge comparauie to yours, Here I r t a guinea coma show me your strop.' Tli mystcnotisbarber took t!i geld, eyed it with areal complacency, pouched it, and then displaying his ivory from ear to ear ob ervcd, 'Well, massa Bird, do you send home for strop, hey, and still Cicsar's ra znr's beat si' .' he, he, he. See here mas a,' and giing to a box, ho produced ohl bridle rem nailed to a piece of ivoudtl I ho astonialisd ('oloncl cried, 'what the devil is this t'resar. As the boys say, sure ou are a poking fun at me." To whicl tho barber of the ancient regime, making bow, that for grace and dignity would noi have shamed llio vice Royal Court itself, laid his hand upon his heart and remarked 'run myhunnr.,uat ia all my strop;' hen eonlimied, 'but mind inawa Bird, ii iiust be old plough bridle rem, de more nueat and dust de bitter.' Colonel Bird look the hint. He ceased us importation of foreign strops, while his vast estimate furnished a great choice of the lomestic maleiia'jnnd sften would he relate io his visiters al Westoer tho story of 'h famed old Barber of Williamsburg, and the liscovcry of the Magic Strop. WORTH OF WIDOWS. 'Rich widders at! about yet (said Nick Nollekins to his friend Bunker.) iIioul-Ii ihey aae snapped i?p so fast. Rich widdeif Billy, are 'special evidences,' sent here likt rafts to pick up desetving chaps when they nan l swim no longer. When you've been down twy'sl, Billy, and are jist oh" again. then rnmes the wnlder floalin' alone. Why rfplattcrdoeks is notinn to it; and a widder is the best of all life prasorvers when a man is a'most swamped anu siiikin,' like you and me. 'Well, I'm not partii'lar, tin I, replied Billy,) nor never was, I'd lake a widder. for my part, if the's git the mint dropf and never tsk no questions. I'm not proud never was harrystocrn'c I drinks with anybody, and smokes all the cigars diet gue me. What s the u4e of bem slueu Hp s'iffy? It my principlo that oilier folks arc nearly as good as inp, if iliey're not consla bles nor aldermen. 1 car,' sl'nd ill s in sort. 'No Billy,' said Nollek.ns, with an en couraging smile, 'no Billy, such, indiwidon als as them, don'i know human natur.' Jin Oulporing. A love sick swain in order more fully to ascertain the mind ol his 'lady love,' closes a letter with the foh lowing verse; If you was a dog and I was a hog, A rooting away in the yard, If the old man should say, 'drive llai hog away,' Would you worry or bile very hard! A scmimenl so sublime deserves an an swer, and we venture to suppose that the lady said in reply: When I are a dog, and you at a hog, A wandering out from the sty, I'd not breathe a bark) but meiely re. mark, 'Go it, Porkio, root hog or dit." ;V. 0. Pic. BiOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1844; MARIA GRAFTON. on, let eveky gikl choose heu OWN HUSBAND. Seated in r. pleasant chamber, w.ig a otine lady, the daughter of one of llw nol aristocratic met'dunls! in New Eim- ud Ha bund risen from obscurity, & ly a cmii'AP, thi)iii;li not strictly lloituHl, yet in accordance with the practice a I iome of the wealthiest merchantu in the country, had amassed a large amount ofl properly. With htm wealth wos every thing; he knew nolliing of hap piness, save when it wag considered in the scale of dollars and cent.0, and ii needed only that a man be wealthy, no matter by what means he became sc, to ensure his respect. His residence was but a few niMPK from the city of Boston, and its one of he most beautiful in that vicinity. No pains had neon spared to make it worthy of notice, tor Mr. Orafton wa& a man fond of praise. His oungest daughter, Maria, was now the only child remain in ir at home. I wo sons, on whom he had placed his hopes for the perpelua tion of hi family name, and on whom he had designed to bestow the greater portion of his wealth, died ere they ban attained lo manhood. Of three daught er.!, two were mariied, leaving Miria wilh her failher, who loved her next, perhaps, to his money. Sad were the thoughts of the fair girl, as she sat alone in her chnmher;bul they were soon interrupted, the voice oil her father summoned her to the parlor, when she descended, she found he was accompanied by a young man named SeveiiP, who-hud, some time previous, (Hired his hand to Maria, but not con tented wilh her refusal, and knowing lhLatiaehmenl of her father to wealth, had called him lo his aid. Mar'a raised her eyes ns she entered the room. but a. ioon as she uw Stevej.", turning hot head, and sealud herself by the window. Her failher addressed her, presenting Mevcnts. and tntormeri her tjial it wai- lits vvish that she should arcepl of him is her future husband. Maiia iuformei tier futile that she had irjpcled M Stevens once, and that, even did h love him, which she w:i very cerlim she did not, her own judgment taught hi r belter than to 1 1 U her happiurti' n h's hands. What do you know of lave?' sail' Mr. Grpfion; 'and why are you tin will ing lo riik your happiness with liimf His wealth is sufficient to procure yon very comfort, and his character IP Infitthtous V interrupted Maria, look ing liini full in the face. Stevens turned pale, & his lips quiver ed wilh rage, and the auger of her faith or scarcely knew bouudj. For a mo ment he did not answer her. At length pointing his finger at Stevens, he in quired, 'And what know you f hh character?' 'Enough lo convince me that words were true,' answered Maria. mv 'My daughter,' said Mr. Grafton, as- urr.ing a milder lone 'though you may have hoard reports unfavorable to Mr. Sievens, hclic vt me, thry are without foundation. lie is oneot the wcdlihiet men in '.he cil) .' IJ may he all that you think he is,' -aid Maria, but I cannot marry him.' 'You may go to your chamber,' said her father; 'I am determined tha' Henry Stevens shall be my son-in-law, mil you must marry him, or quit my house, I wrll neither own nor support ui ungrateful and disobedient daught er. To-morrow I shall expect youi mswer. Maria knew too well the character of her father to rmke any reply. A crisif had arrived which she had for soon lays feared. She knew that her refusal if Stevens would bring down the wrath f her father on her head, and hid writ ten lo boil) her sisters, staling the cir cumstances, and requesting, if her fath er should drive her from the house, tin privilege of remaining for a short timr with thorn. Contrary to her expectations, both had refused her. Their husband had married more on account of the wealth of their father, than for any af. feetion they had felt for them, and they feared, if they gave Maria a homo their father would disinherit them.Such is the '.-fleet wealth, hag on tho affections. Miris retiied to Iter chamber, and afier giving vent to a flood of tears, dr- liberated on what course to pursue. One thing was certain she deierrnined not to marry Steven,. Then.xt thing wag, how should sho obtain a liviiiE? After thinking of the matter for some lime, she said to herself 'Well, I have a good connlitution, and can labor; hut how would il appear for the daughlei of the rich Mr. Grnfton logo abiut the cilv soliciting employment? .ThiH would not aricwer. A I l ist she con cluded that, rallaer than remain in the cily, she wotil.I go to some village, and, if possible, obtain employment. At this moment she reoollecled having heard one of the house-maids gpeak oi using employed in a factory, and slu' descended to the kitchen. 'Hsnnah,' said she, addressing thf eirl.'I r.eard you, a few days since.tppak ni woruiM: in a taciory; now dm you r I- r . i ... Dice there:" '0, I liked verr much, Miss Maiia, anu iineuiu navt, remaineu mere nail my health been good,' ... i ill..' ... 'Was the work har.ler than yodr work here?' inquired Maria. 'No, ma'am, I don't Iktfck it was, but it was moie confined.' 'Will you tell me where il wa&?'again inquireu iwarin. The girl gave her the required infor mation, and also the name of the over seer of the room where she had worked, and the name of tho lady wilh whom she boarded, adding. 'She is the kindest woman I ever saw. The mind of Maria wag now made up. She decided upon entering a fac tory. Another uiUiculiv now presented ilSelf. Would her father allow her to lake clothing and what money she had? ahe determined, if he should still ad here lo his resolution, to ask him (he question. In the morning she met her father al tin' brsakfast (able. Neither spoke un )il the meal was finished. At length her father inquired . '.-Wjdl-. Mjrilhv-VOU oonoludotle marry Henry Stevenls?' Maria hesiiaied for a moment, but v i i t firmly, 'I have not.' 'You heard my determination las' night, 'said h 'I now tepeat il. Yoi. must marry Henry Stevens, or quit m tiou-e.' 'I cannot mairy him, father,' siid sh 'sooner would I quit, not only this hous nut the wuild.' Then go,' said hc,angi ily, rising from lis chair. 'Shall I take my clothes?' a.'ked Maria. 'les; and never lot me see or hear fiom you agiin;' said he, flamming iht dour violently, and leaving her alone. Matia sank back in her chair and wep hilierly. For a moment she seemed ilmost inclined to comply with his wis! but the idea lhat she mut Le furevet linked to a villian, and suffer reproach if his villanies wore discovered, wai- nore than she could hear, and she pru erred the anguish of separating from nil her friends, free and with honor, In ihal of marrying Stevens. She hastily . -1. i i . . i . ' i ' picien up uer mines, anu in a lew hours lelt her father's b0usc. As she passed throught the cily of Boston, where her sisters resided, adc- iire sprang up lo see Hum million) their recent treatment she dared no' visit them, and she fcaicd again meet ing her father. Maria was well furnished wilh cloth ma and had about twenty-five dollars in noney. Although she had been sur rounded with wealth, shenevcr,till now. knew the value of money. A thousand reflectiongdoubts and fears crossed her mind, as she was pursuing her journej to the place designated by the girl ol whom she had enquired in her father' kitchen; and though she felt sad nl the noughts of being driven from home.she jauld jcaicc suppress a smile at the awk wardness with which she should engage in any kind of labor. Sho at last arrived at the house of Mrs. D tha lady designated by Hannah, and easily obtained tho board in her family. She also learned that Mr. P , the overseer whoso name sho had taken, was in want of help, It is unnecessary for us lo follow the forlutes of Maria through their various channels, She entered the factor y.lcarn- ed to work,&fouiid many friends, anion u whom, and the only one it would be oft interest to the reader lo name; was Caroline Perkins, a git! age. about her own 'i-i.,,. ,. . . . M ' ,. , S0D" becam.e nlimalp were '., " nh .k 7 t. '"'V1" lfi Mmn " " ' 'r'" "upieri 1 hey wpre much otlaehpd ,i M,. ii wilh whom they boarded.nnd ,1,,.. cvniccu a ueri in nrpi in their wcl fare. About ,ix months fier Maria entpr d the ficlorv, an inci.loi.f 1 Which bound,. f pn5.ible.the two friendv doner lo each nilu.p. D,. :.. . Iiey weie in their cb .t ("nil Wil IJ line was cut-aned in rpnaL-;n,r I irunk, Maria who was lookimr nn. w. rau.er surprised at the amount of cloth ing.and jervelry pn,essrd by Caroline, md jokin5ly innuircd if her beau was jeweller. Caroline blushed, and after some hesi lauon iniormeu Maria that hi.r fr.itio. had once been wealthy, but, at his death it was a.cerumed that his properly, though amply sufficient to nnv hi., debls,would be sivept away by the fail- puine irends lor whom he hatt enuQrseu notes. I ho creditors had a lniVfl tlPI In lrA., . ..w, creiy ining givet tier ny Her fatliPr exeept her piano. Sht itsoioiu ner that alihnugh she might iiiiuin;(i nerseii by music teach ing, sho preferred working in a faciorj to remaning among those, who. thr.!i"V they were ence intimate friends, wnnl.) consider hpr, afcr the lose of wealth, UCIUY 111171(1. Maria repaid Caroline by telling he own histo.y.and her reasons for leavine IL'I I I rl 1 1 I home, and corroborated her mmv hv display of jewelry and other trinkets hei lather had allowed her tn ial. Probably there were never two net oits who enjoyed themselves belter than these Iwo girls. None; save themselves, knew their history, and as their natural impositions were not arroi'anl, the never appearcu lo Uo above l ie r fle ow Jnfiorers. For two years Ihev rpmninei ;ll,h?r.l-lho J of 'which1 OjtoIiiW v,i. uidjin.ujHnii ai mo urgent rrquasi i narseii anu ousnand, iWaria was in iuced lo laave the factory, for s while, it least, and take up her abode will- ihem. One d:iy, while Miria was engaged ir wrusing a paper which had been left a the house, her eyes fell on a paragrapl .til inn llii -tr ii. e, ' ...!. .....v ...i. jiciiij- oieveus, who ml always been considered a ven vealthy merchant, was arrested am lommitteq 10 prison tor commuting ns-avy lorgeries. ane handed it u Larolinc, with a shudder, cxclaiaunp ' I expected.' The next paper brounh intelligence lhat no douhl was entertain- en ot ma guii ;and that JVIr irafion,i n t e.itiiely ruined, wou'd be heavy loser i n ic:ount ol his villanies, as he had hired ol him a larce sum of money. For i moment Maria indulged the idea o immediately visiting her falher;but after consulting with Caroline, concluded to write lo him, which she did, begging iiispaiuuu uir nm oneying iiimfnnd re questing hi in lo receive her aaain lo hii aimi', adding as a postcripl .that she 'had one hundred dollar.", which she would acnu nun, u nc was in wani ol rnonej' o pay his losses by Stevens.' II- fjth- i. ... . r i. . . . f tr read her letter with feelings more of sorrow than anger.bul at the end of i bioke into a heariylaugh,exclaiming'wel women are Ihe best judgeg of rascals.' In a few days he visited Maria express ud his regret for the sorrow Uo caused her, and requested her lo return with him. Maria complied wilh his. reques1 md became onee more an inmslc of hei jarly home. Her father endeavored b ivery meaivs to make her happy, as an atonement for past wrongs; and when bout. a year after i-he asked his consent to her maruage with a mechanic, with out wealth, he answered, Do ag you please, Maria; I have learned tn let every girl choose Jier own husband. ' A Heart. What curious thing s heart is; ain't it, young lady? There U as much difference in hearts as in faces. A woman's heart is a sacred thing, and of purity. How pround a man oughi lo be, lo have il placed in his keeping to have a pretty girl love him go well lhat the will give it to him, and tell him that the love,s him more than nnj olher. Icii't it cuiioue ludiek? Wc migiu say oi a neait as the oltl woman did ol the first rabbit she cvfrv saw 'La, how veiy funny it is-'Kiuckt r, backer. C'Vnmltci K!nr- gj Kindness, Is there otio being stubborn hi tljo rock to misfurlune ilmi Lin.l.... loes not atTeeiJ Foi mv part it seemd ir. ne in eome with double grace and tender less from the old; il seems in them the marded and long purified benevolence of vears; as if it had survived and counuetpil ho baseness and selfishness of the otdeal U had paosedj s if the winds which had broken the form, had swept in vain omobs the heart, and the frosts, which had -chilled (he blood and whitened the thin loci:?, h;, possessed no power over the wu;m tid of ho affections. It ii trium;h nf raiurn over art; it is the voice of ihe anjje which s yet within its. Nor is this nil; lender- tess of age is twice blessed blessed in- it 'rophios over die obduracy of increasing nd withering years; blessed becaiu it tells us that a heart will blossom oven up- m mo precincts of the tomb, and flatters us wiili the inviolacy and immortality of ove. A Good Answer. An anecdqro as re lated lo us lately by an eye-witness of tho ready wit of an unsophisticated son of tho ,'tecn Isle. A case was Irying heforo one 4 Ihe judges of our cily Cutirl In which a; drnymi.i. a legitimate son of Erin, vtas sailed l testif, . A limb of tho law who prided himself on hii.dcxterity in perplex- If . t g Wlln6see. eommiit d hlsixnmina- lo.y by the1'"" V'm 1 ray' S,r are ',H OU ftr. r 'mdirpcily interested in thp termination of tt.tsstm'' -Not a bi; sir.' Will you noi gain nnything in case of its determination in fwvor of the plaini'iffl' Gm any thing? By my sowl, I'll raiher lose than gain any 'bingl' 'Ah liar says tho wi?e one with 'ignifiu'snt look, so you will rather Inio 'nan gain by it. Fray how may you lose. 'v iiJ' 'By minding Uere answering cues- uonf, while my lurao and dray stand ida in the street ! A RICH SCENE. A day or two since a countryman walk- d into an offico in litis cilv; wiihout tak ng any particular notice of his whereabouts he took off his coat and cravat, threw ihem in a cluif, and sat down, crossed his legs, ind in an authurilatjve tone called out, 'Is hat water hot!' 'Water, sir!' said the Clerk, who hd been watching his movements wilh son a little curiosity, 'What watetl You must be uudei a mistake.' 'Mistake the devil, sir, I want to be shav ud, why don't you get things in readiness, I'm in a hurry?' 'I beg paidon, sir, this is not a bsrbar' shop, it is an exchange office !' 'An exchange office! there must be somo thing wrong by hokey; I asked a person in ihe street where I could gel shaved, and ha diiected me to come here.' The clerk looked daggers, and the cus? omer put on his coat rnd sloped. CLERGYMAN AND PARISHONER 'Since what passed between u,'.-mid n very zealous clergyman, ! hopu y ,;j do not open any letters wh ttever on Suii day.' 'I do not,' replied the inrUhiocer, 'you must know 1 received ono iiik! very tnorningjus' as I was leaving hou.f for church, but I left in unopened.' ' 1 hat was right. And what did von think ef tho rervice to day-r-my new curate's reading and my sermon on t tention to religious duties?' Indeed I can hardly sav.lo tell tha truth, I could scarcely notice anyihinp, for-I could not help thinking all tho time what there might happen to be u lht lpllpr!- A western editor sayg? that not until his dying day .not even will be give up the great principles fot which he is con tending. This chap holds on about as enaciously os did the negro w ho fought i hi; iiiMiuiaii in l-illlMlcipilla. 'Ye black vagabond,' said Poddy, liMild up and hollir enutf. I'll fnU fill T Aa till U lk 'So will I,' sung cut the negrp;'! u. ws (doer, hnsi!' ii 303 i