The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 11, 1844, Image 4

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    YTfl.AT AJjl
Dow i.x. itt eloquent praaclw o"
sriort patent ermon,' answerg (ho a
botfc question to thin wise
When I ask myself the question Whr
nm I?' it puzzles mo how (o answer H.
Materially speskinR, I am a sort of in
crossed nonentity a small barrel ofthi
Unstained oil of nothing, thickened int
substance by accidentally cominR jn cot.
toSih a cold conaealinii world. Chem
t am a coninouud of
tj'hospho'ro'Us, gas and atmospheric wind;
an mot of you have, doubllelonn ago
discovered. Mechanically speaking I
am an old clork, made, wound up and
Del In motion some several years ago by
the fJreat Clock maker of the Universe
I was made to run 70 years) at Usst; h
if Fate and Forlune will only keep m)
inner works in order, I shall expect lo
keep going till my weights have run lh
f.iii ii.ii.rih oi their chords. Morally
speaking, I am an equal mixture of vice
and virtue a kind of vinegar and mo
So nicely sre ihey mixed
togtithei that the vlnegaf of vice is not
.n sntir ni lo be impalpable, nor the mo.
Lasts of virtue so sweet as to be sicken
ing. My feelings aro as lender as young
tosd sioola mv passions are as Mrong
a. a decoction of tobacco juiee-my sym
pathies areas a sofa and the down undct
aii snuel's wing and my desires for the
proportion of human happiueis areju.t
ns 1 happen to feel about the head heart
and stomach.
Metaphorically speaking, I am a toy
thing of time, played for a short period
thd theo Cast among rubbish, a foot ball
of fate kicked about till I burst, and am
no longer worthy even of a kickp wind
mill of excitement, that moves with tlv
popular bteize, but is still in n calm, am1
a correct thermometer, my mercury n
sing to summer heat by the warm ray
of hope, and sinking lo below Zero n
!he cold atmosphere of doubl, a meat
tallow eandle,already burnt one third of
its way to the socket, and every mo
n.ent in danger ol being extinguished
bv the sulferers of Death; an old bnot.
worn by a pilgrim, with a wooden leg,
over the rougn roaa 01 existence!,
m.iilipr -tvorth feeling. Dslchinz nor
preserving. In fact, my friends I don'i
ute that 1 am of any more use to the u
niverse (considered as a whole) than i
shovel of poudretle to a ten acre corn'
field. When 1 arn dead and gone, '.
shall be as a thing that never had been;
and the children of posterity will pro
bably shoot marbles across my gravo,a
unconscioti of their sacnli'gous doinga
"as a narcel of mice enawing at the grea
sy leaves of an old and favorite family
r'-Sw "tW cam ci. ritrf
School uoght in Squiblown, by Mm He'.
lena Juliana Augusta Irene Splizfuzle, is
conducted on lite purest principles of maid
fjnly modesty and delicacy.
Miss Susan Sniffle, spell
S-h-o-r I shawl
No 'laiti'l right
No, try again
Bh-o r-e-1
Lai no. that ain't rieht. Susan, what
'do you put round your neckt
My beads, mam.
What else!
Mv new lace cape, mam
lMiavv! D.d you go to church last night!
Yes main
Well, now, what did you hate round
'your neck, besides the cap and beads, just
before you starteur
O dear me, I can't tell
Silly child, ttecollect now, tor you
'id i! s i tell
I am afeered'to, mam
Afraid to What nonsense Tell it right
'out Miss, or I will give you black mark
Well, then, Jim Smith, the carpenter
mans arm, but u wag onlu ones
Good ctactous, lonly me! Why th
child is turned. 0, ltd Did I ever hear
the like Git ih'lit into the closet, Miss-
Kiijaii Smfile tin ininnie
Elasticity of a Jew's C'omeienee
'What do ou ajfo fur that coat' said an
Irishman tn a J w on Main street yesterday
as he flirted tip the Oils of a calico mat
whose texture you in tit in all probability
have darted Straus tliioiititt cheap and link
tv iike the PeoplrV theaTe,
Vat vnu vant lo buy dal coat, tell you
salt have it for twee dollurs, cheap
Three d illarsl be faggers, 1 can buy
them fur lees tinr that ou W atheis street
'Veil cum in, I sell' em cheaper nor any
slots' in dis city, by got; now vnt' ill you
give foi' cm I bell it to you for two dollar
and half not a dam cent less, so help me
Be dad I shan't give that for it, I'll give
ye a dollar and halt anu not a d it cent
Well dat ish too bad by got to expect me
to sell you a cote vot'icost me two dollar and
b hall in New York by tliccaee lor one uol
Ur and a half tith too bad
Well by my troth if yees can't sell it lo
that I shall taken at all'
Stop, I sell it for two dollar not a d
cent less so help me cot.
De'l a haprnth more will ye get foi that
dollar and a hall
Come back, vnu snail tane 11 lor on,
and seventy five!'
Say the' dollar and k half '
Vsll take it alona by cot it is too
ohesp, 1 wouldn't sell it to nobody else for
f) .pVBej w help roe got
FOR 1845.
RAHAM'S MAGAZINE has long enjoyed
SJjsf Iho enviable reputation uf being tho bewt pe
riodical in tlio U. 8. both in the quality and num
ber of its embellishments, anil in tho lone uf It lit
erary matter. It i the cheapest at well aa the beat
1'or the year 1814 the publisher haa given about
100 niirpi more original matter than any of hi co-
temporaries mole original teel ngravingn, in ad.
dition to fahion plate and colored flower. The
cheapnen and merit ot a ttireo-uollar magazine over
all olki are apparent, which has mado an outlay
of tJeveii Thousand Dollar greater than othrrj.aml
an addition of engraving! over other magazine mat
would enibollisb h costlieut Annual, lbs nub
li.hrr i. Iinwavur alliQed that nothinz but rial or
ctlltnH can milntain lb high position bis periodi
cal ha. attainad In th United States,
The nubliiher does not hetitale to as; that he
dsflea all competition with Qrabam's magazine for
lSJfi. H immanra uucripuon I tel. iu merit
ami number ofht outilrlbutor. lh hiall order ofj
the angaver engaged, (he number and variety of
elegant plate already purcnaaeu anu on hbiiu, anu
laeimnxnae lacuny which ii tajniui uu (...n.......
give tu proicute the work render any rffoit at ri.
val a matter of ridicule, hvery number of tho
work inued, bear with it the evidence ot lU trl.
umphantauceeas, and taUuhfi the ImpoKaibllily
ofuccful competition, Improve and extend
for good frorku, that nudiing of a humbug order
will bo lolerutcd.
Every numner of Qrahani'a Magalln is ijiued
at a cot of nearly $4000 the plates alone consult
ing nemly half tho turn mot of th plate are f.cra
Original American 1'aintiuga, otveuted expressly
for the proprietor, Tor engraving lor me magazine.
Amutlg the picture painted for tho volume for
l815,aieto by Sully, the gteateat aitiat, aevial
by Leutza, Chapman, Inman. Conaroe, Kotheraitl,
i bumson, and other ol tno Deal anisis oi Ameri
ca. Th coit of uettinir up embellishment in this
style may be estimated when we state that some of
these picture cost a ptoce, anu win cost us
some of them three time that aum to have them
engraved and worked off (or the edition of 'Graham'
Uut no cost shall bo preil to keep our prouu
dos it on at the lead ol iu rnoicai oi iae
The motplndid engtavinR of all sort lend
their charm to the pane of Graham magazine
Every thin,, in th way of novelty and beauty that
ha ever been inviteu is lam unuer comriuuuoii
Notbine that capital and tasle can supply is Jinit-
ted. First, as lha most elegant and appropriate, as
well aa the most popular embellishment, we place
Saitain'a Dril lant .umotllit Ungraving.
We war the first to introduce this bsaumul style
of work, as n reaular embellishment ol the popular
monthlies. Its wide ipread raputation thro the
mcar. ot our amplelist, called loan a nosi oi lmua
lor, but un to this time nothing haa been produced
io rival in gturious inciuita ncu in
'The Shepheid' Love.' and ''the Coiuetto,'
- i.i . . :
The with a hat of othsr, done for u by Mr
artain, atand 'unprecedntcd and alona' at the
head of American engraving. We havo everal
of thece inimitable plate under war, and shall
give; ons in the January number.
The high merit of Graham's magazine considered
the publisher flatter himself that the tollovvirig no
wtii ,n,iiinA.iiiouaniJ m udsctid.
The following proposals ars mde-3 copies foi
$5; S for910;4 for 515; 11 for SO.
To tho Postmaster, or other persons forming
club, the Publisher will forward a Novel for even
Subscriber sent, so that by varying tho bosks, a
complete library may be obtained by any peion in
snort time,
Single Coplej, three dollars per annum in
vane, vlnd to tno person nuinz the money, i
copy of 'Utngtvood the Hover.' llerbait'a piiac
iMoril and also.a copy ol lha Ire mi ot Art unci
lleauty. a bcautitul -vork for a lady OVntei
table, contatniux tuiiteeit aplentlld Mac! ami
mezzotint Engravings, Rill be forwarded grstik
Add rot.
77. 1Z Chtstnut Btreet I'iladelphia.
13 hereby given to tho Auditors of Co
lumbia counlv, that in accordance with tin
ptovisions of an Act of the General Assem
bly passed the loth day of April, A. I)
1834, they are hereby required lo meet at
the Commissioners' Office in Danville, oi
ihe first .Mnnuav. to wit. the Uili (lav ol
January A. I). 1815, for the purpose of ad
justing and eetilini; the public accounts nl
the t reasurer anil Commissioners of sal
county for the Term 1844.
Dy ntder of the Commissioners,
13. MEN DEN HALL. Clerk.
Oomm'hs. OrricE, Dantille, ?
Dobembor 20, 1841. $
List of Causes,
For Trial at January Term 1813.
1 John V Hart et al va Samuel F Head
ley et nl
2 AuciiBtiiJ F Willis et at vs Danville Si
Pottsville Rail Road Company
3 Jacob Leisenring et al vs Henry Fish
er Adm. et al
4 Moses Mover s (lenrue IlarlzPI et al
& Burton W Wanles vs John F Mann
el al
0 James Darrers Adm vs Samuel Drug
7 Samuel Qedtles et 1 vs Josiah Gal
Chailes Barnes ft al vs John Chester
John Fruit et al vs William Biddle et
David Berlins Adm vs Henry Binllli
et al
Jnrob Mariz vs Jonas Krtim
Sdas E Craic vs O l Piper
13 Stephen M Gilmore el al vs Samuel F
14 Oliver V Piper el a vs S E Craig
16 Thomas 0 Ellis vs Charles C Halily
16 D S Montgomery Ex. vs Clarisse
Schenek et a
17 Charles Correll vs Lewis Jnhnslon
18 Pour Miller vi Elijah Q Riekt
Wh F.S'ECTFUM.V Informa Ihe citizen ofl
JLm Columbia county, nnd the public gcticmlly
liullie litis locntcd himself In Uluomsburg.oh Slu
street opposite Bt. I'aul' Church, where ho baa
openod' shop, and is now ready and prepared to
receive aud execute all work in hie line of businoa,
with dispatch and in a workmanlike mnimcr.
Clocks fit Watches
of tho best quality, can be had at hi oelabliBhmcnt
on very reasouablc term' .
will be done to the satisfaction of ihe customer, a
well ofClocka and Watches a of Jowclsy, and he
will, further, warrant his work lobe exe-.utel as
welln any in thia aectlon of tho Sta'x). 11a will
also make to order
or pocket, and in abort, will do all othcrwork ttu
allv dono in a well iCQulHted resiectoblo Cbtablikli
mcnt. He hones bv Mnct attnition to liueinct
and a dfsire to please, to icccivc n liberal shaic o
patronage. Country I'roiluco taken in poymcn
for work at tho market pricra.
Dloomsburg, November 15, I844-..-JW.t
The subscribers liavc established at tlic
above place, jo new AMI RULE iJIHD,
and will always be ready, at Iho shortest
notice, to furnish lo order,
or any othor work in their line. They site
also preparcu to lurnisn WIISUUW iAl"o
&c, either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol
rUnne that can be procurod in this virinity
iTT'llavine had "onsiderable rxperifncc
in the business, tiiev nlcdce their work to
be executed in as handsome a style as car
be furnished from unv yard either in the
city or country; and on as rcasonnble terms
AllAlHTKUWU UUljillliS.
Dloorasbutg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28
CShair SWaniufactory,
THIS suuicnuer continues io curry
business at tho old stand of !) &. S. Hsgen
huch. '.vheto hs will be roady at all times
to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chans, Uct
tees. lioslon Kocltinc onairs cc, cu every
description, which may bo called for,
short notico and on tho most roasonabl
terms. He will also esccuto House, bign &
Ornamental Painting, and llotue I'aperin
in a sur.erior manner,
From his orperience in tho buainess.and
hia,facllities of atanufi:cturinzthej?aripus
shall be aulo to furnieli as" gooil .ork,
ind upon as ror.sona'ulc toimu aa can
lone in the country, all of winch ho will
lispose of for CASH or UOUNTKY
N. U- Orders from a distaneo will be
strictly at.d punctually attended to.
Bloomol tire, Dec 30, 1843
lirag'a n Rood doc,
But lloldfdtt is better.
THE undersigned would rtturn his sineera nnd
humble thanhs to the citizens of Iiloomshurg
nd Ticinily, for tho favors thus f.u bestowed upon
uiin, and would Mill fuilhcr uk n continuance o(
ho tnui3, to long only na satisfaction is renduted.
Hr would not ray, L'omc one eotne all, but conn
is many an conveniently can. IVeitlier would hi
promise, (as other have,) to do his work belli i
than can bo done in any oilier shop in tho place
hut in short, ho would neither brae nor banter, but
defy any ono who does brag to do work neater than
no does, in all casi-8. Ho haa alco lately received
tho late
with which he ie prepared to do work Fashionable
and net, and will "juarantee a good fit r.t all timra
for any one who may favor hhu with a cull.
lib shop io al tho old bland occupied by him
for a number of years And the latch string will
be found out at nil timen. Ai. to prices ha wishes
to be understood that ho intend to do work ns low
jb nny of his neighbors, nnd na usual, all kinds of
country produce taken in exchange for wotk done
at lily .-linn.
iJloomtburg, October 19, 1644 SC.
To (he Public.
THE subscriber desirous of quitlng bus
mess requests all those intltbud to l.ini to
make payment immediately.
PU f- ! ...!ll I.. f
1 UO lUIIUWIIiy pilk'L'B III! pBlU 101
PRODUCE in exchange for his
on hand.
GOOD WHEAT $1 per bushel.
RYE 5X cts. P
CORN 45 and O rls.
OATS 25 "is.
FI.AX SEED $1 25 cla.
C3"Gondn void at cost for the cash,
Rut no credit given after this date,
E. II. 111GGS.
Sepl 01811.
IIErtKAfc), tho undureigncd gave his note
to William Mcllenry, dated November
15, 184 4, fifty dollar payable six months from
dut, for the improvement upon n certain piece or
tract of land, and having vines afctrtalnrd that said
Meenry had no title to the same, I therefor here
by caution all persous not to nurchua said notou I
iball refuse to pay il nules nomprlled by law.
dUt FA&UIY HfitfSfA'EIl
fletral iu Politick and Uvlltfoti-
"smv YE All.
Now is the. very nick of time to subiciibi
for the A'ew I ear 1845.
With the lurqcst Subscription List in
the World.
For the purpose of facilitating the formation ol
Clu a. ol nrw or otD subscribers not tn nrrraM.wc
oflcrhthe following
Three copies of iho Saturday Courior, 1 year,
or otic copy for llnec yenra
Seven copies of tho Saturday Courier, I year
twelve do
Seventeen do
l'wo do nnd 1
conv of cither of tlio 43 Mnrcaxinrs
Fiva copies of iho .Saturday Courior, und 3 co-
pica of oitlitjr of tlio fa Magazines
Fivo copies ol the Saturday Courier.and 1 co
py of r roll's new luctonol History ol A
merica, a $6 boolc,
rrlflti fact, whatever offer la made, by any oilier
Family Journul. al.all nnnronching in worth. beauty
or pretentions, lo tho Suttirday Courier, will be fur
nished by ua.
Tho t'oul ler has become eo well nnd favorably
known thruuch a triumnhantlv nntiular couiwo of
fourteen years, that it would bo cuporfluoue to cny
much.on lliat mibjccl licre. v c may reinaiB,now
unit, lliut to the iiuhistrv. talent and entcrprixe,
whith hac for yrarskept this paper a briglil c.xom
ii ar fur nl i n imitators, will constantly no auucu
Ihe productions of every available writer, and con
tinned jidicious and llbcial expenditures will con
linuallv be made, as well in iho l.Ui rury as the Ty
pographlcnl departments. Our meona will always
cuablo ua tu bo iu advonco of all ollieri'.oiid wo shall
bo to.
Histories of Modern Republics,
A new and important announcement lut tno C03V
ing year, in addition to nur already numcrnuB jiop
uUr features, will bo series of t'ondciiitd Ilixto-
ries of .lfodern Ilcnub les.liv n frcfh and vigiirmif
writer' who will in, liait a wiwld of ininoruint ii
ctruction to the rising generation, in this nttv
ontertainiug Itomanco of Jiiaiory.
Bioaraphics and notices of Distin
guished Literary unci bcientijic men.
AmiM Iho intern-tin" csesya cud (kctclice of
value, which rto-ihnllcontinuo to present in the
Cowicr.will bo a full and inloKetiiif' account of the
rise, inocrcao. and nr-.sent elevated standing of nil
dittituzuiihed mm, of the I'nt end I'uveul, (at
ho:ne or abroad,) iu all dcpnitmcnts of Art.Scicncc
Literature, cjtaiesinanslup, 1'ociry, mccuamrs.
I'lantiiis. Ac'culMrc, l'rintiii'', f.tcrchandlic.ilc
This will uo a veiy inticatiiiB laaluro tor the
Vountr. It willbc i depfrtment of the Courier
which it hue ever been our aim lo render of inKti
rnable volnoto these for whom we feci to deep
interest as wc do for tlio Young j1cn of olir great
and oro'.vitijj: Country. The Lives of Distinguished
Men are of much viluo to thopowhonro yet form
inn their own characters; for tho purpose of eru
!m JuarjE-iiti. correctly, on- tliPx.OlcBt Stago.of I
hit'-'td. ivc hoivatlut this Dtnarttnent .if the
bel Couricrwill ba woiih mir( (cauh yenrj to every
family who hivo sons $nd daughtcra to be rca-cd
than fire time th. amount v.n atk for a vcar'a suh
criptiou to the Saturday Courier
Incidinls, Histories Scenes, Buttle
Grounds, frc., of the American and all
other Revolutions
Under thio hrnd, which is, by the way, not at all
lien in ihe Courier, w c shall hereafter give graphic
and lntcrectlns uccouuta occasionally ucnuHlull
illustrated of tha thrilling incidents, so profurel)
studded Ihrniirn the deeply important history ol
the Ametlean Revolution, and of all other rcvolu
tiorii thai we may regard of iho least interest oi
value the readers of tlm Philadelphia Saturday Con
rier. This will bo of deep coiii-cnucnce, also, to
every member of any family of tho American ro.
public, who may chooso to do themselves and
the favor of tccuring, regularly, the visits of the
Courier at llieir Family Fi'caido
rOl'LLAK TOPOGRAPHY. To gratily tl
crowiiiK appetite lor a bctier knowledge ol Ilie un
norlant features of our crcat and ulorioua country
our past exertions Hiall be redoubled in future to
prevent vivid pictures ot Ametlean rules, towns
mountain, lakes, rivcrn, cavos, sccneiy, etc,
Our criamal domcilic Juice, Jittays, roenif
dec. w ill continue regularly to bo fjrnished by the
minds and pens in tho country. Thee chartc
productions are acknowledged lo bo tno bet, for
useful instruction at the family fireside, ihnt appeal
in any periodical.
Ocu KsoiuvrHtu comprise subjects in nil bran
ches of Art and Nature, suitable for the family cir
cle, and uppcarin rapid auccession.
OUR TR VVFLLER la constantly travertine;
the world, in search of the wonderful and instruc
tive. Ocn AoniccirTKiST occuple.i weekly an im
porant space, wih nil niattera of Interest foi J the
noble tilkrt of the soil-,
Our Uuropcan Corrctpondtnti, In Liverpool,
liondon, Ireland, the bast, c. keep us regularl)
advised of all jubjecla of special intereit,
Our Markets and Prices Current.embracc nil tin
earlieit advices In reference to tho prices of allkinih
of Grain, Produce, c, tho utate ot btock F.llnnkB
Money, and Lane's, and our extensive arrangements
will herratter rcnuv: our nicrs uurrcnt el incfti
inabl value to th Traveller, I'armcr, and ull llu
tinct Olaecaa whatever,
Cruder Building, 1)7 Chornut street) Phila.
Estate of PhUip Doddtr, late of Orang
township, deceased.
TsVTOTIOK i hereby gltcn that lettorsofndmin.
Jj istration, on tho obovc incntiotied rslatc,havc
bpcu Krantcd to the KUbecrlber residing in the
towntbip of Orange, All pcuon indcblnl lo the
said eclato arc hereby notified to meko immediate
payment, and Ihosu having claims aro requested tn
preseril lliem piopcrly authenticated lor seltlemep
belore the first ol November next.
Orange tp.Sept. 7, 184420.
ifc m .i. pvpmi'mnve i
SUMMONS prhneu Md !mn.MtZZ?mM''m
Ms OfBcu i J8AIC 0i M'KINLER cV Co.
2? Alili & WIWTBB.
Kt. VfA-
i i r i IjIU'j
WJW. M'IB3liVY & COo
A VII just rrcfived, am' B, ,u"v flIlC,1,ll8 n
laigo and cxjcnsivo ohwuhu'iu u.
suitable to the season, consisting of all the variolic
ever kept in n country store. Among their assort-
mcnt way oo tounu mo louowmg.
Dry Goods.
n....iinik. nr .11 mlnra. nualilles and prices,
Moitlnpiis.nnd vailuua other kind ol
cloth, tlonncla Valencia, .Varsrlllrs.iilk and otlici
I, nnd Knclish Merinoes, liombn-
,!.. r'..liloi,nble Calicoes. Irish 1,'iuens, ilk,
-,,"' - . fuiii,
Cotton and Linen llanilkcrcliicu, a variny o
Gloves and jlitsfnr Lades
and Gcriilcmon, kid and leather gloves, blcachicd
and unbleached Muslin, of almost every quality,
I'lckinp nnd other cotton checks Velvet cops, i.n
li.n,.l IllilUrfltiVkhocs of all kinds. Mens thick
and thin boot and khoc, India Rubber over thocs,
cotton yarn, carpctywn, candle wick, oic.
I.luuorsofall kinds, of the best quilUy.Molaam
c,n. rfviinmiB nualitv.Coflce. Teas.rjpices.bpcrii
nnd Fish oil. coarse und fine .Vail, Candles, Fish.
A large assortment if Earthen Quecm
and Glasswure,tvindow glais
of all sizes, Looking
glasses, iyc.
ESarchw are.
Case knives and forks, shoe knives
Butts and Screws of all sizes,
Fad and door Locks, Saddle
Harness and Coach Trim
mings, Snw Mill and
JJundS'itov, round,
squa-e, und flat har tr. n
sheet iron, waggon tve. of
all sizes, in fact evert thing
in Uic Hardware line from a
eumbric needle up la a blacksmith's
All of w l.ieh will be sold in exchnnc for CASH
kinds, on the mtiEt reasonublo terms, and we invili
our friends to call nnd examine for tbctntclves.
Nov. 9, 164420.
1T71M1IRCING the nreser.t onnortunitv
Vdlti exprcrsing his thankfulness to his fricnd,nd
tlio public amorally, for the liberal pationasc
has heretofore received, informs his friends and the
public in general, that he Mill continues to curry on
the above liiif-ines at his old ertabhshed Mnnd, on
the corner ol Main and Kast street, whero he
hopes, by strict attention to business, lo receive
and merit a share of public patronage as herelolore.
Ho dconm it unnecessary to go into Ihe name of;
lirag.orto use nny soft toddcr ubout hw SKILL in
a hia shop is of long standing, and his work he
thinks will speak for itself, anil far moie loudei
than words. Hut, he would merely tny that, he
warrants hiaunrkduic with nealncts, duiability,
nun in tno laltstlasliicnahlo manner, and will en
sure a getn fit in all casea.
JS. IJ. Charge moderate to suit tlio times. All
kinds ofrountry pioducc taken in exchange for
work, at rnaiktt pi ices,
Ulooinkburg, Nov. 9, 1844. 20.
Semi-II eckhj during the Session of
the Legislature al TWO DOL
The Democratic Union will, ns usual, bo nub
lubed twice a week, during the coming session ol
the Legislature, and wc embrace on early occasion
io commend it to tno tuvor ot the rending public
Neither pains or expense shall be spared tu imparl
, . ..i.i.'.: .! . 1 .
,u no iwiuiiiiin auutui'Miii in mm yior. impl,
and correct report of tho proceedincs of Ihe twi
blanches, together with tkclrhr of llu debutre on
all public and important questions, will bo furnish
ed, competent fcicnoRraphers having luen engageil
lor iiuii purpose, i no installation ol new ud
ministrations, State and Nationaljand the dcvelope.
ment of the measures thev may propose to the
country, will lender the coining winter one of un
usual public Interest. Perbons desirou of obtaining
ruo mid eaily intelligence will always Cud in the
Democratic Union it "true and honest ckronicle."
To Attorneys, Judges, Justice of tho I'cace, and
public officers generally, it will be invaluable, a
lie Union execute ull the STATE PRINT1NC,
and Iho LAWS of a public and cencral nature an
published in it immediately uftcr their pasFsagc.snd
idly three months Ufoie pronmlguted iu punijlilci
To increase our facilities for the most prompt
execution of all tho public printing, wo arc now
propelling our prcdscit oy inc am ot tvjcji a most
impnitunt matler to the Iegulutivo bedy,
A porps nf ablo rorresporideiits have hern em
inn, in ui u3iuii;ioii c.iiy, wno will Kiep our
renders constaullv spnrisrcl of events liQnmirimr nl
ino scat oi uiu ;vaiiouai iiocrniiicnt.
For the whole year. ) oo
For the aesaion only, (twiro a week, 2 Of)
Any person sending ua fivo subscribers for tho
session, accompanied by ten dollars, shall receive
a copy gratix for his trouble. Payments limy ko
llnnsinitted by mail, end the J'ost Mnsleia arv
Brandreth'a Pills,
HEALTH is tbsteiisrtl In rn li.lhi.llr '
the nUence of ill pain, suffering, or ofuttii.'n
tu any pan ol Ills nony; ny me irec anu regular ti,
crelseofhls functions without any excc iicr,.
They consist In having a good nppelllc at mnt
time'), sn easy digestion, free cvncunllons, wnhini
Inoscr.cfs ot costivrness nl least onrc In evity lum.
ty-four hours, aud without hi'at.diyiifss, or burning,
st the passage, tho fli-c Issue nl tho water
ncruuony or burning, and without n uuimli uj;.
ment which is olwnjs a sign ol a present or anij.
proaching pain; quiet sleep without agitation tt
tiuoblcsouie drcamv; no tnsto of bilo or other Ui
tastoln the mouth upon rising In the morning; M
sourness or disagrerablu rising of the btcmaeh; i
clean tongue; a sweet birath; no itching, pimple r.t
spts on tlio skin; no piles no initmiiR neat ores
any part of the bodyi no excessive thirst whep aj,
exposed lo laborer other known cauit; no 'TTiif.
ruption to any natural evacuation, nor pain attl.clr I
piriodtcal return.
Where tho state of the system does not hstmcn.
tie with the abovo picture of health, il is of tt
Rrcatcet importance that no lime be lust in rrndirf
for a doctor, or in the use of foolish icmcdiri' t
olten the remit ol speculation; Inttcnd ol thiscourrt
te n dose of llRANPRLTll'8 PILLS be tnkrn.
which will not deceive, but will at onre rectus
health to the organ or part that requires it.
All who wish tu preserve llieir health, sil lt
aro determined to defend their life ncninst the rn
croachmentsof disease which might send them pr I
maturely io inc grave, win, wuuoui ursnauon, hue I
rccourso to tho Drandreth Pills, when the tlatecfl
tho system does not harmonise with the above ie. 1
tuio of health. I
Thoso whnlivo In a country where eontactouinr
other diseases prevail, should olten think of ihii I
true liicture of health, and observe himself with par.
tlcular attention, in order to act accordingly, 'id, I
wiscond rightly directed will fohow this edvits
the unwise are left to their own destruction,
A O E N T S.
Wnjhlngton Robert M'Kay.
Icrseytown L. eV A. T. iii,el.
Danville E. R. Reynolds & Co.
Caltowissa C. G. ilrobst.
Uloomahurg J. R. Moycr.
LimcHtone Rabbit & M'Ninch.
Huckhorn M. G. Shoemaker.
Lime Ridge Andro & jVillcr
Jcrwick J VV ilile
May 4, 18 14 2.
"hAZSjS, SPIKES; &c,
The ISlooiiihbur Et. 12. I (
YJ. TILL keep constantly on hand, a large i
sortmcnt of
Mhichtlirv will sell by W HOLLiSA I I", and liEl
TAIL. wirf on " Good turns at the ar'UtUit
can bs rlitihcrr liurcluuvd. anJ
others, may find it lo their interest lo uilt . i
kiiida of grain leccived iu payment.
JUSJJril l'AAZU., I'lilUM.ST
Chaii iTiainilJiclory.
rBjflIC subscriber having establif bed a .V.'ll
n cu.nn .v.j.vur.icroiiv m mm
.ticct, near tne rcsiuencc oi j,. ii. niiuisne t w
rirenaicd lo furnish C'uaii of every clcsciii th'ii,
as good terms as they can Lo purchatud ciriwlic
ii tho county.
Such as Bed Posts, Waggon Hubs
Hose Blocks, &-c.
n- i-MTiMfl
I'hie latter branch, from his experience, he fuller
l. .1- .. L... I -.L
iu wan ,iu a nine ui;.ii;r nan any ouicr perhOli
tills section.
rrVPOPLAR PLANK will bo taken in iv
mcnt ai me niguesi .net riricc
Dloomsburg. July 4, 184e Iltf
TlivCrotlit System Costs too itliu-
It is now fit acknowlegcd fact, that ill
CASH STSTEIVI is the only iru
one, both for iht nUYIJU and SEU,I2K.
TJTjTTE have been selling goods on tlio ('Jim
y iff J m biiilu liini jiui, tin, i us win-
versal popularity with all who have giwiiuii
call and seen for theniscIvcB, and the immense cov
ing lo their customers, induces ihem to incite fir
readers of tho Columbia Democrat to a trinl of i'j
Our stock of Goods consists of all the corieiy tl
usnallc kent in a countrv slorn.
All of which have been purchased In Nrw.York
and J'hiladslphia, fnr tho CASH UIJ,i. ij
this means, we pay for no man's goods bit cu
own. and wc AK no additional picfit from cu
customers to pay bad tlcbtF; thus having no let1
WE DO IT, too, beyond all question, s c7
hnilv IcTiritvn tvlirt hnvn Imlirrlit nf ph.
Our Smre it in the UR1CK HI'ILDING.ntil'
corner of Mill Street, ond tho Rloomsburg w
opposite Mr. A. Montgomery's Stone Hob
Wo invito Eveiit Pr.nsox In call and fee 'l
joods. Wo uro not nfraid to bhow them.
Dunvillo July 4 1844. 13mp4
FASUIOIVAnr.C tailokbivc
w ..) ..trill!
THE subscriber returns his sincere tnirbl
for tho liberal patronage heretofore brfloit
upon him. and hones for a (intinuancocfthcranM
with on i.icrcasc dua the merit of his shop. lis
lend sparing neither pain or latour to rcruW
cntiafaction in nny catc.nnd will woncnt Ms w
lono with lotto ond dmabllity.AND A S.ITTI.J
07Hi;H.S7;ni in thik place. He fcl
just received Mahans, lato repoit of Pasliinns, f ' 0,3 1
I'lliladelnhla. which can liu seen at his shop st I'll
lime, by which he is enabled to cut BccordlnW
the la'est style, or to order. His price aie il
accordonco to tho times.. All kinds ofcoun'.rfj
prodtico taken in payment for work at matkrt pic
X very reasonable discount for cash. I
p, Jibiu- .
N. It. Cuhlne done with the greater ,
at die shortctt rrotico. 'Jl
P. S.
Bleomtbuvi'Oet.. IM ,8