The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 11, 1844, Image 3

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    An act ok Juvenile Heroism, In
Which a life in neril ws rescued. U re-
fifirlnfl ill IIia II.,etn A ililnrluai
!Veftterda v. which danrvi m In hn noticed
I lie account itin lhu.
,'On Saturday af'oriKioi, lhat pirl ol
Ulack H y belwecn the 1'iovulence
Hailioatl ami Beacon slrceivvas covered
with young ukaters piiciiioii their heau-
Itllll hut hazirdotw wporl. A sudden
tV, tf unnniinnpfl nmt nf thpm. an
ljrh boy of eight years, had fallen in
mong the broken ice. The report
'preari instantly through ihn crowd of
'ISjSr '"" r bnndreds amusinp
;t)j?Vmilves there, the danger wag loo
great for sympaty lo pags into action.
t youth, however, who, but a ftw
k before, had found himself-in I lie
o perilous situation as this lad, from
'Sviiich ho wa fnrlunjle to cxlricale him
.ftHilf without help, for which he called in
vaip;started Tot ward alonp, without hesi
tation, to rescue the sinking buy. The
poor Utile lellow in the waier wax sup
'jiOiiinu himself by seizing upon I he ice
piece fier piece, of which broke in lux
crisp. Hitf preserver hastened forward
over broken ice. till no foothold
let I for him. the frightened huy wac
jncspible of seconding his efforts, while
ie heavy boots and skates of the br.ivi
youth made his situm m more hazird
Otn every moment. Seeing a coach.
jpnn near, he called to him to throw hi
reins, but was told they would he lo
Vmrt for bin purpura An ell pool wa.
found by of one lite sprcta :i,& piis-hei
forward on the ice till II came within
his reach, the hoy. whu had mink unci
'and wa stiffened with I lit- cold, was un
ablo to clasp it in hit! hinds, as he wa
"desired, when hit) peiseveriug. friend;
wi'h a prmorico of mind and judgiueu
which would have been ad intra oik in a
nian, listened the end of the pole firmly
y iis hook into the dress of the drown
nig bo : and now swimming, inci
crawling over llie ir y frantiini, dfiu-
ged ln prize afiur bun inlo pet feci .f.-
S Thii! miilrl vnnlli. wtm merelf mnn
35 J ' - '
limned, on his ittliirn hnini', lo ncotin
5 for his drenched condition; that he bar
not in at Ulack Uil, was Gteely Steven
on (..urMjf. son nl .Lnin-i I'. Corliii,wel
known for genth-manlv supui intend
ence of die Wo i chesiei Iliiliuad.
The 2ll of Decombcr, two hundred
nd Iwcniy four years back, the firsi
Christians explored Plymouth haiboi
md lauded on ns shores.
MAURIED-On Tuesday, the 31
'ill. by the Rev. J. S. Miller, Mr.JoiiN
KCHLun, of Danville, to Miss Estueii
IIause, of Point township, Northunv
berland county.
On Wednesday, the 1st instant, b
the same, Mr. George Saunders, lo
MlSB RdTH KoW.VOVEH. it illishlf-r ol
David N. Kownover. Kn. all of Dju
DIED In Franklin township, Co.
Uimbia county; on the evening of thi
!)9ih of Dec, Margaret, wife of Din
iel Riegal, aged 61 year and 5 days.
List of liCttrcs-
ItE.Vl AltNltMU in lli 1'ost Office nt
Wil Caiuwi8a on the quarter ending Deceinbtr
3 1st. 1914.
Behler Mr
(Jhapmnn Daniel M
Droll William
Davin Fanny
Fisher Israel 2
Fiaher J P
Kellngw Chester
I'mons calling tor letters in tho list
please ay they uru advertised.
I At L. It IIAI.UV '. M
Killing Poter
LnneKiibargrr Philip
Dongal John jr.
Siewart Abraham
Stokes William
Sliuinan C
Toheenin Raphael
List oT Loiters
UI-MAINING in the Pom Office
Rlnomtiburg, on the qnaiur ending Dec
;iist. i8ii
Vbel Burr J D Paxtnn
David Evernelt Charles Stellcr
Mrs.Mary M Li kcrd Miss Catli. Staufier
Daniel McC'urdy Peter Suns 2
John lieicliendorl'er N Sny ler
Calender Po t r
A Walieirf
7'crson collins for Irtteu in
LiIujsi) s-iy thuy aro advcrlii'd.
'I'lie small pox In pievailiu;4 lo an unUiiiH
extent nt Batalnga. anil in a nii.uber of in
slanoes Ins proved fit t
The n.nount nl trnniiorted from the
Si'liuvlkil ici'ion this season is 833.214
THE 'OL Dls sT' 1 NH All IT A NT
The Picayune lias found out who ilia
murll tn:..i -r ;-.i,;,ii .i, iw
nam,' is An el.lerly chap speaking of hi
orTiii knowledge of the Western countn
b "
the nlher day, said he had 'known the Mis
His'mni river ever biuce it was a sinal-
creek!' He's the man,
It is said that some fellosv down East ir
nhitil making olii Mr, Tj ler a present of i
beautifully woijrd cranio
A Mount St. llemard dog, weioliini!
108 lbs, was sold to a gentleman in T irontc
Canada, a few day since, for 75 guuineas
Gen Samuel llavs, of Venango rountj
lias been oppoinlcd United Slates ilarshall
for the Western district of Pennsylvania, u
llie room of Henry C Hosier. Efq, decease!
Mr. Detwold. ol No York, has pro
cured Irom llie Mammoth Cave in Kentucky
Reveral of the eveless fish which abound
in those dark waters. They are tube sen:
alivo to Paris; as a present to some curious
aliovc list will
H h'jesue Deuttrs and Iieliiilers of
foreign Meichandize in the County
of Columbia.
Take Notice,
THAT incompliance with an act of the
tieneral Assembly, approved die 7th day
if April. A I) 1830: anil an m t p issed lilt
,l.y of l iy,181l Un; Ass c lej Jndgi
i ii 1 Cumini spoilers of Uiu muniy ufCoium
ua. will meet at the Comiusioners ofhce
n uanvine, on i nursujv inn ajii uay ti
lanuiry 1845, at 2 o'clock P. M.lof said
lay, for the purpose of taking up the re
iurnn of the several constable? of said county
hat are to be made lo the (Jourt of quarter
ieip'.-. op or ' Dfjiira me vum uov ol Jn
liarv 'ettn Ibid; ann iu' na -vak.n ui uu
lirch''nts, that may be thus
ng as aforesaid. into that class that ma
5 i. i 1. 1.. ....
ilipear tlglll aim lii" agrernuiy n mo p
isioiis of the acts atorsaiil,whcn and vviiert
nu may attend if you thiiiL' proper tilhei
in person, nv agent or aiiorncy.
liy order nl the onuru.
Commissioners Offick
Danville Jan. 0 1815 S
CHILDREN are most nubjcct to thrm.but per
uns of allagei r liablu to be ofllicttd with
them, liid breath, palencit about the lipa.fludieil
cheeks, picking at the nf)ic,wntlni tway,ltanuesi
I'aln in the bowels, joint or limb, disturbed sletp
('rightful dreams, moaning and sometime of vor
acious appetite, arc amoiifrihe ayinptonis ofwurins
.ilmy aro doctored lor rjnnllm, ;or some otner im-
ztnary disease, when one box of auerman a Worm
Lotongcs would cfTcct a cure. D. Ityan, corner
of Prince street and the lluwery, cured man uf
worms that was reduced to a skeleton, and by only
ona box of Hliorninn's ' Lozenges: heis now as fat
an Alderman J ho Hon, 1). IS. UearUsley
has saved the life of one nfhis children br them.
I'lie sale of over 3,000.000 of boxen hts lully test
uil tlieni. They are the only infallible worm det
troying medicine kr.own. What family will be
without them I
Consumntion.Couehf. Colds, Whooping Couch
Asthma, and all affections of the lungs, will And a
healing value in Slurnian's Cough Lnxenges. They
uved the ftov. Richard De Forest: the He. Mr,
dtreeter, Jonathan Ilowarlh, tUa. and that worthy
Id hero, Leonard Koger. fiom the consumptive'
aravo. They cured in one day the iter. Mr. Uuiv
bar, the Re. Mr. Handcock; Wm. H. Attree Ksq
ofdistcising coughs. They rs the pleaanteat
cough medicine and cure the soonest ofany known
Ucndiiche.Sea-stckncBs and Palpitalion.relievcd in
from five to ten minutes by Sherman's Camphur
Lozeiiitea Persons atten,lini' crowded -ooini or
travelling will find them to impart buoyancy of
pints and renew their energies, I hose sultciing
from too fiee living will Cud a few of t:ie lozenges
to dispel tho horiois and Iowness of aumls. Mr,
ivratb, ot the Sunday Mercury, has repeatedly cur
ed hnnseli of severe headache by them Jsptam
Uliadwick, oftha packet ship Wellington, has wit
uesced their efficacy in a great mny cases of sea.
tickuess. They operate like a charm upon the
igitatcj or shattered nerves, ns Sherman's Poor
Vlan's Plaster docs upon rheumatism, lumbago,
pun or weakness in the side, back: breist or any
pari of the body. Mr. 11. O. Daggers, 30 Ann
iireni; Henry It doubling: 301 Chatham
treet Mores J Henrique I'ltq. and
miltilude. uf others have experienced thr
o derful efl'ucts of these Plasters
I'nce only l2i cents. Caution is nrcessarv
o see that you gel the genuine Sheiman'
Lozenges ami riaier?, as there arc main
unrihless articles attempted to be palmr
off in place of them, bv those who would
trifle with voui life for a shilling.
Dr. Sherman'3 warehnuse ii at '00 Nas
au street. For sale by
John It, Muyer Uloomsburg
Win L & co-Ueiwiek
Low Si Thompson Lime Ilidge
I' & J. Lazarus Orangevide
M. (I. Shiiemaker Htiek Norn
L. Si A L Une Jerseyiown
Derr ii MMlride W hitu Hall
John Moore Danville.
Stephen Haldv, Cattawisaa.
Jan. 4 184537. 0m,
Attorney nt Lnir,
Gfflce South tids of Afain-nt, ojipositi
Aier lltjjlty'i Mart,
PROPOSELS will be leceireil by the
Comminioners of Ucluuihla county, ri
the limine of Jacob Deiuult Epq., in
son township, on Fitilay the 17th dav ol
January next, between the hours of 10 A.
M. and 2 P. M of said ilayt for builtling
Uridine, over liiitle t uhiiig creek; near
Hubert Montgomery's saw mill: in saiu
t ownship, of the following description
Stone Abutments 10 feet high from low
water maik, 18 (eel long; up and down the
t9K, 4 feel thick at the ton and 0 fee
tilick at the bottom.
Wing walls on the north side, to bo 20
feet long mending Abutments: and nn tin
south suls to lie 16 leet long, the aupersiruc
lion to ben wooden brace llrhlge CO feel
hetween tho Abutments.
By order of the Commissioners,
Commissioners Offick.
Danville Dec. 251844
By virtue of a venditioni exponas, to me
t. Heeled, will be exposed to public eile, at
ue renin house in llanville, on Saturday
llie. 18lli dav of January next, at 10 o'clock
M. the following properly, to wit.
A certain tract of laud situated in Derry
towr.ship, Columbia county, containing
lO Acres
All parsons indebted to the sYibscrfbcTf,
on note, bonk account or olherwisn of over
one years atauding, re requested in call and
settle the same in Cash or Grain, on or be
foro the 11 day of February next. Thos
neglecting this nuiir.e, may' expect to pay
nst as wx are determined to hate our old
iniBiiiesB settled.
Blnumshurg, Dec, aa 1814.
List of Jurors.
For January Term, J 84 5.
Grand Jur rs.
Bloom Caleb Iiartun, Peter Menech George W
Jnercreek 1). A Bowman
Cuttawisi'a Joseph Urobst
.Derry William Hendershott, Thomas More,
head, Michael Snyder. Knos Miller, Hubert M'
Franklin Jacob Shultx, Samuel Shick
Greenwood Daniel For
Liberty John Hopper
Mahoning Edward Morrison, T. S Hubbard
Jewell Gibbi, David liobcrts
Monteur i'tephen Lazarus, John Fry
Madison Charles Carnuhan, John. Moure,
Roaring creek Iteubcu Fanner, Anizi Iliown
Smith Tools
jriiis seems still to be claimed by Gicai
Ilrr.iau with as much determination as be
fore last war. Almnst every week we heai
of siimi) new instance where our merrhan
thins have been hoarded by British cruiser
under the nleu of seari: nut! for slaven.
They pay no respect to our flag on III
African coast, bin treat it with as much in
dicnitv as they could the black flat; of tin
tiir.ucs. Shall such limit's be? Snail
allow our riuhis to be tiamp'ed upon? out
commerce bulijeclvtl lo insult & oppression!
No, the spirit of a free peoplo who own ne
inasiei, will ere long be amused, and make
the eve nf the British lion Quail benfiatb
its power Much boiler would it be if Eug
land would turn her searching prupensiuet-
to findinir t-uineihin? enua lo IJr. allUlt
the tclicf of Iter subjeeis They havn now
been beforo the public fur more than 5 yeati-
nn I then: are no preparations like them ti
Im found for M'ar.diini' out disease, sue
liamshinL' it fr'" human frame.
Wnrinn find no ri'fuije or hiding place when
iIkiv -.ue used. Cuut!hs, Oulds and L,on
Fiitnpiionn vanish away, and Headache
I'alnitatliiu ami Nervous Alleclloiitf ceasi
the moment one of Sherman's Camphor
l.iize.iui's aie taken into the Stomach
Them is no mistake in ihHini.ihey will cure
tbn different disease for which
II E subscribei being desirous of quit
inr business, offers at private sale
Blarksniith Touts, rnnsiiting of a dnu
lie sell of all kinds of tooS, usually used n
cnuntry Blacksmith Shop,to wit :i pan
bellows, 2 anvi.s.a vices, haininer , tunc
'U. and swedirns ol all kinds. I he rbovi
mils, are all ol '.he first quality and in good
rder. The shop in which 1 now woifc
diualed on main street, near the Episcnpa
Chinch, can be rented ai a fair rent. I erinc
mile easy upon application lo the sntiscri
mr. and nossession iitven the first day ol
N. 1J. All persons inoititeo to tne biih
eriber are earnestly requested lo mak
ayment on or helore the first ilav of April
text as His necessary thai his account!
hould be closed by that time.
Bloornshtirg. J in. -1 1815
New Gdg
Seasonable and Cheap
El'ER & IlDr,FI.EY
VTi AVE just rccoived from Philadelpaia,md are
ILJKL now opening a large ossorlmenl ol
priccS Tor " ' -
their stock of goods consists in part, jfSuperfiinv
common and oouuc cloths, cassimers, batuiels,
Muslins, Kilks, Rutins, Mnurlinc de Lames,
Lawns, Mcrinoea,Lacrs, American Nankins,
brown Holland, Flannels, -Silk and cot
ton Vclvctn, Silk and cotton Hnndker
chiefs,Lady's andGentlemen'sWhit
& colored Hose Gloves and Mils
&.C, fza,, &'c, Sza.,
(gf is m is n a s
Consisting in part uf
of assorted qualities.
I'obacco, Snuff, Spices, SaltSoap, Candles, cVc.&c
Register's Notice.
NO TICE is herobv given lo all legatee
redilors and other persons interested
he slate of the respective ilecedeniB an
moors, that the adtniuistraiinu and fiiardiai
lecounis of said cnt'ile, h ive been filed
Uu iifhco ol the cotiniv of tJolumhla. ant.
will hn nrcKKiited for cniifirinallou anil al
i . . v. . , .
owance to the Ornhanb' Uouri, lu tie nui
tt Danville, in and for the county aforesaid
in Thursday; iho 23d day of January nex
I'iy'clnck P. M.
1 The account of Ssmuel Menges, admin
uraloi ol the estate ol John Itobenhold
late of Liinelnne township; dec d.
2 The fina account nl lJavnl Masters
thnv are tnin cuardian of Russel P.Armsf roiiL' one (d
Herein -j 1- - - v. , . . . .T.....l
mended snuner than any prejiaiations the cm . ,en . , m-".. ....
.1 .1
tinui in 1180 U6 SIHB BUU BtlS HID KCllimio
..Ill :.,,, .'il.t.f 1n
US the spur nu ariu:io win iiituiiu'j
ore hurt than good
Reoisxeh Office Danville, )
Dec. 24, 1844: $
Bloom Peter F.nt, Peter Hinton.Juhn Shumai
L. I) liupert
Csttawissa-Joseph Hartman. Peter Wodine
Derry-Thomas Foster, Ksq
Fishing creek-John AlliRer, John M. Buckalcw,
Alexander Krcmcr, John Henry
Greenwood-Thomas Davis, Jonas Hoyrnan.Joln.
Uonl, i'eter Union
Liberty-Daniel Cotner, jlichael Shivcs
Mahoninc-Thomas Uranden, James Gaskins.
Joseph artman, Stephen Morse, Simon 1. Kase,
ilinrpless J aylor
Miflliii-llciijamin Hench, Peter Yobe. Stephen
II. ililler
Madison-William Hunyan
Monteur Groige KaufTman
Orange-William Whitmyer, John Aebcnbach,
Alfred Howell
Sugarloar-William IVtlo
Franklin-Willmm Ulru
Valley-James Uoudman
"lap "shingles.
GLEf, ai.J a
A few thousand LAi1
for sale; or enhance for any kind of Country
ducc. Enquire ol the
Estate of MARY FORCE, late of Alt
OTICK is hereby given, that the subscriber,
resident in Mount Pleasant Township, in
said bounty1. has administered on the estate of ,MA-
RV FOIIUv.dcceaseil. All persons having claims
against the estate are Iicieby requested to make
them'known to the subscriber without delay.
UKUKUti KliA.Mmt, Adminttrator.
Mount Pleasant township.
Dec. 0,'18-H. Cw34
f every description that may be required.
Hardware.Cutlery &c,
liar. Rolled. Hoop and Band Iron and
IJ'nggon Tire of every description thut
may be called for.
A large assort mcnt of Dane bits, chisels, Files,
Shovels and i ongs, Knives & Forks, Pocket
Pen Knives, I able and 1 e Spoons, cofteo Mills,
t lax sceu uu, anu spirits ci Turpentine; swecninR
brushes, weavers brushes; shoe brushes, cloth biush
cs, corn nrooms. eve.
The public are requested to call ond examine for
themselves before they purchase elsewhere. V
sell cheap and no mistake.
Ulunmshurg, INov.y, 1H44
Estate of Conrad Hess late of SugarloaJ
township, deceased.
OTICE is hereby given that lettota of admin
istratinn.on tho aoovo mentioned cstatejiave
hf u granted to the (ubscriber residing in llie
townehipof Sugarloaf. All persons irdebted to the
kuid Kbtati) aro hereby notified to moke immediate
payment, anu those having claims are requested to
present them propeily authenticated lo
November 16, 1844. 30.
For Sate al In in Office.
nnre or less, adjoinim? lands of
Brearly and Daniel Musselman.
Seized and taken in and lo be sold ns tin
properly of William Boyd.
A certain tract of land, mume in Dcrn
township, Columbia couny. containing out
iniiiuiGii mm iwcmvniiie aeren, morn oi
less, about one hundred acres of which if
cleared lahd, adjoining Umls nf Stephei
bills, James Johnson, t'lisiles MclCee anil
Jame ulerm, whereon is erected a
Seized taken in execution and lo be soli1.
as the propci ty of Jonathan Lodge.
All the right title and merest nf thn da
tenuant in a certain one aiorv Framn ll.m
and lot of ground, situate in Hnarmc cieek
uuanii, vuimiima county, bounded by
lanos ot Jamil Harner, deceased, and the
I I I!. r.
iiinni tuuu leaning irora uattawissa to Potts
Seized taken in execution, and lo be sold
as the property ol Moses May.
a crnnin lot ol ground situate in tl
i ... n i in i i-. .
w,,i uimnnBourg, UOIlimbla couillv
I r n r I 'i t. . t I.I . r . .
K "ii "uru otreei O salt Inwn
r . I n i m .T I , ..a 1 .1. . ,
,u uu. ti, uu me nnnn east, nine
alley un the iiorifc w'cjgt, west street on the
souih west, and numbered in the plan
nui town no. 72, being one town lot.
I hero is erected on the premises a two slo
ry irarao
iiiftj a ne s,r-v
t-fuui'iiit shop,
now occupied as dwelling house, with
he appurtenances.
Seized taken in execution, nd to be sold
as the property of v imam Kelly
A cerlain lot of gronnd situate, in the
village of Orangeville, containing one ha
in acre, wheieon is erected two FRAME
lying on main street, unmbcred in the plan
of oaid town, and adjoining lands of Issi
Kline and others.
Seized taken in execution, and to be sold
is llie property of Charles M'Pherson
IRAiVDERR, Sheriff.
SiiEntFr'a Office, Danville, )
Dee 20, 1844 $
By virtne of aile'yafi'facia to me directed,!!
THE Farm on which the late Conrad
1 1 Pr rrBidcil sitiaietl on Big Fishing ererfc
,i augarloal,will be rented, hit ON-V. I bAlC
rmn the first of April aext. Saul Farm
uiitaitis abutll
bunt 75 under impioveinent, with a gooifc
ipon the ptemises. uonuiiuins mautr
known upon applications to
wm ni:,s, executor
Sugarloaf, Dec, 27, 1844.
Dr. 9uyne&
This Hair Tonic has produced beautiful New-
Hair in the heads of hundrsds who had been bald
for years It also purifies the hetdfrom Dandrulf
Lures diseases of the scalp Preserves the hair
from falling on or bscomiug permanently gray
IS a certain, safe and effectual remedy fur Dys
entery, Diarrheas or looseness, cholera murbu,uni-
mer complaint, colic; griping pains; sour stomach;
tick and nervous headach, heartburn, wsterbraiih;
pain or sickners of the stomacht vomiliug; spitting
up or food after eating and also where it pai-re
through the body unchanged want of eppstite ;
restlessness and inability to sleep; wlmd in tho sto
mach and bowels-, cramp; uervous tremors and
twilchings; aeasicknets; fainting, melancholy and
lowneis of rpirits, fretting and crying of infant
and far all bowel affections and nmous Jiseas.
Which is perfectly safe and so pleannnt that
children will not refuse to taka if It efTectuallr
destroys worms: neutralises acidity or sourness of
the stomach increases appetitt and acts as a gene
ral and permanent Tonic and ia therefore exceed
ingly beneficial in in'ermittent andlieniittent fevers
and indigestion; 4c and is i certain anJ permanent
cure fur the fever and ague,
They may be taken at all limes and in-
most diseases In Inflammatoiy, intermit
trtnt, Remittent, Bilious, and every other
lorm of Feer jaundice and Liver lom
plaint. For Dyspepsia they are reaMy an
invaluable article, gradually changing tho
Miiaied secrotions of the stomach and livet,,
and producing healthy action in those im-
or uiDcatoca urmw w..w. .
illbo exposed to public sale a tho iame Sommon!y ciA Iropu"'y of the -blood;"
time and place. r" lor remaie Uompiamig, Uoitivenesi,.
a . ; ...... i licit lc.., anu in laci every uiicbbb wnere an.
A certain one story and . half plank Anien, A,.erill: ' Purffll,i Med
house, situate in the township of Hemlock, my be requited.
wimniiuia uuuiiir, a inn uiiiiicru Piuc o 1 1 . . . n , n , n .
the road leading from Bloom, lo Jersey- JATfNE S EXPECTORANT.
town, near the Buckhorn tavern, containing It always cures Asthma two or three
twenty feet in Iront, on the road side afote argo doses will cure the Croup or Hives of
aid, twenty five feci in depth, and the lot Children, in from fiflsen minutea to an
or piece of gronnd A: curiiledge sppertenant hnurs time. It immediately subdues the-
to tne saiu.miiiiung, ununueu on tne weM violence of Hooping Uough, and effects a
by a lot of Daniel Neighari.fnn the south speedy cure. Hundreda who have been
ny lands o! John McKeynolds, and the east given up by their physicians ii incurrable
by land or Vanish Rees.
Seized taken in execution and to be soli
is the property of John Wilson.
I RAM L)ERR, Sheriff
Sheriff's Ofi-ice, Danvillo,
Dec, 26, 1844.
CAME into the enclosure
of the subsciiher, about the Inst ot
September, one KM) HUIFMi
and a RED Sl'GEn, with white
faces, supposed to be about two years cl. I he
owner is requested to prove property, poy charges
mil fake them away, or they will he uiposcl of
tccordinglo law. JOIliV VAISUK.
Orange townahip. December C, 1644. it
'WH T we have this dav purchased at Consta
JE Me sale, es the property of Peter Evelaiul
senior; one clock oue beuurcau one iron kettle
6 hogs 3 tons of hay one black cow one
heifer- one sorrel marc- ond grey mare two setts
nf harnets one two horse wagon 600 shaves of
rye and on sled, and have left the same in his
possession during our pleasure.
Fishlngcieek October 13 1844 34
Nolico is hereby given, that we have
this day purchased al Constable sale, as lb
property of William Cunningham, the fnl
lowing property to wihonribsy horse one
hrown mare, set ol horse gears, one cow
one umi, inreu sneep, live hogs, one wa and bed, two harrows, three ploughs
one rutting box nd knife, one cradle and
scythe one giasa snyth, one and a half tun
of hay, fifty bushels of corn in the ears
one lot oi ciover seeu, half of eevtn aeref
of iye in (he ground, halfof six acrea ol
wheal in the ground, two sleds, one clock
one lot of rye in the sheaf, one lot offode r
mieen ousneia roiaioes, an ot which we
have left with aaid Cuuningbam; during
our pleasure,
E.. ii .7. LAZARUS.
Ornjevil!e, Nov. 30, 1844.
Iwith 'Consumption,' have been restored to
peifext health, by it.
In fact, as a temedy in Pulmonary Dis
eases, no medicine has ever obtained a
Ihigher.or more deserved reputation.
I7 I he above Medicine are all fnr aula
at the .tore of JOHN R. .MOYER.
Uloomsburg. 80
THE Temperance Associations of
Pennsylvania, of every description, aro
hereby notified, that, in pursuance of the
following resolution, adopted at the State
Convention, held at Harrisburg, in Januarv
HEREAS, the Hon. Jostru D. AxTiioxTllast, a State 'J emperance Couventinn will
I'refiUentot the Oourt of Over and Ter.laea n bo held nt Harrisbtirir. on Iho
miner ami ijencnl Jail delivery, Court, of Quarter FOURTH WEDNESDAY, being the-
and Omh f B. 18451
composed of the counties of Northumberlanc'. I 'Resolved, That wo recommend to nil
Union, Columbia and Lycoming; and the lion ihe Temperance Associations of this Com
wueiam uonaiaton end Otoret MaeJc. Es-lmnnivna th. to nnnoinl De etratcs. to meet
guiles Associate Judges in Columbia rounty.have in Convention, in the Boroueh of Harris
" ,Vr Z . m''8 , " .? "J " tart, on the second Wednesday of Janua
.-. ii, . yea, w uur uuru one mousano i . n . - . . e
eiirht hnndr,t nnd rnr.v.f.,,, ...a , i:..i r. ry, 1B40, anu that me saiu oocietics IUtniS'1
holding ' he Chairman of their respective Dclega
A Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Gen 'ion w'ln ucport, embracing the names
eral Jail Btlwrru. General Quarterly neir uraeers, anu tne numoer ot jueru-
Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleai P1"8 belonging to the Association, together
and Ornhan s Court.
IN DANVILLE, in the County ef Columbia
on the third Monday of Jan. next, .beine thr
.., .
uiu Jjy; anu to continue one weeks
iNotice is therctore hereby riven ti
tne Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Con.
tables of the said county of Columbia. tba the)
he tuen and there tn their proper persons, at 1('
o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
records, inquisitions and other remembrances, tr
those things which to their offices appertain h
he done. And those that are bound bv reeogTii
zancru, to prosecute igainst the prisoners that aji
in may ne inmrjuii oi saiu county oi uotumhla
are lo ne then and there to prosecute against tfceu
as snuu ne just, jurors are rcquebtcd to Im ptjne
mm ui invirsiienuunie, agrcvtiuiy to tueir notice
uuieii at uuuvuie, tne vutn day oJ Dec oil
tho jcarofour Lord one thousand eichi
i" i . t- . . . . r v-
nunureu ana inriy.iour and In Iho cp yea
of the Independence of the United blatr
of America.
Hutctrr's Orrict, Dauvilje
with any other information they may think
proper lo lay before the Convention.'
It ii also earnestly requested that all As
sociations which do not send Delegates to
he proposed Convention, address a Letter
To the President of the Slate Temperanra
Convention, at Hsirisburg,' containing iho
inloimatinn drsitea oy the rosoiutlon abevo
stated; so (hat satisfactory Temprrnnc)
Statistics, of the whole Commonwealth,
may thus he hid.
JViitt Owintr lo the meeting of the Lee
islature on the day preceding thp Second
wedne suay n January, (the usy fixed bv
he Issi Conveuiiou for the next Annui.l
Mrcling) the Ceulral Commi'lte have deem
-A ii advisable to change the lime to thn
Fourth Wednesday, being the Twenty
Second of said mouib.
By mder of the Stale Central Commit
Dec. 20, I8'f;4,