COLUMN V ' WOmtAT. INVESI'lcV Til 12 ONDUItDONIl TION. The Mahop found gui'Uij'vU 'nies ligation in New York, before the -Uoii'f uf Bishops, in relation ' to certiii charg-!. gainst Bprjnjp Oli.derd.onk. Inn trmiii'ati1 mid though ikev.c;diol nf, the Colin, hi. nobcn olTnMally -publUhec!, it said, lha the Bishop was found guilty or. al' tin pcrifieatioiis in the' pf p'ltnutient. e.xrep one, on which the testimony was of. n-1 a character that It could not be .rntenaineri The vole was eleven for finding nf'Builiv md six of 'not gtiil,iy.. The Court was n meet )eslerday, for the purpnsc of pronoun ring sentence, nnd then the Bishop woul' have llie privdeg'e of slating reasons i orresl of judgment.. It is desired by tin llljhopswho voted against him that BisliO Oiderdiftjk would iirTUr his resignation, Bu tin, it )3 said, he will not do The frier.ds of the Bishops are delibers tint? on their course It is almost ieideii by lliein to call a convention of "he Diocec of New York, for the pin-pose of making res iluie told united movement in defemt of the Bishop. Indeed, we.are preliy ne! assured thai a solemn ' protest against tin decision of (he Ilouie of Bishops will hi made by this diocese; 'and that a formal and fin;d.sepritionvH:tll loilow. Official Senlentcin the case of Bi she?) Oifderdank -The Court of IJiMiop . . I 1, 1. ol Hie L'roieKini episcopal lhuhm. conveoed under the authority of Canon 111 of 1844, of the General Convnnlion of said Church, for the trial of the pre senlmenl of lite Riliht Revereml Bei'j' T.h.IivpII Oodeitlonk. Iicilion of the Dloci-se of New York, by the. Ititfii Rev.reh1"Wim..m Meiilln, Bishop ol the Diocese of Virginia, the Rinht .Kev i iend James Harvey O'ey, , Hji-hop o the Dlocee of TemieinHp, anil'the Riftb Reverend Siephfii Ellfoti, Junior, B Imii of th Dlocose of Georgia, upoi Certain ch it u"es aol xperiGcMiioort i i sail pres'-oiin'o'i iet fouh.haiMntf Fully hear the allt enlions and lestfmonie of III pirties, and deliberately considered tin ame, anri a majority 1,1 su" ";,r having declated that in their opinio 1he accased, i$ Rtiil'V of certain charne and spec ficaiionH eonialud in the pre Bentmeiit; which ileciaraiion oi a majoi Hv of the Court hai been reduced l wi'nin"v and Mancd by those who asjen the tcciiseu, to pass f-rniciice upon tin accused, io confoi miiy with the piov sious of said canon, and having detei 4iiined that the penally lo be affixed and pronounced in said case shall be that ol suspension It is hereby ordered .in (I declared ihat the rentence of this Court upon the re spondent, is sitkpeitrion from the offie of a Bthopin the Chinch of God, and from all the luiic'ions of the pacred mil istry;and this court do hereby solemnly pronounce and declare thai the Rinhi lieverend lleni-muii trei'.wel) .Under donk is suspended from all exejcUe ol his Episcopal apl 4ninifWial 'unetious and do ordtr" lha.t tlie notice ol Una eii lenee, requiied by said canon,ibe com municated by the presiding mhop, no cler his hand and seal,, to the tcclesiasti cal authority ol every Diocese of thi Chtireh. Seal Given under my hand and .fl'l, this the u J uay oi January, A, u :1815. Philander Chase. Sthior Bishop, and Piesident of (he fCout. We cotiy from the True Stin.wlui wi p exiinie S an accural e and it liable stall on ut in telatiun lo the elating s-ceucw ol the (rial 5 The decision of purity having beet lhii iven jeti-rday m r ." 1;, the Con veniio'n met aaio, lo consider the jeu- lence which should then be declare!. The vnle on tl'epo.inn stood 8 oflii'in. live, 9 iKsijve. On suspension, it wa 9 10 8 . v question wa.s then raised, wh"iher ihN was a temporal y or peimi iient tlisatii'liiy. A liti i1k.-iuioii look plaee., when a nieoitiir deelueo, thai il an indefinite iicuMoti w9 not sub nil led to, he would, on a re-rnnsiderai lion, vote at once 111 a favor of imiiietli. ale deradtti'in. Th, fi lends of Bi.hoj" Olldetd6k lhen agreed, ' as' we un'derstand, t'fi submit lo a decision titnilar lo I In I in 1 I. on, his blather's case in Pennsyl'vHiii i, which is no more or less than an indefu line (.ppension n am. w.q mii)?ief lai taij. liiplscoia'l junctions.-. t , .. . Tne Church is no.v without a -Bishop and there is no appeal fiom (txi ecdfleuue pasted, ' ' ' ' The Diocrs. is by theantfiis in the hands of a staiidinn. coinmiltee, consist iig of four cleiny and f'uir of the lally, Myled the 'kcclrsiattical auihonty ol lb--Ohurcli.' It is for ilum lo call a Con ve .tlan, cud 0 act iu all neral manor. until now ntuhnp is chosen. It will be alo their duty to comnniuirale the who will he rqo ied to read it urn .heirpulp..lo.he.r resp,cnve ctittre va'ions The Convention "'j V''1 y.'.iciilay wlii rnoon. j We uncle t -l-njl tint JHe K'. i-1-'' lafin r. ol S nth Caiolina, will shoiily ill hlilt' a pamphlei pi.ovhni that il" of l'ex is Some migbi Imigino thai vthn .1 did inn in any .way lake is't i In'm no pleVstiro, bill sm'h -Wrti'noi" ii ij i f Ti c 1 1 y ah t'l dieliine or Iradari the fart, ami fie said il,Jviih pleasure ilhli sin. The eiling-: of the Con 'we should not have -iiuy rup.liiw -with in ... i... m,nu.ii.i;,lv lO'ili.h ,d. ami uill fonn , U, volume. vRiiinin i in ..i. j i U'asiiinotos Citv Janunry 3. 1846, 1r. 0 J l'i , moved lo sin . . t 1 . e .I.. IK..... ..lil. ,Iim pemi me nuies 01 uiu iiuunc, ,,,, ier 1 f mkiiii! up, as was suppni-ed. some ne of Hi" vmiiou propiMiuoii belore (lie louse relaMng 10 Texasi Mr Vanre Ohio, Chairman or the lOtn- , " ... .. 11. ....... olllei on Olallll", remiuori. inc. inm" tin was llrivaif Bill day. ami called ir the veas and im ujion .Mr. lnieisoJI notion. . . I'lie vp s and eat s were ordered, anil llie unm 111a 11)7 to OH. A uond iiranv hurl were atiseut, am. evun! ofihem voted in favor of going iulo Ciuliinirne of the Whole. The pMidniK bill before the tyinnmtltee lo reduce the priee of rjihhn l.anils. was iiosiponeil, when .Mr. Uliaries J nicer mil rnoveil to take up uih tiesoiution 101 an ipxinif Texas to the U non. Mr H.ipkinsi who 'o Lnair leelared the million to ln tarried. I'lie Clerk then rend the Joint llesoln lion from the Committee on Foreign IM nuns, beina in the exnet terms o (ne rejec ted Tifii'v. .Mr. Inserjoll vielded the honr to allow Mr. Weller to r.lTer his amenduienl, befor. submitted, and also to Mr. Douglass to al ow him to offur hi. Mr Inzersoll then went on Ut) saiu in ihotild not make mueli ol an argument upoi he snhiecl. and peihaii" he stioulil m il! few mure statement? I In snhj-'et h.v tren disiusseil here, in ine puniie iirens, u llie Legislatures, and what was a emicni fuel, even more hy the jiUirnaM oi miiup .iHii bv the Itspreoentatwes ol the peoil if ihe U. Sines He look il fur qtan.'ed loo, thai the t ent Prffsidentl'il eai-.vnFs ge n i fivor of llie ui.iiedia'e annex I'.ion of I ex I'nlilic seiitioienl eervwhre or nearly hv rywhere. had come up to this subject will he mosi marked disliiietuess of exptessim V year since thrre veas bin verv little pub io sentiment attached to ihe suhjeol, an( had the subject been inlrodueed into tin house a jeai ninee il would undoubted!) Iuve faded by a very eniisiierable majoriiN b it such had been the growth of public sei timenl in twelve months that the peupl were 111 its favor He.wasiwelieiinvinr;eijhdjBed,iIial then rrtrtll (ofw ifinl. .ricicf mo lil'Vurin ,ffi annexation oi Texas. From the nunierotir iropoiiilions whirh had been submitted hen it was very obviiiiis, thai however muel tilTerence of opinion Ihere was as to tin nethnd the ui ijnniy were in favor of tin main object. lie was wedded to no pl in, and was un anihiinus of any personal distinction f ins own vie K, prooil ns tin would be t' tnve Ins name ideimiied wiih this qinnm lie would u.i lor any plan Ihat Heeoinplish d the ere it ohji'ei of annexing Texas i the Union Ilu rmnsidercd Uiis question, Ic via Jiound to say, IV uikly; Unly, piompdv that lits was a .Simihern qiirsiion a hi. very question a I exas question. A -fe years since a North east, ru Bound u Treaty was raiilied, and Senators v,ie! ei n, in niimbeis sulllcient lo curry ii out, he cause ihey nere willing to adopt a nla which had been made acceptable to lli. state of Maine and .Massachusetts as mos immediately interesitd in this question Ever since Texas had been stineuderet eieVy succeeding Admiiiisiratinn hud bee i enileavoriuc lo uet ihe eoumry back Tin . b-wssimi of the countrv would givo us r vast area ol tree traile, ami he .would talii ilits oceasiiin lo s.y thai there -y no gria r friwhd of free trade ilnn hiniself, i;ot ilu Iree trade between our own and the othei nations of the woild, but between our owi S ate lie was not-alarmed at the extension nl the borders nf the Union, Hint tared n hnvy sunn w'e hail ten new States from lln. OreViin.aiid five new Siaies hy the atq ii iitionnf Texas.- We should be vmily uime united hy the possession nUOHIutei I hat) we were when we had but 13 Slates. The Al ' mighty ha'd destfliied 'ibis rbindiy to be one with us, hiiiI thoie" who would look to ii upon the map would ee that it belonged io us hy nature. The sulijert of slavery was next r;laneeil it, and Ihe Hfi;iiment advanced that annex linn was favorable to Ihe termination ol slavery,- Slavery, eannnt be increased, it mint be diminished ami may be destroyed if 11 is not pushed fuither from llie Inrds'l of us. 'Phuie whd ate the op'pent's 6hou(d not tic the opp'iueuts. nf annexaiion. , Thd'riKln of our couuiry' 10 Texas was next briefly glancfd at. hut wjihnut any Ht (Jiimeiil-Liey oml thr. de.vlsratiou lliat as we cotiiit otiiaio, Texas liy eoirqursi, wev.nuli muoh tSasier iio'sseis'ouiselvVti of life e'o'uh' try'by mli.deV means' Wo wero bound, too to rpftnro the people of I exa lo the. conn irv from which they had been alienated by treaty and transfer. . In regard to Mexico, ho had every reason lo believe ami was authorized to klae lio n would be no iupnre with her iu ronsequ eiice of anu ialiun. It give him grua plcnsnre In iy thin, nnd he repeated upon his personal responsibility -.that he was 1( , . Ja mUUU9 hJon , ,,,r IM!,I re-ponsibdhy to the (aet. ,r, tl, Great Britain, ho also authorized to stale that thero would Ho m r,.pUrt. jn consequenceof the annex.ii.ini Orea'l Brilum in piiiiferinen. e ol annex-nini " 1"" . " . .r T .... , .ii.!.,. ill irroiB.rij I r-ill. '....I imiii.. heller eoniuirreial'ielatlons she would'tw oppose annexation. 1 ne meafiiiri'i we were nlsu wen ns ured, was not ohji elioiiable to Fiance, wheio we were at one lime aspired it tin I it be. Annex tiioo then was p i.ic fie measure, pud peace would be tin cons qiiPiiee oi 1 1 H" had cuiil already mat .ilii was Southern question, and .luhn a.ncl Smuel Adam1 thought il beM lo havi Fou hem Gt m nl anil lut up"'' Georte Wisliinpton,- so we Mioiil' renrd it besi to,'iiwkis tins a suiilheti qti'tion. ' ij r logei'oll wan in ui mms; i oi. pei ech when ihuhoUr allotted -to ;niln xpintl. Afier the introduetiim of sevpral new propositions for the admisinn of Texa,by way of tunendment to the original hil,ihs hnuee adjourned On iSe nexf day , Salur lav, ihe propos linn of Mr Douqlass, inim luced yesterday, as so aniendt'd by - tin novir, as lo bt ittr the Honse to a test volt it once, and would de'ermine whether a nainritv were in favor of annnexatinji 111 he ah.Jiriet "The liouse adjunined witJiotn my vote being taken At the latesl dale no vote had been liken 011 the quesiiou v CONSPIRACY TO CURATI? AN INSUURIiOTlON AMONG " THE' VUUJINIAN SLAVES. At an ex:tunitiiion irmhe Police -QfTirjeiij, Sew York, some verv (jinaulal disclosures .i-ero made iepec-tui!l an iiisnrreeUon which vas coiiieuinlated in Princess Anne Cnuni' v'lrmiiia. amonc the slaves The partial ars, ai given in the New Yurk Sun, arc as ollowsj 'A colored man, nanedGeore D. Mnrsi if No 211 Houston street who lives h voiknur in stores in the lower pari of tin 1 IV bavin" received information as he lines thai an innii reciiou" of the colored o.iiilation w to iK earrietl into effect abru C iristmas and iw Year to murder men & hildren of Princess Anne county Virgini uiludiug Not folk nnd also all the coloteil .vho would mil iuio them and haviut! .r.uai e!'aiions'ihore'wroie on to a,JusiicBia(wtjic oruiii i! ti 1 in thai a roiurttl 111:111 ui.uier Wills limit's, who hi.d been die corr'efinn lent in tins ei yol ihe eoloreu eumipiiaturs it I'tiueess Anno and iiad encOtirnged' lb. iirocteding bad youe on to Virginia, lo an Ii maltirni the plot and ti carry, ll 1 11 1. jxeenlioii who was thcieupon arrested anil io Iged in prison whore he will remain, aim mid the matter can eau be lully invrgt-. j.ited will roi.iiinie in eusi.oily. . Other lad been arresfid hut had been disciiarped I'lie enl irod people here, who ere neigh mrs arid acquaiiiianei s of -'.Morse, .ham.). ' ireu inhiriuaiiou in Ih.e atnhurint' of tin v nub, that had led lo the u'rrtsi of Willi lodges swore Jo he revenucd .up()i him . id tbri aleiied pufhiai lo dealhi . 'l'ho 1 swore that htf shnuld not cuuioidswin iwn 10 Ins work, anil if lie didi 'lhai'-br hould not be stiffen t! lo work' there an nore Under ibese ihrealii", Morj-oj ,whii s an intelligent tutored man, went in" tin Upper Police office and preferred his -coin, ilaint against Jeremiah Siin'tiimin Samue Finuej, Jeiffiy Overlon and Williau Vale, nil colored, w!io were arrested b dficers Bush, Lawrence and Sliong.', and io Ity held 10 unexr.epionable. hail in 300 ach hy Justice Taylor, 'in 'Keep lite 'pciie iwards C5. D Mnnu, and hut of gnuii'. be i.ivior hereafter ' The Mistttics of Heino a Tandi iite v n Office An Onio pipi-ri'e lal Hie follow nj; meedo'e of an inex periencctl pinididate for olliep, ; five onpf h-id a ItMow s'ltidenti'.Wilij. fter he had araduaieil, cnteied 'upon the prijeiiee of medicine, wiih'ver' tiii prospect', (ru 'io a 1 f vil hour lie eon, sentcd lo become a cindida. e enr eie.cnnn Jo the S'ile L'ea thine. He was a nan of jo"od natural enilownn-nt and competent liier.11 y education. lie had pM'P'ned himself lor hn tirofesiion In clone pplicaiion to study, nnd had, ol coin m, enleretl but little into iocit ty.Pt ihat he was liille acquainted wiili ht world, and had no cnncepiion of "whai he was lo endtite in the r-lcdiioncerinf panvsus. Ho was clecied. Hut. after i was all over, he said lo tuj If I ha. known what would have beppaitl ol me hy my oppenents, I would have mip awjij; raiJiBr ihpp. lave,euiTo(ei myset fo'jin no'minalcd. tflknp.w thai .npbii'd,y could ay much goodof me,but J.ibotraUt hi.10, lliai iliey eoultl ro' sat much halm yei the naw-papein opmved ttiinn' me ibev made mu diit 1.0 bad a nfe'l1oW didn't bilieve il wa, ine .at allf'ahd Ql ......I.I . t. . . r. 1 ' t . ( tniiu 001 ir? s.iiiMieir ti.i my. own inden tity until I called my "dogf-oiid 'friuiit! not ne unew me.' 335 'I'lterit vrrHoe-r ri.1.11 S.l riitli.lV, Jr..V, II, 181,1 ICciiicitibci1 I lie Printer w.H I" AT. CORN. . RYE, BUCK villi A'f.'rOA-TS or WOOD, .will be ro. .cf cpU -for to'lits doe u fiiiiibieflliinii. AU( ji'tew bushels' of FOTA'I OliS il liveieil soon From ihoso who have promised I.iiuibct opIi anil. 'Inch end a qharlet pine boanb vill be if delivered soon. '' Gil. J. W.ill.,ce, h -s eotiasted lo Lee utu'af the follownn; Itinid nod places n llie Coiiniy tn the subject of leniiri nee, in Ihe f venini of eacli t!a . On ilii' 3 I ol January at L.iht streel. 4 h, of Jiiiuaiy, Oratieville. Cth of Jan. Ml Pleasant 7ih, uf Jan. Greenwood. 8 h ol Jan. WarneiNville. D'h, Uoherl)Uig. 'lO h nf Jir. Kishini; eierk. 1 1 in & I3 b, of J in. Berwick T4'li, .'.U.I J 111. .Lime Riire'. 15 h,,uf J 10, Cspyiowo. 1G h, of J111. Buekllorti. 17ih, of J'an. New Columbia. 1 8 1 h of J in Ji'isej town. 20lll, uf jail". While Ha I. UNI & 22-1, of J111. W;i,ltinl"n. Ji3J & 24ih,ol Jan. Moiiibbnig ,J Lili- eiiy. 25ih & 27 h, of Jan Danville. 2a h of Jan Mahoning. 2'Jh. of Jan. Valley and Hemlock, .Collections will be laken 1 p to ai the Lectuier. THE LEGISLATURE Mel al Ilarrisbm a on Tuesday list. In anoiln r column will be found thr 'orocettlitnis nl I In Ii st day. In tin House on Wc i!uesda , an unii"eessfu ittempt lo elect a cleik was mule, ihrei Inllutiins beina bar! without a choice lo the Senate, ihe elrction of cl. rk wa 10 Itave taken place on Wednesday. MESSAGE Of the Gov. was sent to hoili Iluufps n Weilncsday.The lalcriPss of Ihe linui if which it was ipeeived, 'Hid its I e 11 n 1 1 precludes its publication this week. We will puhljsh it entire in our next. 7 'he F.lretion of U S. Senator lake place,on,nsxiy,Vcd oltiee on Mundiiy a werl; Jmuary 20. y'lip Iii.ingnralior. nf the Governor elei: rarcis !. .S'httnk. 'roiin-a oil' on V'ucsda) week, January 2 1 . A TALE IN REAL LIFE. The Baltimore Sun states tlmt n wnmim lamed Airs. Barry, nod her daiighirr, wer trri'stid in Washington on Mond ij .charge villi havnitj stolen from Dorchester Mil two orphan girlf, one aged 12 and lb; nth 14, widi the most infamous objeeis. , he lime of her arrest, Mrs, B kept a distr iulalilo bouse at Vashinloii. under llie name of Mis. Ca) Ic. She was couiniilted lo prisoi nut boili the orphan girla uere tliocuvert and taken charge of by an aunt. They are inanulueinriii!! braiiiiful sill shawls, worth 520 and 825, besidt s silk esii igs am! handkereliiefs, at Richmond Wayne county Indiana Thai's your sort ;irls. - Three large spots (0110 pxlraordinari arge) are now visit le on ihe Sun's disi I'hey will piobnbly continue visible a wee onger. A new German Linhein church, in Shaw unit street, Buston, was iltdicated on Cbnsi ias day r, I he membets of the tract society ol Rochester, have during the .past yeai, dis tributaiLIO 300 tracts visited 1 ,005 boat nid persuaded 005 persons to altend pubh .v nit hi 11 On Friday a man from New IJnmsliire, named Wm. Auslin, was atresicd for a for geiy in Boston. He said that 'ho did not know ii was any barm ' A Buffalo paper a a) a ihat a womsn ol that city was sentenced last week, by tli'i Recorder's Court' to Sing Sing, for twt ears, for sleuling cloth for 011 'Ascension fiobe ' By tfiij in'tdapclioly accident on tlio Mis slesippl, on the night of the l liti ult.enusei1 by , the collision of the steamboats Belle and inn" Louisiana, tli.rly one lives are Hiaied lo hiive been Itjt The whole number ol slaves' in llio'Siaie ef Delaware is less ihup 3000 PENNSVLVAKIiV LEGISLATURE- SENATR. Tuusuay, January 1 1815 I'ho .Venalo wns called to tinier at precise ly 3 o'clock P... M. by W.illiain .A Wt.eox. q; Speaker of die last session, who an iiinncedt Unit lie hid, during the recess. i-eived llie resiunatiuii of I' lancis i . Hughes, F.fq. Senator from the di-trici ompo'i'd of the counlies nl bhiij'lliiiliiar nut: Mout'oe hiiiI Pike, anri ihat he ttn isv. d a will direeliin Urn ludill'ig ol a peei.i leelioti li supply the trteimry The Secrel'iiV nf the Ontinimn wealih -he nig introiltieed. pieseuicd the olVicial renini. f e ecliui'S Inr Menalors, nem 11 me 1 'tiemliiv of O.-lnher .isi: bich; on moli'in fMr CUAMPNE.V. weru eHtir.-dly read Oi million of Mr. HILL. Hie mil of ilu- Senators being called overwhen the follow 1112 gentlemen answered to their names; Messts Am i-rsnii Hailv mater tJiacn uason 'hainnuevs Chilliuiun Oornmnn t.ral'P ;iaiL Darraeh U.irr-ifl Dimmick Ebaiigl 5ntie Ever Fetfe'y Foulkrnd. Gibbon lleckman Hill Hoover 11 iriou Itohn Ko'i- Sherwood Sierripeie Sullivan Wilcox. 20 Vhent Messrs Babbiti lvlino iMornsou mil Ouav 4 On motion, the Senate p-neeeileit lo the lection of a Sneaker, which resulted as CtllnwH. viz: Mes-ri Anderson Bady Ihgler Ularli harnniieva Cha nian Uurii:n-an Uranii ) mmiek Ehauah lnne ut er i-egety i-oum . . .... .- 1 1., .11. rod llppkniHii 111 I llnnver llortnil Kahn Itooa Sherwood and SieriL'cre valed foi .Vllliam P Wilrox Messrs Oarson Cram Uairasli (ibbon nil Sullivan "oled for Genrae Datsie Mr Dar-ie voted for Charles O Sullivan Mr Wilcox vnltd for Henry C Ever William P Wilcox E-m: Invinn received 1 iinioritv nl all the vote L'iven was dttlar -d diily elected the Speaker nf the Senal if Pennsv vunta anil was .ennilucleii to in hair by Messrs Uhampneys ami Muinvan After the passage ol ihe usual tesoiuumi be Senate atljoumcu to ten o cijck inoirow HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The IIuuso was called lo order at 1 'clock, noon. The Sccieiiiry of the Conimonweall being; intioduced, inesenled the olficia relurnr of the election of the membeit. in llie 2d Tuesday of October last, which were severally read. The Clerk then called over the roll, when it appeared that the members were al! pres ml except Mr. Iluuler. ol Berks, deceased ruomas O Brain, who wa conhneil 'mine by severe indisposition; and F. Muse if Allegheny. On motion the House then proceeded to ho election of Speaker the clerks acting as Tellers anil the vole being taken resulted is follows.' .-lvtiiilley...j;ater,siri. .. reccived... Joeph S. Bie'lMer Maxwell M'Catdin Thomas Nicholson William 7 1 1 1 Air I'a tersiin,liavi ig received a in.nnrit if all the votes was declared duly elected .jfeaKer Al'i: llie pis.i!ie of llie usual resolu ions, the house ai'j.jtirned lo ten o'clock to-uiortow mornina- HORril ItliLE REVENGE We li 11 il in the Rickinghani Register, an iccouniofa ir.igcdt , which has just occur red in Randoliib county, Va almost loo dreadful for belief For llie honour of hu nan nature ue .Jioiild be glad to find 1 fury nun nut a hoax, though, if so, the vreieh who could put such :t thing in cir 11 ation deservej the peniteniiiary The Regibter says; 'Some three years ago, on Cheat River, Randolph counly, Va. a man by the name I Oarr, a married man, formed an atlac nenl for a gentleman's wife of the name Woolford. The iwo rgreed lo run away logethei, and, without delay, executed their desigua After an absence of about eighteen uiouihs. they reiurned to the same neigh iinu hood 111 whub ihey lormeily live .vliere they residi'd together inoutiiB, uurtuu wiiicn time they iiad out chiltl. They received many threats from the neighbours, and Mom what followed, is more than probable die threat! were ear ried into execution. One morning it w made known that the house occupied h li 13 guilty pair and then child had beei consumed by 011 examination child whs (nu ml in one corner of llie house i'ic bones of the mother were resting upon the chair tick, which was not altogether con siimed hy the lire, and the remains of the man were lound in the middle of ihe room, his heart being whole, and his head seem ed to have been severed from his body! His axo and gnu were lying by bis tddo, which indicated that had made soma resis 'iiuce.' THE BIBLE, The attention of our fathers was caily lirectcd tn the spread (if the Bible, as a inrarm oi nadonal happinc On tlio 11 lb Sept. 1777, a coiumiliee of Congress re tomnieudctl the importation pf'JO.OGO Bible I'lomllollaiid Scotland au! elestt here, as llie proper type for priniiit( could not be pro cured in tins rotimrv. ' . The n-reMy expense (or llie literary mat icr of the London Tunes in f 1500 P0II TltU COtUMDlA DEMOCRAT'. Estracl from a epeech deliveietl by r0(f , ! fore Ihe Society, fur ihe diffusion of humbug. ProlT. ., havlnt, spoken for some inie on various subj-'Cls on which the oeiely have power lo arl it b onto idilrrksed biniielf to those wln w. te m built lo become misMnnai ies in tin ftie I use of Clan vnyatirr, and i-puku in Ilu following, wurd : 1 The mbj. el, who 11 ihrowrf into (Inn .nn ryed slate, (the slate of clali'viiy incej shnuld always bear it in mintl,ihai fir greai point consists in guess'iiiR Ivell alhn than in seeing; cleaiiy. I'aying 10 allnnlion to Ihe clearness of hi.' vi- dion, let him betake himself to the sm. Iv of those parli of mathcmalics thai neat of the calculation of chances, and from iliis lin will learn lo what degree he miy impose on tlio cretluliy ol his audience, and lo what point lie must In- n lo rely upon his impudence to cany him ihtnugh. When t!ie pbauces of icing, nahl arc riud to ilione cl being wrong, let ihe subj- ct never hesitate, as reinly anjwer gives an ait ol ceriainiy 111.1v mislead lln; b'ptclatnrs and niOft likely dumb-found the iieis-oo bro'i in communicatiou, who will in all pro. liability make ao excuse lor Ihe fiilycis incnrrecir.psH.and ' r liute il lo bis own neglect to "coiicenirate Ins mind on the object" or to hive viewed two lhine1 at the same lime. Pliosc I wo expiessions form I lie n I- plia and the onifcg,a of Ihe excuses fur failure in Animal iMagnel'Mii. 1'hev can never bo loo ofieu rejieaied, and tin like every tiling else,lhti more fr qui-nt- ly Ihey are heard llie nimo laiisiiiaune tiecomes their inlluence. When the ubjcc is at all om. il is then obvioui that he does not see cleai ly or else he would answer immediately. When tins is the case the plea uf obscurity of vi Mon is a good one, and would 110 doubi satisfy the most faulnfiudina jude 1h.1t ever called himself ''llie couit."" If the clairvoyant docs not pill in this plen, il should by all means be dune for htm by ihe ignoramus who styles himself prt'JJcmor. As we have belore remaik- ed, the person Inoughl into comniunici 11011 with the mbj-el wiM not obj ct ,te I if he tloes, be can easily be Inow-bealeo into lei ins, for lie will naidly venture m ihiow Inn ui-jcs lulu the .scale in be weighed Willi tliat of an animal niienri ... 111 1 zer. ivewouiu, nowover, anvisu 111 person in eoiriiiiuiiiuaiion, uevvr to ob ject; as it will more than likely create a s-cene, ami iu sildo.n advaniacoiu lo icionue. It alBo implies ihat you qui.i lion the lionesly anil veracily of tlio jroff'cssor, as well as of Ihe tubjeci; tu nay tiie least ih- verv mile, ami naiiihtsa (jieat wanTo! gouii bleeding. I'u ihe clanvoyant (1. v. the subj-r) we would howevt r say that he hh'uul 1 always deal in generalities. This ..o will be more likely to ensure suec than any other we can devise. Fur n -ilance, if the clan is a.ikeil wh ,1 the peison io communicaiiou tn es, let Inm answer a hou?e, as it is cxticuu !y dillicult to imagine a place whein there is not some kind oi a dwelling. If ask ed bow many Moiieshigh il f, say two, for few couivry houses have moie. Two windows in a room ! )0 mo,i counnoo number. Halls are not as of ten met with as direct communicaiiou fiotn Ihe street by a door. Ii niusl he a slrange house that does not contain a 'able, and books are generally placed on il. The fiame of a looking glass is either gill or varnished, consequently ihe chances in guessing are equal. Water must exist in every place and whether iu a nver or a pump, is a mat ler ol no importance. Trees, fences and sheds form the back ground of ty landscape. Iu his answers the sub ject should seek forth for generalities, and frecondly, for nmhigiiitit'8 which may mean nothing or a gieat deal, as best suits tile peisuu in communication; Inn nu no account should he suffer him sill 10 be lln own into ihn stale of clair voyance until he has fir.-l put un a pur of silver spectacles val.ied at abonl 12.J cis. Indent the most celebrated lectu. reis on this science have dc'ermined ihat il must alw.iyh have remained unknown 10 Ihe war hi, had il not been for the ap plicaiion of iliis melullick medium." The learned prulessur then commenced speaking on other subjects, such as tho expediency of gelling up another mulii- cauhs speculation, ami ihe bent fi s which would accrue lo the Uuied Stales by ihn eleclion of a mormon president in ISIS. PRINTERS DEVIL. It very much astonished me (a poor litlln piinlers devil) that Prod' Loomi.' .object the other night give as an ex iiso for not answeiing porreclly, lliat 'she could not see." What was the lonn lady llirown into the sleep foi if it was not to see? Yet every body eemed lo think this quite a sufficient excuse. A gentleman of Bangor. Me. has a l.inii ly bible belonging lo Ins father, nnd which wns pi inter) in Loudon in the sixteenth ceniury. The paper is very fine and' the printing clear and neat.