The Columbia I hare .worn apon the Altar of Gorl, eternal hostility o every form of Tyrant ov.r th. Mind of Man.-Thomas J.rter,on If. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. BLOOMSBURfi, COLUMBIA CJOluNTY, PA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1845. Volume V1II0 OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT orrosiTE St. Paul's Ciiuiich, Main-bt TEP-MS : 77i COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT willb published every Saturday morning, at Tiro DOLLARS per annum pauublt half yearly in advance, or Two Dollan fifty Cent s,ij not paid within theyeat Aro subscription will betaken for a shortci period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permit ted, until all arrearage are ilischargtu. AD VER TISEMENS not exceeding square will be conspicuously inserted at une JJotiurtor tlic first tnrceinsertwns and Twenty-five cents for every subse quenl nsertion. tCT'A libe ral discoun made to tho se who aivi'.rtise by the year I.B PTE RS addressed on business, must be post paid. Kr;i'fy, tlio American borderer. POETRYo THE DKUNK A RI)'S LAMENT. Tono Home, Sweet Home. by Col,. Wallace. Mill sorrows and sadness) 1 in destined to mam, Forlorn & forsaken; deprived ofrny home, Intemp'raiieo hath robb'd me of all thai was? dear, Of my home in the skies and my happiness- here, Home! home! sweet, sweet home An exile from God, 1 shall no'er find home. I vainly presumed when I fir! took the cup I could drink if I cliooee, or I could give n up; Rut I tampered too long; too long tempted heaven, 'Till an outcast from God and his presence Im driven. , Unmet home! sweet, sweet unmet On eatth or n hoaven. 1 shall ne'er find a home. In an account Riven by tourist of his journey, to the falls of Cuyahoga, near l.ako Erie, and published in Silliman e fnurnsl of Science, we find the following oarliculars of Samuel Brady, a noted Amer ican Borderer, who flotirithed about sixty vcars ago: Brady was over six feet high, with light blue eves, fair skin, and nark hair; he was remakably straight, and an athletic and vigorous woods man, inured to all the toils and hardships 'of a frontier life, and had be come very obnoxious to tho Indians, t rom his numerous successful attacks on thfir ivar parlies, and from shnoiing ihrm in hi hunting excursions whenever they crossed is path or came within reach of his rifle he was personally encaged in more hazard ous contests with the savages than any oth man west of the mountains, except Daniel Uoone . He was, in (act, an Indian hater,' as many of the early bor derers. I'his class o( men appear to have been morn numerous in this region than nn other portion of the frontiers: ami tin Innhlless arose (mm the slaughter lir-iddock s dt'leat, and too numerous mur lers And attacks on defenceless families' that for manv veurs followed that disaster Hrady was also a very successful trappe mil hunter, and took more beavers than th Indians themselves, In one of. his sdven lurons trapping excursions to the waters of the Beaver river, on Mahoning, which arly days abounded wiih the tinimsls ol this species, that it took its name from this fact, it so happened that the Indians sur prised him and took him prisoner, To have shot or tomahawked him on the spot would have been but a small gratification that of satiating their revenge by burning him at a slow fiie, in presence of all JThe lied River Republican gives the it, is quite probable we should have sot- popping of a cork from u champ: following sketch of lite amid Ihe fnresls fried largely in that line, had not the botilc. of the Southwest. It is veiy unlike our Parish Judge arrived at that moment 'Stop sir,' said the judge, 'tho cot idem in ihi latitude, but it is verv natu- nd given a new turn to affair. The.mony is not complete.' ral at VA,. Jn J ! t: A Pino Wooil Wedding The i oar of laurthter that followed ed for oy, and clasped ih this simple recital was deafening. We Suze" to his bosom, givinu hera smack lost our buttons in.convulsivo fits, and that resembled tho noise creeled by the jignr nnor,i.pip inilgje, as all our readers Know, id sup. uo it aquirc,' snouted uy, 'l win After t'.escribine a rural feast, and the loe.d by inaoy, to be of Uallte, descent be as ttill us a wild cat kelchmg s r ih, nresent thereat. ' impugn we nave no auuiorny in say iieer. j - i . ,.., 1 , .!, ,.,. Tl, 1 ,.. r,. 1 1 n t, I m i. rpcnr.lpll a an tltieX l'H& lit: IS vc umi iu i.,.-. a .e nincii hi? iiu.v i.uij, uiiii , Intnironiion. for a time, to the "r hoi n." Unlike the great poet' imid the huzza of the men flnd whin ' ' r.. . .... In u;..r- r i...i: n.. M V t tS ldus.1 i:c, 1 RCltinris rr.v...f ui im l.i...ra, y MoMMic.fl nn n mule, which had evi .t m.,n,i t,.ti n,iii, annA Mnlnn lincJ. carried his t) lush i o g m ft id to tlio mule v" " ' . . . . " ' I 1 il . . . I. lenllv been debarred the rights of In- With eyes .evete, and beatd f formal cut, lacen ner nemnu nun ami in a nvinit tribe to corn und fodder for a serious puU of wio and modem insiansca." "nR wa9 on "'eroad to homo and hsppi I.......I, ,.r iJ.nn ivnro Hvn heilH'S. CfT-l. . . . 1'ieSSl ....... r , .ne ,s o;l ean a9 uraiiamine, nvini; of primitive o.n.n i giy cavai.e. en,irey on ,ran ,)Udding and frica mu a capiivanng mi.u.i.cdu. .)e, radishes. With tho undying e.l i-er not exactly cpaiisoneu Mho a .a.- f lspjeiei .hundeis forth an f.eyof the Llizahelhian ag, walUeii . . f f . .,,. lineraieiy ami we .noug.n ai m ...... .( conshe , n)0ntrV a at study Willi malice ai.ireuio u j in r -,. , . ThrH.. are llm i . i ri ...ll.. .11 " - nil Rjme to a dean sianii. wu ,.,.. ,lf i,..,,,. ii.Mi, the Knight in a peiteci y ;uon i caro , Mranuely enouah, "i-oeg tho whole it' manner ami wunoui casu,,bln0jf, at the lair one uy nis sine, u . , w a ex pounder of the Muthodist frith, aud in veied thi! country in compiny will the devout and cxeiniil iry laihei Il-d wine sen li- political arvco giving her tho slightest assistance iu i-moiiolinu he dmw a oee line lor im encampinf ut, pimping iVer eveiy ihing hal aft.irded any obiruction to ins pas . . .......... ... ..e i. ... VMM- ...Hi si in' i ii v ou ai i ue iu i in ills' - i n . voice: Come nil ye Virginnv galls, And listen to my noise Never do you wid Willi theCaiolina boys ; For if you do Your piiitinti it shall ba Corn r.hku and hominy, And jiusUiigi lea. Bom asala, Mary, Bono cum soc. Sic." By way of dccompmiment ho crack ed with inimitable grace which he (J hiii gave a yell that A Thrilling Incidut. IMie following graphic and llirillintr sketel ot an incident which occurred some yenrs since at the Natural midge in Virginia comprises a passage in h lecture on Gen his, delivered by the celebrated Elihu Buiilt, the Uarned Ulicksmitli of UhoJ Ulaud;. The scene opens with a view of the gro Natural Biidge m Virginia. There throe or four lads standing in ths chaunc uciow, tooKing up witn awo to that vai This may account for the very V1'0'1 o(,u"llewn rockg which the Almightv serious! casi of eouiilenance luj'juilt over these everlasting abutment, when him. On the present occasion he wa-lihe morning slurs sang togolher. The lit dreniied in the heicht of fashion. IL hie piece of the ekv snaniilinc those measure woiva "West of Knglatul" in viihl. te pier,, a full of nars, although it is mid meet, con, mi- cunai ui wiiiuu wai per- t. U ... llln,,l fBB, frnn, pendicular and curded 'a la collegian, 'l , ,, , , ., ... 1 . . .. ., . . ' where ihey stand, up ihoie peiuendtcu ar iiivinn Hip ivi'jrpr nnilH n tn..iml.-r.n 1 1 I r annearanco. U.s cadimere veSl wna but huhvatk?' of l",,es,ol,e' o the kay rock 1 . . . I. ...l.It . .1 I toned cloe up to Ihu chin, over the loi.r"ai "' wmc" Pl'3 " mem oni uf which protruded an enormous piir oljuf'tie sue of a msn' hand. They ailsnce jut wluskergj such as are worn by hn-lot death is rendejed more impresiive by ginds, whom Beuttttvo young ladle die little stream that fallt from rock iiom in sucn tngi. esteem,nis p .ntaiooiii, roc down tne 0),anel. Tho sun darkened aaid the boys have unconsciously uncovered ihetr heads as if standing in the presence dccompmimeni no cracK- r . . . . . . . . table grace a huge whi 'old m such high esteem,l..s p-.ntaloon.-, iM.ed above hi, head, and of l,lV were. ne.J,ly at would have met the ap- P'"r, f , l,a,c", e,a.,her boo and . :.. e .u c. .. brench kids uncased his small delicali1 the pioval of a committee ot the bioux ,1(J ,B ,iccnsi chamber of the Majesty of the whole oartl n.,,B!l. rriP,l,,Par,. lut was to bind together -two willing U last ibis feeling begin, to wear away who was irululniim in a cochiuaturv fi My heart broken wife in her grave hall found rest. A ml n. v nil ildrmi have pone to the land ol ... ...j .-- 0 the blest Whilo I a mor wietch. a vile wandcrei like Cain With iho 'mark' of the beast on the cartl still remain, Home! home! sweet, sweet home! Ilnw l.nntiv was I with iiiv loved one? i j at home. Varewetl to the social endearments of horn .l.iall v Inniheii bv mv fellows I waiidci j alone, For presiimptouslv sinning and tempting iho Lord. nr .o fri.i. .,f mv ivavi. I must reap the reward. Home! home! sweet, sweet home! An exile from God, I shall ne'et find home. RALLYING HYMN. "Invitation." Come and join our Temperance banner, Come and join its holy cause Soe Us streamers point to "lory, In union with heaven's law. Come! yn iltunkaril, weak and weary. We will be your brothers yet We'll protect you while you tarry, And your sins we will forget. Seo the drunkard how dejected Soarelv where to lay his head: Oh, his family; how neglected From door to door they beg for broad. See the ills of lire beset them, As they journey through this world No kind parents to protect thein To destruction they are hurl d. Moilmrs weep -.ind sisters languish; Vrs their husbands' Imii deplurej Fatheip shed u tear of anguish; Maids their lovers clasp no more. Come and join the Temperance banner, Wo will see that bII is right; If proud tyrants dare beset us. We will conquer in the fight. Nature's God will ihen adopt thoe, Wife and childrsn will tliee caress Smiling friends will flock otoutid yoti, And all thejby of life bestow. taKen alive to their encampment, on the west bank of tho Beaver river, about a nile and a half from its mouth. After the isual exultations and rejoicings al thu cap- I.. lure of a noted enemy, and causing mm to run the guantlet, a fire was prepared, near which Brady was placed after being strip ..ed naked, and with his arms bound. Pro- V !" cried a wag on our right, who ha' . .1 . n. in li.r n'clpar view oi hearts." Thejudfco now mounted log to have $ clear view o he critter 'Two to one lie' the feller that bill il the bull off of bayou bridge ! exclaimed lien Ulower trom anak. creek. Our hero heard not, or heeded no ihesn eomnlimentarv remai k,bitt made Wously to tying him to ilia stake, s largo I h3 Wa y up to the company in fine styh irclo was formed around him consisting ol He wa3 indeed original. His heigln In. linn mp.i. ivn.nen and chrildren.dancinB could not have been less than six fei nd vellinc, and uttering all manner of tour, without shoes ot sloctiing?, wit en ' .... ,,.. Lvoru a shockinir bad hal, with a hole in 'Ugeol the ungl.sii language couiu a.mru. - Hie prisoner looked on these preperalion , d , 3,)(1 fro for death, and on ins savage toes wiiu a (1)B 2,)p of fl rorn8lak on a windy day firm countenance, and a steady eye, meet-lit. coa. Was ofnul-dyed, homo manti ins all their ihieats with a truly savage for fac'ure, minus the shiit, which ho siid litude. In the midst of their dancing and he had lost in an encounter with a wild of one of their chiefs cat he had slain on the to id. His situ in hrr arms, collar was llumvn open, disclosing li n.l kn it.. F IiuuiiU !.i. .i i.. !,i.l n.., uieaai Wllllicu u. ...u c..,. u. ...v..v ...rK . -.. "... , U)il h.M inexpreMiblM, wind Hnee he snatcneu it. rom urr at... ..,. '-r t) b(J ,,, u.,ma will ,,,, ffH into the midst ol the 11 imes. uurror siruch .,.... Huoul ,.Vu f,.fct ,0 ,le i,,,, it the sudden outrage, the Indians fiuiul LVar.l, were hiiched up on one side wit. laneously rushed to rescue the inlant irom , buckskin brace, giving 'hum a zigzag die fire. In tho midst of this confusion appearance, decidedly unique. Ssurvej ii.... i.. .i... i r....n .i,a r.i.,.1.. nvf-rinrni.iu . .l! tl.e ah'demb v lor a momuni, with UIHU) ...r... niw vii. .r . fm y ii .1.... !.. .w1 ma ipi nln Uie UllLMIIIUII 111! WUUIU invu UlVKll iu ill llltll rrfiiin in ma 'urt .w..v i I i i ... n.irkeu with f.e Indians -nenagene ol w.iu oeas.s,u tuns: Fellers, I'd just like to know ihciu's a quire in these parts ? " Do you mean the pariuli Jiidgef rejoicing, a squaw une neai him with a tile ailj icenl elliug at his hteU. lie asiended the steep ide of a hill amidst a shower of bullets, ml dotted down the opposite declivity. ecreled himself in the deep ravines sndLskeri an estimable citizen. laurel thickets that abounded several miles Yes, I 'spose don't care a pinr .,. it., uppx nf i, Us know edi?o o I he unoi woo, so a uu cui u ...c ....u6, country and wonderful acivity enabled him p''ed Hie stranger,givtng his whip a pe to elede his enemies.and reach the settle . Vwu . u i,.i. r..i.,i) ... - I "L' J " II lid I lllrt V UO f WUl u.i,...n.. ii wit (Tit; (IIS Ull Ulu Buuiti ' . rpil a i PflUllft SQl'eifilffn HI 111 .... i i ! : . i.iiii' i -- which lie crosteu oy sliming.- um inn Cfovvli near whose base this adventure is said to Nulhiu' much, no how," replied have hannencd still coes by tins name and ,i,e m0dei n Ntmrod. 'I only wants .1... i.,oi,ini ...rrriil to bv the traveller thn feller that ean harness me and Ilia UIU II1LIIIVIH - w I " " " as tlio riide. coach is slowly dragged up its La 0n old Rattler, yonder. She's jusi the loudest nail in thu settlement .lick a? n peeled maple, and as clear grii as a skinned later rolled in the sandpnd I'm called a wholo team and a dog undet the wation. I've snaked about thes woods for a week, looking lor a 'equire JUST SO Dow jr., in one of his sermons, after de- monsttalinE that wealth does not procure . . . , vor ou, a hanniness.sayg. A man withasmall house , , u i00kniI for him, and I wish .... .. . .. . a small farm, o small who, a Dig iing, u iar. (nay be rammeu tnrougn a gum iree cow. two or three lat pigs, anu nine ,aad loremost, it i am going 10 pact chtldten ought to bo satisfied. he never can be.' If ho isn't, 'Suze any farther. 1 came here to yoke hor, and hero I'm going to lUy," iiey begin to look around them. Thes liroceeded to bui the names of hundreds cut in the .linin ve' imperfectly 'described', 'to "trot out" his brido. "You're the man for my yaller qnar ra," said our hero in estacies, and a r r. XT.. way he went on a ion tor auxe. nm joe eflort of his brawny arm, he Ioop her from the mule and brought her ti he centre of an enclosure formed bj he company, his eyes dilating and hi whole frame exhibiting signs of joy un neakable. The bride was a buuncini. nrairie beauty, on whom time had smil d in hisj rapid course, she wore a biui calico dress, full iu every part, thus per milling Every giace To run a race." A string of blue beads ornamented gooil subotanlial neck none of youi 'swandike' thiues and her head geai was a cniton handkerchief with Miarlei jtrines and vellow irround work, Med v j : . " . . racefullv under the chin and concea mi. tlm flixen curls that siruc"led loi liberty. Her shoes might have givei your lesetche fashionable ladies ihe by teiic?, but they united comlort and .iu ability and effeciually closed the door 'o tiiH tell di'siioyer, coiuumpuon. ihu hurry of the mometil, doubilisa. mada an invidious distinction Ueivvoei dose necessary appcndanes clasocall) jailed ,linsect desiioyers,"ono of which acked the blue sock bin this was ai mission, not n fault. Her blue eye. is it rebted on the chosen one, spoki "laqufititly of abiding love, and hei handsome face was wreathed in smiles, The Judge glanced at the paper in his hand, and then in solemn, impres sive tones demanded of the groom "Will yon lake Sunn Jenkins asyom lawful wedded w.fe ?" "Well boss, ,1 reckon I will. 1 wouldn't have rid since daylight anil thri'r young hearts; and' their knives areTTti land iu an instant. 'What man has done ruighlv wall, und now packed her here, if I didn't mean to 118' Jo the clean thing,' answered our ro. "And you Susan, will you tnlt Cy rus Snorter, as your lawful wedded hua band ?" "Yes Squire, that I will. D.ul tl j that glance lasted a moment it would I oughter married Hill Swizzle; ' I'M been his last. Ho clings with conv see htm hanged first. Ue danced with pair off old ugly Bets Foler.and give her a bran new shawl. Xiesides that, he got drunu fell off his horse and broke his leg. Cy is good enough for me," leplied the spirited beauty. This wai too much or Cy. He jump nan can do,' i the watchword, while thoj Iraw themselves up snd carve their turno foot above those of a hundred msn who had been there beiore them. I'hev are all satisfied with this feat of physical oxeninn, oxcept one whone ex tmplo illustrates perfectly, the forgotten iiulh, that thero is no royal road to intel lectual eminence. This ambitious youth ee a man lust ubnve his rf-ach, s nsnu will be green in the memory of the word when those of Alexander, Cxiari and Buonaparte, shall rot in oblivion. Il w the tiHine of Washington. Before h march eil with Rraddock to that field, he had been there and left his name a foot above sll hi predeceesois. It was a glorious thought of the boy, to write his name side by sid with that of the great father of his country Ileerasns his knife with a firmer hand; nd clinging to s little jutting ctag.he cuts again iu to tho limestone, about s foot above where he stands, he then reaches up nntl cuts another for his hands. It is b dsn L'erons adventure; but t he puts his feet and hands into (hoes niches, and draw himself up rsrefully to his full length, finds hiinxf f ft fool above every namr ihroniclerl in that mighty wall. While hi companions are revaluing him with con earn und admiration, he cuts his name rude capitals lore and deep, into that flinty album- His knife is still in his hand nn streneih in his sinews, and a now created aspiration in his heart. Again he cuts another inche, and agaii hn catves his name in Urge capitals. Thir is not onotieli. Heedless of the entreaties of his companions;he cuts end climbs again The cradations of his Bscendinjj scslf grows wider apart. He measures length at every gain he cut. The voice of his friends wax weaker, till their word are finally lost on his snr. He now for the first time casts a look beneath him. Had have lines with convnlsi shudder to his little niche in the rock. nwful nbyss awaits his almost rcrtain fall He is faint with severe exertion, and tremb ling from the Midden view of the dreadful destruction to which he U exposed, II knife is worn half way to tL'c holt. adi)rabl(.!r,n hear lha voices, but thn wrir.1 ..f terror striken companions belut. What meagre chance to ascspe the destruction. fhefo is no retracing his steps. It It im possible to put his hands tutu the siiric niche with his feet nnd retain his slendee hold a moment. His enmpanious ioitau; ly perceive this new and fearful dilemma. and nwail his fall with emotion that frnzn heir young blood. He Is too high, too faint, to ask for his ftithor and mother, his brothers and sisters, to come and witness or evert his destruction. But one of his companions anticipates his desire. Swift as the wind he bounds dowu tho channel, and the situation of the fated boy Is told upon his father's he.arth slooe. Minute of almost otornsl length toll ou, md thors are hundreds standing in that rocky channsl, and hundreds on Ihe bridge ibove, all holding their brealh, awaiting the fearful caiaslrophclThe poor boy hear tho hum of new and numerous voices both above and below. He can just dis inguish the tones of his father who is shouting with all the enrry of despair. 'Willianl William! IWt look down! Your mother and Llenry and Harriet are all hero praying for you! Don't look down keep your eye towards the topi' The boy did'ni look down. His eye is fixed liko flint towards Hetrven, and his young heart on Him who reigns there. He grasps ogam his knife. He cust another niche, and another fool is added to lha hundred that remove him from tho reach of human help from below, ilnw carsfully he uses hiu wasting bladel How anxiously he selects the softest place iu thai vast pierl How he avoids every Qintv giaio! How ho economises his physical powers resting a innmct.t at each, again be cuts. How every motion is watched from below. There stand his father, mother; brother and sister, on (he very spoi where, if ho falls, he wtU ! jfyjLnli'ni. rhelad,hss'madesfifiyvraddltionalniohes7n finds himself directly under thr middle of that vast arrfi frocks, earth and trees. He must cut nis way in a new direction to gel from uu der this overhanging mountain. The irtspir ilion of hope is dying in his bosom; its viul heat is fed by increased shouts of hundred perched upon cliffs and trees, and others who stand with robes in their hand on tho bridge above, or with ladders below Fifty grains more must be cut before the longest ropa cen reach him. His wasting blade Irikes again into the limesone. Tho boy is eratnerging painfully, foot by foot, rum that lofty arch, Spliced ropes nru ready in lh hsnds of (hoss who are leaning over the outer edge of tha bridge Two minutes more and all will be over. That bltdci is worn to the last half inch. The hot's hsads reels; his eyes are sinning from their sockets. His last bopes are dy ing in his hesrijhii life must hang upon the next again he cuts. That niche is the bet. At tha last faint gash ,he makes his JJmiftt falls from his net veless hand, and ringing along the precipi;, falls al his mother's fert An involuntary gtoan of despair rum? like a death knell throtich the channel be low, and all is still as the grave. Al ihe height of nearly three hundred feel, tho levoled boy lifts his hopeless heart and "losing eyes to commend his soul to God 'Tis but a moment; ihore! one fjotswing9 iffl he is reeling trembling toppling ner into eternity Hark a shout falls on lis ear from above! The man who is ly ing with half his length ovsr the bridge, has .aught 8 glimpse of the boy's head and boulders Quick as thought the noosed rope is within roach of the sinking youllt No one breathless With a faint, conclusive iifforl, the swooping boy drops his arm into the noose Darkness comes over him & with the words), God! and mother! wliis. persd on his lips juct loud enough to be heard in heaven, the tightening rope lifts him out of his shallow niche, Not a lip movos while ho is dmgling over that fearful abysj,but w.ien a sturdy Urginian reaches down, draws up tho lid, and holds, him up Un his arms before the fearful, breathless multitude, surli shouting, such leaping ml woeping for joy, never greeted tho ear of 'iiniinn lining so recovered from the yawning ulfofetejfltty. t II