The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 04, 1844, Image 4

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    IvSle and Temper-
Caroline and Edwatil Spencer, hd been
tngaged in marriage to each oilier from
childhood, and the period at which their
union should tako place hnving arrived
they wne unilrd under msny favourabli
anspires. They wero equally acomplished
in cnmfottablo circumsUriees, nnd pnesesseu
of similarity of disposition &i tastos, which
wsj peculiarly remarkable. They werr,a
it was observed, formed for each other
One eingle defect, however, on earh side,
marred all; and rendered them suprcmel)
The period generally knon the honey
moon had passed over without any occur
innfimrhins- In a direct misuntler.
II a
landing, and the young couple eat out
evening in the enjoyment of iho most plena
ins tuninnciencei. 'Do you recollect
said Caroline, 'the happy days we used lo
spend togelher saunleiing on the banka
ur lipuniifal river, and inhaliiifi Iht fresh
air which Inrhtlv rippled ilsiuifacr
you would, when w were united, think
yourself the happiest of morUlsf' 'Yes.
And how jealous you would be when
poke lo that fop Morrisf 'No, I do not
Whail not recollect thai!' Certainly not
In never was jealous in my life.' 'U'n
but I am sura you were. 'But I deny it
wy dear. Now, you know you were
. e (.a . v .
cumej conies it. -uo you wim mt
to confess that which I know was not eot
But let ua quit the subject. Have you tried
either of those airs I brought you yester
dat' Ahl you shan't escape me in thai
manner. I insist on it you were horribly
; ! . . r
jnaioui 01 young morns, ami every one
iw if' '1 tell you once more, Mr. Spen
cer, I was not. Have you tried the airsf
'.Never mind the air, my de; I with It
convince you that yon were jmlotis. Do cu
riot recollcnt tha evening when 'Ed word
rose from his chair, 'Madam.' he obscrtfd,
if you insist on continuing a subject which,
you perceive, is disagreeable to me, I must
leave the room' 'Hut why should it be
disagreeable to youf Just any you were
jealous, and 1 shall be satisfied.1 He made
nn ranlir k., mMft.i.l.. I r. . i
..y, , uu. luiiucuiuioij- iuh ino room
when hit young wife perceived that she
had gone a little loo far. 'He it so irritable
b isid,' but instead of following her hiu
band, lo endeavour lo soothe his irritation,
he sat down to the piano to try the air he
had brought her. In the interim he had
talired lo the adjoining apartment, some
what convinced himself that he had acted
precipitately. However, he thought hi;
wife would no doubt follow him, anxious
lo arfjnat the little difference. He there
fore thiew himself on couch, expecting
every moment lo see her enter the apart
menl. What, then, ias his surprise lo
hear Ihe sound of music from the room he
had left, and the voice of hi wife accom
panying, apparently in the most unconcern
ed manner, the instrument she was playing
Considering himself treated with indifler
ence, if not contempt, he put on his hat
and walked out into the street in no verj
enviable humaur. As his evil fortune
would have it, he had not proceeded verj
far when he encountered the arch templcr
himself, in the shape of a friend on his way
io the club, of which bo th had been mem
berr, but from which Spencer, in the do
termination lo lead a domesticated life, had
vitbdrawn since his marriage. In his then
lle of mind, it required very little per
suasion to go thither; and thither he went,
remaining until early the ensuing morning,
when he returned home. Hi wife had re
tired to be bed, and not willing to dislurb
lier, he crept noiselessly in. Hi rage had
evaporated md had he found her awake,
the difTeitnce between them might have
been satisfactorily adjusted. She
ever, after crying bitterly at what had oc
curred, fallen asleep. Piide kept her the
next morning from confessing lhal she had
been at all annoyed or grieved at her hu
bands absence; and when he 'hoped that
the hnd not been very unhappy,' ,he re
plied not at all.' This at once put an end
to any explanation; ond in the evening he
'thought that as Mrs. Spencer fet en hap
iti lit .j rriiiririni it.jw II i
turn lo his sp ndjng tlie evening once mort
nwr.y from hdtaa.' The tup ra Bgsin re
eorled to; and being induced lo engage ii
piay, ne rose a greai io9er. tie returnm'
home chufod and annoyed, and in no umoi!
to make concisions of any description; fm
less to onuure taunts in quiet. 1 hopr
you iuve enpjed yourself at the rlubf
esld lite wife iu him he entered the room
woman, leavn me alone,' he renliod
crjriMy, 'You seam already to think mar
riu(jH by no moans as plossant nn courtship.
Tif m tafc aJblhr J stay, ufc- J stall mate1
inter, aiiueirawn juui buhuuio miu iuihiubiuh
conduct.' The young man raised his hand
a If lo comply with the taunt, butsuddenl
Mieckinir himself, he acsin took his hat &
rushed hastily from Ihe house. Ho htmied
in throuch the dark and nearly deserted
ttreels without an object, and not knowinp
what he Inlcniled lo do willi
himself. Suihlenly he slopped beforo
large well lit building; he surveyed i'. anxi
,inK-' nnd then seemed about to pass on
but; apparently drawn by an irresistible im
pulse he at length went in. It was the
(InS once more the nlace which he had
recently left under circumstance so unfor
tunalc. He had still a few pounds in cash
with him, and had determined lo make one
ffforl more to redeem previous losses. 1
the exciled state of hi mind, it is unneces
sary to say that the effort was unsuccess
fill. He would have quilled at once, but
friendi were there lo urge him on, nnd to
advance him money on ihe security ol tits
watch, cole of hand, Ac. Maddened by
rJejeleiUwses, olaved deep!
...!.. M
anu wnii ws uaronne s impression or
the whole matteit Up to the moment ol
her husband's quilting her for the third
time, she regarded herself as a deeply injur
ad woman. She had obstinately persisied
in course which wks d spleasing lo her
husband, but never thonaht lor a moment
that she had done anything lo call forth hi
uiger. She had been too proud to admit
concern at Ihe difference which had taken
place between them, yet acquitted hersell
of any act which tended to prolong that
Uttlerence. She had taunted, when ih
!,.,. .1.1 .1.1 ,. . ....
nuuiu nave uuiuiiu mm; anu yet did not
conceive thai she had been iu any hanc
iiistrumciiinl in run mm him to quit hi:
home. In Ihe inotiiing, when he doguedl
feinted wnat had occurred, 'It was,' she
said, 'just what she had expected, and jusi
what she deserved for manying him.'
Here, Ihenf was a mosl unpleanant slate
of olTrfirs. There were two parties united
liigBiner mr me, wno ercmeil destined lo
I r i r t
ive at variance. There was to he conlen
ion, and yet very precarious suopmi
I'he 'dinner of herbs,' wa probably to be
here; but ihe 'love,' which coulil render
palatable, was to be absent. There wac
inwever, no i.elp for it, and howsoever
hsagreeable, it must be endured. The
hougntofseparation.bittsooii abandoned the
dea: for, although unhappy toimher. tliev
had, strange to say, no earnest desire lo
arl. At length, afmr many disappoint
nents, employment was procured for
Edvar Spencer through ihe iiutruuif mailt)
i irienus.and they entered upon a new life,
Many privations they had;to eriduie, and
nany struggles to underjo. The temper
which could not brook contradiction. wa
now subjected to restraint; and the nride
thai fcrbade the admission of error, or the
acknowledgement of n pan?, sank under thr-
weight ol comparative poverty, and the
consequent neglect cf friends. The resul-
was, Caroline and Edward Spencer wore
both humbled: and when ihir lnm.-.i.i.
hprnmn nn ......I!,.. .. i .
u uu.i.o 4ujuy -WHICH II uiu so
toon as the novelty ol their situaiian wore
off they led a happier life. Industry and
frugality at length crowned their efforts
nd they wero enabled once more to move
in a respectable sphere of society. It wat
in the same room, and about the same snm
thai, some short lime ifter thin favourable
reverse, of their fortunes, they were again
found indulging in reminiscences of the
past. -Does it not seem strange,' said
Edward, Mhal so trifling a c;rruinstancc as
your supposing that I was once jealous of
young Morris should have led to all our
misfortunes!' No. mv dear', rentier! hi.
wife, 'it was not IhatcircnnislBnce. but mv
foolishly Insisting upon the mailer after I
law that you were annoyed at ii. 'But
Ihen how silly of me lo be annoyed at such
a trifle. 'Oh how I went th r.r.i .:.,
you quilled me!' 'And I to have supposed
that you cared not whether I were offended
or nol.' The fact is mv dear .' said
had then loo much pride.' And I retort
d Edward giving her a kiss, Moo little
""'Y n'lTii iira
The accouui of the murder of Lyman
Wright' Bnd of Mormons,, thirty in
number, is confirmed. They were
principally Englishmen, and wore
attempting lo rob a more at the
An Irishman who had his hands blistered
by endeavoring to draw on a ptr of now
hoots. exeUiined by Sf Patrick, I believe
I shall never gel them on until I wear them
i dnr ot tvrji
Choose & WAxcfci
m BSfUO'ITULLT informs the cllitoni efj
MM Unlumhia county, nnd the public generally
tliut lie has locntml liinnclfin Dloonulmrg.on Main
street nppnrito Bt. I'aul'a Church, whero ho bat
)pcnod shop, ami is now remlj ami prrparrtl to
receive mul execute all work in his lino of business,
with dispatch nnd in a, noikniaiihko manner.
Clocks fit Watches
of Iho best quality, can be hail at his establishment
on vciy reasonable term' .
mil be done to th satisfaction of the customer, as
well of Clocts and Watches as of Jcnolsy, and ho
will, further, warrant his work lotto execute J as
well at any in this tsction of the Slate. IU will
also rusks to order
or pocket, and in short, will do ell olhetTtoik isu.
ally done In a Veil rrsuUled resrcctoble ettablith
ment. lis hone by sli'.ct attention to busines
and a desire to ulcase, to leceive a librtnl shnic o
patronage. Country Produce taken in pay men
for work at tho market prices.
illuotuiburg, iNovcmlwr lb, 1844 3U.I ,
i ho subscribers have established at tin
above place, a new MARBLE YARD
and ! will always he ready, at the ahortest
nonce, io lurntsn to order,
ir any oilier work in their line. Thev are
also prepared to lurnis WINDOW CAPS
&c. either of Mn.ble, Lime or any kind ol
stone Hint can be procured in this vicinity
SCTMiavnic had considerable exnerienei
in the business, tney tihnlae their work to
, . - i
he eKecuted iu as han lsomc a atvle as ran
he furnished Ironi nv yard either in the
uy or countr; ; afld on as reiifonnble lernis.
Bloomebutg, Nov. 3, 18-15. ly iS
Chair ranufactorv,
ru i.'.,. "
husines.K at the old stand of B. $i S. ILieen
buch, where lie will ba rnsdy k til lime
to furnish Faney d Windeor Chaira, Cet
tees, Uoeion Honking Chairs tlic. of cverj
mcs. i imium, which mav oe cai ed lor. hi
short noticn and on the moat reasonable
lernia. He will also execute Houjc, Sign &
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering,
in a superior uinnntr, p
I' mm his experience in the business. ami
his facilities of manufacturing the varioui
articles of his line, he Hattera himself thin
he shall ho jbls lo furnish as cood work.
nil upon as reasonable term bd can lie
rm bd can lie
done in the country, nil of which ho will
nsposo ol lor CASH or COUiiTltY
N. B. Orders from a disianco will hr
lriclly ar.d punctually alleniled to.
Bloomul org, Dec- GO, 1313
Brag's a guod doc,
But Holdfast is better.
PnilC Cildeni-rneit
Jrl numblc tlinn ha to the citinr.anf Hi 4,.-,-,K.,r
i , , . ----- -- JVUtJlllk
HU vicinity, ror the fHVurs thus far beslnr..! IIIUlll
linn, and would still further ask a cumimuncc of
uc s,iinc, so lung only as satisfaction is rendeicd
Ho would not say, Come wit eonu all, but come
is many as conveniently can. Keithrr u-nnl.1 l,r
promiic, (as others have,) lo. do his work bcllci
than can be doria in any other shop in tho place
but in Hliort, he would neither brog nor banter, bin
Icfy any one who does brog to do work neater than
he docs, in all He lm .l.r, Inioi,, ..;.,,
the lata '
with which he is prepared to do woik Fashionable
mid neat, and will guarantee a good fi( at all times
for any one who may favor him with a call.
ins snop is at mo old stand occupied by him
mr a number of vrars And ihn Uirl,
be found out at all times. As to prices he uishe
to be unJersleod that he intends to do work an low
as any of his neighbors, nnd as usual, nil l!n,1 m
country produce taken in exchange for work done
Cloomsburg, Octoter IS, 1344
To the Fuhlic.
THE subscriber desirous of quiting bus
mess requests all those nulthicd to him U
maKe payment immediately.
The following prices will he paid foi
PRODUCE in exchange for his P
on hand.
ROOD WHEAT $1 per bushel.
RYE US ete.
CORN 4.1 and SO els.
ATS 25 cts.
FLAX SKED $1 25 els.
1C7 Goods sold at cost for the cash.
But no credit given after Ibis dale.
Sepl 01841.
HERRAB, the undarsijned gove his note
to William McHenrv. K,vnn.i...
u, lotr-s. uiiy uonars payub six months from
date, for the improvement upon ncerlain piec or
tract of land, and having sineo ascertained that said
.Mcrnry had no titla to tho same, I therefore here
by caulwu all persons not to purchsw said note as I
i"u in inj ii univss compuned ty jaw,
mitotHu LUNGER,
Hctstral in Politics and Ctulltffori.
Arow is the very nick of lime to subscrib(
for the Nao I tor 18tJ'
Willi the largest Subscription List in
the World.
For the purpose of facilitating the formation of
Clu bs. ol kkw or old subscribers not in arrtar,c
offer the following
Thrco copies of tho Hatunlny Courier. 1 year,
or olio copy for threo yeors
Seven copies of tho Saturday Courier, 1 year
Twelvo do
Sovciilccn do
Two do nnd 1
copy of cither of the f 3 Mncratincs
Five copies of Iho Saturday Courier, and 2 oo
pics of cither of the ?3 Magazines
"'Qj-In fact. wTialcTcr offer is made, by ony other
Family Jourim!, nt all opproaching in wortli.bcnuty
or prrti'iisions, to the Saturday Courier, will bo fur
uieiku uy us.
I tie L-olllicr lias become so well unit fatmnMi
knoun tlirough a triumphantly popular course ol
luuMixn years, rnai u wouiu lie superfluous to soj
inui 11,1111 imu ruiyucr ucro. wt'roay rcmatk.liow
eer, inni ro uio uuiustry, talent and enterprise,
vliirli havo fot years kept this poprr a blight cjceni
plarforatl its imitators, will constantly bo added
inr ruuiienuiisoi every available wnler, and con
tinned judicious and hbeinl extiemllturea will mn
nnuviiy oo mauo, as well tu the l.iti rry as the Ty
poRraphical departments. Our nieana will alnav
enable Us to l in advance of all olliers.oiid we shall
bo so.
thslnrtes of Modern RentiMics.
n. lien unn important announcement for 1 :o enm
luff year, in ndJiiion to our slready nunicioue pop
ulif feilurns, will bo a rories of Comleimnl Hiein.
rii of Modern .Republics, by a fresh and vigaout.
i. n t.- -.Tiij vm riunau a wor n ot important ir
sirujuon to tho iumg generation, in this iiorrarid
tiuhiiiiiiidy t.u'iinuco oi History.
Lingi-tipties and notices of Disliti
tfitished Literary and Scientific Men,
'imoufftho intereriine r.ssnvs ami skrietir. ni
value, which wo shall continue to present in the
G'orier,will bo n full and intereslim: account ofil.e
rii-spiosre. and present elevated standing of all
!........ i: i i . . . .. : v
i lit r . -.jrr j mat. Oi t io I'dst and 'r rnl. nt
. u.v. ui iii 7ji uepaiirnenw ot Art.Science, btatcsmaniitn, roetri', Mcchaniee.
K.. .ituiir, Agiiculturc, Printins, AUrchandiic, etc.
I Ins will Lj a very imcrcstlns fcalurj fcr lb,.
sV.- ... . - . w "
vountr. it win us a (iepartu,ent of ha Courier,
wiucn it nao ever itceri cur eni to rei.Jir of iiicti
.in-.iu ui'jno ,ui ui;ui wc icoi so 'icep au
;ueret as weilo for tho Youn'r Men of Mir nr.-n
and growing Cotintrv. The Lives nf,!
.Men are of uiuch value to Ihocowliooio yrt fmin.
in? teeir own characters; for the juipca of enact
ing tiieir part, coirccllv, on tho Great Stage of
num. n ijiir.
i(J,-rJ. UA Impcthat this Departi.u-nt of the
( Jonrir -rill In u,,rili n,n..
'family ., I.hvo ,,w nn.l k'lehwrs 'o bo ten-J
llian live tin.. . tr.. amount v .. '. fc-1
huij'tioii lo tliti Satur'ay C'.uriort
ti f ub-
incidents, Jisloncs Scenes, Bittlc
Grounds, fyc, of the A-.ncrican and all
ouur itevotutiom.
Undor this head, fwhicli (b nnv.nni ai m
new i" tho Courier, we -hall hnrcafler gie trrapliic
and iitereetint; accounts occcaioiullj benuiiliillj
illur.trsttJl of t!i thrillinir ineideiiln. ko rirnfn rl
studded Ihruuah the dimply fip-rtant hijtcry ot
lb', American Revolution, and of all other rcvulu.
ttona that we may rrgard of t!m 1cit interest oi
value tho reader uf the PhilaJelnhia Haturdov Uou
rjcr. 'I liw wiil bu of drcp con.equciice, also, to
every member of ony family of tho American re
public, Mto may clioose to io themselvei ond us
the favor of securing, regularly, the visits of the
Courier ui thoir Family Fireside.
POPULAR TOI'O'GRAraY. To eralilv lt,p'
growing appetite foe a bctier knowledgo of the im
portant features of our great and glorious country,
our pjst exctiions bhall be redoubled in future to'
prcvoiU vivid picture of American cities, towns,
mountains, lakes, rivers, eaves, scenery, etc.
dec. will continue reeularlv to be fjniiibe.l hv tbr.
minds and pens in the country. There chakte
productions arc acknowledged lo be the best, for
useful instruction nt the family fireside, that appear
in ii ny periodical.
Ouit f.soiurrifni compneo subjects in all bran
ches of Art and Nature, suitable for the family cir
cle, and appear iu rapid pucceseion.
Ol!R Tl! WFIjI.ER is constantly traerr,ine
the world, in ecarch of tlie wonderful and instruc
Ocrt AonJcui.Tnniar occupies wreklv en im.
porant t pace, wih all matters of interest for' the
nolile til'tn vftJie toil;
Uur buropean Vurrapontientt, in Liverpool,
i.miuon, immiu, uio iait, Keep us regularly
iidvited of nil ubicctsof niecial intrrett.
Our Markets and I'rirc3 Current.cmbrace all the
earliest advices in reference to the prices of ollkindf
of Grain. Produce, Ac., the etate of Stock s,Danlis,
Moncy.uud Lam's, and our extensive arrangements
will hereafter render our Priceu Current ef inesti
mable value to the Traveller, Farmer, and all Hu-
smcis uiasici wnattver,
Courier Building, P7 Chetiiut street, Phila.
Eitate of Philip Dodder, late of Orang
townthip, deceased.
TSkTOTICE is hereby siven that letters of admin.
V$i ictrstlon, on the above mentioned eetatc,hae
been gronted to the subscriber residimr in the
township of Orance. All prisons indebted to die
raid eslato are hereby notified to make immediate
payment, and those having claims are requested ti
present them pioperly authenticated, for settlcrnir
beforo the first of November next.
Orunge tp.Bept 7, 1844--20,
fttrJiisticosBlank EXECUTIONS and
SUMMONS m primed and forVale bi
1VM. M'fillii LVY & CO
AVH just received, and ore now opening n
largo and extensue aswrinicni ui
sullable to tho season, consisting of all Ihe uiiclics
over kept in a country storo. Among lluir essott
incnt may lio found the following.
33ry Goods.
n..i..loilw nf nil rnlnrs. nualities nnd p-ires' Snii!iiniis.nnd variuiis other kii.iw oi
cloths, flannels Valencia, .loirr-ciHcoill. nnd olhei
t.'r.,rl, .n,1 l:,mtlh Mcrinors. Honiba-
lines, Fashionable Calicoes, Irish Linens, &ilk,
Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, u variety ofHIk
mid Cotton 4tokings, Gloves and MIb for Lad es
1.1.1 nml leslber cloves, blcachieil
...1 ..n, 1 Mn.lln. nf HllllOt -CVf LV nUlllllV
cotton yarn.carpitvatu, caudle wick, Ac.
f.inunrs of all kind", of the be?t qmlily,MolaFe,
Align cfvnrirus ipiuiiiyLnllcc, 1 cus.ispice.eperii
and Fish oil, coarse and fine .Viilt, Candios, Fisli
A large, assortment of Earthen Queens
and Gfussware,ivindowgtass
of all sizes, Looking
glasses, c-c.
Hard-uy are,
Case knives and forks, shoe knives
Butts and Screws if all sizes,
Pad and door Locks, Saddle
Harness and Caach 27;?j
tilings, Saw Mill uid
Handsaw. round,
square, and flat Kar iron
tltcct iron. wugson tire, nf
all size$, in fact every thing
in Ihe Hardware line from a'
cambric needle up to a blucksmith's
All of which will be told in carhanro forCASIl
kinds, 3ii the most reasonable tciniB. and vie Invite
our friends to call and examine for themselves
Nov. 0, 1611 SO.
rjlAItlKAtjliSG Ihe iircsent opportunity of
IV - picr,in" hi thankfulnefH to his fiicnds.ond
ic public coi'.jrallv. for the liberal natinnni.p ,.-
hoc hcretoforo revived, his friends nnd the
("ibiic in general, that ho Kill centimes ta carry on
ihe above b'jfincesot his c!J crlabluhed jlnn.l. nn
tho corniT nt .Main and East stree'e, where ho
hopej, by strict rttention to buiinrgj, to receive
n ml merit a rhaio cf public palionnge as herrlolore.
He deems it tin nectary to go into ihe panm of
brag, or to life any soft'rodu'er about bis SKM.t. in
tho l'I!0FE6::I0.v OF GATM V.NV CT TTINfi
as his chop is of long standing, nnd his wark he
think.1 will sjicak for itself, nnd far more louder
than word.!. Rut. he would merelv sav thnt. hn
wnrmnts his work done with iiealne. dumblliiv
and in the latest fhhhionnblc manner, and will en
suro a god fit in all cases.
N. 11. Ch arcciv moderate o suit tbn timnj.
kind.v ofcaintry pioduce taken in exchange
woik, ft innrkct pucce.
iJlcomsburg, Nov. 0, 1644,-29.
Semi. Weekly during the Session
the Legislature at
The ZJemocratic Union will, ns usual, bn mil,.
imuiu nviie a KierK, uunng inc eomillg 6ehfcl01l ol
the Legislature, and wo embrace an eaily occasion
to commend it to tho favor of tho reading public.
Neither pj'uis or cxrctifc fbnll le spared lo imparl
in ua toiuiiiiiH nuuiiii'iiai zest anil vigor. Ample
and correct report of tho proceedings of Iho twr,
htnneliin, together with (ketches of the debate, nn
nil public end important questions, will be furnUh-
ed, competent nlenographcrs having been engaged
r.irll.n, tm.A Tl... !.., ilt.l,.. -e . ,
w. ruii'UDU u iiiBiuuuuuii ui new ad
ministrations, Stato and Nalional;and tho dcvclopc.
uiciii ui mv- mruMiim uicv may prcposc to the
country, will render the comine winter ons nf nn.
usual public interest. Perkons desirous of obtaining
nuc ana cwiy imciiiEcncc win always iinu iu the
uciiiocrauc union a "true aim honest chronicle."
To Attorneys, Judges, Justice of the
public officcrB generally, it will bo invnlunbln.
he Union executes nil Iho STATU PRINTING1,
and the LAWS of a public and general nature are
published in it Immediately ufter their pasHsago,and
nlly three months before promulgated in pamphlet
To increase our facilities for the most nromnt
execution of all the public printing, wo are now
propelling our prestes by flic aid of Stzam u moat
important matter to thu legislative body
A corps of able correspondents have hewn cm.
ployed ot Washington City, who will keep our
readers constantly apprised of evrnts transpiring nt
For the whole year. f3 00
for the session only, (twice a week,) a 00
Any person sending us flvo subscribers for tbi
cession, accompanied by ten dollar, shall receivi
a copy grnUB lor his trouhle, l'ujrncnls may b
tinnsinitted by mall, and the 7'oet Maelna aro
E1!! rnoney for nwe
Brandroth's Pills.
pioturb of health.
KA 117 Is ilinlftiml in mi in'Mr'tal ly
itm lne lie of 'ill rnin. sulferiiic, or effcetlun
in imv naitof Ids body! by tho free and regular ei.
crciseofhi functions without any exception.
They consist in having a good appctilo nt mcirt
., J. i! .!.. f.- ..,..,il.,.i :,i
iuno4, an easy ortrennoii, mi- r,.i.uuiiitr, muiihii
looseners or rostiveness nt least once In erry ten
ty-four hours, and without hent.diyiiess.or buriii,ii
at tho. pnssane, the free isvue of Ihe ntcr lllu 1 1
acrimony or burning, and without n reddish ndi
ment which is alunj sn sign of a present nr anap
niosehinc rnin', ouict shop without ocitntion or
tiunblesomo drcanivi no taste of bilo or other bad
aslotn the mouth upon lieingin the morninc; no
sotirnrss or disugreeahlo rising of the ttcmach; a
clean toiiRUeja sueet bieatlr, no (tclilrig, pimples or
tpuli on tho skint no pilrs; no burning heat upon
any purt of the body; no rxccivc tliirst when un.
epoed to labor or other known enure; tio iuier.
ruption to any natural evacuauon, nor pom at tlictr
piriodical retuin.
Where the slate of the system docs not hormon
iio with tho nbovo picture of health, it is of the
greatest importance that no time be Icr-t in teudiiig
for a doctor, or in the use of foolish nmcdies too
often the result of speculation; instead of thiscourco
ro a dose of iiRANDRnTH'N FILLS le trkm,
which will not deceive, but will at once rc6toie
hoallli to the orgnn or part thnt requires it.
All who wish to preserve their health, ell who
aro detcrinincd to defend their life against the en
croachnieiitsof dini'iife which njie.hmri' fmte of
nutrorrir-irt Hues' liol harmouibo willi tho ubnvn mr.
tute uf health.
Tlioto wholivo in a country where contagious or
oilier difeases prevail, should often think of ihu
true piclilro nf lirnllli, nlid observe himself with nr.
liculnr attrntion, in order to act aecoidingly. The
wise and rightly directed will fnlinw this advice
the unwihO nio left to their own destruction.
A 0 E N T .
Washington Robert M'Kny,
Jcrtoytowii L. &. A. T. Jikcl.
Danville E. II. Reynolds o; Co.
Cnttawlssa C. 0, lirnbst.
Illoomshurg .1. R. Mover.
Limestone Rabbit A M'Ninch.
lluckhorn M. (i. Shoemaker.
Lime Ridgo Andre A: M'Mer
Jenvick - J W Stiles
May 4, 18142.
HAZ&S, SPIjEssT&c."
The EtloomsJius-:; EC. 25. i. c.
"MTIIiL keen constalitlv on hand, n lirwi,.
Bortmciit of
which thev will sell by WHOLI fs-A I II ni.d hL-
1A1U, ana an as goail tcmn as the articli
can be ctfuhcre pitiriaicit. Mnchauis ond
others, may find it to ihcir inirni-t to call. II
kinds of grain rreeived in pHjmciit.
JUSEl'li I'AXTON, PnrsirtXT
Chair ivSannfiutory.
fFTIHU pubecribcr having ertn!-lihcd a .VA'U
'trcct, near the residence of L. II. Mnur, he is new
prepaicd to furnish Choii of every di M-ii lit n. r,n
as good terms as they can le purchased elhtviheio
n tho county.
Such as Bed Posts, Waggon Hubs,
Rose Blocks, fyc.
This tatter branch, from his experience, 1P believes
ho uan do a little better han any other pcrton in
this section.
rrrPOPLAR PLANK will bo taken in mv
ment at tho highest .Ket price
Dloomsburg. July 4, I81j, 51tf
TtJcCrcdil Sy,tMii Costs too Mite
is riour acknowlesed fact, that tho
CigK2 STSXm i the nnly iruo
one, hulh lor thb UUYKK and SLII.I.Kll.
C lmvo been selling goods on tho C.ISf
SVSTIW einco last Anril. and its uni
versal popularity with all who have civenuan
call and seen for themselves, and tho immense sav
ing to their customers, induces them to invite tho
readers of the Columbia Democrat to a triul of its
Our stock of Goods coneiels of all tho variety of
usually kept in a country More.
All of which have been purchased in New York
and Philudslphia, fur tho CASH ONLY. Uy
this means, we pay foi o man's goods but our
own, nnd wo ASK no additional piofit from our
customers to jwy bad drills; thus hnving no losses,
WE DO IT, too, beyond all question, as every
body knows who have bought of us.
Our Storo is in the UR1CK BUILDING. ut tho
corner of Mill Streoi, and tho llloomsburi rood.
oppoalto Mr. A. Montgomery's Stone House.
Wo invite LynnT Pj.iito.N to call nnd tec our
goods. Wo aro not afraid lo show them.
Dunvillo July 4 1844. 13mp4
Come one, corneal!, give me a call !
THE subscriber returns his sinccro that'Lo
for tbo liberal pntronago heretofore bostonctl
upon him, and hopes for a continuance of the eaino,
with an increase dua the merit of his shop. He in.
lends sparing neither pain or Inbotir to render
satisfaction in any cnsc;nnd will worrcnt his work
done with tuslo and dutnbility.AND ALITTLB
just received Motions, lulo rrpoit of Fashions, from
"'i tun nu tecu ui ins cuop at uny
time, by which ho Is enabled to cut according to
the la'est style, or to ordor. UU nrices nr in
accordance lo tho tinieH. All kinds of country
produces taken in paynirnt for work at maikct pric'a
A very reasonable) discount for rath.
N, 1). Cutting dona w th the trreatrsr rurc.aml
at the shorreat notice.
1U4 ViHtV
rti F. & Li,
Jttcx;Ufrurj.Oct!.. I9i-m,5