HEIRS OF ROBERT FULTON. . Tho ) fnr (ha rollof of the heirs of Hubert Fullnn, which hag pissed the Nenatn, appropriates 970 300 fni tint pur pone. It is in the same adapts as it pissed In- Si-limp hi ill o hid spftinii. WQUMS KILLS THOUSANDS. IHILDilBN nrc mot subject to them.but nor, 80111 of n Mutton am Italiln (,. I, mli,.l ...i.i. mem, Hnil hi-cat h. imln.'. Jmni 1 1... n...i...t , ......... uiu iiiJsiuriicu -..wu,.,, (mlkiiijj in mo iinm ,wasuiig away ,li amies ham III tlio Sioivcls, jninlH or limbs, dislurbcd clean (rightful dreams, nionmnt; and sometimes of vor'. tciuus appcnio, aro among tlio symptoms of wortm Miny am docturod for iimiiiIh. for somo nthr lm. nginary dUedgu.whoii one b.ix of bhortnan'g Wu m 1.O.0II2M wolllJ tlnjct a rnrn. 11. II lit I rince street anil Iho lluwcrv. 111 1 I'll n Inan nf Tlicy aro llioonly infalhblo worm ties vviut lamily will be DR. SHERMANS'S MEDICATED LOZENGES. .... . , . . . thai was reduced to a kelrtoti, anil by only I tn-H medicines have already performed '" liot of Mliorman's Loiengts; hcis now a f. t many inmost increinuie cures. Tliey have "9 Aiucrnian 1 no lion. II. H. lleardsley been used hy ministers of the Gosnel.somt Pi." sav,J tlle lifuoroiio fhis children by ihcm. e . . i . I I lin and. f .vn Q nni. nin . r i t . i wuom nave neon loitering upon the ven L, ,i ., " nas muy test brink of the crave. ri.l liv r-,..l it,,.,,. ,n, .7' "7 1,1 ., , , " ,, .. --...... -I iniying mcuicuie known. they have been tiseil by all professions and without theml oI.isoboI men, ill Cough, Colds. Consuiim Consumiilion.Cour!li..Cnt,1.,.V linn nl fir ( lion, Asthma, ami various discuses of the Asthma, nml nil affectum of the lung, wilinnd u .Lungs, mid found to bo more eflVelual than llcalin vahio in Sherman's Cough Lozenges. Thoy uny medicines ever used. Thev havo des lho,,ov' Mellaril Do Forest; die llov. Mr. trovrd more Worms, mid uvn,l "..... '"nallian Howard,, Ksn. mid that .vorhy r..,. rr.n ,.,!.. .i '. ... " ' """""o-. 'Oinard lSers. Iiom the consumptive's .""v -i'"'. -' "y uiurr i?Mve. They cured in one day the llov. Mr. Dun- (.irHidiiuni in uiir worm; aim iney have uar, me Utv. Mr. Handcock; Win. H. Attree Ksq Trlleved more IlemU-ht's, I'dlpilalions of Jtewing coughs. 'J'hnv ta tho ))lea4aiUcjt inervous jiieriions, lllieuinaitsm, J'ains & v ill in oilier preparation that was evei rncom railVHr.'somy'fli MV'ML. T'e lesiimoi.y ol rati iMsef.ha e been p-iblUhcil in pamphlei fm in, which may bo lud Irom all Ayonth ilio tell the I.ozeiifes nml I'oor Alan b Plaster.' Were it ilevirable, m; overwhelm iiiir m.iss of the like ipstiniony could be pit (Juried, to show that lJr..Slierma.i's I.nztm trcs are the very best medie'inc ii th' world. They are gtnmelv eoia'entrJiril S; sr prenarrd under the direction and uispec lion of a skillful physician: and are offered with perfect cniifiurnce, ns tliey nave ueeu before the public lor more than five years iinil have never been known to do any in iorv, or produce the least dissatisfaction with those who have used them nrxordinj! to the accompanying direction OHARIES R. BUOKALEWf Attcncy at Law. . Office South side of Main-at. opposite Ihjer Iefltry'e Store, Wll.h ATTEND COUITSIN COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA in-? niE ND LUZERNE MARRIED On ill- 12 h itni. by (lie Rev. William J. EypV. Mr. It ihert I au Stout, lo Mies CustIn.v Kisneu, boili of Jerseylown. ' Hy Rev. D. S iTobias, on the 31-. Dec. Mr. Isaac Hukv, to fMisi Maiiy Dr.EACH, hot h of Roaringcrock. DIED In liloomshuri, on Silurday the 28lh ull. Mr. Da.viel Ruch, aged 81 years. THE GARRETS. Hi.ooMsnvito, J in. -1, I S 11. cougi incdicinoand cure tins Boonest ofany known r m 'dy. Uca lorho,bca.ncknrss and Pulpiiation.rclieved in ;ro:n live to ten ininulca by Sherman's Uamulivr "I'll unu .v.- T, I from too free living will find a few of luo lozcngrs tu dispel tho honors and lowncss of sphils. Mr. Wrnlh, ol the t-unday Mercury, lias repeatedly cur rd hiuihcliuf tovero lleadaclio by them Japtaiii (Jliadwiek, of the packet ship Wellington, hag wit' neaped their t flicacy in a great rw nf c.isea of sea ii-kiiegg. i hey hi crate hkeueliarm upon im ngitated or shattered nerves, i s Sherman's I'oor Man h l'l.nter does up mi rhciin.a'ii'm, lumliao, p.iln or weakness in the side, bick: tiroiot or any part of Ihc biJy. Mr. 11. U. Ui?'ers, 30 Ann meet: Henry li H'liihtina; :i5i Chatham treet Moses J Menrimi-s r.q ami a illiil nude of rollers line I'xyei lenreil tin O ilttM eff of I.csl' Plasters Price only 121 cents. Caution H m cssarv m see that vou Lel the unnnirio Sherman's Loz lines and Plasier'', as there are mam onbles ur;n les uttempled lo bo p-iliiied ifl in ti ai e of them, by l hose who would 1 i n fie wifh voui life for a sbillin". Dr. Sherman'. warehouse is ai 103 Nas street. l?or sale by John R. Moyer Uloomsburg Win L WaHcr it co Ileiwick Low & Thompson Lima Ridge 12. & J. liiizirus Oranifevide M. U. Shoemaker Huck Horn L. & A L Uisel Jerseylown Derr &, M'llnde Whito Hall John Moore Danville. Stephen Raldy, Caiiawissa. Jan. 4 1845-37. 0m. SHERIFF .SAI.BS. Hy virtue of n vendiiidui exno.ias. in me ditectftd, will ho exposed )ir puhlic s-de, ai the cnnrl house in Danville, on Srnnltn iho 18ili day of January next, al 10 o'olocl. a iM. the following projieriy, lo wit, A rerldin tract of land siiuated in Derr township, Columbia eouMy, cnntalnini? PROPOSELS will be leeeived by the Commissioners of Oclumbia county, ni the house of Jacob Domolt Esq., in Madi son township, on Fnday the I7lh day ol l.inuary next, between the Injurs of 10 A. l. and 2 P. M. of said dty; for huildiin; n llridjje, over L ille Fishing creek; neai Robert Moiiigoinerv' saw mill; in said Township, of the followinrr description. Stuno Abutments 10 feet limit from low water maik, 18 feel long; up and down tho ne-ik, 4 feet thick al the lop and 0 fee tihck at the bottom. Wiiiij walls on the north side, lo be 20 feet long incuditi!! Abutments: and on the souih sids to be 15 feel long, the superstruc lion n. I,pft rSpfiffitflfthAlvA vfldinf."1. OoiiMissiosr.its Offick. Danville Dee. 25--1811 List of Jurors. For January Term, 1845. CU'aiid Jurors. Wloom Caleb Uarloii, Toter Mensih George .Vbliolt Znercreek U. A Bowman Cattawisa Joseph Urohit jorry illiam IIei.derliolt, Thomas More. head, Michael Snyder, Unos Miller, Hubert M ICeo Franklin Jacob Shullz, Samuel block Greenwood Daniel Fox l.ihnrtv- John Homier Mahoiiina Kdward Morrison, T. S Hubbard. Suwell CJihliH, David Itoberta Montour .Vtcphen I.azarus, John t ry Madison Char es Carnahan, JohriMoor6 Itnarinrr creek IteUbco Fanncer, Amu Uiown TRAVERSE JURORS Jan. 1815. 1 Acres 9 All persona indebted .to the .subscribers, in note, book account or otherwise; of nvei me jeHts standing, rre requested to call and eltle the same In ChsIi or drain, on or lm ore Ihe 1st day ol February in XI. TIiom leglcoiing ihig nonce, may t xpeel to paj osi as wu are determined lo have our oil ousiiiess settled. WM. M'KELVV &Co. Uloomsburg, Dm-, 28 1811, nore or less, adjoining I mils of Siephen Urearly and Daniel Miisseliiian, Seized and taken in muI to be sold as the property of William lloyd. ALSO, A certain Iraet of land, situate in Derrv t'Mvnship, Oolumbh couny, containing one hundred and tweuiy-nino acres, more or less, about one hundred acres of which is cleared lahd, adjoining hnjdg of Stephen hills, James Johnson. Charles M..K Jiimu Olerm, whereon ig elected a tAHU HOUSE, TWO 511 OPS, ALSO, AH the right title and inltrest of thn de fpiidanl in ai'citain one story Frame House Old lol ol (.'round, siluale in Roaring neek lowimhip, Columbia eoiinty, boiiiidc-d b lands of Jacob Harner, deceased, and the main road leading I rum Catlawissa to Pottt- ville. Seized taken in rxecntion. and to be sold h the proocnv of Moses Mav. ALSO, A ppiiain lot of ground situate in tlir "wn of Uloomsbiirc, Columbia county routing on third street of said town, ail joining lot no. 71, on the noillrensl, pin illey on the norik west, west street tin the mulh west, and numbered in the plan ol :iiu town no. r&, ueine one town lot. Thero is elected on the premises a two m ry Iramu i-rak. DWELLING HOUSE, 93 H S Mia A FARM TO REiYT. THE Faun on which the Inie (Jniir! Hess resided sluaied on Fishini' ctpck in Sugarloaf.will be rented, hit ONE YE U Irom the lirsi ol April next. tinti F.w.r contains a boo I ISO ACRJWS, ibout 5Q under iinpioveinent, wnli a gum' &tA R'JR.U HOUSE MiM and upon the premises. Condiiions mailc known upon applications t.; W.M II ESS. ExHPiitnr- Wheal, 7 Ryp, '15 Coin, ; 41' Cloversceil, 3 50 Flaxseed, , . 1 25 Butler, - l Oats, 25 E.,g, 8 Tallow 10 Lud Diicd Apples, SO While ieans SO Beeswax 25 Black Smith Tools For Sale9 HE subscribe! being desirous of quit ing business, offers al private sale, his Ulacksuiit!) Tools, consisting of a dou l)lu sett of all-kinds of tools, usually used in a country Blacksmith Shop,to wii :J2 pair of bellows, 2 anvils, 2 vices, hammer , long bo. and s wedges of all kinds. 1 he rbovi tools, are all of '.he first quality and in good order. This shop in which I now work siiuated on main street, near the Episcopal Chinch, can be rented at a fair rent. Termi- unite easy upon application to the suhscn her. and possession given the first day of Anril. N. 11. All persons indebted lo the soli Hcriber arc earnestly requested lo make payment on or before the first day of April ppxi as it is necessary New Qmds Seasonable and Cheap. A VD just reeoived from l'hiladelpaia,ind urc now opening a large ubsoitmeiil ol HEW GOODS3 which they offer to the public tU tho most reduced prices lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. I heir stock of goods consuls in pirt, if Superfiim common and coait.o cloths, cassimcrs, Satinets, Muslins, Silks, Satins, Mouschnc ue I.aines, Lawns, Merinues,Laccs, American Nankins, brown Hollands, Flannels, -VilL and cot ton Velvets, Silk and eolton Hnndker chiefsjjady's diidGcnllvmen'sWhita Si colored lloao Gloves and Mils OP ALL SORTS AND SIZES, &C, C,, &.C., &L'., Consisting in pail of SUGARS, COFFEES St TEAS of assorted qualities. MOLASSES, FISH & SPERM OIL, Tobacco, Snuff, Spices, Salt.Soap, Caudles, cVc.&c LIVERPOOL ft" cjits.i arisfi AND Cfcuecnsvrare. of every description that may be required. Hard ware, Cutlery &c, OF ALL KINDS. Rar. Rolled. Hoop and Hand Iron and Waggon Tire of ivcry description that may lie called or. Illoom Peter Hri, Peter Hintori.John Shumai I,. U Uupert Cvttawissa-Joseph Ilaitmau, 1 ctcr Lodino Derrv-Thumas Toiler, Ksq I'ishlncr creek-John Alhirer, John M. Duckalew, Alexander Krtmcr. John lleniy Greeiiwood-riiomas Davis, lonas Ilayman.Jonr. Cool, Peter Girton hilierlv-Danrel Coiner, jlichael Shives Mahouinc-'I'homiis Dranden, James Gaskins, Josenh iartman, Btephen Morse, Hiiron V. ICase, i harn es I av or Miluiii-Uviijamin llanch, reter xone. oiepncn II. ,1iller Madison-William liunyan Munleur Geoicc KaniTman Orange-William Whitmyer, John Achcnbach, lfred Unwell Koaring reck-'cter Ileibine, Anthony Deng ler, Ltq Sugarloaf-Wilham Kilo Franklin-William Uird Valley-James Uoudman "lap szibwgITes. AGl.tt-, and a A few thousand LAP niw TWO HORSE SLED, f,,r sale: or e.ichunie for any kind of Country Pro- ilucc. Enquire of ttja PRINTER Estate of MAR V FORCE, late of Ml Pleasant township, Loiumuia coumy dec fa ted. OTICH is hereby uiven. that the subscriber, resident in Mount Pleasant Township, m aid county, has adnit'iittered on the estate oi aia -ig l!V FOI(C.',dcceaFed. All peHons having claims sirainst the estate nro heicby requested to inahe them known to the subscriber without delay. GEOIJGE KKAM VAX, Adminitrator. Mount Pleasant township. Gw34 a one storv COOPER SHOP. now occunid as a dwellinn home, will the appurienancps. Seized taken in execution, and to be soli as the property of William Kelly. ALSO, A e.eriain lot of crnnud silualp, ill tl uillaoft nf Orani'pville. contaiiMnc mm hall in acre, whereon is erected two I'RAMb HOUSES and one FRAM E S I'A ULI' Ivinsf on main street, numbered in the plan of said town, and adjoining lands of lsa Kline and others. Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Charles M'Pliprson.. KiV UUKit, aierij. SiiEttlFF s Officb, Danville, Dee 20, 1814 , ALSO, Rv virtue of a levari facia to mp directed will he exposed lo public saleai the same time and place. A certain one story and a half plank house, situate in the township of Hemlock. Columbia county, o:i l lie southern side ol the road lending from Bloom, to Jersey- town, near the Uuekhorn tavern, containing twenty lent in Iront, on tne road side alore said, twenty live leel in depth, unu the lui or piece of ground & curtiledgc apperlenam io the said. building, hnundpd on the weti hy a lot of Daniel INeighart.fon the south oy lands o!" John McReynolds, and the eni by laud or Vauiah Rees. Seiztd taken in execution and to be sold the properly of John Wilson IRA M DERR, Sheijf. Siiiirtivr's Oeficc, Danville, Dec, 20, 1844. MEDICINES. JJtYNE'S IMIII TONIC. This Hair Tonic has produced beautiful New Hair in the head a of hundreds who had been bald for years It also imrilies the hetd from Dandrull Cuies diseases of the scalp Preserves the hair from falling oil or Ucomiug pcimaucntly giay MYNE'S CARMINATIVE BAL SAM. IS a certain, safe and effectual remedy fur 75ys cillery, Diarrhuia or looseness, cholera morbus.sum intr complaint, colic; griping pains; sour stomach lick and nervous headach, heartburn, wulcrbrasli pain or sickners of the stomach; vomitiug; spiltirii; up ot too J alter eating and also where it paisei Ihrougli tho body unrhaiiged ; want of appetite estlesenrss and inability to sleep; wimd in the sto- uaih and bowels; cramp; ucrvoin tremors and twitching' eeasicknes"; fainting, melancholy and towness of spirits, fretting and crying of infanta mo tu r all bowel sltccttons and nervous Jiscaes. UDIES' AND ORNTLOiUN'tl ItAlIAM't) MAGA2lNt:h..B ,rr,l III enviable reputation of Imu u. tiooical m the I'. &.t,h in thu nual.i. ...,i I.,,,.,. ner otils i riiliellislimrnu, and in the (um ,. ,i, , fary in.,lier, it rs Iho id-oiit a. ui.lus ll. lt .;m lliiur lau ihu publisher h jjneu ..l.bi,t UI0 purs iimia original uialter than auv ul hn ..... I'Miourie. iiioiii original te engravrries. in au iilion to liishlon plalcs and colored fidUum, Tho capo. and mant of a thr.'e-dollarmj,;imiiii..v..i- ol nun i. ui appaienl, which has made an outlay j no.Bii Thousand Dollars irreulor than otln.M.nn.1 1 1 nddnioriol engravings orer other lu.siines luut tuiiiu tiuiiwiut.il no coiiib!,i Annual. I'Lo pub--t-j howeter ralieried (hit mah lll-f kill V, r.1 c&iiM can maintain the high posiuuu his pcrioJi. jui n,u atiuinvu in me UniU'd btalcs, 1'lia uublither does lint lifmtfltr I,. ,l.n. I... defies ull competition with Qiohain's uijl'uziuu fur ills immense subscription list, tin) r.ifrit nid immber of Ins contributors, tho high ordur of tho engravers unpaged, the number nuJ VHtiely of oleganl plates aheady purchased and on hand, arid dio immense facility which his capita ,! po.ilioit tjiyoto prosocuio the work render any rllbilH u a- vu ,P0,lll;fo( ridicule, hrnrv numU -t . ivill oe loloraled. LWery number of Graham Magnimg is issued it a cost of nearly J100D th pbles slono consist ng neirly half tha sum most of the plates Hro f om Original American I'uintliiys. autuhd xpru,tly lor tho proprietor, for engravings for thr msaaiinu. Among tho pictures painted lor Hid voiumu lor IB15,uictwo by Sully, tlio grratcat utlist, tcvoiat by Leutze,Chipman, Inman. Couaroc, Kothirmel, Thomson, und others of tho bust arlits of Ame.i- ci. 1 h cost of getting up ombelhehnieuts m this style may be estimated when we clntolhat some tif these pictures cost $200 a piece, and will Cusl in ionic of them thiee times that sum to have ll.em em;ravcd and worked offlortho edition of Gruhom' out no cost shall be sparod to keep our proud poiitiou lit thu Lead ul ths I'enodicals ot Iho .vor Id. GRAHAM'S rLEGlNT MUNTS. UMiJULLISII. Dr. JAVNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE Which is perfectly safo and so pleanant that 'hildreu will nut refuse to take it' It effectually letroys wormbi neutralizes acidity or sourness of the stomach increases appetite and arts as a gene ral and permanent To nic and is therefore exceed mgly bcnehrial m ln'crniitlcntuuillicuiittcnt fevers and indigestion; and is a certain und permanent curator tho lever and ague. DR. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. Dec. 9, 1844. PP.OCLAMATIOIT. 1 bey may be taken ut all times and in most diseases In lufla miuuion , intermit taut, Remittent, Bilious, and every other lorm ol l'ever Jaundice and Mver worn plaint. Tor Wyspepsia tliev ure really mi invaluable article, graduully rhanemi: tin Aitialcd eecrelious of the slnmach and livet. and producing litslihy action in Ihose im portant organs. They aie very valuable for diseases of the Skin, mid for what is commonly called Impurity of the blood;' MHO lor I'eiiiiile Complaints, Cosiivenesr. fie., and in fact every disease where an Aiiarlent, Alterative, or Pingativo Medicine may be requiied JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. It always cures Asthiun two or three large doses 'A ill cure the Croup or Dives of Children, in Irom filtvon minutes to nn hours time. It immediately subdues thr violence of Hooping Cough, and effects i speedy cure. Hundreds who have been given up by their physicians ns inctirrablt with 'Consumption, havu been resioreu ti peifei.t health, hy il. In fact, as a remedy in Pulmonary Dis eases, no uiedioino has ever obtained higher, or more desorvrd reputation. fC7The above Medicine are all for salt at the store of JOHN R. MOVER. Uloomsburg. SO The most splendid engravings of all carts lend their charm to the patg of Graham's magsziuc tivcrjtbtni, in the way of novelty and beauty the; has ever been iuvilod is laid under cnuiribulioii. Nothing that capital cud laslo can supply is mol ted. Fir.t, aa tlm most elegant und appropriate, aj well as the moU popular embellishment, wo pben Saitani's Brilliant .1czzotiut Engraving. We were tho Gist to mtrodticcthh beauliful elvln ofvvorK, as a regular onibcllishnienl of the populur inonlhhes. Its wide spread rapulalion thro' thu means of our amplclht, called forth a iiot of imita tors, but up to this timonothiug has been produced to rival tho glorious pictures given in urah.iui. J ho Shepherd s Love, and ' I lie vJoqUclte, Thcte with a host of others, done for us by Mr Surtuiu, stand 'unprecedented and ulono' al Iho head of American engraving. We h'avo several of these inimitable, plates utidoi way, and bhall give one in tho January number. CAME into the enclosure of the subsciibcr, about the last ol September, one liP.D linUTi: andu n:D STUUR, wilh whili faces, supposed to ibe about two years od. The owner is requested lo prove property, pny charge RRAS, the Hon. Josktii D. A.ntiiovt Presidentof the Court of Over and ler and ake them away, or ihcy will he disposed f miner nml Genersl Jail Delivery, Court, of Quarter according to law. JOHN VAN'CB, Orungo township, Deceinler 0, 1814, !J4 TAKE fs OTIC 12, "pnll K'V we have this day purchased nt C'onsta K hie sale as the property ot 1'elrr hvelau, eioor; one clock ouo licaurcau ono iron Uellli o hoes - tons ol nay ono black cow one lhat his accuunir cfsmns ot the resrp.anu Lourt ol Lommon I'lias and Orphans' Court in the eighth judicial disirict, I'omposcd of tho counlles of Norlhumberlani'. I'liion, Cnhimhiii und Lycoming; olid the Hot W'lfiam Donaldson and George Hack, tin- imiiea, Associate Judges in Columbia rnunty.hnvi issued their pr-cept beaming dale the "0th il.iy ol Nov. in the year of our Lord ono thousand iaht hundred and fony-four .and to mo dirccted,for bhould be closed hy thai limn. JACOR BIDLEMAN. Rlonmaburg, Jan. 4 1845 Pen Knives, Table and Tea Spoons, coffee Vills, Flax seed Oil, and spirits cf Turpentine; swecninc brushes, weavers blushes; sbca brushes, cloth biush n - niri-, es, corn nronuis, vc. ACfilb LtJl 'ti iMJ .plie .mi,ic nrc rc.quCBtci! ,0 ca aml CXI)niin- ror NOTICE is hereby civen to all legatees themselves before ihcy purchaso elsewhere. Wc crpi ilnrs and other persons iiiieresteu in on chuuji mm ii"n....m.-. heifer- ouo sorrel mare- ond grey mare two scltc A large assortment of Piano bits, chisels, Files, " harrow one two linrso wagon SOO shaves I hui-Jinc bhovels nud Tongs, Knives A- Forks, Pocket and i aim one sieu, nnu nave leu ma samo in Ills l Cmrt pr q an(! Terminer, and Gftl PFTfill EVELANDjr Fishingcicek October 13 1844 34 the slate of the rcr peclivc decedents and minors, thai tlio administration and guardian accounts of said estate, Invo been filed in thu office of ibe cniniiv of Columbia, and will he nrespnled for confirmation and al low.mce l,i the Orphans' Court, to he held at Danville, in and for the county oforpsaid, on Thursday; the 23d day of January liexi ol 2 u'elncL I. M. 1 The account of Ssmtifl Manges, admin isratni of ihe estate of John Robenhold luie of Limelone township; dee'd. 2 The final account of David Masters, late guardian of Russel P.Arnisrong one of . r I . . I ..,! trie ruimiPn oi josepn Armsinmi; CIlUtLES CONNOR. Reghlcr. Rr.Girvrnn Office D.invillo, ) Dec 21, 18M: $ Uloomsburg, Nov.9, 1844, S9. ADMINISTRA TOR' S NO TICE. NOTICE, is hereby given, lhat Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleai and Orphan's Court. IN DANVILLE, in tho County of Columbia on the (turd Alonday or Jan, text, i being Ih Notice is hereby given, lhat we have 20ih Jay) and to contiruo one weeks : this day purchased at Consiable sale.as tin Notice is inert-lore Hereby givrn to nransriv nf William Cnr.ninnhMin.ihn fnl tno Coroner, the Justices of iho Peace, and Con- ,in,nn-,i ,.'.!. .!,:,. !, ,siablcs of tho said county of Columbia, tha' liey ui. PMt, 'iw 'vim i "i.,viivui.i tss.frw uiii i .1. i . , i . 1, I ri i i i I " t .. I yL i uc uivii aim utvic 111 1111:11 liruiicr imhuuiib, ai ill untuiv vj uu nf icuc ly vugunwj nrowii niHru, ui m iiuiu yunrb, unu cww, oVlork in tho forenoon of said doy, uith their towtv$!mu deceased, Mnc tiall, turuu flliuep, live hogs, ono v.i records, inquisition? and other remembrances, to .. .1 I. - i I .11 ! ,. ,1. rtP .t . . i (. iii lln "I'ti 1,1 l'i w iiiirriMVB, itireu niuugus. iinose uungs wiiien 10 wiejr oincca opncrtain to J H h is hereby given that Iellors ol admin. P putting box nd knife, one cradle and b dne. And those that ore bound by rccogni istration.on tho ntove mentioned cfctate.hovc ",c. UA "u """ "' I ., ,inc, , ,,,..b.... Ucngrautcl lo the guWrlbrr residing in ,ichr.yine oni. glass soy n, ono Ma.nun ; township of Sugarloaf.. All persons indebtrd lolhc -il hay, illy bllbbelB o corn in Hip t0'w tliell ,na,er8 l0 IMecute' ogthem saiu l.siaio nro nenipy iioomii 10 mato iniiiicuiuir niiv nil oi ciuvcr eccu, nun 01 teven iicirr as Bjm ufJ l8t Jurors aro rcaucstcd tube nunc r.,.nma,it ,ml thnap lm int rlflimft nrn rrimpRtfil In I .f tlw. . I 1,.. I r r ... n..nn .f I ... , , , .. . . . .. . . r-v"""'".- ..-....p ..... niuin (jiii.iu.il uniiui dia .11110 'i iubi in ineirauenoance, ogrcfHiuy to iiicir notice pieeont them propeily suthcntlcaled to WILLIAM ESS, Ad Novombcr 10, IBM. 30. JUSTICE BLv?FKS, EXECUTIONS t SUMMONS, For Safe at thh Office, wheat in the cround, two sleds, ono clock. I one lot of tye in the sheaf, one lol offoder, fifteen bushels Potatoes, all of which we have loft with said Cunningham; during our pleasure. E. & it hAZi.UtUo. Oranevil'c, Nov. 30, 1814. Dated at Danville, the SOlh day of Dec aln TO POSTMASTERS AND OTHERS Tho high merit of Graham's maaazinc considered thu publisbei flatters himself that iho following lib eral tunas will inducOjthousauds to subscript, TO CLUBS. The following proposals aro mada-2 copies for S5; 5 forl0; 8 for SIC; U for 30. To tho Posttnaitor, or othor persons formm? a club, iho Publisher will forward d Novol for every ubscribcr sent, so that by varying the books, u cuinplctu library may bo obtatued by uny petsoii in tbort time. 6ingle Copies, Uirco dollars per annum in ad vance. .-1 ml to tno person tending tlio money, u copy ol 'itmgwood tno itover. iieruons priao .Novel and alto n copy ot J hu Liems ot Art ami lieaulv.' a beautiful work for a ludy's Center Fable, containing thirteen splendid Siccl and mezzotint Engravings, will ho forwarded gratis. Address, GEORGE n. GRAHAM. No. 03 Chestnut Struct PilaJelphia. CI UC (J Li Alt- 1 1 1 II. leinnerance Associations ol Pennsylvani.i, of every di-scripiio'i, ari hereby notified, lhat, in pursuance of tin follow ing resolution, adopted at the Stall Convention, held at ILmisburg. in Januan hist, a Slate Temperance Convention will U'.iiti bo held hi Harrisburg, on tin FOURTH WEDNESDAY, being tin liny of January next, 1615: 'Resolved, I hat we recommend to all ihe Temperance Associations of this Com monvvcaiiu, in nppmu iietegates, to meet in Convention, in the Horoiili of Horns hnrg. mi the second Wednesday of Jjiiua ry, 1815, and lhat the said Societies forms' Hie Chatiinan of their respective Delega nous w nit a uepnn, cmnrapiiig tne n.inio of theii Officers, and the number of Mem tiers belonging to, the Association, togethei with uny other information ihey may think proper to lay before the Convention. It is also earnestly requested lhat all As "delations which do not send Delegates tr ihe proposed Convention, address a Lptlei To the President of toe State Teniperauri i.onvention, at llairtntuirg,' eoiiiatiiinu th infotmiilinn defined hy the rosolntioti bow .. .1. . . ... siaieu; so inai saiisi.iciory icinperaitri iaianencs, oi ine wnoiu Uominoii wt.'dih mav ilius He bad, Note Owing io the nipoiing of ihp Leg isiaiiiro on the day precedn.g ihe Second wcnnesiiiiy oi Januiiry, (ihe tUv fixed h tno last uonvpiinou lm- the next Annii.i i1 of tho IndeiTiideiice of Iho ot America, IltAM DEKR SiiKHirr's Orncr, Danville Dee. SO, Iff 14 United States Moolionl ll.o ro..,..l II s eiiii.ii wiiiiiiiinie nave ntem time to tin Ihe I'vvtnU Conunii tho year of our Lord one thousand eicht' hundred and forty-four and!,, , tho 08 year' Fouril, Wc Ine , ' Second of said monih Ry order of the Stale Ccniinl tee. 1 Dec. 20. 1811. NOTICE IS hereby given to tho Auditors nf Co luinhia county, that in accordance with tho piovisions of an Act of tho General Absent id v passed the 15ih day of April, A. D. 1831. they are hereby required io meet ut t-io Commissioners' Office in Danville, on the titsl Monday, to wit, the Gth day of. ,ur.uuty A. D. 1845, for the purpose, ol ad justing and settling the public iiccounis nf lie I reasurer and Commissioners of said county for ihe Term 1811. Uy order of ihe Commissioners, E. MENDENHALL, Ck,L Oojim'ks. Orncu, Damille, Debcmber '20, 1811. List of Causes, For Trial al January Teun 1815. 1 John V Hart et ul is Samuel F Head ley et al 2 Augustus P Willis rl al s D.invillo & Polisnlle Hail Road Company 3 Jacob Leiseuring el al s Ileiny' Fish er A dm. el al Moees Moyer is Oenrgp Ilnrizrl el al Uurloti W Waples is John F Mann et nl James Barters Adrti v Samuel Drug ler Saminl Gediles cl al vs Josiah Gal hraiih Chniles Barnes pi al vs John Chcs.ci et al 0 John J'ruit el ul vs illiam Diddle ci nl 10 David Berlins Atlm ts Henry Smith el 11 Jacob Mnriz vs Jonas Kriint 12 Silas E Craio vs O P Pipfr 13 Stephen M Glltnoru ci n vs Samuel f Headh y Oliver P Piper el al vs S F. Cr .if i nomas o I'.ms vb 'Jhnrleg (' l,i U o Moiiigonicry Ex. vs ( Schniiek el al Charles Corirll vs I Pvltr Milkr vs Eih C R..I;, .- 8 11 15 1G 17 18 1 1 i'V iirim I