I He I o!oiiiibi;i hem Ml flf "oJnuic VIII. OFFICE OF TJIE JHWOORA'P irPi)8iTE St. Paul's Cuncii, Ma,n-st TERMS i 'At COI.UMIiI.fi ... , , .-mvwu'jy mill 0( nilblished rnnr,, AV,,,; ' 1 1 J"f'f"flI,lS i,er nnum payubli t- v iiuijiuiu wit nn the vcar period than six mumi., ..... ar tinitancc permitted ,unlil all arrearages are discharged. V) f'ER TI SEMENS not exceeding a tiquare will be conspicuously insertedal lOne Dollaror the first thrccinsertions, livid Tiucntu-fivc cents for event xuIihp taitfM nscrtion. lCr"M liberal discount nade to those who advertise by theyears UTTERS addressed on business. must . . . lie post paid. POBTRYo Thu Old. Straw- ESat. DV ELIZA COOK. 'srewell, olil friend, we part nt last, 'mils, flowers, and summer all aic past, nd when ilia beech leaves bid adieu, y olil straw hat must vanish ton. e've been tngclhcr manv an hour, graesy dell and garden bower. nd paint and ribbon, scorched and torn, lochnm how well thou hast been worn, ve'vp had a lime, gay. orient anc lone, ilnt me sing a grateful song, no if one bay .leaf falls to me, II slid; it firm and fixt in ther, My old straw hat. Iiy flapping shades and flying strings, re worth a thousand close-lied tilings; Aleve, thy easy Hilling r.rown, liriu't lightly bank of slouching down; rar.noi brook a muffled ear f' hen tail; and blackbird whistle near; nd dearly like to meet and seek jThr fresh wind with unguarded cheek. fltHK il in a tree thou l bear no hnim, lunf on thpsod thou i lose no charm, ike many a real friend on earth, oogh usage only proves thy worth, My old straw hat. 'he world will gaze on those who wear tich snowy pe.tils in raven hair. ml diamonds flashing bravely out, Ji chestnut tressess wreathed about, I he golden bands may twine and twirl, !ike shining snakes through each fair cutl; nd soft down with imperial grace. fay bend o'er Beauty's blushing face, ut much I doubt if brows that bear 'hat jewell'd clasp ami plumage rare, fr temples bound with crescent wioalh, Ire half so cool as mine, beneath My old straw hat. linerva's helmell what of that! hou'rt quite as good, my own Htraw hat; 'or I can think mid muse and dream, Vith poring bi&in and busy schemo. can inform with cravins soul, low wild bees work and planets roll, nd be all fallen t, grave and grim, SBeneatb the shelter of thy brim. i'lie cap of Liberty! forsooth! hou art tho thing to mo in truth; For slavish passion ne'or can break nlo the green paths where I tako My old straw hat. .?IVrold straw hat. mv conscience tells yliou hast been hung with Foil's bells )'et fully rings a pleasant chimo, W the rogue will but 'mind his time,' jnu not come jingling on the way sober rninsttoli ought to play. i oil whpn hearls and eyes arc light, ,pid Wisdom should Keep out of sight. But now the rustic bench is left. As trees of every leaf bereft, Afldiisrrv vnirpn! nil am till. f That welcomed to the well known hill My old otraw hat- "lHHll"1 UPn th" PLOOMSBURG, I' arewell. old fi inmt il... ...... I. I .1 .i.j .nun ia none, Hie misty clouds shut out tho sun; Hio grapes aro plueked.the hops ore nfT, I'ho woods are siark; and I must doff My old straw hat but 'bide a wee. fair skies we've seen, but we may see Skies full as fair ns those of j ore, nd then we'd wandoi forth once more. Farowcl'l, till daisies deck thV'pfauf, Farewell, till spring days conic again My old straw lint. FOH THE C 5I.UMBI A DEM CHAT. TIic EJeluge Many, and conflicting, arc the specu lations will) regard to t !ie Deluge, in relation to hs exteoi; ulso Ilic causes b) which it was produced. The accoun' is il is' contained, in tho seventh chapter if Genesis is by ninny wholly, or in !trt tpjclcd. Somo .Hupposu Iht the leluu'-j was only over part of iho earth, while oiheiv suppose tliai I hero nevci was any such a thing. But among those who bi-lit'Vu lhat thuie was micli S an 'inivcrial lclni'fwo find a j;reat variely if opinions cxiMini;. Sjrne auppusi 'lit i In: earth was arrosteil in its tliur nil rtivolulion, which would be at on Cf .uflicioiil, lo cause a uni vei.t.il deluao. Others aru of I he opinion that there had been an unusual drought, &thal then-- fore, the vapors had lung been accumu itiiig. Hut let U9 examine, for a few mo ncnU lliis fitihjucl, and sec if wo cannot liscover pvid:nces of the fact, that then was such a deluge, nud other causes to irnducc it, than havo liureloforo been ni.sigiicd. First that tho (leluao was universal, hat it swept over tho western continent ia well ns the eastern, wo havo iuiluhit ihle evidences in tho fjet, that niJiiii' ilunl.s, animals and shell, nre found h il.icus very remote fiom ihu sea shore, n tho fact ih.it trees of an ennrmou' oze,rli3Ve been found many feet be leath the Miifaco of the earth, and that no in siluaiinns where no trees of thi liscriplion are at tho present lUy to hi ound, fiom the f.ict lhat wo find inter nintioiis in the clitic rent strata of tin eiith, which could only have been pro- luci'd, by some great convulsion of na ore. Thus then.hnvins established llit fid, of a univeisal delugo, let us pro jppil to cxinuiu! the ciuse, or camet which might thus put nil tho nleincnic in convulsions. Tlie opinion of some, hl a drought of an universal duration, waa the cause of long and heavy rain.i, vlll not ceriainly hold good; and sim ly for this reason, lhal there is as much w.iter now in ami upon the suffice ul lie earth, as there was at the timo of the lelugp; and there was no more water on the earth at (he time of tho deluge, than there was at any lime prior to tiint event. liut the class of persons who hold these opinions, olso hold that the -aril) is only a plain, and that it has no liurnal motion, and lhal instead of the earth (evolving upon ils own axi?, eu tt lo make day and night; the earth re limns stationary, and the gun revolves iround the earth. H iving thus met tin objections of ihose who deny that there ever was a deluge, and also exploded the theory of a partial deluge, such as i yearly caused by the oveiflowing of the Nile; and considered the unreasonable ness of the theory, of the deluge, having been produced by tho vapors srising from thu Seas,Oceans,Lakes and River luring n protract drought. I shall now consider the two remain ing theories, viz, that of the delugo be ing prouueeu uy tno stoppage oi I lie earth in Us revolution or diurnal mo tion, and secondly, lhat of tho deluge being produced by the fusion, oi the polar ices. 1 he theory that llio deluge was produced bv tho earth being sud denly mopped in its revolutions upon its own axis, has met with many powerlul advocate, but I think, that notwilh standing the advocates of this theory, are very dogmatical and very tenacious it will hardly be supposed that the suri- ucn an em oi ine motion oi uiu cm in i . . p.i. . - r it. could cause so much vapor to arise as to form materia! lor forlv dovs rain. 1'or it Is said "that the windows of Heaven were opened, and Iho fountains of the great deep weio nroKen up." uui n this bad been the case, (I mean the stop Altaf f Ooj' otarnal """tr rr H. WEBB, EDITOR COLUMBIA IQMffTY, pageoflhe revolution of tho enriM universal deluge I think, could not have iai;en place, and tho onn half of the earih would have been thrown in night, .for forty days and Hie waves of iht uccan, when they cimn in contact with tho shore would have rolled back, and broken tho forco of iho succeed I m. waves, and thus thero would have hear mini niu tin in i.r,j x ,,, t, it,. v.vr r. ninnd of Joshua; lor when Joshua co m manded the sun to stand still, it was nothing more nor less, than the earth that was stopped in its revolution. Poos who maintain this theory say, ilnt in this caso ihe earth being slopped would Crfuse Ihe wter to gush out of the l)owt;l of the e.itih, and spout up in the time manner thai tho Whale spouts otn wattr at the sea; hut, how come then such vagi quanlilies of water in tho bow s of Ihe earth, ai to caue it lo rush ti thu mii face with such violence, as to up heave the mountains. If such had heei the case, tho caves which re fouud,boih in the mountains of the Old and Nvw Worlds would exhibit greater marks of violence lhan they do at picsent. And, moreover; the amount of water.that wac then or is now in a liquid state, is not sufficient to cause a universal delugo. 1 must here renin k tint I do not suppop hat a single ihop of water has been losi or added, since the creation or forma tion ol this planet called the Earth which we inhabit. That there was no more water at Ihe time ot Mm deluge, iliau theie was a thousand years before, nor more than thero is at tho present lime in and upon tho earth. Having his fart, viz; the rotundity of the earth fairly established; and having also the fact of ils daily revolution from west lo east, doily established, I shall now t'liquire what may he termed the "fotin lains of the great dcpp;"for we are told ih.it these wero broken up. These I consider to b nothing nuir nor les- h. in the p'dar icps; and I think that w i. ivc jut gi uunil.4 for this conclusion. z; ihe v.is' uiouiiuiiiis of ico with vhich the piles aio loadi-il being ihe 'fountains of the great deep" becau.e in iliose mount tins ol ice, I consider theie s water sufficient to deltigu Ihe orlh it any lime. I shall now endeavor In show how Ihe two piles so loaded with ico were brought und-ir Ihe immediate iction of Ihe sun's lays. And hero lei no remark that at the time of the del- ige the seasons were changed, tor this is implied in the promisn that "seed lime and harvest should remain." now ii is Ilia regular change of the seasoni which causes seed lime and harves', and therefore tho seasons were changed or in other words th'ro was only one lesson, and that was a rainy one which prevented seed from being sown. IVow, this earlh being only o speck in tho innumerable family of planets, il was only necessary for tho Almighty to hid it to ."pin round in tho direction ofa meridian, instead of following a degree of latitude. This would tluow the no ;ir ices under tha immediate influence of tha sun's rays, and cause n ureal fu- ion of the polar ices which would in deed, bo a breaking up of the "fountain of the deep." This too would cause he vapors to rise in such profusion thai they would form materials for heavy and protracted rains, This theory is, I think in harmony both with nature, reason and revelation. Because nature teaches that the poles are loaded with mountains of ice. and here s a natural process by whicli they nre wrought into the liquid stale. And this process would continue while Ihe polai ces would remain and cs tho poles would be thus exposed, it is easy to ac count for Iho "forty days rain." All know what vast quanlities of vapor rbe from the melting of the ico in our small creeks, and even when tho frost is com ing out of (he ground in the spring of the year; and it is a well established fact, lhat these vapors form clouds and (all again in rain, then when we take into the account, that these polar ices are in themselves not only mountains, but vast continonts, containing moun tains higher than any mountain in the United State; or perhaps in North A merica. Here would be a real increase of wattr, and that by tho simplest means in nature, viz; the fusion of ho polar iee.s, and that in the same manner that the iees, on our rivers and creeks, are converted into water. And all who have witnessed the effects of this in ftrm of Tyrauuy ov.r th. Mind of Man." AND PROPRIETOR. PA. SATURDAY, JAyUARv'ZTT I'li-Hie oi water alnnir nnr 1 . ft , iiit-ug B UtJ riVprn Im.m l,iil ,.. t .1 r- . . ..a.u ui,l IU CIIMIgU IHO 1121(1 SO m io emtiraco the polar ices and their fusion by ihe rjys ofa vertical son. an.l Ihrj will find tho waters ns it were ouisting and lioilinn from tin. Imiinm ,.r no ucean.wlnlo ihe vanors which wmil.l be constantly raisinc. would enmlnno inJjlC I.U11JVT jUrii.....f. .J.. J " Sii I connexion Vvnn the deluge, was produ ced by natural means, This would at on co account for the universal deluge, and by means the mo;t natural and com prehptiiib'o to the reflecting mind. Phis would also explain the duration of the deluge; and the ti 11 c of the water.- returning olTof the earth. God having caused the earth lo mjke its revolution, in the direction oi a nietidian, in ordei that Iho polar ices should ho fused bj the rays ofa vertical sun upon them, and this fusion having been accelerated by lie rains which would continue so long is the vupois arising in sufficient qmnti ties wero condensed would supply thi clonus Willi watfr, tins na'urjl piocss would go on until the polar ices weie ill changed to water, which would e-a ly occupy the spice of ' forty djy3." We have now seen the walm j p:i vail ing until they have reached theii ulinoii exlen', all tho polar ices have betn tin solved, and every part of the er'h ii. covered, even the peaks of the hidden mountain", and there is no feput of hud visible. Tho rains is resttninvd, hut not un'il the water in the clouds lias fallen sml ihe iljiijcl lor which the deluge was seni i( iccomplished. The Almighty having ihJS covered the earth with water, ami seeu the raging of thu elements, speak and the earth iigiin iMsumes lis loiuier revolution from West to East, and im mediately the ice begins to accumulate it the noles. 'vl.icb caUfCi this wat'ei 'o abate, uud Iho dry land begins lo Hp pear, fust rhe lop of the higlK-t-t 111 011 n aius appear, and as the ices aecumulili tthc poles (ho water upon the eaitl 'lecomcs less. Thus may wo accoun 'or a universal deluge without departing 111 the least from the account sis 11 is coi taiiied in the honk of Genesis, and thi- huorv either will also, I appiehend, b f lund to coincide with the Mosaic ac count of Ihe history of the creation of the wot Id, when "darkness brooded iver the face of the deep, and the spin if God moved upoo ihe face of the wa- uis," Which would imply that at tin "rcatian of this planet, it was snbnietg d, and diy land was made lo appear, inly when the water hnd congeali'd a he poles By litis theory we have i , ili.-fictorily ohlaiued that, there is lln iauie amount of water now lhal llier was at any period of ihe world's exis tence, and that should this planel remain for au many years yet to come, as it has stood days, Ihe quanttiy of waler would Hill be the same as when the Almighty poke it into existance. NUMA. ORATOR At a late piliticil meeting in the wc.' tho orator elecnhod his heaters by tin following eloquent remarks "Every man and woman is born Ireo and equa1 except niggers, i hey anil oorn so in liailh. for 1 am six foot and my brothei Rip is only four foot and a half and thick through in proportion. They aim born so in point of strength, for I can double up any lip-cretur between heir and the forks of Red River. They aint born so in point nf gumption, for I know smart piece, while cousin .Leafy wa born a nal'ral. We aiut so in point ol running, for I can run down sleumboai nanlher. or a railwiy car; nor wo aim so in pointof taking rye, for I can pu Iho bung-hole to my motiihand swallow half a barrel. Then what is we bon equal in? I'll tell you how we're equal When you go to the polls next 'lection lay, if you'll vole for me 10 go lo Con gress, I swear to yon by all the eyes in my breeches packet, Urn ever one ol you shall have a grant, and I'll tako a grant too, and then we shall all bo e- qtial. The Difference. A preacher ai Nashville, the olhor day, made the fol lowing distinction between a "coquette" and a "flirt," "A flirt Is 0 creature with 0 heart but without braiiw; a co- quette is a creature with brains but with. out a neart, b Thomas Joframon Iiove and ITffaduoti. A .nr.., r....i ... uiifai nucuunrr nnni'fVitn i . . - i , Dr. Uuwins, in his Treaiiss on l)i4rdr- of thu uiain. whose "uy on the point of nisr riage, intondad husband usually h 1 1 1 -------... uuudmv 1 .V went one day to meet him.& found. i.,,..i .,ri...., up .... ' - 11m Biuiclton tlial nail uelallen her, ceased From lhat fatal moment,' says the author, 'has ibis unfoitunats female, for rifty years in all seasons, traversed the distance of h lew miles to where alio expected her future htiabatid io alight from tho coach, anil every day sho uttered in 11 plaintive tone. Ho fs not come yet, I wi't return to-morrow.' There is a morn reinaikablo case, in which lov, aftei it hat! lotip been npparenlly extinct, prmluced n like effect upon being aocidenlilly reviyed. It is re curded 111 a Glasgow newspaper. An olti man, residing in tho neighborhood of that city, found a miniature of his wife, taken in tier youth. She had been deod many years, and he was a person of suictly se dure and religious habits; but the eight oi this picture overcame Inra. From the time of its discoTery till his death, which took (iUch Boine months afterwards, he neglect '! 3II his utdinary duties and employment ami became in a manner imbecile, spend ilia whole days without uttetine a word, or manifesting the slightest interest in psasi hr jimirrences. The only one with wiium he would hold 8tiy communication, was tittle grandchild H'ho etrikiuglv resembled the portiait; to her ho was perfectly docile and a day or two before his death, he gaye her ins purse, and strictly enjoined bar 10 Idy the picture beside him in tho coflln a request which was accojdingly fulfill id. FRIENDSHIP. Ohtisiflrfield nbsetves their is a kind ul ihort lived friendship which takes place a mong men, from u I'onueeiion in iheu pleas diircs onlv; 11 frteuilship too often attended wnh bad coHsequenceg. This coinpnnio ni our pleasures, young and inexperi encri) 'vill probably in the luat of convtvibl uiirlh sow a perpetual Irienuship, and unlold him self vo you without the least reerve;bui neu associations, cliange ol plice, will snnn break this ill-timed connection, and the fn ly ol surh nnsiy Aiiacuiuenu. i lie aann nhervution will apply 0 young females. I have frequently witnessed wuh regret, will what warmth oxciiement.they enter cnli into new alliances 01 irieiiasinp; repose, in some short lived acquaintance, nil iheu iecrcls of se.nti ment pnuroul their even linushl of afTe etinu in an nggraiated strain inq appetr perlectly happy in its develnt ment. For a voting female lo be without ronfident in affairs of the heart, urgue 'iiueh fur her understanding, and 1 tdwa take it for granted, lhat she who takes pleus ire in making every acquaintance the re pository ol tier nearest secrets, is soiiip ivhat touched wnn luincy. A mottier or sny other eenior relative who acts in that capacity if ahe be a woman perfectly ihaste of seniiment perfectly affable nf ilispnsition.and perfectly capable ol'disciiui ination is the only counceiior that voting female should require, in rpgulatinc that most preciout and invaluaslo ol gifts, her hilcriioiis, It may be, when long years ol acquaintance hive deeply and sue cessfully tried a young friend.that ahe sha! 'ni worthy ol all confidence, still, until time ind experience have pictured to her the vays of the world, sho will bo an unfit i.ouni'uller, although a sinusro and affection jte associate. THE FARMER. It doe one's heart pood to see a meiry round-fared farmer. 8a independent, and vet o fren Ironi vanities and pride. So nrn, ami yoi so inuintrinus o pauein ind preserving 111 Ins calling, and yet si 'iind, octal and obliging; I here are i hnusand noble traits about his character tie is generally hospitable eat and driiil. with him, anu he won 1 set a maru on you 1 ml sweal it out of yon with dounlu com Hound interest, as some I know will yot ire welcome, lie will do you ktnunesr without expecting a return by way of com iiensation it is not so with ovary body He is generally tnnre honest and sincere less disposed to ileal in low and underhand running, than many I could name. He jives society ils bast support is the fit 111 est pillar tint tupporls the eilifieo of gov eriinient lie is the lotd of nature. Look at htm in his homespun and grey, bucks gentlemen! laugh at him if you will bin believe mo, he can laugh back if ha pleas es. I blush deeply under the heat of yourl passion' as the lobster, suiu to lha water. YELLOW JACK. flWlis a niinhtv conftirer tin of fnrmj "id a ready adapter of Ideas. An Irish man landed Vea'erdav r.n tha L-ven. I . 7 . T "mii im utuni UHLLK iic; hi an a ?' A mulal.o approached him i?;,-s..up..ojw.ji"w Usui's wviVf.K-,,?- I , I O I ft 1. . I I , ... whal'rf your name?' Mulatto My name is John, massa, but dey calls mo Jack.' Irishman 'O.you llnefo' the world lon'l lay a hand on that trunk; rr I won't leave a bone in your yellow skin hat I won I pound as fine as bnel; dust; he olf, I say, you mumicrln Yallow lack bq oil, otil o mo sight this very tiinit shine they say your very touch is contagion; l heard ennun 01 you elsewlu re; and now, you treacherous V.1II0W ttcf,you want to -Hack me hetoro I even wel my wistle in the ci'y. 'Clear ju', I say.' and heie he twirled his slill- rrtah, and wculd actually have laid it on he mulatto, had he not run off. The fact wat tho Irishman confounded Yel low Jack the mulatto, with 'Yellow J )ck,' the epidemic , Bnd henco liis ap prehension iV. (J. ricayune. A Newspaper is a FAititr Tho minds ofactive childten are ever gog, alter omething on which their fancy tiny rest This principle of '.he human facility never can be satisfied eliotl of enjoyment in some thing. This being a self ciident pushion, the question fairly crises, what ia the best food for sne'i mimic? If we wish their facultfjs to remain uelesK, deprive children ih much os possible of all sources of infotin atiun, teach them that all polish, of what ever kind il maj be, is superfluous. Then they will either be drones or vagabonds ac coiiling a the bfctil uf their inclination may lead them. But, on the contrary, if you would like lo have the otlspring ol your charge both active and useful, place such incentives before them as would lead a 'endir and sueceptible mind into a train of useful thoughts, which would so bias futtiro I'ondtict, as to juepfy tha snying of the wise 1 an, that 'train up a child in the way he should go and when be is old he will nut t'epait from it. PRINTING OFFICES. When Dr. Frankln's mother-in law rirt discovered that the young man had a hankering lor her daughter, Iho good lady said she did not know so well about giving her daughter fo a printer Vheio a ere already two printing ounces in tho United Slates, and sdie was not cer ain ihe country would support them. Iteresling to Account unci wrilers. It is said that when ink marks on p?pcr are or used, by scratching- out,lhat a littlo rub of the spot with the edge of fresh India mbber,will render it fit lo receive new mark without the ink spreading, and is better than pounce for that pur pose. A SAGIELESs6n. Lookman; the Ethiopian sage was asked from he received his first lesson of wisdom lie answered: From the blind who never take a sep tilt they havo first felt the ground before them. GOOD JOKH. A talhor green sort ofa well dressed in dividual walked into tho Broadway House the other morning and stretching himself up 10 hi full height exclaimed in a loud voire. Where are all iho nhigs? Show mo a whig, gentlemen,' said he and I will ehow you a tilled A large Company of quiet gentlemen was present and in nu instant one of them stood before the nntsy inqutrror in a warlike rttu- ude and said 'I am a whig sir!' 'Are yon indeed?' Yes sir I nrn." IJ'ell iust step dnwn to the Tomln u i h me and I wilt ahow you a thirJl'iX. Y. iiiror. GROUND FOR STEADFASTNESS. If I wero not penetrated with a conviction of the truth of the biblo and tho reality of my own experience I should bo confound ed on all side from within and from without in the world and in the church. fcniall things often decide a man's df. directs her boilinghinp. as the ruder of a ehin crrjarai. . ; . 1 1