The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 17, 1843, Image 4

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I asked a glad and happy child,
Whoso hands wete tilled with flowers,
Whose ailvery Utogh rang Tree and wild
Anionfe the vino wreath bowers;
1 crossed her euritly path and cried,
When is the time to diet'
'Not yel l not yet 1' the child replied
And swiftly bounded by.
I asked a maiden) back she threw
The tresses of her hair;
briefs traces o'er her cheeks I knew,
Liko pearls thpy glislaned there;
A flush passed o'er her lily brow,
I heard her spirit sigh ;
'Not now,' she ciied, 'O no; uot now,
Youth is no time to die 1'
I asked a mother, as she pressed
Her first born fn her arms,
And quickly on her throbbing breast,
She hushed her babe's alarms:
In quivering tones her answer came
Her eyes wero wet with tears:
My boyhis mother's life must claim
For many, many years.' ,
I questioned one in manhood's prime,
Of proud and fearless air;
His brow was furrowed not by time,
Or dimmed by woe worn care,
In angry accents ho replied,
And flashed with scotn his eye :
Talk not to me of death,' he cried,
For only age should die.'
I questioned age, for him the (omb
Has all been long prepared;
But death, who withers youth and bloom,
This man of 3"outh has spaied;
Once mote his nature' flying fire
Flashed high, and thus he cried;
Life 1 only life is my desire 1'
Then grasped and groaned add died.
I asked a Christian . 'Answer thou
When is the hour of death V
A holy calm was on his brow,
And peaceful was his breath.
And sweetly o'er his features stole
A smile, a light divine;
He spake the language of his soul,
Aly master's time is mine 1'
Eesloring Suspended Animation. As
the season is now approaching, when the
cases of drowning are most frequent, the
following hints, which we have derived
from the best authority, may be useful.
As the rudo attempts of well meaning
persons, to restore suspended animatijn
from drowning, are often as likely to ex
tinguish life as to restore it, we have thought
that we could not better serve the cause of
humanity, than by publishing a few plain
directions, for the guidance of thoso bystan
ders on such accidents, till the assistance of
a physician could ho procured. We are.
reminded of this duty by a fact that occur
red only a day or two ago, when tho first
act of the persons around, on fishing out
the body, was to roll it in a barrel, a pro
ceeding generally murderous in its conse
quences, 1. The attrocious custom of suspending
the sody by me neejs, or roiling: it in a
barrel, is not to be thought of; but carefully
and qttichiy removejthe body to a warm and
dry room;
2. Cut off the wet clothes of the patient
place him on a low bed, and on his right
side, slightly separating the jaws to allow
the escape of any water in the mouth or
3. Endeavor to restore heat slowly to
the body, by applying a bottle filled with
hot water to the pit of the stomach, hot
bricks to the soles of the feet, and frictions,
with hot flannels or a soft brush, over the
whole body.
4. Tickle the lips and the nostrils with
n feather;or some other light body, dripped
in hartshorn.
S. If these attempts do not succeed in
restoring some degree of animation, burn
email pieces of paper over the nit of Ihe
etomach, and on the thighs and arms.
0. If sensibility be restored, give a table
spoonful of camphorale brandy, or cologne
water,diluded with two pails of waler.every
five minutes, but be careful not to force tXe
patient to dunk, while there is much difli
cully in swallowing,
7. If sensibility be restored, and the face
red or purple, ihe limbs flexible and warm
bleed him, but do not resorUo this temedy
if the body is cold or stiff.
8. Tobabco is not to be used under any
There is a lawyer down e&st so exceed
inslv honest that he puts all his flower
tiqIs ont over nirrht, so determined is h
that every thing shall have its dew.
From tht Motion Trhhicripli
A Fortune, A yobng lawyer, of this
city, possessing talent in his piofessibti,
but little pecuniary ability to start swimm
ingly into life, by one of llioeo singular
chances which arfe as rare as they are fortu
nate, has suddenly as we learn, bbcotno the
possessor of a (ortune the attainment of
which is indeed remarkable. One day,
which seems to have been marked ih his
calender as especially propitious and smil
ing, a laboring Irishman entered his oflice
to consult him upon particular business for
which he had been refused the advice of
professional gentlemen. Pursuing the ne
cessary details, he drew from his pockets
sundry documents unconnected with the
original matter in reference, which, exciting
the atteuiion uf the lawyer, proved to be
certificates of deposits for a large sum of
money in the Bank of Dublin, the value
of which was previously unknown to his
Tim appearance of things naturally
enough attracting professional observation;
on examination was subsequently instituted
which resulted in the fact that property to
the amount of 60,000 had been deposited
to the credit of the hitherto poor laborer in
the bank, and in establishing his title also
to a large landed estate in Ohio, which was
valued at $1,700,000 and bequeathed to the
Irishman by the will of a wealthy but un
known relative. The gratitude and gener
osity of the Hibernian nation are well
known,, but, with a liberality which is not
generally manifested, except in cases of
sudden and unexpected accession to fortune
the now wealthy client insisted upon relin
quishing all claim to the landed property of
which he had become possessed in favor of
his lawyer, reserving to himself only tho
personal estate in itself a fortune. The
money has in part been withdrawn, from
Ihe Bank of Dublin, and we understand that
15, 000 came out to this country in one of
the late steamers, tho 'removal of the depo
bites' probably being in favor of some ono
of our American banks. It is stated that
this matter which hag resulted so fortunately
has been in process of settlement for several
months, the lawyer himself having journied
to the El Dorado of the West in prosecution
of the special business of his generous
client, and having returned willr a portion
of the income derived from the large prop
erty there held in possession.
The imaginations of females are always
more excitable than mar., and they are
therefore more susceptible of any folly
when they lead a life of secret seclusion,
andxheir. thoughts are constanly turned
inward upon themselves; hence, in orphan I
aayiuuwj nusiiiidis, auu uuivcihs, uic ucr
vous disorder of one female so easily, quick
ly becomes the disorder of all, It is recorded
in a medical book, that a nun in a large
covenent in France, began to mew life a cat;
hortlv afterwards other nuns mewed every
dav at a certain time, for several hours
together. The surrounding neighborhood
heard with some astonishment the daily
cat concern, which did not cease until the
nuns were informed that a company of sol
dier were placed by the public before the
the entrance of the convent, provided with
rods, and would continue whipping them
until they promised not to mew any more.
Li m ol all the epidemics says Dr. Bab
bington, in his recently published work)of
females, which I myself have seen in Gei
many, or of which the histoiy is known
to me, the most remarkable convent epi
demic of ihe 15th century. A nun in a
German nunery fell to biting all her com
panions. In a short lime all the nuns of
this convent began biting each other. The
news of this infatuation among the nuns
soon spread, and it then passed from con
vent to convent throughout a great part of
Uermany, principally baxony and liranden
ourz. Jt afterwards visited Ihe nuneries of
Holland, and at last tho runs had the bum?
mania even far as Rome''
Generation after generation, savs
eloquent modern writer, have felt as
feel, and their fellows were as active
life as ours now. They passed away
vapors, while nature ware the same aspect
of beauty as when her Ureator commanded
her to be. And so, likewise, shall it be
when we are gnne. The heavens will be
bright over our graves as they are now
around our path; tho world will have tho
same attractions for offspring yet unborn,
that she had once for our children. Yet a
little while, and all this will have happened
The throbbing heart shall be stilled and we
shall be at rest. Our funeral will wind on
its way, and the prayer will wind on its
way, and the prayer will be said, and the
grave clods will be thrown in; and our
friends will return and we shall be left
alone to darkness and the worm, And it
may be for some short time we shall be
spoken of, but the things of life will creep
in, and our names will soon be forgotten.
Days will continue to move on and laugli
ier and song will be hearu in tho very
chamber in which he died : and the eye
that mourned for us will be iliied, and
will glisten again with joy, and even our
children will cease to think of us, and
will not remember to lisp our name
Then shall we bedorae, in the language of
the Psalmist, forgotten and clean out ol
mind I
frHE NEW irllRROk.
Every number embellished with an original and
exquisite Design on tiled Edited by GEORGJB
P. MOItlUS Illustrated by J. O. Chapman, who
is engaged exclusively for tho work; Terms,
Three, Dollars per annum -Single number G
In the course of n few weeks the undersigned
will commence on his own account, the publication
of a New Scries of the N. YORK MIRROR, in
the octavo form, on an entirely novel and original
plan, with a Steel Engraving in every number and
at Iho reduced piico oi Three. Dollars per amium,or
six and a quarter cents per copy.
Tho New mirror will appear with many striking
and attractive features, distinguishing it from every
other periodical. It will bo published with new
type, on fino paper, and each number will contain
a beautiful original Engraving on Steel, designed
ahd etched by Chapman, illustrating tho letter
press which it accompanies, nnd which it will in
vest by peculiar interest. Besides tho contributions
of all our extensive, corps of correspondents which
embraces most of tho talent of this country we
have made arrangements for fresh and early trans
lations from some of the best writers of FranccJ'and
for proof sheets from Bcveral of the popular authors
of England. M ilh such materials, and with such
able fellow laborers in tho literary vineyaid, wo
hone to present to the American reader n weekly
journal of great value and unusual oxccllchcy.
I he parade or mere names will lie sedulously avoi
ded. Tho mirror will be remarkable, we hope,
rather for good articles without namcs.than for poor
articles with diitintruished names. It will embrace
in its scope every department of elegant literature,
comprising talcs of romance,skctches of society and
manners, sentiment and every day life, piquant es
says, domestic and foreign correspondence, literary
intelligence; wit and humor, fashion and gossip,
poetry, the fino arts, and literary, musical and dra
matic criticisms. Its reviews of new works will be
careful, discriminating and impartial. It will aim
to foster a literature, suited to the taste and deurcs
of the age and country. Its tendency will he cheer
ful and enlivening, as well as improving. It will
seek to gratify every refined taste, but never to of
fend tho most fastidious; and it will ever feel its
duty to be, to 'turn the sunny side of things to hu
man eyes.'
The work will be published every Saturday; in
numbers of sixteen large octavo super royal pages,
with double columns, und enclosed in a neat orna
mental covor. It will form, at the end of the year
two superb volumes, each ot lour hundred anil
sixteen pages, filled with the gems of literature and
the fine arts.
The very low prico at which i t will bo issued,
renders it the chcaj est periodical in this or any oth
er country, considering the cost and beauty of its
FIFTY TWO ENGRAVINGS, and tho intrinsic
value of its literary contents. Thoso desirous of
receiving tho paper from this commencement, will
have it punctually sent to their address upon .heir
forwarding to the undersigned, at No. 4 Ann street
three dollars, Tree from expense.
Letters enclosing tho amount of subscription
may be flanked by all postmasters. Agents, carri
ers and newsmen will ho supplied on the usual
terms. Tho Cash System will be rigidly adhered
to, without any deviation whatever.
Editor and Proprietor.
No. 4 Ann street, near Broadway, N. Y.
JList or Letters
EMAINING in the. Post Oflice at Caltawis
sa for the quarter ending March 3lst 1843.
Urcehbell Michael
Idler Jacob
Kinney Andrew 2
Kitchen Mary
Klingaman Nathan
Klingaman Charles
Labold's Aron Exr
Laubach Jacob
J-Ioonc Milton
Uouno INcwton
Bear Jacob
Baldy O.
Chapman Daniel
Gaso Mahlon
Clcwell Daniel
Linvill J. D.
little Schuylkil& Susquehanna Rail R. Campany,
Dctrick Elias
Millard bamucl
Millar Samuel
Karich John
Slengcn I.ydia
Sands loel
Seesholts Philip 3
Savered William
Traub William
Taylor Carolina
Varnts Silas
Hampole Thomas
Wells Theodore
Dolman Peter
Frederick George
Fisher Henry
Furling John
Geojge Jonathan
Geiger Daniel
Gorinn Orlano
Geiger Georgo
Hughes Georgo
Helwig ohn
Hosier Mr.
Howard Michael R.
Har'.man Seth.
Persons calling tor letters in the above list will
please say they arc advertised.
U. A. I5RUUST, 1'. Mi
EMAINING in the Post Office at Blooms-
burg Apiil 1st 1843.
Nathan Bauer S, J. C. Geiger, Esq, John Ilazlet
Wm. Hance, Isaac C. Hopper, Johnson Ikelcr,
Charles Koons, Jamo Lauyou, John Rouch, John
Sohannon, Wm. Wasley, Abigal Wilhington,
Persons calling for letters in the above list will
please say they are advertised,
JOHN It. MUYIilt, F. M.
IS hereby given that I have purchased at Con
stable sale, on the Gth of April, 1843, the following
sold as the property of James shoemaker, 1 Hay
mare, I Double set harness, 1 singlo set harness,
1 stup and bells, 50 Bundles of straw. 1 wind mill
I cutting Box and knife, 1 heifler, 8 acres of whft,
18 acres of Rro 1 plough, 1 harrow, G hogs,
grind stone, 1 sleigh, 1 stove and pipe, 1 sled and
box, 1 horse wagon, 1 logchain, I mantle clock, I.
two horse waggun, and also left in his possession I
brown marc,which was my property before this sale.
olll of w hich I have left in his possession during
my pleasnre, and heredy caution all person not to
take it from him cither by purchase or otherwise
without my consent.
Aprl. 8th, 1843 p
WE hereby warn alt persons not to purchase a
certain note of hand, signed by Nancy Piatt.dated
sometimo in 1838, and payable to Charles Piatt, for
forty two dollars, ns said note was obtained without
consideration, am we shall therefore refuse to pay
me same unless compelled by law.
Juno 3, 1843.
THAT we have this' day bought at constable
salo as the property of George Iliirtman, ono gray
mare and gears, ono bay maro and gears, one plow
one waggon, or.e hairow, ten acres of ryo in the
ground, one aero of wheat in the grounJ, and have
left them with him during our pleasure, of which
the public will tako 'notice.
May' 13, 16137,
IecUnd VoLt-MK b
Embracing Caphology Phreitolgv, Palhctology,
Physiognomy, Neurology, Psychology, Electricity,
Gulvanist, Magnetism, Caloric, light, and life.
The design of this popuhunnd interesting work,
is the investigation' of all Iho laws which apper
tain to Human Life, and which are concerned in
tho production of thoso states of the mind called
Somnambulism, Insanity, Dreaming, Second sight
Somnipathy, Trance. Clairvoyance, and various
other Mental Phenomena; which have hitherto re
mained shrouded in mystery.
Its pages aro enriched with Essays and Com
munications, detailing facts.illustraling tht Science
of Cephnlosy, which teaches the Influences and
Susceptibilities of the human brain.and the method
of controlling its separate orgaris by Falltctiami
together with such information . as may assist in
tho most successful application of lb, a wonderful
agent to Diagnosis the Dciinoation of Character
and the
ING. The SECOND' VOLUME will be commenced
in JUNE. 1843,in a Urge octavo form, and Issued
monthly, on tho following
1. Two Dollars in advance, will, pay for on
year, or sixteen copies of any one number.
H For Six Dollars, fifty copies of any onu num
ber, or four copies for one year.
' III. For Ten Dollars ninety copies of any one
number: or seven copies year.
IV. For Fifteen Dollars, one hundred and fifty
copies of any one number: or twelve copies lor one,
V. To tho trade, they will be put. ,nt Nine Dol
lar per hundred, when one hundred copies ore
ordered. at onetime, with tho cash in advance.
Agents must slate, distinctly, what. money sent is
designed to pay for, whether for on entire' volume,
or for so many single copies of rue number.
As theso terms ore low, tho Publisher- cannot
doubt but Agents will sec the justice of giving
special attention to what follows:
All payments must be received by the Publisher
before each number is sent out of the oflice.
All paymcnts,must be remitted free of postage,
and in Safety-fund money, or its equivalent, in this
Agents must give particular instructions as to'
the manner in which they may wish each number
f Every Editor who shall givo this Prospectus
(including this paragraph) six insertions, shall
receive THE M GENT for one year, from June,
1843 provided tho papers containing this notice be
forwarded, maikcd to 'The N. Y. Card, New
York City,' and provided ;also, that these conditions
bo complied with bclore January,1844.
Tfo.m, corner orirmiiui Third streets
wmrm JIM - ..I ,1,-:- l,,l... tr.
I their friends for the favors so liberally besto w
ed on them, and beg leave to assure them that no
efforts shall be wanting on their part to nieiit a
continuance of their patronage, both in reference to
workmanship and cheapness of price to suit the
It is highly advantageous to Gentlemen and In
stitutions having Libraiies, to apply diiect to the
Hinder, making at least a saving ol 11) to U pe
cent, and sometimes more.
All descriptions of Binding neatly executed.
Ucnllcmen s Libraries lilted up and lepairrd, Mu
sic and I'criodicals bound to pattern. Lodic 3 scrap
books, Albums and Portfolios, of all descriptions
made to order, liinding done for Libiarics, Jnsli
utions, Societies, &c. on advantageous Terms.
They are nlso prepared to manufacture
of every description, such as lloct.els, lltcords
Deal lioQtis, Iloy-llookt, Lcdgtrs, Journals
Memorandums, Cluck-liolh, &c. of the finest
quality of Paper, (Robinson's Ivoiy Surfaced) in
a btyle equal to any madeiu the Cities of Philadel
phia or JMew Vork, on the most icasonablo terms.
Blsh Wouk IiDLtn to xvt Patteiin.
N. B. Old Books lebound with neatness and
despatch, slso Files of Papers.
llarnsuurg, March 20, 1843. Cmo. 48.
All oiders for binding, or for blank UooUb, left at
this oflice, will be forwarded, and leturnedas soon
as completed.
II. WEBB, Jlgent.
HE subscriber being desirous of closing
business, now ollius to Ins customers his ti
soitment of
Drt CidoosamI (irocerics.
at reduced piices, being determined to sell
Anypersons wishing to commence buisness.will
do wall by calling on him beforo purchasing elso
wuere, as lie will eitlicr sell or Kent Ins storo room
and sell his goods, on reasonable terms, and fair
Also, for sale by tho subscriber
which he will dispose of as low as any can be
Blbomsburg Feb. 18th, 1843.
"HTOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin'
11 istration &c. havo been granted to the nub-
sreibers on the estate of
lato of Greenwood tp. in the county of Columbi
deceased. All porsons indebted to said estate are
hereby required tocomo forward without delay an
settle their respective dues. Those hivinc demand
on said estate are requested to present their claims
properly attested lor settlement:
April, io;ibiij oi.
'Triumphant Shcce&ji
Jlnd '.-a new discovery lil the Newspaper
A mo st important and invaluable discoverv i,.j
been made by a gcnticmni of this tity by vthieH
newspapm may be printed in their present form
and at tho same time, capable, of being converted
at pleasnre, into a Magazine form, for pretervation
This grund improvement, which is destined (J
forma new era in tho business, effecting an cutir
revolution in the art ofprinting. mammoth new.,,.
pcrs will be Introduced, by pcrmssnifcn of the L
tcntec, into tho Philadelphia: Situtday Mtucm
commencing in May next. '
In announcing to the friends of the newspaper
press throughout the country a discovery. u,l,:,.t.
will add so immensely to tho value of ucwunanen v
ii.u juii,.v.a v. mi. uiiiuiuuy museum, nave, also
the proud satisfaction of announcing the complete
apd triumphant successor their nctv Family iienE-
pajicr. The liberal patronage ahcady secured for
this new and popular enterprise, has not only sun
liaised thu most sanguinp expectations, but is eu
tircly unprecedented
'The Museum' is now so fail ly and fiimlv ro.
tablishtd, that we feel warranted in making koino
very extensivo and important improvements. By
tlie lirstot May, we shall liavo completed all our
arrangements. y'c shall havo in the first place, a
beautiful, clear and bold type in the scrnml
superb smooth arid while paper in tho third plac
wo snail matte an ingenious and novc change in
tho arrangement of Iho maltcr in tho fourth placo
wo shall incicasc our corps ofconlribulilors in all the
various departments ol a Family Newspaper in
the. fifth place, wo have secured, nt a hiah snlnrv
tho services of Kiioai: A. Pok, Esq., a gentleman
whose, high and versatile abilities have always
poken promptly foi themselves, and who, uftcr tho
first of May, will aid us in thccditoiial conductor
the journal.
1 ho 'iaiativo of Townsend s Journey over tho
Rocky Mountains,' one of the most intercstinc ami
valuablo ever published, is sent to all new sulwcri.
iers. At, its conclusion, our readers will find them.
selves in possession of a work which alone will l o
worth double the subscription to the pancr. V
shall continue, also, of course, tho 'Biogrnplnral
suctcncs and rorlraits,' which arc row exciting so
unexampled an interest. With these and other fea
tures continued, and with tho improvements in con
tcmplation, it remains to bo seen whether we do not
amply fulfil our determination of making the very
best newspaper in America.
Persons wishing to secure six thousand lame oc
lavo page of useful, interesting, and unexceptiona
ble reading for the select family circle, for the small
sum of'J'wo Dollors per year being at Ihe oslon
isbingly ! w rate of Inirty pages foronc cent, or e
cjuivoltnt to ene hundred and twenty pages for four
cents should hand their names in now.
TERMS. Two Dollars Tier annum. Three cn.
pies for Five Dollars, or Sixteen copies for Twenty
Dollars, is the extra inducement offered at present
for clubbing.
Office of the Saturday Museum.Publishcrs' Hall.
No. 101 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
Ib the title of a new work published bi-monllilj
in Philadelphia, ac the cxticmcly lew price ef
The desisn of this work is to furnish, at a low
rate, a Magazine, which, as regards liteiary mrrit
and mechanical execution shall equal the best thrco
dollar magazines. Each number will eontain ot
least forty eight (8 vo.) pages of leadingmattcr.
from tho pens of the most talented mala and female
writers of the day. Ono ol more
will be given in cash number, and, alsoj one of se
ries of tplcndid
now in course of preparation; decidedly tho- mosf
attractive series of embellishments ever given in'
any magazine. One or more pages of new and pop--ular
MUSIC, will be given in each number. It
will be printed upon new type, east expressly for'
the purpose, and upon fino white paper. The work
has reached its third number, and, thus far, the re-
Sim has proved tint the design of publishing a nlag
azine of supcriot literary merit and elegant eiecu
lion at tho low prlre of
One Dollar Yearly
could not but bo successful. Our subscription list
is already double that of Any One Dollar LaJvi
Magazine, and hnndreds are added each week.
of known and acknowledged talent have been re
cured, and the publishers aro determined to spare"
no pains or expense in rendering the worn every
way wortny the patronage of the public.
For the convenience nf nprnlilmra. and to facill'
tate remittances, we will send when remitted pal
Seven copies of tho Wreath, ono year, for $5 w
Four copies of the Wreath and any three
dollar Maeazine. o uv
Five conies of iho Wreath.and anv Phila
delphia Weekly P apcr, 6 0"
Fifteen copies of tho Wreath. 10 0(
Ten cnDics of iho Wiealh. and nnv ihroa
dollar Macazin'e.' 10 00
Ten conies of iho Wreath.and Snark'sl.ifo
ot Washington, ln ios. iu w
. .AAA
Ten conies of tho Wreath, and Scott's
ISovels. iv m
. 1 . ' .
Ten conies of tho WrMlh nml Tlirltrn'B
fDoi'si Works. 10 00
Twcutv conica of llin W renin, nml nnv
one of tlicibeve namol wot ks. 15 W
Specimen Nunioers furnished, if ordered
poitpaid. .
67 South Third St. Pbilada.
.Editors giving the above a few
sending tho Nos. containing it marked with ihu
the Publishes, shall recrivo tho work for ono year.
(Editors givins the above fivo insertions at
calling attention to it Editorially, shall reecho w
ddition, the ninetce'nlh volume 0I tbo KnlckwVoe
kw,euuenciRff Janna&V 1813.