1 REMOVAL AND, NEW, COUNTY. . . Both these measurei'jhavo bWn defeated, Ir. Snyderyout Representative in the pop- sr branch of the Legislature, ill pursuance of the instructions given him by his con .iluients.inlroduccd a bill removing the.seal frnm n,n!li, Tt n-iocp,! itiat hndv bv a large majority,- in laci, me " . . f . . I I n nanvillo faction, aia'ed by 'senator Headley, vein unable to mcke even a show of resis tance. It went to the ucnate.and by a union V.t.. ...A..Aniainr Mmnvn ahr lltn Irintirla ! (,( divison,lhe removal was voteu uown anu ... , . .1 i , I.- kill r.r.eco.1 'Pirn ft-invilln I iui"""" ' , faclion.finUing senator lieautoy liau.wrougn his treachery and deception, progressed thus fur Willi ins iniquitous opjeci, raiiyeu all their forces, for the purpose ot mamng a sel-loo upon Hie liooso ot representatives, lo carry the bill through that body. Judgo Donaldson, Peter BalUy, John Khoues.ami V. uesi, were ucspmcueu 10 numbing iur the. purposet and no means ii, their power, were leu uuiricu o) mem iu gucci " purpose. J heir pledges last lull were ior- gotien uie nucicsi oi uiu vfi . county were not thought of the villages of 1 1 I T . I nn nvAnanl In I jjanviue ana uciwiun. their mina. uui oy me uuu ...g . CJol. vvngni, speaker, auu in. they were ueieaieu in me r unnuiy -;.-u project, by an overwhelming majority, anu these recreants 10 uic uuu iiuurcBi u u- lumbia county, compeueu lorciuiu -' Willi me mar oi v,a... a.-.... ..,... foreheads;, and the people savcu trom me Worst 01 CUtSCS, U Uiviaiun. "The papers on the North Branch state that the. canal packet boats have commenced their regular inns," says the Harnsburg Reporter. Not bo fast. So far from this being a fact, not a single boat has as yet been able to stir an inch, except during the, high water when several were noisieu into the river, nor is there" any prospects of any hii&tness beincr done on this branch for weeks to como. So much for ihe reform i of ihe CanalCommissioners for Tyler pur poses. THE ADJOURNMENT The.Slalo Legislature adjourned on Tucs dav nighllast about.12 o'cloek,afier asession Imrilrpit n.nl six llaVS. AltllOllllll tllC ..inn had been a boisterous one, and the mni pvriinil and anrrrv discussions had fmnnniW snrnnrr un. still the closimr scene on Tuesday night, was marked by a degree r..lin cnli nm w tnessed. at t he ,lnin nrnReinn. This was narticularlv WrB.,l in the Hnuse of Renresenlatives: Th vaWietorv of Sneaker Wrieht, was mnsi fplincr and imn'ressivc.and al its close ,11 CPP,nP.l in forget that a nersonal dispute had ever occurred on the floor of the House . p ii,n members separated lo return to their homes and families with.as mpch good feeling lo wards each olher as we have seen manifes ted on any occasion of the kind. Although efforts have been made to brini the lale Legislature into disrepute, still it may em phatically be styled 'the Reform .Legisla turei A bill War passed reducing the sala ries of tho ofiicnra of Government about 25 per cent, which it is said will effect a sav ing to the Stale of over two hundred thous and dollars. This is a measure well calcu laled io be popular with the people, and wc apprehend lhat those representatives who took an active part in the passage of the bill will receive from their constituents on llieir return to iheir homes the meed of praise 'Various other mciisurc3 of reform were nassed.-'Subh as abolishing tho Nicholsoiv Cgurt, abolishing the Crimiual Sessions of Philadelphia, providing for the election of ,Cinal Commissioneis bv the people, and finallv fur the svdc of .the public works, or a. nn.iunrilini. which will meet ihn annm ' bation of Ihe people. A printing bill was n1-n nnccnit tvliinl, rfihippil iho rxnenses of I 1 I " ' I the Lesislalure. in the single item of print ing, mors than twenty thousand dollars.-AII 4hese acts are well calnulaled to strengthen the late Leeislaiure.or al least a majority of it, with the people, and we take it thai ihe effort? of those wio may attempt to bring t into disreputo will recoil upon thcit own iieads, and caver them wilh shame and con fusion. Whilst Ihe representative carries out the express will of his constituents he has nothing to fear, and it is only when he ap pears recreant to their ,interests,that he has .cause to hide himself from their indignant gaze. The people of Pennsylvania at ihe commencement of the late session called loudly for reform, and' the late Legislature set early to wprk to carry out that relorm, I How far they'ii'nve dotie so it' W for the people to judge, b ut in our opinion ,tlioy have donn as much probably as could be done under the circumstances 'which sitr rounded them. .We trust therefore that the people will examine the acts of, their repro sentalives, before' ihev believe the statement "H . ' 'uiu uiuu 1 llmnn inkn . .t ... ! 1 . n Mnn .1 i . . ....... them. Aeysoie, SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL AP nniMini I'PtrtM nir T For the support of.the Government from . V.' ..." . - - uccouiDer i, inu to lNovcmuer au, prcpalec for i)e Hepor,cr. ' F(jr ,he ej,penseE oi Govern menl $25,000 00 tPaymcnl of Pensions and. Gialuiiies 47,000 00 lilitia expenses 20,000 00 Colleges, Academies and Fo ma,e Seminaries 23,500 00 Common School purposes 250,000 00 UousoofKiifugo 2,000 00 ln8tlwlion fur ltll! i,lru3tIo 0f the blind 8.000 00 Deaf and dumb, 11,000 00 Kcpair f)f pub,io yrounds 300. 00 Sl:Uo jiibr . olJ debU and repairs 2,000 00 4,500 00 8,000 00 Nif.holson Commissioners Eas(cnl Pei)ilemiary yc8lern 5,000 00 30,000 00 inlcrC8i on 4lh Mav issues IU.csl ot) oerlifi,atR8 t0 Do meslic Q 72,000, 00 Temnnrai v Inn'n nnriW nnt nf April '38, 15,000 00 5,000 00 Miscellaneous Paymont of Lock keepers, Collectors and Weigh masters 50,000 00 .Canal Commissioners and exppnses 0,380 00 50,000 00 fcxinorumary lepairs on car.ais and rail rouds Total $802,080 00 This is a less sum than has ever hereto fore been appropriated to the same onj'ccls and shows u commendable reform in many of its items. Henry K. Slronny of Ilarrisburg, has been appointee. State Librarian; in pljcc of Selh Salisbury, of Bradford, removed. The Cabinet.-1 Tho last rumor from Washington, is thai Judge Upshur is lo lalc ihu wc. luumcni ui ouic, wimuii 's sl'ortly to be vacated by Mr, Webster, that Mr. Cushing is te be appointed Secretary of the Navy, A correspondent of the Union Times re commends the Hon. John Snyder, the son of the venerated bimon bnyiler, as a suitable, candidate lo fill the gubernatorial chair. P. Willi MpyliU Van Eitrenj The democratic members of the. New, York Legislature, held a meeting nt Albany on Monday last, and wilh gieai unanimity expressed their preference for Martin Van Hiiren as the .candidate of the democratic parly for the Presidency, subject lo ihe approval of a National Convention. LAWS BY SUFFRANCE. The Governor has allowed the bill pro viding fur the election of Canal Cominis sioncrs py tlie people, lo Become a law without his signatuie, Tho Reform Bill also became a aw by limitation. Endorsers. u lias recently been tteei ded bv a Court in Philadelphia, that nn endorser of a promissory note cannot i-e lease hi'msclf from liability by frivinp; the i . . . i holder nouco to suq prior enuorsors. I ...... n . . r..-. i r. r i- . ,M nfTfniiTliTn THIS mab&avh.'. ' Major Roswell Franklin.lhe last survivor of ihe Massacre of Wyonnng.uteu recently at Aurora, in ihe Slate of New V orlc 1 lie deceased was a native of Connecticut. His fattier emigrated lo Iho Valley of Wyoming, Pennsylvania both were en gaged in Ihe battle with ihe' Indians and English of that place, which war so disas trous to the settler. The mother and one siFler were butchered before their eyes another sister was tikon prisoner, and retained by tho Indians II years at. Niagara the deceased was also taken prisoner and letained among litem about three years near Mount Morris, Livingston county, New Yorki FMG HTFUL CASE OF Sf AR . t ..VAirior. The Roman CjtKzeh,pubishcd-al Rome Oneida county, New, York, gives a mort hearl-rending account -of the death, by starvationof a mother and her child, An rishman with his' family, somo time since took up his residence in Florence, in (hat county, four or five miles from tlie village; and a mild from any neighbor. Last summer the man was killed by the falling of a tree, leaving a wife and three small children. Left thus alone, the poor wo man managed lo sustain herself and little ones comfortable, till winter with lis severi ty came upon her. The deep snow shut her little shanty, and slio was soon forgot (en by the world, without. One of her near neighbors chancing to call hrr lo mind put on snow shoes, and proceeded lo her house nearly buried in the' snow. With much difficulty he succeeded in entering and theft what a scene!' In one corner lay the lifeless, emaciated body of the mother. The suffcrine spirit had fled. Bv the side of llieir mother's corpse lay the three children, just gasping" in the last ago nies of starvation. They were immediately taken 'to the neighbor's house and supplied with food, but in oiie.lifcj was nearly ex lincl, and after lingering a short time it expired. The poor woman had lived to see her children devour (he last crumb in the house, and had then laid herself down to die in the agonies of starvation. SOMETHING REALLY-AMUSING. To see the Herrisbure Argus.editcd bj a gentleman who advocates the claims of Col Johnson for the Presidency al Danville.and Gen. Cass, and John Tyler in Ilarrisburg, leading tho Globe, Richmond Enquirer and Albany Argus, out of tho Democratic par tVj ' ' ' i i i mil DIED In this place on Friday the Slsi. inst, Mr. LEWIS I. BARKLEY, aged 28 years. In Mount Pleasant township; on the 19th inst.. LAVINA MARIA, , daughter of , Mr. John Hower, aged about' 21 years. In this town; on Thursday last, Mrs. ELIZA MEASLE, wife of Mr. Lewis Mcasle, aged 37' years. SECOND VOLUME OP' THE MAGENT, DEVOTED TO THE WJiSTIG AT10U OF EUffEGUBS' WMKmfM&Es Embracing Caphology Phrenolgv, Pallitlohgy, Physiognomy, Titurology,Vsycltology, Electricity, Gulvaiiist, Magnelism, Qalorie, light, and life. BY LA. ROY LUNDERLAND. The design of this pppuhr and interesting work, is the investigation of all the laws which apper tain lo Human Life, and which arc concerned in tho production of those states of tho inind tailed Somnambulism, Insanity, Dreaming, Second sight Bomnipathy, Trance. Clairvoyance, and various other Mental Phenomena; which have, hitherto1 re mained shrouded in mystery. Its page's arc clinched wilh Essay's "ond Com munications, detailing factsdllustraliiifr.thc Science of Ccyjio.'oy, which teaches the Influence and Susccpliliiliticn of the human brain,and the method of controlling ils separate organs by J't'thcthtn: together with such infoiiiialion as may assist in the most successful application "pf lbs wpndcrful agent lo Diagnosis tho Dclinoatiou of Character and "the RELIEF OF MUM AN SUFFER ING. . Tho SECOND VOLUME will be commenced In JUNE. 134a,in a large ocUv'o form, and issued monthly, on the following TERMS.- 1. Two Dollars in (iiIcoikc, will pay, for one year, or sixteen copies of any, one number. II iVit SitDpllarsJifty copies of any one num ber, or four copies for one year. HI. For Ten Dollars ninety copiei of any ono number: or seven copies for ono year. IV. For Fifteen Dollars, one hundred and fifty copies of any one number: or twelve copies. for one year. ' V, To .the trade, they will be put nt NiooDoJ lars per hundred, vicn, ono hundred, copie aro ordered at ono time, wilh Iho cash in cdvam-u. Agents diust state, disliriclly.wliat money sent U designed to pay for; whether for on entire volume, or for so many single copies of cne nlimber. As these letrns aio low, the Publisher cannot doubt but Agents v ill see the justice of, giving, special attention to what follows. : All payments must ho received by UioPablishcr beforo each number is sent out of tha ollice. Alt paymonts must be remittod f at of postage, and in Safcty-fuiid money, or ils equivalent, hi this city. Agents must give particular instructions as to tho manner in which they may wish each number forwarded. Every Editor who shall give this Prospectus (including this paragraph) sis insertions, shall receive THE M GENT for ono year, from Juno, 1843 provided tho papers containing this notice bo forwarded, marked to(The N. Y. Card, Now York City,' and provided ;also, that these conditions be complied with before January, IBM, A'oncE. . , -TUB puMic- afn hereby notlfidd 'thAt the sub scriber lias putcliacd,Jat 0onntoli!c, Sale, April 35th 1842' Iho following properly, sold na the property. Ucnjamin Huramcl, Fishing Greek township, one" gmy Horse ono bay mare, two sets liorso- gcarfej' bridles end collars, one wind-mill, ono cutting box; ono though, ono "patient lock, .ono harrow, ono bull two years old, one brass clock, onq log chain, seven acres ol wheal in the ground, twelve acres of ryo in tho ground. Which I have left in his possession during hty plctsurc, of which tho public mil lako notice. SAMUEL W. AM AN. Aptil, 9th. 18131. DR. J. N. SUZGMSR DENTIST, WILT, bo nt the Hotel nf OHATlf.RS T)Or!T!. LBlUnTlIoorasburg, about tho SOlhof May.and" will attend to any business in his profession' that1 may be required. Any. persons wishing teeth set or plugged or any thing in his profession will be attended lo upon his arrival, if oWers are left cither at this ollice or with Mr. Doeblcr, April 291813. NOTICE. IS hereby given, that I this day havo bought al Uonslable sale, as tho property ol I nomas llcss, one sorrel marc, and gears,- ono sorrel horso and gears, ono red onu while Cow.oiie Jiulo wag gon, ono corner cubboaiJ, one clock and casc,thrco acres of wheat in the ground; on6 and a half acres of ryo in the ground, and, 5000 shingles, and havo left thesarao in tho possession ol the said Jcss, uunng my pleasure, ami lorwd any person taken Ihcm Irom liim.cnucr by purchase or otucrwiso without iiiy consent. A UK AM JfOUWy. April 201b, 1843. COMMISSIONERS NOTICE. T&TOTICE IS EUEBY GIVEN lo the tan ly able inhabitants of the County of Columbia that iho Associate. Judges ond Conlmissioncr's composing a "JJoaulol Kevision," will meet- at lb Comm'Esioiicr's.Ofrice, in Danville, on Thursday IhoSVllulay of Ancil next to revise: correct and equalize tho valuation of all properly taiablo bylaw anu lonear amiuceiuc upon alt appeals. By order of the Ivonimr's. JOHN S.WILSON, C'k. C0M.MISS10En's OVFICE. ) J9anvillo Apil 14, 1813. 5 NOTICE, 77AT I have" purchascd'at constable salo as the ptopcrty of David Goldci, font acres of wheat in iho ground, foul acres of ryo In tho mound, ono yoku of woi king oicn.one red and while hcilfcr, ono y earling calf, live hogs, onq fanning null,- ono cut- ling box, ono plow, ono slcad,, ono iron kettle and have left tho saino injiis possession during my ju:u&uit: ui wmuu nit: puu;iu win' lauo UOIICC. FUEDKRIC1CLAUUACII April 22, 1813. 52. Independent Troop. TH13 members of .ho Independent Troop are hereby Jolilied to meet at the houso of Charles Uocoicr, in JJloomsburg,'On flio Second' Monday of May netrt; at'9 o'clock, A. M- uniformed and cquipt for com paoy Cicrcisonuu uriu. j-cr, pruer ol Uo cap lain ' J. SLOAN, O.S. Apiil 25,1843 THE NEW mp.Ron.. Ecry number embellished with an original an exquisite Design on Slccl Edited by GEORGJ2 P., MOItUIS Illustrated by J. O. Chapman, who is engaged exclusively lor the work. Icrnis, Thrco Dollars pcf annum Sioglo number ccnt3.. In the course of a few weeks tho undersigned will commenco on his own acccunt, tho publicalion ol a iew csencs ol tho JM.- VUlflv MUMiUi:, in tho octavo form, on an entirely novel and original plan, with a .Steel Engraving in every number and at tho reduced price of Three Dollars per annum.or sir and a quarter con's per copy. The JNew minor will appear with many stNUnic and attractive features, distinguishing it from cvciy other periodical. It will ho published wilh iicw type, on lino paper, and each number vyill contain a bc'autifui 'original Engiavirig on Steel, designed and ctebed by Chapman', illustrating 'tho' letter prcsswhicli it accompanies, and which.il will in H'l by peculiar interest.. Besides tho contributions opal! our extensive corf s of cPVVcspondcniV which cmbraccB most o( the. talent. ol this country :vo! havo made aira'ngcmciiU for ficsli and caily trail ljltpns from came of Hie best writers of France, aiid for proof sheets fiom several of iho poptlar authors of England, tlilh such matc.ials, and wilh such hope to present to tho American reader a' weekly jo(nat of great value and unusual cxccllenuy, J ho parailc ol mcie nams will lie sedulously avoi ded. Tho mirror will be rumarknblo' wo hone, manners, fcenlioieiitund every day life, piquant cs lays, domestic and foreign concspondcncc, literal y inlolligencc; wit and humor, fashion and gossip, poetry, toe tine arts, anu Horary, musical anil . dra- J malic criticisms, tin reviews of new works will be careful, discriminating and impaitial. It will aim to foster a literature suited to Hie tasto and dourct oftlio ago and country., Itstendoucy will bo chepr ful ond enlivening, bs well 'as improving. It' Will seek to gratify eveiy reiincd taste, but never to of fend tbo most fastidious; and it will ever feel ils duly, lo bp, tp 'turn the sunny side of things lo hu man eyes.' J lia work will bo published every Saturday; in numbers if sixteen largo octavo super royal pages, wilhduublo columns, and enclosed in a neat orna mental cover. It will form, at tho end of the year two superb voluntas, each of four hundred and sixteen pages, filled with the gems of literature and tho line arts. Tho very low price nt which it will bo ksued, tenders it the chcaiu&tpeiiodical in lliij or any olli nr.couiilry, considering the cet' and beauty 'of its FIFTY TWO. HNGMVINGS. and thq intrinsic value oi'it literary contents. Those desirous of receiving tho 'paper-from lids' commencement. Will have it punctually sentte their addicss upon .heir (orwardii)g to tho undersigned, at No. 4 Ann'sttcct three dollars,Trce from expense. - Letters enclosing the amount of subscription may bo flanked by all postmasters. Agents, carri ers and newsmen will he supplied on the usual terms. . Tho Cash System will be rigidly adhered to, without any deviation whatever. GEOHGB P. MOUKIS, Editor and Proprietor; No. 4 Ann street, near Broadway, N. Y, lather for gopd mticles without names.lha.i for poor ' 0,,e bolll ?f y0" VJ,uab ? uiedicine lormysolf, ond articles wilh diilinsuisbcd names. It will cmbiaco '. W mily. jnJ am well satisbed it , w n safe am in its scope every department ofclegant lilcrature, I Yal0?, ,.,c nicdicinc. Phave fdund it the lest rc ntgy n,!.in-i,iiv,r.n.i i fortiilliout attacks, to'whiciil am subjecr, 'that I 1, Sloon&burg Artillery Tho members of this company sro hereby noti fied to meet in Dloomsburg on the first Monday in May, at 10 o'clock a.m. with uniform .and nrmsfor company exercise and drill, Thewlland will also attend. . II. WEBB, Commandant. April, 16, 1813. . - NOTICE, ,f y That an election will bo held at' tho house' o Robert II ngenbuch, on Tuesday (lie second day of. May titxtr between tho hours of 1 and 4 o'clock in ! tho after noon, lor mo purpuso' oi ucciuing wncincr mo school system shall be continued in Bloom dis trict. Bf order of the hoard of directors. GEORGE IIIDLER, rresident. II. WEDD, Secretary. April 8. 1813, 'admTnisthjitor's notice. OTICE is hereby given, that loiters of admin istralion &c. have been granted to. tliub- scribcrB on tho .estate of ABRAHAM TItMAN, lato of Greenwood tp. in the county of Columbia deceased. All persons indebted to. said cs'ate ara hereby required to come forward without delay and settle their respective dues. Those hiving demands on said estate aro requested td present their claims properly ottcpied for settlement. JAISK & 18AAIJ TlTMAlN, Adm'ri. April, 13; 1843,-IJl, NOTICE THAT I havo this day bouaht as (lie prdne'rtif of Thomas Saute, one cow, onc.colt, ono hog, one stove, ono mantle clock, and .alot of lumber' ail of wnicu i uave icit with him during my pleasure, ot which the public wilt take notice. A.M. FELLOW?- April 15, 1843 51. LIST OP LETTERS, EMAINING in tho Post Office at Blooms burg Apiil lit 1513. Nathan Bauer ,2, J. C. Geigcr, Esq, John ITazfcl Win, Hancc, Isaac C. Hopper, Johnson Ikeler; Charles Konns, .lanir. I.nuyou, John Ilouch, John Sohannon, IVm. Wasley, Abigal Withington, Persons calling for letters in the above list 'will please say they are advertised, JOHN It. MOYEK, P. M, .jLisl ofXci.fci'g MEMAIMNG in tho Post Office at Callawis sa for the quarter ending March 3Ut 1843. U.ethbcll Michael Idler Jacob JobnTary ( Kinney Andrew 2 Kitclitin "iMaiy Klingaman Nathan Klittgaman Challcs Lahold's Aron Eir. 1 LaubacltJauoh II rook Joseph lioonc Mihon .ljoono Newton. Bear Jacob Iialdy a . .Chapman Dau'cl Case Mablon.- Clcvvcll Daniel liinvill J. D.. 'Little Schuylkit& Susquclianna Hail K. Campany. Dctwck tliai Aullara bamuel Dolman Pclcr Millar Samuel Frederick Ccorge Karich lobn Fisher Henry Slengcn I,ydia Fufling John . .Stands Joel 'Gcojgo Jonathan tSeesholts Philip 3 Geigcr Daniel Savcroi William , Gorton Oi'ano ' Traub William Geigcr George ' Toylor''Ca',elina II ughes George Valnts' Silas 1 Helwig lohn ,HanipoIo,Tboma9 Hosier Mr. U'clls 'I'heodoro Howard M''chjcl,n. Hailnian Sctli. Persons callmg'for letters in the abpvb list will please bay '(bey 'orb' odi citi9cd. ' C. A; BROGST; P. Mi Uuongly's areat tWest ern Indian, Compounded entirely of Vegetable Sub slanres: . Free.fr.om Calomel, and all oilier Minerals. djFot the history of this Medicine; and its un rivalled and truly surprising success and popular! ly, sco large bills. , Ilia recommended as o gencial cathartic for fam jly use in dyspcpianndall bilious disease, . in iiivoluablc for 'Aslhna it is considered a spccj(ic no caso havinff vet' occurred which it has failed to tuic for i-ommon colds, inllammatoi disease. ibuumriism. afiections of Iho liver, &c.and for fc- ' ',;lcs" il '3 0 80 r nnJ ciccllcnl remedy, TJy C GATES J. H iuiert Mo.nll, Ci.cuit Juitge '(Sixth Cii-cuil) id llic&latc of New York. Gictno, Nov. 25, 1842,. Col. Longley Dear Sir: I thank you for the bot tie of Paoacea scnt by Mr. Johnson. I havo used Jiavouscd. My neighbor, to whom I loaned your medicine speaKs ot it as great rcucl in uysponsia. Your 0(b Sery'l.; , BQi"J'. MQNELL, P.om Doet. Btlas WeofBliglamiom Mr. Loogloy Dear Sir: I havo used your Great Westell Jndiiiri Panacea in my family,and have jei pcati-lly prccciibedit for patients under my 'caTe,gnd am satisfied that it iaolwavs a safc.and in very ma- )iy toses nn invaluable, medicine, It operates as a nxamo without nausea, or painpnu While it cucc tually obvialcs cosllvcness flctsupon tho stomach and liver as.an altcinative.'corrccling acidity, andc restoring tho heallhy condition of those orgsji' Veiy lespectlully yours, "3. WISar. Ager.ls. 'Zlloomsburg.'J. It. Mover. Ephraim' 'Lutz, Lima liidge.Anderson Miller, ; NOTICE IS hereby given that I have purchased at Con stable sale, op the Gijiof April, 1843, tlie following sold as the propetly of James Shoemaker, J ijay marc, 1 DouWn set hiuiiess, 1 slnglo ect harness, 1 strap and bells, 50 Bundles of straw. 1 wind mill 1 cullin- Hu and knife, 1 lieiflrr, 6 acres ol tylKat, 18 acri'-io! li,o 1 plough, 1 harrow, 0 bogj, I grind r,: :.c, I sleigh, 1 stoToand. pipe,- 1 -U ij box, 1 i-.ouo wagou, 1 logi hofn, 1 nianlU, , ,ioc!, I iwo hoiee wagguti, odd uUo left in his posc'jslon I bro.i n marc.nhtch wttsmy property befdre 'dissal l 111 of which I have left In his possesion dilang my plcasnrc, ond hercdy caution all pf -n nut to lako it l'l om .him cilhor by. purchase or otherw ... without my consent. ' ' l l JOHN SHOEMAKER. , Apt), 8th, 1643 p Z A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers