ill itmonm. id I t have swottt .upon the Altai" of God, eternal hostility to every form df Tyranny over the Mind of M an." Yhoinhs Jfcfletnon 1" M PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BV II. WEBB, Velunic VII. BliOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY APRIL, 29, 1843 , timber I .OFFICE. OF THE DEMOCRAT QprofliTE ST. Paul's 'Church, Main-bt TEEMS: The COL VMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars fifty vents, if not paid within the year. Ifo subscription will, be taken for a shorter .-... f. j ii.. . ..Ji. 'j? jicifuu iiiun a ix, iiiumwsj iwr any aiscon tihuance perinitled, Until all'arrear ages are uncharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will'be conspicuously inserted, at une-tioiiarjor.tlie insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every . subse quent nsertion. ICT A liberal discount made to those'who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. From a late Foreign Journal. nmnnir nn irnunnti Towards the latter part of April in the year 1815, an unusual bustle was observed in an 'old castle situated on the banks of the Cebron, Within a few leagues of Parthenay. The proprietor of' this mansion was an elderly lady; named Marguerite de whose husband was b headed in 1704, .for. his loySlity and devotion to the unfortunate Louis. After-the' death' ot her husband, Marguerite left the abode of Jfer ancestors with"her infant' son, to seek shelter iii a foreign Undjbut before she'could accomplish her purpose, she was overtaken by a party of republicans, who, rinding that she was the widow of a royalist, sent. her to .Nantes where she was "s'epaiated frorri her child and imprisoned. To add to her sufferings, she was informed, after she had been a.few .days in prison, that her son had.along with enunrnl mnrn rn V si lot r ll ! Illrpn . hpe h drOWned ..,..., ...w.w .v; . 1 in the Loire, by the orders -of Carrier, , man who was chosen, on account of his stern and ainrelcntitig 'crueltf.HdVpilOlown thojroyalialfi! inllie neighborhood, of Nantes. After, sjximonths .confinement, Marguerite afTecJediher escape out of prison,; and fled to. England, (Where she remained uptil the emigrants were recalled bythe first consul, She then relumed to her native country,, carryjng along with her, her niece, who was at that time only six year? old, and, took possession one more of her ancestral dwelling on the banks of the Cebron, where i. ,- t . ! 1 . II me uvcu in a very rnurcu iuauucr,uiiiii nc ristoration of the Bourbons, 1814, when tlje castle of Marguerite was thronged with the faithful subjects of Louis XVIII, who. in the exhuberance vf their loyalily, made v it t i r : 4 1. ' v.- t3 J ' . n n nini riiinr : n in u ivi 111 inn, nun the shouts of Vive It Roil After this mark of respeel to her right ful sovereign, Marguerite relapsed into her quiet mode of life. She was, however, not allnwml In remain Inno in leiiremsm. The folluwinr vear. the news of Napoleon a arrival in i-aris. aiu ui mo oenariuie oi hid I) 1 .1 1 1. . VAH.)..n. tk fl i ,t armcin tliR hniiB nl makinir a stanu aeainsi ' - J a trie usurper. Their Head quariers was nxcu si Hie dwe line ol Marguerite, wnicn cir- rnminnpn nrrstinnRii iiir uiihiiu Huuncu ui . i r iii iiie iiurumencB i ciii ui uui no ihivi A suopg body of Napoleoa'9 follower? IVai at Ihie limn Rlaiinnfifl at I'aniieiia Y Knmm D;M.lrnn 'I lift hnIfirV IT. .1 ... r 1. n T niri w: tnn hn i r. 1- l.t.r. A i to wnU rnmnn nil him to flit (iOWD PUt ie nnnlinitAft tn heal lite charge 13 COO IV 33 wV,,t.VH ----- -B I - . . .1 II nsifirr in irnniin him aan u u law 'ml'.' N pas wounuedi and salu.lq,ntm t Go, chU'J,and have your wounds looked In.' . - 'Yes, sire,'' said the unaaunieu oo, ... ... lt. 1 hher w,e have gained the victory,' Napoleon desired one of his attendant! f .00 10 MB iaa anu psu mm fr, h drummar boy wm sent tol'of their youns commnniw, -uu ...y.. - a military school in Paris, and teniained there until he was sixteen years old. He was' then made an officer. At seventeen, fie fought in Spain.and two years aftor,at Smo lensk and Moskwnl The following year ho entered the young imperial guard, and distinguished himself by his courage and activity, .at Lutzen, Dresden, Moiitmurail, and Brienne. On :he abdication of the emperor, he was de prived of his rank, and he retired to a small village not far from Ihe castle of Marguerite In his rambles through the neighborhood, he. often met that lady and her niece.Ciaire, and being struck witii ihe beauty of the latter, was desirous of becoming' acquainted with them:, but they hearing that he was aitached to the usurpersshunned all inter course with him. When Napoleon returned from Elba, Pieire was appointed to the command of the troops stationed at , Partheney. Hear ing that the royalists had assembled in arms in great numbers at the castle ot Marguerite, he went and dislodged them; and took, the greater part of them prison ers. Marguerite and Claire fled in, dis guise to Parthenay but on their arrival in that own, tliey were discoveied and thrown unto prison. , About a week after the attack on, the castlp, Pjcrreireturnedi to Parthenay; and in looking over the list of .unfortunate, beings" whom the authorites had condemned lo be' executed, he found the names of Mar guerite and Claire. TJie day appointed for their execution as the 23d of June. Early in the morning, on the iiy of ex ecution, a brutal and excited mob wag wai tintliear the prison "JO wlluesa tho dring; agonies of thosn who were about lo suffer.1 Pieire had tried to prevail on the authori ties to spare the lives of the ladies, but finding-thai hi; efforts were unsuccessful, he; determined lo save tlicm at the hazard of his, life. Having procured a couple, of dresses like those worn by the wives of the peasantry, lie went to liie prison, accompa nied by a small parly of soldiers, whorri he left at the prison door to prevent the mob fiom following him. When he entered the cell where the ladies were confined, they staried back as if an 'adder' had approached them. Pierre addressed them respectfully, and told them that instead of coming to harm them, he had come to save them. I'imu presses,' said he; 'lake these clothes anddisgufre yourselves, and I will conduct you to a secret passage, which leads to the forest. It js your only hope now. I have tried every other means to save. And what 'lecompense do you expect for this service?' demanded Margucriler My recompense,' replied-. Pierre, will consist in the satistaclion 1 shall reel in knowing thai I have contributed to your safety.' But,' said Marguerite, 'have you tho 1 of the responsibility you incur, of the rigor of military law, and of the fury of the peo ple?' 'Madam, replied Pierre,- 1 placo the dulv I owe to the Emperor before thai which 1 owe to the people, but I think my honor more sacred than the oath thnt binds me to Napoleon. A soldier of the empire does not wai with women, he dies rather than allows their blood to slain his uni form.' Yuung man,' interrupted Margueiite, 'We cannot accept the aid proffered lo us by a soldier of the usurper. We would , deem ourselves dishonored by it. We appreciate your conduct, but it must not be. Leave us to die.' 1 entreat you madam to accept my offer, before it is too late.' He was interrupted by the loud execra tions of the mob, who had beaten back the soldiers that he had stationed at the door of the prison, and were preparing to glut their vengeancp in the blood of Ihe royalists. Pierre raihed out of tho cell, and exhorted the ealdierii not lo allow their misguided countrymen ty perpHralo so foul in act of cruelty as thai which they were bent on, .The soldiers placed themselves oy ma side 1 1 1 e II " , u the narrowness of ihe passage leading to the cell of the ladies, which only permitted the approach of a few of their assailants ai a Umej they kept them at bay for two hours, at the end of which time they wero relieved by a strong detaenment of troops who soon dispersed the mob. Pierre received three severe -wounds in ihe affray; and when the mob Was, beaten off, he lay weltering in his blood, unable to move. His wounds were bound up, and he was carried to an hospital. In half an hour, after, the news of Napoleon s defeat at Wateiloo anived; the ladies were imme diately released, and borne in triumph to the castle; The followers of Napoleon, who had in any way distinguished them selves, during the hundred days, were then hunted from place lo place like wild beasts Pierre was immediately marked out; and although his wounds were not yet healed, he was seat to prison, and was soon afiei sentenced to death. Marguerite and Claiie. hearing what had befallen their gallant de fender, went directly to the place where he was .confuted. When they arrived they found him quite delirous, from & high fever -which had been brought on by neglect of his wounds, and the sorrow he felt for the fate of his master. He kissed from lime to time, a star of the Legion of Honor, which Napoleon himself had given him it the of Dresden, and spoko in raptures of the Emperor and the grand army; as he related in glowing language, their astonishing ex ploits. The ladies, finding that the fever did not abate, left the prison; the next day they returned, and found him fast asleep, vrrappeil up In Ilia war cluak; ilic fcrcr. h.rf left him, anil he was ns" pale as ' death, s When he awoke he was surprised to find two ladies by his side, he bowed politely lo them, and when his eyes met those of Claire; he coloured slightly. Marguerite iuquired kindly after his, health and spoke to him of his, release. 'There is no hope for me,' said lie, gloo mily. 'You are not sure of that,! said Margue rite. Do you think we have foieotten the man who so generously defended us, even at tho risk of his own lifet The king has granted me' the power to save the life of any of those who are now in prison undersell tence of death. I need not tell you for whose sake I have solicited this favor. You have only to put your name at the bottom of this petition, and you will be free.' My life,' replied Pierre, 'is now but blank lo me. If I were lo accept your offer my place ought to be by the side of my ben efacloi,on ihe desolate island to which they have exiled him. Yet there is one condition oi, which I could .accept my life, but it would be idle to think of it you may be lie vo me mad I, a soldier, of birth so ob scurj that I do not know even who or what my parents were. No, lady, I cannot ac cept your offer unless you accompany ii with a gift still more precious the hand of your niece.' Marguerite turned tfido to conceal the disdain she fell at this proposal; and Claire fell on her knees, and besought het to save the life of the young soldier. At this mo ment an officer presented himsell, and told the prisoner that the hour of his execution had arrived. Madam, said Piene, as he was about to follow the officer, ' I hope, you will pardon my ambition, and accept this silver cross. It is a strange present from a soldier: but I should like to place it in the hands of soino one whom I esteem, for il belonged to my mother; it was found on me when I was quite a child by an old soldier, who saved me from being drowned in the Loire.' Marguerite took the cross, and after look ing at it attentively, she said. 'Have you no remembrance of your motherl' 'No; madam;' replied Pierre; I was sep arated frpm her at loo early an age tore, member her. Marguerite approached him, and looked earnestly into his face. When she with drew her gaze, she was seized with a fit of trembling which for a few moments depriv- .,1 f l,r nnmr of uiteran-n. i After - 77 t ; .v " - she had recovered a lilllei she look off Pierre's cravat, and having discovered a large red mark on his neck, she exclaimed:. ' Oh Heaven, 'tis my own son I' She ilcn fell on his neck, and wept aloud, The offi' cer again reminded Pierre thai he was wailing for him. This intimation, drew a loud 'shriek fiom Marguerite. She how ever, soon recovered her self possession, and displayed to Ihe officer the order of the king. As soon as he had read it,lio return ed it to the lady and retired declaring that he had never in his life obeyed tho order of his sovereign with greater pleasure than he did on that occasion. A few months after this the friends and retainers of Marguerite wcio assembled to celebrate the nuptials of Pierre and Claire, and the old castle again became the scene of festivity and rejoicing. The sorrow of Pierre for the fate of his master became less poignant after this event though he always spoke of him in terms of admiration and respect: and the hostility of Marguerite and Claire lo the usurper gradually diminished as they listened to Ihe surprising adventures of Pieire who always dwelt largely on the bright parts of the Emperor's character, and softened as much as poss ible the darker ones'. POIilTICAX. REMARKS OF MR. SPEALER WRIGHT On the Veto of the Canal Commissioner Bill, made in the house 0 Representatives, April 4th, 1842. . sa'id Sir,! was neveT rriore. forcibly strick" er. with the truth of any gentleman's re marks, than with those of the gentleman from, the county, (Mr. Roumfurl made ves'.eiday on the resolution of impeach ment against William Overfish!, one of the Cmal Commissioners, for an attempt to bribe a member of this House. Fiom the attention paid that gentlemen, I fancy, sir, all feel alike the force of that speech. The penlleman from the county said, what is too well .known by this House and the whole community, that if the finger of in quiry is pointed towards corruption if a man has courage enough to expose the mis feasance of any of the heads of this govern ment he is assailed with a malignity of feeling disgraceful in a legislative hall. To this stale of facts, you sir, nor, I, have been indifferent observers. Why, sir, should a difference of opinion on a measure of Slate policy, he made the signal for in discriminate and hot blooded attack? Aye, sir, why should il be? Must the frieaila of the Executive make his sinking cause theirs make his malevolent views a part of their creed and conscience? When this bill was under consideration before, it happened to be my view, and I so then expressed il, that tho only safe depository of power was with ilia people; and because I advocated the doctrine of taking from the Evecutivc a portion of his patronage and giving it to tho people, it was made in this hall the signal of personal attack! Because I shall dare to advocate the same doctrine now, I presume Ihe same result is to follow! Why is this, sill Is thero something so sacred about a veto, thai to touch 'the thing' is treason? Must freemen bow the neck of subserviency to executive will and conceal and cover up from tho public eye.what may be concealed under an executive veto? If so, we are slaves, and unworthy to occupy these seats! Sir, I shall vole, for Ihe bill, and against the veto; and did I vote otherwise,! should consider my solf the especial object of Ihe public censure. Ihe exective dennucia tions have no terrors to me. The iwn first years of my legislative career always found me battling with the Executivc(in his measures, i Jien, sir, my course met his approbation, whether those measures wero tight or wrongt now, for adhering to my own opinions of what is right, 1 suppose the minions of power will aim their shafts at my head. Lei them do it, I thank tGod there ia another tribunal to which I shall make my appeal, ind which itlo convsss my motive? and thai ia the people the great tribunal of public opinion! On Ihe 1,1th day of February I occupied the floor on the final passage of this oil) ; and then; sir I submitted this question to the constituency I have the honor to re. present. 1 hey have most nobly responded and numerous public meetings of the Dt) mocracy of Luzerno have expressed but one ooinion in reference to the merits of this bill, and the oourse of thtirrepresenla live; There) sir, il has. bcefi as tlie' vorfe ' of buione.msm 'These lestimonials dfiny ' constituents' approbation,' is lo the amatitir -of pride anif "plelisuijei And -if" (herb bS oije man in the coupiy ol Luzfrneof "Wjr.o-' ming one Jtonest,uj)r)gli'l man flu lia condeiuhedt I have-yet to hear Ui$ vn;ci ' . Not onlv in lhat county has flic merits ol'- the bill been canvascd, but from ojie etiil of this' Commonwealth to the oilier, l.'ifok at the public meetings in Columbia, A He gheny, jMnialai and throughout the Stall;; on this subject. It is b matter of suprfso to me, indeed, thai the Uovernbr of this State, knowing, as he did, the public senti ment in reference to this bill, .should- have so far disregarded the public will, as To dis approve it. But, sir; 1 must confess in all frankness; thai 1 would hardly bo stiprised at any mcasuie that executive might con demn or recommend. These expressions of tho people, sir, the people who have no favors 10 ask of the) Executive, and no threats or menaces of his can intimidate, arc worthy of iheni. They are unboughl tributes;- they are the open and undisguised manifestations af approval of the men who sent us here, and whom we represcnti But aii allow trie to turn the allentioH of the house (0 the veto accompaning this bill A documenl certainly of no ordinary char acter made up ol apologies ol reasons, why the bill should no't become the hw of the land, and first of all as to the constitutional objections raised. Is it worth the lime of the House to examine the objections? Did these objections arise front the mind of a man acquainted with constitutional law, and having some faint glimerings of jurispru dence, it might be worth some rtfiecWnl but crude and undigested as the reasons are which operated on ihe Executive head and ihe Executive mind, it would seem hardly worth the time of this body to seriously consider them. But it may be exp ected,and le(-me examine llio subJecUjta elancconlv nxtnrrnrOTTgotlHtp jhwUClail r The Esecu .live.contends in substance ihat the Legisla turc can olily elect such officers as are de fined by tho Constitution and this bntl has not the power 10 create an office, aiiir-k, elect a person to fill if Now sir, I musv confess I have lung been in darkness, if this be the law of the landl You sir, as a good lawyer (Mr Sharswood was in the chair) know this to be ihe rule laid down by on stitulional lawyers. Thai the Legislature is sovereign and supreme in all cases, except where restrained by the letter of the Con stitution differing in this respect very ma terially Iroin the powers ol Congress under the Constitution of the United Stales. Congress acts undei delegated powers from the States, and can only legislate where power is conferred on the federal govern ment. Not so with the powers of the Slate legislature. If Ihe Executive can put his finger on an article 111 our Oonstitutian.tliat names or refers to the word Canal Com missioner, I iiave yet o see it. It is uucon stitulional loo because the election must have the Executive sanction 1 His excel lency had no hesitation in sppiuving the State 1'rinter bill and yet sir lhat bill made no provision that the two houses in conven tion fihuuld ask his approval of the man, whom ihey might choose to elect. How (lid il happen that this ohjectiui: did not occur to his constitutional mind, when he had thai bill before him? Noihtng is heard of a constitutional doubtno indeed, How long is It since We abolished llio office of ihe Secretary of the Land office? Does any sane man dritihl but that tin- legis lalure could reestablish lhat .office,and dec a man to fill ill Certainly not, 1 roucr-do air, that when ihe Constitution confers the appointing power on the Governor naritjng the office, ihu legulatttre cannot ads'ime ilia power by law to appoint. If thallustriimeiit gave him the power to appoint the Canal Commissioners, it would be widely defi cient; but il does not, and lo contend for this principle he assumes that usurpation he charges on the Legislature. Sir, I cannot talk on this subject without feeling shamo fur the Executive in attempting to usurp powers that he has not, and which probably is well for the country he has riot. We sir, are to ho told 'that each Houso shall choose its Speaker' and here our authority ends I A wise conclusion truly. But look at this language. I read from iho ijir-' sage. "I never can sanction t law vinch' takes away not ony the righU of the Exhl live, but of the p?op'e, and gives, power lo Ihe Legislature not contemplated hy- i-the'' Constitution, and which in my judgment would bo an USURPATION OF POW-' EK by the LfgUlatlire piegnant witu en!. However indisposed I may be to retain Bli the power.of Ihe Executive, it is my sworn duly to protect the rights of tho peopla from legislative encroarhmprilv.aud I intend to do it.' And again from th ejroe et dio piper. 'The great misapprehension st'oine lo be this, il appears lo be taken for frratit- I sd, thai the two Houses of the Legislature,