The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 22, 1843, Image 3
dhehrred sent lo nbrt A,. ... imi innk ..r, iBill Horn tho Senmo harteHhc farmers Bni' Mechanics' dpi P hiItlef',a anu lno 8J1" pasteu nil fin teadin8 without amend iispqu ly the amendments or So. into In.'DMnvnraltv rn nllnrtntlnir ihn fol ' manks. were concuried in, viz. i. n .... ... I. Or liiltilicrn uiuciucni uuuiuoi Fauirrs' Bank of Bucks County, .K. , n . It,. ariiwrp uanK oi ivuhuihk. i uu uuui acli is extended for Ave years. na ttora nti apni in inn witvprnnr. u v.- -.. ... SENATE, io Governor informed that ho has sign. id it fliviil ncr ihn Htnln into sanatoria Representative Districts. ' m h i in erect a now cotintv out oi nans Jefferson, Clearfield and McRean, pas final reading. I1MHII1R lilt! llitllri Ullia IIICIIIIUIII.U uwuiut Senate passed tho Delaware County u monieomery vjuuihv uauna, uu osm iem to the House. April 10. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House then took up tho Genera' ppropnalion JJill ana alter vanouBiy amendins the same, passed It iinaiiy, anu ir.t it lo the Senate. In convention.- The first ballot 12G man wnrn rriunn. inn nmiiii in u 1 1 1 1 . - o - r r- V TT 1 . tf . I 1 taiinn h a ii i n v iiunn wiin num. n i wnirn rr ii i i rr im nn r anil inn rn rrt 1 1 m . wfflc'scattcred all over the Common ...I iU TUn .Annni ha11nt nlun In fToMnil- MnKinlev had 40. DimmOck 20. IO Rnnalnr Ttinlnr 14. nn'l tho rfi -"tj i .under scattering. A number ol Ann k miPi" nmnniTRi wnnm was ivir. ou-ut i c.i . ti ii ...lit. iv the name of Juo, H. Diminock, and i woi.niion procecueu to a lluru -jallol, i which resulted for McKinlcy 50, Bigler 41 (and (ho remainder scattering so there was no choice again. An effort was then made Lj-postpone by those who opposed Mc JKinlcy, but it did not succeed, and on the fourth ballot Isaac G. McKinley rer--'. . r uiv elected ,8otes, anu was theiefore Je Printei for the E-:'a" UnBuiB- qNATE. siness before going into Conven tea nol very important, except that irnsRrl In rnrrdn frnm its nmend "4iiu .JW ,.. . - ' -- nient non concurred in by the House to the bill for the sale of the main line, requiring the amount of stock io be paid in befoie the Company should go into operation lo bo 813,000,000 instead often. POSTSCRIPT. We have no Harnsburg letters or papers later than the ldtli, uut learn veruany, wai the Legislature adjourned on Tuesday last, Both on Monday tnd Tuesday the house . ... . , n... i TClLseu lo aei on me mil erecung me now county of MADISON, by amy large vote, . i,i 1'. . 1. ......... 1 1.1 ull nniln in sinfflllir H renltlUffl OVCt llie I . .... , 1 IMPOSITION. The late freshet, ei.lirely surrounded Danville with water, covering the roads evetal feet desp, and left no ingress to the tillage to loot passengers, nut oy doo ... a, 111 . .1. 1 1 r n.,.,mQ ni 4Uuiii a miM j a w - each to be ferried to and from llie glorious iBlnml: and no efforls made either by the ... , . supervisor or citizens of D.nv.lle to , prevent 4hl. imposition upon the public. This is a -true emblem of l ie of ar astocracy, and will be hereafter remember ed. SHADE TREES. Nothing adorns a village more, or rcn ders it more pleasant to the eye of a r? veller, than to see the streets oruame,r fcdtli beautiful shade trees and we aref UK 1 Jleased to observe several of our'f0118 planting them itj and around iheM rem'se8' Now is the season to do It, A we ho'ie that our streets will soon be'ned rrom one end lo the other. Lele owne' r,a set out some trees. I'"'" v time and trouble; an'0 money- ,f "' oj they will nevfreSrel Wo "?' Hieni go aheadd rllow UP U,a ejmPle set you, Ooll,blic buildings especially should all y s"9undd by them. ffflfsenUo thol The Harrlabrjrg cortespondenl of the U. St Gazette, gives the following account of a barbnrous murder which was comtnitled near that plnco on the tltti insl I MOST ATROCIOUS MURDER IN DAY LIGHT, Out town was thrown into a high degree of excitement to day by intelligence of a most unparalleled murder committed in this neighborhood, in broad day light) this morning. A young man named Pattimcr, who resided with his parents nbout 2 1-2 miles fium this place, near the Joneo town Road, rame into town after breakeast, with marketing, ntid ufter disposing of the same returned home about 11 o'clock, and on entering the House found his father, who is aged about 72 years, lying just inside the door, Ills head cruelly bruised and mangled, but not quite dead. Ho spoke to him and received for reply, 'what is this you are doing to me,' or to that effect (in German.) Die son (mistered him up, but ho was too far gone to give any account of the diaboli cat deed, and soon expired. But what was Ilia horror of tho son upon looking in a more obscure part of the Chamber, when hp beheld his mother, lying dead upon the floor, her head litlerdly cleft in pieces and her brains scattered over the apartment! The fiend, or fiends, who perpetrated tho deed, must have been surprised in the midst of their hellish purpose, by the ar rival ot tuo son, anu made meir escape, Unc ot the neighbors who was going into town, saw the old man turning his cows out of the stable shout ten o'clock, and proceeding met the son returning from town. The inurdcf therefore must have been cninmited whilst the son was travelling the distance of about two miles. The old man was born in tho house. and had lived there ull the days of his life, They were plain frugal people, much respected iy theit neighbors, and had saved a little money. The assassins got but about $20 by the act being surprised probably before they had time to sack the drawers there being somo gold untouched in the very place where they found the S20 referred to. nionxurder. was committed with a stick of stove wood ar." reI""uM'rhe nffinoro a'' '" l"c '"'BUH VI several BUS'i nPn individuals, and it is said that a couple of men have been arres'ed near Car lislo, under suspicious circumstance. Tne account given by the son, ..who is 6ome addicted to intemperance, and was a little disguised this morning, is some what con tradictory. The old lady was his step mother. On the 12th the same writer adds: No certain clue has been obtained as yet to tho perpetrators of the horrible murder recorded in my letter of yesterday. Four persons were arrested on suspicion, but they were discharged for want of any evidence against them. The one who is committed is a man of rather suspicious appearance, was secn ;tl ji,e neighborhood about the . . . ... tlme 0 ,ne murder, in company with an other person of similar appearance. TNy separated after crossing tho river. His . . . companion lias not yet Been j Suspicions test elsewhere, which l r'resled. would nnl li npnilon. In unllra il nrp.ffinl A reward of $500 is offered by the sn for the apprehension of the felons. INFORMATION WANTED. The undersicpfed is ve ery desire'3 of ob- 1 . stt . I., ifiti ii hoc . . ? y - tlllV UIUlllLi-1 .-. 'y 1 r llifl i-o-ir 1QIO atipn vnrK nuniv. i a. p j infant, s hen her 1 he subscnoer was aiv A . brolhors left.and theirc sne is compeiicii to rely upon one cumslance alone, which ,,.o:,B,i lipfiiro' ' neir uepirturc. iter ...e lurnpPiUe, lea(lil)g Haven, at , he Big Con " To ?of lho brolhers was in Harris. ewacro. C burg 2 rs s'nce' enquiring after his lost sister rece'ved no information of her. JAny information addressed lo Alex- Jet Itnflinirton. Ilarrishurir Pa. will lir ,1?ankfully received by the distressed sis ter. ELIZABETH DOUGHERTY, Now MtB. CURRAN. April 8. 1813. 1C7 1 .ifierd throuchout the country are requested lo give the above one ar two ill sertions. Great Britain buys annually of the U Slates $00,000,000 worth of produce, two thirds of which iu colton. Massachusetts buys of the oilier States $42,0p0,000 worth annually, THE ERECTION OF COUNTIES. A correspondent of the Easton, Pa., Whig, furnishes the followirig interesting statistics rclattvo lo 'the counties and towns of Pennsylvania t date, 1082 1082 1082 1729 1749 1750 1752 1752 1771 1773 1773 1781 1783 1784 1782 1785 Philadelphia Bucks Chester Lancaster York Cumberland NortliRinptorl Berks Bedford Northumberland Westmoreland Washington ' Fayelto ' Franklin " ' Montgomery ' , DaupHln Lucerne Iluntlogdotl Allegheny ' "'f Delaware . - Lyrnmiii( Somerset , Greene . ' " . Wavno . i , Mifllin , x 1780 1780 1Y88 1789 1795 1095 1796 1798 1799 1600 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 Adams Armstrong Beaver Butler Centre Crawfotd; Erie 'Jr. 1800 1800 1800 1800 1803 1804 1804 1804 1804 1804 Mercer Vananga Warren Indiana Potter Jefferson Clearfield McKeaii Tioga Susquehanna Ontario Schuylkill Lehigh Lebanon Columbia Union Pike Perry Juniaift Monroe Clinton Clarion Wyoming 1810 1810 IS 1 1 1812 1813 1813 1813 1814 1820 1831 183G 1639 1839 1842 Carbon . Name changed to Bradford In 1812. , ".-viiv of Philadelphia was charteted by I enonin ,, te.chmtered 1780. Lancaster borougritSfivm rouarlarnA io rooa mio a city 1818JyKeav.'t 173 17U0 rcchartered 1782. Getmautown 1089 York 1807. Carlisle 1762. Pittsburg borough 1794, erected into a city 1817. IJeitrord I7U4. lieaver lBOa. Uhester i7y&- Frankfort! 1800 Harrisburg 1791, and Huntingdon 1790. Lebanon 1799. Lewis town 1795. West Chcpr 1799. Chain bersburg 1815. Allegheny city 1840. The rains of last week, created a tremen dons freshet pn the Potomack and its trib ularies, the water having reached a height greater "an ever before known. The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, which bor der " the Potomac, has suffered immense )y, and a large nu nber of canal boats de slroycd. Other parts of Maryland have suffered from high water. Rare Fox Hunt, A number of sports men at Cadiz, in Ohio, started on a fox hunt on the 1 1 lit tilt. They commenced in a circular form, and on closing up their lines found they had taken a jail bird, with a shackle on one leg, who had escaped from prison a few nights previous. NEW YORK ELECTIOV, The charier election of New York has resulted in the reelection of tho present Mayor, by from all political considerations most excellent and efficient magistrate. The Whigs elected only five Alderman and thrco Asisstants, all tho rest, with the Mayor, being Democratic. The Brooklyn election resulted in favor of tho samo politi cal parly. HAYTI. By the last advices, and they seem direct and probably enough, President Boyer, late of Hayti, has fled from his government and taken rofuge in Kingston, Jamaica, with about three millions of treasure. If he has left llie Island he can certainly never return, and the resolution is complete. The Pennsylvania Rank; Philadelphia, re-commenced business on the 17ih inst. ml . , . 1 . . I I . 1 no loiai amount oi cuai u. hand in Philadelphia at the present time, estima ted, including Lehigh and Schuylli, ai between 11,000 and 12,000 tout. ' ' MARRIED tn DanVillc, oh tho Uth nut. hv Hi Npv. MelitoAHSi Mr. DANIEL REYNOLDS, of Danville, to MIssSUSANA REDER, of Valley town- ship. tn DanvWlei tin Thursday the i'3th..iiist. by the same, Mr. PETER F. EYERLY, of Mnnteur township, lo Misfl MAR 1 FRY, forrherly of Dariville; In Danville by the same, Mr. ML CIIAEL B. BOWDOIN, o Miss SUSANA GEIGER boh of Danville. In Berwick, on Monday, the 10th inst. by the Rev Mr. Hand, CORNELUS, GAllRETSON, Esq. (0 Mrs. POLLY M'FARLAN.both of Danville; blED-tn this nlace Anril 7th. MARY ELIZABETH, Infant daiiehter of Mr. William Sldanj aged two years and three moiuhtn In Philadelphia, nh flittrsday hc iblh Hist. M AUlbj ANN, consort of the Rev. W. S. Hall, Pastor of the Berwick Baptist church, agfcu 33 years. ll..mi.LUMJfl.llllil,nfc.. COMMISSIONERS NOTICE, OTICE IS EltEBV dlVEN to the taxa. ablo inhabitants of the Uounty of Columbia tliat the Associato JuJccs and Commissioner's composing U" "JJoard of Kevision," will meet at the Commissioner a OITico, in Uanvillc, on Thursday tho27tli day of Apeil next to revise; correct and equalize the valuation ofall property taxable by law anu lo hear and decide upon all appeals. By order of the Commr's. JOHN S.WILSON, C'k CoMMWirosna's Offick, ? Danville April 14, 1813. 5 NOTICE THAT I have putchasetl at constable silo as the property ol David (ioldci, font acres of wheat in tho ground, foui acres of rye in the ground, one yoku of working oxen,ono red and white heifTer, one yearling call, live nogs, one tanning null, one cut ting box, one plow, ono slcad, one iron kettle, and have left the sam,c in his possession during my pleasure ol which the public will take notice. FREDERICK LAU13ACII April 22, 1643. 62. Independent Troop. THE members of .ho Independent Troop are hereby .lotified to meet at tile house of Charles Doeblcr, in uloomsburg, on tho Second AJondat. of May next. at 0 o'clock, A, M uniformed and equipt for com pauy exurcUe uud drill. 1'er ordet of the can tain. , THE NEW MIRROR. Every number embellished with an ol'lTlnnl nn.l exquisite Design on Steel Edited by GGORG P. MORRIS Illustrated by J. G. Chapman, who is engaged exclusively for tho work. Terms, llirco uollars per annum Sioglo number cents. In the course of a few weeks tho undcri!miil will commenco on hisown account, tho nuhlii-aiinn of a New Series of tho K. YORK MIRROR, in tho octavo foim, on on entirely novel and original plan, with a .Steel Engraving in every number, and at the reduced p, ico of Thrco Dollars per annum.or nn unu uuunur ceius pe copy, ThoNuw mirror will appcar'with nianv slritin and attractive features, distinguishing it from oveiy other periodical. It will be published with new type, on lino paper, and each number will contain a beautiful onginal Engraving on Steel, designed and etched by Chapman, illuhtrating tho letter press which u accompanies, and which it will in vct by peculiar interest. Besides tho of all our extensive corps of correspondents which embraces most of the tjlcnt of this country wo have made airangements for fiesh and early trans lations from somo of tho best writers of Fiance, and lor prooi siieeis irom several or the popular authors of England. Milh such materials, and with such ablo fellow laborers in llio literary vineyaiJ, wo hope loprcsoiit to tho American reader a journal of great valuo and uiiusuol excellency. I lie parade of mere nam:s will bo sedulously avoi ded. Tho mirror will bo remarkable wo hope, lather for good aiticlcn without iiames.than for poor articles with diilinjfuishcd names. It will crnbiuco in its scope every department of elco-ant liipmtnri comprising lolctf of romance.sketchcs of socioty and manners, sentiment and ovcry day lift; piquant C3 - says, domestic and foreign correspondence, literary inlolligencc; wit untl humor, fashion ami nnKin. poetry, the lino arts, and literary, musical ami (l.a. .. . ' o malic criticisms. Its icviews of now works will bo careful, discriminating and impaitial. It will aim to Mer a literature suited to tho taste and dc.ircs of tho ago and country. Its tendency will be-chcer- iui anu umivciiing, as wen as improving. It will seek to gtalify every rulined taste, but never to of- icnu tne most lastuious; and it will over feel its duty to. bo, to 'turn the sunny sido of things to hu man eyes.- Tho work Will bo published every Saturday; in numbers nf sixteen lame octavo euoerrovnl x:uca. with double columns, and enclosed in a neat orna- mcniau-ovcr. it will torm, at llie end of tho year two superb volumes, each of four hundred and sixteen pages, filled with tho gems of literatiiieoud tho line arts. Tho very low price ot which it will be issued, lenders it the cheaj est periodical in this or anv oth er country, considering the cost and beauty "of its FIFTY TWO ENGRAVINGS, and tho intrinsic value of its literary contents. Those desirous of receiving tho paper from this commencement, will have it punctually sent to their address upon hoir forwarding to tho undersigned, a No. 4 Ann street threo dollars, free from expense. Letters enclosing tho amount of subscription may bo 1'ianked by all postmasters. Agents, carri prsjiind newsmen will lo supplied on the usual terms. The Cash System will bo rigidly adhered to, without any deviation whatever. GEORGE P. MORRIS, Editor and Proprietor. No. 4 Ann street, near Broadway, NV Y. Bloomsfourg Atilief 9 The members oftfiisebmpnny ro hrrcuy no fied to meet in DIoomsbUTg on the arm wonuj ... way, at 10 o'clock At-M.ji.tli,unlform and armsfof company ikercfae and drill, The Bond will also lCrtl1, ff. WEIin, Commandant. Abtil, 16, 1645:. . NOTICE 1it 4ft hlectlorl will bo held M tki house 0 Robert Hagcnbuch, oh , Tacsdau the silond day of Ma next. tretwrtnihe hours oft arid 4 o'clock In the aftcri noon, for llio ptlrpose of deciding Vyhcllier UvO scho61 system shall bo continued in Bloom Uisi trict. By order of the board of directors. GEORGE HIDLUR, President: Hi WEDt), Secretary. April8, 1643, ADMINISTRATOR $ NOTICE, O'OTICB'ls hereby given, that letters of adrrdn- Istration &c. have been granted to tho ,5u"- scribcrs on tho estate df ABnAHAM TITMANi late of Grcefiwood tp. In tho County bf Columbia dcceaGiCd. All penldnsl indebted to taid es'ato arp hereby rebired to come forward without delay anu settle their respective dues. Those having demandi on said testate are requested to picsent, their clairils pioperly attested lor settlement. , JANE & ISAAC TlTMANj Adm'rs. ApHI, 13; 1843 fill . NOT '1'C ' THAT I We tiils dav bouahl as llie' p'rop'eily of-Thomas Saotcl, ono bow, fano colt, one'hogi ono stove, one h)ai)tloclock,and a lot ot lumber ail oi which I have left with him during my plejsure, of which llio public will take notice. ' . A. la. vauuu no. April 16, 1843-51. T,. LIST OF LETTERS, EMAINING in the Fost Office, ilf Bloom; ,) burg Apiil 1st '1S13; Nathan Bauer 2, J. C, Geigcr, Es4, john'Hazlej Wm. Hancc, Isaac Ok Hopper, Johnson Ikelcr, Charles Koon5,Jme Louy oil, John Rouch, Jobrt Sohannon, iVm. Wasley, Abfgal "Withington, . Persons calling for letters in the abovo list will please sav they are odvcrtiicd,- " JOHN R. MOVER, P. M. List Of liCUcivs REMAINING in tho Tost Office at CattawU sa for the quarter ending March 3lst 1843c Brech bell Michael Brook Joseph Boone Milton Bounc Newton Bear Jacob Baldy C. Chapman Daniel Case Mali Ion Idler Jacob John Mary Kinney Andrew Kitchen, Mary Klingaman Nathan Klingaman Charles Labcld's Aron Exr. Laubach Jacob, Clcwcll Daniel Llnvill J. D. Lillle Sciiuy Ikil & Susquehanna Rail R. Campinyi Bcliick ftlias Millard gatriael Dolman Peter Millar Samuel Predcuck Gcorgo Karich John Pibhcr Henry Slcngen Lydia .1' urlvnir .lohn,flw-W;anu4loel , Gciger Daniel Savered'('flIiaiM Gorton Oilane Traub William Gcijcr Gcorgo Ttyrlor Carolina Hughes Gcoigo Varnls Silas Helwig lohn Hampole Thomas Hosier Mr Bells Theodore Howard Michael R, Hartman Sclh. Persons calling for letters In the above lsl will please say they are advertised. C. A. BROBST, P. Mi Longly's Gxat West ern Indian PANACEA. Compounded entirely of Vegetable Sub' stances: Free from Calomel and all other Minerals. rXj-Poi tho history or this Medicine, and its un rivalled and truly surprising success and populari ty, see" large bills. It is recommended as a general cathartic for fam ily use in dyspepsia and all bilious disease, it, ii invaluable for Asthma it is considered a specific no case having yet occurred which it has failed to cure for common colds, inflammatoty diseases rheumatism, afl'ections of the liver, &c and for fo' males, it is a safo and excellent remedy. SHE W CERTIFICATES Frnm Hon. Ilobert Monell, Circuit Judge (8ixtA Circuit) in tiebtale of New York. Greene, Nov. 25, 1842, Col. Longley Dear Sir: I thank you for tho bot tie of Panacea sent by Mr. Johnson. I havo used I onebottlo of your valuable medicino for myself, and j ,n my family .and am well satisfied it is a safe and valuelde medicine. I have found it tho best reniedv ! for bilHoua attacks, to which I am subject, that I ' 'lavo USCi'- neighbor, to whom I loaned you ! medicine speaks of it .as great relief in dyspepsia, lour UU t. bery't. UOJS T. MOI BLL. From Doct; Silas Wast,ofninghtmlon. Mr. Longley r-Dear Sir: I havo used your Great Western Indian Panacea in my familv.andhavo roj peatcdly prescribed forpaticntsundcrmy care.and am satisfied that it isalwavs a safe.and in very ma' ny cotes an invaluable medicine. It oporates as a laxative without nausea,, or pam;and while it effco tuallv obviates costiveness acta u non ihn KinmM. and liver ai an alternative, correcting acid(ty, and fi res toring llie healthy condition of those nrgnpy (J very respcctlully yours, WEST. Ageats. ;ioonisburc, J. R. Mover. Ed1i xjurc, uime iuuijo, ;nucrson oc Miner. NOTICE IS hereby civen that I havo nurchased at rjnn.- stable sale, on the 6thof April, 1843, tho following - ou.u us lllD iruneny oi jumes onocmaitcr, 1 llayr- A maro, 1 Do.uble set harness, 1 singlo set hafness I ljstraji and bells. 50 Bundles of straw. 1 wind mill Vj 1 cultmgUox and knife, 1 heiflor, 8 acres of wheat, 18 acres of Rye 1 ploush. 1 harrow. G hoirs. 1 f grind etone, 1 sleigh, 1 stove and pipo, I sled and bor, 1 hone- wogon, 1 logchaln, I manlle clock, 1 two horse woggun, and also left In his possession I brown niare.which was my pifiperty before this sal alll of which I havo left in his possession during ray picasnre, anu ncrcUy caution oil person not to. unu ii uuui mui ciincr uy purcuase or otnerwis without my consent. , JOHN SHOE AAKER, Apr), 8th, 1843 ji