The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 01, 1843, Image 3

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    , Wnereas our Senators S F. ifeatHev,
haft brought forward a bill- iv tho sen
ale'of this state which,, if it. slum J betnYriB
' law, will lake abuulhiie third C the teVr1
ry of this-rnUnty tn'He 'tncltrdcil ill aWtt
!coutity,, lu be calledijrlutlis'bn, trga'ufet lie
known nml expreBsedwill of a lar'geb'ouy
'"of his rnnstituCjiitii. It xlmte'fuie, boc'bmea
the imperative iluty nf "Uio'e- uppoWtl to "a
Tretttfci1ttti 6'Pth'n terriiiicy oT'lhre comity1', lis
"speak in such l-inua'gp as 'Can "be 'eat'ily
'understood h'y all concYmed. lfIien, rfe a
citizun of that portiono'f Columbia rem my
which wuulihbe iucltificdin the new rtiuhly
and as an American citften, E claim, the
Sight to be heard, upon tins question', which,
is of the ulmnsl imparlance to. the present
as well as ftitttto generations. What- id
'vsntage than wonlihthd iulubltanV 'of feu.
garloaf and Fishing creek loXvnUiips- derive
ironf ibis-' proposed measure? A's one being
'acquainted with, their? geography 1 ans wery
v Havo they sought for such a. nVeasurei
Let the voice of limit citizens be heard,' as
'they spoke through the ballot, box at- the
last October Election, when this important.
'question was fajrly befoto the people- of
this county. And What did that voice
'say? Did it say Division? No. but
"every voter who resided in Fish'tng. creek
township said- Itemovaltand went the 'whole
removal ticket, and the two Division votes
'that were given, were given by twp. young
,lnen from Valley township, and this our
'Senator, Mr. Headly, well knows.' With
what face can be then say In the Senate of
this State that we ate in favor of a Division.
Surely he must havo lost all sense of duty
ind honesty before he could make such a
. To any man knowing the geography of
'this county, and who was not governed
'solely by selfish' motives, it would appear
'incredible to suppose that the inhabitants
lesitcd a division, as the- main roud leading
'from Coles Mill to Blomnsburg, runs-direct-lly
through Sugarloaf, Fishing creek, and
'Orange, and upon thia is brought the pro
duce of the farmer. And then there is the
b'15 Fishing creek; a noble stream of water,
running through tho'same section of country
upon whose bosom, is floating thousand of of board besides immense quantities of
rails and other timber yearly. So that take
"the matter as you pleas-e, you find thu
"illobuisnurg is the natural Depot of the
Vounly of Columbia. From tlience are
carried into the county larger quantities df
Tsmt, Iron, and plaster, than front any other
Yuvn in the- county. Why then should
hiy be so wilfully blind as not to seb, thtit
Oall the trade from all that sectidn of county
above Hloom, must flow through this na
tural cfiannel, and either by land or water
carriage, seek hn oitl-lel to distant mar-keia-iu
piuig lUtmiqlt Illoom. while the
rout which we should have to reach
Bprwick. w to pass (Jowli the viillc'y of
Fisking creek, Until within five miles of
Uloomshurg, antl then strike a ctdss a
rough and hilly tract of country, a distance
fof thirteen miles to rierwink Would any
hi an in his right' mind, thus madly seek to
gulden himself and properity,wttl1 a load of
inennveuieucies which have no advantages
a offer.
A division of this county is a mcdsuro
which would entail heavier buidens upon
that portion of the Iiihabiiailts residing
within the limit! of the new county 1 than
ihey arc able or willing to bear, or are
Willing to see brought upon their children.
Their burden in to and support
tf our unjustly located county town, are
great, and have been long endured, but to
add'to all this, the insultingly oppression of
a Division of an already small c'otinty is too
intolerable. And that public servant Who
iias derived his authority from the people,
Whom he (litis Insults, deserves to be
branded with the brand of infamy as visi
ble s the marks of caltl. What are we Id
bay then of the man wild dates thus jo the
hall of Legislation, to wilfully willingly
and knowingly misrepresent those who
gave him prwer sifter repeatedly
pledging himself to sustain tho wishes of
his constituents, when that will be propeily
Can confidence be placed irt such an
individual? Can he place any confidence
in himself? Can even those whom lie now
eeems to favor, trust him for ainomfciit,
vhen they see how disgracejully lie aban
dons his colors, and betrays the cause,
lie has so often pledged himself la main
With what contempt rriiist ail" int'elli
feent Legislature look upon such an object,
'such an Achan ill the camp of the Legisla
tive halls rjf a free state.
U such tho man wo would wish to choose
as a friend, to whom, we could open the
Secrets of our hearts, and upon whoso
promise we could rel? or is such the man
we should shun, .a? we would a deadly
poison? and yet ih'n cliatictef Which I have!
ilrawri, iS b'u'f si Mni feserribaricrj of (lie
Hie absolute rxfinus'ness of the political
tliafdcicr of S. F. Deadly, senator from the
s-DisirScl composed of the counties of Co
lumbia and bcliuyllull.
Then fellow ciltaons arouse and show to
ho intelligence' of o"ur Legislative body nw
in ,se,ision. that yon are not thus to be in
Suited and trampled ujion witli impunity,
i'hat you have certain inalienable rights
which are not to be violated. Privileges
icCitrpil by the constitution of the nation,
find those rights and priviledge you are do.
iermined to maintain. And among those
Mights, is the right to protest against a law,
that uktiJ ffo.i1 yuil the uriviledo of cili
iernhBh WrltcVthfr dViWb1br rertaifjV
fiiiu 11 n fiirnrsiiy 10,0c unpen inaj. surr
Vrtininous biil. h hin. division bil) is, will
spVedily find itsiiietopyiml jls auihoV.and.
advWate he lirotruhl to feuhire jnst indigna--(lion
nf liis iii8tiltcti and. misre'nre'sen'ied.
ArflT It ft earncsllV to,bc Imbed lltnl ' biipK
coitstiiuenl-. ,NUMX.
Bohersburg't Jlftn't Bi. Ibta.
A; resbJutior.,TiaVpassed boih lio'tfieb of
he Legislature; to adjourn oil. the 16th of
NmTtclfnn had been, had iipofillie-divisluri'
Irill 41 llw o,.nn.,,. W.. '(:'X '.I ...
sevund of the Berwick and Danvillo gpmlc
men are uww at llarfisburii.ui'ging the divi
No Sfenatorial and "IteprescnlalYvVBp'por
llnnilienl bill has yet become a law., EowU
'branch 'have passed seperate bills. In the
hoUse Dlir, for Senatoi"; wo are place.d. wiih
Iiu&erne wlivrc Wo ouhl to ,'bc. In the
senate liill, With Lycoming anu, Cltnfon4 a
district one liundred and 'fifty miles long",
and in some places not mor'6 than, ten nnl'os
Northampton liatik demand 'notes are
now selling 111 Philadelphia from 6l) to 70
cents discount. Tne Oswego bank; N. Y.
lias failed. '
A horlid Murder occurred in New York,
on Monday night, the pirticulars of which
we gather principally from tins Triuune.
Tluit pitpcfc says:
"All our readers doubtleSi remember the
attempt, mentioned some. days Bince, of Mi.
Henry Colton, of No. 24 Verey street, lo
shoot Mr. Charles Cotlies in Leonard
street. The- pistol then merely snapped,
and Colton was arrested. Ho was bailed,
and has since been at liberty. A day ot two
alter this, the wife of Udlton made an un
successful attempt td commit sJiicido by
taking Utldantiiri. This mldedjurenglh to
the rUmOf wo hud previously" hcbrd. that
tho assault of Collou was ulililu in consu
quenee of the alleged ieduction of his wife
by Curlies.
Last evening at a few minutes before- 7
o'uloi-k, Mr. Corlii's was seen lo come out
of his Bowling Saloon, under Kvecmer &
Lu. s coach listabliahmeui in Uroadway
near l-raiiKim sirtet, in company wild
woman. He pas9cd down Broadway li
Leonard strfiet, down which he- turnod'am!
proceeded towards his residence at No. 100
He was there last seen stunding still and in
cunvcisanon wim a- woman. A moment
or two after the explosion of a pistul was
heard, add a passer by hi Uroadway saw a
matt fall Udt saw no bne liear him. On
going td hint Mr: CdHles wds fdund to
.have Uetl shdt. A ball had entered the
biteR ol Ins lead, and On etamthdttblt it
is fliippnsed to hdve lodged just behind
me nose, tie was speechless when found,
and so remained. Poriions of lib brain
escaped through the wound, and
was immediately taken into a room in
the Carloton liouse, and attended by phy
sicians. When wo laft he waS still liviinri
out men at a little alter nine.
tiflicers Immediately vent after Mr.
Coltoiii wlul was fuuud in his house and
taken trltti custody. Flo surrendered him
self without the f.iglupee hesitation, and
denied all knowledge of the transaction.
Colton hps for a long time kept a genteel
gambling establishment at hi: residence.
Ooilics is a single man and boaided at No.
100 Leonard street.'
Mis. Cohan has also beeri arrested and
couiiililloti id the tombs. At this lime of
her arrest she was found in a gdrret room,
If.sane or affecting to be so. h is stated
that during the early part of the evening, a
woman called ai tho boarding houso of Mr.
OorlieSj in Leonard street, and inquired for
him, but was informed he was not in. She
Walked sdme distance inio the hall of the
house, and when the bonnet and green veil
iliat was found In the apdrlments of Mrs.
Coltoni at 20 Vesey street, were shown to
the female of the house, who saw the per
son inai caiieu, sno luentilieit litem as
same as worn by lief.. Mr. Robinson
identified iheiri ai the same worn by
woman wno eamo into the saloon.
John Adams, who resides in Church
street, opposite Si. Paul's church yard.uear
vesey, says lie saw a woman eome out of
the house No. 20 Vesey street.wlu're Mrs.
Culi'iii resides, about half past six in the
eveniug, whose dfess resembled thai worn
by the woman who whs seen with Cor
lie's. It is stated by Corlies's bar keeper that at
about half past six o'clock in the evening
while he and Corlies were seated in tho sa
loon, reading a letter, they heard 11 lap at
the ddor, which was opened, and d femal&
entered, dressed In a cloak, straw hat, rind
green veil. As eodp as Curlies" dw heij
rafted bdih H$ lian(l3 in an attitude sign i
f ih'rf his wish foi .Her lo go away. The
woman came 111 closely veiled, and look a
seat on thu soft, where she remained in
cluse eonmsatinn, until several geuiloman
ontcred the saloon lo play ten-pins, when
Ihey goi up, anu went oui together. As he
was going, Robinson touched !iim with his
finger, and said, 'Is that Mrs, Colton?'
Corlie made iiu reply but left the sa
loon. On ihe other hand, it shoutd be observed
that (here i no positive evidence against
the woman, and thai it is thought possible
that her husbilntl may have urlfully procur
ed the death of her paramour, by another
puraon; l hers 15 nothing tn the evidence
so fat. wiicbv "ni.ifS&S, ,ierioeuMy against
ann m!hj r.eonably bo- insahe-'uTier, such
a. horrid Rccne,, wiilioutt havln(j, lice'ii, the
aujUiORofit. v
AhVltmUD-On. Thursday Hf,
ltim& Uaikley; Esq. Mr. JOHN
MEiMl.of HtWk.
fettKRIPK'S &A LRt
,(U .1. 1
3J virtue ota, fa, djrnctcd whl
be exposed to pulilicfealp qt,lhq. lipnet? of, Frederick
Klnttll In l.imrfnnn tnWncMrt a alnritou llio tfilli
day of.ApriJ 182;at. 10 o'clock A. M, thp follow-'
...b .... . (,
X certain lot of irrmind silo.iln. in. Llmr.
Btons Vownship.Columliia. comity, cogfjinipellireo
acrc more or lew, adjoinin; lands ofJclin Gougcr
x . : it : 1,.,... . . ...1 - i. . 1
nn,l n cin-,11 A' PA IU.P ,
Seized, taken in cieoiilion and, to" bo eoh as the
, v.. . , JOHN FRUI.T,Sh:it
SuEmrrli OrriCK, ZJanvillo ?
March. 21, 113., 5T
BvlHuc ofn writ qf venditioni exponas to
me directed", Will lie exposed to pubhs sate at tho
,nuri iinuse in Lianvnie, oji aloiiuuj 1110 i nil uay
of April, at 10 octpck. A. M. tlw following proper-
A certain lot Miniate-in Valley township,
(Joliitaliia cotlhtyi coliiniiiing one acre, wiiereonis
ercctcdaarONEDWKLkINU HOUSE, a Tan
House, and fixture, with, other out buildings, and
niMoinin"' lands of Julin. Mahs, and others. Hcizcd
taken in execution, iu,d to bo sold as tho property
oijumcg juonauson.
ojiEniFFi UrrrcE; Danville,
Alaiteti 21, 1843.
f fcjlHAT we have purchased at constable sale as
tho property, of Oharles UlnrkJ one two, horse
wa5onono bay colt.onob.iv marc.sorrcl cob. out'
bay colt, one bay horse', one black horse, ono. red
bull one cow, ono cow &calf,one spotted heilliir, one
spotted steer, one large wafton bed. rflio liuRsy.onc
windmill, ono btill plow, ono harrow, one sett single
imness, one wood, sled, and havn left Ihe same in
his possession during our pleasure, of which the
puoiic will uuo notice.
April 1,184340.
Longleys C4reat West
ern Indian
Compounded entire of Veselubh Sub
stances: Free from Calomel HM alf
otner lUintrals.
fXj-Foi the history of this Medicine, and its un-
nvaueu anu truly surprising success and bcpulan
ty, seb largo bills.
It is recommended aa agcncial cathartic for fam
ily use In dyspepsia and ill bilious disease, it is
invaluable lor Aslhica it is considered a -specific
no case haviitg.yct occurred which it has failed to
cuic for cbminou colds, infianimatoly lUi-rjsb
rheumatism, affections of the liver, &c. and for fe
males, it Is a sate and excellent remedy.
Flam Hon. liubtrt Munell, Circuit Judge (Sixth
Circuit in theState vKew York.
Greene. Jfov. 25. 1842.
Col. Longley Dear 5'irs I thank you for Ihe hot
ue 01 i-anacca sent by Air. Jounsoii. 1 havo used
one bottUs of your valuable medicine for myself, and
in my family, rifld am well satisfied it is a safe find
valuable medicine: I llnvo found it the best remedy
forbillious attacks, to which 1 am subject, tliat'I
have usedi My neighbor, to whom I loaned youir
medicine speaks of it as grciit relief in dyspepsia.
Your Ob't. Sery't. .llOIi'T. MOISELL.
Prom Doct: Biles Wist, ofBingha mfon.
Mr. Longley Dear Sir; I have used your Great
Western Indian Prinaceain my family, and have re'
pcatedly prescribed it for patients" Under my care,and
am satisfied that it isalwavs d 8ofd,snd in very ma
ny cases an invaluable' medicine. It operates as d
laxative without nallsca. 6r rjainjand while It effec
tually obviates cosllvenesd iicts upoii thb stomacli
and liter as on alternative', correcting acidity, and
restoring the liea'ltlly cofiditlod cf those orgsns.
Very rcspbcffully yb'urij S. WEST.
Agent's, flloomsbufg, J. It. Mojer, Ephraim
Lutz, Lime KiJgc, Anderson & Miller.
rHIHAT I have this dav nurcliascd of It-tan Hnloi
M man at private sale, ono bureau, ono dcsk.onc
clock. Bevc'u clidirs, thirty yards of carpet, ono table
one looking ubss, ono corner cubbodrd, seven
hundrnd ft-et clierrv boards, one ctnnil. nn,l l,vn
left the same in his possession during my pleasure
oi wiucli me public win lane notice,
April 1, 1843 40,
SlGomsfourg Acailemy
THE undersigned tenders his thanks for tho
patronage be has received, and hopes to mtrit
a contimwncc, by a diligent Mlentimi to his duly
a-, nn instructor of youth. He vlould Inform parents
and guardians, that the no'xl (crm will commence
o:l the first Monday in April; nrnj a3 an euliro ncw
flrrahgemeut will H made with tho would
10 VVv desirable, that nil wlin tminn cn.l',r. ..:n
- , v .VIIUIIIJ, .11,1
comiucnco at, or n near that time as possible. An
iiuaui kuiiui win no openeu in ono ol llio apatt
nients. if a sufficient numtip fitin,l,f nffUr
tent tcocheu will trf provided for each department
oi iito (ruiioni, in orucr mai an nuo apply lor adruis
siorr maybfta'cco'njn'iodatcd.
Th'o Various la'ni-liisi nf M RnnlfK ,?,r
m. .uuvu,m
together with the Greek and Roman classicka will
Kl. (a.rK Anil .ti'n nrr,1 A J 1 . -L
,uuui, .iiu iiiviihaiwi uiniiuiem oi mo p(upir
particularly attended to. Tho government of tho
school will bo Bt'rbt, but mild and parental. To,
avoid misunderstanding, tho prices of tuition vill
bo fromonu to five dollars ,r in,i. ni i,.,,.i.'.
weeks-. From tho eiprtiencrof many years as a
(richer, tho undersigned b wellconvincqd, thatlm
provouicnt is more r.ipid, when tho pupils sire gruV
de 1 art'ordinz to their nrnfirlnni-v. t,n,l il.o n,...,K.
iucach (IepaiUufnt limited,
JOSIJPH D. BILES, Principal.
.feplgi1 Mite.
V virtue of iv wtbof-ri. ra. tc-m,dircctedtwlll
I hn prnncm nnlilir adln ! lk mi , m hnnD
.lrjthday of April, 1813, atll) o'clock. A. M llio
followliig property, vit!
k .i certain lot of land sUilaCe in Green
trrn.t l..,t,; riT1.i -'..J... . .. !
frntlir.lltfttlKn bnt finmn EtnMrt
;fc?f fzed, .tlen ii execution antf to bo sold, aitho
1., iir i
v. JWIN FRUIT, Sh'ff.
oiiiiiiii i; g wt'FlCK, uanvillf
Murch 1.7., L8d3,. '
virlUC of sundrv ivrltn nf Vin,lil!nni V.r
'JLirt' I'oneas io me directed, wilL bo exposed to
public salo at tho Court House, in Danville, on
Monday the 17th day of April at ten, o'clpck, A.M.
All tho right titlo arid, interest tho defea
ant has in cci'tafn tract ofland situate in Catta-wssa-township
. CounbiaJ:qunfy, adjoining lands
ofiJacob.KQ, and others, cQntahiing One Jluudred
nml tar. A nn. ....u I . .- ,' ' .
.w. u,.k,p in.c ur icss, wHorvoii is erected a
Tf,r. ,V-i,.S. . it..... ....
JVU lWKSii,0naB,'tJI,J3,
Ono Town Lot. irijthie town of CattawiBsa,, situato
on ine iNortli side of ipam street, adjpiiiinir a lot of
fli neivy and J'uxtfln'.whereoh is creeled aFiU.ME
uyuoij anu oi iVutit;. .
Aii'or.o lfiiltlDtcf grpund ti uato in tho town. of.
voiiawissa, on mcljastJido ot front street ndjoin
ii3 a lot of Lydia Hartman, whereon js elected a
civA.ui uuubliand STABLE,
An ono-half lot of ground, eituato in tho town of
lyauuwissaon tuciMorth slrtoot main slreet, udbin
ing ujot of Hiram.l'hilips, whereon is crested a
r UAiMtvi and LLUUSE.
An ono lot of grqund situate below tho, mouth of
oauawissa creel;, nujomg lands ofI?ajton and Fox
wucicon is erecieu ar liAJia J,tOUoL
An onVa'crb Voodlbt, on Loyds lib!
All the richt title and inteiest in a certain
tract of land situate in La'u'aniss'a township, col. co.
uujuiiiuiu iJiius oi jucoii i- ox anu otncrs,conlainuig
urn.- uuiiureu unu icu acres uioro och-sn, Whereon, i
erected a LOU HOUSE and 6TABLE.
A,one.half lot of ground siluato in tho town Df
UaAtawissa' on tho oust side of Front stroet adjoin
ing lands ot bydia. Hartman. whereon is erected a
ruAJiu nuucsli and HTA1JLE.
An one-half lot of ground situate in the town of
uauawissa, on. tne iN sido of main strcct.adjoln
mg a Iotof,Hirmn, Philips, whereon is creeled a
rixAiuu oi AULii anU lKJUSE
An ono acre lot of urnum! aitnntn ).ir,i
of Oattawissa creek, adjoining lands of 1'axtonand
wo, wiiurcon is erccieii a r llAMli itOUSIi.
An ono aero Wood lot nn Loyd's HilL Seized
lunen in cxccuuou, and to bo sold as tho property
A certain tract of latiil situate in Oattawissa
township, col. co: co'hiainltig Fifty acres more or
less, adjoining lands" of tti'dow Cleaver and John
Weaver und others, whereon is erected a LOG
HOUSE aid Bank Darn. Seized, taken in execu
tion, anu id be sold &3 the property of Daniel ATou
A certain tract or parcel ofland. situate nn.
bn the Susquehanna & Tioga Tbrnpike road and
uyun uiu i-usi orancn oi unercrecK, nbbut tWo arid
a half miles from tho town of Berwlcli, wliereon is
n FUHNAOE and a FOUNDKY, ri Storo liouse.
two dwelling housosjoi Wheelwright sllon.nnd other
bniMlhf-. rfn.l nllntnlr, l.n.l. E. , r- ,.
, f-, j-..u .uiiuo ui r, xjcauiey,
lieirs nf Gpnrirn Hpfin, ilnn.,,,1 ,l
containing about thirteen acres more or less. Also
upon a certain oiucr tract or farm of lana situate
upon said branch of Briarcrcek and bounded on
the cast by Uiccountv linn hriuxvn nii,,i,i. i.
Luzerne counties, upon tiie south by lands of icr-
nuru oeiuen, iicnoi3 Beibcrt, and S. F. Hcadley,
upon tho west bv the aferiK.-iiil fn nfil,!rt.A
whereon tho furnace and other buildings aro'erected
and by lands occupied by Hemy Trough, and on
tho north by other lands of tho defendant and con-
tainins about fdrtV-fivonOM nihrn nr ...I.l-
. , " .woo, nuctc-
on u a fratne nodsfc, arid a log house, a' Idg stalile,
a goodtfrclwrd, and other fruit trees', tho land is
all Improved; Also; a eortain frame farm lot or
tract of land iitdalB nnon Miiil h,i.. nrnr;n. i.
and founded goulh by tho lsst aforesaid lot or farm
of about forty-five Hcrei, cast by the tounty lino of
liuzcrno and Columbia, and by lauds of Willum
banner, noith by IanJoof 8. F. Headley, west by
other lands of the defendant and containing nin6tv
acres more or lc3S, wheieon is a gnst mill a large
frame divcllinir houso n stabln anil nn ill t-.,..
upon this tract there is aliout sixteen acres b'f l.'ri!
pioven mcauow lano. AIsi., upbn a lot containing
one aero and six uerches of lnml. hnnn.ui .v
soutli by tho aforesaid lot 6r farm of nbout fortv
fivo ocrv., upon the eas bjr tb- nforcEa!d , 't
wiiercon ir.e Bnsi muiaiiM ,aw milll-a crt.cte(lupon
tha noilii and west !,v uther l.,n,U r .1... .i.i-.,r.
bung a triangular lot of unproved ground.but witli-'
6UtbuiUlinr;s UOnn it. AY,,, nnnn rnr(n,.- i.i,1..
( -J t v, - J' - - ,,UJII UWSj
lot, contauimg, about four acres tit land, wore or
If ss, siluato upon tho sofith cuta of Summer ill,
and bounded south ljf tho aforesaid farm of forty,
five acre's, an'd (ho said Ictfof one aero and six per
the'j, .aA by ihe afotesaid grist mill tract; north
by other land of defendant, west by lindj oci-upi-cd
by Henry Trough, whereon 13 a ramp (Iwling
house. Also, upon a certarn 6'thcr tract situate
upon snmmer hill, and bounded cast by tho afore
said 'tracts whereon tho grist mill and other build
ings aro ercctod; north by lands of 6. Y. Headley,
and other lands .of defendant, west by land of J.
Jacohy, Wm.Kdards and Gibers', south by; (ho
aforesaid lot; coritainifig aWut four acres anil by
other hnds, and containing o'bout ninety acres, part
which is improVed, but without buildings. Also
upon a certain trui'ngulsr lot of unimpiovtd land,
oivuaiu uyvu uuillilic,- Jjlil,' mm l?OLUUCU Dy tUO
last aformid fract.opon th south east, and by Ih'di
nt. 1 . lleadleyfoutbonotla, andbV lands 4f
I..'. 1 -.1 .t i . . .
jaruuj, unu ouii-ia ou iao west, containing
acres more or lets, quantity unknown. Aho,
a certain tract nf timlinr land tiinnin il,u 1
. upon
Mountain, tdjoinin; Isndi of jenso Bswmtri, P,
Htitdlry, and other., surveyed AugUit'17r- V
pursuant of a Warrant ;ssucd out of the land ofilco.
til Axaiider Cochran, dated 28th July, 1793, and
ctinlainlug 404 ncr(jJ, 30 perches qnd allowance.
Seized tukoh In. execution, and tn be sold ii thu
propertyof Tlorpnn ,'Nair, SuipnrI,F. lcadlcy.
The. undivided on,euhlf of a cor tiiin ot pf
Tjr'6'und, situato in.fhf t?wn pf DantdJIrt Columbia
county, numbered ill, t(;o plan of said, town, IS'o.
six'vi iwoj fifty two-ftcton mill street, 'oiA huhdcl!
'an'd fifi feet dwp to an alley, adjoining lots of
'lliouijis" Chirk, yJicVenn 14 crpctod .Jargc 6)ick
and fraip tlneo.Etory tavern house, with (nunfH
'table3,,'rpls. 'Seized taken , in cj;f cition "end
(o bjc sold as lln ptoii:rty of fficorgo iAB'rown.
. A certain lor of, ground in tli,e town o!6
DanviJIij. CJoI.umbia.oujily situate on tho cast, sido
.of Pine street and bounded on tho, north byarn
alley aiul adjoining lots .of ThpmaaLoyd k Shai'p!
less Taylor, whereon is 'creeled a franio house.
Seized, taken in execution, nml In hn until n, thn
property df John Hbrnirtg.,
BV virtue of a writ oC levari facias, to me direr.,
ted, will be exposed to public sdlc;at the
tune-and place, aforesaid the fuIlo.WJng property',
vi , , . i(. ,.
A. ccr!.in mp?9llnrr( nr ipncinnnl nf ninn.
I r , ; r
jty acres of land, situate in Madison township, Col.
'. uim d.ulu ui I UIIIISJlaiuu, OUg.lIlllg on u cor
nf Innil. fllirt-hVOfl Cnr Tlinira.M.,K 'n'n.l a.l5
jpining lands of DaniehCidmley, li'chaol Hilenkm.
incriii, nouiiis anu oincrs, togeiiicc witn an ana
sjligjilar. the huilding,8, imptfivcnicnts, ways, woo,iLj
WaterK. WOter ItlllirFPC rifthi. liTlprfi. nml nT,nifM.
, --n 1 -
nances, whatsoever thereunto, belonging or in ony
J "l i"-""1'1'1' i.viPiu.iiRub jiuiiiaiuuci0,it;uiia,
issues and profit Ibeyf, Scfz,cdi taken In exccu
tion, and to. bo sold as the property of iJaul Crom
lick, , ,
snuN pnnt'iv si.'ff
Siusnirr's Orrrci:, Danville, ?
Mnreh 17. 1843. C
Notice -
rp all legaatecs, creditors and other person
interested in thn rtnti nf ih. .....!., Jt.
.cnaents und minors that the administration and
guardian accounts of the said estates havo been
filed in tho Office of tli&negLjlcrjof tho county cf
Columbia and will bo presented for the confirma
tion and allowance tn thn flnJi' f'rm.i t l.
held et Danville, in and for llio county aforefntd.on
vconesuay tue lum uay ol Apnl icxt at 2 o'clock
1. Tho account of Chnrlra P. .Vnn A.tmini.,,-
tor of thu estate of Jesse Kobertslatq of iMifllin fp.
2. Tluj aCCOUnt of EilOS T.riilu. Amintcrnlnt- .,f
tho estate of Catharine Ailnma Int nf1 Hrtot r.n'ni-
township dectased.
J. ihe account of Ezra S. Hayhurst Adminis
tralorofthiicstato ofErHiinli-rlnin of rr.ttmlc
township deceased.
1. 1 lie account of Ezra S. Hayhurst Adminis
trator of tho estate of John Stevenson, latt of Call
tawissa township deceased. .
The account ol Thomas C ft'oVmso'n ono ol'
the cxccutots.of the fast will and testament of Tho
mas Robinson late of Derry tp. deceased. ,
uiiAllbiiS UOiVNER.Hegisto.r.
nnsTiu's OfficE, Danville,
Jlarch 17, ',843.
Grand Jury for April Term 1043i,
Briar Creek Mm Workhc'iscr
Bloom Ovcd .Everett, Jacob Mellick
Cat tawissa JacobSnvder. linrlnlnb Sl,m"
John Chafer,' Peter Bodine
lushing creek .Hoses MVeriry, Sarduel Poeler.
ffemlnrtc lnlh nM ...
Liberttf Frederick Blue; William- Carh'pbell;
liJac.Gulick . . , .
limestone- Joun rlooij
Madison Thomas Pdnston, Jacob Sheer
Mahoning William liirltlcjr rl, M.,
o r 'J J muuiM,
John Lundy, David Huberts
Jiujjim. uanrtei L,utz ,. .
Orange Samuel ?heinha.ri, John Ivcim
Mvaruig crceh John Dally.
Truvtrse Jury 1st week.
Briar creeli William Havman. IfnnlnMl r-.J
con, Henry Knorr
Bloom Samuel Krcsslcr, Samuel Melick, Stu
art Pierce
Cattawissa John.Filhtt .
Derrv Kobct't Clart. Willinm Pit!, x..!
ftsung trerk William Ikcler
Greenwood Joseph Long
iemoci. Jacob arris.
Jacison William Turner , .
Liberty Ilobert Butler, James Madden
Limestone David Dye, Samuel Oaks
Madison William llnrnpr ..Wnn. W.. ri.ll
Sewcll Gibbs,Sahiucl Gulick, John. P. Groves.Jacpb
K. Trego
fliifi William Kefchntr
yrungcjopas ivisncrj.udorgo jarmon
, -iwrjiu a. vicaver, neuiien
rahringcr, rnantiU Kearns, Alexonder Mci's.
augur juoajjoan M'Uenry, Ueubcn UavU
Traverse Jury for 2rf ffittc. ,
Briar Creek James l3vans. .Tlsi.lH,
Evans, John Connor. VHIiain ,Aiiains.
Bloom George Kressler, John ilitten
beniler Johr. Vlellick, Cyrus BacfQiiiiuactifx
Ll.i:i.-..l., !.! tl.?.t.l!i-
1ACUICI91UI HlcllllUll lltllllUIIII. , .
Chltauih&a. Michael Brobii; Sohh
Lowe, , , i , ,
7?rn Jojin. Sm'tih, Gideon Ilnhb,
Fishing CVee:Jainet Edgar lease T.'
Roiibino , , i
Greenwood- William Eves.
Heinlack Jaraei Emmett. John Ilripi'.
b'auch; . . .
7,iieioii'.AuMjiarniBerm'aii. ,
AYatfisW Willan Dildin.
Zeislofi, Adam Hellef,' John ilesl, Uavij
Mount Pleasant Andrew Mellirk.janW
Grimoo, ....
Orange George Wlutnieyei, Jesse Cole
man. .
fiodrint; Creek John 7elccr.f., Willimn
Sugar . Lopf Thomas 4. Mflndenhair,
Elijah Fullmer, James Ihki, )ond JLari
bach. .
.J Valley James L&ih'.