S.1TVHVJ1Y, JPMZi f, 1843; FOll iHESlDENTr JAMBS BUCrtAAtf. tSubject to the decision of a National Convention.) THE NEAVGpUNTX. The news "of iho passage ihroUgh the Senate of the bill erecting th"3 now county of Madison, has bfo'atetl ah itnexamplod excitement throftghtfot Iho district Interes ted. Had there been news spread am'drtg thcm.that a land of desparadotis we're" Stithi ORANGE ANTI-DIVISION MEETING. At a Meeting of the citizens of Orange; Fishing creek at.d Sugarloaf, township-,, held at the housejbflsaao U. Johnson, ih the town of Orangeville, on .Saturda-y the bSth day of March 1843, convened in pur suance of a short ndtice,. dn million, fSA"AC" KLINE, was- appointed President. Daniel Pealer, John B. Edgar, William Cole, John B. Hess, Vice Preset.. C. IV. Kline. A. II. Pottner, .1 SecrSane. The object dr. he meetiri-g being briefly by G. W. Lott, the following named per edns were appointed a committee to draft a , . . ' , .., . llv .. preamble and resolutions exriresslve of the o visit them, to burn and pillage their 1 M ,. 1 homes, It would not have created a deeper and more determined feeling of resentment and -resistance, than this act of the Senate. Meeting after meeting hae been held, got up after a few hours nolicev attended by hundred of abused, insulted and betrayed citizens, notwithstanding the almost impass ible stale of the roads. Sugarloaf, Fishing cieek, Orange, Mffllln, aye, and Brier creek, too has spoken, in language not to be misunderstood, that they will not be iransferred,'like cattle in the market,'' to object of the meetin G. W. feolt. B. G-. Ricfcetta, E. Cote Esq. A. Young Kscf. John Stoker; E. La zartts, J. Conner, Thomas Mendenhall, S. Crevjin, J. Iteim, A. Ammermon, J. Lau bach, D. Fornwald, J. Achenbach, C. Ash, Jolic Bright, B. Hayman, D. Achenbach; M. S. Mears, M. McMath, A. Colley. The committee through their chairman, Doct. G. V. Lott, reported the following which were unanimously f adopted. Whereat i bill has passed the senate of subserve the interest of a few arristuerattcal . ' . . ing a new county oui oi pans or me coun ties of Columbia and LujJerne'which. should demagoguesjin Berwick and Danville. A more monstrous and outrageous proposi tion was never presented to any legislature for their approbation, than this new county of Madison act. An act to erect a a new county against tho Wishes and re Hionstr&nees'of five sixth of the legal voters residing within its limits, and .that too, without a single plausible argument in its favor. 'Seven townships out of eleven vnailimously oppo3ed,anl but a email por tion of-thr remain ing four In its favor.or in it become-a law, would be destructive 1o the best interests of a largo proportion of the inhabitants within its territoiy, we would therefore respectfully mako the following statement of facts fot the purpose of selling the matter right before the Legislatures The proposed new county of Madison includes, within its limits from the County of Columbia, the townships of Sugarloaf, Fisliingcteek, Orange, Briercreek, Mifflin, . . .u ...i, .. :,i ,-' j land about ono half of Bloom, comprising fact none, except those who re side in and ...... . ' 5r around Berwick village. And yet,notwith standing all this opposition, the Senate of Pennsylvania, at the request of our worthy senator, has passed the bill. But there we flatter oufrielvcs it will stop. We cannot be made' to believe, that the house of Re presentatives, will so far forget what they owe to the' majority, as tofalify this act of tho senals. If they should, NULIFICA ) TION, would be a virtue. about one third of its territoiy, one third of its inhabitants, and one third.of its wea.th, and that too against the unanimous voice of the townships of Sugarloaf, Fishiiigcreek, Orange, and the portion to be taken from Bloom, more than one half of Briercreek, and about two thirds of Mifflin. Between the proposed new county seat, Berwick, and insure being ailbpled". I: f .erfoa.few .ofiilVe.-leaders of horia llul.Sl4ovolus burden wlftk an jont secretlj- ready laid operating on-the itihabriahis of Huntingdon ... .i... r u u. .1.-. -..I i. .... nun no, wrvicn.we nnw luoi.iriifv uurueii iuhiiioic man miniii,. asm. much betoer for. our interest, to remain a'9 I densomb iiml oppressive, ted (hat U m)iitty-oRthe mhubitaiits of sniib we arm i?eiocWThat as we have- heretofore to wnship of Htinnngdon were in favor off Wtfe'M'hallflhoblttift to bWrtiB in this towhihlp.unanimously reinstated the said county. oF. Madison, therefore Itcsoiveu i-nai we ciuimuer u uuuuuit. comparison Ifo what they would be, were prevent-any sucfl me m.i. ii,.:...AU..,.!tta ..V VU- ..u'AvU as if weld-brina upo It"- . ... . '. .i .. . of laxcti. m addition o thbeo- al I rnrnpiii imn piipci. 11 u-niiin. inprpinrn.nn.i . , . i i . fi ----- -. . - . . .1 . .. ... . i.i . n i., ah.nnst iiih brsciion of t ic nronoseu new ....r.u.m,, u b.. . 3Unty bf-Madison.an-l also at tho-fast Poll's .Jlally false, nnd for-the truH of our asser, sltika otK- the townships of Stigarloar- eecl-nt as. unanimously cart btlf votb tlim, we refer ybbHibhorable bodies to thoi Fisllincrecft. d'rtncre. atitl thai nart of u.raii.m ii. in nnw. aimin unr4?cK'fcUlv tint! HtimerHUs nelilldns which have been for u - i earnestly remonstmlo against lha bill Whibh warded againSt said, county of Madison;. . i .i . .r it.j.i. - ia I fu... i .in nasseu ii o su i no ui i ins omiu. bii-uiiiiu huh, adiuiiunnvuii. . the said pioposed new countyi becoming. a . esouw That wc.ts citiiens of one of law. I ihe townships wilhin the bounds of tho JJecaute, it wnuUvSe committing stt set nropoaed new country of Madison feel our- Bloom, included, and not fotcc us into n ceiinei'tien against which wff aro ur.ani- moiisry opposed. Jttsotved That as freemen, (tnd'apciti- oi.r. j.r il.. On.n..n III. I. in.B I ,.t il.. rt.n..aa( ilimN i.iiJ ltf't I Aftlvpfl 0tncv fmrtficpfl hnntf Vi lliM rprpnf ... , 0 .... -rr." a , .... . " ! . ,1 J,l "4 and Interests in common with our telle-w juetuuac, u uui im,n ufu.i UD ....w..,..- ..,..,... ...v.,,,. .,, 1Do,.,,B mutt-. WmnBilnnilv .fc. ,H. Wm.b. sliapB of poof, rrtodiita intous and sa.u cuuniv aooui uerw,clt,.to procure Hid. ui,. ,u - , ui .iiuuoi., nuire heavy taaes- urron (reducing-the altio of oilr property, that a defiav 'Is expense. that wo will uso alk fair, and honorablo fevV indlvrdhals In Berwick may I)o enriched Because, it is-leaving both Columbia nn, means to prevent tho samo. Uerebv.fls the erection of the hronoaednew L.uzer,ie as we ?8 "Ie P6 c0Ull,y' Ilcsolvcd'yhai wo view the recent at county can have no other effect. . . rMneR,nhIfl; " nieelin(I , Town Hill.- for the nomnL nr Resolved That the course pursued by n.rnuse.. mine wuliln iia limit, excent a buvioa siunaiures to t ho Burwick Pm-iinn Senator Headley in Ulrging the passage of few in and around Berwick, wUitld.be bene- ( a'd a" Tci Tol.ll failure, it-being but thinly the bill erecting the bt? codnty df Madison heu ' " remainder. Would oo laxcu auenueu, anu an opposed to. tne judge, and ,.. u. t ..-..ii;... -I.:.,, fur llie interest of that few.willioul derivinc the Hon. Senalois cioss feufs. ivnen lie Kiiuwa nit; ueciueu iiosiiuiy wiimn . .. , - i-..,.,t im. a ., , r , J 1 nnir rnrrponnni iniT afltfanlotrn I JfeSOlVFfl I (rl WP. n lilt nnnn a nr inn av!..l. in 1 1, n hpAn etct nTn Inpffn nnfllnn nf tlm I . 'n... " . ... ... . ... .. . . ' ... ,uu ""- ,u,bv liecame. Uo umbia countv rs now email lownsnip oirruntinfidon. uo be neve it 10 hri inlialiilants ol tolumbia county against it m territory, with but a small excess of pop- against our interest to create a new county both within and without tho limits of his I ulation more than enough to entitle her to but 6f parts o'f LuzeirYe and Columbia, as nronnseiV nnw cnurttv.is anv thinir hut su eh h representative, and it wffdld be the height the former lias lately been divided, nnd u:i, ,hin,l,t A4 t,nrtllWM,. ia.-f-, of inJU8,jc0 lo ,cd,ICB '?ty low a rep cmisenjuefilly fd. (iced lit territory, by strik " "'t ' roscntalive when her citizens , are almost ing oil a new codnty Irom the upper section1 would adopt in return for tho confidence unanimously onoosed. to it. and because there is an almost imnaRilil placed inhlra, by a confiding, though de- JResolvtd, ThavSenator Headley deserves mountain lying (ietweerr thisjplare and Bcr ceived, insulted and much wtonged bOtttlit- "ie severest censure from Ins ednsliuients wicK(itie proposed Codnty seat ot Madison I for advocating this new county, ho having J!esoved That we iCcoinmend to all Til I J ti I t previus 10 his election' pledged himself to tho inhabiUit s within ihe proposed new- Jltsolved hat as we have hot only ,js constituents to carrv out their wishes countv, to hold similar mCetinge and circu puceu upon mo nies 01 mo i-egisiaiure, wiu when- expressed, and ho well knows that he late remonstrances against the same. remonstance? of more than five to one of is (roine counter t& theifi- when he advocatee- llesolved I hat the proreedines of this tl,R rntera of that portion of the hew countv "iu measure. meeting be signed by the officers, and pub-' .n i, ,!, rnm Pnliimhin. but hnve rrlven Bttolved, That we view the cour pur- lished-hi (he Columbia County Democrat ,,,,,, sited by our benatorj b. t-.Headly.as being and WHkesharre l'armcr. the same expression through the ballot box- ;ny l)ling bul re(ecn,ing ,1Q pcjga mae (Signed by the. Officers.) es at the last October election, we cannot, to this parl iif the citizens of Columbia Co. rB in out hearts believe thatthe popular branch before his election to office. As every act Al a large and respectable meeting of tho f ,i. t rt!4i,iii,n will t Miiminr m Rimli of his, wherein oar immediate inteieSU arc inhabitants of Hunlincton, Luzerno countv . , .,, , ... concerned,. has been directly contrary to his held on Saturday tho 3.1i!i day of March an txptess.on of the popular will, to gratify pcitge,and a!so conlrary l(J ,he klluw' wish ,843l0 UlU inJt0 consideration.piiblir. mat tne personal inieresi of a icw muiviuudis. and prayer of not only the inhabitants of lets in which we aio "cnerally iutereHted. Ilestflvcd That as we have had to bear f this, and the adjoining" townships, but of ihe Whenenpon, ticorfte I.aurish, wae unani nn.l hhnhpn of on nnw trven. wish and prayer of a largo majority of the mousl v chosmi President Join lirillniti iv f.om its infancy, until it is now just be- vol"s f i?.ny- . . . 'c Otrdmtt. fnluim Ballcrby. Josialt . , . ii itcsaivcu, j nai wo win never consent to iininei anu Jonn liosion vice I resident-. nn n. Irtafrlva nl mnnhnnil. IVB nok In lip I . . . I ..... . 1 .o ...... w m. ..- i lie a rneinuer ot 1111s new county, as our ami names, secretary. allowed to temain and derive a little benefit life's blood is now nearly spent in sustain- The followins resolutions liaviim been in frdm its ability to maintain itself without ing an unjust located county town, and this iroduced,on moiioulhey were unanimously , nnmnllp,l in niirn a huifoiaru. new project would lake from uu the last adopted". l .! .. i : 'i. ..t.i i. drop that courses onr veins, and render us f Tines have arrived fo' an alarmini? ciisis. eo oanumg, wu... . . - COf ,clu vielitn, l0 )ho Clip!(hy mtl1i lB Commonwealth unable' to perfotm her .' X. f . . . I.. n,inl.lu It tn IMfvlIx Allan tiftth I II O I k a. .! .l.. I II I ... . . . ' . cci.iuiy iu cii-uib ,v ....... .w jtesofvtti, j oai via coruiany approve ol enBaeenienis: of tnlli her a h t tea. nred the townships of Sogarloaf, Fishinccreek best of care, -- h"e "coiirse pursued by Daniel Snyder Esn. lots thirsiinr after tho blood f ilmir ili-btora and Orange, there is little or no feciprosity Jlcsnlvxl- 'rtat tns -proceedings be sign- otrr me'mber in thcSiatehegislatotfi fn brine- n.d .seekfodJiow u.' i..:..i..j ...ninga r:, . ,-, .i:T..-.u mi ed'bv the officers of the meetins and overv ing forward and sustaining lh6 removal for rfolhing all good feelings between man rv...tM,,nrii.B nanillrninlt;nc-r Uin.n.i in...;i,l. n.i.,r,l w.i. , uu i. . . r , . oui, uv wiiwiurre eoHnij ouuuings ot tins aim man, ceasing 10 exist. Beit therefore ii . . . . . I - hai atafled a flew paper, at Harttsburg, fjr I mountain, which .extends the whole width of our members in (he Legislature, with d re- I county were lo be erected in the most con-1 Resolved 'That we will endeavor to" although he still miles. The natdfat ind only otrtfe lo this f spective bodies, and published in the news- eU lor anU we llie'r sons stifl cbntinue fo country productiou:and living inoro on the at the mast head of section of country, Is down Fishingcreek to papers of ihe cOnnly. lor; V vve lbcl,(!ve . b0 u,, on'y Pro1rt"c,' ?' n American soil. . i,.i o u -u t t i .i i , , ', , . ,, a . . . . , , uicaautc iimi uiiui uuirpicu iii legaru lo ino ivcauivcu uiai wo win use an la r ano s is truly having the Susquehannah River. In this channel (Signed by the Officers, and one hundred . mnlli,r, o( .1.:, cni', M?h ,,n hnnnrflhlB mn-.n. m n,..n, n,. r VPliipnl iPntrnl tnivn nf tltto mimltr r, & irtilfr nhiMil n rnffirmnltrtn i'w m r. mn.: . ' , , ,1 , ,, . I N w . ....... . .. .. u, ..u,, , OU Mil. ft .. ..mmniu, "l-IIVIIIi; IllUlli mo aiunou juijuob ui oumiii6 u.i i ,uc cuuuii ui nuuui ,ircin i quesi inai wiey vwi inru uciurc nieir re- is an aci ui jusuce wincu our v aiders prav- uuy -ing less; anu selling more ol our own Cass for the Presidency- keeps the Johnson flag his paper in Danville Thi a fiddle, with two sets of strings, to pla"y a 1 flowsall our trade. Our prdduce and our "tune to suit tbe company he is In.or for those lumber are Ira-nsported in this- discretion, "Who will pay Btsti, He h.as now changed from necessity, as will be evident to- any from Buchanan to Johnson from Johnson; one who. wilt cast their eyes upon the tttfp 0 Cass, within a little ritdra than one year; 0f the county or who is at all accjuainted and We should not be surprised, if He made with its geography. Our interest, ouf bu- another somersell before July next; and siness.'and our inteiftouse" are dfstin'el from hoist the Tyler flag, and by that means the town of Berwiekann should the new in pursuance of a short notice, Abraham get the third bonuir. Gazette, in speaking says : aiid eighty three others,) Fishingcreek Meeting. Al a meeting1 of the citizens of Fish ingcreek township, convened at the school house near John blotters, in satu township, on Monday the 27th day of MarcA, 1843, county , wincu will uo nonorauie mem? lo prevent llie nasage i;slice to all, and advance the interests of any law authofisins banks to issue small tf. majority (It the inhabitants of this coun- bills;' as it woufrf only ereate a new fund for ly. the favorites of banks: and certain dicnila Resoltfcd, That we have always adhered ries and officers in our county townsiwliicli to- the doctrine of petiiion and instruction, banks are located to carry m bribery and' I hal we have year alier year petitioned for corruption and oppression against the labor a removal ot the seat of justice from Dan- ing portnn of the community. ville to Bloom, or some other central scite Resolved That we approve of tho" of the county. Wo, now again unitedly , course of Cot. Wright; in our State Legis' HARRISBUBG ARGUS. I nnnn lm Mlljl Xr nnt It t wao nn 1 1 - n nt rt . I - a i w I ItlH IH I lAlnhnti ' 1 fl.,-,1 The State Capt to cenrntv be formed, we should be. as it were Robbins.Esq.was caiien to tne chair na- 'V",u'' " of tM ew Lpr . . T i V i ! ! than Fleckerslinc, JVilliam Bobbins, mi- against a ihvisron of Columbia county. nMsioners. We bel.ete that the peopld1 or thU new paper strangers in a strange land, made tributary jj mMt wxd Bernard Jimmerman, r Resolved Thai ihe proceedings be onghtlo have something to do in tho- lo advance the interest of other, ground -.;,. ii,tMii--an! .lnn,h Ymhlr nm'l signed by the efficers, and all present, and election of the Canal Coifimissioners: asr I down with raHea.wji'He fire e'jtiste'neA of (he I John 'P.Jbv'ans, Secretaries II. J. I t l I . J VHw....rwV I ... I . . " A new paper, bearing the above title.and county wonrf depress tl'.o value of our The object of the meeting having been '7?7rr W ?r F" al "aisbuig irT-V pt0CT nf-..- jfn-..,:- T,,in:ni.. ..,!,. ' .. i .;,.n n ,.n.i,min. f,:.,,, be laid before the Legislature. published in the 'Vilkesbarre Fa ucu, uii iuuiiii....m..,.u, I c.'-.,., a., I.i,. n I , i n' .iv professing democratic principles, made its appearance here yesterday. It supports Gen. Cass for the Presidency, and is edited and published by V. nest, who rar also-cottar and publisher of the Danville Inlelli gtneef, a Johnson paper t This remarkable 'fact has suggested an arithmetical question which may Iw easily settled as follows ; Simple Subtraction- sum tit. Danville Intelligencer Johnson, Harrisburg Aigus Cass v.. nn.lil anil in i mn.Diira ilnalmn n... 1 staled IMUllbl J OIIU lil M UIVUDM1U UbOIIUI UUI . m - ' ! 1 ,. ., . . was appointed to prepare proceedingfor business. Why, then, we ask, should we t,)e delation of the meeting, to wit be included in a new connty, against our Abraham W. Kline, Charles W Fortner, unanimous remonstrance, anil against our Daniel Pcaler, John Lazarus, LliasMcHen- interest? And why should We be sacrificed ry, John Alliger. Isaac Buss. Ilarman La- . ,i ... w . . i bor. Frederick Hattman.Jolinlless Fhomas toadvanccthe rntereirt ofafeWiandspeeu- jilutchison, Alden Ammeri-M Daniel, lators in Berwick, aa bot few out uf the gtoket and Miehael Lemon, who reported immediate vicinity of Berwick, iri either the' following preamble and resolutions county ask for llie division or desire ir, but which' were unanimously adopted ail are decidedly hostile. There can' be no it has been the easiam irr all ' . ottPQ nf ihs world, for the sutiiecls or cm. SubrtraetCasBfromJohnson.leavesTYIiER! reason or justice m rt. We therefore, ask Zeus of all governments, peaceably to ae- the Legislature, in the name of all- that is ge,nble awl publicly giyo their assent or Remainder S POILS' good, if they cannot better our condition by dtusent to measures proposed and atlVotated l . 1. .. , :l . r.l.. ......... published in the Columbia Democrat, and well as pnv taxes. Jtesoxvea i hat these proceedings bo' rmer; anu? Signed by A. KOBBINS, President. HATHAN FliECKEt-STlNJf, William Roddins, William Evans, Bernard Ammkuman, . Vice Presidents. Jacob Yeable, 1 John T. Evanfi Secretaries. And ONE HUNDRED other ( Signed by ,the0ficers. THE MEXICAN TREATS1.1 Circumstances having prevented or de layed tire official promulgation of the terms' of the convention recentlv concluded be tween this country and Mexico, the Nation- al intelligencer gives art abstract of its pro visor.s.on which abstract wo draw the follow1' ing terms. They may be interesting to many of our readers. The absence of the Mexican" Minister from Washington has dolayed tho r. , .: u... . i ...... -1. . ... HUNTINGDON MEETING?' At large and respectable meeting of the former ratification; but the matter is" corisi"-' 1 ' "gg granting us the boon for which we have so by the legislator ot inai government, rnttabiiant or the township of Huntingdon, dereu as settled, however. Appointment by the Attorney Genera, f , , .. n,,i ,nil . , . . whereby the relative position of such sub- held al Columbus, Lujeine county, to take The Mexican Government agreea to pay nw.,n Pm.. 1 .Clm- Eso At ?"g . . r , P- . . ' J 1 jtcts, or citizens would be substantially into consideration the framlulenl and unjust on the thirtieth of Aprjl next, to such per-- Edwakd Emeuds LsGixufc, Lsq. At ,1B wis, 0f a large majorrty of the county, u' a ( measures which are ai this time nfaetueil sous in the city af Mexico as the United5 at Law; son of Joseph ar-liillipe I . eslrov what Utile prospeefs vre hare f We. the citizens of Fishincrcreek town-1 in ihe state Legislature, unon Luzarnn ami States shall annoint. the inlerest nn nwnnlrf- torney LeCIere; Esq. of Wilkesbarre; and grand son of the late Ford York; to be Deputy Luzerne countyy; vice removed. The Mormons. nf hetlerinff our condition by our own Indus I ship, nr the counly of Columbia, and State Columbia counties, to probure the passage made nnder the convention of 183U. Tho Cutter, Esq. of New . inflictine upon us this worst of all of Pennsylvania.do; therefore.enler this our of a law to create anew counly of Madison principal it? to be' paid in the sanie maririer, Atlorner General for J , . i u r i ,.. humble but firm and solemn PROTEST by adivision of the abovo named counties, wilhin five years, in equal quarter yearly ' curses thai COtllU DCtai US, mo now COUniy .v.,,,. ,.r ,1,. ,,, f Mli. hnnnn. Jnhn ? . : " B ' of Madison. rheiefore f mn out of oartir of Columbia and Luzerne mouelv ehosen President A. J. Knnn. free from custom house oi other elmnrf..- Resolved That our Senator from thi-rf counties, which will lake from Columbia Daniel Koons, Philip Krickbaum, T. O. and transported, nf the risk of Mexico, tf - h nnr Rrcsentative from ,hJ cwnly the townrfiip of Sugarloaf, Fishing Bagardus, Jositih Hainei, TTatotthJ flier eriy of Tera Ciui. To this paymen t .i in t uimivi - 1 b tUmnsrA. KriffFr rpK j rVmiFinr ntVrl n 1 MOn.t! '. -ffmr Htirtrnfttti Ynm 1 tho Mlrnnt tnvo nf I in Mdv n.n Masts , .v.,,,,,,,,. 4flB ,p "ii county, be and they aro liewby requested parlof jiioom.as a measure thai is in direct George Rhone, Zebulan K.Stevens.James aro pledged, with the understanding thai" jature on tne -S7in mi. me aenaio repeaieu jnglrU(.,odi jn ,he 8it0ngest terms; to hoatility lo the best interests of all (hat por-- Ramsay, Andrew Fellows and -S'las Dud- llie United Slates do not look to that fund1 By law CiCBICU llie iiaufuu ucgiuu iiiiiiiijr nnnn thu nasisae of the bill ereclinir the lion of the citizens that would be included son were chosen vice Presidents Jlenrv alone: and the Mexican Government furlh- corps. They also repealed the Chatter of 1 nr iadison as a measure fraught within llie bounds of the proposed new Ink, Edwin Holmes, veto appointed See ermore agrees to-add two and a half petf the MolmCri CitV of Nauvoo, The vote counlJ ' 01 ,a ' ' b county, except a few at Berwick and returies. centetrritf thff payments for freight and1 In ftror or the latter was 82 toll. with the worst or consequences to me in- jyiltnas. the constitution of the United The meeting befog oiganiz'edjon motion charges. A now convention is to be en habitants included wilhin its limits, espe- Stales, whereof Pennsylvania is a member, a Committee of four, to wit: Georee Lau tered into, for the adjustment of tematoiinjf Prolifie. The CumberUnd Alleghcnian daily that portion w Mo resides in -joium- grants to tne citizens nie rigni or pennon, nsn, a. ni. rettows, a. Z ' . . . ,, xi :.. u- , instruction and remonstrance. Therefore,. M. Heacock were appoi SUle.lbstafewday.s.nce.Mrs.Dimm.tt, b.a county. as peaceable ci.izens.we'remonstrale against ilions expiessivo of lh, 0r Western port in that county, Resolved- That, although on bordens l di.ninUion ln ;e lerri,ory of UlBbcoun. Ingf Hilliard and John claims, inted to arrange res e sense of the meet Tho Great Western has now been run1 nincr nvn npflfinns iirriKsAil itw. A I a , . , irT The committee retired a few moraents,& fifty four limes; and made one hundred anJ nresonied her husband with four children are heavy, and the injustice we labor onder . of Columbia whatever, and instruct our at one briih, end that thev are all' doing great, in consequence of the present unjust members In both branches of the state legis- relumed and reported the following resolu sixty thousand six hun-Jred and eight? U, ' llocattouvf our couilst yettltey oro small tn I latuieMouse theu umiost eadeavot u hlojis, wljicb ere unanimously adopted. J soten railesc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers