mm gpfiTRY. S5 so as. Fiom the Plncllcer'bobker? "1 i'tijs .::. w MAN. j thilmV.lhtt lofty thingl.,. .. " The nilacc and fhi '.hronr. YheH'renbn site, pcepitf jilting) T And breaililes aritljnilgmeht t'utiej Oh-l-wrwrfilh silent atep ahull trace 1 lie bolder or that haunted placet ..! 1 .1 , J j!a"ior in nis waaknesa own iThatmyatery and marvel bind That lofty thing, the human mind!, Thaihaman heart, that Teitlet Tfiingl Tnejemptet and the Irieil; The joyouc.yet inn suffer'uir, Tne;nurre uf pain am! ptiilr-; "The,gpTgrnnii.tliroifgefl, 'thrdean'late, -TiiP'Veat iithive. tlir lair uf hate; 8lf-iunp. -oelf iTriHrill Yet do we bleat thee as thou in, fT j-Thou reatfea tliinVtjthe! human lieart'i The human snuR thai atirillnr fliinir! -"Mytleriotif ami sublime! T, he angel sleeping mi the wing, Winn y theti'Affe of Time!' The ,beaunfiil.Ttlie:eilri!v the bound. The earth enslaved, the lory-orbwne d . The elrickeriinite primrt i'rom nearen in leara in earth It aioie ,-Th'at startling' thing, 'the human toull , p,JLnd. this ia Man! 'Ohl aak jrtf,1yiBHI'; ; The gifted anil foigiven, When p er Ma vision, dcir and dim, 'Thef wre-rka nf'tinti nr.. ,liivn. '"Can chain the tide or charm the hour, Or stand in place of heaven! 'lle bend, the brow, lie bows the ltnee Creator! Father! none but The! E r ii ... . .- . ;a leuow coming out oi a wern -one normng rather fuddled, fell upon the door- step, i rying io regain hia looting he te n-. . . . - - larked, 'If as the Bible aaya. the wicked- lUnd on alippery pUcet, I mutt belong Io a diffirent class, for it ia more than 1 cait I meant to have told you of that holci K -J ... - . . aiu an inonman to nis menu, wiio was v!king with him in hia garden, and alum lied into i pit full of water. 'Nn matter. id Pat blowing the mud and water out of Hia mouth, 'I've- found it.' he. clergy live by our tins, the doctor by r diceacea,and the lawyera by our follies. hat do printers lire on! echo anavreia half It ia eai4 that however well young ladies 7 he grammar, but very few of em can decline mn iSmg-uar Cast of Desptration.V e Tid the folluwing'alarining case of violence corded in the Si. Louis Ledger: 'Pete giai maKca you luoK so awlnU' Jake I'm iitated, and, unless mv spirits grow calmer l do aomething desperateI'll rush out tea'ra board, off ihe pig peul HQ"'! ?HriotUy.'i will, be observ. triat-the folloWfiig Vine will read both' Lewd-did I live evil I did dweL 1' in Irishman writing ! akelch of his life. s he early ran away from' hit. father lauie he diaecrered he waa onlv his un fit -Zl ' A " ' - IWhat can a'inan doTaa'iii a' oret-n nn Iterilay, '.vhen ihe , seen com- t' him wiih' a will in hi hand!' ply he remedy,' aajil ' another one My, ' . IRetnedyl What kind nf Wetling, remedy, ;you goose run like iasoningfor ruiting.'l m.usl call on rav?j Ihoughl' said the huiband, 'Vnu'dislik. ihatrs. Hravea' . fhf ao I do -I detest her: hut she haa !. l u i . - . .j. t norrioie tongue, It is best to k teep ihe rig hi aide of anch people.' K"Br&gn f'mtd.M.-For. the COut. Umhwater.- dyspepsia, exercise; eoin,-, muz "rviie,emppymeni, tnoih ly.M'&'tfon rheumaiism, new flaniiel baljence, debt,'r mat- wvj nn eiy conscience, par, the prin- Is, aaul a ynune- latlv. " ifjnthal atate of matrimony!' replied , . e(l.-,we r .0,n.Ervou win Sn aa that to bs odd of ph Inltad Slates,' XX OTfOB.u hereliy.giran, that hitters of.admln rJ titration dee, haya been granted tg th subicii ban, -on tho.-cstata of , i- "i JACOB WELLIRR, late orModlso'n township in thecuntr bICotumbi deceased. All persons, indebted to said estato are hereby, required to come forward without delay and acttle'their frtpective duci. 'J'hone having demands on satJ estate are requcKted to present their claims properly attested lor seillroteiit. MA USUAL G. SHOEMAKER JOHN OHMSWAN. Admrf, March 11, 184340. NOTICE. IS hereby 'given' thatu have purchased at consta we tale-as tlio pioperty ol Alattiew McHtmry, one cait shod Sled and kliort traces tili' toiicue chairis. .one log sled, one red cow, one red JieiU'cr.'olie two year old bull, one lialrow,'(me 'brown more, une gray hone, one windmill, 'tno setts'o liatnrsn, one mantle clock', six acrcs'of -rye in the ground, four acres nl nhcat in tire ground, -oi -cast plow, 'one lot of hav in the barn, one lui ofrve in the tarn and have left the same in l!s" during my .pleasaure ot.wmch the ..pulilic will take notice March 11, 1843 6. NOTICE. "WH hereby given tha. we have purchased ist con stable sale as the properly of Jotepli Sheep, one grry uiiic, unc mj unre, inree'cowa. one newer, two tecM. four heat ofyoung cattle, twelve sheep one hug, one tow and pitfs.'onc two horjo Trapriion and tied, one sleigh, two ploughs, one harrow, ono cultivator, two sen wagijons gears, One lot plougl gears, one sett of Haruesi, one aaddle, SC bushels of oats, of a stack of rye, one lot of Hay 10 bushels. potatoes.thrce fourths of twenty three acres ol grain in tne ground , and have left the same in hia posveaaioo during our pleasure of which the public wiil take notice. J.EVI DISEIi. 4JALEI1 THOMAS March 4th, 1843. CAUV30N. THE public are hereby notified 'that tne siiliscri bei loaned to Lawrence Good, of Monteur town ship, viz; otic red cow, one Ted and white cow,, one lirindle lieilTer. one two year old Lull,, une spotted bull calf, -one dearborn waggon, one cutting box and knife, and two scitsofhorce gears. Tho fore going properly was purchased by nre from John Uiousc, who purchased the Same at constable sale as tlie property. ol Lawrence Good. All persons are nereuy notllieu nolto intcrluc Willi the aaid property as it belongs to the, subscriber. . JOHN DI&TERICH. Me.rch4,l843-liS. CALL, AiVD SEE TS HE subscriber being desirous of closing business, now ofTi-ta to nis customers his as- surtuicnt of Ditjf Goods. Jikttl fefrocteiries HAltDWARB AND aVCBNSU'ARE. at reduced pilceS, being determined to aell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST Any persons wishing to commence buisness.will do well by calling on him before purchasing else where, as he will either sell or Item his store room and sell his roods, on reasonsblo terms, and fair credit. AlsOt, for sale by the subscriber THREE GOOD CANAL HO ATS, which he will dispose of as low aa any can be bought., uuukui; WEAVER, filoomsbufg Feb..l8th, 1843. NOTICE. I;5 hereby given thil We have putchnsed at con stable Bile as the property of John Dills, one gray orec And harness, one sorrel horse and harness. one two horse wason one sled two lumber uleds one cow, one plough, one harrow one finning mill, one cutting box and all ihe lumber at the mill, and saw logs, one clock rnd the grain in the ground two log chains and have left the same in his poseesslon during om pleasure. JOHN MICHAEL, PHlLlPfRlTfc. Feb. 28, 1843.-44. NOTICE. THE Subscribers purchased at Constable sale onthe.23d Jan. 1 843, the following sold the property of Jeflerson Moyerjin Ulooinsburgthe following property to vir: one Uureau, brisi mantle clock, one iron Kettle, wnich property we havd Jeft with said Jefleison Moyer, at our pleasure. k 1. U. RUPERT, E. C, UARTOWr Dloomiburg Jan., id, 1843. 40", NOTICE rs hereby given,' that I. have purchased as tha property of Michael Lemon, olle horse waggon, one, eighteen sheep, one mantis clock. nd have lelt the same in his possession during my pleasure, and hereby caution ill persons not to take it from him either by purchase or otherwise without my content. JONATHAN LEMON. Feb. 4, 1843. 41, NOTICE. THAT l have this Jv nouehtas the nrnnerlv of iiiariMi jiaricr, jr. jen sneep, one neier,.one plough one wagon, one harrow, one stove., one.cubboaro, one Grindstone, one small brass keille; three sells of horse harness, and otle bureao, all of which I haVe lcft vvilh himdunng my pleasure, of which the public will take notice. . THOMAS M.ENUENALL. February 4, 184341. NO Vh)E. That.I have purchased at CoiiMaMo sale as .the prope:t- ofDanIerceImcn ono three year old jiejC lei; iwn yeaning slrer;one wood aledjone fannlrlg mill; all the grain in the ground on the farm Tie pc cupjrsjixtern popar saw logs; one ahoat and hive let'j the jame iuhis posscsaion dyring ,my plaasure of wliich the public will take notice. JOHN YORKS. March 11, 184346. ' ' ' - NOTICE. TUB subscribers have purchased at constaMe sale, as Ihe propertVLorJesteMa ope Sled, one Sleigh, one set Harnesr, i haye oanfd,hlm Junnj our 'pleasur ;lha public will take notice,'' " ' 'nnrlKurVwi ir Sled, one Sleigh, one set Ha'rnesr, all of which- e a sure of which cor.EUiN x. Jaeanry, 99 1844 4 A HAVE just received 'AlargrJ. assortment of FAldj-AND WINTER GOODS of everyvaiictyAvhich.lhey Sid enabled to bffer'tb tho hUblica . little loner than than the cheapest for me HCinui uu uuiYfl, lUcft as cjtmt of, cotfS'fnv Pnomrca, the THOUSAND YEAR CREDIT SYSTEM haWng (rech llANUONED. Among their assortment of 5 Dry Goods msy he fotlnd all the" varieties of Engllsh.Frehch and-Amerlcili Manufactuirs of Wool, cottoh', silk, (lax and liempt aMong which la an. clrgnnt assort ment nf, fme.nnd Common Urcrad Clojllcs and Cassimcrtsi Battlnclsl t'otlon and Linqn Drill-. ing; Irish Linens; brown Hollands; Marst-iles and other yestings, 8lk Velvets: brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Calicoes) printed Lawns and; Muslins, Mnusline dc lalns) Challie.ij plain and fictired Silks; a, large variety nl silk, mnliair. and Merino Shawls and handkerchiefs. Lady's and Uetlcmen s uiovcs anu .inns, jiosiery; iiibbons, Gentlemen and Children a HATS, iic, he. CAPS tc, tic. Gerftle men's, uadiea and Children's BOOTS SHOES. Among their GROCERIES, will he found Sugar and Cutfrc of several kinds and quality imperial, xoung Hytoii, Hyson ekln. and Stiorischolig 'I'cas; Chocolate, Spices of all kindt Madeira, i'ort. Lihbon and Malcga Wiifts, Urandy, Holland Gin, ' Spirits, ' Rum, and Whiskey West India, New Orleans, 6'ngar House and Boston eyrup MOLASSES, HARD WARS, Knives and Forks, Cuttcrv Saddlerv. Coach and Waeon. trimniini'gand mouiitinirs. Mill and M.Vnl Saws, tenant saws. Saddler's, Shoemaker's, Tailor's and Carpentcia tools; Blacksmith's Anvils and Vices; Sweeping and a great variety of other brush; cs; all kinds of Ropes and Cordage &c. Ac, A large, and, elegant assarltnir.t of 'CJEIIffAt GLASS AND (Itiecnsware, CROCKEKY TTAHE. IRO Of all kinds by the Ton" or smaller quantity, Spring Steel, English blister, Crowley, Sheer and Cast steel, German' steel, and American blister, Nails and, Spikes, Large and small Copper Kittles, .yc. It is impossible to 'mention separately in an ad vertisement, all the articles which they have on and but the subscribers Wish it to be understood that their assortment has bcrn'Jaid n solely with a vie to supply tho wants of the country, and ihe re fore few will be disappointed who may call upon them to have their Individual wants supplied, pro vided they offer in exchange Ili6 "READY GO DOWN." W'lLLIAM McKELVY k Co. Bloomsburg.Nov. 10, 1S42. 30 If. New tme AND NEW GOODS. THE subscriners inform Iho public, ithat they have entered into Partnership, under the firm BITER & HEFFL3T and have unt received from Philadelphia, and now opened, at their NEW STORE, J'ortlmetlCor tttr at Market and Maine Streets, Jllommburs, an entire new and extensive ussomicnt of DRY GOODS, GHOOEMES,lIAni) WARE. CROCKERY, AND. QUEENSJI'K RE. .J-c., which they ofiVr for sale, on reasonable terms, as Jfheir prices are auitrd to Ihe times. Among their assortment will be found iJJrottticlptfi. ' Cusitnert$, Satmelts' pntf vaji'nits' kinds of -cloths Jor "mtn'p-. Sfitnnier wear Calicatv, Ging hams; L'ambrics) flltttlintf Silkut Muslin dctaney and vitrious other articles for Ladies' tresej Shawls) Silk and Cotton Ilandkerciitfs and lime; lit ached and Drown Domestic Muslins and a . variety of other articles suitable for the season and believed to be as' good and cnmslete'and assort ment'as U usally found in country1 store. fj-( OU SThY i'itODUC.E will be received in axrhange,nd' CASH will riot be refuted. purfriends". and tht public 'generaly, aro'requsil sj to call and examine' for themselves'. ' ' '-. JAOPUEYER. . - CHARLES ur.rhar. , t. Ciifrying Business. THE tubocritipr Ivnnl.l i 1110 public generally, that they hr.te ehtcrtd Into . ..W ... mvii iiiviiuo niiu tsoparimrtinp unutr the firm of kfor lhe purpose of carrying dn the. above, business ai ins om stand ol Uirttltan ShUnian, "OHKISTlAN SIIUMAN, JAMES Ti I'EflO. Reaver Valley Dei:., 31. 1842. ftf). , . A LL persons. Indblitt'd to me must . csiili iLf'!r utcuuiiis Dcioro me nrsi 01 March next. 1 UIlltlSTIAN SHUMAN. Bearer Valley", Dec. 3M842r b7Ia r 1 mi THE subscriber has for sale at his stoiein Wh'iit Hall " 50,000 LaP Sl'iriglea at the tow price of 93; per hundred, Inch Hoards, ice.. Sic, AI.SO-"(Tbe cetctirateif Giev Marc lately ntfhcd ALSO A General assotlmrnt er 'MmhnmMti. all of Which wiIMjc disposed of tu.sdit the, timeaJ IIUUKHTMcCAi. miitchall, Jan.7, 1843; EY12S TO THE jL UTmeri owiiea 01 JJ, A. JUJJJJIS. mm rai'hutTUIibl informs his friends, and Jsl'. ,tne nubile, generally, that he has just receiv d limn Philadelphia a.ncw and cxtcnsivo assort mcntof Pmssj ITIcdicines, Oils, Paints si - - ' oiiiccioltini'ics, &c. &c. which, in addition to his former slock. complete assorlrncpt of nrtitlesin hisliiie of business 'All persons' wishing rtb 'purchase any of the above articles,arc.pailicularly invited to call and price the ui.ii.ico in inn omrc oe.inrc, nuyinar clscuhcrcas lie is determined to sell as low, and' by a Utile Jewing, lawer.than can be bought ariv' where else In surrounuing, neighborhood. i iic ouuscrmcr considers it hardly necssary to - I'miiLuinr si no is comment thai no one ran comcnmisa bv enmiirini-fn rn. v.d uciuiiuif; n, b urugniore. , . ",crl,1B,us arm i-iiystcions will find it io ineir call and buy such articles af they may stand in need of, ai they shall be.accom modaled at a very low percentage. In few words all are respectfully invited tn'mll.- f ",,u juugcioi luemseivea. - . p -EPHIt AIM T.TIT7 ... .i :.. i r .l ... " r. ' Bloomsburg, July 1C, 1843. tf 39. BLANK BOOK TG4,corner of Walnut 4- Third streets HE subscribcis return their sincere, thanks to " v ineir incnus ior the lavors so liberally bektow- !"'" mu ut-,ii.aTc io assure inem that no efforts shall be wanting on their part Io merit a continuance of their patronage, both in reference to workmanship and cheapncka of price to' suit the times. .. It is highly advantageous to Gentlemen nnd In- iiiuuons naving i.n.raries, to apply direct to the liinder.'.making at least a saving "of MO tok20" per cent, and sometimes more. All descriptions of HinJing neatly executed. Gentlemen's Libraries fitted up an'd repaired, Mu sic and Periodical bound to pattern. Ladie'a scrap bookSl Albums and Portfolios, of all descriptions mini. ,n .lil-. , I r 1 ....ui. .u uinH, iimui iguono ior i.iirarics, Insti. luuons, oocietics, &c. on advantageous Terms. u rKU It tit) NOTARIES, REGIS I Kits. KUUOKHERS, SHERIFFS. MERCHANTS AND DANKS. They are nlso p'rcparcd Id manufacture BLA1T& "WOP.K o! every description, such as Dockets, Jteeqrtls DeedJIoohs. UaymBooht, Ledgers, Journals Memorandums, Chcck-Holls, &c. of the finest quality of Paper, (Robinson's' Ivory Surfaced) in a style equal to any madeiu jho Cities Df PJiiladel- pniaormw l ork, on the most reasonable.terms. Blsk Wont, Rolxd 'to Aivr Pattiiiit.'"' CLYDE & WILLIAMS. N. B. Old Books rebound with neatness and ucop'mcii, oibu r ncs oi j'apcrs. Harrisburg, March 26, 184S. mo. 48. All orders for Binding, or for blank books.left at una unite, mm ue lorwarueu, anu returned as soon as oompieica. U. WEBB, ertf; ADMINISTRA TOR'S NO tJceT "mrOTJOE is hereby given.that lettcra of ndmin 1 istration.&chavei.been granted to thesubscii bcr on the estate of THOMAS WELDONEH. late of T'sbing preek tp.,in the county of Columbia deceased, Alt persons judebted to said estate aro hereby required to come forward without delay and settle their respective dues. Those hnvimr m,,,, on said estate arercquested'to present their claihia pioptjny anesicu lor settlement. ' , . , AM.FELL0W3,a'n,V, Coltnnbus Lu. co. March 11, 184347. i NOTICE. rBtllhumlersignedpurchasedot Constable sale M. as me properly ol James Lemon one bureau onu clock, one spring calf, two shoats, four acres of wueai ininegrouna, two acres of rye in th ground itii mo tauin in nn. possession during my tilenuii, nf Uftii.K id. ....1.1! ...:n , ... - ,. m.v, .us jiuunc win piease take no tice. ' JONATHAN LEMON. March 11,1843 17. NUTtUS", IT- IS .hereby given, that n? purchased t com .i9ViuM.B as inc. property ol David, Cox, one bay ., (ufclH nurse geers, one 5 "j-one piow, one aIed,.on,e windinill1one J"?"1!' chSh fiSSn, and have jeft the, same in his possession during our pleasure, of which the puunc -wiii piease isae notice. ' ...''". PERR.AM!iJRlDE. t,v;K'If'.f.n.n. Xi.-.X il---.' i -i.'i I Vr ruHgoii, eicign uens, -r-.i r-;t "i'" mm wniie paper. J'lic.i ttk Uuflalo Robe.itwo 7'ables, two Stoves, corher culi- reached its third number, and, thus far, ihe r board and a nunbcr,pf articles two tedious to men- 1,11,1 has'proved tint the design of'puiiliih'imra'Mir inn. " ' 4 " JHnf (,f .iltmrln, lllo.j i " "' ' ' '"AND ""WWW "Young IAIjiks1 AiAoMneJ Isifie' title.of a new work pfiblislied bhrhonthly In Philadelphia, a the extremely lew prco,of ' , ONE DOLLAR A YEAR' ' ThbdesIgH of this work is to fdrnisfe, at a lorr rate; a.Miigailne wltich. lw rejardtf liteiarf, merit anil mechanical eicciition shall equal the best three' dolldt toagajlne. Each number, will contain' least forty eight (8 t,)( pages . of' readingmqttcr; isOTniBiiM iEtinsyiv:iE;c from the pens of the most ta'Ienled" male arid fcrna!' frriters'of theday. Orre 6rmore ' will be given In cash number, dri'd, also one of se ries. of ipleidid FLORAL ENGRAVINGSRICHLY COLORED. . ' .now'Jn rotirsi of prcparatinni decjuWly the' moat ...,.1.,..,i,ir.i .-iiiucinsiimeiiis ever given In "f7 L1,'1,6, ,n? or more pages of new ard pop. ular MUSIC, will beaten In' each number. It will be, printed upon new type, cast expressly for CICCU One Dollar A iTear, copld not but be successful, flnr .ni.... is-alrcad dotibfo that of .iny nnj Dollar Ladi'. magazine, wditnndrcds are added elich week. of.ktio'wn nnd acknowlcdsred talent i.hJV.. cured.- and the publishers ore determined to" spire no painv or expense m rendering the work every way wortny the patronago of the public. Fbrthccotivenjcnceofncli'lilinr.. ,l In r..:n. jatj;jniiiartce we will .end when remitted post Seven copies or,thc Wreath, one year, for tourcohies of tho Wreath and any three $G 00 S 00 S 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 16 00 itollarlMagailnc, Five copies ofthe Wrealh.and any I'hila. delplna Weekly 'aner. Fifteen copie of Iho Wreath, i en copies or the Wreath, and any three dollar iMaznzinc. ' ' ' , Ten cnpics.of the Wreath.and Spark's Life of Washiniiton, in Nos. Ten copies or the Wreath, and Scott's Novell, Ten copies ofthe Wreath and Dicken's (Ubx's) Works, 1 1'weuty copies of the AVreath, and any one of the above name! wuiks. Specimen Numbers furnished, if ordered posi pat a. Address DUE IV , SCAMMEI L, Pub, G7 South 'J'hird St. Philada. .Editors giving the above a few inrtinn. sending the Nos. containing it marked with ink, to the Publishes, shall recrive the work for one ycari (TVEdilors glvi'nir the above fiv inriinn. calling attention to it :ditorialti, shall receive in addition, the nineteenth volume ol the Knickerboe ker, commencing January, 184S, CHAIILE.V KAHLER, thankful for past favor respectfully announces to his nunerou friends, and tho public generally, that he still eon. tinucs to carry on lbs above busincssin all its vari ous branches, at his old stand on the corncr of Maine & East streets, where he hopes by his long experience in business, that he Is prepared to attend and executoall orders in his line of business, with the utmost punctuality and wormanliko manner, ma cannot fall to render satisfaction to all thopc who may favor him with a call. Particular attention paid to .cutting, and good fits warranted. N, U. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange foi work, and cash will not be refuted." JJloomsburg, Dec. 3, 1843, 32. , NEW TURNING " Establishment.. On' Fishing Creek, at Isaiah Coles Millt. Siigarloaf township. Col. co. THE subscriber informs the nubile ilm tie h.. put up a shop at Ibe above place, for the nurnosnnf turning waggon hubs, and all' kinds of wood work. Also, iron mill spindles and gudgeons, &c.,- atid copper and brass of every description, AU.-kinds of produce will be taken ir. payment, lut no credit given, . . - rwo or three journeymen, who understand ,n shing chairs and beadsteads willfiiid' employment. ... . UKMN oTKAIGHT. 14, 1843. 38, Ja. TRALLIST, For April Term. 1843: 1 Mary StrawbridffB va'Jen Pim.inn ' S John Cummins v John C. Lessig 3 Samuel Miller vs John Aujen's Adm. 4 John F. Mann et al vs Moses Moyer .5 Lhic Hoati ys jTJurd Patterson et al' 2 f,?' annv J"hn. S..C. Mirlin 7 Fledfcrlck Beats, Exc. ys Henry Fullmer 8 Francis Balls Adrrir's vsJohn Ithoada- " 0 John (Bovd VsGl-nrrrn Invin , . . 10 Nathan Collcir vs David Petrikin et al 1 1 Abraham Terwilliger vs Daniel Grcss !n ,fa!!. ES,,cr ct al a Cornelius Still 13 John T, Davis Vs Ashlinl it. UM 14 t'hailes Cnrtledge vs James Xtitv. bridge ' 15 Leonard Stoughlpn vs Clmrles F Mann. 10 Leonard Stoughton vs Benjamin PFrick 17 Archibald Voris vs t'larrhei A Bchcnck 18 J'he West Branch Bank vs Thomas Moare neauei al 10 Nicholas Kindt vsNahcv Rrihr 20 Llrazer SKinnev v Mn... 1U;U , 21 iGeorgc Cftdor va Thoman Cli-nl iprt f22 Jenry KeUerrs I'c'cr Shalhr , i iiunias uiuaic vs Joseph i'sxtoq et al 24 Simon "ndcrson' 'vs Nfrholas Cnl ' ' ' ''' 23 Jiilm Rosh vs lsse S Monroe ct al' - ' .? ' 20 William Wilson vs Corneli lid fim rrtatnn 27 Robert Montgbmery vs Dinicl S Momgora' ery Ext . . " 28 John La.e T Stuart, Diddle, I.oyd .ro, -w; 20 Geoige Mads et a vs,Tr)omas" Brandon 30 Jemes Lynd va Ellsha H Bigg's" ' ''M 31 James Lynd vs Eliaha" fliirrra 33 Susan Kline s William Itohn' ! 33 Alexander Mears vs Peter Kline, .34 John Jsrh'e va Thomaa'CliamKr. 8ft eary Yotks ts TboiaM CuuuWra I liou.atthc low prreof '