CORUESTlOJf. , Hating ieen, in iirioui papers' tote tnenl thai our neighbor, Mr. Gaylord, of Plymouth, had become a. convert to the doctrine!, of the Second Advent, as taught by Millet and others, and opened his store and given away his goods, we take the lib trtyj without consulting MrG., to say, that, whatever may be his opinions aa to religious matters, in Ilia business, he is, as he always has been, a careful and prudent man, and has not been guilty of any such torn. foolery as is imputed to him by the malicious or ignorant. And, morever, we deem this using of a man's name, to his evident detriment, mixing up his supposed belief with his secular business, Peculiarly reprehensible, and add, with pleasure, that any one who wishes (o trans act ordinary business with Mr. Henderson nulnriL will Grid him as clear minded, as mrrect and as cool al a bargain, as ho was weighs 376, and his four boys 052 pounds before Mtllensm had made some men, nail, making an aggregate of 1724 for the six. 'Nathaniel B. Eldred.Uiti of tie sixth judicial district, has been appointed by the Governor; to preside over the 13th district, composed nf the counties of Dau phin, Lebanon, Schuylkill, and the new county of Carbon, in place of Judge Blythe resigned. A New County. Tito Got. has sign ed (he bill erecting the new County of Carbon, out of parts of Northampton and Montoe. It includes the country about Mauch Chunk and a population of some eight or nine thousand inhabitants. A Weighty family. A man named Crispin, resides in Highland county, Ohio, who weigh! 390 pounds, his sister SHERIFFS 'BALE. WY virtue of a' writ bf fi. f. to me directcd.will be exDotvd to nubile rile, at the public house ol Ucorge W Abbst.ln Rehburff,on Monday the 10th day of April, 183, al 10 o'clock A. Al, tne loiiowing properly, vim A certain lot of land tttuate tn Green- wood township Columbia county, containing eight acres more or less, adjoining lands of Philip Kceie, Uenjamin Kester and others, whereon ts elected a fiatue house and frame stable. Seited, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Harmon Lemon. JOHN I-KUIT, ah'Jf, SiiERitr's Offick, Danville ? March 17, 1843. V and others vocate, malicious. Ifilkcsbarre Ad- The average pounds. wieght of each in 287i Convention in South Carolina.. A convention of the democrats in the sixth of Charleston district of South Carolina, ra held on the Mlh inst, to consider the nomination of b candidate for the Presi dency. An able report was made and several resolutions in accordance with it, were adopted. They insist that a conven tion should be, held as recommended by Kentucky, Maryland, and Michigan, m May, 1844; also that the delegates in euch convention should consist of the same number and be entitled to vote per capita ' for their respective candidates, as is pre scribed by the Constitution of the United, States, for the choice of a President. The meeting also nominated to ihe Convention, Mr. Calhoun as the candidate of Iheir first choice Professor Silliman is reported to have slated, durir.g a recent lecture in Bocton that in ihe course of a few years it would ha 9s common a thine to see persons one hundred years of age, as it is now to see those of seventy five years; and this proba ble result in favor of long life.he attributed to the temperance movements of the present dav. An Old Soldier. Micheal Hare, in old soldier of the Revolution, and the oldest man on the Pension Roll; died at Union township, Erie-counlv, on the 4ih ull, at the very advanced age of 116 years. He was honest, brave and patriotic. During the last year, over two hundred thousand barrels of flour were used by the manufactuters of New England, in making starch and sizing for their goods. Governor Dorr, it seems, has lost his residence in Providence, and has had hia name stricken from the list of voters. Store rents in New York are said to lower this year, than they have been many years back. be for Inhuman. A woman by the name of Eve Phinelee, livine in Lower Windsor township, York county destroyed her new born infant. It was found among the rocks I on the farm of Mr. Liclenknecht. She was immediately arrested and lodged in prision to await her trial. There is an excess of fivu thousand bachelors in Iowa.tmti there is consequent ly a demand for that many single ladies. YftY viriuo of sundry writs of poneas to me directed, will General Jackson was Wednesday. 7G years old on At Now Orleans, on the 1st inst, they had -erv cold weather, and a slight touch w - of a snow siorm. All through Suulh Car olina, on ihe 7lh instant, there was a fall of snow: it did not remain lone on the ground. The Baltimore Councils have appropria ted 810.000. to extend the Pnblic School system in that city. MAURIKD In Hemlock, on Thors dav last, by Rev. Win; II. Bourns, Mr, JOHN BITTGNBERDER to Miss REG1NA A.PPLLMAN, Daughter of Mr. Peter Appplcmun. jr; DIED In this town, on Wednesday last, Mrs. ELIZABETH HEARING, aged 84 years. In this place on Friday morning last: LEWIS, son of Lewis Measel.aE.ed 11 years. A hunter in Canada, who aimed al a noble dear, accidentally shot a valuable horse, and was obligsd to pay $200. O. A. Brownson is a self made man, and .t the ane of 17. was scarcely able to read 0 - or write the English language. NOTICE. IS heiehy given that we have purchased at consiahle sale as Ihe properly of George Dilts. one gray horse nnJ harness one soi re1 horse and harness, one two horse wa eon ane sled two lumber sleds one cow, one plough, one harrow one fanning mill, one culling hox anil all (lie lumber at trie null, and saw logs, one clock and the grain in the ground two log chains and have left the sumo in his possession during our plea sure. JOHN MIOHEAL. PHILIP FRITZ. A hog was recently butchered at Big Flat Chemung county N. Y. which weigh ed 835 lbs. Maine Fur TYarfe. The Portsmouth Journal fays, that Maine supplies more ifox skins than any other territory of equal extent in the world. Two years since, a TJew Trader went to Maine, and in less than fortnight returned again, with nineteen thousand fox skins, for which he paid about S25.000. It was stated that 40,000 foxes had been hilled in Maine that winter. A Handsome Present. A silver pitcher lias been present to Recorder Vaux of the ity ofPhiiadelphia.forthe intrepid exertions in bringing to justice the notorltons Mon roe Edwards. Uy the conviction in tni jreat swindler upwards of $40,000 were Te turned to it? lawful owners. We regret to learn the U. S. Sloop or "War, Concord, was wrecked in August 4ast, at cape Delgrado. near the river Liody, on ihe coast of Africa. The capiain and pniser, and one of the seamen belonging to the Concord were lost in attempting to land by tho swamping of the boat. The Sing Sing, N. Y. Stato Prison, rnntaius 77i malf, and 77 females jiris-oncis. PROCLAMATION. 'HURRAS, the Hon. CniitLT.s Dokaid, Presidentof the Court of Over und Jer miner and Gcnerl Jail Delivery, Court, of Quarter Sessions of the Pcacc.and Court of Commmi fleas anil Orphans Court in the eighth judicial district, composed of the counties of iSorthumberlam', Union. Columbia ami J.vcoroine; and tne lion. William Dmuldson and George Muclt, Re quite. Associate Judges in Columbia county .have issued their precept beaming dale the 2lst day of Jan. in tho year of our Lord one thousand fight hundred and forty-two.and to mc directed,for holding A Court of Over and Terminer, and Gen eral Jail Delivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court. IN DANVILLE, in tho County of Columbia, nn tho third Monday of April Atii, (being tho 17lh day) cud to contir.uo two weeks : Notice is therefore hereby given to me Coroner, the Justices of the Pence, and Con sluhlcs of the said county of Columbia. tba they lie. then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon nf said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those that are bound uy recogm zanies, to prosecute against tho prisoners that ate r may be in the Jail ot said county ot uolumbi; rue to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just, Jurors are requested tube punc tual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice', Dated at Danville, the. 10th day of Mitch, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three and in tho 67 year of the Independence of the United Slates of America. JOHN FIIUIT Shttff, Snxairr' Orrtcr, Bnvil!, March 10, 1843. J Venditioni Ex be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in Danville, on Monday the 17th day of April at ten o clock, A.M. the following property, vizi All the right title and interest the defea- ant has in h certain tract of land situate in Catta wissa township Columbia county, adjoining lands of Jacob Fox, and others, containing- One Hundred and ten Acres more or less, whereon is erected a LOO HOUSE and STAULE. ALbO, One Town Lot in the town of Cattawissa, situate on the North side of main street, adjoining a lot of Ju ivclvy and J'axton,wtiercon erected af i(MI3 UUUAE and Si AU lit.. ALSO, An one half lot of ground si uato in the town of Ualtawissa, on the East Jide of front street adjoin ing a lot of Lydia Hartman, whereon is elected a I'KAMU HOUSE and STABLE. ALSO, An one-half lot of ground situate in the town of Outtawifsaon the North side of main street, adjoin ing a lot of Hiram Philips, whereon is erected a FRAME STABLE and HOUSE. ALSO, An one lot of ground situate below the mouth of Cattawissa creek, ndjoing lands of Paxton and Fox whereon is erected a FRAME HOUSE. ALSO, An one acre Wood lot, on Loyds Hill. ALSO, All the right title and interest in a certain tract of land situate in Uattawissa township, col. co. adjoining lands of Jacob Fox and others.containing one hundred and leu acres rnoro or less, whereon is erected a LOG HOUSE and STABLE. ALSO, An one-half lot of ground situate in tho town Df Cattawissa on tho cast side of Front stioet adjoin ing lands of Ljdla Hartman whereon is erected a FRAME HOUSE and STABLE. ALSO, An one-half lot of ground situate in tho town of Cattawissa, on the North side of main street,adjoin lug a lot of,Hiram Philips, whereon is erected a FRAME STABLE and HOUSE. ' ALSO, An one aero lot of ground situate below the mouth of Cattawissa creek, adjoining lands of Paxton and Cox, whereon is erected a r liAiUE HOUSE. ALSO, An one aero Wood lot on Ldyd's Hill. " Seized taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of Christian A. Brobst. 'ALSO, certain tract of laud situate in Cattawissa township, col. co. containing Fifty acres moro or less, adjoining lands ot nidow Uleaver and John Weaver und others, whereon is erected a LUU HOUSE aid Bank Barn. Seized, taken in execu tion, and to be sold as the property of Daniel ilfou-rer. ALSO, A certain tract or parcel of land, situate up on the Susquehanna & Tioga Turnpike road and upon the east branch ol uriercrcck, about two and a half miles from tho town of Berwick, whereon is n FURNACE and a FOUNDRY, a Store hoii!,e. two dwelling houscs,s Wheelwright shop.and other buildings, and adjoining lands of S5. F. Headley, heirs of George Ucam deceased, and others, and containing about thirteen acres more or less. Also upon a certain olhcr tract or farm or lana situate upon said brunch of Briarcrcek and bounded on tho east by the county line between Columbia & Luzerne counties, upon tne south by lands of Ber nard Seihcrl, Nicholis Seibcrt, and S. F. Headley, upon tho wet by the aforesaid lot of thirteen acres, whereon Ihe turnaco and otner Dunmngs arc erected and by lands occupied by Hemy Trough, and on the north by other lands of the defendant and con taining about forty-five acres more or less, where on is n frsmc house, and a log house, a log stable, a good orchard, and other fruit trees, the land is nil improved. Also, a certain frame farm lot or tract of land situate upon said branch of Briarcreck and bounded south by the last aforesaid lot or farm of about forty-fivc acres, east by the county line of Luzerne and Columbia, and by lands of William Zahucr, north by lands of S. F. Headley, west by olhcr lands of tho defendant and containing ninety acres moro or less, whereon is a grist mill a large frame dwelling house a stable and an old saw mill, upon this tract there is about sixteen acres of im proved meadow land. Also, upon a lot containing one acre and six perches of land, bounded on the south by the aforesaid lot or farm of about forty five acres, upon the east by the aforesaid tract whereon the grist mill and saw mill is erected, upon the n trill and west by other lands of the defendant, beinira triangular lot of improved ground.but with- out buildings upon it- Also, upon a certain other lot, containing about four acres of land, more or Itfs, siluatn upon the south side of Summer fill, and bounded south by the aforesaid farm of forty fivo acres, and the said lot; of one acre and six per cho', east by the aforesaid grisi mill tract; north by other lands of defendant, west by lands occupi ed by Henry Trough, whereon is a frame dwelling house. Also, upon a certain other tract situate upon summer hill, and bounded cast by the afore said tracts whereon the grist mill and other build ings are eroded; north by lands of S. F. Headley, and other land of defendant, west by lands of J, Jacohy, YVm. Edwards and others, south by, the aforesaid lot; containing about four acres; and by other lands, and containing about ninety acres, part of which is improved, but without buildings. Also upon a certain triangular lot of uniinpiovcd land, situate upon Summer Hill, and bounded by the last aforesaid lract,upon the south east, and by lands of 8. F. Headley, on the north, and by lands af J. Jacoby, and others on the west, containing forty acres more or less, quantity unknown. Also, upon a certain tract of timber laud situate upon the Noith Mountain, sdjoininj lands of Jeie Bowman, 8, F, Headley, and others, tttrtJi 4tor iVO; la pursuant ef warrant laaued ut of lbs land office to Alexander Cochran, dated llllh July, 1 7 93, and containing 40 acres, 30 perches and allowance. Seized taken in eiccbtioii, and to be sold as lbs property of Thomas M'Nair, Ssmuel F. Headley. ALSO, The undivided one half of a certain lot of ground, situate in the town of Danville; Columbia county, numbered in the plan of said town, No. sixtv two. fiftv two feet on mill street, one hundred and fifty feet deep to an alley, adjoining lots of Thomas Clark, whereon is erected large buck and frame thice story tavern house, with frames stables and sheds. Seized taken in execution and to besold as Ihe property of George JV.Brown. ALSO, A certain lot of gtound in .the town of Danville Columbia county, situate on the east side of Pine street, and bounded on the north by an alley and adjoining lots of Thomas Loyd 4t Sharp less Taylor, whereon is erected a frame house. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Horning. V virtue of a writ of levari facias, tome direc- NOTICE. 18 hereby ilven tnat I have purefcated at table ills as tha property of Philip Dilts, ona nna nf VnV. (srnrrnnhlhu bh lied. OUR efOSS I saw, twelve barrels, a lot ot poplar plank, a lot - , , .,. , i tha ,n will lake notica. JOHN MICHLKR. March 2, 114348. 1 ll ted, will be expoied to public sale;at the same tune and place, aforesaid, the following property, viz: A certain messuage or tenement of nine-1 tv acres of land, situate in Madison township, Col. co. aud stato of Pennsylvania, beginning on a cor ner of land, surveyed for Thomas Moreth, and ad joining lands of Daniel Cromley, Michael Hilernan. Vincent itobins and others, together with all and singular the buildings, improvements, ways, woods waters, water courses, rights, liberties and apperle- nances, whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining and reversions rcmainders,reats issues and profit thereof. Seized; taken in execu tion, and to besold as the property of Paul Croni- Iick. JOHN FRUIT, Sh'ff. bnznirr s OmcE, Danville, 5 March 17, 1843. J Notice IS HEREBY GIVN. fTIU all legaatcc3, creditors and other person interested in the estates of the rtiapcctive de pendents and minors that tho administration and guardian accounts of the said estates have been filed in the Office of the Register of the county of Columbia and will be presented for the confirma tion and allowance to the Orphan's Court to be held at Danville, in and for tho county afuresaid,on Wednesday the 19th day of April text at S o'clock V. III. 1. The account of Charles F. ilfann Administra tor of the estate ot J esse Koberts late of ilifllin tp, deceased. 2. The account of Enos Lcidy Administrator of the estate ot Catharine Adams late of liner creek township deceased 3. The account of Ezra S, Hayhurst Adminis trator of the estate of Er Harder lato of Cattawissa township deceased. 4. The account of Ezra S. Hayhurst Adminis trator of the estato of John Stevenson, lato of Cat tawissa township deceased. Tho account of Thomas C Robinson one of tho executors of the last will and tcstamentof Tho mas Robinson late of Dcrry tp. deceased. CHARLES OONNEU.Register. Register's OfHcs, Danville, ? ilarch 17, 5843. $ lilST OF JURORS, Grand Jury for April Term 1843. Briar Creek John Workheiper Bloom Oved Uvcrett, Jacob Melliek Cattawissa Jacob Snyder, Rudolph Shuman, John Chaver, Peter Bodinc Fishing creek Moses MVenry, Samuel Peeler, Hemlock John Uhl Liberty Frederick Blue; William Campbell. Isaac UulicK Limestone- John Flood Madison Thomas K Funston, Jacob Sheet Mahoning William Bichley, John Mourcr, John Lundy, David Koberts Mifflin Gabriel Lutz Vranec Samuel 'Jheinhart, John Kcim Roaring crttk John Daily. Traverse Jury 1st week. Briar creek William Hayroan, Mordecai Jack son, Uenry Knorr Bloom Samuel Kressler, Samuel Melick, Stu art Pierce Cattatvissa John Fithcr Dcrry Robert Clark, William Etlis, John Springer Fishing ererk William Ikeler Greenwood Joseph Long Hemlock Jacob .jfarris Jackson William Turner Liberty Robert Butler, James Madden Limestone David Dvei i'amuel Oaks Maditon William Barber, Jonas Krum, John Welhver. Mahoninz William W. Cook, John Deen jr, Sewell Gibbs,Samuel Gulick,John P. Grovcs.Jacob K. 1 rego Mifflin William Kelchncr Orange Jonas Kisner, George 7armsn Roaring creek Joseph B. Cleaver, Reuben Fohringer, Zftnanncl Kcarns, Alexander Mern, Sugar Loaf John M' henry, Reuben Davis Traverse Jury for 2d IFeck. Briar Creek James Evans, Josiah Evans. John Connor, William Adams. Bloom Georce Kressler, John Bitten hender Juhr. Melliek, Cyrus Barton, Joseph Hendeishot Mahlnn llamblin, Cattawissa Michael Brobst, John Lowe, Derru John Smith, Gideon Bnbb. Fishing Creek James Edgar Isaso T, Rohbins Greenwood William Eves. Hemlock James Emmett, John Dries- baurh. Limestone Abraham German. Mudison Willian Dtluine, Unry Zeisloft, Adam Heller, John Best, David Kisner, Mount Pleasant Andrew Mellick.James Grimes. Orange George Whitmeyer.Jesse Cole man. Roaring Creek John William Dtvis Sugar Zoo Thomas Mendenhall Elijah Follmer, James Hess, John Lauf bach. Valhy Jam,?: Lidy. NOTWB. i ri mi- nan TiiirriiBn or r-i uiei n iiih snin urn via en, one black ,co, one culver plow, one narrow.on; an Dcrei di wucni in iuc ciuuiiu. mice uuu. u ... in tne grounu, two nogs, one log sieu.onouox um. oue grind stone, two log chains, one large tror- kettle, one Loom, and have left the tame in m. ... . ..,-t. . t. - ,.!(, win, take notice. 1L P. WELLIVIR. March 25, 1843-48. U t PUBLIC SALE i, IN pursuance of an ntdarof the Orfman'. . Court of Columbia County; on U Saturdau tle 15(7. day of April, ten o'clock in the forenoon, Willi. ; J. .Ikeler, admlitlstator, &c, of JACO ' ALE, late of Mount Pleasant Township in Columbia county, adjoining lands f! Daniel Force, Daniel M'Carty, Edwara Cavence and William Ikeler, containing 1 02 ACRES & 103 Perchesjf of laud, about FORTY FIVE, acres 1 which is cleared land, but no huitdinifs.tau the Estate of said deceased, situate in thk township of Mount Plessnt and cotintp aforesaid. JACOB ERERLY.CfcrA, Danville March lGih, 1843; r Bloomsburg Academy THE undersigned tenders his thanks for tl patronage he has received, and hopes to met a continuance, bv a diligent attention to his du as an instructor of youth. He would, inform parerr and guardians, that the next term will comment on the first Monday in April; and as an entire nt, arrangement will be made with tho woul be very ilcsmble, that all who propose sending w commence at, or is near that time as possible. A infant school will be opened in one of the apai ments, if a sufficient number should offer, comp tent tcacheis will be provided for each departmej of tho school; in order that all who apply for ad mi .utiuuu iiiuiivuvg u. mi unit"" cuuvami. together wim tne urcek and Koman classicks wt be taught, and the moral department of the pupi' particularly attended to. The government of tl school will be strht. but mild 'and narcntal. 'I avoid misunderstanding, the prices of tuition w be from one to five dollars per quarter ol twcl weeks. From the experience of many years ae teacher, the undersigned is well convinced, that ii provrment is more rapid, when the pupils arc gt, ded according to their proficiency, and the numb; in each department limited. I SKIM, I, IIII.I.'M March 18, 1843r-47. V Triumphant Success; And a new discovery in the Newspap Business. A most important and invaluable discovery h been made by a gentleman of this city, by win newspapers may be priuted in their present for' and, at tho same time, capable of being convert; at pleasure, into a Magazine form, for preservatir I his grand improvement, which is destined form a new era in the business, effecting an entl revolution in the art of printing mammoth newsf pcrs will be introduced, by permission of the f1 tentcc, into the Philadelphia Saturday Museu1 commencing in May next. In announcing to the' friends of the newspat press throughout the country a discovery, whi will add so immensely to the value of newspape the publishers of the Saturday Museum, have, al the proud satisfaction of announcing tho comp and triumphant success of their new Family net paper. Tho liberal patronage already secured this new and popular enterprise, has not only si passeu mo most sanguine expectations, but is tirely unprecedented IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MUSEUM The Museum' is now so fairly and firmly tablishcd, that we feel warranted in making so, very extensive and important improvements, the first of May, we shall have completed all arrangement),. We shall have in the first place beautiful, clear and bold type in the second superb smooth and white paper in the third pV we shall make an ingenious undnovp change the arrangement uf the matter in the fourth pi; we shall incicasc our corps of rontribulitorg in all various.deparimenls of a Family Newspaper the filth place, we have secured, at a hinh sala tho services of .Kooin A. I'ok, Csq., agent'eir"" whose high and versatile abilltida hate aliv spoken premptly foi themselves, and who, ufier lint of May, will aid us In the edltojul conduc the journal. 1 he 'iNaraliveo: lownsend s Jouiney over Rocky Mountains,' one of the most intt'rcstiiiR t valuable ever publisned; is sent to all new' sti- iers. At its co;iclusion;our readers will find t lit ,' selves in possession of u work which alone will worth double the subscription to the paper. ' shall continue, also, of course, the ilingrsph ' Sketches and Portraits, which are now exciting unexampled an intctcst. With thrso and other I tures contlnued.and with tho improvements in' c temptation, it remains to be seen whether v,e do amply fulfil our determination of making, tho v best newspaper in America. Persons wishing to secure sli thousand larst u i ui uaciu,, imcicakiug, 4113 utieXCCpilp, ble reading for the select family circle, for the si) sum of Two Dollars per year being at tho as) ishingly h w rate of thirty pages forone rent, r quivahnt to one hundred and twenty pAge cents should hand their name In n"' . ioi TERMS. Two Dollars per r .r. pies for Five Dollars, or Six' uuru. Thre Dollars, ts tho extra hi'1' '' copies for Tw 1 lor ciuucmg. -w.t, gucreu at pM , Offi-f,, '"0".0. CLARKE 40c o. 10
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers