The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 18, 1843, Image 3

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The Old Racer Eclipst.Tt gallant
old horse, aya ihe N'rY. 4 Spirit- of Iho
Timet, has now attained the age of twenty
nine, having been nine years old when he
against Henry in'their memorable contest
fur iho Championship of the American
Turf. An old turfman who lately,. saw
him for the first time, remarked that he
was, all things considered, the finest hotso
he ever flaw
A Short Courtship.' A gentleman of
S&"'J5 years of age, named Bakerly, saw for the
first time, in Baltimore on Saturday, even-
ing last, a young lady of 20, named. Mary
Granly, became smitten, poped the ques
tion, and was married the same night. Quick
work that.
Young in Sin. A letter from Stulgarl,
Germany, states that the Oour ltoyale, of
the Black Forest, sitting at Oberno:ff, has
just been engaged in the trial of a boy
etercn and a half years old named ScheiTer,
for having, in six months, made 32 attempts
at incendafrism, in five of winch he sue
ceeded, and of which cnusad the destruc
lion' of 30 houses, valued with their con
tents, 170, OOOfl. (442 OOOf.) He was
sentenced to be confined for twelve years
Anti-MaUhutiah. Cloucester county,
New Jersey, lakes the lead. On Thursday
week, Ihe wife of James Devault, residing
near Billingsport; was' safely delivered, of
three female children, all of whom are
live and doing well. This is said lb be the
fourth instance which has occurred within
ten years in that county.
The Miller Tcmpc,- The Washington
tans" of Boston, arc about to take possession
of that great Miller Temple, recently erect
ed in that city. The change will be very
much for the better. The, preachings thai
will-be heard there will now be of some
benefit to the public.
UnusuoA. The' Marengo Patriot gives
an account of a man's being frozen to death
about five miles Demopolis. This is quite
an uuusual occurrence in South Alabama
His name was Amos. It is stated that Sir
was somewhat addicted to strong drink.
A New York paper announces that a
L -double suit for breach of marriage promise
is shortly to come off in that city.
husband and wife but recently married, arc
the defendants, The husband is sued by a
pretty young country girl, ard the bride
who was a widow, by somebody else of
-the other sex. There is no mistake abou
the community of interest between this
A single establishment in Ohio manufac
tures silk to the amount of one thousand
dollars per month, and advertises to pay
iout dollars a bushel fui all the cocoon whic
may be offered.
A pair of fine Durham short horned oxen
were sold at our. ion reenntly in Boston; for
'150. They belonged to II. C. Meriam
-of Tewksburg.
The'first Ecclesiastical Church in New
Haven, under the pastoral charge of Rev
Leonard Bacon, contributed la's l year more
than one fifth part of the whole income o
Jloard sf Foreign Missions. The aggre
-gate contributions of the church alone for
-.benevolent objects amounted to more than
.Another 'Tea Parly' Hero Gone,
Jloiiah 'Ward died lately, at Lorian Ohio
lie was, says the Buffalo Courior, one of
the. last of, that Bravo band who assiste
in the destruction of tho tea in Boston
Harbor. Ho served his country through
the whole Revolution with fidelity. After
:t.he '.Revolution wa over, he settled daw
upon a farm, Fot forty years before hi
death he was a good, Christian and an hon
sl citizen.
Mr Kendall: in one' of ;his , sketches
la(e that at the town o( Jerral, in Mexico.
'here is an immense slaughter house, where
ouiethlng like one thousand sheep are
billed daily, for their hide ami tallow.
Mr. Kendall says thnt cakes of soap are
nr.etiines used for currency in Mexico
One of bin c,ompanio3S had 04 cakes tjed u
Ji) a handkerchief, returned to him by way
f th'atige'for i dollar. , , , ,
Wakefield,,, the farm In Westmoreland
county Virginia, on which General Wash
ington was born Ts offe'rVd for sale.
Elititi Burritt, called the teamed black-
tnijh, who is at this time master of more
than fifty different languages, says that
when he fust formed a determination to
becomo acquainted with books, being an
pprentice at the timo to his trade, he
earned one. day by extra labor a quarter of
dollar, and with this in his pocket, ho
walked iitteen miles at niglit, bought s
Latin grammar, walked fifteen miles back,
nd was at his work the next raornina at
is usual lime,
The paragraph wo quote below, tells us
that it is not unusual that a light should be
een in the western part of the horiznt:at
this season of the year, and which so'ne'
good people in our neighborhood, have man
aged to persuade themselves, is a "marvellr
one piodigy." We extract from the Carlisle
The Zodidcal Light.Ti phenome
non which appears occasionally at all sea
sons, but which wc believe, is more apt to
be noticed during the month of March than
al any other season ol the year; has been
visible lor several evenings past, in the
western horizon. ! It is a faint light, either
immediately preceding the morning or fol-
owing, the eve?ini .twiliEat.a8cendlnefrdm
. t - - . I . . r " l I
we sun in a uiancuiar lorm, anu reseinDies
some.what the huge tail of a Comet.
Lefevre, the infamous seducer of a young
ady in Pennsylvania, belonging to a con
gregation over whicli ho professed to be
l'aitor, it seems was not,a Minister of the
Gospel. He was some lime since expelled
Iroin the Association, of Ministers,, and that
bod) at the same- lime published a card
wanjing the public against him as. a wicked
and dangerous man:
Pruni ng Ft uil 'Trees. It found
upon experiment, that a wound made on a
tree in March or April will look black as
soon' as the sap uhgins Hi" flow', alVd llial the
sap , will ooze out until Ihe leaves have 'put
out so as to. receive it; yhilo a .wound made
made in June will remain while and imme
diately commence" healing. AV.1 a tree 'thai
h.ib been broken bv bems loaded wiih'fiiui
or otherwise, w iile the' tree is green with
foliage, the wound will look while and the
wood remain sound, while one broken in
the win'er by' snow, dr from' other cause
will look black and irrcline to decay.
It has been mv humble, lot .to. spend tin
most of my lime in the spring and forepart
ot the summer in engrafting and priming
fruit trees, and my experience goes to prote
that the best time foi pruning is when
Ihe leaves are full grown," and the tree is in
a vigorous and ciowinc Btatc. Ftr at this
season, when the sop lias been spent in the
foliage, and the pores' of the wood are filled
so that when tho limb is taken off, the un
and warm weather will dry the end of the
limb and close the pores of the wood against
the weather, and the sap will keep the limb
alive to the very end, and the healing will
be perceived immediately. Hasten Culti
vat or.
The Senate of Ohio have passed a bill
fixing the legal rate of inteiest at 7 per
MARRIED. By John Hendrickson.Eeq
on Ihe 2d inst, Mr JAMES BLACK, to
Miss MARY CARTER, all of Derry town
ship, Col. co.
On the Dili inst by the Rev. William
J-Ever. Mr JACOB SHUMAN. ir. 'of
Cattawissa, to Miss REBECCA MILLER
of Mi ill in.
On the same day, by the same' Mr
township, to Miss. HANNAH BITTEN
BENDER, of Hemlock.
Bloomstmrg Academy
THE undersigned tenders his thanks for the
patronage ho has received, and hppes to merit
a continuance, ly a uiugcni attention to ins uuty
as an instructor of youth. Ho would inform parents
and guardians, that the next term will commence
on the first Monday In April; and as an entire new
arrangement will be made with tho.classc,it would
bo Very tWiriMc. that all who propose seniliug will
commence at, or s'near that time ns possible. An
infant school will bo opened in one of tho apatt
ments, if n.suJTiciontflumVet should, jiffer, compe
tent tfacEeUyill be.provided for. each department
of the tKhooIjjnorde that all who apply for admis
sion inay.bc.accommodatcd,' .. .
The "v(riqus'"iranchci of ani English education
together with the Greek and Koman classicks will
be taught, and thenu)rjl department of the pupils
parlicillaily attended to. The government, pf the
school wili bo ttri':l, but mild and parental. To
avoid misunderstanding, tho prices of tuition will
ho from ono to five dollars per quarter ot tnclvo
weeks. Kroni .the experience of many years us a
tesi-hcr, ibe undersigned is well convinced, that im
pruvrmcnt is more rapid, when tho pupils ate gra
do. according lo t'neir pfqficiency, and Ihe number
in department limited.
jusut'ii u. uiitiuo, rnucipai...
March 18, 1813.-47.
INIpursuauce of an order of the Orpnan's
Court . of Columbia Oountyj on
Saturday the lfjA day of April, ten o'.clock in the forcnepn, William
3'. Ikeler,. admiiiisiator, &6., of JACOB
ALE, late of Mount Pleasant Township,
in Columbia county, adjoining lands of
Daniel Foiee, Daniel M'Corty, Edward
Caveuce and Wilfiam Ikeler, containing
92 ACRES & 10 Pcrc1s.
of land, about FORTY FIVE, acres .of
which is cleared land, but no buildings.lale
the Estate of said deceased, situate, in . the
townehipiof Mount Plesant and. county
Danville March 10th, 1843;
NOTICE is hereby givcn;tha letters bf admin
istration, oVc havo been granted to tHesubscti-'
bor on tho estate of
late of Fishing creek tp.,in tho county of Columbia
deceased. All persons indebted to said estate nrb;
hereby required to come forward without delav and.
ecttlo their respective dues. Those having demands
on said estate aro requested to present their claims
properlyatjested for settlement. . ST'.?. Z &
A. M. FEIiLT) VS, Adni'r.
Colurabns.Ilui. co. lMarcH. 11, 184&A-47. p.
THE undersigned purchased 4 Constable 'sale
as the property of James Lemon one bureau
ono. clock, oncpring calf, two shontsi four acres of
wheat in the "ground,-two acres of ry'c'in'th'e ground
Sc have left the same in his possession during my
pleasure) M-which the pubbc.wiH'pleaeo take no
li. V,la.''..-' -J w:-.
, . ' . .4 ' ? . , ' , JON ATHAN IiEMON.
March 11,-1813. 47.
IS'hereby" giT'cnTtliat' we have purchased at con.
stable sale as. tho-property of Davil,.box, '.orio bay
uiuic, one sorrui marc, iwo sens Horse geers, gnc
cow and ;alf, on,e plow, one sled, one
mantle clock, one waggon, and have left the same
in nis possession Uormg our pleasure, 'of which tho
public will please take notice. ' ' '
March 11, 184347,
Triumphant Sucoefiis.
And anew discovery, in. (tie. Newspaper
Business. ' '
A most important and invaluable dieovcry has
bren tnade by a genticimn of .this' city, by which
newspapers may be, printed in their present form,
und:at tha.samc time,. capable of being' converted
at pleasure, into a Magazine form, for preservation.
This grand improvement, which is destined to
forma new cra in the busines') effecting an entire
revolution in the art of printing mammoth newspa
pers wijl be introduced, J,y. permission of tho pa
teiitec, into the Philadelphia Saturday Museum,
commencing in May next.
In announcing to the friend? of the newspaper
pre ss.throughout tbo, country a tlbcoTcry, which
wili add so immensely to tha value "of newspapers,
the publishers of the' Saturday Museum, hae, also,
the" proud satisfaction of announcingHhe complete
and triumphant puccess of their new Family news
paper. The libp ral patronage already secured for
this new and popular'cnlernriso. lias not nnlu ,,.
passed the mojt sanguine expectations, but is cn-
iitviy miprcccucmcu.
The Museum' is now no fairly and firmly es
tablished, that we feci warranted in making some
very extensive anu important improvements. JJv
the first of May, wo shall have completed all our
arrangements. Wo shall have in the first place, a
beautitul, clear and bold type in the second, a
supcrirsmootn anu wiuto paper in the tbirdpVic
wo shall make an ingenious and novc chance in
the arrangement of iho matter in. the fourth nlace
wo shall increase our corps of contribulitora in all tho
various departments of a Family Newspaper in
the hull place, we have secured, at a high salary,
tho services of Kdoak A. for., Esn., a gentleman
whose high and versatile abihtio? have always
spokin premptly fot themselves, and who, ufter the
first of May, will aid us in the editoiial conduct of
the journal.
The 'Narotiveof Townsend's Journey over the
Rocky Mountains,' one of tho niokt interesting and
valuable ever published, is sent lo all nciv subscri
Acrs. At its conclusion.our readers will' find them.
selves in possession of a- work which alone will bo
worth double the subscription to tho paper. W'c
shall continue, also, of course, the 'Biographical
QKcicncs anu t-onruiw, wnicn aro now. exciting so
unexampled an intcicst. With these and other, fea
tures continued, and" wiih tho imnrovejnentd in "con.
tctnplalion, it remains to bo seen whether we do not
amply tulUl our determination of making tho very
i . . : a . r
Persons wishing to secure six thousand large oc
tavo, pages of useful, interesting, and unexceptiona
ble reading for the select family circle, for tbo small
sum of Two Dollars per year beine at tho atton.
Ishingly li w.rate of thirty paeij for.ono.cerit, r.c-,
quivaUnt to ono hundred and twenty pages for four.
cents siiouiu nana tneir names in now.
TERMS, Two Dollars per .annum. Three co-
pics for Five Dollars.-or Sixteen .copies for Twenty
Dollars', Is the extra inducement offered at present
lor ciuDomg.
Office of tho .Saturday, Musouin, Publishers' Hall
No. 101 Uhcsaut Street, Philadelphia.
IS hereby given( to all concerned, that wc heti
this day purchased, at Constable sale, as the prop
erty ot Joseph J nomas, ono lot taw logs, ono two
horse wagon, one plough, ono sled, ono
lotofwhoat in the barn, one lot rye in the. barn.
one lot hay in the.iarn, one stack hay, nine acies
rye in the ground, three holes potatoes, four .hep
swarmsi two lots npplctress, 'one wind mill, one
cutting box, one grind stone; three hogs, ono lot of
flax, one lot clover seed, one lotbucknheat.nnu log
sled, ono lot trees, two srtls harness, one log chain,
one lot maple i,miucr. one'eow, one kettle, one bu
icau, ono cubboard, ono loom, tivo and a half acres
wheat in tho ground, and have left the gamp .in his
possession dunng our pleasure of with the public.
will lake notice.
.? . . . J. N. it h.D. THOMAS.
February 4, 1843. 41. .p.
, Kotiqe. T
rtpO ainegaatces, crcditols dfid other ; person
JL interested in tho cslates, of ,tJio riispcctive do
cendents and minors that tho adminlstratiori and.
guardian accounts of' the said estates' have been
filed in the Office of tho Iteglstor of iKocdunty of
vvjuiiinia uuu win. uo urcsemcu lor me conurma-
lion and allowance. to tho Orphan's Court to bo
held at Danville, lit and for tho county aforcsaid,on
w.eunesuay tlie l yiu day or April lext at,!J o clock
V. Thd account of Charles F. Mann Admfntstra.
tor bflbocstatcof Jeijo'llobeitslateof iVIfilin tp,
2.' The account of Enos Lcidv Administrator of
the 'estate of Catharine-Adams late of Drier cicek
township deceased.; . , .
J. Iho account of Ezra S. Havhurst Admin's-
traibr of the estate of Er Harder late of Cattawissa''
township deceased.
,4.. Tho account of Ezra S. Hayhurst Adminis-,
trator of the tstato of John Stevenson, late of Cat
tavJissa.townshij, deceased, . , . . i
. ,Tho account, ot Thomas C Robinson ono of.
the executors of tho last' will and testament of Tho-
ma's Robinson late of Dcrry'tp. deceased.' '. '
RioiaTKn's OfficE, Danville. i
" 'ilarch 17, 1843. 5 ' ' ' '
1 TIllAL LIST, 'I """
For AprilTcrm, 1843.
''1 Mary Strawbridge vs' Jesse 'FunstoYi ''r""
. 3 John Cumtnin:cfal vs John Ci.Lci.tig .',:
3 Samuel Mijler ys.John Autcn's Admrs.
' 4 John F. Mannct al va Moses Moyer ' " ' "
'5 llanlel Hoati -vs Bati Patterson ctjnl ' i.'
6 John F. Mannvg John S. C. Mir tin
7 Frederick Deats, Exc vs Henry Follmcr
8 Francis Ualls'A'dmVs'vslolin Uhoads
9 John C Iloyd'.vs George) I twin
10 Nathan Qollelr vs David Pctrikin ct al
,11 AbrahSm'Tor'willig'ef'vs'DanielGto'ss'-"
13 Josiah Egbert ct ol vs,pornclius;S.tll). ltl1
13 John T. Davis, vsAshbel H, Vibon;et al
14 Charles Cartledge vs James ritrawhridge' i"'
;15' Leopard Stoughton vs.Charlcs'F Mann,: : ' (
10, Leonard Slpughton ys Benjamin UFrick
17 Archibald Voris vs (;iarrissa,A''Sch'dnck ' ' 1 '
18 Thc West Branch, Bank vs 'Thomas' Mqorc-
, hcadetal '
19 Nicholas 'Kindt ys Nancy Rohr
30 !EIcazer SKinncy1 vs Moses DavU''el-al ' ' ' '
21 .George Codor vs. Thomas Chambers' i ; .. -i
ienry Keiservs Peter challcr
23 Thomas' Diddlo vs" Joseph l'astdn
ret 'al
24. Simon nderron vs .Nicholas "CdU
25 John Ross vs Isaac S Afonroe ct al
2fS William Wilson va (jorneliiiA Gmrelson
27 'Robert Montgomery va' Djnicl 'S 'Monlgobil
. cry i.x.( j in .
E8 John Case' is Stuart, Bidil?,,Loyd & co.
29 Ge&igc' M'aus ct at vs Thomas llfalidon
00 James Lynd is Elisha H Biggs ;
,31 James Lypd vs Elisha ,,ijggi ,.,
'32 Suaan Kline vs William Ubhn'
33 Alexander Mears vs'Peter ltllno -
34 John H James ys -Thomas Chambers , .
35 fenry Voiks vs Thomas Chambers
Grand Jury for Apr,il.Terrn. ,1843.
Briar Creek John Workhcitcr , t. f
Bloom Oved .Everett, Jacob Mcllick
Cattawissa Jacob Snyder, Rudolph Shumani'
John Cli aver, Peter lioiline ,
l umns crtelc Moses M ycnry, Samuel, Fooler.
Hcmloils. John Ohl ' " " 'r--
Liberty Frederick Blue: William Campbell.
Isaac Gulick , - ,
' Limestone- John Flood
Madison Thoina'si Funstoni Jacob Sheer
Mahoning William Bickley. John ,vMourcr
John l,uudy, Uavfd Roberts ,
Mifflin Gabriel l.utz
Orange, Samuel heinhart, John Kcim r ,
ltoaring creek John Daily. t
, Traverse Jury 1st week. . :
Briar creek William Hayroan,,Mordecai Jack-
non, Henry Knorr
Bloom oamucl Kressler.-oamuel Mehck, Stu
art Picrco. i ; .. ,
Cattaims&a John Fishei
Derhi Robert Clark, William Ellis," John
Springer -
! lining crtrH William lUcler
Greenwood Joseph Long
Hemlock Jacob i.trrjs '
Jackson William Turner . '.
Liberty Robert.Butler, James Madden
Limestone David Dye, Samuel Oaks
MadUon William Barber, Jonas Krum, John
Mahoning William W.-Cook, John' Deen.jr.
Sewcll Gibbs.Sainucl Gulick. John P. GrovesJacoh
lC. Trego
Mifflin William Kelchner
, Prance Jonas Kisner, .Georgo farmen
Roaring creek Joseph B. Cleaver, Reuben
Fahringcr, Umanncl Kearns, Alexander' Meirs.
, Sugar Loufiolm M'hcnry, Reuben, Davis
Traverse Jury for '2d Week.
Briar Creek James Evans, Josiah
Evans, John Connor, William Adams.
Bloom George Kressler, .Jphn Bitten
bender Joljr, tSellick,Cyri)s Barton, Joseph
Hentleishoi Mahlon Hamblin, , .
Cattawissa-' Michael Brpbst, John
1Vqvp, ,
Jierry John .Smith. Giileon JJobb, ,
Fishing Creek James Edgar Isaac T.
Greenwood William Eves.
i'efiof--Jaines,Einineltl John Dries
bauc), . -
, Limestone Abrajianj German. , ,
, '4ft3Qn Wiljign .Didine, Henry
Zeisoft, Adam, Heller, John Best, David
Ki?ncr, . , -. . . v ,
Mount Pleasant Andrew iMellick.Janies
. , . -, '
-George-WIuirrieyci.Jesse Cole
Roaring 6VfcJohnTeager,sr. William
Divis- . - . . ,
Sugar Loaf Thomas . Mendenhall
RIij'kIi Folldier, lames ' Hess, John Lau,
bach. i , . ji,. .
Valley James Leidv. ' , ;. ,. , ,
"THE subscriber have purchased at cppstable
tale, as the property of Jcssq l,Mojtr, one. I ay Mare,
ona Sled, one cdcich, oiia set Harness, all of which
Vve have loaned hhn dunng our pleasure of which
the public will take noticn.
January, 58 1813 40,
TfcJOTlCE is hereby.givenjthal letters of admin
JL htration &e.1'h4ve'becn'gTanted to tho aubscri
bewwtftoMtttttrof" ' ""
' Jacob wel'Liver'i
lato of Madison township in the county of Columbia
deceased. All persons indebted lo said cfctatoMd
hereby required to come forw ard without delay and
settlehhcir respective dues. Those having demands
on said estate are requested to present Ibeir claim
properly attested for settlement.
March It, 1843 4G.
IS herety given that 1 have1 fiu.rchaseil at constat
ble sale as the rtppcrfy, of Mathew McHenfy, one
cast shod Med and -short traces and' tongue clia'iis,
ono log sled, one red cow, one red hctiler, one Hvo
ye5r old bull, one liRhdwoho broWn marc, ono
grar horse, ono windmill, two setlg of harness, one'
mantle clock, six acres of ryo in tlie ground, four"
acres of wheat in (tho ground, one cast plow, one"
lot of hay injthe barn, one lot .ofrye 'in' Iho barn
and have lc'ff trie" same, in" hWriosicsyidTt' flaring irly
pleassure of whlch-lbe' pSiulicwiAHaluPfeoUco
, -:' M ODANIELtKlTCilEN'. ,
March lt 1843t-40. ,'.(bi,'i,, .
... NOTICE, ,;i
IS hereby given that wo have purchased al cotf
stable-sale as'tKo pr6perl of'Jbscph'Shecpiono"
grey mare, one bay! mare,' three cows. one heiirir
two ytecrs, four head of joung, cattle twelve sheep,
one hog, one sow,apd1pigs,io,Jvvo horsq waggon
and bed, one sleigh,", .two.plo'Jghs. fine harrow; ono
cultivator two, seWwaggons gears", one lot plough
gears, one sell df Harness, tnc saddle,. 20 bushels'
of oats, i ofa stack if ryef one lot "of-Hay 10
bushels rtalatoes,lhrcc fourths of twenty three acre
of gKainltj tlje ground ,ahdihv,e, lefti' tho, same In
ins possession uurmgsqur,pigMUe ol whicb the
public will take noIce., , , ' ,
, o . ' ' 'caheb'thomAs.
March 4th, 1643. "' i H "V -h - . , ,
'clutroN;-':','. t -
THE public are hereby notified that the subscrU
bei loaned to Lawrcncc.Goad,, of- Monlcur town
. ' i ' ' i -i '. 1 .
going' properlyiVa purchased by run from John
L.ipusc,-wo,purcnosetl tlie.rame at cqnstable sals
as tho property, of .Lawrence ,Goodi All perrons
are hereby notified not to interfere with the said
property as it belongs to 'the subscriber.
i . . . I , . JOHN.DLETERICH.
March 4, 184345. AIB, SEE
THE subscriber, .being desirous of closing
business,'now otTeis to' his ' customers his as
sortment of, " .
IBi'l Goods- ami Groceries.
hardVare And cltjeensware.
' ' ' fec. Sic.
at reduced prices, being determined' td sell '
Any persons' wishing' to 'dommenci buisncs.will
do well by calling on liiiri before 'purchasing cfse
where, as he will either sell or'IlcnthU-stora room
and sell his goods, on reasonable tcims, and fair
credit. - . , ' r
Aho, for sale .by tho subscriber t
which he will dispose 'Of as low as- any Van bo
bought. ' A
. Bloornsburg F'KlStli', 181.31, , ' ' r
IS.hereby given tlurt;wc, purchased at con
stable sale aa' of 4ohn P.lls, one, gray
horse, and harness,' one 'sorr'61' horsey and harness,
oiie two horse wagon' dne.slcd 'two lumber Weds
one COW, one piougn, uiiu iiurrug viw lauiiui uuu,
one cLttintr box and all the lumber at tho millIind
saw logs, one clock rnd the grain in tbo ground two
log chains and. have lclt the same in bis posccssion
during om pleasure.
JUUtf Wion.'ltl;,
Feb. 23, 1843. 44.
THE Subsenbcrs purchased at Constable $alq
on the 23d Jan. I'8i3, tlio ' following fold 'as
the properly' or Jefferson Moyer, in BloAin'sb'urg'tbB
following property to viw one Bureau,, brass mantle
clock, one iron Kettle, wnicll property wo havo 'left
with said Jclictsbn .Moyer, at our pleasure. k
E. C. BARTOtf. k
Bloomsburg Jan. 28,1843.-40.
Wanted to Rent,
'HjUOM tho first of April mext, a.,small(Iiauco
B or pari oi uou
for a family of two p
person hating such i
this ollico. "
bloomsburg, Jan."21, lS43-i39.' 1
1 1 - i i ' i i ' 1 . v. i
S hereby given, that I havo purchased as the
propcity of Michael Irfin'on," ono horse waggon,
one" noise, cigmeon sucep, . onu mantle ciock,
and havo left thosjni'e in his possession during my
pleasure, and hcjeby cautipmll 'persons nut lo
take it from him cither by 'purchase or othciwise4
without my'tbnsenr. -
Ftlj4,;l813. 41.
THAT I have this Ja$ fffdllghtW tho nropeitv of
Martin Harter, jrs.tcn' sheep, -onr- heifer, one plotigh
onc.wDRon, one harrov,.on(l tove, ppo .cubbparn,
ono Grindstone, onc.vma.ujiras.ijccitlt!, ,Unee setts
of horse harness, apd one bureau, u)l o"f whicn I
nuvu leu wiiu uuu uuiing uiy, pleasure, oi WI11CI1
the public will take notice. r" '. . "
February 4', 18434,1. :
.... NOTICE.. .r,..-. ;
That I have purchased at Constable-sale, os tho
prope:t"'of Danici.A'sehncn one.llirec'ycar pld heiC
fci; two yearljng stecrsjoi.eijr.i th;it.e fdlmn r;
mill; a'l the grain in the ground on:ll;e farm It po
cupier; sixteen poplar saw' logs; oue t,oa. upii .mn
left the same iu his possession diiriug Uiy' plan jue
of which'the" public wilt take notice.
March II, i.'-5v -
ul, icutuNv, yiio reu anu wiio coWj onu
.brindle heificr. qrio two ycir'oW, bull, one'j spotted
bull calf, one'dcarborn' waggon, oho cutting bqx
and knife, and-'tWrJ'se'ttsdf horse geiirsi The fore
o, apy wncje,( in , i).wprmnurg
erson's with no chlidfifl." Any
l.situatioi To let, can 'ou'plj- at