POETRY. 'TWAS YESTERDAY. -BY CHARLES SWAIN. Twas yesterday !' familiar sound, Heard ofi as idle breath ; Yet, pniliel like Mi n around, It spoke of woe "and death ! A mourner by the pastel stands In, mystic manlloof decay, Sltrot'ds in the night ofyeais its bands, And grasps all life away 1 Iligli from trie boundless vault of Tirqo The stars of empire veet ; Twas yesterday' they beam'i! sublime, The, mightiest in their sphere ! Twas yesterday revealed to Fle ' The rivel crowns of centuries flown,. Bhnw'd where a Phantom sat in state Upon the Caesar's throne I . Sccp.tre.and robe were cast aside! The ghastly bonks si&od bare; The rust fed on the, gauds of pride, The worm held council there. No answer ronld the phantom givc',-'' Bui to nur cmiJlint ptnyer replied Tint iwlll be said iif.aU that live' That 'yesterday' they died 1' Where are the Grecian conquests now, The triumphs of her lute! Dust rests on the Momeric brow, Her genius is mute ! Where are the glorious that fought For freedom in the 'Pass ol, Uore!' Gone; where the mightiest names are sought With yesterday of yore 1 We hope but what we hope the shroud itt e t l. . . . I .vraps .rom our weeping sign. , - We aim at stars, and clasp the cloud,- Seek day. arid find but night! Ah! who with Life's dread woes could cope If 'twere not for that faith sublime, Whichsees the Ararat of Hope Above the floods' of Time! Whal then is 'Yesterday t'-a key To wlsiftin most divine ! It is the, ball of Memory, Wliere Fame's brief trophies shine I The. Spiritual home of things, Where intellect immortal beams, Which lends to thought its holiesls wings Inspires the noblest themes ! . A drop Via mirrors forth a worl'd, Then minjflea with the earth, A star from Time's vast empire hurled, xSloW falling from its birth: A presence with the sacred past To, warivoursnirils of delavi'1 . Which saiili 'Prniitl man t,o .day t hot has i Use well thy little dqyj V J $ TRUST NO,T. MAM. Trust not rnan for he'll deceive yon, Tresch'ry is his sole intent, First he'll court you then he'll leave you, l'oor, deluded to lament. Formd'liy "nature to undo Vt, They escape our utmost heed : Oh J jinw humble when. they woo us. But how proud when they succeed ! So the Bird, when once deluded, the fawfefs artful snaie, Piiies'out lifein cage 'secluded Fair ones, while you're young, bewareT TRUST NOT WOMAN. Trust nof woman, she'll beguile you. Ail her smiles ate form'd bit' art: . . . . . .. .i t- I'irststie ii natter men exue you,,, Sighing with broken heart 1 Form'd by nature to pursue us, They outstrip the' fleetest men, 'Ah how sweet they bill and coo us, , But.how proud they triumph then. So the Fist the bait. admiring, On the Jfr'j'fatal snare, Gasps out, life, n pangs expiring . Lovers of jhe book beware ! SONG. - BY MISS LANJDON.- , My'hearltis like the failing hearth NoW by my side,' One by one its burst of flame' ' Have burst and died. There 're nine to watch the sinking b'aze, Anil iione o care, . , j , Or jf it kindle into strength, - -Or waste in air. My fate is as yon faded wreath Of summer flowers: Thpv'vp. snfint llieir slnrn (if frarmni lin-ilili 1 - v t.i. .I mi UtJ SUnnV Hours. W'hfrh teck'i! iliem not, which heeded not When they were dead: 0(her firiwer, unwarned by iliem Will spring instead,. And my own heart is as the lute I am now waking, Wound to'loo fine and high a pitch They both are breaking. 1 1 Silence, foigetfulness, and rest, Lute, aie fur thee; And surh my lot, neglect, thr grave, These are for me. Jlbstnee cf Mtnd.TUo last case is that il a Miip carpenter, who oil on me run ol 'ii.iu a isGi uuiiuiu, THE IMAGINATION r J. ?U4.i. " . av v ritrsiciA?. , In an early part of my practice, I wds. called into a neighboiing town to' visit & patient. It being about the middle of the day, the gentleman of the house, who was over sixty years old, invited me to" slop and dine. While at dinner, he says, 'I don't know as you like my dinner.' Why, yes,' said 1, 'I do; 1 like it very well; it is very good.' I guess,' said he, you don't know what you are eating. 'Why, yea,' said I"I do.it is some newly corned beef.' Ah,' said the old gentleman, 'it is horse beef.' I replied, 'I don't believe it. 'It is,' said he; I declare it is some of my old marc. ,1 was not .much acquainted with him at that time, I looked at liini, supposing him to be joking, but could not discover a mus cle of the face to alter or change. I had just taken another piece on my plate, & put a mouthful of the second slice into my mouth and in fact, it was horsemeatt. sure enough I could taste it as plainly as I chewed it, and the more I chewed it the more dis. agreeably it tasted. I continued picking and lasting a little sauce which I could swallow, hut the meat, as the negro said, 'would no go.' I at last gave a swallow as I do with a dose of physic. I thought that ahould have thrown the whole contents ()f , ,omach up al lhe ,abe. Ga(. was , , ,. ,. . , 1 wl,en d,liner was over5 II be,nS conl weather, the old man went to amoking and tell ing stories. At last he said, 'I won't leave you in the.dark about your dinner. I told you we had horse-meat for dinner, and so it was. I told you it was some of my old ma re, and so it was, for I swapped her away for a seer, and that was some of the beef.,' I have ever since been glad that the, old gentleman put the joke upon me, for I ncver suuuiu ornerwise nave Known now iar imagination would have curried mc. Rainbow. Napoleon's fpinion of the, U..S(aletl' i ne joiiowme iiiieresiiiiir fxtraei.irora a letter addressed by Colonel Wilkes, Sir Hud sun Lowe's predecessor in the govertimelA of St. Helena, to a relative in this country contains a pithy expression of Napolion's views about the United Slates: 'in one ol my various conversations with Bonaparte," wi'tles Colonel Wilkes, mention wvs.made of the emcgrations from .England and France to America. I said casually , Mbat will be a great country if she hold together. Yes, (said he) grautinp vnnr if; in nnntlipr prnlnrv. nr lot. ml-. a ' ' ' 1 ' ' will effm-t an entire change in the fice of the world she has thriven upon our fol lies.' Determined not to misannrehend him, I added: 'Yes, the" follies of France land Ennland. but: the nrimiive follv of England, in treating her1 with injustice,' 'What.'said, he are you one of those who think you might have kept her! No, no the youth' must become a man, the period must arrive when the boy ceases to sleep with his mother.' -After a little farther discussion we were quite agreed in political' views. This authentic anecdote marks the peculiar manncr;of the man and I I lliought would be acceptable lo you.' i nousnts sir, innuunisr exclaimed n would-be poel, arc the divine " wine that I bear me up into the seventh heaven., to en joy the feast" of reason and the flow of soul, wiitie ynu can only feast on bread and cheese, and pprlfir,, But what is the use of speaki. g lo viju, you never had a thought in vnnr life.' Yes, I have one now.' i liat is itf That you are a fool.' x'our j tkiiis. j ne nest siocu a mar, TT . . . tf . t can invest his surplus change in, is the slock of a farm, the best shares are nlouch I cl.o. ,1,. ,1... r i : I i i. bii.iv.i HIV Mt.l UUI l. UfC I IE C I F HO hf a iur;il stream.an.l ll. mnrp Hps hank, are broken the heller dividends thev, will pay, and tlte sifer will ifiey be for all con cerned. If you meet a man who is your deblor don't abuse him don't dun him but lake him kindly by the hand, evince an interest tor mm, part wan nun goon numnreuiy n he is not a scoundrel he will resolve lo pay you the earliest possible moment, 'Ylien shah we all learn that kindness ever accom plishes more than anger, A Buffalo paper says Ihe time nro so hard In Hist place, mat it is impossible tu get a i ucuuio io ero biook -New Croods WM. MCKEIiVY9 & CO. HAVE just received a large assortment of FAL.I AND WINTER GOO DS tif every variety, which they are enabled to offer to the public 8 liltlo'l6wer thai) than the cheapest for tho JtEAUY GO DOYYN, iuch as awn or cou.xtiiv rnoDucE, the THOUSAND YEAR CREDIT SYSTEM having been AHANDONED. Among their assortment of Pry Goods . maybe found all the varieties of English, French nnd American Manutactmcs or Wool. Cotton, silk, flax and hemp; among which is an elegant assort ment of supcrji.ir, fine and common Dronil Clothes, anil Oassimcren: SattinctsfCotfon anil Linen Drill ing; Irish Linens; brown Hollands; Marmlcs and other vestings, Silk Velvets; brown and bleached Shirtings ami sheetings, Calicoes; printed Lawns and Muslins, .Mouslinc do lains; Chiillics; plain and figured Silks; n large vnricly of silk, mohair, anil Merino Shawls' nnJ handkerchief), Lady's and 6'cttemcn'g Gloves and Mitts, Hosiery) Kibboiis, Gentlemen and Children' HATS, izc, 'i.e. CAPS dec, &C. Gentlemen's, usdies and Children's BOOTS SHOES. Among their , will be found Sugar and Coffee of, several kinds and quality, Imperial, Young Hyson, Hyson skin, and Shouschong 1 eas; Uhocolatc, apices or all kinds; Madeira, 7'ort, Lisbon and Malega. Wines, Urandy, Holland Gin, Spirits, limn, and Whiskey, West India, New Orleerw, .Sugar House and Uotton Syrup MOLASSES, HARD WARE, Knives anil Forks, Cutlery Saddlcrv, Coach and Wagontrimmin'gs'and.mountinge, Mill and M cut Saws,, tenant ws, Saddler's, Shoemaker'?, Tailor's and, Carpenteis tools; Dlacksmkh's Anvils and Vices; Sweeping and a great variety of other brush' cs; all kinds of Hopes and Cordage &c. Sec. A lame and elegant assortment of CJEIINA. GLASS AND Q.ccnsware, CnoCEEKY IT A RE. IRON Of all kimht by the Ton or smaller quantity, Spring'StccI, English' blister, Crowley, Sheer and Cast steel, German strel.and American blister, Nails and Spikes, Large and small 'Copper Kettles, iyc. It is impossible to mention separately in an ail- I ...icorr,.! ll .1. ,l,l,.t, nand; but the subscribers wish it to bet f have on, understood that their assortment has been uid in solely with a vie to supply ihe wants of the country, anil there- ore tew will lie disappointed who may cat) upon rhem to have their individual wants supplied, pro idea they oiler in eicliangc.lio ' nBADvqb down." WILLIAM McKELVYcV1 Co. Bloomiburg.Nov. 19, 1042. 30 tf. Nem Store AND rnnHB subscnocrs inform f public, that they H havd entered into l'urtnership, under ,lhe firm of BITER & KEFFm? i and have ust feccrred from Philadelphia, .and now1 opened, at their nli,W b J UKl'i, JYorthtvttl Cor ner of Market ui(l .yia!ne'Str'cits,namniliurff, an entire ncwoirid extcnsive'assormcnfof DRV GOODS, GROCUniJSS; HARD WARE, CROCKERY., AND Q UEENSIVK RE, J-c. which they otter for sale, on reasonable terms, as . hcirnriccS aro suited to' tho limes. AlriomMheir ' . T1J'. ' - " assonmeiu win uc i.m.m Broadcloths, Cassuneres, Suttmctls, and various lands oj clollis jor men a Summer wean Calicnei; Ging hums; Cambrics Mitslinsj Silks: Mttsliri de lane and various other articles for Ladies' dresses Shawls; Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs and pie: Bleacteil und.JJrawn Domestic Muslins and a variety of other articles suitable for the toamn and believed to ho as good anu cnmplclo and assort. ment as it usally found in country stotci rrt-COUNLIiy PltODUCK will be received in exchange, ana uaari win noi uoreiurcu. Our friends, alid the public gtr,craly, are rejuesf eJ to call and examine fur themselves. JACCU LYES, ..OHUCEB Wr.rTI.BY. BlvomUjrsC, June 26, IS (3, NEW GOODS AND Currying Business. THE suhscribrrs would inform their friends and the public generally, that they hnvo entered Into Uopatintrsmp under the lirni of , , ,' for Ihe 'purpose of carrying on the above business at the old stand of Christian Sliumdn, 1 CHRISTIAN SHUMA'N, JAMES T. PGOC. Beaver Valley Dec. 31, 1842. 30. ALL persons Indebted to mc must settle their accounts before tlio first of March noxt. CHRISTIAN SHUMAN. Benver Valley, Dec. 31 1842r For Sale Cheap. THE subscriber has for sale at hi store in -White Hall jOjOOO Lap , .Shingles at Ihe low price ol SiJ 509000 'cc, Hemlock Lath, at"22cls per liunilred, Incli Hoards,, art;, ote, . ALSO The Celebrated. Grev Mare lately owned liy NealMcCay, one lluggy Waggon, sleigh Hells, Uullaln Kobe, two 7'ables', two Stovc, conifer ebb- board and a number 'of articles' two tedious to men- n. ALSO A General ajottment rf Merchandize all of wliicll will be disposed of to suit the tiinca. ItUJJElU'MCU'AX. niiltchall, Jan.7,1813, SESSION REPORTBIS. The Pennsylvania Kcpoa'ler, Is published at Harrisbtng Pcnn'a. on every TUesdav anil i'ridav during the session of the Leg islature; arid jndc a week during the remainder of the year. Thetcrmsarc For one year rnnxz noLLins, For the session two' dolijUis ArranEcmonts for a full arid impartial report1 of .tho proceedings of both Jlouses ol Assembly, have been made. The character ol me paper asaiaiin ful chronicle of the doings of tho legislature, shall not auflcr deterioration while in ou; charge. Wo do not consider it necessary to enter into a detail of the political doctrines wc advocate. All the enemies of the paper since its establishment in 1827, have been directed to the advancement' of the pure principles ,of msmocbact, anu lo ineir permanent ascendpney, in every, department of the Government. The paper has been sustained by the liberal patronage of kind friends, and we trust it wi not lose: l heir countenance an.l support or that of the democracy of the state, in our, .course the future of which. hajl be a reflection of the P5t' JOHN II DIMOCK V CO. Any'poTson vtho will procure Us five 'session sub scribers, and forward lis ten dollars, shall receive' the lteportcr gratis, for one year. Harrisburg, Ueci 10, 18421 - ' EYES TO THE Former; owned by J). S. TOBIAS. JT E3 r KC'IT ULL Y informa his friends, an.l ei. mc auonc generally, that ho lias iiiat J Infaii I'hil.i.lMntii. - ...... t . !.. . ....i u auu u&iL-usivo assort msnt ot Drills, ITICflicsncs. Oils. lPnisile which, in addition to his former stock, comprises tpmplete.assortment.of articles in hiilino of I, nli, All persons wishing to purchase any of tho above articles are pailicularly invited to call and price the articles in his atore before Imyine elsewhere as he uiicimuiru iuuii as low, anu.liy n Mtln Jewing, lower than can bo" bought any where, else- "in the urrourming nciuhlorhood. Tho Subscriber considers it hnnllv npr,:,n in incntiiui the articles m particular i ho is" confident inai no oie can come amiss by enquiring fo rany ai t't clo belonging to'a'Drug Store. A. U. Merchants and Physicians will find it to their advantage to call and buy such articles ps uitjr iiiuj siuiiu in necq oi, as ttiey shall be accom inuuaicu ai a very low nerccn lane. In few words al, arc respectfully invited to call u juugcior jiicmseivcs. EPHftAIM LUTZ., Bloomsburg, July 1G, 1842. tf 2S). 0,corner'of Walnut & 'Third .street- 7fj tiubscrfbeia rrlitrn lliplr clnpm il.nnL. - - - -vv.w ,.,u.,u, 4 yj i0, iheir friendj for the faVors s'o'libcrallv hfcinw. cdon them, arid beg leave to assure them that no eirurls shall be wanting on their part to merit a cuulinipntco of their patronage, both in reference to worKinansliip aiiuclieapnetBor prjee" to'tuit the times. It is highly advanta gebu9 to Gentlemen and Tn. HtitutionS having Libraries, to upply direct to Ihe' Kinder, making ut least a saving of 10 to 20 per cent, and sornclinics mor,c. ., . ' . All descriptions ol Umdipg neatly executed. Genlleinen's Libraries' fitted tin and rcnairnl. n. sic and Periodicals bound to pattern. Ladie'a ,acraj uouh, tiuuins anu ronroiiof, ol oil descriptions Inaijo to older, llindiiig done for Libraries, Iusti. tulions, Socictle!!, c. on advantageous Terms. PO PKORllONOTAItlES. HEGI3 TERS, RECORDERS, SHERIFF, .UERCIIANTS AND DANKS. They aro also prepared to manufacture ELA1TK VOP.K of every dcscrijition, such as Itockrtt, Records need lloohs, l)av-Uooks M.cdgera, Journals Memorandum, Chech-ttn'.h, &c. of the finet quality pf Paper, (Utbinson's Ivory firurfaced)m a sly U equal to.any madeiu the Cities of Phi's Jcl phla or New Yok, on ths most reasonable terms. llx Woau Ilui-r.n to ixr PAn-Ens. CLYDE & WILLI AM8. N. n.-- Old Bobks rebound with neatnrst and despatehi slso Flies of Papers, Harrisburg, .March 20, 1815, Omp. 48. All orders for binding, of for blank hooks, cfl at this office, will be forwarded, and returned as soon si completed. V I H. WEBB, Agent. LADY'S "WBE ATfiT. " '"' AND1 - "' YOUNfe LADIES' MAGAZINE. Is, the title of s new work published bl-mohtlilv in. I'hiladelphis, at (he extremely lew juice of ONE DOLLAR A YEAlt The iltHian of this work is io furnish, at' a low rate, it MoRimne, which, flJ ra.rards litciarv merit am) mechanical execution shall equal the best thrctf collar msgnzincs. Eucli number Will contalii al lrv forty eight (8 vo.) pages of rcadingmattcr. , from tho pens of the most talented male and female1 .i writers of the day. One .or more SVLEJtoiXD STEEL EJYaiMYIJYOS, will be given in each number, and, also, one'ofie rjes of tplcndid t FLORAL ENGRAVINGS RICHLY COLORED, now In course of preparation; dcHdctlly hs most at(rctlvc. scries of crnlcllthmeiits cyc( given in ar.y magazine. One oi more )iageof new ad lion. i.. tinuii' ...in i' .j:.r' :.. .1. . ' K uiui in liv jjitcu in vacii numuer. It will.be printed upon new type, cast cxprrswly for the purposU. apd upon fine white paper. The w orlc has.reachcd lis third nqmbcr. and, thus far, the to sult has proved tint the design of publishing Mnr arlnc of supcrioi literary merit and elegant execa iiuii ak uiu iuw jrr'rn or One Dollar A Ifcar. coufd not but be successful. Oor subscilplion list is atroady double that of ny One Hollar Ladv'ii Magazine, and hundreds are added each week. of Known nnd acknowledged tnlent' liavo been tc cured, and the publishers nro determined to spare no, uua in Aiciiaui, iciiuenng ine work every way worthy the patronage of the public. CIiUI5J8ire AND PlSElfllViflr. For the convenience of neighbors, nnd to facili. tate remittances, wo trill end when paid. , Seven coles of Ihe Wreath, one year, for $5 00 r our copies oi jne wreath and any three uouar Alagazinc, iS.OO Five copies of the VVrea'Ji.and any'Phila- ' "; " dclphia Weekly 'apcr, 5 00 Fifteen copies of tho Wreath, . 1000 Tcncopics'ofthe Wreath, and any three dollar Magazine, o 00 Ten copies of the Wrcath.and Spark's Life 01 vvasinnqion, in JNoa. 10 00 Ten copies of the. Wreath, and Scott's Novels, . , . , 10 CO Ten copies of the Wreath and Dickcn's fIJoz's) Works, ' 10 00 Twcuty copies of tho Wre atbj arid any one of the ahovo name!1 works, 15 00 Specimen Number furnished, if ordered Addreis DUE If $ SCAMMEI L, Pub. C7,Soulh Third St. Philada. -Editors giving the above a few inseitions.and .sending the Nps. containing it marked with ink, to tne I'uniisties, shall reenvp (he work for one year. Op'Edilors giving the above.vc insertions and calling attention lo it KdiioriaiU, shall tcceivo in addition, the nineteenth volume ol the Kniekcrboc kcr,-commencing January, 1848. CIIAItLE.V KAIILKR, thankful for past favory respectfully atinuuncrs to his nuu.crous friends, and tho" public generally, that he still con tinues toicarry on the aboe huxiuessinall its varj nujbrarichef, at his old stand on the' corner iif Maine it East str,ccta, where he hojes by hi) lour; experience in business, that ho is prepared lo attend and execute all orders in his line of business, with the utmost punctuality and wormaniike manner, an cannot fail lo rcnder satiifictiuu to nil those who may favor him with a c.ilh Particular attention paid to .culling, and good fits warranted. N, U. All kinds of country preduco taken in exchange for work, and cash wilj not bo refused, JJlo'omsliurg, Uec. 3,1812.-32. Legislative Keystone. TWO IDOLLARS' FOIt THE SESSICIN. t The Kkistone will, as' usual bo published twice a week during the session of the Legislature: am o we. shall. spare, neither pains nor cxperlsrin giving full and accurate reports of the proceedings of the two Housm, together with sketches of llm Ucbatcs on 'all public and important questions, wo hope lo rercive a liberal support from llitv reading public., The coming session of "our Legislature wilt be one of moie thau common interest, and pert-ons desirous of obtaining early and correct inoi motion from the scat of government, will find it to their advantage to ,tako the Keystone. To Iawycisr jjuges, jusnecs 01 ine reaic, ami public ohicers . 1 . 1 1 .. : . ...nil... , .! .. . .. gum.'iuiir, 11 nu u invaiuaiiic, ao nil mc laws ol a pubhcjiiid general nature are published in it iaime. diatvly nfler llieir passage, and fully three months bcfoie they yjl Vo promulgated in any oiher' man ner, vvp nil ai&o juive an phle cuirespondcnt at Washington city, whowil keen the readers of our paper apprised of all thut.is duing at the scat of the .rational Uovrnmrnt. , TERMS,' TJie, terms ef the Keystone aro as follows: For the whole year, f3 CO For tho session only, (twice a wick) . 2 00 Any person rending us five sulsrrihrra for llio rr.sion, accompanied by ten dollars, shall receive a copy gratis forhis troulle. All payments may bo trausuiittrd by mall, and all l'osi-maklcrs are permit ted to fiauk letters cohtaining money for ncFpaper subscriptions, M'JCINLEY & LESCURE. Harrisburg, Nov, 18,1813 NEW TURNING Establishment. Oil Fisjiing Creek, al Isaiah Coles Milli, Suqarloaf township, Col. to, THE subscriber. informs the public Ilia he has put-up a shop at thenbovc place, for Ihe purpose of turning waggon hubs, and all kinds of wood work. Also, iron mill spindles and guilgrons, Ac, 11 ml copper pud brass of every description. All kinds of produce will be taken lr, payment, out i)o crtdit given; Two or three journeymen, who understand fin iihlnjchulrs and beadstcads will find rrnployincnt. OURIN ATRAIOUT. Un. II, 1643-18. V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers