The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 04, 1843, Image 3

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    "tiuttb fixative rsAi "
(Sutfjcct to the decision of a Nativnial
We are again jit our post) after an ab
sence of lemal weeks.
TI:o removal bill has been defeated in
the Bonalr, by the united exertions of our
worth Senator, and the Danville fiction.
Wo will hereafter speak fully of tho moas
ores pursued by our opponents to effect
this object in opposition to so strong a vote
in the county in favor of removal. Head
;, leys Division bill, at the last accounts, had
not been finally acted upon in the senate,
S New, CaskOne Sumu'et O.odOarJ
ncglectctVto pay tliereriCfor lij' the
CartioHc .Church at, Rhode
sUVtti, tn d on interim; it ho other
Sunday, the 'orTtclaiitig lrist ordered the
Scroti Ma put Samuel out,' mid fin vas
accoulingly turned out of the cliurcli. lie
ompfoitrcd t the justices; but they cou
not sgrceml the cae has gone before the
Court of Oommon picas. Th priest com
tended ttiat the civil law had nothing to do
with his management of the houe of God,
and that ho was only using the neces
sary jnoans to obloin the rent of the
JVottl Par aii Printt. The brig Win.
Neilson, Mortis, arrived st New York on
Saturday, from Port su Prince, reports
when she left, rumor was current that
a revolution had broken out on the south
side of (ho Island, and the planters and
others wore shipping off their coffee
and Valuables as fast as possible. The
extent of the trouble ivas not known.
Wo hue received n communication
signed Theopliilus, professing to give an
Bccount of certain unpleasant transactions
'that recently took placo in the township of
Ro&ring creek, in relation to the occupancy
of a church for religious meetings. As this
appears to be a controversy in which the
members of tho society who own the
building referred to, are alone concerned,
we see no reason why the affair should be
brought before the public thiough the
columns of a newspaper, and more espcci
idly so, in a communication couched in
harsh and severe language towards some of
the most respectable citizens of Roaring
creek. If we admit a communication upon
one side of the question, reflecting upon the
conduct of the other, we should be compell
ed to publish a rejoinder, if requested,
which would undoubtedly result in a pro
traded warfare, which could not possibly
result in any rood to either. For these
reasons wo decline its publication, at leas
until we aro better satisfied uf its expedien
cy, than at present.
A bill to reissue Treasury Notes has
parsed the House. Senate has passed the
bill to refund Ge.i. Jackson's fine by yeas
24 to nays 20, Mr Adaina' bill for a
mission to China, has passed the House
by a vole of OG to 59 The pension ac
of 1838, for the relief of widows of revo
lutionarv officers and soldierg, has been
revived bv tho Huuse The President
in answering a call from the House, dis
claims all countenance of the net of Cant
Tho3 Ap. C. Jones, in invading the territo
ry of Mexico.
Waller Forward, Esq. has rejiffned his
office as Treasury, and M. John
Spencer, the present Secretary at War, has
been nominated to the Senate in his place
It is rumored that James Mr. Purler,
this Slate will be appointed in Mr. Span
cer's placo.
MARRIED On tho 23d ulu by the
Ucv. William J. Ever. Mr. SOLOMON
UltJEIt of Mohimir.'iV) Miss EMKLINE
K'OONB, of thia pUce
On the 14th tilt, bv Itudnlnh Scchler.
SAUAI1, daughter of Joseph Cornelison
both of Danville.
Oddfellows, About two thousand Dew
members hare been added to tho Societv of
Odd Follows in this State during the last
year. Several now charters have been grant
ed for now lodges, within a short time pnst,
and two or three more will be granted at
'he next meeting of tho Grand Lodge.
Some of the bachelors in the Ohio Leg.
islature are for a tax on bustles 1 We nev.
er knew a bachelor yet that hadn't some
thing to say sgaist the ladies behind thtir
13y the death of Bishop Gtiswold, tho
Eastern Diocese is dissolved. Maine, New
Hampshire, and Rhode Island, will here
after constitute three Diocese. The Episco
pol Church in each of these Stales must
now choose a Bishop for itself or request a
neighbouring Diocese to exercise episcopal
supervision over the same.
Ma," said a little urchin peeping from
beneath the bed cloths, 'I am cold; I wan
some more cover on the bed. 'Lie still, my
dear, sail! the mother, 'until your sister
comes from church she has got tho com
forter on for a bustle."
They have a giant boy at the Boston
Museum who is 1 1 years' old and weighs
2G5 lbs,or 250 lbs. more than Tom Thumb
Tho two should form a copartnership, and
exhibit themselves together. The Boston
boy is 5 feet 2 inches high, and said to be
very healthy.
Immense flights of wild pigeons, suppos
ed to be visitors fiom America, recently ap
ptfared in the vicinity of the lakes and
hills of Cumberland, England.
Jl Child of Nature. A Penobscot Indi
an was lately sentenced ta thirty' days
imprisonment in the jail at Bangor Me.
Tho day after his commitment his wife
presented herself smd four children to the
jailer, to help servo out her husband's
6enlence, supposing if they staid five days,
it would bo counted' as thirty days, and
would entitle tho father of the family to a
Shaking Hands. At duel, the panics
discharged their pistols without eflect,
whereupon one of the seconds interfered,
and proposed that the combatants should
shake hands. To this the other second
objected as unnecessary; for, said he,
their hands have been shaking this half
Consolidation. 'VUo Capilolian, editor
hy E. Guyer, Esq. published in Harris
hurg, and heretofore, engaged iu, advancing
the claims of Henry Clay to the Prcsiilen
-cy, has united with the Pennsylvania in
telligencer, a paper devoted to the same
interest,' Tho object of this union, is to
make, the organ of the-Clay parly at the
scat government mori effective,
Taxablts. Accordingly to the official
statement, there are 387,640 taxable in
Pennsylvania. In Philadelphia city, 17
570. In Philadelphia county, 33,5G2
The next highest county is Lancaslc:,rhich
has,9G7. Allegheny has 18,010. Th
Deaf and Dumb in the State, G04;
Blind, 490; Slaves, 20 there being 15
in Jtcdford county.
THE.undVrsign'cdptirchasetl fit Constable sale
ai the property uf Pc'cf Kern, ono sorrel
home, ono itfer two'ycnrrt 6! d, bii'o bull of tno tanic
ejc.-fivu head bfshrt-pj tHo hbgs.omUtuett ".vuggoti
oiio plough; ono lot of plough Beers, one; harrow,
two sugar kettles, ono buck sled, one" sled, .olio cut
ting box, fnUr acres it wheal in tho grdurrd, I wo
acres fcf wry in tho ground) & have left the sami) in
possesion of said Kline during my pleasure, of
which tho public Will please take notice.
tel.. It.lei3.-46v
13 hefeby etven, that wo have purchased at cen
stable alo as tho prgprly of Henry Ycalile, one
bay mare, one plough, one red htliler, three sheep,
three acrts of wheat in tho tfrdoild, rtven awes of
hereby given that we have purchased 6t eon 0' i" theground, three hogs two.tctt hbro row,
.u., . .i, r,,..n.i hf r.i.,. line lari'o iron kettle, bno weavers lonm.ouo bureau
grey roare, ono bay marc, three cows, ono lieuTer, ono alcu" and swingle trees, one harrevV, dh tra'Jle
two tccr, four headoryoung cattle, twelveshcep, and scythe, ndhavo left tho samo in his pesacw
ono bog, duo sow and pigs, ono two horto waggon ion during our pleasure, of which tho pubhe, will
and lied, oti slelgll, two ploughs, .one Uirrovr, olio pieaee iaao iiuulu.
cultivator, two etj waggons gcirs, onl lot plough '
gears, ono sell oi Harness, Onuculdle, e uukIicIs
ofeatii of a sUck ttfrye, ono lot of Hoy 10
buslich potatoeg,thrc! fourtha of twenty three acred
of grain in the ground and havo left tho rame In
bin io3sesiau during our pleasure of which tho
puuiio will take nouce.
March. 4th,,ld43 IS,
THE iubscrhWatc desuoua ofd?lng bufinff
in'd Ibercroro Inlte tins method ol inrorruinc tlir
former cwttoniirv" thaf they2 drcVfiu&fetf to eill m,
ilio firt of Fer
ua'ry vithout fall, by attending to tho atoc uoticM
anil uripgtng Mine of lendyuuwii, tney can ava
cnsl and trnnlifilr. , . ' n
Th& subiicribcM atiooflTer for Bole gloJs. atj rnjl
name, tho Stock vvill be. disputed of or
on rrafonutiii;
terms between Hits ftnd tW first oi i?pfil, to anh
i. . . ...... li.tA t.tlittv;..' i J.
ricttons who mav v.ih to enter into uuiShrss, ant
wo do iiSHurr mieli, tht their ore few better situation.
In tlii country for tSuunm. lire. eatablir.hUicit!
can either Uc bought nt routed. , , ,
Janimfy, SS li3, -)n.
- . r -r - i i H '
THE public are hereby notified that tho subseri'
bci loaned to Lawrence Good, of Monteuf town.
shin. ir.t ono red cow. ono ted and white cow. ono
hnndlo heiuer, one two year old hull, one rpotlcd
bull calf, one dearborn wnggon, one tutting box:
and Unue, and two sella ufhorfo gear!. J lie fore
TliAt I bvflbUrc!ilst.l at constable aaio is ihi
property of Samuel lb. M'Hcnry, one gray marc,one
Rtirttl lldrfe, two colts, bnc red cAw.two jiydcd cowa
five head of young cattle, eiven head of snecp, Uvo
hogs, grain in tho 1mm, grain in the ground, ono
fanning mm, Ulm jlctl. one plough, one harrow, ono
mantle clockv ortd havo left the ramo id his possess
ion during my pleasure, of Which the public will
take notice. JOHiS' .M'HEiS'ItY.
Feb, 1 1, 1813 4a,
tS bctebv eiven that I hnvo nUrchascd ai Cons'ta
hlssulctis thc'nropeity of Jamr.4 tackhoufo,' olic
going properly was purchased by mo from John' sorrel horse, Ono cow, ono hcilVer, otio sleigh, and
Utousc, who purctiasea tno same nt constauie sale aim nave ieu mu buiub hi his iiwhubhiuii uiuiuu .uj
as tho property of Lawrence Uood, All persons pleasure oi wmcu uic puunc win akc huito.
arc hereby nolilictl not to Interfere with tho said'
property as it belongs to the subscriber.
March 4, 184348.
AmtctlnBof t'bo iStorkhbUcrs.Tiiid cn el5ctiot!
lof uircctors ot tho Mloom3turg, nan roan iroi
company will be held t -No. 54, Walnut street,,
Philadelphia, oh Satuidjy ihe 2.rth of Fcbuar
nextet ISo'tIocIc, A. ?.t. . , -. a V
Catlttwissa, January', 23d 1643. M$
Oil fashing Crectc, at leaiak Coles Mills
Suzarhaftotonihiti, Co), co.
Tlik Suhacrilirr inftiitiiW the imlillfe tlia hti hat
put up d shop flt the above platt, far the' purpose ota-'
turning VvagBort hblwjnnd all kinde bf wool 'vvoikljj
Also, iron mill spindles and gtidgconsc &c.y.andJ
copper ond brass of every description. All kindijli
of produce vvill bo taken in payment, but nd ctedit;"
givcm Ml
Two of three loufneVrn'orii Wllcl uhdefstani, fmwj
isuing ciiairs aim 1'cauaicmis will unu einpinyim-niiJ-j
Jan. 14, 1843. 38. i W
Feb. 11, 184342.
THAT wc have purchased atcohslablc sale as
the property of Joseph H. Hess, ono correl maro
and harness, one bay honse And harness, one Imy
colt sir head of young cattlc,onbtvo horso wnggon
one ulcd, ono plough and harrow, onp wind inill,onc
clock, ono cutting box, live hogs, eleven acres oi
eralninthe ground, two logcliabis, one crosscut saw
one lot of grain in the. barn, ono shovel and have
left the same in hift po.secssion during our pleasure
of winch the public wilt laKe noltce.
d. C&lVf KlTi.
FcbrUarS ll, 1843 42. p
-rr 'it rri i? ,
Any persons wishing to commence buisncsj.wilb '
do well by calling- on him before purchasing elsc-j THAT I have purchased at constable sale as' the
where, as he will either sell or Unit his sture roomd nronertvof Elisha Hess ono voko.of work cattle.
and tell his goods, on rcaconable terms, and fair I ono plough, one fanning mill, one mantle clock,and
creuu. . have left the samo in his nossersion during my
Alto, lor sale v mo subscriber i pleasure of which tlie public will tako notice.
IS herobv riven that I hnvo milvhased of Adamli
Roat, the fo)loving propcity to will orto Bnrcad,onc!))
lieu, one otovc, ono corner UUBboatd, one i;ioclr"
nine chairs, one iron Kettle, tno acres of Whentiii'L
the ground, and otlecow, and havo left tho same ill
his possession during my pleasure, of which the
nublie will nlratc talcd notice. Wl
HE subscriber being deitous of closing1
business, now ouVis to his customer his as
Eortmcnt of
Sir.. &c.
at reduced prices, being determined to sell
which ho will disposo of as low as any can bo
Bfoomsburg Feb. 18th, 1843.
February 11, 1843-42.
"OTIOE is hereby givenhat letters of admin-
istration.&c havo been granted to IhosUbecn-
jef on the'estate of
late of Mifllin township, in the county of Columbia
All persoiM indebted to said cstato are
IS hereby given that we havo purchased at con
stable salens the property of John Dills, ono gray deceased
hoe and harness, one sorrel horse and harness,"! brmliv irnniredtn come forward without dclav and
ono two horse wagon one eled, two lumber sleds grttle their respective dues. Those having demands
ono cow, one plough, one harrow one fanning mill, on eaij estate are requested to present their claims
one cutting box and all the lumber at tno mill, and moucrlv attested for settlement.
.-1 U.I. ....I ll.n .Mln In (III. ,ivn r "II .1.1.4. 1 I!.....- .l.OCll. C
saw los. uuu uiuttt. iiiu niu H"111 i i will Intel uuuiurs unu uruuuurA uii mu oui wi
lug chains and have left the same in his posecssion February and first of Marc)i next, at the latc.rcn-
1S hereby eivcn that I have purchased" ai constat i
blesaleaa the property of Robert Lockhart, two i
Mares, two milk. cows.VweKb acres of Wheat in thd i
ground, six.acrcs of A'yo in the ground, twenty bu-J
, ill 1. , I i r. . . V
Eicti, one mugii, nnu uavo leu me samo in ills pos'.l
session during my pleasure, of which thopubllc,will3
'S5c uko notice. i
Jan. U, 1843.-38.
'S hereby given, that we have this day bought at ,
Constabe the property of Isatc Robbings,
the following property, to wit! one black, More,'J;
one cor'cl Colt, two ted Stccrs,fivi hogs, fiy Sheep 1
two setts of Harness, sixteen acrfcs of Rye in thd 1
ground, tour acres ot Wheat in tho ground, one
sled, one Plough, one Harrow, onebsy Maid, one
two Horse waggon, one black Uow, and ono black
Hciffcr. and havo left the same in the posecssion of '
tho taid Tlobbins,during our pleasureind forbid any 1
person tailing them from him, cither by purchase 1
or otherwise, withodt our cotisint 1
Orangcville, Jan. 3, 1843.
z W'tTce
during oui pleasure.
Feb. 28, 1843. 44.
In 1840, the population of Southporl,
Wisconsin Territory, was 337, now it 0
1132. They have five churches, fourteen
stores and two newspapers and export
agricultural products to the yearly amount
oi $45,000.
An exchange paper says: 'E. B. Doo
little is iu the habit of robbing our hen
roosts, and stealing our nearest neighbor's
pigs in the uighi. If ho does not deaist,we
shall publish his name.'
Florida Indians A. sleamcr arrived
at New Orleans on the 8lh, wilh Creek
Indians, utider U, S. command from Flo
rida. Products of the United States, A state
nicnt, prepared by the Commissioners of
Patents, estimates ilic products of fifteen
articles only which were the growth of
1812, at nearly six bundled millions
of dollnrs,- Yet there is a constant cry
kopt up that measures nf past years have
been destructive and ruinous to the people.
The war tent of General Washington
fas exhibited at the charity ball j given in
Baltimore, op the 23d iust.
The Governor Ceueial of tho Canadas,
Sir Charles Bagot, after a brief reign, died
at his residence in Kingston, en the 9th
ins t.
THAT I have purchased as tho property of Eli
sha Albcrtson. one lossled, ono log chain, ono :ut-
tingbox,ono cluck, f,ix acres of wheat in the ground
one plough, four hogs, one yoko cattl?, and havo
left tho sama iu his possession during my pleasure
of which the pubhc will tako notice.
U. II. AijUUIU SUfl.
February 4,184341.
THE Subscribers purchased at Constable sale
on the 23d Jan, 1913, the following sold as
tho property of Jefferson Moycr, in Bloomsburg the tho jcceaseji t0 m&e settlement with all who inn.
loiiowmg property 10 viz: ono uuruuu, urna luiuiuu AllKuHAM LUDWIu, Adnfr
ilenco of tho deceased to make settlement with all
who may call.
AyKArlAAl IiUJJWlU, AUm t:
February 4, 181341.
""EVTOTIOE is hereby given, lint letters nfadmin
JL istiationA'c. have been granted to tho subacri.
tier on the estate ol ,
late of Mifflin townejiipi in tho county of Columbia
deceased. All persons indebted to said, estate aie
lereby required to come forward without delay and
jclilo tbcii respective dues. Those having dmaid
on said estate are requested to present their claims
properlv attested lor scttteinenit.
1 will meet debtors and creditors on, the -sill at
February and first of March at the late residence of
fS hereby given to all persons, that i have pur
chased at Nonstable Sale, is the property of
William Kile, one sorrel Horse and Jtlarncs, ono
red Cdw, two icd and white Cows, ono red Ileifler,
three spring Calv s, ono Harrov,ohe mantle Clock,
one fanning Mill, livo.Hoge, ono 1'loueh, and have
left tho same in possession of said Kile, during my J
pleasure, ui mluvu iuo puuuo win luuu iiuvicu.
WW. c;. HESS.
Jan. 7, 1813. 37.
clock, ono iron Kettle, wnich property ws have left
with said JelTetson Moycr, at our pleasure.
Bloomsburg Jan. 28, 1843. 40.
February 4, 184a.
IS hereby given, to oil concerned, that we have
this day purchased, at lonetablc sale, as the prop
..... ..r r l. '."I I ... , .
SLXl'CCU tO fCXlt, horse wagon, ono plough, one sled, one
ROM tho first of April next, a small house lot of wheat in tho barn, one lot rye in the barn,
or part of house, any whaio in Bloomsburg, one lot hay in the frarn, one stacli Hay, nino aocs
fora family of two persons with no children. Any ryo in the ground, three holes potatoes, four bee
n.rnn hnvlno such a situation to let. can annlv at swarms, two lots applctrcsa, one Wind mill, one
. c I ti 1 l .i i-
this oliice. I vuillll liua.uii t,miu b.uu. miuu iiuft, unu tui ui
Tlloomsburg, Jan. 21, 1843 39. ilax, ono lot clover seed, ono lot duck wlicat,ona log
sieu, one lot trees, two sens narnccs, onr log cnain
smniTiTi i ono ioi uiaiuv uuiucr, oiiu cow, uiici.eiuof-oun oil
llJlJ lean, ono cubboard. ono loom, two and n linlfnerr-a
S hereby given, that I havo purchased as the wheat in tho ground, and havo left tho same in his
property ot JUicliaci jjeinon, ono norse waggon, nossession during our pleasure of w ich tho nublic
one) norse, eiguiecu snecp, ono uiaiiiic ciucb, w,h ja0 notice,
and havo left thosnmo in his possession during lny
pleasure, and hereby caution ill persons not to
take it from him cither by purchase or otherwise-
without my consent.
Feb. i, 1813. 41.
J.N. & A. 23. THOMAS.
February 4, 1843. 41. p.
IS hereby givn that I have purchased at Con
stable sale, as the propcily of John ilurtmuii, two
urn'prin mares, and harnets, ono waggon two cowe. one
calf, eight acreo, of ryo in tho ground, 4 Acres' of
THAT I havo this Jay Doughtai theproperty of of wheat in the ground, ono mantle clock, ono
Marlin Barter, jr. ten sheep, ono hcifor, ono plough wind mill, and one cuttii.g box, and havo left the
one wagon, one harrow, one stove, one cubboarn, I samo inhN possession, during my pleasure, of
ono Grindstone, ono email brass kettle, three setts winch the public will lake notice.
of horso harness, and ono bureau, all of which I
have left with him during my pleasuro. of which
.. ... ill..l. .TTl
tno puunc win taKc notice.
February 4, 184341.
Feb. dlh, 181343 p.
IS hereby given that we have this day boucbt
at constable sale as the property ol John Fulnier.
tvo Lrowbars ono hook ono croscut Saw: one
Iron Kettle ono (Sicigh, ono log vnajii and ono
Til fi 'subscribers bnvo purchased at constable
fl1e. n ihn nrnnertv of Jesse Movur. ono hav Alure. 1 tvninlslil. nttn nlnnnh nnn linrmtv iviiK
one Sled, ono Sleh, ona set Hanicu, all or which Eleven acres pf fyojn tho ground and Imvc Ir.ft tho
we havo loausd him during our pleasure of which name in his possesaion.during our rlcasure.of which
IUU JJUUUVi WJii loivu IIUHLI7. i I'UUUC Will lUtill 11UIICC
uui.iiAidiM ct MlJjijiiK, A2JRAM YOUNO
T. tta At, I T tsn ,nJn . n
Jn'i7l -o ou mv, i jnumrj- 3 iOvi. v p
Jan. 0, 184333.
Keiiitining at the rostullice baltawissan
laiiiiarv 7. 1843.
Rrob.-t C. A. & C. G. 2 Long George 2
Miller A(,a''
M'Kelvy William
Mencli.' ftlichael
Mann John R 2
MaiillaH .PhHlip 2
llrnbst M. & O. 2
Uenher &. Kinger
Ureish Georye
Urobst U. G.
Brobst Joseph
llezeiiiah LlifC
Clark DaviJ 2
Case Ailain
Cliiy'vcll Joseph
Delaplain Samuel
Fenstaiuclter Peler
Cleaver John
Fnrincr Reuben
Frick B. P
Evans David 2
Geiger S. & E;
Girion William
Geiger Mrs.
Geprga William
lliis Ellis '2
Uiilics George
Kosicnbailcr Jacob
Kccfier Elizabeth
Peisqns calling
list will please say they arf mlveiii'sed.
U. A, UKU11SF. P. ,M
pHxlnn Joseph 8
Jiiiier John
llvile Pnlerirlt
Uorhabacl) Wm '
Shuman Jacob
Sqesholt Phillip
StotisQ John
Simiiifs Robert
Sliarpless John
Shelharl Joana
Thoinne Lloyd
Witner Abrain I,
Gearhatt William ,
Ilnttler 'J'liomaa
Harder Mary j
John Mm y
Kostenbjilcr D.
Kinnev Jane
for letters in the nbnva
Mew Marfel
THEY woul-' inform tho citizens of CohtniH
County, ihnt they u e commeii'-cd thobusi
ni"snt tho above place at tho j J ;! hci of L '
HOWELL, where they sre proparcd ti' anufur
turo to order, in the neatcf.t, best, dnd most duraV
qEAI) and FOOT STORES, of nlj eizen aii
ualitics, MANTLES, WINDOW and i)OuR '
Aleo PAINT, DARandinwirrasiPM-K.
Orders for Stone can bolefi with I. t?RU.S.'S w',o
wil act as Anent durinc our ttliiri. ' I
They constantly keep on band a laigc
Vermont, Egyptian nnd Italian Marllo at tue
wholetale Marble Yard at Selius Urovc. Lnii'i
rnuntv I'n. ill
Uleomsbuig Auj;.tl4. Tisl 13 )