The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 25, 1843, Image 1
& Jswtl'H ?99l xci a Hi ?Ur (it t' ' ,' uf surf a 83. .3 t! - 1 t na i,t' C lo fotpitcim a si cwrfr ici'i J..1J.4. ... .J ... , . . .. ttUKvi KwonihAiiiwft't! 6Vip iheijiina of Matt.V.faortbiilWfi ) 'J" iiDi.-trt .iff, r ...Mfr.ini.r.f nTihuiini frmr imy il .. , i., . ;:u,f. a. 0 li l v. TFT 1 fjilii . -sun !jrrqn itvjnsi i am: m Jisa'u 'maw) n.M)J Ll III fHM KIT. "Ly KLvB !r J W'iH','iHiW'H :J B . . . . t T AT " OprosftK Sr. P.AUii S, Cjiuncn, Mi TarTi " mailMo thoteiDho qdvctthfkby, thetycftrt B':Remarksi6f Mt. SposkerjAVjight.smaiJf ,in: the H6aso.bf8iReprefenlaivp,s,.oft iP.f.nn a- ;k,s'vlv8nia,.,onnHRbill;re)aliv.o lo..,iVreUu5 tnfiilin txDdnscs.ofllic.Bpard o.f., .Oa i-!Mf .its'! .t )i.a!..iAii ,nUU,R consmcuaushl. mmd at cnc uonar jut V I i.f r,iMtm tcWis for tdSimSw' " .,CompifQnerr.Febrttary,J l,.m& ob(aidcdileav'e:aJU;vytori Mo.jnppiutO Jt5lve. my vicws2to.'tlii3.iIpa3enand pailiap3jtiti fjjinol.nocessary-fpirjule.tOUSkaits. ;indujgcnce v.'s, Vghincicl.alaled? tjieri(6stlistalej .nWiif'V m IfghouldinotihaVe parlipipatediinitlie.deJlale, , v BiPilieiifasso'gt of ,ihebili had Is .not-jbeen. iJealleiUout5.'8pccificalIycCi.lled.' oufiof. lhe. -0jh;if,asflhe presiding.officer ol 'thc House: uWtij'chibarktiii tliisvdiscussion'.-' ,If it' UidinbV t';ian.v'untMo; language'' imllipte- words; y.euhe, vifehiark8'ivlilthP'made;'5Thilo.I :was atmom'j Inu-ii AC'.iWMUn'telntiitn iniil 841. '(on llifew n lies' o tlohf "submitting thUiquestionctofaiso'.S bf ,"n''he')bbplS,'Xvas'cbmmehtediu'ponr-anUrea(l 1iVthB''dB8k'of'VW'etetlo.'Sir,'Jlidolnbtl T8kioWli'yitMi'flif itbat (iheuijHusiontwfsi k'niade'trf'md al'tha'i"tiiKb'iIIdo4' ltot'i Unbjv hBW itvBtV;thalfgenltbnicfnrupoo,j:ihis--flbpr feBlfknelv Wlidl'myids WdJe-'o lllo .B'ubjeql; l.eyiieftaihly Could n6l'havknowhthehi. 'rrora'WhaIMiod'sHid'hajo.i AnU'ag itovpfi.' ',36rf6nwe'r!aUa.f in Wyblil5mb'erth'at- bug i i 11 noW'f.aVelbgen aCfpgTahialQ s.'sUbje'ctfpr, ettaTkiriW.IlltlJ'4'1-" '! But, sir, from some caus6'6rioihcr,'I&8 brought to defeii'dntylelff a light undouUl) ?dl5,i:anWa to makcslriclurestdtiiihe Doard of Caifa), lflpmmiMiQnerK'jiKo.WrJjlAkO' bap-notji, h ing; IwldoAfprnjepgcjiion; .anyyisji1 llonjhi.chJI4oc()HpipilM'!n.,ro.fofenpe .h? adicliargpJiJnqiflgaiijg.tJIiqanCpmffli folflnwrtii!lftiWHwyi.OFc;ipi nojv. ,h ie UtoWtpwW, JlJ W8 Jo.nie., .tl).q U ail, t nS snUemRn (Jip.wyillA',9 PMgRed.qji( ns-Jhat fiftr.tJffflfirflltQttjdaWtpw sppjij icftec. faiirjns Ml&SUlJUq s?P,?raiithfl,(ibpdB.. bf vl0inlf)tll5ypiror it.brffJitlflgiA'VrPPAa'.'liR' a sxt(llfrorfippAiPf'op.MwnJpllin111 tfW&JLltje jiWficrib,edjiif t,lijJsUni fllll WFPja.'WUij3 L9.tJv.HnimenibcrS(fiJifiuld3be(.'t(ofli.aHd,dis.- MbBflvew.iu cij3.jttQti;p, of(B biJKr.eijotle' Jp -flUHiHf.V (IIJSJ1M1W mviimip'ihiiiw uJM y 1 1 'ai8ir,;I do not understand tJ,iipr?ca.lXjilQncpjve'fi :Sirf',h,9W..miny day.Jeiit lisinae wl,piif'eR.bjllj)y)upb,qt pncp!8Y.ejii' jlliB Judgeto.f.hQ, PAiirl j).j(Jenernl Sessions ih the. tily oT. Phil?Uclpl.ip, rqinjjhejr Judi cial station,: and .abolished ,.iIiq tenure- of , thir office? IJow mucli.liiiie.vyas.pqciipi ,ed in.debflto.on tlmti .occasion? Why, -nbfj ' . half an lioui' iAnd y.ct,flir.,l?erp wre three ..gentlemen w.hpsc, honor was. as dcantp thepi Das.thei Canal Comtnissioner's is dear to tbenii and yet not aivoiw was. raisetUnitlm . ll:di;ini'theif. belwlft andap iBiislaip the, tile city .and county ;of ,PhiIa'derphia. There had been, petitions -1 'grant? but'liothing. was said (n favor of Jlie Ji. judges', llpw.lpng is -it. since the rfiohrirsqn. . '.Ooutt billipasied.iTefomiing lionorubiotmen 'foui of office, and'amoiigTlhemi Judge. Ant i(ho"rtyij.h8'welll us-theuhree; member of the - iBoard'Jofv'lOo'mmiesiohfcrst iU'hy,.',here .H,rete"iUut-;eleveni.votcs'inifavor'jbfjirelainirig ''ilrel.ihon.i vorB4ttho!i!0Jibno'rab'le j . !, ...1.: -.ii.. 1. ir r.i: ...... vi. men,j,a;AyU,blliejsalf..'no)feejnpJ.vere., ctimnutsinnt ilnkcinftotii-jthomf.. Vihyguld: its rntisliitifettte ctt.niiKi.lht .ivifiit. 1 11: JT, illilJ iH'f iKHVllKTIMI .CVSi I U.I idayr.ioWayvire-in.t!ifelfiplil!b,tMnJ''pYp4ltlayB eihcc,- anil 'ArnnVbtritK h,..i..;:;:i " over u ntrwiiUivu x : iiuerruptincj lBi'.her .. ttu i - t . .... i.j thelr'poblicfttdf' priVute 'endr'aeteYs 'wert? as- B.tQ tiP.W taltlng. an nctlvo part In thfl debate and who areaaklng'tnb-paM-oT' the '03081 Commi'ssibhVrs.' liber rAso'Trnm' flieW'iSiiiis pi $es8qji8.,io sirvthey wereatirncdsout of ioflide 'withouiovetl noiiee-liaising" 6epn tlfe' lejgijlattire' jd ilewive' t(ien,fe ; 'plaV h?J. MWzSKlpskW (House what is' it Hintihas.g.iv'cnlirisdJto ill! tlua OX'S! tetne tit 'Weay'thero ?hi t ,Vc ran prove them. Ve snijcify them and(namlhenu aydjiic.chjisei.. that .position is-takeh personal indignity''" atld abuse 'are. heane'd'uifoH' tfsl vft!i3ntt. "slV.'t 'liii iuu4 iu 1 11 is Lciiiicniiin irom. vienrueiu (Mr. arjett, theoifjef;jdp.y ,wih jmore .s,or. rpWdUantangtr, mAlie genlleman ond rnv self had beeiKdii iillimSto-iefifiMlie 'whole pthDlasVinfaddrregarcle DjB A UKCrT ..exnhiined.T ';- trijfc tliatlwediaveibeenoon rterm's'i' df nersohal 1..-. t I .... T .V It jopiril of vieiy,, whicij8eeniedi:to.jjm8,ld .be. irpqutred frpm. the chardcterJofilho'b'ill' under diJeuseion. If'iKe'h'tlenlitnrbtn' tfzerne' loeyp.r WlP,ie)i4i y. ?.?Jj!tgftW.!)icti jliasLexistednbeLwe'eh-niB L'for lheiUvoilasLlegisldliveJSessio'ni Wliy afn I rrotfresb'b'iisiljre. 4 : J ? , WiW?' ri SBiBll1.niiP:My... that intimacy, ie,weenihim:and!my8elf4aiiofiutof mbst' friendly. clftractereAbdr-ffnaPsiri (Ji'd II1 say IW jfiEMS Aia4h'jlf stiifa'irVng'JhSyJ it WfrAIiltpfiTcxpIainedl saidfiiotK- ingJn lbeiwholeofMhiilUiscWsiolv'dr the" e.iilb1narilsperbnhl .VhaViclSV? iV'would rdffl:4'itf f'i; djffi II '.and' '.! "119J1 t,Hel9Mfiitqj98ytAyheiliflr Jw uttered PQO sngl.e Word .or,iyUablea'ffairisV,ilf-If !I hal,H WouMd'htfl biiy;in,rthrstiaii?e llttMliI the publicn'tscribyK ua uLikiiuumuHe.ii.r genueman justice. ..11. ".Yii,i , ;i e u 11 1 1 ,111 a it l- no repr M. lVDInll'P. T -l.-ll ... ,!, to the frenlleman fr'nm f!lv,rftolil ... 'PI, fMkmSdWckwb life fllbato w SjytiVA' .HC. 'i"kli,i-i,i j-" " ' o" na nee i, "u " iiiivjiio Biiuraij!iT,or my personal artU poKtlcal'conslstencv. As m mv no it. Citl ednsisiency, that is a nueslion be iveen Yriyself and mv.consiituenls that is a que .H)fj?ii siswrni .it 9jui'i1 vms il iiuuiu ue discussed ai me polls in Jiuzerne and to lliat tribunal I anneal,, and to that tribunal alone. I am not answerable to this House, ,nor to this Conimon wealth, biit ..ijJiM piOdl V.lJ.'j. P , 1 am iinsvverable only at one bar, and that is t?io bar of mp consiitucnts. Sir.I rencat It, that I 'fec ihore sorrow ilian anger at thp attack pt the gentleman from Clearfield, bq- caif.o I a'm sensible that no question could i.;...M'u':l-i-..;i.f3i' .' t'.L ' i' :- j "Jip uiibuii tviiiiii wuiiiii nnvu 1 u II cell II) U io li'aVe h'dolired in personal reflections un- bn'fiim, br'held up to ibis House, and the wotld'.his political character or cons'jslency. I sliull, sir" fake bccaMo'n during tins dis. cushion id "enter into some remarks upuji wnai leu irom irie,genuem,an irom uiear fiMld. I, shall not allude to llio, pnjlutcd source, frpm wliencejhe gentleman gathered tlit;se .fpuj fclamleisj .and .which . huyc been very 0luptqtjsly,irculalpd the. last few wfekn.frpm one .cqipf the country ,tu, tht other false as the "baseless fabriof, a y- clfirf,..!iml tirtnrr llipm in .tinrA nc Irnn.M.' iyhye,isir, h.egol his'informatfqifll'know, notindr do I earcino((sliall'I 'glie- itlfurtlieV. potice; but I cap'.say.ilhatyho-gentle'matis mertdsllip'Durlngmy-reiharkiilNriade'nQ Jn7t ''t. hi icvci iTi tztr u '. ,''. tti'. , . aljiisjon i tOithe Speaker,eACD3.t Jn a.polttiea rn-Vili.n Infrifinifnik'k i ffri.itii'.t.-b (.ti m,fciiplrien,ti.ijhe;ffltiut4tykrt bf.itoncti mep lifUmo.tfereriathiliiic'solhtt nil B!l hitUff Hoy ?tt Jo'smeJofi'ihia 'whltlli. Ijgyeibq spciie(J agit..-t Hit) .CfiiiaHJdttt missidt.cts. ,Bir i.updi. m mv piace,h few 1 rcpca) Iho .ctiavgts 'tiqw;- m : i.i,.,rs...i fun political purpose! Atiil1 sir,- I liink,in the aluBlnh"sTmalQ pfi (his 1o6r, iVifdelVatd Vi'Y:,um' . 2-1 ' ! Jn".1'. ,ar n.s,eVC?, ,D- Krtftidemy;. I .flaid ihaiiien Wer6 remttVed ffirn'Ofiice, bscbUse tlteV fere rfrit of' thV Vlgh'rpolittca'f.slfink, bull give' no intirpa- , liu Li.ii, T - I a - ti . .t . I(iun iiovyl Btopogq inis BUDJCCW jil.gpntlB' men do hot know from my politicals acis tnyrmanifor the' Presi'd'e'afcvt'I wfll tell tlipm Wiffm Mnffip fflK'fif WX. ot '? d is t Ui f 8 hpq , senator, wlio, now JloldM ieat lthe.enalcpf !ihejt),, .Slalds. the Jipnorable James. BuoiUNAN, He Is rtiy cabdiilale4 A'n'd.1 say (o you iVriUlat !l hvu-wpjrdrib wordito say fegntnat tfiiitlt'stlij-' gii8ned,1m,anVip, the., candidatd,,o ihol gplepian frotn.C.raword, (Mr Lowryi)-i He. js a hianUi.wnuld'do'hdnbr tO' as 'sorfn la!'trblly'ma, living.1 I woulir,n'tt'fill!uW uuu iiiurci iruiu uie yrcaui uiav covers lip It Js enough forno,lo say.ahat Mr Buchanan U rw xhpict and in making Mis publlisiileolaraiioni-ili',tHi8 pub'lio'prae'. I w'Sul'd be'l"ll!e';laBt'm!lflV t'ri '(rflflnrn"1 iltV ! disTOipnor t!;o .distinguished hero i who :(sled'o''is,b,lQqdat;.lho Thames iih :defentidof; 'ourxo'mmnn cburllrfi.'l No"l God-forbid, But Wi' thereof; another1 tnteWslpetSja'n'd Jheffen le.rn.anrQ.m.CTrawfoid and liis,t)artv, wjU,be(old lo jt, sojsuro aa. ,tho, Bun.-.rlseX to-morrow.- Here MrVliowry' shook'. ihis head's Arid if the geifHein'ari fto'tr Craw-' ford and hU party wili'npl.b'a sojef, (o. the, P E r3 ' ' 'a s 1 " 8 1 P-!" J 1 9 n ' MS iinow. .no'U'Pg aboUt the political matimuvVesl of thbiday. v. cannot uuy,4me,, .WmIkw; p- I s ! '.I.kHowltlitfyeatlnbl buytliat gehtlemall; ;buWVitliIH,75rib'montb,is't5mo, llleie will b 'a pfess i establish ejl 'i ii this, town, for the iHur.P.9?5 fifl.denguncinhirn ,and me. U.will 4llvocale1ll) of Gen. Cass for the Presidency. J WoW Sir, I i opWon o'f'tlihf gefrillemani enicrtain a eood I know well jlPK.'lPul'?1? ysisetvi:.c.s- tendered the So,qr.ry,alithe tpUrt.ipfj France. It .waalhp sirj whof se'tiled'thd'g'reat'q'nestidrt'o'f frikma- VbgiUij asthd r.'gfif.oT.s'rc'li 6n"Jtlip ie,?.?Tilll?i!R?. XPA?PU. Europe. i.9vS w.Ll,Jt;W?pec,t.lPfjtiop.(nip68(.but.L do say! thfltthey'are'deoeivi'iit;,'hhnrtliey are Stiidtinff-'atf'bats nawuof hFinULifi(? it will uMf W,.,u is "j.'1,,6)ai...l?.'''asi')eau, ips Rtri itiVyjlLvJiCHl abaut(atid;becom'e a Tyler nio. !..... . . i . i . t t papers Who ls'Wbe4- the next' Secretaiy 6f AVVfVVlip 'is To succeed, (he, present Secretary of wail Kverv nun mini nrn. Illlajj lit 4 e- , l'J" 'T& . r'" " " , I It" 8proa,t.!,a,t lie;, a;Cas8fma,i', but must be. come.'n;TyIer inan, and ' there is lo baa M'i'. I a 'nil r I.I WftrA Al-irl tmrn t dependent press established in, HarrSs'burg andwjio is (he editor, is unnecessary, for me, (o.say. las saying wnen i was ip. terrnpted thattlie Cass pariy pf tr day, on the 4th of fuly next,, would bo the Tylpr party of Pennsylvania! Who doubts' I)V Noiv'.'do not gentlemen know all Uiisl.'I ask .hp wis James Madison Porter .tpbe mado Secretary of War, and by what j'nflu. ance. . ' " Is it (o be dope ili'o.. n.e'mocracv of Pennsylvania, I ask? Is ttp,bqi by the influence.of this House? No.sir. not by a jug full. (I.auglilet ) It will nol'be by the dchi'ocfalib party, becabse' jlie tlembcraj'te parly are pqUo crouch Sin) fawn to jljo powers at Washington! There Is no affin ity no fbeling between th'e deniocralie par 'ty atiil'lhp 'I'yicr party. 'And. 'yet sir, you are i euiriiunded by, the men, one uf. whom, i? taJj.9 5"Kr..of paper..,, Yps sir,. that, very! holds . ffic8uniler' this adminintt'a'tibri James 'Madison Potlef'lg bp Sedf8taty,ofVar)a Wffr I ttbipp,,ths; gbhtferhah from Oriwrbrdi.lfthe is" (Us iVbe ah admitft of the war wofrt VtirAft 'bf tttri ltucyV)Vo, fids bhem3rt- b'lo6'd''ttVlicreitcV o,is,c9uptry than ny,.tin)a'hg V Would ak hjpi f fie catiml rtiake .a .better, bargain' Willi Mr;BucliartarH ihoil the.TyJer "rrttJnf ' ' - ' - "V r .bfoecIie?,-(laUgh.tcrJ aridiyhc ttihct li? tia'n. make'an honorable peace, iil.cknow Abb gentlemah to b'e'h'ohb'stV :;bnl tiiaV lib hilly1 ilnderslarWs 'ttW unrifeUr'terfttViaV is.fb .swefep hftrt.and the Jbjinqnlpartyromho political scrnjl. I, very rmiclii'opbj, u Mti LO Wlt (interrupting)-1. .aVrit hot ln' markef--and if the Hon'. - BpeaMsf thinks he tap'eiOjerljuV or'eelf Wei. jib Is ' toisla'.i Mr, VU3H'tesUrhet4'n3w We r .tliC'hamcjrot .limb mason 4j-WJi.1Jj toi open his jeyes. Ahd;sifi IherB! list ahother papefto be fesfa'b'ljyicd 'lieVc'For' what 'purpose tjvp'tild ailti 1',' repeat' itj IhureJs .lp,, bo a papey Btafiiisiie'ti here., -called' the 'Independent Pibss,' in ordsf lo abuse the members of the legisla urer 1' suppose) forsoothi 'id abbse'Vhe ,mati;,wht)!nas,thB btavefv,, and 'foMttia'o to ! ft 4 Hit., j ... ' . i . suhUUp1gn,d,jpodaift! tJ Jne ;Worljl lie , is. :not a. minion, nor a slave.It.:iajto !denbunc'e. menV'I presiifrlefor1 spa'altin'g" libfe- 'what hey think and believe, n, 6'iriwhaMWey ;do Itn9W-17ljPu,!jll54gag u.P,on, tfjg.raquH .'of mmbera,-rrlo close!tieir. lips1., -Sir, ll'.ei press the i'yler,Vess iheinrfepenterit Tyler press to'He'establlhed hVr'e tiara n"o letrors.fqr ro; UftS& mucp as tp,ey pieaso.jOi winjp qra ian indpnendentilhemberjofia free- srepfejentd t'ive bpdy.dn'd while1 Ibe' friud 'liere-'t wlji point "hay' fin'gor at if 'without t;gati iqpueqce from , Eirijia my duly.jmy swornjdulyandi what juy.ucpn stttuerfls.wlllidernand at Vtiyi'hiindsi Them I setve'andSvlth'fiae'lilwheh erM'iftirj. masKeu a nd corruption exposed io no nub-re-.establish. .4nipd.e.pen.d.ent, press lip oyp, liefer Lsawithb editor talhiniji,,rae, but to'anolhef'liidito'duali 'and' heard him sayV-'I wanl. to fld'an Irt'de'penpent ptess here, , to abuse the members of, he legisla ture. ( iNow;:8ir, 'what man on this i floor' is deserving bf abuse? What man'-hore, that has "'taken his oath to serve his' con nty Wjth fidejiy,.ls. deservjiip pf abuse? Whai man. jiefq,is dqber,ying..of nbu8e, liirepe.tbj the public- press? This ish the political Writes Bland ' here.t .'A'nil1 I tell von (hat here js nrnJsVajteltliatl Jllfl2,3c'aP,J C Penpsyjvaaia is lor lr-i p.u.cljanan. . aa t, ho -cannotDgel the. ihbmination,i there niany a' wofie 'mlfi 'tbari- Mr.. L 63y '. n t e j r u p 1 1 . J The nes man ia Matty!; the Magican,iI.8uppose.;lfi Mr; -WRIGHT;' No, ulr.-nol' for'mej: I dd not concca( my views I ptoclaim them 1.-. ' i-- A. 1 i.i fi '! ui.,;.. t 'tj'.i- were io, mo woriu, i lai nianni van uurcii is. nqtjny jcanf)idate,.iliqpgh. jfnqminfited I will, give , him, '-my unyielding support. Theft! is nb sprit,' sir, in' Mri Van Buieri's administra'tioq that'l wb'dldj' sde obliterated. His, measures, wil1 be regarded., as tjie g eat lapdwatks qf democracy, whence is , gp,ne tp the tumb of the capulets,- Andrdisay.for benefit pf the gentleman frnm Crawfptd and'all'otlidr'e'jartb1 P'p'aiilionMiinf agbinsl tiip Oass pioement .Pnpsyjjrpa, tl:at it iij nnl, ln f?ct, for,.Gqne,ra( .Cass. j,.god.ifprbi that thqy,slioul4 impose, Upon ' tjiaf gentler man; but Iay that;hey are 'to' 'turn rirch a'So'ut face.'and wheel inl'S Hie" ritiik's'of Jolin.ryer, 8?tBJ.'s,..arp(to,bieii8iung1i.o1tjt heavens. ,pr irie.ppiticat succ8s,ol.l.lolin Uyleri ' Nowv Bir.'if.tlioreJis fn '"lentl'driian herd 3100' 'JdIdo,I lelliijrij io mark.Vl'.a.t vy,.?1 fK'TO1' prediction,. nyw rqftke. m. .fully vetifiedi But,.eir, I dd not aay -with' wjiat success, nor'dd I eay tha Jamas' Madison. Porter ia'to bo, made Secretary at ,W"to bring tib cpigcrapy ir.t6,ilje" 'lIer, tanks. .lijiqi'pol.kpqw-1wha,ielt8. goiog .there, fdr; i put inig.t snow,' tnai:Miiei,uemooracy bf I 1 . .1. . T I .1 .i .1 . t 1 I vrennsytvanta ao not put nim"thero.- AWIl gerilleiiiani8-n6Vr?i' miWiW WMW'M is1 p?rh0ps,he i's tlie!grealiiapi9i .ofjif' p'a'rtyt No, he cannot be,1 fordheWii' -'ono nov, Captain pi5i. ''Bflt he gdes thfa ' ' .I'i ' V' -'. 1 d.neJ ib..-1 as the Lieutenant, of tbe uemOcrar-j", of Per.WsylVa'pIa.Kdriil tliem, Jpfp lljie-'r ranks. But oiMhat dayiiwillfn notveome, 'accbrdlrlg'VA calculation Ndwfiwisli rtie Vriifepdndehl l'.fcss Was' fn operation 4t tue presen.ttiyk tliat,t, might .atjuse rre for. proclaiming, wy,:Oplnions to UiHpeppIo of-Pennbylvanlai Sir t cdbft such obuse as'ttiaVf't' lrtie td bs proscribed-by-'fify enemVe's, when am' disc cppbeiKP. l6 be my ro'qps 'iil1e.i8 a rep resentative, .witlioOtshacklesv iind wlthdbi cbliarlForl vVdaV rYA 'man's olfar.'find'if' evI'ana.'q-d' forTtve'm'e'i :. ifa., thatr ih'ai feenefflantmayr bSufijr glVcn.3 Ttilrw wtua tJ.u .arlMl-s sMr ''WRIGHT?'5! fepV"! rrli bo" Tdri glye'hjf iVier mi buti 3d' 'nuffiih fttUlDrqsent day. Hl aln, jpo ,,B!,avp id l --i '. ': . . r-i null a . js i v !t Ui't 'i J No it, iir aftehi having, disbaeo; athb 'political pan'bf'lhb 'sQbject) and" shbwrfflla' iit m dplntbn:ho 4oh"r.son,,mTAatbfJlep'hi sylvanlaj jyith thoir ,pariy logahjaatipji, ought pot,tooiriKq1thpirJfcqlqs. pntiLlhay can see fitstcWhat tunc. theViif arcfisViiccbd nidrclied ttf In' the' rarikb'pf'ohTi'41';!? SometliVng tVas'safd. neVeJlo (iay,'or"(ii63ay uciqrexi iorei.w.n;in.,rgaruj1jDiJno committee wlilcli'fWaa.appain.ied to.etamiuo Into' lheralloged frauds'' bit? Ve' Del'aWa?d gopimittee as a rod pf(,roryf ,Jiq ib.atjal commlssiopers. -I think , they rcoilldariat pih'oW'-wliaV'they'said if-lheytlpposed trfis .motives v X. Wh :gbnJe AMj5 A t bellevq,il wasjlrAePnllflman rpui.Craftford .who:made'tho!eharKeinHlil'Iiad ?made'!4lr) my mmd and would have foriTiwrifarTfo'ifn eu.ipe .committee, u, not; receiveu -n receive note, from oneofiths Jieads fit, depaftmentV suggesting tht) names of certain gendemeri 'to-form the Commilte'et PacM. confmitR'd ,p)clt'a ' committee 'forme1; 'saill'lf VvliA liie pr.esiuing,.oiicer . otTltup w Housgjana, , I will taW none, of your" committee. W-bila I occupy te dialr- I'll make my: owiieom mitlde3i 6ir, riiaveVn my 'po'cM'ih 'the gentleman's own hand writinghqfdjng u'.) Loud cries from every part pfjtitp. Ilpuse ol'Iitadtt ijttadit, do note want jto to read It is xsalculated" 'to reflect'ohgcri'tld :rne'n.' It' is from a'm'emh&'r of llin p.-ih'inM-. rsirl'JI.npi be. raaile Iie.pjiarit.odl o'any man ip ppwer, oul;ofi it. ..This coin.raiJtee arrangement firsf-' aroused my ifluspiclolis A. ,l i ' L . ..1 ." will'ferrpl out.the3niquity.;.jf any lhqre be; -Mr, LOWRY explained-, I de.iirb aha Speaker bflhe'IIouse'tb 'state' wliefhdr'ehe did. not say'thlit he' w.ouitf''g'h'ejijry8 syph a.commiitee 4 if. tpy, j.wp.uld, liisifriendjto. office? Task if, he ow'Ill'. dciiytU pVo'tv'liis"own''slgnatu'iCi ' ' Mri W KIGHT proceed," Yes siF-bht thatMs bbexp'idh3librf.n al!; ''Vl'.y 'is'lt, slrlliafjhee Is al( this feeling n )liq,uj jedt? I will tell ypu ,il.ilbeatisp I did not happen to' ngreu, .with', thb-giiiiileinan who had ahtned the f?apcr. 'THe'haW,Wr'h ihg, shows' It Is. Sltll holdingliQ'ppV id I)is.'hah(i3 (Repealed cries .of ' jfjose, if, ij?' iyiiqse',; .pndi I upposfc.hecauBDai' dill noi agree to it tliei'dndejldfidirtt'f pilfer esfabnstied vlfl frcnvn,'Jottdfr'yJft,AHfiTH w.ell piyself, w.lipjjas. ,tie, ftpura p' Jiinir.AniW11 4ccLaiP. I'i3 jildnpoiidetipe, I toll llietutlieyidftii't.jimtcL.niB uuli their InUUpentle'rtltjiapefJ-ond If I (inH'gtlt tBfS pcntlirsa'dkclothjiir flsficV,1 wpi lhangory.jn,aogl,and,.qqrrnpt oiculvill goUa my, eortstiiuenis, 'for;ltIi.l;ii6w3?w)Si 'their sen (brents and feclfugs afe,'',Btrd' AfrV 'i40 l' 1B".,4,.tiwHHz4tiIWs on tij itje.sjx, repotVed,(iis,il4j:i froini'Bii)tahyi. of- imy mostdiBtiriguishedVebhsilluentsV' ielliaEl'nfu I . i .. .... ..- 9 I ..- O what cpurie to takrHd ifI. lialT no'j p'bbV ed WejrrnsWclionV ficrVtofore.I 4ould uot division pPth'e Pe rfri&yi vbif i i cJiti Sf.J cWlVy, it was Mid that ina an was not, rigui, nnu inn was vuy 'tljat qpmnillteo' v'as delayed, a I iiqpe tha,geqtieman wlSjiqw compote,, it