The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 04, 1843, Image 2

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S.1TURU-111', FEUnVtlltV 4, 1813,
(Subject lo the decision of a Naliona
Editorial Correspondence'
IlAumsBuno, Jan. 20, 1843
' In Senate. Messrs. Block and Mathers
introduced bills for the reduction of the cap,
ital stock qf the Mechanics' Bank of Phila
delphia and the Bank of North America.
Mr. Stewart reported a bill from thg
Houseelative to the auditorr for the city
end county of Philadelphia, with sundry a
Mr. Mc-Cu v. from the Committee on
Finance, to whom the subject had been re,
ferred.icparted the resolution relative to the
Relief notes, so amended as to require the
immediate cancellation of $100,000 of said
issue, and a like sum on the last of every
month thereafter until the whole amount
shall be cancelled and dsstroyed. The a-
mounts placed to the credit of the Common
wealth, either in. the County Treasuri,or
in any of the tanks, to be -deemed and con
-eidfred as so much actually in the treasury,
A, number of amendments were proposed to
this, but all those altering its provisions
were voted down, when the Senate went
itito committee of the whole on the eulijcct
and adopted the report of the Committee on
Tlnance, and it being then reported to the
"Senate, was adopted, and the question being
-on its final passago,the yeas and nays Mere
required; and were, yeas 30, -nays -3.
The bill abolishing tho Court of General
Sessions of Philadelphia was then taken up
when a motion was made to increase the .
salaries of lhe3udgesof the Court -of Com
mon which the duties of the above
"Court are to be transferred, to $2, 000 which
was discussed until the hour of adjournment.
ThisTning petition flay in theliouse.but
rule other business was transacted, except
IlAitnisBURo, Jan. 31, 1943.
Aftcjr tho, reading of the journal .of yester.
day, a.r'es6liiliori was introduced,' by Mr.
El wet), instructing the Oommilteo of Ways
and iUcins tu enquire into ttie expcuiency
of amending tho bill passed yostcrMay can
celling $100,000 per month of the relief
notes until tho whole was destroved, so as
it, reduce the amount to 850,000 per month
after the first month. This resolution caus
ed quite an animated and exciting debate,
which continued until the hour of adjourn
ment. It will no doubt pass to-morrow, and
I have as little dnubt, that a bill will be re
ported accordingly and pass tho house.
Tin's will reduce the amount to be cancillcd
within tho year, to $50,000; but should the
piojcct of selling the stale blocks in banks,
turnpike road p. Sic. be carried into effect,
as recommended by the fovemor, nearly
the whole of the relief notes will bo taken
out of circulation within the year. This
event is certainly very desirable, if it can bo
done without serious injury to the commu
nity. Tho only difficulty that wo see in
the mailer, is, how to supply the vacum
causeil by the withdrawal df ihese rales.
That ifmust he supplied by seme kind of a
currency will bo evident to all, or business
will entirely cease. That (hero is specie
enough in the country to supply Iho neces
sary circulation under five dollars, wo be
lieve. But then, when the banks of the
adjoining slates, are all issuing small bills
and our own banks issue none, shall wo not
bo flooded with a circulation nol much bet
ter, if ar.y, than the present. To avoid
this shall we not bo compelled to allow our
own banks to issue one, two and three
dollar bills. Wo acknowledge it is a harsh
medium lobeadminislcred.but will it not be
betler'to have bills of our banks, then those
of other States, one or the other we shal
have, and as much as we are opposed to
the issue of bills of less denomination than
five Dollffrs, we prefer the latter evil. We
shall, at least, have the consolation of
praising their worth and be less liable to
counterfeits, spurious,- or worthless trash
Under this veiw ofthe case, we think the
Legislature will be under the necessity of
authorising the banks to issue one, two and
three dollar tills, pavable on demand.
AndhouW the banks,- in gnoo Mill re
fflm ihf"" iting uiniilill-iwuii !A--ttiA
I.ucUii Usenet. We had Iho nfcasure
of conversing yesterday, with Col. Andrew-
"Vn'lll l.iol., ,..!, I.l... . .t.
wlio; among several others, was .taken" priso'-'
ncr by (ho Mexicans at'San Anldnla, while
the Court for lhat district, was 'in sessimi.
The, prisoners, amounting in number to
about fifty nino, were made to march under
s strong guard on iho way to the, city of
Mexico changing the numbers and charac
ter of the guard as they came to this and
tho other military post. When within
, fifteen leagues of Mexico the route was
changed, and the prisoners diverged into
the Puebia load on their way to Pcrqte, in
tne castle of which, about halfnmifc frpm
the town, they are now in manacles and
confined. On tho evening of he 14th
December, Col. Neill bade his captain
farewell' with very litle ccrcinony.and on
the next morning at, 8 o'clock' he had
walked forty-five miles, and was in ihe
hearl of the city of Mexico. Having
money enough to last him threo or four
days, hn slopped at ajhotel demanded a
pnvato room received no company, anil
attended to relieving himself of his fatigue,
and curing his feel, then weary and sore.
in a day or two. he had walked out
found a certain street, and returned to his
quarters. - He searched the next night for
the number in that street which he desired
entered whs embraced, by his friends,
&, concealed in his house two weeks. He
then boldly look a seat in the slage(under
in assumed name,) which runs Irom Mex
ico lo Vera Gruz, and even stopped one
night at Pcrote, within rifle shot almost ol
the prisoners :n the castle. Here he heard
of his own escape, aqd cautiously made his
safely known, to those in uo Castle. Ar
rived at- Vera Uruz, lie was concealed on
board a vessel until another craft was
ready lo take him to Havana, where ho ar-ri-cd,
and thence came to (his city, via
Key West ' i
He mentions lhat fifty five'- captives still
remain, and that they arc treated In no
gentlemanly tfr hourirlibly maiiher, Judge
Hutchin (whose Avife is pow in this city,)
was the only person allowed to go about
without being chained by the, legs. Col
Weill has not yet recovered the healthy use
of his feet, but purposes, returning to Texas
immediately, and joining the 'army of the
West on the iithei 'side of l ie Kio Grande
He states that ihe Mexican soldier are few
and far between in that region, and anlici
pates a glorious result from tho repotted
advance of the Texas armv. ir. O, Bui.
of the seat -f justice of Columbia county,
whfch was under consideration for an hour
or more, and then postponed.
On Thursday last, the removal question
camo up for action in the house an1 was
passed second reading without much oppo
eitien, and upon the question for transciib
ing for a third reading, a debate sprung up
between Messrs. Roumfort, Deford and
Snyder, which lasted until ie hour of ad
journment, when (he house adjourned be
foro a vote was taken on the question.
On Friday, after the usual morning busi
ness was transacted, the removal question
was again taken up, when it was advocated
ty 'Mr, Karns, of'Allegh'e'riy', and' oppoijed
by Mr. Lowry, and Boal, the latter spoke
against time and continued until the hour of
On Saturday the removal was again un
der dUcussion, It wa opposed by Mr.
Boal, Qf Lycoming, in a dull heavy ridicu
lous speech, full, of misrepresentation. He
endeavored to make out that the question
had nothing to do with the election of Dan
iel Snyder, but lhat Fruit was the democrat
ic candidate, and supported by them exclu
sive, while Snyder was supported by the
whigs and the disaffected democrats. After
lie concluded Mr. Karns and Mr. Bailey
spoke in favor of the bill, whon it was or
dered to be transcribed for a third reading,
by a vote of 40 to 27.
To day a bill come from the Senate pro
ceeding for cancelling by the State Treasu
ter of 8100,000 of the relief notes monthly,
until the whole shall be destroyed. After a
lengihy discussion the bill was passed by a
large majority and sent to (ho governor for
ifis signature. Whether il receives il, is yet
n question. In consequence of this taking
xi p iho lime of (he (reuse, until within a few
minutes of tho hour of adjournment, (he
removal bill was not reached on its third
means o t resuscitating buisness, by a tree
circulation, and erecting a healthy action
to (he 'transactions between man and man
That ihen will be a scarcity before (he one
can take the place of (he other is probable
but then, tho result will be lire same, if
(he issue be put off for montl)3 or years
hence. The relief note3 are to be with
drawn, and wo do not see how the vacum
can be supplied but by small notes.
IIarrisduro, Feb. 1,
The resolutions ol oir. iMwett came up
again lo day, and after considerable discus
sion was postponed for the present, whsn
after the usual business of receiving reports
fee. was transacted the REMOVAL BILL
came up on its third reading, when il was
passed by an almost UNANIMOUS
VOTE, without the calling ot the yeas
and nays and was sent to the Senalo for its
concurrence, the bill was opposed in the
house, from the time it was reported unti
passage with all the tact, falsehood and
misrepresentations that the Danvi'le faction
are o capable ot using, but it was no
No other business of important was
transacted in cither branch.
f The General Naval Ciiurl Martlnf (n fitf
t i u ,-! Commander Mnckcnziq,nport threo charges1
to meel, in odr oxchango dle firsl murder, the' second cruelty and
S tl f, t oppression, M,e third not: mentioned? con-
Wo conlinuo
naners. savs tho
nimkc which was' foil In tho West on tho
evening of the 4h of January II was felt
at Jirckson, Gallatin, Carthage, Sparta,
Murfreesborough, Franklin, iolumbia,
Shelbyville, Treuton and Memphis, in
Tennessee: Htintsville, Ala.; dncinatr,
Ohio; Louisville and Mill's Poiul, Ky.
and Madison. Indiana. Il is reported that
the earth sunk, in several places in New
Madrid Mo. In 1 uscalooso three very
violent shocks were experienced, during
which, is said, the houses seemed lo real.-
They lasted ten miniiies.and produrcd much
alarm among the inhabitants; The Mem
phis Lnquirer verv graphically dcsciibe ihe
effects at that place;
Il was the severest shock, wo imagine,
which has been lell in this region since the
'Great Shakes' ol 1811. The paroxilm
lasted about half a minute, during which
time lite firmest earth did' reel to and fro
as a drunken man,' so violently indeed, as
to make hundicds run into the streets from
the fear that the houses they were in were
about lo tumble down. No damage, how
ever, was done, unless it be to crockery
ware, which we should think it likely has,
suffered' somewhere, placed loosely on
shelves. The vibrations of the catth might
have lasted in all nearly two minutes, and
were accompanied by a heavy, rumbling
sound, as if some seventeen hundred and
fifty heavy loaded waggons had been driv
ing briskly along Ihu stieet. Wo were
seated quietly at our writing table at '.he
lime, and hud a better observation of it (hap
those who were in the bustle and noise of a
ciowd. It was stupenduonsly magnificent
How puny and insignificant are all the
works of man, in comparison with the
sublime phenomena of Nature!
We understand there was quite a rush at
the theatre, and indeed, every where else,
to get out of doors. We, ousclvus, heard
(lie 8l:riel: ol lemalos, in several quarter
ol the town
Affecting Scene. The New Orleans
Tropic of Tuesday says that Judgo Can
onge paid a visit omSunday lo Larking.lhc
spoke freely upon (he subject of his awful
end, and desired mbsl earnestly lhat a min
ister of the Methodist persuasions might be
allowed to wall upon him. There was one
little incident in his conversation lha( is well
worthy of record although the sentiment
springs ferm the breast of one .who has
crimsoned his hands in (he blood of a fel
low creature. He said that his father was
dead, but lhat his mother is now living, nntl
that there was but one thing connected with
the horrid crime for which he must soon pay
ihe just penalty, thai brought peace to his
mind, and afforded him, unhappy as he
was a gleam of consolation. In making
out the accusation, the prosecuting attorney
accidentally spelt his i)ame,i:nproperiy, yet
he had answered to it, and never' corrected
tho mistake, for, (hq reason that his poor
old mother might never know that it was
her son who had sulTere'd a felon's death.
Thero is something beautiful in this, and it
serves to show that the heart pf man, al
though dyed with ihjt' blackest crime, may
still bo susceptible of tho holiest emotions
of our nature. To hear one fir whom (lie
hangman waits, express a feeling thai (he
purest of us adore to hear him say thai
he thanks God that his mother will never
be apprised of her erring child's untimely
end may well enlist the sympathy of the
sternest ol our kind in.behalfof one from
whom all shrinks as from abastlisk.
IMIcorul, and old Norwegian writer, not
much known, relates thai, having occasion
to travel one night in winter, when the
wJmle land was one wide street of new-fallen
snow, he mei upon the road, far from any
village or habitation, ta sight so strange and
Hingular, that it Haunted his memory to the
very closing scene of Ins long life. To
describe it, was the last effort of his pen
i he moon sliono with terrible brlhancy
and, with the reflection of snow, produced
a light, strong, glaring, and painlu 1. Ho
had upon his feet a sort of wooden shoe, or
runner, men, anu prooauiy now, vpni ju
speed, and
tu travel with considerable
i .t
noise uiey inaue upon iuc trad; was
i... it. tit
oniy souitu lie couiu near, except that in
(leecnuauii! cracKiing caused bv increasinz
cold. Nol the bark of a dog. nor Ihe growl
of a bear, nor tho shadow of a nine, was
there to break the monotony of his journey
wnen suddenly appeared befoie linn,
monstrous hearse, blacker than darkness
d-awn by four large black horses, whom the
raven would have been white.' Appalled
uy mo apparauon, I'tleurdl slopped I he
hoarse moved without noise, and 'almost
without motion,' for it seemed an hour m
passing him. 1 ho driver oat as car
vuu in ruonv. D'U strangest ol all was
the corpse, ' lying in a shroud whiter than
snow, under the blackness of that fearful
pall. It was simplv a corpse, without
cofiin, and iho face was bare. JJoslon
mmiKNUaroiina on
folio win (J
veneu on board
Wednesday last, the first of February.
Uourl will be composed ol the
President, Commodore Downcs Com
modore Read, Captains W. Common
Bolton, Dan. Turner, Charles. Skinner
Isaac McKeever, John H. Aulick, Bladen
Dulany, John Gwynn, and Thomas W
Wymartj v-onimauuefs Hcnrv W Ogilciu
Irvine Shubrick, and William W. Mn.
Kean; Judge Advocate, Samuel Ruch, of
I lie Madisonian, m s'pnakine of ilnv
Court Martial, says, the parasranh which
originated with iho Courier snd Enquirer,
slating that tho President had ordered tho
Court .Martial without waiting to loarn tho
dicision ofthe recent Court of Inquiry, is
entirely without foundation. No court wns
ordered till (he 25th instant, four dajs after
mo adjournment oi mo uourl ol Inquiry,
and more than two days after iho receipt of
me reconi ni (lie uepartmenl. The Prcs
dent has done nothing in the matter, and
the Secretary of the Navy ordered a Court
Martial us soon as he mado up his mind
that it was proper lo do so, neither wailing
fur Ihe civil authority lo act not hurrinv
in order to prevent its action. A Cmi'n
Martial is necessary, under every possible
view of the case. If Mackenzie be, guilty,
it is necessary in order lo try him; if he bo
innocent, it is necessary in order to try iho
mutineers. Il was nol ticcessan, there
fore to postpone it even till Ihe rising rif the
Court of Inquiry. Tho fact thai it has been
postponed nil several days after thai event,
is proof enough that it is not now called
with any v.iew to take the case from tho-
civil authority.
Wo learn from letters which appear in
lale Mexican papers, that tha recent proceed
ings ot Oommodorc Jones, at Monterey, are
not the only grounds of complaint the Mex
ican Government have against ibis country
"El Smglo Diezey Nnevc,' publishes three
letters from ihe new Governor of California
stating the particulars of what he terms an
outrage on his government, at the port of
San Dirgo. From the statement given, it
appears that during the month of November
a party of men cnlercd that port, and spikfd
eight cannon belonging lo the fortification.
Tho officers of iho brig Alert, bearing tho
U, S. flag.are charged with the perpetration
of this ofTenre, as she was seen off the port
some days before, and several boats filled
ged oflfence. In his own peculiar style;
the Governoi invokes iho action of the Su
premo Government in this business. A'.
O. Tropic'
A letter received in this city dated Genoa
November 30th. states that Midshipmen
Beers and Cook, bofli of Philadelphia,
recently fought a duel at twelve pacrs with
pistols, .and Beers received Cook's ball in
his leg. The wound will nol prove fata',
and ihe patient was doing well. Tho
quarrel originated during tho reception on
board the Columbus, ofthe Queen of
Sardinia both the young gentlemen being
attached to that ship. The parlies havu
been suspended by the Commodore, and it
is said will be sept homo for trial! fast.
They have an Indian Rubber boat in
New York which will sustain one ton,
takes four minutes to inflate, and one min
ute to let out the air and fold up. Weighs
twenty-five pounds, and can he put in a
half bushel measure. Convenient.
The Caroline Rascal, Captain Drew
who cut out Ihe steamer Caroline, has been
appointed to the eommand of a ship of war,
and visited by Princo Albert on board of
his vessel. We suppose if he had burnt
Ihe city of Buffalo, in addition lo his other
exploit, tho Queen would have visited him
There are 57 Postmasters in thn Union
whose compensation exceeds $500, twenty-
two are In Massachusetts, The Postmast.
eu ofthe eight chief towns in that Stale re
wive as follows Boston, $2000; Nev
Bedfurd, 81,571 10; Newburyporl,$l,25t
10; Northampton, $1,807 14; Salnm, 81,-
702 P5, Springfield, $1,400 11; Worcester
$1,501 29; Lowell, $J ,228 70,
Governor Bouch, of New York, lias
ppomted his son his Private Secretary
his othor son, hi Military Secretary hi
I son-in-law, Adjutant General and his
nephew, Governor's Messei'ger. And why
nol; if they are all capable!
Jlhode Island. A proclamation has been
issued by Governor King.declaring that th
i Constitution lately adopted will be the an
preme law after tho 2d of May,
From Texas. Important, if true.
1 he steamship ISeptune arrived al New
Orleans on the lOih inst, with Inter Tnxan
papers. They give something of a cock
and bull story of a division having taken
place in Gen. Somervilio s army. One
party, about 300 men, becoming dissa'ished
with him, elected Col. W. S. Fisher their
commander, and went down to Mier and
captured tti6 town; but a snowcr ot rain
came up just alter they had captured it, so
that they could not use their rifles to ad
vantage; and the Mexican army arrived and
altera desperate engagement retook the
town, and captured about two hundred or
two hundred and fifty of iho Texans
Tho toughest part of the slory is that, about
400 Mexicans were killed in this engage
inent and only four 1 cxans, It is not
known upon what terms tho Texans sur
rendered. Only two Texans escaped, and
the particulars" camo from thiiin. The
story is not believed in Te.xas.
While Mr. Clay in person, is kindling
up enthusiasm in tho boulliwcst by eating
white heifers, &c; the fire burns dim al ihe
eastward. The following passage from the
Boston Mercantile Journal, ncoonish paper,
lias ralher a frosty aspect;
In New hnglaml, it is now past a doubt.
that he will bo unable (o obtain the vote of
a singlo State. His nomination in this
Commonwealth to the Presidqnay, carried
diccord and paralysis into the whig ranks
Tho cnthutiam of his friends and adherents
are responded to by the great body of the
New England, who are opposed to his elec
tion on various' grounds, salisfactory, at
least, to themselves. It is not only unwise,
but impolite to press with pertinacity upon
his countrymen tho claims of this distin
guished individual to that high office."
( I'ennsylvanian-
Jl Forcible Appeal, Tho Governor of
Illinois lately sent a message tu the Legis
latere urging it to immediate action lo raise
thn means of paying its own expenses
Having nothing but Auditor s warrants to
pay with, he slated tho cost of wood for
public use, to bu three dolUrs and a half.
instead of Ihe chaeh price of one dollar sev
euty-fivc cents; candles one dollar, instead
of thirty-seven and a half cents: and so forth.
It was with iho utmost diihuully that the
Executive Department could pay its post
age. Such a state of things, if no other,
would soon put a slop to a lavounte amuse
mcnt of Legislature, that of creating and
filling offices of trust and pn fit or al least
make thern olhces of trust only.
Railroad Accident, An accident occur
cd on tho Haltinioro and Ohio Railroad on
Friday between It and 12 o'clock, at tha
North Mountain deep cut. near fifteen miles
from Cumberland, w hpn the train was on
its way to B.illimoro. Tho causo of the
accident was owing to an embankment hav
ing slid down on Iho railway, which being
at a short curve, was not perceived in lime
lo check ihe locomotive, hut it' was in con
sequence thrown off the track. The engi
neer was scalded, though not seriously, and
I i i f .
cmisiuerauio damage done Hie engine
None of (he pa.isengcrs'wero a( all injured,
nnr were any of (ho passenger cars thrown
Mare Rascality Grea( fiands have
iunl been discoveied in the Canadian Cus
tom Houses. It is asserted that three-quar
ters of (he revenuo has never readied the
government. Ope collector retumed less
revenue for one quarter than was known
to have been received in a single importation,
within the knowledgo ofthe tnspeotor.
Official Murder, A man named Carro'
win allot by a constable , in Highland conn
ty. Ohio on Monday of Uj week The con
stable had levied on and was taking away
personal property of Carroll; when Ihe Int
ter followed, assulted him and wok killed
by a pistol balltTho eonstablo was dlscharg
A personal renconilra look nlacc in
lower house ofthe Alabama I.ppiilaii