The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 14, 1843, Image 4

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    i,n ,i::,i..,i
5j4pnMticAcreditors Jmvingt;laims. for
Vkrdo)ie prior-" to" H&4lh MW,
cu lines of canal .nrifl railtr.oarjj ipreyi-u
jyH? 9rW9'i?t ay:,p(l.apr;lr(ia4,a.; t- In
nmniinlirtfr i. ll.r, fti 1111 . v
7J0i23Av;recntcredtbni'tl)G' books of
ihc'iA-udttor' (JtirfcTal fifthd tlose of (lie
iinnncml year, of winch sum S5S).HU
78 aSTorTwrlrySnnrin'r.iihil srAU.i
- . - w, IVSl V. Vll 111 Ol
nnd only instalment, twcntypch.ccntt
wasaontistiOf Jowtnlicr, to
gether with, all interpstf .then, due,
vhich amounted," dividend.aridinterest
Notwithstanding thewery satisfac'to-;
ryVesults'Hvliich have grown out
broad and liberal 'cb'iiitf uc'tfdn given;
by the Auditor General, to the rcsdluj
tion,pf thc7th Ap"rif,ihere.yet remains;
, a ywy ,dcpcryin - class of drcditots
who.haveireceived nnnp. nf ils Iirrfnfic
- hoY Was it,Jat' all practicable td br'ihg
inem wiuiin us provisions. The poor.
.,lab'orers scattercd'alohgtlie improve--,nients,
who with their own hands do
the, work necessary too keep them In
, navigable condition, should be the ob--jeefs
of the firsf care, q'fjhe ,gd.;ern
nient. In this, instance they were en-i
tirely -overlooked; ihe appropriation
for repairs being inadequate. From'
the character of their claims their
comparatively triflipg- amount, and,
their nu.rtberritw'as'rounci inexpedient!
to enter them on the books, of the Au
dijoiv.Genera.1 Ifjhey had been en
tered, it, would in many .cases have cost
the whole suni due to procure the div-.
idend from the Trcasnry and, indeed,,
u wpuiu.Dc a.moccery jor the, gpyern,
! merit, instead ot payment, to offer "poor
laborers a,. pro rata dividend on.n.claimf
'"of tf few dollars. ' 16'sardenily h'opedj
X.thnt thisworthy and in most cases suf-J
s-fering class i-bf domestic' creditors will
receivethe! immediate "atfentionLof, the.
M&r. t v. : - f
t(!. it hasi, .'relation to the:
1 tanking isyslem.of.this Commonwealth,
vas has on-manytroldcasidns' heretofore
bden -the' casfe vi(h;the .nations,
ounde'droA .upsM.11 principles; "that
M with all its power,, and with all its hold
ft on .public confidence and Udporf,- it
,f liasfe'llen by , tha weight ofUs own i'm-
aO;restojejpibhciConfidence in the
fianks,-or. render-ithenrbf 'more service
'to'the commlihity; irill KScome your'
rati ftf ( l L -1 1. T
fcwi.uM,tnu,iurucirenuerear a leave
t i n
ri";xvi..lJtVy' v-'H uni jujourn lUntu
withdrawing frdmcirculatiori'the notes
.issuej bj,jthe banks, in pursuance of"
may- De'redily obtaineij' to, extrnguisli
: P.?f "W the?e.,'ss.ues. j; refer
"to tne sale ot the Bank, Bridge and
fl?erAteiwh;ch-t,etate js, ,in'-
leresieu. i, tnink an amount might, be
realized, in thisy, sufficient, td an
swer the purpose; if'provision be made
jPyf laW.thatie prbceedsiof the sale
I he present condition of the Bjink
of Pennsylvania reciUirerthe most care
ful consideration of thb legislature.
Ihe State has'al'decp interesP "in 'the
.proper management of tlinf,1nsli(utibn,
hu t;Ju.uijr so m winding it up, j( (hat
-w...wU jvuiini muiisuru. facverai
acts Were Dassrf1-rlitrincr4linlf.r?,n.:
in rqlatioa to .it; but owing, tq somc,,dc-
iCWl- IHUV U1U not anSWfr tllo numn
" . i ), A J "uu,h ,(V
.once. orovHiPfi. f i
,make qnthe.subject,and that is, that
.7- . 'fiKWUliMA Will
... .w .uutinguiii; Muywu, uic control ot
the4 barjk bs, placed exclusively in the
anus;oi. uiq pnvate stockholders. Let
the, Stataand the stop.L-hnWp ro lin mil
on the same footing each having, tc;
Bpcctively, the, share of control equal
, . IICIU. 10 just
tompltijnt can then be madq, and the
interests of all parties will be nrnnrrlw
uuiucu. 1 1 muni nt
..1.1!- L.T
- ..v. ,....t.b ui iuv, liroviuintr lor
-ui-ariy iuieininn. i in nnnnr nn.
nent of members of flirvntn (Inner,., f
jeneral Assembly is a so n mattnr in
j ' !. 1. . .
. . b.f.iiii yuui
- . ...u.,.klu,l a iiu uuaia
fan apportionment bill on thissubicct.
JUUlU nn cnil.llirv nirnncc irwl ii.H
tit . . . 1 f
j iivvwiutm juouvv
uu aui oi un iuay, 1041: and it .win
with you in anv measdrftUhnt mbw Hw
Dlishltient'of fhis'nio.-.V ;i ilil
,V"r' y -ake ocW"h Jd suggest
to all sections of ihe Stints. , T
er manqr':an.the,ynrious interests bbt
faithfJllyeTefitcdL ,T-tie funda-.
mental.Drincinlcf of a rcniililirnnirnv.
..nitnentnndtoui:-, ojvn,,C!olistitutIon:,
Itl Min Nfnfn rl'l, ntw.-i! . a I i 1 i
,J.,,,?;.r?la,tc',. "P npRortjonmentjbill'o
I - . w... uin., luuu, iVVHI
.ui, a v-unvtivy, uyjx-garuea as a pre-.,
tedent or an example, but as a beaconY
io oesnunncti uy every: legislator -wh6.
uoderstands,and, islioncstly ddsiroilh of
oi carrying into execution the injunc
tions of.the.Conslitiittah. .Nrw.vim.w,'.
our considerations i cap. justify avdepart,-
urtffrom itfhnd onall nmsirin wlion -i
4,a uuuil illlinHCU, iir lias
rcdqiled, WilJtteji fpa jbrq.qp, (jielieadli
I have rencatedlv r.-nllnrl Mm n I IntiL
tirn of tlm InnisliifiiVo n tlm cuKtrvf r
seiectuiK mrors in't
thc'sevWril tTlliftlini
in th2 State' I'UantM'fdrb'car'tf.'i.ia..
it again upon you, ancj tq dd, that
uiciuisuiiu gnevnpcc very mucii com
plained of in thdsevcouniins. wlini o, U
exists under, the layi that is, that
... I, - I 1 ' . 1 - I . n
:m;t.u ouuiiuu wnueis-arc Kept lor
thdburnose ofdrawiiif inrorrf fnr 1ifi
ferent courts, there is Hiuch'" complaint
as tqthe manner of selecting the PiJmci
putlinto these diircrerit wheels'. ' iH'tii
been sutrnested that If Snn wimni' nnl,
was providedout of which all the pan
els of iurors for all thrM.eonrfs wurA
drawnj this objection wduld be - iii a
great Irridasure obviated'. ,1 will mere-'
j ,iui,imui iciiiiiiK) iiiui. iiiu 'system oi
drawing.jurors would be very creatl'
perfected, if the. rejection and tlravmf-of-the.Xame
,yei'q'Jo' be done., -by, tlie!
commissioners and shnrifT in rmnn
:cour.t, under' the supervision of ond1 6V
morc of the judges Recent'' cxpert-i
encccnjls aloud for the, protco'lipn ofj
the jury box'Trom even .the.-t possibility
of suspjqiono ... j
"My views have bden so filHv'nYnrpsqj
ed in former messages, in favor of the!
SUUDOrtofa liberal and nnlirrHfnnnil
system of educatid'iffBy cohi'm'on schools,!
fh.T T niff! Bpnrnltr r ,.,,. l,rfrr if
wilrcontentrriysLlf byi reiterating; thaU
,a ,Ound,puit.qaUon, basettlupon 'propen
moral ,and,r,eligious', training,' is-.vthcf
hrst lprrnrv n pun linmtAfl, i
'his child, and'thc best provision, a pat-j
ridt cdn'mak'o,Jto-"s'cSul;e, 'Hid "p'errna-l
'rieri'cearld purity-of:6Ur rcpdyicaii 'in
stitutions. " 1 refdryqu to tlic.yq'ry 'fujlf'
Utid elaborate rfipppt .of the fi Sjiperin-;
tendent; for' the condition and details;
of toUrrcdmnibii schools and' acaderriics,
female seminaries arid colltwvJf
The.r.qpprt pf.the'Adjutant. General
will bcsubmitled.toivoui l:slinnlil lir
loxcctcliticl v Jiai'mV Ao UnitcVwith Vmi.
a'nyunca8ure thatwolud render ;thcl
..o.ifc Ijiuiu UlllUlLIll,
arid less burthensdme td the commuiii-i
ty.T Perhaps the endpurageineht of!
voiunteers'wouia be the besl
tcersfill rium1sen.dlSCinlinft.nnd mnrlinl
spipt, th.ey,chn yjp. with ,those of any
otler tateinfthp Union.- Shouldnny,
,emergei)cy, qycrarise to. require,'.' she j
could., on the. shnrtpsf not
upwards.ofthirty-fiv,cthousahdbf these'
. intrepiddefendersol her soil."
ilaiq complexity 'arid arid obscurity
of many of the material provisions of'
thpaqt entitled " Ap actio aljolish im-j
piisonmentforddbt; and' to 'punishl
fraudulent1 debttfrsry: have rendered its'
operation'.almo3t nugatory, fedms';
to have produced little, benefit, to the
debtor; arid much inconvenicned to the i
.,cr,editor. Its provisions! certainly' 'rc-i
.quirq.a thorough reVision, and if liny
tlay of the kind be deenicd necessary,
it4ihould be one, verydiflercnt inriiany
of its-leading features frbrri the prceiiU
- Theponal sections, ; contalpdd in tlie .
samd bill, however well designed, were
drawn vritji so little prccisjoq' 'As to
have led to the most intolera'ble.'abiisqs
Erermdnt cqm'plaints have been
piade in Philadelphia on ,(hq subject of
the power of Aldei men a.nd .Justices of
thejpeace irj , qriipiual cases;- ,Som'e
mode should be provided lor. .defining
and regulating their jurisdiction, on
this important subject.'so as to gudrd
against extortion and oppression bnho
otie'hnnd, and laxity and jmpUirity to
crime on the othdr.
,he tendency of public opinion; for
anumber of years past, has gradually'
hecn to weaken and relax the execu
tion of the criminal laws. This ' mor
bid feeling. Ijascvpp., reached-jurors,
and other fuMc'tionnricscrigagc'a in the
administration of cnriiinnl justice, so
thatjit jsjjiot op uqusuaj spectacle., to
see courts and juries cd'nvict arid sen
teiicejon the clearest testihidny on one
day, and recommend his pardon the
next. These appeals, thus sustained,
address themselves with great force Jo'
the magistrate entrusted with tlie
power of pardoning offenders, nnd it is'
not to be disguised, that .unless, some
.?.P,Vt ."iiLiLHt erid,
Jlen.1 W.Ul't.grcaLiniusticq. nnd, abuse..,
with a vidw to invite ipimcditftriVldis.
lation on tnq subject, hk to inffuenec
iuiu tompcrtiid action of tlid IdciMnturc
comnanics. insnrnnm 'cnmtilinih. itm
other similar, corpbratihriS wji'iclv hhvc
Snf u'iYVr- ilifrt fvfs'lfWn viilin h'A' nit
teayears, crtectcd their organisation.'
and obtained their Charters,- willidut
tpnforriiihg'9triCtly to" the rcqliisUiotls''
, their chai'.ters, perpetrated acts, where-
'bv tll(!V VVnlllfl l(f rnrfpitfl" nlil- linun
J J - " . . i- j v .it, . v,
tlirdugh .undr'y devices, jfrocUred the;.-
passage of fa,ys, dcsicricd, without hav--
inn. Z' J ...
Hit .UUjUbl L-A JJI CSSCU, ' 10 iSCI CCP
them from1 the pcnnltv which they had
ihcUrrcd,.a.ntl ttfahct'ify' theilldgality.,,
and'cpri-iiptiprijii winch lliey origrnat.qd.
Such, legislation, ns, this js doubtlessr m't
f . ,.i . .f
warwjm tne. public interest and pub
bcqn smiifftrled throucrh. in wkinlv--ilit
retij object was" not trin n if c6tjJ ,'"t o; ,i;c
peal I)csam'e..nt' .once, and,' ("plcqve
fhese.corporalions in preciselyithesame
situation, in Vvhirh there" own ncts
placdd them, at the, time, they ' wcrd
pdrpetrtttcd. J , '
Additional chancery poWers'haVe'1
been Vested in1 tli-hftVirid Ar ihta Pn.
, , u l, I, l J, V ..iiw J 1 1 1
'monw'niilMi" villmii(,o.,'.iilllA r,rA.'.c.:nnn
Wine been made, for tlie execution, of
these powers. The benefits lo lih dn.
nVdd Irom Uus.rntfdification of our' ju
P.doncq will ip. q great measure bp
. . . - .
i..;i,uiii.-s4liuvuiuoiccis are supplied.
'Among other' provision's' qUthdHty
should be civen for the amio'intmerit' of
.niaslers.iricliqncery, and auditors, and
.their functions defined. - . . - " I
' ThdlcKislaturq haVrncf omlffed' to
.appoih't,an ,agcrit to; receive, from ' ihe'
geiicmi.'goycrnment' ithe dividend of
this Stnteifrom-the procedds, of the
ipt g,ia! tllcfa't;sp' thepublic lands
I appointed Job Mann. 12'sn.., Sinlri .
Treasurer, by virtue, of the authority
"Wen me by an act of CohgrPStf who
lins ree'etyed ,it, ariiounling to 8C07di3
27. .
Tiie explorations connerted w!fli'
H I O nnnlnrr!nl t f 4
brought to a successful termination, itf
Ts necessary that measures b'd pow
adopted by the legislature' for emboi)y4
ing and pubjishiqg the results without!
delay. As the state has epepdcdui
coiibiderablfe sum in this exanlfnation'
of her mincrirj:gurces, asaUkHovni
thatthc final j-qport.qpd maps, of thef
slate Geologist will- cbntain "much val
uable informatipn of ,a nature to invite1
anddircct the Investment of capital
necessrirv'for th'd 'develqpbment of our'
unsurp;ddriimdral wealth; raiid 'as
the expnscsoXarraning and'jpiiblUh.
jng thcVdetajIs'' procure, vill iVear kbut
sn'l' tiat..arevd'y 'in
curred in collecting them, considera
tions of sound economy and therpublic
good require, that the properr steps be
luiuuyiiiiii.j uur ciuzensKiiic,
benefits of this survey as soon as' prac- j
i'licablc. By applying' tlie b,alntice off
the appropriations for the iricfdcnlal
expenses of thesurvdy, the Geologist'
has been .enabled to mak rnnsliler.-i..
ble progress fpyyards .'completing hu
..u.jja emu iii.uviugb, iiuu various otner
.poi lions of the work;, but much delay'
.mo ni9t.'u Hum uiu legislature navmg.
omitted at its, last "session, to make pro
vision for.,tlieqrishing!.and, engrpyjng
pi the n)npsf,for reception of the tatq
9at)itiet, ancj for the printing of the fi
nal report, in conformity fo the sugges
tions in the last arfriUrfl report of the I
Geolpgist, toyluch you'ia'e' respectful-1
ly referred.
Oppressed,- as tlie 'state is, by peem 1
niaiy erqbarrassments, at tho prefeent
time,( It behoves Us to retrench all ex-
penditu'res of the pufijjc money, npd tq
guard, tlie intercut of puPi 'sonsti'tuents .
...till f i I. -l ... I
wiui uiu same iiueiity and care that
we voyud,exqrt in guarding ourown.
Among othdriirtportuht "Pxpen'di'turcs,
those incident to the legislature seem
to haycjb'euh; for'.tho last twenfyryears,
greatly on the increase. While, ', (lie
expenses of thcothor-departments have
beert alriiost stationary, those pf the
Legislature have becri considerably
more than doubled, .Nfo satisfactory
reason can be shbwn' for this, and it
,calls(qlpud for . inquiry. ,and ' redress.
Thq public, pripting is one of the largest
items in this expenditure, and increased
in.a rtio,that dpfipsjcasonublojcxpln-:
na'tfon. It demands a remedy. ,1 can
see nplie better than'to provide for ap
pointing, a publicfprintcr to oxecute qll
the public printing at fixdd and reason
able prices'. The work, can then, be
done with greater facility and economy.
Sound policy slrdrigly recommends
this measure, hntlHie example of olh- I
,er,sii,tes,fu)Jy sanctions if, , lrrFRc- I
i.luliy.comhiond it. to your altcntioiu
This is the first'occasion "oh; Which 1
iftVn hnii the lihifihr fonfldrecV, 5. "m ilnV.
iUiv.,ui:ioiHMii!' io uic smiiir nniiimni. re.j
Jaliohship with myself;npd 1 cihttpt
' forbeartodxprcss the gralificatiqn
icei at me nrosncct ot a larmonioi s
thoeVera I' legist 6f
collccf , that pne qf the great djstijipli'vp
chahncteriftics;or(IipaYtyrtVw1iiich' wp
II m fl f tfirlliJt lintfn ntmn lnriht WrHWhtft.
'liimityjarid justice! for'bdr SpponfatTt?.'
r i .cni iuHi j : i .!..
,iu, ui- luai. iiiiuui mud uiijVU
rights ns, wells. nB.majoritieSrind ihat,
wha'tdver.mnv have hneii lin5tiim'rilrt
sct'us'by otrief s. it is the pari of those
tl,n r-l m, 1 ... I ......... ... 11, . . ... .
.ejplcs.of dcmocracy(."todo'unto others,
as they would (hat others should dp
You will al!oV rne.'lii c'onclusien. tb
submit to vqu 'ipva; spirit of perfeqt
ment at the earliest. dav nrnciim li M
Huy iujv (lUitillii' IllUilsul CS ,ot ,puuuc
.jmportanpc wilfcome. before you, arijl
uiose are not oi iniature to' be ,cssei.
tifillv liefTir-rillnil Uvh
, . i i , J ' ' '"r
,ui uiu lllllu.ifllu..illlUllllOH 01 UK! JjL'HIS,-
hilunir We' I'm ve'ii 'surfeit of.ft.mb'led
friatc ,lcgslalion. Let those rrieris
'ures, in wliicti the publfoatlargrEallv''
has an interest, be adopted; aiid the'
aVSMc,,for'VhicIfvbu,'ard nSembrell ;'R
ilprle. ;LptLtha'resl be pos'rjioiiedUintil
tho condition of the Treasury justUicW n
mt: uuiiuuuuiiuc'oi ine legislature icr
priyajejiflsei; Uie p.resentsiuptthat
lime. ' j
To vyhatevcr .department of thpcovi
ernmonf wt-l.nlnnn. ol,-,..!,! ..r.,J
ber,tiat;pu clfortsvto reform - abuses
and.To rclreqch' expenses, yviiP i(v;u
but little, if we do not practice ..our-
sp.'iies dhe principle's we -lay down for
the truidnhde of other's. ' Thm is ihA
only mode, :in which -we Cnri proyc'oui'
lest. Jjct i
present session will furnish an nnmnl
",m,ihi.1 iiyuv.v,i UI1U I. HUSLJ'U
worthy tlie jmitnlipQ, pi future IcgUlaH
pres. Jtvill nflbrdme great plgasurj
o joiri,,vitH ypil in all efforts lotrcrider,
it desdi ving of thill proud and honor.'i
(Hslin'ction. A! firm and mnply
,iop, on our port, to .do jnuqh ..and .to,
tip ft, well, in a short lime, will both;
promote welfare, and secure the pub-i
licP'pprqbatidri. 'No itrqpcr' 'Jpccqt-j
lvfes to duty can ppss'ibjy bc.aff6i;
jipnqst tandrinlelligcnt servants of the
pboplc. H j . j,
Harrisbvrg; Jaiil '4'l843.
rWHE fiubscriocrs infiiriic the puljlfc, thuUhcy
have ciit'ctcd into 1'urtnerbhMi. unilor iho (Inn
and havo ust rccciccd from Philadelphia, and now
opened, at their NEW-S'J'.priE, JS'orthweslCor
ner of Market anil Maine Strftla,IIloomtburg;
an enliro new an'd exlcrisivo aisormcntxif '
' (imEiysnff,R.E, i'c.'.". .
whiijh they ofTcr for 'sale, on rrnson-Mp trrns, n
heir prices are suited, to tho' times. . their
assortment wilf bo found
Broadcloths, Cassimer'es, Saltinclts, and
various kinds of cloths Jor men's
. Summer wear; Calicoes; Ging
Maris) Cambrics Muslins;
' " SUks: Muslin tie fanes
and" pariqus other articles.
for Tta(es' dresses; Shawls; Silk
and, Colto, handkerchiefs and llase;
Rleuched and Jfrown Domestic Muslins;
and a vbri6fy of other articles suitable for jhe season
and behoved to bo as good and complete an assort-,
mcnt as U .usally found in country stores.
fXj-COUNTIiy I'KPDUCE will bo received mj
oxchanpe. and CASH will not bo refused. r
' Our friends', und tho public generally, nre' re-'
quested to cull und examine for themselves.
Jlloomsburg, June 25, 1842. ' o
.', ' ..t..t 4M?.fJi : iul I VI'
Form'erhAoOmed ifiDSc W0RIJ1S,
m. mm. d.m. Mil m.t SJ J JL. MA
fi. 'it
iiie in, oi, ,j, , . . . ,
Drills, ITIcdiciiibs, Oils. Paint
Varnishes, CJIaM, Dvcst.ttl'K.
whlrln !n nil, 111 inn l l,i'r,n. 1., ,
completo rutsertinttit ofvatticle8 in his line of business
All prtrsons wishing V plifchaso any of the nbovd
nVticlfS.ttru rjailiculuxli'.invitcd-ld tall mill price tho
articles' in hit fitnm. !,,,,, - . . .
- , , 1 -iouwiiuiu as no
ISUCtorilllneil to, sell nslnw. it ml !,t i.u-
iowtf than can he bought any where else in tho
surrounding neignuornooo.
.'Thtl-Subscriber consiilri-n it lmr,ll ..... . ,
. . -......u.j v in
mention the mticlcs m particular na ho ig confident
that no ono cnn.comu nihiss by enquiring fo rany aiti
clo bclonginj; to ri Drug Stote.
N. I). Mcrchanta nml Phvsiplitnn ,ill n..i i
to their advniitage'tb' call'atul buy such articles as
they iiiny8.taiid ti,l)i;ctl;gf, pa thi-y shall be accom
rnodalcdxat(n '.cry,Jpw, percentage . ., . ,
la fY, words, qJI aro, respectfully, invited to'cnll,
see andjudgefor tlicraselYps. v, , , .
lJJl0prnsburgf Jljly,C,,184!i.. . o tf 29.
;0 all legatees, creditdhs' tttiS'ollIbl pwsllns ih.
tcrostcil in tlirt mtiilra c( il,, r ..,:
CL-UfcntsWia Minora, Hint m ndrnirtislrnllAn aci
countsiof the said, estates have "boon' in tho
uiucc oi ijioii-giacriittlio countyJ0f Columbia,
ami will ieprcsonted-for cortfitmatlmi nnd, .allow-
mico io wo urpnan uoutl,to bo hcld dt: Danville
l,tndifpr tbo cOunlyi,aforesitid bnl Monday thd l6lll
VoysnuafXiPpxln''o'cIockiPt N.- i
UA'hcinccrquhtof-Joncpli Hrobsti Executor of
tllfi lllst will finil IpaMntnnl nf T .,1. . . .
ol attiswissa township, .dee'd, , . , '
' 'f1!onci:o'M"t"of Hdnja'mtnD'cuhcr.'iu'a'rdian of
the mmor'thlfdrcn of Jofedpfj '?." Cleaver ' late of
uaitawiswi lowrislilp, Ueh d." ';. ,
KEojsTun'i OmcKi"DaliTill6;o' " j .
Io. lie reft v' n i v,
.... -.J ,
'crlv of jiini-sT
mis iiav nurcilD
:afairi;in.l he dfoiiriilial nrrt'f,fi,i, .i-j
. -. . . . . : w. a,, ucri-g oi
.v.ju .uuviq.viucK,-anoijjining u aule. 'one ,Bid &
'i """ .rural
"Fni"uuJm'P ivcnic,.pno .w eaving Loomond
--vw..& uiiu oci.jii b(iii-iu narnf
..uiucos.unu 101 ui uccrs,. one strap ot Uclls, ono
f r i H..III
ono Orind btonc. two lots of Potatoes"1 llti-the hole
ono Cratflo"niiTlSrv-l,n r-nArttJru...,,.- ,
of Oxen, andihavo left, the srj'ino in- hi, possession
during our pleasure, and all persons ure,, cautioned
t-. . . . o viuvinigu iuingincm. irom
hun without our consent.
f.b , , , JACOB I..GIRTON,
" r'PETtlH I.EIDY-.
ul)cc. 3.1842, -'
LOT. bn FiriiliijiJlii SlstilaV of "Oct.
une iii uiu luwiiBiiii) ui riall
:.. n .'i I,,.'
iigLiuur.,111 uL-ciiwoqua'cawsKia
pocket noorr.
fifintainir.g about $35 in bank, nolos.
luiiu. V. niiiit-is uanKi I'oiisvine,
anil othur Keli'cf " different banks.
xny person findinpisait.PiJeKct Hook, anil
will ik'ljver it.Axltli1 lis' contents, to tho
lownefslinU'recelvolip ribovj reward.
INnV. 5, 184228.
iiivunill VULiiV
NOTICE.: V"" '
THAT I HaViT parchased ut' Constable ifalq ,os
property ofjVjlljatn Ediirj.'to.wil! onJrto
li W&Vf t rfrfIa'Pc 'wo leds, ono Clo'cki twenty
&hccp,6iio"horsd Woggoriand Jiave, left the samo
in nnsKOasinn nf c.iiil Kiti.ii, iT.lnn. n.' ..iX.-tf... e
which tho publicvtvill tako notice. "
'" Xtll'MX'PT. T .1? iin-Nr
Vcc -31lR42iSR " ' "iW
ti. i i
1 .William .liale vs''
2 ,C p m ;p on (vis a 1 1 Fi vs YViilfairvCoit
' d r.... o:.-...i..:.i ... t- r
3 .Mary Sifawbridce vs Jesso Eunston
4 Cjiatles Miller et al vs ("Samuel Ir'u.
5 John, Qummings et al.vs John C, Los-
.'B'g ' I ','',' '.
G Samuel Miller vs John Anlnn's Xilm'a
7(.'Jolir,Manh-et al vs Moses Moyer.j ,
w ."'gV -f . 1 1 I g 1 i. IbUKIlUlt i'(UV
, , ' pl-ta''' ' "" '
'0 'D,aniej Iloats vs Patterson, etaj
10 Elizabeih lrong vsJiclieal CoRgor(
12x , ' '
11 Jri"n; Mijnn vs S. C, Martin . .
12 Cointi.;ioriIJenr.sylvatiajiVs'' Win." Mo
Keiyy , ., "J ' ;, ' ".'
13' Fpiferl(jks .Ueates x'ec. ,vs' Henry
, Folhrier , i . : ',
M Francis I3al,. Adms v'a Job'n .Rlipdfs
15 Valentine Beat vs Ileiiry Deilenboclipr
I A Jtih.j C. Boyd vs Qeovrge 'Evih:,
17 Naihan Collier vs WviUl Tiinken
ct al .,:" V -i
18 Abraham '.rrw'illiger .vs Dariicl'Crpas.
IP, H.enry.Baum vs. Philip. CbVner; et al 4
20 George Moyer vs Georife Maus el al
, , 8 OTtS aj.v.s Uornelius Still
John I'. pav.ia ys Ashbel B. Wilson
et all. '
..... i
ii Charles Ua
rllego vs James
1 Straw
34 Casper! Christmans. 'Adrrir
ys "Jolln
i' ' . JCoblaon' . ,ir
25 Leonard Stougliton- vs-Charles VF.
. Mahrt . ' ' '
20 Leonard Sbaughlon ys Benjamin' P.
Friek - : , v.i- ,i -t-ni
2t, Archibald. Cf.i y0ris vs, Clarissa. ,-A.
. ,. Sd'pnpki : .,. ,,, ,urt,jviv. m. ..
v?8 .Ajj.ralipin .Siepgen va.Lewis II. Maus,
ct al.
K"1 Wi4AJA5rt n,
HWvV'VJic yfViiliat lip lisjust rrcciv
1 Irom I'hiljidclphm .a.ncvv, onJ tptencivo, lasaort
iseu, at t.oiisla,!) sale, as tho prop.