The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 14, 1843, Image 3
v - . NEW - TUflNINCi V Establishment. Oil' Fishing Creek, al Isuiali Cqlcs AfTr7, ' Sugarloaflwnship,Coco. THE subsctjbcf Inforrns tho public' that he has put up a shop at llio above place, or the purpose or turning 'waggon hubs, mid all kind of wood work. Also, iron mill spindles and gudgeons, &c, and copper and brass'ofevcry description. All kinds of produce will bo taken in. payment, out no credit gkcru' , Twp or three journeymen, who .understand fin lulling chairs and bcadstcads will find employment. :. OK KIN &TKA10IIT. Jain 14, 1643. -38. . , .NOTICE. IS hereby given that I have purchased of Adam Itoat, the following property to witrone Ucd,one Stove, one corner Cubboaidj one' Clock, nine, chair?, one iron Kettle, two' acres of Wheat in 'tho ground, and ono cow, nnd have left the same in his possession during my pleasure, o f which the public will please take notice. BENJAMIN EVANS. Jan. 0, 184338. NOTICE, "-18 hereby given that I liavo purchased at consta ble sale, as tho property of Robert Loekhart, two Marcs, two milk cowB,twclvcacrcs'of Whcat'in the ground, six acrea of t'yc'in the ground, Uvcnty bu shels if potatoes' Tn the hole, one mantle clock, one .lcd,i one 'lough, and "have left the same" in'his pos-. session during my pleasure, ol wlncli the public will. please taka notice. - JAMES LOCKHART. Jan. 14, ,1843. 38. "'Jtfiolfisale, Dealers of Retailers of Foreign ' Merchandise in Columbia county. '" -' " , Take Notice. , THAT in compliance wiih an Act of' General Assembly approved the 7tli day of April, 1830, the associate Judges anil Com - misaioners of tho county 6f . Columbia, will meet at the Commissioners Office in Din ville, on Thursday the lOlli day of January, l8'43, al 3 o'clock, p. M, for tho purpose of taking up tlio returns of llio several Constables (if. Raid county that arc to be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions, on or before the first day of the January Term 1843, being thek sixeeth day of the month; and to place' each, of tho Merchants thai inaj' tViii? ue returned dealing as aforesaid ir!torihal Class4 that may appear, to be right . aid just, as (iroyidud fur by the 10th Sec tion of.tlie Act passed lhe,4th day of May - 1841. when and where each of you may at. tend if you think proper, either in person, by agent, or", attorney. tJy ortler of llio Judges and Commis sioneis. -JOHN WILSON, Clerk. Coiimis'sionkk's Office. ? " Dahvillp, Dec. 29. 1812. $ WOTICB,', ; 8 hereby given, that w have this day bought al (V.nctlin'k;rlf ftj'llia mncrlV flf IsUIC ltobbiUS ilia fnllmuinir nrnnertv. In wit! one black" Mare, n . one Fiirrel Colt, two red Bli-cra.Uva hnBu-Ca.hlipi. two selU.orHarneesrutcch'actos of'Kyo in' the ( grpnnd, four acres , of Vhcat n the ground, one ",sled, one Plough, one Harrow, on? biy Maie, one ' two liorse Waggon, ono black Cow, and one black Hcifler.and have left1 the same in the possession of the said Itobbins.dtiring our pleasurc.and forbid any person taking them from him, either by purchase, ut uuiitivibu, vvtiuuut our "cons iiu E.& J.LAZAKUS. Orangeville, Jan. 3, 1843.- , . NOTICE. ifS.'hcrcby.civcn to all persons,, that, 1 have pur Nonstable sale, as tho property of William Kile, one sorrel Horse and Harness, ono red Cow, two red and while Cows, one red Hciffer, three spring Calv s, one, Harrow,one mantle Clock, one fanning Mill, fivo lings, ono Plough, and have --eft the same lri pog'cssjinu of said Kile, during my icasuro, of which tho public'will take notice. W,M. G. HESS.. Jan.,.7, 1843. 37. r JfA&t of Leters3 Remcining at the Post Office Caltaw.Usjj, January 7., 1843. Hrubst.CA. (toQ. G. 2 Long George 2 Urobs'l. M..'& G. 3 Miller Adams Beaher&.'Kinger ' M'Kelvy William Ureisli George Mench ' Michael WronstO. G. Mann John F. 2 Ulrobst Joseph " ' 1 Manlurt Phillip 2 Hezekiah Bis'e ' Paxton Joseph 2 I31ark l)avid,2 . Rider John UaseAdam' Rvne, Paterjck Ciay n ull Joseph ' ,RorlialiacIi VVm' Delaplain Samuel Shuman Jacob Fensiamcher Peter. Seesholt Phillip Cleaver John 1 ' Stotise John Tfirinscr Reuben Simmers Robert Prick 1. P ,, y Slurplejs John Uvans 'D.tviil 2 Shelharl Jonas tSeigerS. fc E; ' ' Thoiniis Lloyd ?irjon William. Witner Abram 5e1g'cr Mrs '' ' Gc'arhait Willian 4j'eorge William , Harder Thomai "HUgles'Tiljis 2 . Harder Mary , Hitches Georgd ,' John Stacy Kjtstenbader Jacob' Koslenbailer D Keeffer Elizabeth Kinney Jane PuiBonc .calling ,for, letters in the above list will please say they are advcitiscd 0. A. IMdUST. P M. n i , i , .in-1 1 1 , i , List of Letters " Hemantngln the Post Office at Blooms .burg,, Dec., 1812, Abiahatn Hell, Win, Lngan Fishor. 2 (J.o.ljn Maiil.V( Isaac;,, IIopier Reubeii KIs. iu-r, W. W Miles, John Panman, jur, Wm, Rusmus. A., Ynllerfihamp, 2; .: JOHN MOYERj P. M; JcyThe Post Mnster is constrained to give notice, thai in future, nothing can be received iri- paymenl'of postage, but oecie or its rquivlent, as the constrictors insist , i in mvmont of their de- N0T1C& ""S hereby given, thai T havd pu'rclittscil as the property of ICIins Kline, three acres of Wheat iiTtlie KrounJ. three dcrcsof Kvoin the ffrriund.ono culver Plough, one log chain, six sheep, ono shoat, and have lclt llio same in his possession during my pleasiire, and hereby cautiori,.ill persdris hbt to take it from'him cither bV nurchose or' -otherwise without my consent. JONATHAN LEMON. Jan. 7, 1843. 37 For Sale Cheap. THE subscriber has for sale at his store in White Hall 50000 Xap Shingles at the, low, price of 83f 50,000 FoeV Hemlock Lath, at 22cts per litinurcdt Inch Hoards, &c. uct ALSO Tho celebrated Grcv Mare latelv owned by NealMcOay, ono Uuggy .H'uggon, steigh liclls, uuiiaio Kobe, two i ublcs, two Stoves, corner cub hoard and a number of articles two tedious to men tion. ' ' ALSOA General assortment ef Merchandize all of which will bd disposed of to suit the .'times. IIOOEKT MeCAY. Hhilehall, Jan. 7, 1843, NOTICE IS 'hereby given to all concerned thai I iiutc, purcnasca in Laniei cavage, one Hrhwn Horse, one sorrel Horpe, two sens OfHiirriess, or.e two horse Waggdn, one east shod Sled, one Cow, ono stack1 Hay, four acres Wheat in the ground, one wind Mill, one culling Uoxj one Plough, two log Chains, one Grindstone two Cowbells, nuu pan's Saddle and riding Bridle; one strap Bells, one Clock, six Geese,, one lot of .curl maple Plank, one lot of, pine Lumber, ono lot ol oali Lumber, ono lot poplar Lumber, and have left the same in his possession during my pleasure, of which tho public 11 .1.- m " win iaxe nonce, PHILIP FRITZ. Jan. 7, 184337. ; AND , j Currying Business. THE subscribers would infoim their fricn,ds'and .the public generally, that they hnvo entered into uparlntrplup under the hrm ot . , ,. 'for'lhe pmposo 'of carrying 6h tho above busiucss at luc old stanu 6t UhnslianSiuman. CHRISTIAN SHUMAN, JAMES T.PE GO. , Beaver Valley Dec. 31, 1842 36. ALL persons indebted fo mo must settle their accounts bclore the lirst of March next. CHRISTIAN SHUMAN. Beaver Valley, Dec, 31 1842r NOTICE. ffTIHE. Subscribers purchased at Constable sale J on the 23d Dec. 13-12, tho' following sold as the property of William Coleman in Uloomsburg yui, co. ono uiacK'Alarc,one two horse two horse Sled, one singlo set Harness; ono set boat iiarnesj, one xtraw Kniro, ono Pitchfork, one Ma nure fork, ono strap Hells, ono brass manllo Olftck. ono Uurcau, Also one Sleieh sold on the.27lh lie:. I8i42 'n,e ProP,c,'y w have left in possession of um tuieiiiuii imring our pleasure, o: wiiicn the L. 13. RUPERT, E. 0. UAKTONf Uloomsburg Dec. 31, 1842, 3Q. NOTICE. THE undersigned has purchased at Constable sale' as the nn.ncrtv of John Knrna in .V.irr .r. loaf township, Columnin co. on tlie 20th day of duc. ici't., onq picco oi iv neat, ono piece of .Ityc, orio small Itull. one Cow. ono rn'antln 'Ctivk. nml havolcft tho samo in possession of said Karns dur, uig niy picasurc.ot which Ihopubhc will please take nonce. ABRAHAM II. LUNGER. Dec. 31. 1842. 30." NOTICE. nriHE undersigned purchased at Constable sale J as the property of John Kline, in Sugarlouf tp. Columbia co. on Dec. 24th 1843, one i'lough, ono bleu ono red Coir, ono bay Colt, one dun Hciflrr, one brown ilaro, ono grey Mare, one bay Horso and orlb Waggon, and havo left tho same in possession of-said Kline during my pleasure, of wmiM iiiu juuiiu win jjicusu uiKtr iiuiitru. ABRAHAM H. LUNGER. Dec.'32, 1842. 3C. NOTICE. 7E undcrsirrnpil nurrhnsnl nt flnncinliln as tho property of John Kaingin tfugarloaf p. Columbia co. Dec. 2b, 1812, ono Tanning Mill, ono cutting Dox. ono Bureau, ono corner, (Jubboard one 8aw."ninetren Sawlon-s. nnn Ifnrrnvv nml nm Plough, and hnvo left the sarrio in possession of Rfllil Tnrna tlnrinn. mw nln.tan.A nC ,irt,.l. .1.1!.. - - tt,j ..bus,u, vr. ,,,,.1.14 U,U lUUI Will please take notice , JAMES McFANE. Dec 31, 1842. 3(i. NOTICE. fTTVIE subscribers liavo purchased at Conftable Jj sslo as the property ofJamcs C. Fox, to vit; half of six acres of Wheat in the ground., one acre of Wheat in thogrndnd and one acrobf Rvu in the ground, and have left tho same' In possession of said I'nx during our pleasure, pf which tho public will take nqticp, WM. McKELVY & Co. Dec. 31, 1342. 3G. NOTICE. fTTJIIE undersigned, purchased at Constable salo' g as tho properly or William Jidgar, to wjt: fifteen acres of Wheat in thu ground, ono Horse. ono two horso Waggon, six. Hogs, three Ploughs,' two sets ttarncsse , ono sct ol (twinglctrers, two iron Kettles, one Saulo and iridle,and havo left the same in possession of said Edgar during my pleas ure, of which the public will lake notice. DANIEL iSTOKER. SHERIFF'S ' BV'vhlue of -a writ oflovaiia facias; to me ill' 'reeled, will be exposed lu' public sale, at the Court House, in Danville, on Monday, ' January to, 1843; at 10 o'clock, A, M. . M that certain lot of land tUtiate, in Mahoning township, Columbia, co. und Slato of. rcnnsyivanla, bounded and described wit s UcghihiiiK'at a chesnut-oak. a corner of1 Al exander Monlgomcry'8 land aiid by a 'fallen spruce,' incncepy the samolanu acioss Mahoning creek,' NoTthifiltv.iyina degrees, East twenty foili perches to & post, thence by the sumo lands, South sixty degrees and one-half. East twelve perches and two tenths to a whitcoak, thence South sixty-one de grees, Eo$t six perches to a gum, thence South thirty-two degrcCB and one-quarter, East twenty perches and two.lcnths to. a maple, thence South sixteen"dcgrecs;Eastfiftceri ff-rches and thrce-lcrilhs tO'a posl, llicnce South eighty degrees and one (juar. ter, t,an nmo pcrclics and five-tunths to a stone, thence South thirty degrees and oncquarter, iiast tvventy perches to a post, thence North fif'ty-nlno and three-quarter degrees East twd hundred 'and fourteen perches too post-or comer' of bind of Dr. .Magiii thence by the same North .thirty degrees and ono quaitcr West twenty-six perches to a hickory, a cornel of same land and land of George Patterson Ihcncoby the Bald Patterson's land and lands of Philip Bidlcr,. South fifty-nine dcgiccs and three quarters West one hundred and twenty -sil perches to a post or whiteoak slump, thence North thirty 6no dcrees and three-eights West forty nine per ches to a pine stump, thenco South forty-nine de grees West eleven perchps and seven-tenths to a post 'North ten degrees West fourteen perches and eight-tenths to a blacko.ik stump South seventy eight degrees, West twenty pcTchcs (and, chjht tenths in a b!ackoak,Nnr':h sixteen degrees an'd;one half EasI thirty perches to rt small pinb 'North fifty decrees and llireo-nunrlnra, Knst.furtv.fniir Tierelirt tp a, dead pjno Noith thirteen, degrees and one-half vvestone hundtcd and thirty-four perches to a pine North seventy-four degrees and bnchalf, Wcs't'six- ty-tjiree porclieits a blackpak, thence, by Joeepli Maus' bjnd, South fifty.?cvp;i degrees aijd one half. VVct eighty pcichesto stones, tAen North twenty nind d"cicc8 aii'd oncMialf'Wcst "Ohe hundtcd arid fqiiy-Bovcn perches to a Mr. HesIctY land, thence Iorlil eighty-four degrees and one-half, West clcv en pcrphes to a maple stump, '.South tweoty-fivc degrees and one-half, Wett tweniy-two perches to lost, North sevenly-four degrees, West' eleven perches and one-half to a'whitcoik stump. North fifty degrees and orie-hulf West thirtv-thrce perches and one-half to a wjiitcoat stump North fifly de grees and one-half, West thirty-jfrco perches and one-halt to a' post, thence by land of' Joseph Maus ooutir titty-eight degrees and threo-quartcra. West forty-seven perches. and six-tenths to a fallen whitc- '6ak; thence South, thirty-three degrees and' one-hall f.nsl three hbnd ird ahd nnicty-orte' perches to the beginning. Fontaiiuhg I hroo Huiidred and Sixty- nino Acrco Jind Uirpe.qui;lcrs of un atrd and allow anco be the game more nr. Irsa. '' Seized; thker.'lh' execution an J, iobc'.soid as.'thc property b Edward' R. Biddle. Y virtue of sundry-writs.of ven'a. exponas, to 5 me dlrct'lcd. will be ex no'scil to uubhc sale at thn i,n tln nA.i tvMA u c.1i.a:a' l ..... ..iii. uiiv. us uiuitauiu Jl certain tract of land situate Ileiri oci tp. Colunibia co. containing1 i5"' ' more or less, adjoining .lands 6f Caleb Jaitpn .Mfr Kclvy and Applcmaii; and. otliefs, whereon is erected a small ' ' ' ' ' J . Bid. Stable; Seized, tdk'en' in execution; hnd 'to bo'soio 'is th .propcrtyof.Natlianiel HenrieJ-'- "'' ' ' ' '. - ' - ' ALSO ' ' ' Jl certain tract of land fifuate,in Mifflin fowiifhfp, Columbia county containing, (. 4Q ACRES more or less, adjoinipg lands of David Davis. John Vanbldiigum and otlierj,whercon is erected a small log IIOUSlfAND 1 II II Seized, taken in execution and to' bo sold jis, the ' ALSO, 1 '- ! Jl certain ht of land silualciti the' town, ship of Oatiawissa, Columbia co. adjoining 'McKcl VV and others Ivlnir on twclflh street. Seized, , takcq in execution and sold as he properly 01 ueorge YYuleriv ALSO, Jl certain lot of ground, situate in the town ol Dar.villo.Cblumbia county,fronu'ng on Mill street and extending1 back lo M ihoning ' creek ami adjoining a lot of John Moomand other land of sail) Frederick P. Mo,us on which is..ercctt;d a WHEELWRIGHT SHOP AND -s , JlfacksnHlh Shop. j Also, another lot of ground, situate in the town of DanyiHe, Columbia co. fronting, on Mill street, and extending back to Slahoningcrfck and adjoin ing a lot bf Charles Whito, and' tio above described lot of Frederick l'i Maus, on which is erected Two Pratno Duelling Houses, one 'ramo STORE rilOUSE FJIAME STABMJ. Scizcil, taken in execution and lo bo sold as the property of Frederick F, Maus. ALSO, Jl, certain lot situate in Valley township Columbia county, containing 0N13 ACltE, whereon is erected a , ," , , ' Stone Dvrclliiig; House, a Tan ; ' , House ami fixluvcsj ! with other out buildings.' and" rhdjpining Jands of Jphn Maus, a id others. , , .'. Seized, taken in iixeciitinu ant lo lio ojd as ilia property of James Donaldsou, ALSO, Dn'arcrcek tonhlp, Columbia bounty rWatntng I more oj less Vrhcrcon is erected n Two Story FltJI.TIK tiOVSEt OA'S J'Jt.l.HE SliOV htaMjE jijvd riiaoA'rtovsE. , .ctdjoing lands of' Jacob, Uomboy, William Stall Esq. and others. " 1 ' ALSO, Jl certain tot of ground situate lii the village of Orangeville, containing One Half A- crc, wheroon is erected TWO FRAME HOUSES, One Tvahic Stable. ! yirig along Main street, numbered in tho plan said town, adjoining land of Isaac Kline and others. Seized, takcrihr cxecutl6lrarid't!obe ubld ds the propel ty of 0.. ill. M'Phcfstfri. ALSO, ; , . Jill the right title and interest of a certain al of ground situate in Ulopni wnship, vyuiuiuuiu tu. uuiliuilllllg , ONE IIAT.F ACRE. more or less adjoining John .Robison and, others, whereon fs erected a Seized, taken in execution mid tn lm until na tlm propeity of Johnifpzclct, Ji. . SF vlrtue of a writ of dliau levari faciai;- td me directed, will be exposed to public salt! ntjtho tune and place aforesaid. . Jill that bera'in two, story frame Dwell ing Houiq situntoin tho Noithdrn'-PaH-bfthn town of Dunville in said, county .on lb&, West side, of j'jne 'fifpnnV lwin J.i..n r . L r . i rt- vi.ig tiAivun uxy in i iuii i, un ssiu -ine street by1 twcnty-'clght feet back and tho lot or piece of ground aha'C'u'rtTlcEoanperteriaut (hereto', wliich lot is marked -and hdnilicred in' Monteomerv's huuuioii w 6am iown ,o. ami bounded on thp East by Pine street, on tho North by lot of, J. ' D. naiin,, vvestoy an alley, on me South by other lot of said H.i Primer, said lot being forty-nine feet' ih front on said Pine street, bv orihuiidrcd .and f,.rW. two feet back, being the house and lot no woccupieii by said Primer. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of4 Henry Primer. - ' ' ' . JOHN FIlUIr, ISh-Jfi ' SiiKaiFF.'s,.OFricp,,Da'nvi!c, ' . Deccrnbcrq, 1842. y , 1 1 . . L'lii; ' .' . Tf . SHEUIFE.'S SALES; ,1 BY- virltie of a writ'of lc'vafla-' f.iirn In , ... . . . .. ,, : rr :. iiuu.uirecieu win. ue cxposctl lo iitiblin" 6'ale ,ai the OoutwHouse hi Dailvlllb on' Monday HHJatiuary io4. 1843 at dO-o'clock A., M Jill that certain mcsuhse lencmeril and iluce Acres, and six Derches of land sirim liieasure lying, being, anjl situate in the towh'shit) blMalioninor.-iii ,tho county. ' of uuiumuia annotate ol t'ennsylvania, bejng a part of, a !hrger "tract uVhfil containing , '2SQO.ACBEE& ' more o'rlle'gB.ibouniled'and described as fol lows, ,to ,wh: Iisjfliniing al ihe Knsi'-'si'de of theipublic rbad leadiqg frorri: D'anvillriMq wiiv'isBa, aritt .corner ol out lot JNo.. 5, ilience aping piiuljc road Soinh. sixty one, degrees, East fourteen perches f and; ihree' feiitis of a perch to a post and cornei ot 1)avid Fancas'ts lot,, thencp. 'by, hosatrie Norih' forty two degrees, East' tliirly ihiq 'perches auU'eight, leiuhs oT a perch lo "a pos on tho bank of Pennsylvania canal, theiica ilown said canal Norlh forty two degree's :West fuurteen perches. lo d post and corner of the aforesaid lot No. 5, thence by1 the same 'South seventy iwo degrees, West thirty six ptrches lo the aforesaid public load ,arid place; of beginning -conUihing threq acres and six perches. isirict measure ofland numbered, v itli- the number .foil with. the appertenqnees. .Oil. those premises' Is a good, BLAST F.URjAOJE for smelling iron with all the buildings and appurtenances for iIib same, and a ;Also, two TOWN LOTS' in Srclilers part of the. town of Danville aforesaid, be. .ginning at llio corner ol Alarket and Third sffeel, ihenco along Mnrket street one dun i)red feel lo lot No. jO, thenco along s&id lot ope hundred aqd fifly feet, to, a. twenty feel alley, ilienre along said aey one huji' drrd feel lo Third street aforesaid; iliejice alon;;)iaid Third stie'el one hundred ,and fifty our feet tn Market street the place of hegining; containing fourteen tlwusaruT and fuur huiiilred squate feet, of ground with appurtenances. : ' Seized, taken in execution.and to be sold, as the properly of Gfcotge Patterson. ' : . - . ' "! BfY virtue of a writ of vena exponas to me directed will be exposed lo. public;, sale at, the same time and place as, aforesaid ! Jl certain lot of grouud, situate in the tfityn-nf Oiangevllle. Orange tp. Col. co. fronting on Main s.lteet aud. adjniutng a lo( of Jesse Coleman,, George Seiple, wlmrcon ia erected a Frame House FRAME STORE HOUSE, attached to the same.aod a smallSTABLE. Also on a certain other lm in the same town and adjoining lot of J. Coleman, anil without nunroveineiil. , . Seized, taken in execution and to te soli)' JOHN FRUIT. Sh'Jf. SiiCRiFr'a Oiricn Danville, ? r 1 I N putsuahed of inftrdcf of'fne OrplnVi "tfoilr . of Columbia CohntV. oh ' ' Thursday' th6 I2l)i 'day of' January riell. al (cn' o'clock In tho forenoon-' ilh'arrl ''i'lMcr" AdmihistratCr, &c.6f .lacob' Alb, late bf M6unt Pleasant (owriship lri said courtty,' decciscil, wilV d,xpoc, to Sale, by .Public Vcrldu?, Jf pon thq pre ,ci .. . . t 40 ACHES,. of the north end of a certani Jtract of (and situate ih Mount 1'lcasatlt Township, adjoinffig. Daniel n i 'TV...t.i kiir..i.. 'w.i'.:....!'' i V ilham lkcler containing' ..98 Acres. and' about FpM.TY' r0t,JR ACUEpfclcardXniT on-thoprbrriisCsi, but nr IiulhlfngB (tvtc 'tliq estate of said deceased, situate in the toivristtirr of flttfunf Pleasant, and county bforesauu ' . -, Jco; EYElW Went.. Danville, Dec. 21th iM'i. . . ",i Y virtue of a writ oftest.nfa.yto'jrto'directeJ will be exposed lu public jmleyat the iCo'urt House in Danville, ,on Saturday ..Dec. Jfljjt 18-1(4,0 1 10 o-cloc!6A. M. ' '- ' , ; l)W m,, Jl certain &ot, of 'GxQMnd. ntuat&Mn ,Mouht Pleasant. townshirf, Colurhbia co. contalnlncf Twelve ncrs, and J acres, more or lcss udjoiulnrf lands oflMatliias Shipmah, Daniel Stetltir, John SlcilcV; Isaac Wliite; Jbhri .MoWcli and Samul OmW, in wliicli is crbite'd & 1 " .. V. i 1 1 ia'l-ii:w-' iiiii f'' HOUSE,, AND Seized,' taken m excevtmn, arid to, be soldas thor property orEIish'aU.Slcttci'. ' ' JOHN FRUIT, Wrifli Siismrr's Offick, Danville1,, i . ' '" i ') Dec 24, 1842. , 5 ,. .. , i Js pubjislied ati HatrUbu'Ci :lenn'a.i '-on,' cvirv .Tuesday and Fijdag-duUjg,Uiecssip,n pf thtJiL'g 'islilurC, arid inco a'wcck"during. the remaindecof Iheycar. " '-' " ( Thctcrmsarc For.orje year tiiVe'e" rioitAs, i ' I .! "" ' "Tdfilhe Sessib'rifirWo iiotr.ins. ' .Arrangcmcnts for a' fiill'ahd impartial rerlortot thq proceedings of,both HouscajoAsscmblyji have been, made. The.charlcrof tbe,paper ps,a,failh fiil'thVcinlcli'of the doings of the legislature, shall Wt buffer 'det'emrallonvhto ' ' Wo do not consider-it neressirry, tn enter into' a. detail ot the political doctnrica wci advocate. iAU .1 !f-- r.i . ... .'I iiiu. energies 111 1827,' tho pure permanent ascendency In bvtry1 jlepartmcntbf the ' gnvernmenl. 'fhe paper, rtasj ibeem sustained by the (il)eral pptropage fjkind friemjs, nnd wqjtnist it will nbt lose their' counfcnanjfe- un,l support of that of the'deiftocralcy bf tbBfetat'e,,.'lh'olir course the future of which, thall be'k reflection of the 1 past. , ,.. i : . . .1 it , JfOHNH. DIMO.C.IC.; " ' Aiyp3rsonrwli wilf procuro usjftva'sesiton sub- ' ecribers;'and forward us' ten' dollars', sli'aU 'receive the ? Ucporter gratis, for onq year. l . J ( jiarrisburg,Dcc!)10i'lS42. i! .."n !Wr (, '. ' - - ' -1 ,il.- ' '.,- 1 I, 'List of Gitahcl'arid Travetsf JMrprs Jor ' January TcrfifX$j$,i l ., ni uu , i r t Briarcctk Juhn Kelcljjict, ,y ,rrii Jiloom James. 1 ho;ntpn1.YaleriU.nB;(Jp man, John Bidletnan,' Charles' Kahlqr, Williarn' Snyder. William MeKelvy. 1 Dcrry Cornelius Clerkher,' V1iii3m 1 Carnohan- ' ' .'' ' Greenwood Mathew .Ferguson, Jofin 1 Robhins ' J Hemlock John Everett. ' 1 i Jackson--Paul Hpss. - ' ' , Liberty Joseph Ke,rr, Hugh" W'Wralri. Limestone Jonathan Da'ringeK Madison Jacilb Kisnor. v Mahoning Joljn Rhodes , Monteur Jilhn Bayior . I it, Mount Pleasunf John Melic!i. i' Orange Moses1 Everett ' Roaring Creek Juhn Snyder, P.eler IlofP inan, Henry Melr. , Traverse Jury. Briarcreek John Sfiellhamer, Simon Shalfer, AudiewFrcas, Jbliii Knurr, Joh;i Kuch. J'hilipFreai. Wrn. K'e'cfmer. Bloom Andrew Criveling 3K Jqsonl Pone, Peter Miller, Philip 'Ej'er, Obet Everelt;Peier Ent. ' 1 t Calawissa William -GparlinrU Isiat Yctcr, Andrciv Kinney. Lloyd Thbfraslj, David iMillei1, Jacob Cruel;, Owen D ' Lejh , ' V B-trry Robert M'Jvee, '4a,p.dl Biddle Stephen Ellis .'i'homaa iJuoreli.eHd, Jr. Fishing . Cf.cek Philip. lspJe.aioii Abraham R)b;r!s. , ; j. ( . ' Grrci((0(ti-'Roberl Fairntan, Georgi Patlersou. Liberty Samuel Alexander, John Clay toni Mitdisdn John Hellers, 'James Whip pie, John Ivisner, George Eves' Mahoning John Osier, Jacqtr',' llibler1 . Monteur Davjd . Rtslicl -i.Prpnge Isaac, Deivjtt... ' Rpqrijg CreeA Elias .IelwrvJou Hughe. . ' ' . n. , 1 n Sugar -jOffU-Jolm;LqH W,Jositu Brni Vu, .C.o'c , , ifi,, Valley John Cliihls, Jnn.n J,nfj Tlimnas York '.f' ' JPftftlfe i III' .JMVll i 1 'li s r)i me .paper ince is co)isument havhcen dirertcd toithrt jadyanrjcmcnof principles. 'of1- WS'ochAc'i' and to" their 1 1 s