Vi i-.,. .. J. i. r . - v . . r . . . , . W " ...... f. .... .. ... . . j . f. - BB. h bh . bbbbbh m f."aBBBB Va- aM B.K1, 1 aaBaH b.bbbb i V b.bbb. BaBBB. . bBbbbbbbbbj rH-. aa-M 1 I. ' ' BB - - J J . . If '. 1 : it' l'' y . -"'l 1 ; . " t i ui i ..,-, ' ', , I'll r, - -- i.-1 1 1 .' i--,U--tiUl -- .... .., j , lor' (i-n,i.-vn,f , imi tiii jiv f : Kll f 1 UV ' ' 1 M mk H "!(IH, .(.,:(! HI WB WW , .? -VA t- MK .'' W - ? "WO .worn upon the-.AUar off God tcriiaLiUdsUlUy'tt) levity -ftrniW'TyrdMy oWi'iuo!fMi.d'or Mail TiVntt 'i tL! -v1- :-.-,r f?TtTI .. .,.'. ' ' ' I ' i ' - i.rimiM , ,jfvr. jinft " ?t.J ,, ...j, .. f Ti8!" I ' ' ' . - '" Omm OP THE DEMOCRAT OrrosiTE St. Paul's Ciiuncn. Main-st - - -- v W J ltJ U((ftlb published evcrif' Saturday nttirriitig, at" j r:jwjj.ji,iriun pcr- annum payable . m eprt in,advanceor Two Dollars , WJ;, ijf no atrf w;7iin ie ycar o .sub'scrlptionMll be taken fvrv shorter' ' i(itirtnce pemiitfed', Until all arrearages ' ;nM AiUfilihrrrnl. v?Z) PARTjSEMENTSnol e'xceedinp; ifuiw baabu o tUOtCffOt Hill El i'5 f- -JLJilLrl. . - (ill S - '; ' . i , ToUhc Scuate and- Hoiisc of 'Jliprttienta- iivek.uf (he-Commonwealth' of Peritii-yU: ' ' Fellow Citizens :-IIaviii'g, in my lfnrnier messagdsjentereii very futly iiilo the .n:liiancial conditinnfAmlinUiiirr.iiTPtinrtl-inrni-. . csts. of.the stjle. I dnc'in it iiiinprpctr, in .Tepeat ilie yieys then submitted to the Leg-, "jslatUre.' biislmply'to '.rafer to theai.Vtid t !tantiaIly,Mho same'atlierotorqrb eipre'tsed . JIUiprpc?cu,ai.ionc.?-jt),cai your attention tothose mailers, of public j)oli,cy,f- .whicji eem toequire, tn the greatest degree, ihe -auonUdn of "ftVLVgl'slfturt. 1 in common "with everv sl'atelin iIi'r iminn. nm!' 'willi parts of the cornmercialnvoild, the citizens .ftt i . . . .... . - Cyn rnnnjyania are.'now undergoing the severe ordeal of pecunjary. cmbairas6men. Business of all kindis crippled . and para lyzed; privi'.eI'and public enieprize has ' 'bfen?!frtete(5 llia'timfd 'al Hie boldest siaggercil at Impenilinff-vilf' jui ji is same connpiauon lor us to ;eilect, .kliaf.ihej'e (Jifficulties are the bhterfruitso far as Penosvlvania iaj;'ojicernJuifT?WnWa'" impomic-fegisjaliqnj oTij.Biijgl year,, and-' lhai none of tie reppnsj.liy ps(s'upnh Os.- rr.upw.ard? ql ten, .years, Pennsylvania hadfteei,gradually,.jiiptoying, her conation Tand eiijoyjng ajljl va(v;antages. rtia, can arise from, a su,bsan'(ial .curr?icy, and life' '.hi 1 1 r n ...n,!,. ..r.n l,- . f . I it !;ujjj:p.ui ii,,pnn voi ine woriu, i Ai airmiroriunMe period, ll'ie banking cap ital, which dad beef),, during ilie ,'flb,urishjn'g season,, abo'iiiwcr.jy im'lljons at dojlarsva's increased I'd ntnr iiviic nuif a nV !.. TpnstTutaltcqusequence$, many tipise and imnttifitf ri'iilili' m r Bn ..n m ..' . J ; als cqijiracte.d rcsponsibililies, apd, entered itnrf on, in,, i, ...i!:ii. L.'.iT f ni iblfi tb briiig lo a successful' qmse; and 'finally 'to ender1 the- qatastroplio rpoj-e do 'siruilivV, Uro explosion, of this cjiormou's bank bubble has crushed all thego cnterpri- quarter of ihe slale some mqnumept pf bias tod KBpe an'dVubTic Tolly. It will require n r'litllo iitn'e'toTecpv6'r j'roin lie panic, and to estimate. w'ith'precisioii.thq extent of tjie v mischief. Ii will. probably be fountl far (ess than his "been generally supposed, Tie Tigor anq inaustry ol lljo community, sus iiiined as tliey are by qur jmnirpHo natural tTesourses, wjll siion overebmo this tempora ry repulse, and go on, as if i(. had never happened. Some1 will be unfortunately n Vr r n i ( nnnj nf 1 1 . ' l ! gii.ui lliaao UI UIU W U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B4y will in thei'ciid Jbo Jitile affected. The r' j f--- Ill .1JJ(1- ' .1. ..if rflmmiiiiiiit-mirtflHai . n i , i . i .. .. t . . . wmurai pursuiis is comparatively Ireq lrom Vlebt'aml tinlurrassmeiit, an possessed of ell (he' bfcnefits thai arise' from favorabe eaBons and nlpnHfiil Imrup.ia 'I can myself seb uqjqst groiihd for' that "aespp'ndeilcy Which sbems to. pervade, so seiiejally,. tliominds of the people. The itliurV tO'Olir tiedit alirOild.nlttlflllnh nrnrli.P. tivo of much t8mporaiy inconvenience, will iliimalciy'bb sqriiceablo tb lhecommunity. ' II wlll'teach'iisto rely on' burselves, to turn --I micchumi iu wiq uevciopcment 01 our oWn rVebnrcVs,,1aifd 'to pbtain'that, by 'oiir --! "iniii tTu nuvc iiiiuc;riti iiiuuill iipoil 'irusi: "Whatever may befie fears of nlia( Korli'on of our 6onimuhitv,- who are al- jr I'lwuiLuujj i-i i ii , apu ucinoaniug me ecis of causes wlifcli ihey dq n'ftfpii'rr BtandrlTme will Btlon prove, tliitt' the! rifsour-esof-Pcnn'sylvarfla, herabiliiy o meet all ere'ngageme,tjls, &nd ihq respect of 'her cvuiensf (oi the plighted faith of the- "state, ave no boen In ih'e 'slightest dP.'giee sliakin uy any ol trie misfortunesuuDler whlcli we ate now suffurmg. In nearly all instances. tnese rears w'lll be found. io 'haVq hud their OriiJUi in Un' ?ogues, wlio are willing to Undervalue her meansi and ihointcgrily of her citizens', if a --. & ui.uv. ....... in. . YiiLr.nt nsp.rhan. r.? Ithnvnl ,I.mi,'i Smn'dc ta ihohk iiifih i r f. ........... mi.Muciiiciii9 (iiiuunaiicn, fVPi"i' ?ieal?d',for P.uVppscs Tar bo Von'i! their means'tn arphnnlioli i.wtrui.l... I Ihcy' cm, Zreb! f; L. i. V V.T'r "v."." u'uv' w;ii honestly, hal Pennsylvania , ili prave unable (q peiform.all her. engagements, tp b6 .ne.hher very, iijcep. :cc,uhte cquafntell. nicy win ob juunu rAnennrtr. lint tmv. ....iiiiwii., urn 7 uuiiiicijr .cquainiet Willi Inn ntllllllhllipn nnil nninn nl4 1a SfillrrPB. IT lliprn lin quo nT t. n- ..-..ww - " W.ll.M Wt, tICl - C Who think that sliq Wl prove fajthess'"ahd iin wining, 10. qiscparge, .nor obljga.ti.ons, wr hihv SHiriv BBV.l cv Know lit c n hpr lrii cliararler, and meet wit h . no enndtimupmnnt or fuvor, from anv considera'b'lD tlie rnmmnhitv. I'n An it.tmi r... XI 0'. aliO to n:iV hn nrnmicsa I.. ' are two or her d stiiiguishing characterigVics' neither th confidence, nor respept, jofnlik cttiier.s by the attemjitp She may be.te'rfi," no'rarilv dhlired to oo'stnono ihn iVfnnii ui iilt pngagemenis, until a more conveqienu Mjdso.i.jjuuiu tieny iio oojigation ijself, or - wuv.iifj. nun ii ivuijiu uu i rp i. I!k(,H!wog'tJVeh'"o.puqlli.,'; ma ill wi . . " 1 . "i paiiLiiuii. "u"""ii b,,;'u "er puunc ucoi.may seem, ip K t taxqf a;,tew cen's. per. tqnjtipon h! COI.IdS iron, which arc scattered in pvpriJ),il and valley :,i,roUgho"u,her borders. will aj some iuiu c nay. not only pay . the .interr. probably jviilijo HiefnljTeiiin8'tqT.' irianyjH I iLr " ' ,UllB l?r,,l(,'Pal ! aIs,H of "W "P't-v"! lvla.iul!IF'":i".i Hwl'JXllY. 01 tnem , Willi iron.- 'I liio-.IB,nnf ,'f."iP JfPTiYiiirii qo legislatHin.?na.npfjid lititiq Vni nnol ih.l ,ln..,:u n - syivhriia beyohcrihe irom''hnv'niaiitr ' ! 'tftslfnixl KtF '! IH fin I 'cillzeniV- Hhfl hrsr'tmirr! .-b.-... V , i "m I'm aniiu uotriiiiL and intersl'i hThtlinr nitilnnQ ...... iivvi)iviiivm,i. nU UIC 1 n f A ft rv i n rt h o win MaYc ii u UdUbu in rPdrfii iiirr rfinsiriipiinii " -'viwiviiiwu vi u i uui vantage's.' This is' no( ilie la'Hffuaffe'or'fia'n- v. r m tu iw miv uijiLiuuciiiriiL iiit-MK ;iiir "uiiie'ho'pe'i or blind' confidence', .uit't'of clear ignteu 'practical expcrioiice, oPlhoHruth' b( ..., s-.j ., . - . ,1 m, i ' .iil. nrnrifl''vr.oirtii ' iiinjUMiLtu iii (i it uiuai uu convinred.who will carefully invesiigatclh uutw IblUllllg u uui V-UUUIIltJII -.- A I illP'plneA ril Uin I lot, ni.ttlliAlnfiA.iHl..i embarrassment and distress. 'jiervElllrig'iJ 6bM' tuuiMLr.wLic liir vreaicrinun ineV'nrti'nriw. iWi had just, emerged from a protnicteih expensive, and harrassing war. The na. (inrtfll. lftt tv nu nan I tr IhIhiL..! i ,!! fiiiMniiiwim ui uuuu o vuaiiictta'tJI H 1 1 I kinds was broken tip; confidenco'was ehtlibi ly destroyed all, classes; of the communiiy were in debl; qpr banks . broken iand, Worth less; public feeling ,w.eakeped ahd ' shakon to a degree ;infinely; beyond what is, now, Jinown; and, worso than all this, ranking nnlitical animosities airainet Idp thnn. .,,1; ;iiijnisratioii of the general, governiiient had creaieu or raiseu up, a powerlulj unstirupu. Ipus, violent, patty, under the plitisiblq name of the 'Peace ParttiJ in tie way of the administration every, pos-s sible ubstaqlein , the triumphant pmseciiiion ol lliat 'ar, or the cnrrecUon oi, the ovilsl w'hicl. it, ..evitablv entailed unnn Z I j " "' ,vi-,ii,hiui UI. uto 'UV which it, jnqvjlauly enailqd ppon iho conn try. Out, notwiihatandihg all these fojmi rlnlilp ilicnnnrnfrnmnnlo te tmn.i il. 4l,ap Piitprn.f7n n.i nni-tn.i.. . f.i.. i. enterpiizo and the palriqtisin olahe peopl?t seconded llioss thoq entrustod .with-, tho1 atlmiqisiration, of tho, governmclll,, who' .. r. ,! .1..... " . t ti . pcnuniicujuijir uqy wiin noman: tirmpess and inteirritr.. Tasnn JJ J -7I"-r ivuvillllllillUBUi, levied, and paid, r syglmn ihe credit' and' Honor of uic gqvernmenicoiilidence was. . -1 .i i . i , 'p"5i "Hc.'uvpa icMiiieu iir.1 sccustomctl cha,nnoJs, and pne of, the most flourishing seasons, in the. history of our .bonntru- sun ceeded TJiat ep.ormous, debt was, in tho nrocrss of lime, entirplv nviin.,;,.i,.,.i ... I hose who recommended , Ui.q nepeesarv, iiionallioii tn 'llin nil..... . . C .!. . nio.aiiniiiiiiinii iw mis greai enu I... up h,,-.. ,a..l.l i.iili: ' . n(4 ., nu.v Kuvi. IV..UIU..U .run respcp,,auq gfati iiiuo.i u lift Diiiuu uuiiusi anq learlesi tlis charge of dutyi will be attendpil yft!i, ,the mi" ihiiiu iiuw, uur pisi.nrv nag novel vet rer.ofdml a 'si null. Inc'ia...' : ,i,'i,:i. ' i ui', r,.- ..v.-! ,i niiii.ii .i nublic man. who stood hv tho hniin---,.r i.i0 . ., -i country in critical emergencies, was not fully sustained in hjs quarts by ,,, fellow citizens, lie may bo traduced and villi ly and faithful discharge of , , V j y i.v.i.vv. uui. viniicu .... 7.. m..w....,Bu vi tuny outlives the eftorts.of his 'traducer?. The proudest monumenl that B.nuhlin mnn nan Dill a main v an l aithin c.h.... ..r .l.vii. i.iuuuuj.i iiiuiiuiiitjiiL.iiiai a. noil in .mnn nan desire toJeavo his children; is onq inscribe i usui.iv 11 ;iru iifiw nnn inp c nnnrn .null 1 1 n , . .. . . . t . ..r aSj- l"? Wpuld; tj.c,paid.W,& ,greJ v l"3Acl!UsJjecnon(.taqtcdjfol JS tataaW-n.'lfPM bR fcwelyir.fel. FoLUMtAiirt3 oy ner own c,t.zena. UuiaStthisicqur... I ;V5S,fcM,t.-.rf . U&,UW3W nW .try now is, and muai.coniintie in hn. frim L ..i.i:. .1-1 ... ...t....i i.-j... .- ... llie liiiropean supply qfcqaLtaiid,: 0no .Ffir..tic ugq .nfnaani)' ,lnl elh'ijeU wtt ,1. twhcj it,ias,h i.e.rH1pl.ip.yd.epetle.d. thj. TO,iaio,LlA7i,IpggoOO.n-Jnoaq ,! .da.y-8dnoA'af'4'anhen Jtowsylvaim, uW4,iS binsfl snM? ,VyitfU?P X npba"ilih.ree-.fyutth8,qf. tlA: JJfci ., ,.1, rillinr.oi.,lnJ f .!.: .. .:. I. I . I ' UIIIUII CUIini 21(1.11(1 HQ . "".iievsr. mncneu itnm ins. host.' '" ; 'J,JR..whnle.3ioiiHtjr the nr'esTihl fuHctl' -ieljl QtJlie.s.iBid excluiiva bf W"dPn.,,i.p'' jMy-P firpU;royenue; i8 MTfoWsS 3" ll" ."imbu Ualtmfr'nMn Wr" u Trf!il"''n I Ill . . .'i . It .u i Brian iiiui inrll, M i" w " i 1,838,1 , .' ii'lj l)9W'ni it! tS15.00(1 niliE-i nf in tno 1844 fls:snn nrt j. . . 1855 3 0onjinn!nni t 1 Mflui . 1IMU)UUUTJ0.;"I'""'' X' . ' 2.166,'tP.0i00,tf!W lid ,.... , ., ,. "U. W18B8' 'ftisi-Jloo'o -6o ',."-!e" i i w.w . J870 l:nBT.!iha:!l7;-itlTl ft:S!J i w it. h.t:.... . Ti ffliaij a. Kciiar-..f,. (tiC.rfK..; (j oiBiov,-! .. . , " ,..(576,,737, JSOj, Wm.O N1' ?r!stJl'c t.Ai!S,, . ..hi. ,. r,lfSffl" ; ,Z , issucd.TeJoHnn'hlct: -a frww odJ 1 : .-.V.A.U8uitl843871i07G53i. flJ , 6 ! S'..iii;ti.St (J37j937lT88i!M r to followinVI1 I v. j f. t i .. , . ... . -j I.. J.anklinu Rail. .ii. f ftuW"; -;n "' " Ollin f!nni'l FCi thf I . . i ... s i .uian.u jttk. , , - ( "r '. "... ' . . iiiiiiiifii nr.. .1 0.00 0QCUQ00 :'."r i. "?37C8c!6' 1Q I IIM.W r J LTJ"1 . ' 1 ' . "e ,urocong uocs .not inciuue ilie .in?s, . . , , i5iis. r'-i . i- - s-w t i . t ' 1 ?5i.l'ff.,?w?ir;S?1,VaV; Jr,,R?,EaiftQn ,'(q f tide al Hnstol, ' -' 1 The nit'm lihe of'canal apd railway from Pliiladefphia',tn1,PiUsHiirg 'I"'305J P.. Iff. n ' - .i.nn'll f?.. , f ' waiiiii irum weaver on uicuiiio nvpr to the mouth of the Prniwli 'rrppf the direction nf Rrin v 'n7? tJanal from I'rahulin on the Aleghe-: nv" river to' Gbnnoatit lakp. "49J Oandl; Sustitie'hanna and North il I - Branch from Duncan's Island to I'jck'awanna, ' ll'Pi ' ' esl "fancn irqm iMorllium- be.Whd to Tarrad8vlir,-'-l V- ' '73 fbd.,., j:: V7 1' .ii'f-i oeverai siue cuts vd navifrab e ' . , Iolal Sana's and railway complex lcd' . ''' iiinnla in nrnnvnea nml nnH.t.. t cbmh'o'i r comp.c S'70'l'? Canals in progress and nearly coni'.1" piuieu . o". . smic). I : ; -1 1. ' -i . . , Worth Uranch extension, from Lick-"" awatfna toNew York Iimp. ,rn-rin lunu- extcnsion from the mouth of tho I'foneh Ureek feeder to Erie har bor t .IQl Vi icrtmsfto canal from Duncan's Is WW'i land Wicofusco creek, 12 I 1ZS ' Tb'ai.JaIsjn mPWnX'UQt late has always niel iho payment interesb upon' the' pnbliis- tjebi clunl.iy.iu.itUlhb'seiiiiiahriuarpav-'. onI.e latoAugtisi when ! of. ladeqoalo provisioh '' for' that COrtlficatlis of t n ahimiiif ',il,i . wilhpdnctunlity mentilile r... . , imi vuij. ui. lauBqoaio provision' lor' that ini.rr.n.v.n..:i; 5. ..r.i! ,.,1.., ,. .(....yv.i.uuiiod ui inu aiiiouui ot u to each holder of the stock were1' Isslied. bear- trig an interest of six-per cent.' pby able in 27lhMavf of Julvi la t I "Y-Z " , una icai uiiccauiy 10 ui ujr. ui juiy ijbi. n now ' becomes iheinip8tativ.c .'dllly of the' legislature to l.mnU nrnui.inn .iill r.- M -.1. 1 . in. . a..i i . .'. 1., .1 i iui 1 i.j jiajr llicill da Tor the payment ofjlid fnt'etosi Tilling 'duej I 'LIP f--l( ..a . 1 . , MlalOdJi aiUli l'l?.l.i.Ll. nallrd'.f, ..i'n mir hi. ,r. fll sill' I .Mucic ii 'uiiiian-r' i'- i...f" ... ,i lft !: "-t i Uiebtioks of 'tho . AVdilnr Genera .per eipts, ror)(tbe( .yeadoypr. .orii M 're.shlutipn of 7tli April i , T tfc:.e?;iihjeJnwUbB , t1 i cons'trunfibn Of Which', the principal .amount Pl WA 1 1 ' ? 1 P. H 4 i H ff, il'ttp 4decrea?e in, tolls- lias! r.f-ll.3iSIlli,K. L'";'. '.'.I' i-J'' L'on1'1 cr.n'ottVA ' w. n mui una uurii llli uiicil. uUUh SI ....viun.iurtw.vil, ... . I . . r nl UJ miles, of canals' and raihyay.s.cnm- , "P-N'ci'ipt.s.Bnd i SP.?Ru(lM--es onjhe.maiii pldfcd.aMJ lm miles pfcanifs jn progress Nines liayt been as follows:,,. ,.',.. 01 cnifslrtir.linri nnil npurlv pninnfmnr ' I 1 nil rpppiiipil in Alt ovnnnoae nuxii, ' i " . tV -i J' . " t .". ! 'Unl,I'ametmode df raising Oic 'amount i"6"?93 fr ,,,B WnV ndsnd ho PvialiniT Inua.aoam be IIHllSncnSab 0. It inav bn wnrlhv llin it' .!.-!'.". : .. , ' "f :v. 1 r j hj T-Lf" aiai?' ui JHrialnhrasscss'ni'cnts, and reacf the nb- r'J.fefi,OTax'JTo".' do" roi Pqulf rVyfafof. V sufttual amnuiU from, inf s6urco." b ,'fjj aale'amWrft rromAhaf sftOrc'c" n n rillvt.l'gflnMiin.nJ mM. "'ps?ar?.; tiial in , puratiance of Vtl f" ""nRlytPnsfed ,for that, purpqse' were invited fqt iho sale of 'tli'e Bpub1i'et 'imn?6Vcm2nts'for'ilin!'1r5(infiAH.fcprthi.-.t m Ibid for the samp, thnt r-i'A' "rt'Sct'.(1l:!,'r.n'0,K i cepveuAvas received - 'Hits ''measure' was, i . i-w.-.i uy l sllrrrrpcfprl m mti. net .n. L - condition, it was an experimentWhich w . 1 - . uwui r -RlWCPjniPf.Wml ' ' f w' ' ,1 1 r-e DJ&lj 'sold at a L-1 i riip.iiti n- .1.. rii :.: .t - - i- . ijltu&V' .VA-'t cr' ' ,,lllP?nJnjlJO' V! --j .-i U'rPiT ' V'.X'I """.VV1K fllpm In hp a mnociun n . nnAA.n... . Tl.t- .Till) IR mtprrsl. nq it wn.i t U. ..Imil ..,V,-0:-J?rlfjP"l!R'ovT-j " i - T.. frit . . . . 81i,iib- revejiuesj .upon pur,, publn; works have, ..ont. r, 1: llin pvlfint nr ihn. .-.In 1 f 1 ntiroose. jippflths cpmmenpiqgiqn the.. ,,,30t(i ,,'pvpmber,-..,1742,. i , id , marc i .anil, -..enl intr . . ta w 390.0.40..7Q '...amount ;to.c t , iand liabilities for.9' months. ' Cqlurpbia, fl ( Railroad, Eastern 83'57,4fli"' 50 .. 132599 5 '."T.fc'i...1- ;-. i) i --u,i'i A 'Divisions' ' '' "105,98b1 10 ' iooH' i& Ailet?lieiiv"y ' ' iL .""'' ' "'"f;- ' ' 'oriaiie Rall'-road' ' '40 90,528 6p '2'0086s00 'Weiiern-' "1 Jli Division' "'or.l;.1 854'49'42', . !:u vi ! ,, ' 1 1 IU ' '''' v ' S702,j)49 48, 366,180; 20 , . , cxsrof tolls over expen ditures of S402, 709 28, ort the'abo-o usual- but"""" tHC " fron ueipnta to i utsburg. -On iho DclawaiB Divisions and other i,.-n.i... .,r .i. r i t . .. branches of tho .Canals, ihn over expenditures,, during the same perfod, ims aeon ifu.uoj 44.. it is Worthy too or remark that. the fqr ihe ninoimouths has been onlv S1G1.- This exhibit cannot fjil Ininsnirft.n'a mill. jp.crea.setl cqnfidencQ; in, , the-. mllimate viaAuoia''iK8f.fpJn?B,3lofooj;li,publio works, 1 it ? t .i ' . . s,r,PgH'!nejl ,a? '.1 .by. the fact, that there has 'been a?aillnC-ofr in'tlfo Vaiiai "lolls ol tnere 'Newi Yorfor-lhe fisVal ytaf dingJuOtV I is, proper .here,, ,alsqr ip. exphnaliou to fpte. qqit faqt vyorthV, of consideration.. ' At dip cq.p V my .administration tPra 'yrMleb) ,Uue for ordljjar.v repairs previously doqtf. in'lepentlant, of' (be debt ,!., Jn itfo Wk..-.' :tf..?..i'- '..rV."-. previously done; '.a i'V oue on tne ueaver divifinns. t For iho repairs, of the Huntii tr- ' " Vn breach t " 5 ilivifions", of $3J0(7,4 38.Q.O00 . JJ"! l! WBni UZ :C!f'n,(9M ll'P puoc.cssfql,,.' prosection of tho naviga-, , lion, fcc. as per , reporl of cuginVeirs Especially db- TOJriadj, ..?Qlnpf,tmswly Ja;!fd. nmnnni I . . , i, .... ".-'ri rr.v!'.-'", 'i,f 'vi nii a .1 1U14 TF .., rt r i i-TTT- w.'. tailed, for that Sprvicd l,'670.00l Amounting. to'thV-gu'mfdf $2. 3ri7il&0 i - ,t "' ""v u,,,fB,"B "no an incui in ir!Knit Kni-l. . i " T, .'i. nnil In .IT -A- iTi t-rVt . ' ! ' 7.1. j .1 . ' . "IU iiiusi lauuaDie .exer "'Bur. m me progress'of '111116106; ti ho Urcatar nnriinn r nKii(Lr".Vimi ' id lb! consliuc'tioh 6f -otfr nubYic'Mvo'rks becomet8o farde.cayed and'tlilatiidarfidas Jo'reqbireV!nnio"st inita"nces 'a partial and 111 ttlnni) SnilKb.H - t 7VIVf'A lo tfibj 'i.iarse'ambiints WfrpiVihr;i in niaktng these fnilceH.i j'eH.Miat OUUlIC' COIlfllipn fTf" tbili' dsmi 4-lL.1j'J rifely eT.sbakcn - in rth'e 'ugeYulfiess' SnWaldtfiH system "'Hseir Thosa'vhdJdid'tlt1pre'flecI,on rtlie vnflt IfJirifr AnnU -Hi JvaCi' i a "w wjf.i4i,i9 ui- ma that purposo lor a pumber of years to come will I17.P rrronllt., 1 .nil ' a H'rvj "uiiitiioi.uu. , w . IV.MI- - l.t-t.j i -. .1 ) . .'i . Tf ca an 'aUention'to a constuerablfe lififn ',.1 T .. .r- Huvv.t, lliuv hbi'earthr 'Wholly clitoff" 'A-verV Hhtr 'caqSl ajld " ?:.,ui"f.n na.s oeen-ncrelorore ij 4 tu i.,uki ifei. .tiu-j.i ir'rf v. f . - ifi ""UUBU """cinnc' improvemenitf- p I ' 7 '"" uwiru uu luiuieui !f.rieA TO0"!1 thisextraqrlililf'oJlfi lur' luwairs-'innsi' iit nnniiihr ronA-.iA.i-in ... This, .u-r.iilil'NtWOUldeemTtf)fbe bllt-fWAfahVl inrA'tSb; II.. . h th.trphllilrl lnftJti. UUnwlJk It . t. - f. DriUrrBSl chnlilil; liprioTtpr l,o'f nl4..ri . t. . ' of (heopropehy. and'Jheublic ones I MTf f . IiIm .1. ! . ... a m . . K. ' . """"i' wntcn uwy liareiSUUated. .. i l i ...pinco mv. lasl aiiBiial mps!i!rp.. .1 rtf nrnrnlA i- t i mnnnni ma nm m.h . ..... ...v.,wru.i.c urn. Jc.ii iipauy aii iiier auvnnu n n c- ipnm .i.a . ...n. ... . conviction of se.sAral.persdns.onilhe'cleaiett proof, a. mosj fi.agrant conspiracyUo iren ner this monopd)izng. combination'lstill more triumnhant Over.ihe.lawB. 'i'i.;av,.n victionAwjUJuiyedhe iSaltilai-y tcndenfcy lo arrest hercafter any such.illcgalallemp'fs. It is now to be lionpil. ih-it hv.fiip .nin.,ti r these obstaces;;in.,ihe .vypyioffair.indivjdual competition, our public fimjljovfimcnttwill bo opeq'.jas thoyv'ere.inenjlc;dito hettd the fiee and equal .enjoyment of-alln -4 , .1 SeveraJ jeconime'ndaiions; or-wliat.'ere deemed essential reforms. in tlip of our iutcrnal impcovenipiiis,- made.- either y e,?fJH!Yq or-, canal commissioners, have been hitherto bnfllprl nhil- ilofpoip,i i. , - w,w., combinations of interest, wlnpli n Jcnni n.. ,.syq.cflmprchQnd. I do not.deem'itneces saiy 10 Bpcciiy.particmariy all these sugges toqs, but yil rcfer(jQii io myfasi aqnUal message, and, thejast and presen,rcpprof the 'Canal Cnmmiseinnpra in '...l.i'nt. .1 are cqptained. I trust that whatever may have ilPPn Ihn ,!n,,l,l l..:i..r. ' .'-'il' C-.'V if any there was., tho in.niii.n nnrl n' ol making them areliow beyond question. Dtiring the' last yeair' as vell' as' rbrmer -yearsj ihe'canal cohlmissioiiers have begn assiduously laborinir' id cfir'rp(i ll.B "glaring 'of iho 'errors "and abuses which 'had cropiinto tho management of 'bur publifc nnprpvements. 1 hey have dune'hiu'dJi.Vt mttcli-remains to bo" done',' and "uulcss, sec onded by the :Legiblatiife,ltn'ere will mucti r'orriain to bo. lamcirted. wiihnm 11. t WUB 1Mi, .,yMUI- to remove It. . , Nothlntj has been' done tindp'r i1.k -.i pf Assembly passed "at ' the.'- , 'l.UIWII tor the incornbratiori of 1 to completo tlfo urifiiiislied ' liheb of our imntovements. Tfnnv- m..i- ' iAvfi-.t tual mode for tho accomplishnie'nf itf tlWs uiijL-cii.can tie -uevisea, it will. aiTord 1110 greal ple.ijsurq io cooperate witlr -vou in fiprryipg it into execution. . .1 The reuolulion of.the General Assembly of th9.7h pf Aprilas, Arelaiivo-to ihe pay ment pf interest to. domestic preditprill prq.Vi'deslhatffUQlj .qf .thqiediltus yomiqoniyeajlflv a? do notqhposg tq tfi'jjfm cerlfficaies .pf. sfocksl) cmiltLd,.ik.' credit for ihq. ampuql of lliq!rp)ai,. nrii tfoqks ojj.the, Auditor pqd sSfii receive at six percent on, MaiS r?1rD(lk do,,QP.'f),l iW Lii,f ?ayi,-1V "iterest tq bp allowed from, (jiat date, and on balancps duo for work dono ?,nS?.'1P;ftl ?f May.. ML interest la- Be allpved fr,qin. the mssagq of Hbe, ?qt. Apd the. firsr section of the acUiT .he 27ih July ' ?,s if ?vMf J a k i og pertain .specific, (apprppria, Mn?i.Mtrects w.halqver balancq .inny- be in .tl.q.'J'fcasury 011 .ij.e fi;s) days , t,f AugqS, .Npvprqpec.anil, February ihep, moxi. after paying piifrent demands on ilia Tranry,tiJ (Concluded on fourth pugc.) - IK, l:j.i iiii ( ii.1 1... , lit 1. if' 11 , ii 1 1 5! ill n 1 tit! ! i 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers