Poetry ' ft From the New Monthly ;Mafcatlnc. Had you vor a cousin. Tom! , Did your cousins happen io aingt Sislera We all tlro'dbfcon,' Tom; But' a co1iSsiii,'a,diffMeh( ihinas And'd find, iCjfoujsvePklssed ' iier.Tbm. V But l'ef ih'Ii bo1" secret b"etween'ii.r That your Jina would haro beta irf ft'biislejy --te p' B . .... ; For they're not onheilster genus. t There ii something, Tom,, in a sister's When you give her a gdod-night ktss 'Th'at( savors srJ much of relationship,, . ,a TItat nothing .occurs amiss;. But acoasinls.llpsf you .once unite - With youra,iiri the quietest way. Instead ol sleeping a wink that night, -Yoa' ll be dreamirig'the followingday; Amf pebplelhink U'jio harm, Tom, With a cousin tohear you, talk; And no one feels any slarm, .'Torn,. .?At'a quiet- cominly walk,; But Tom, you'll ioonfind.'what I happen to know Thai, such walks often grow intOjStraying And the yoices of cousins are sometimes so -now, . !) Heaven only" knows what y6u'll,saying; - ' ' And, then there happens so, often, Tom, t Soft iprcssures I of hands and fingers, And look that woro moulded to softenj r -Tom, "And tones on which memory lingers' ; ,That(ion'g ere ypurHralk is , half oyer,,the .'.strings,-, j .; , . -..o Of your heart are ail put in play,- twj Bf'th'e'tivoicb of those fair demi sister! things, '-'" '"-!"' 'p u Iruiol. quite the jnost brotherly way, And the ong of a sister may bring to you j., Tom,, t u w . ., . Such iones.as the. Angels' woo: ,, , But a fsar if,your cousin should sing tOiyobi i cm," Z i M . n uYou'llotaktfher for aneel too; . ' Fnr V eifrliiR a nrilTis that note of their's.l OTaVyouMl'foneyhe voice tha'i'gave It,! H5Aeen.ali.tht .while, singing the National, Instead of the Psalms of David.- . xu : B"Mt. Zhd I t I once had a cousin5 tfiafsnigi Tom, " ' - And' hervname may. be nameless-no;-"But the sound of.lhosX"png are still young! Tom, nulttwixi walking,. Rod .vng'ng hal ,cousin; God forgive herl the ruin of me 1 'And now I care nought for society,Tom And lead a most anchorite liko, For I loved myself into sobriety, Tom, Anrf nnt of the winh for'a wife: But 'ohlifl said "but half 1 whaf X ''might; So sad, were, theJessons. 'twould, eive, ; iTha'tiltwonld keep, y.ou from .loving for! j many a 'day s - , "And from cousins as long as yoti live! REMEMBRANCES- . t 1 I remember, I remember Taos. Hood! May qq WdlfJiowJ, nq sereecl(-owl stir A wing about ihy sepulchre; ' No boisterous winds or storms come hitheii sr , i iToIstarve '6i' wlihe"' Thy soft sweet'carth. Bat like a spring, L'oye keen it ever flourishing ' HEitRit;. remembrreraember, The ch'uicnyard stiirand Jone, , And the grave ofll.e loved one resting there Anu tne wnite sepsicnre stone, " ' 'The ring she gave, and ihe.Iock of hajr, Arid the glance of her glazed eye: , ,; And the piesa of her pajid lip, to, mine, And her' last, lo'w fainting sigh, ' r, 1 remember', I remember? The bearers' moving slow; And the coffin borne pn the pall, hung bier, Aiu the mourner s ueptu ot woe. The open graVe and the.gathering round; ,Of ,t(ekindr.ed of the dead;, , And the rattling sound of the Tailing earth And the tears in silence shed; '-" I rememhsr," I ;tSmemb'er, , The hour jvlien fiji'st we mei, , And, the sweet Tow voice, which answerei me, Rings in my memory yet. The lonely walk, by the clear brook side. And tho eong in the shady grove; The parland wliioh I wove foe her, Andth'J vows of our plighted Love. OSCA. He who tells a lie is not insensible' how great a task he undertakes; for hs must be forced to jnvent twenty more to.mainiajn ttiatnnd. . l Though we are-no longer so; ' H' e w1QT.Ank'lUan ia nnt . 1..F nn Inn rrn I'll is absured to think of passing WbrouV if vitttoat a jveriilies, " Mra ft MS hereby Constable sale, as the Dronertv of Ellas Smith on (wo horsU Waggon, bhe patrHay L"iddeiV,one Log iiiuii, iwo urcy mures, two seis Harness oonars an Bridles, one single' Line, One pair Check' Lines four Trace Chains, one Log Slcdthree Hogs, pno "CoW, one Plough, and Doubletree, seven Gecsej'one Wind Mill, bnbjron Scoop. Sh'oycl, one Mantle Clock, ten buahelsotatocB, pno straw .Box and Knife, fifteen Harrow teeth, two thirds of six Acres of Wheat, two thirds of scTeuteeu Acres of" Rye, and havo'left tho.'sanie irt'the'poBscssiorTof tho said 8mith,'during our pfcisure, and forbid any person, taking them from him, ciUicrjby purchnscor other wise, without our' consent. , ,. , 1 ' , WM McKELViT & Co. Dec. 13. 1842." .,;..!,, ' COLOMBIA. COUNTY TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. . , i i WILL hold its. annual meeting jn -Thursday, tho fith dor of January, 1843,' at 12' o'clock M, in tho town of Cattawissa- It is hoped that jilt. tno auxiliary societies will send up lull numbers of Delegates with full reports of their doings and all tho interesting information they can gather in re lation to the subject; and- all societies; who have hitherto not become auxiliary to tho County Socie ty, and any new societies that have been ' formed within the past year, are cordially invited .to1" send .Delegates, with' a copy of their Constitution and a list of hcit members, and unite themselves to bur society. All, friendly to the cause are invited to attend.- Tho Delegates arc respectfully1 requested to come prepared, if possible, to remain" .until ;the next day, 60 that tho.Bpciety. may havejfull' time to haye'all tho reports and have a full discussion .of the subject. 7 . JOHN' C. GRIER, PrcsL , A.fY.,Leyburn,.. , X. Stcy'tj Jame'i McMahah an; y iMf- Drc. 17, 1842. N. B. All newspapers friendly to1 tho , cause iin the County,.dro, respectfully reijuested.tp copy this notice 'V , '.- - ' t , . i ... . . ,. .. : ' 1 , .NOTICE . ! IS HEREBY dlVpNi ,T,4' ' TO all legatees, creditors and other persons in-', terested in the ceutes-of. tho respective do-' cedents und.minors,- (hatVthe administration' ac counts ot the said estates have been tiled in tno. Office of the Register of the ,county of Columbia) and mll'bo presented for, confirmation' and alldwJ 'once to the Orphan's. Court,, to he ied at Danville, 'Tn'-nhil'fnr thd rnnnttf nrnrpeAlil nn Mnnflnvlhn lfitlV lay,6f'Jariuary,next'ttt2'o'cl7ck,P.,N. , , 1. The account of Joseph Tlrobst Executor .of the lastjtvill and testament of Lawrencj, Christ latct of'Cattawissa township, dec'dl I tho minor children of Joseph 'C. 'Cleaver latoof Cattawitsa township, dee'd; : ' - CHARLES 'CON NEK, ' litsitter. REorsTE'n'i 's OrncE,,T)anville;y bcr 15, 1842. : ,5 " December " NOTICE,. 1 ' ' IS hereby given; to: nil concerned, that 'we have, this day purchased, at Constable sae, as the prop-' erly of James Girton, two h thirds .of 23 acres' qf grain in the ground, 2 J acres of new ground Wheat' one Mantle Clock,, one.Dining Table. 0110 Dcd'& Bedding,,ono Iron Kettle, one Weaving Loomonei m i.' IT ..Ct.l nn. f.n,,f n; Cutting Box,. ;ono set of single Harnesi, one set bfj Harness, one lot of Uecri, ono Htrau of Uclls,Jone lot- of. Hay, 'Onelot;of,Qats,'.one swarm of Bees,! one urind Stone, .two lots ol.. 1'otatoes, in tlic liolo ono, Cradleapd cythe, one Grass Scythe, one-yoke of Oxen, and have left the same 1 in his possession during our pleasurc,.and all persons are .'cautioned from purchasing or, otherwise, taking them from him without our consent. PETKR I.EIDY. Dee. 13.1842. lt'r,k1,'v"' Sbcreliy given to all. concerned, that we. have -purchased of .Peter' R. Miller, two bav horses, ono black horse, one two horse waggdri, ' and har nesses fol three horses! thice cows, three yearling steers, two yearling he:tcrs,two, last spring calves, nineteen sheep, two ploughs, one harrow, ono slid, oDOAvindmill, ono half,of iorty .acres ol wncat on IHe groind. 200 'dozen sheaves of wheat Jus, the barn, sevcnty-fivo bushels . of corp in,thocrib;tone sesalfn during our pleasure; and forbid any person . 1 . i - ..... .!.! : 1 . I - - - -A 1 lawng mem ironi mu, .euucL py fjuieuuoo ui wr wise, without (qur content. AAKUXM, tlUM-v FJlEUKJlU AlfAtjER. Bloom township, Dec. 9,1842 1812. , ,33 .NOTICE Tma hereby given to all concerned. Jhat I havo purchased at constablo sate, as the properly of Arthur Hardy.pne Horse,, one SJeighj . ope set of Harness; cmunpruo, uhb uiutc,iiu u nriutu Desk, ana have.lefl tho same iii his'possessibn 'dur ing my pleasure, pnd.'caution al persons .ogainsl tasing incm lroia.nim wnuuui inj tuiicunu , . iKt.ut;Kiun..xitt.iii,K, Dcc:'l7,' 1B42. , l , ; , ' ' ' - 1 . ' NOTI E - 18 hereby Biv'e t, tl)att I if'ave'boiight, on tho i'oth, iday'of'Nnv. last, at Pfcri'stable sale.the follov;intf . . rt 1- , IL-'l.. . ... I. ! ... 'f Drooeriv 01 v.nanes Aiuneui, iu wn; uuu nmuiw brown Co . and'one red.&',white Cow,- and have left the said pioncrty in posncesion nf .the said ;A) bright, during my pleasure, nn.odid any "person tkKing inem ironi mm, euncr uy purcnase or oiner- wiec, without my consent. OAMUbljJIAII'llVUD, Monteur tp. Drc 3, 1842. i . "-: . -i. THE , ESTATE ' OF WILLIAM WELL1VER, 'DECb. TikfOTiCE it hereby glvpn, that letters (estamen i tarv have been 'wanted to the subscribers, re siding in Madison township, upon the late will of Yfm. Wellive, late qf Madjcdn towiuhip.aforetaid (lee'd, therefore, all personslndcbtcd to said estate; tnj reoriented, to mako psymept, and all, having claitoa to present 'them for settlement. ' mnisr WRi.r.rvp.n t ,tt iiicharddbmottA - k , r)K 1 Eaectttort, Jciaetov)i,Oet. 39, 1842, JiT-Ow, 1 ' ion 1 NEW GOODS: . fTSrHE ,suhscriucrs inform the , public,, that they lmvp entered Into .Partnership, under tho firm .of ; EVER & HEFFLT? ; andhavo .ust recci red, from Philadelphia, .and now opened, of their NEW8T0RET, A'orttitceatCor ncrt,ofJfIarket and Maine Streeta,nidomt,burg, an entire new and extensive assormcnt of " DRY GOODS, 'GROGEUIES; HARD Ware, CRbcKERi'AND QUEENSJFARE, 4-c. which 'the'ofler'forsale, oft reasonable terms, as .heir priccs'a're suited to the times. Among their assortment will be fourid Broadcloths, CassimeresfSallinclls, and various kinds of cloths Jot men's Summer wear; Calicoes; Ging fiartis;Cambrics; Muslins'; Silks: Muslin dc lanes; and various other articles, for Ladies' drtsses; Shawls; Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Hose; Bleached and Drown Domistic muslins j arid a variety of'other articles 6iiitablo,for. tho seasoij and, believed to (jo as goodLand complete an assort ment as is usauy juuim 111 cuumry giorcs. frt-COUNTRY PRODUCE will be received m exchange), and CASH will not be. refused. Pur. friends, and .the public generally, aro re quested to cull and examine for themselves. I, i , JAtJOll KYKK, ' CHARLES. HEFFLE.Y. ni9omsbijrg June'.25,' 1842. 9 State Capitol Gazette. Two Dollars for the ..Session m Ad vance. t 1 Theundersiirricd embraces the "prcscrit opportu-J jnity of cdnvey ing to hisrfrieilds and the public, liirt sincere acknowledgements, for 'tho very liberal atronaze.which thev . continuo to extend to tho State 'Capitol' tiazctte; and in Vis future course hesh&U-use.evcry'endcavor to, merit their 'approval of which hp hps the best evidence in .their , generous support of tho paper.' The approaching scssio'n of tho Legislature1 wilt "bo one ofdbeif interest aild'lm-1 portape,e,tOjthoipcople of. d'ennsylvariia.1 The clcc-i tiorpf a ctacj 'Irpasurpr, onda 'United btatesAdna-j tor,, and thcadoptUm ofnri Apporlioimicnt Dill, arc' among tlie importahi acts to be perfomcd by thej Legislature: and tlicy will engross much tccling and delibciatio'n.j ,With the liopo of incrcasi'ng.the, use-; fulncsslof ourpapcr, we liave made ample arrange ments, is. well Tor reporting the proceed nigs ot both branches, as for presenting, therh, to-our readers at the earliest-possible period. Weliavc engaged tho most competent Reporters, and oyr publication will embrace full dcWils ftfjvbat'may'transpiro in cither branch during the session'. In' many instances we slialLgive,nfullroportqf thadebatcs, and in every rjstanco. we .shall produce such, a synopsis ot the hscussions, aswill copyey tp tho constituent,- the course and ical of Ins rpprcspnttivp. rit additiop Id thU, we, have employed "an ahlo find attentive correspondent -at thosent of general government; and our readers may1 anticipate; not only the car- lest .i;otgrvssionaI. intelligence, but also tho car licstand most cofrcct information in regard to the doings ,of the .administration,, and 'the 1 plans la'lid ipcraiions uuoii.ine uunucmcuevs-uuuru. It 'm.iv Iks well cnotitrh "In reiterate, what we 'staled on assuming the ola'6wricrbhi'p' and control of this paper, that ifs political fchiftacter will remain undianged. We were educated in' the "school of Jeflersonian democracy we have always zealously contended tor the principles wo then imoibcd. and under tho broad banner of equal light's, we shall bo found rallyhig'.fiiilhfully defending our beloved doc trines, and our-hallowed, institutions. As an organ of the democratic partyywo shall exert every zeal and ability to maintain its usages apd principles,and secure thesuccess of its candidates. Asu sentinel upon irecpom s waicn-iowcr, we snuu always do lounu vigilant anu cncrgviic 111 guaruiiigane rigms and liberties of tho people: and as a' Tournalist, o Jr columns will contain tliat quantity -and n.ual(ty of Illieuigciico milieu caiiiiuiiau iu incasv jxiu risuf i the oirlfcral 'reader. With thcsolproftcrs of enterprise "and dcclara lion 'of principles, and with renewed assurances o pur gratefulness, for the, liberal support extended to us. wo pledgo our zealous exertions to deserve a continuance of the, patronage of an enlightened public. TERMS. I . -r . 1 I . . The State Canitol Gazette will be nuhliiihWl twice a week; during Hie session ol tlie .J.egislaturo and once a weett uuring'ine remainder pi tho year, at. tho lollowing prtcesi' - ' The session only, (twice a week) 52 00 The.n hole year, " 3 00 Any person Sending His five subscribers accom panied by ten dollars, shall receive a copy for their trouble, gratis. (Payments. imay bo transmitted by mail postagopaid, at.pur risk.. Uy . a rule of .the Post Office Department, Post-matters are per. milieu 10 iraim tellers ooiuaiiung money ior suu scriptions. Wo attention-will bo paid (0 any.-order1 unlets the money accompanies it. , , . . t . Harrisburg, NoV, ft 1342. $5REWAKI) LOST, on Friday, U15 21st day of Oct 1812, somewhere in ilio township of Fish ngcrk,-pf tjeenjvpod.-a.saKiHIii t 'i 4 POCKET BOOK, containir.g about- JJj? 1,1 ua"K no,os One, five on the Mi nets Dank, Poltsvlllt, and other Relief Notes of difTerept banks'.--' AWu navenn will deliver it, with its" cb'nlentu, to" the owner, shall 'receive Ihf t nb'ove reward. 1 RICHARD HANCOCK'.4 Nov. M842 W JC 5 1 l.'EBYS TO --THE . formerly punned by D. S. ppDIAS. ' ';J'',rEPIlRA'liTI IiUTZ RESfEOTKULLY tnftrms hisfrlendii, iih.T the aubllcgenerally; that he has'Jiist recciv d tro m Philadelphia a riew and extensive assort ment.-of . ' Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Faints Varnishes Glass, Dyesf niTu, Conrcctoiriai'ics, &C. &c.,, which,, in addition to. his 'former stock, comprises . complete nssoumc.nl qf articles in his line of business All persons wishing to purchase any of tho above articlc9,arc paiticulnrly invited to call and price .the articles in his Store before buying elsewhere as ho Is determined to sell as low, and y a little. Jewing, lower than can be bought any, whcro.clse in the surrounding neighborhood. The Subscriber considers, it hardly nccssary (0 mention tho atticlea in particular ps he .in confident that no one can como amiss by.cnquiring fo rany aiti cle belonging to,a Drug Store. u N., B. ,Mexclant3 and Physicians will find if to their. advantage to call and. buy such articles as they may stand in need, of, as thoy shall,be accom modated at a very low percentage., In few words all arc respectfully .invited to, call; see and judge, for themselves. EP.HRAIM LUTZ. Bloomsburg, July 1 0, ,1 842. tf 29. BLANK BOOK TG4,corncr of Walnut & Third streets HE subscribers return their sincere thanks id No , their friends for tho favors so liberally bestow ed on them, and beg leave to assure them that-110 efforts shall bo wanting on their part to' "merit ri continuance, of their patronage, both in refcrendo to .Workmanship and cheapness of prico to. suit tho times. It is, highly .advantageous to Gentlemen and In stitutions having Libraries, to apply direct to tho Hinder, making at least a s-aving of 10 to 20 ipor cent, and sometimes more. All descriptions of Binding neatly' executed. Gcnllemcn's. Libraries .fitted up and repaired, Mu sic and, Periodicals bound to pattern. Ladie's scrap 1 1.- a 11 1 i , . r . 1 1 ,, . uouiiu, .jMuuiMt uuu 1 uriiuiius, 01 an uescnpiioiis made to older. Binding done for Libraries.. Insti tutions, Societies', &c..on advantageous Terms. - TO. PKOKUONO I ARIES, liEGIS TERS, RECORDERS, SHERIFFS, JiERCHANTS, AND BANKS.' They 'orb ntso prepared to manufacture , '"BLAHK WORK . of every, description, s.uch as Dockets, Rtconh Deed Jlook's, Jiay.Uools, Ledgers, Journal Memorandums, Chetk-Itolls, &c. of the fine's quality qf Paper, (Robinsons Ivory. Sutfaced),"'ii j sty le equal to any, madciii the Cities of iPhiladeli phia or New ,Ydrk,.an )hc most; reasonable., terms.. " Blank Woiik Rvi.kii to ant Pattkiix.. , CL'YDE1 & WILLIAMS. N. B. Old Books rebound with neatness arid despatch; also Files of Papers. I yarrisuurgvfltarluau, JJ3i.. Cmo. 98. j All.ortlers for binding.or for, blank' books. jeft'at tis Qfiico, will be forwarded, and. returned as soon an completed.. ' 3H- WUUU,Jgent. Legislative Keystone two'dollArs "cor the session.. ... 1 - ' - The Kbistonk will, as usual, bcr nublishe'di twice stvccii during tne session ol the Legislature: and at -we shall, spare' neither pains nor expense in1 givinjiuir apd aqcurye rcpotts.of the proceedings' 'of tho two llousej, together with sketches nf the debates on all public and important questions, wo hope to receive a liberal support from, the reading public. The comiiifsession of ourXcgielature will icpiie.of mora than common interest, and 'ttcrsoris ilesirpusjof obtaining early .and' correct in orm'atloh from the scat of government, will find it to their advantage to take, .the. Keystone. To, lawyers, jadges, justices' of the 'Peace, and public officers generally, it will be invaluable, ao all the laws of a public and general iiaiure arc published in ' it hnme. diately after their passage, and fully three months peioio nicy wilt be promulgated in any other man ner. VVe shall also havo an able coircspoivnt at Washington city, who will keen the readers ot Tour paper opprised of alt thaf is doing at tho seat of tho .National uovmment. . ,., ..... , TE.UMS.,, ,. . . Tho terms of the Keystone are as follows: " For the whole year, . . rf "i $3. 00 t or the session onty , (tvvico a week) 2 00 Any person sending us five subscribers for. tho session, accompanied by Ten dollars, 'shall receive a copy, gratis for his trouble., All payments' may be transmitted by mail, and all Post-masters aro permit ted to frank letters containing money for -newspaper subscriptions, , . M'KINLEY & LESCUKE. Harrisburg.Nov. 18, 1813 ---'' JEstray. Droke intb tho enclosure of trio snbacri ber about 3 months since, a WHITE, STEER, Idroopping a little in, his horns, and about four years old. 1 he ovvnor is requested to take him away and pay charges. .' i .. JOSEPH PURSEL. Madison Oct; 1st. LT persons knowing themselves indebted, to, tho late firm ofIiupcrt& tt'arton, by note or wok. are requested to make ini'mediato.navment as no long'cr'indulgcnce can be given. Those who neglect tho call will alone bo responsible for conse quences that will certainly follow, RUPEKT& BARTON. Bloomsburg Oct, 22, 18J2. ' ' , ifci t, 1 ' ' WOOD wanted' Atfrii'is orcfrcK. ICREI, V Yi Sc CO, p HAVE iju9trec'elved a large atsortmcht of ' FALi. AD "WINDER CJOODS bf every variety wh!ch they arp enabled to offer to the public' a little lower than than the cheapest for the HEADY GO DOWN, such as WISH or COCJYTnV PttODVCE, tho THOfSAND YEAR- CREDIT SYSTEM having been .ABANDONED. j Among thclr'a'sorlmch of' . Dry G'oorts mnrbc"l6und all the varieties or English, French and American Ma'nufactmes of Wool, cotton, silk, flax, and hemp; among which Is an clegantassort. incnt of supcrfi.ln, fine and common Broad 'Clothes and CdssimeresiSattinets; Cotton arid Linen Drill, ing; Irish. Linens; brown" Hollands; Mareeiles and other'vestings; Silk Velvets! browrf and' bleached hirting'A and' SllecU'ngS, Calicoes: printed .Lawns and Musiihs, Mousline dc lalnsf Challics; plain and figitrc'd 'Silks; a .large variety of silk', mohair, and Merino Shawls and' handkerchiefs; Lady's and Gctlcmen's Gloves and Mills, Hosiery; Itibbons, Gentlemen! and Children's' HATS; CAPS, Gentlemen's, i.adies and Children's BOOTS ,1 SHOES. Among their GROCERIES, will be found ' Sugar and iCofTco of scvcrol kinds, jmd quality, imperial, xoung iiyson, nyson un,. ami Sliouschong I'cas; CJiocolatc, Apices , of all kinds; Madeira, J'prt, Lisbon nndlnlega Winesj Brandy,, Jlolland, Gin, 'Spirits, , Rurn.jand yjhikcyWc9t India, New 'Orleans 5iig"arHouso. and Boston - Syrup MOLASSES, HARDWARE, .Knives ami Forks, Cutlery-Saddlery, Coach and Vjfagon', !riniiiiii)gsand mountings,. Mill and cut 'Sivrk, tenpnt.saw Saddler's,- Shopmaker's, 'J'allor's amj Carpcnlcis tools; " BJqfUfjiiith'js iAnvils' land yiees: owccppig apu a.greatjvar.icly-ofother brush- es; all liinils.ol. Hopes aniL.Uordager&c. &c. A'largeajid'deglnntJ'assoTlmtyt'of CHINA' 'GLASS - AND" Ciuccnswarc, CUOCltEICY WARE. IRON Of all' kind liy tlie Ton or smaller quantity, -Spring -Steel, English blister, Crowley, Sheer' and 'Cast steel, German stecl.qnd American blister, Nails and Spikes, Large and snull Copper Kettles, ?-c. It is impossible to' mention" separately in an ad vertisement, oil the articles 'which they h'dve oa Jiand; but the subscribers' wish it to be understood that tpeir assortment bus been lanl in solely witat view to supplyitho. wants ofthe country, and there fore few, will.bo disappointed wlio--may call upon them ts.havo their .individual wants supplied, pro 1 viucu injy opcr in excuango ine: y . , ,READY GOi DOWN.' WILLIAM 'McKELVY & Co. Bloomsburg, Nov. 10, ,1842. , 30 tf. MANUFACTORY, At Bloomsburg, Col. Co. 1 AFP & TI HNER. T(ltEY would inform life citizens of Columli , jCounty, that they ha.vc commenced thebusi nessat' the above place at the public houso,of E. itAinnt T , (.., V I r.. xiu vv r.Liii. wncre mev are nrenarcu 10 manuidv ture tojordcr, in the neatest, be6t, and most iluratiw monner, MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, qEAD 'ond FOOT STNES,6f all sizes and ualitics, ,M ANT LES, WINDOW ,and, ?00R SILL, aiid'DObn FRONTS'. ' , ., Also PANTBAR and HEARTH S rONES.I Orders for'Stone can' belcfl with D. GROSS.wlnl wil act as Agent duringbuf:ahscncc. f I Thev constantly keen on hand's lareo lot ol Ycrmont,Egypti4n,aad Jtaliah' Marblo at tliri'l wholesale Marble Yard at Sclius Grove, Union! county. I'a, 'BlobirifchBg AuBtistT,?, 1841 16 BRIDGE fcteTTING. TItOVOSALS will bo received bv, the CounW Commissioners of Columbia Countv. Pt tll iouso 01 Anraiiam w.iiausc,in iiorry wwnsu'i": ,uu , ijuuj iuu.Auuuy ui iecciiiuurinsi., utivr, :tll9 hours p(0 M, and 2 o'clock, P.M. of th Jay, for building a County Bridge, ovor ChiljisquJj que ivrci'H at orncar nuranam v. iiquw,s 111 t.,jt .f .1. J 1-J,,-- t 1! iuwiiciiii, ui mo louowiug aimi-iinoiis, in , It is to bo a stono arch bridge, the abutments 'J pier to bo '18 feet long Wine? foundation sniij feet thick. 1 feet hinh from low water',m'ark ui"" fecti , thick whrd ;lho marches tonimence, Vim Walls 011 east !1n lfl fi'et lnnr. ml nn ivl-ct siJe5J feetlong, 3 feet thick at, the fouudatlon and IS incij ennui:. 111 inp,uji, o icci niguer man iie iwm'6-1 pn the bridgo and covered vuh tfrjijd ccphig "t0' 5 inches thick, iho arches to t,e M feet wide attM foundation. Tho whoo woik to bo laid in gl lime mortar and well pointed, ' i . CHRISTIAN WOLF ., 1, ... 1 . JCO0 DGWTT 1 1 t 'JDHN B. EDOA1 t CommAiionirt' A Commlsslonera' ofllco Dnnville. Dec. 9 te1' I yiisi VHre-1 oujcl A