The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 31, 1842, Image 2

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    frolr, that it mini have pasmd directly
through the heart, and tho blood which had
guinea from the wound, had already Sam
fated the clothes, t!irougrf,and!lhroughY artd
formed a small no61 in the road: (
'Harry Dlako,' said the old mart, ,as li
drew the knife from the wound, 'this it
fearful deedi and (lie punishment is equally
dreadful. You know '.hat I am a magistrate
ama musi aiscnarge my uuiy.'
'And will you send me to prison on such
Si charge as IhisT repeated Blake bit
The did mad was silent.
'Did you ever know mo to lid, Caleb?
Giid he. ,
Never, Harry, 'never!'
, 'And do you think I'd lis now!'
! don't know.' rootled Grayson, I
hevei before saw you when there was so
great a risk hanging ovtfr you. Oh! Harry
Harry' continued he, clasping Ills' hands
together and looking at, the vonng man
with an expression in which terror, and
borrow were strongly blended,' 'I, had
rather met, any than you, heret It wil
make , many a sad heart in this neighbor
Iiood. Why did you not promise what
Adams asked! or, rather, why did you
'leave ns then!' '
Blake' shook his head, as he answered .
Caleb, what can I say more than I hare!
If I reneal,what I have Just told you, you
"will not believe me. I was coining along
mis road, heard the screamo of tbis man;
galloped to tho spot, and found him dead
-with a knife in his breast I. got1 off my
horso to see whalicould boiddno for liim,
Bnd'was.drawiHg,)pu the, knifo when you
came up. Had you been two minutes
sooner; and I one minute lator, I, should
have made thS same charge against you
which vou now make agaitist me'.'
'.But tho cry thei words; 'Mercy
mercy, Harry!' He uttered your name'
He did indeed;' replied -Blake, 'ho
Indeed, I heard it myself. But he did
ayself. Hut he did not
Say' Harry Slake. Harry, you know, is
not. an unusual name
, VU, li Hdjr UY, HtU UI4VBVO
l.a ... V...
but still we must deliver vou up; and if
yon are inqoceiit, God grant that you may
prove' yourself toj but' unless my eyes de-
wive mer I saw you stab that man.
I( that is your belief, God help mcl'said
Blake, solemnly, for you must be a, .wit
ness .agsiast me, . If I tea charged, with
Murder, sush, a fact sworn t,, would hang
nui yui uaio not oven iookcu ior
. t .. , .
anomer muraerer man me. He may be
'hjd somewhere, about here.- Search in the
oosnes.anu, jroiji may and, him yet. ,IM not'
urV . , ,
With $ strange reliance oh ,Uie word of
man wno asserted fits innocence; they
left hira,;and commenced a search along the
roaui Ana inert, stooa. the culprit emotion
less making no attempt at escape, -and
Watching theft with an earnestness, o'nlv
fctcount'ed Tor by the fact ttlaJt' oh their sue
. toss his life depended. At"1 shoit distance
fron the.epot, .and in a part'of the bank.on
we reausiae where tilako said that; he had
not beeh, there was, a footprint. It wis
'Indistinct', biilTks fat as could be judged,
when camnntM with Rtalnt's ;,' i.nn
cided in size and form. A little further n'.
was another, and also the marks ofa snug
gle in the oad. Hero, too, were the same
foot-printsfand these;too, in dimensions.
corresponded with the fool of Blake.
It's singularly like mine. said Blake.
placing his foot on the track.'
mou vugui iu ud, oaiu iTiiiiuu gravely
...BW TWM. .WU. I, H.1 I L, L L.1I I IS BUHI B.UI n
B.ake made no reply to this insinuation.
leep trouble at the foot print. In the
Riniimn inn nihAra mmmimi..4 . i. . . i
p'&nd down the road', and in the bushes.
e mariti oi ine etrnirrrie niim.rnn..
.Jt . .
OD" -.fwu,
ut theie was no trace of a murderer, other
ian uarry Diane., At last they both came
ut and stood in the road.
voyoHiinu nothing!' inquired Blake
Grayson shook his head, as he said:
I didn't expect to; but you wished tke
look, Harry, and I had a hard duty to
, ""MJjiil m M . M ... W J UU
st. I knew it was useless.'
norm: anu sn i iiimurht hni-
Well, well,'- said Blake, 'evervthinff
es, sadly against rue. You must do' your
!y. I am your prisoner.
'horses were, what do vou intend to do
'A that?1 And he pointed to the dead
Catch rat a touching it! said Walton,
deb choose to pullthe knife out of him.
voujdn't ha' done it., It's the crowner's
tnesj, thai is. We'll send him here.
Harry. It isn't our fault but' vou
Make' without further remark,' mounted
horee; and wailing until ihev were also:
heirs, they rode offjn company, taking,
rftrlinn in Ihn kiuh.. t u .
istra.te wheie.iii dn form Harry Blake'
delivered bver lo tlia roercy of ive law,
arranemonts ,werp ujade for ihc rerBfl?-"
uio uguy oj VCKIIUe.
40 bt, 'Continued t
akmg Up A sale 'has .lalelv teen
St lite niriO tlmbnr. trrnwinir unn o
Pland oTabodt I'SO acre, in' WiVie'irord'
rd foun'ty, Maine, 'for ten tkou
five ,hdred dollars, and those-who,
Hmtuar witn me basuttss sav 'fliai ih
na'aers. at tli nron'i"rr.voo',t' -
. f- lUBDBl, 1'IIUD
1 ml,.. U.1II .L. 1:..- I , V.
f jtvf h vr. ' .
" S'Jntt lBot iMiii "
(Subjt'tt to tht, decinon of 0 Natitnal
. Convention.)
In payment for. papers at this OfHco .
The friends of Removal, ia the .several
election districts in the eounty of Columbia
are reqqesled to. elect, twp or moje delegates
in eacn uisirict, to represent them --itf a
County, Convention to bo held at the houso
of Charles Doebler in Bloomsburg. on Sat
urday the 7th day of January, 1843, at 12
o'clock noon, for the purpose of making
such arrangement as may be thought expe
dient, to press the.Removal question in., (be
Legislature, ,aMhe coming session. i
. . JOHN, KNORR f.
, ISAAC, KLINE . ;.,.
The democratic citizens of Columbu
county aro, hereby , icquested, to meet, in
County Meeting, at tho house
UVtupij&U., .Ill BJAJUMSHUKU. on
Saturday the 31( day of December,
inst. at bne o'clock,, P. M. for tho purpose
of expressing their views in relation to the
candidate for thei next Presidency, and of
tho expediency of appointing delegates to
the slate convention to bs held tit lHarris.
burg, on the 8ih of January next.
Democratic Bunding Committee of Co
lumbia county.. .
Dec. 16, 1842.
TeState Convention which. is to assem
ble at Harnsburg,; on. the 8lh of' January,, very fully repre.sent.ed, ,as almost
every county in the .stale, has appointed
elegatee., We remark, pne fact, that in
Imost every county, the, meetings for the
ppointment o( delegates, havo been called
of jlie iwhole, democratic party. Thjs
speaks volumes in regard to )he, deir)ppracy
of Pennsylvania being'jn, fayprj.p.f ,Bucha,
nan, as.lheif first choice, for the Presidency..-
No official account of the late mntiny '
casothis 3t been published! and it is
thought none will be.untij it comes through
court. of enquiry, which is said lo have
been ordered upon Li. M'Kcptie, the com
mandant of tho jSomers, at Jhe time of the I
mutiny, 801111986 orders young Spen- i
cer and the others were executed, , It is,
useless therefore, Lto publish, the .yariqus Ayr
tng accquijts as it is impossible lo. arriv.e. z
ay thing i,ike, the, Jru.ih.fro.irj thernv, - , ,
nills have been Jntroduetil iDbotlt'louses
repealing .ih8 BariktupV EawV 'Judgirig
obY Ine" voles UTieo'upon Ihe'que'iJio'nVwlj'j
are inclined Co beU'WHit'lt'wlll WliW'
gaged for several'daj-apas'lj dibJ''therappr(i'.
VriationWH;. 1- 11 '" 1J'
u ill(tl i ., , '.. .
The Legislature meets at Hartlsburg, on
Tuesday next; the 3d day of January.
' The Editolof the Clbarrield,
of the most onsiterfl dfeniocritic newspa
per in the etato, thua gracefully bows to
Ihejvill.of his party jri ,realon 10 the next
Paesideuey, as h. wal ttxpreseet at lljeir,
ebutttj meetirigj
Oilr Plaa-.iiv 1 ncfeH sit nlir Hitt UA
J .will be obse'rved 'that Wb 'have hduteV
down the flair of that eood old rhlir hnl
Johnson, and placed in his.stead the namo
of Pennsylvania's boastj- the lion.- JamSs
UuChanar. In doing so, Otir oplnldh of tho
old hero has undelgone no change it is the
same it ever was. But wo hold 'that the
wish of, the majority, should dlwavs be
yielded to, by iho minorjly of the. same par
ty in tho choice of their candidates thorn
fore, as the' democracy of our county have
snoxen their aecideu preference for Mr.Bu
chanan we wil! cheerful! v eo with them
for this ia no time for the Keystone Demo
cracy. to be divided. So far as our, naner
1 the organ of any party, it is the ortran of
ine uemocrauc pari)' 01 uiearneiu county
' 1 n f 1 mf rir om llit .la m, .Ia
.L.J. "-.!- J .1 " .
.their sentiment, so far shall our paper act
as.a cnannei 10 convey those sentiments
We were hoi present at the lato meeting
until near its close,- and know nothing
aooui us organization, c. only from hear
say irom which we shall make no.! com
ment.. It was an orderly, quiet and credit
able meelincr.
1 Pennsylvania' wil! Undoubte'dlv' irive' her
-voie 10 Pennsylvania.- 11 is right that she
should; and we shall do nothing to
prevent such, an event. But at tho same
time we canne-t think the American people
sufficiently grateful' U they1 Would refuse
001. jonnsron 1 single honor as long as his
neau, 13 1101. 1
rhal Bribe, The Commitlee of Inves
tigation upon the S'lOCJO bribe to the Sheriff
of Now York to refrain frorn hanging jCoIt,
has been unable to come to any satisfactory
conclusion.., The .man who brought the
letter to the ShenfTs house was yrapped in
a great coat, and came in a cab, but neither
can be identified, ,
The J)tbt(ofGreal J3rain, in silver,
woujiljoad ,296.256' wagons, allowing each
to carry 2,000 pounds, and .allowing each
team jjtO feet, would forjri; a. line over 1,700
muesin, lengiii .(ij reduced to tenjs,; t
wouju load 8,887,500 wagons, and form
lihe twice, roupd thcglobe.
United Stales Brig Spmert.r- Ppurt
of tuqufry into the facts of the recent tragic
occuirence op board of the Somers, has
been ordered. It consists of Commodore
Btcwart, Jacob Jones, and A. J. .Dallas.
Ogden Hoffman Ejsq. of New York is the
fudge Advocate. The couit will com.mence
; its sutings, on Board of tho North . Caroi-
,na, at Brooklyn, on Wednesday tho 281
A meeting of the Democrats of this coum
ty, held in, Orwigabury, on the 12th inst,
Hpn., Jacod Krebs in the chair, the fol
lowing resolutions, were adopted .
Jlesoleed,, That the Democracy of Sch
tiykill county pledges its faith) tolho nom-.
inoe of a Democratic National Convention,
Jet hinrbe Buchanan, Johnson, Van Buren,
Cass, or any otheribf'the brilliant array or
Democratic aspirants upon whom the choice
may fall.
Jlrtolved, Thai Charles' Frailey, Esq.
be our Rep'reafcht'a'tfve Deleg-at'e,to represent
Schnykill county in'tlle' 8th- of January
'Convention it Harrisburg, wilh.ihslructioris
not to compromit the Demociacy of this
county in f jvpr of any individual for the
rresiuency, but to abide tho choice of a
Rational Convention. " .
Resolved, That w will conc'urin the
nomination of a Senatorial Delegate
which the Democracy of Columbia county
may make to' represent our Senatorial dis
trict in said'Convention.
Resolved, That our Senator and 'Renre'
sentaftyoJrr.the Slate Legislature be. 'and;
tney are, nereoy instructed to support and.
voie mr ins je-siection oi me lion. Jaines,
Buchahah to tho Senate of the Uni(ed
States. '
Resolved, Thai wo aro oppossd to Presi-'
Jent TylerVExqhequer' sjjhemos.believingi
it to bo only a National Bank, by another
name, and that experience has renewed
the1 assurance" wo -liave' Ibiig ' enlmaihed"ol
the wisdom and efficacyo.f MrmVan Buren
Sub. Treasury, plan, fvhoi safe, keping,
and djsburf emnt of ,!,ho pubi?, njoij. , ,
JienOlVCa. That we havu unilimin isliril
conftdehce in die' inieglBy 'and' ' p'ri jiisrh
of David R. Pbrier, oltf Infehted and' ex'.
cellept,, Ciief .Magistiatfi'.,a'nd thanlhei
Damoccyof Schuylkjjl.fiJunty fre reajlyjj
to award In in liishcr honcis should' an oc.
. Mr. Daahv. the Calhoun. canJiilnin. li l,w.n
elfctctj U; b,,8cnator by tVelabuna. Xclatiire,
over C.'C, Cav ' ,'
More Defalcaliofi.Tl Savannah
paper contain theieport of the Select Com
mHieyipSointfe? 4o iuvestifatetho condl
tidA of iie Cdntral Bank. TheiRepubllcari
'spiking Of: the repoit, sayil 'Thero is an
UkVioledgedltdtaL deficit of assets to the
enormous amount' of tl, 334,000.
observe that there are 1303,318 of holes
over due,and 72S,lid'in attorney's 'darids
In the language of the teporti tho Bank if
now left to its own reBourties woU.d be ut
terly insolvent,' The Committee ' carries
out the actual value of the1' assets, of: the
Bank, 61,408,440, against the pretended
assets, 33,001,361, as furnished by the
Slng'titdr , Phen6me'non. fhe indian
apdlis Sentinel o! the Dth ult. anhunces
tne following dc'cllrrehce; which parson
Miller may very possibly consider tho
'begtnningg.of the end' Wo are (informed
by a gentleman Who 'Has recently visited
the place, that a sublerahean fire Has been
loging in Putman coortty for several weeks.
. i i , . " . .
it nas cxienaea unaer a space ot some
acres of ground, about ll ot '2 miles south'
of Manhatten, and the timber had com
menced falling in every direction on the
infected District.' Where the earth' has
fallen in, it.has left openings through which
smoke issues constantly. Various causes
for the phenomenon are civen: but the
reasonable seems' to be; that a vein of coal,
with which thp country abounds," has be-
comet ignited from some cause, pethaps
TTie' 'Republican Farmer. This ste'r
ing and ably conducted papor.tht orean 61
the democracy of- Luzeinei county, . has
hitherto studiously avoided any agitation ql
the Presidential question, on the ground
that its discussion was premature, and
might lead to division and distraction in
the jankn of our party. The last number,
however, contains, the following article.
which wo copy: as'woll on account, of ihe
correct senlimenfs it inculcates, as because
no irjuiwc in mo nasuranco u convoys that
it speaks the. views of -nearly, if not qiie,
the entire, democratic. partv! of l-nzctnc
have been requested to give publici
ty an announceraeti't', that a itias's meeting
of tho friends df Richard M. Joiikwjic.
win ne neiu at, liarnsburi; on the: 8th of
J anuary, ensuing., JV,ot an diem f
iuinica mionnauon. . inn (.wp cannot omit
the occasibn to express 'bur decided con
damnation of the' terras in which the call
appears in some of the' papers professing to
advocate C.ol. John5pn .claims to the
Presidency. They are imnroner in ilram.
selves for thfcy .contain ah implication for,
which we believe there is no ".foundation;
they aro injudicious for they" are' calcula
ted o offend many who, enteriainW 'nn
honest preference for a citizen of ilnir niun
S(ate,ate yef disposed to dojusic to other
candidates' for 'nomination. Thus far, tbU
lnurnanias caraiuny avoided all interference
in) the questions so frcnueiitlv nrcsenHd
the, public mjnd,, relative lb the candidate of
t:ic uemocratic party for the PrrsiMpnpv
believing the agitation or the subject prema
ture. Unl' ilie fact cannot now1 be denied,
(and, we dodiot knbw that we should be
called upon to depy it if it were.otherwise.l
that a vast majority of. the Democracy ,of
i liuiioYi.uuia rc uvoraoie, to the
uuiiimauon 01 tneir own well tried
and Wihful .citizen and rn.lnt.m-..
-(BB fjyiifiNW, .tor mat station. They
T D.. , .. -J .......
are aciuaicu equal y ov a PennsvlvonU
feeliiig, honorable and just in slself,, apil sd
miration af 'an attachment to the object of
their preference. "Tliey urge, and Willi'
mutii iiiauto ,wp mi iK.r inat sirtce. Mr. Hn
ciiANAN'sn.Hrae has been,fxtensivelv men
tione'd jn that connection. Pennavlvanla.nn
this first' occasion of her prei'ehtfng one of
least preserve an1 unbrdkon frbnt, and
giyohim, ,lier(9wn,uniinimous vole on first
Thete' remarks hve been' cajled from us
by the request above' slaled, preferred
throngh .a friend 'who occupies some 'space
in ,1,118. estimation ol the,Demecralic! public.
We make them Inpre freelyl because wo"
are well satisfied ih
uci suns ti ur gisier aiaics. shnnlil at
ncoo Iho fcelings and aantiuients of nearly,
if not quite. lh6 Vmt6 DemnrrffV
X-tizern'oicounlyi We should hes'itafo In ,tn
so, Terejiot .tJiis otr belief .for .liowovor
fuljy we might ourseycR J)Atpnyinred, wei
would not "press eentiinepts whirh' we
were cerfaih"'veife nof'eiiterlafned by 'iho
pany of-which-thls-paper is (ho orga'ni and
which" we professjiiojeprefpor, ' ' " '
The F;enc)( papers, staie, . ihatv Ro an
;Catliolic raissipriarj, r.ljking.adxaptago. of
uo-ww par's psMMiMa com-
mWhAnl.QWl (frfiPtablishmeni of. neao.
;vlll,W0 topl'W Wojrilw.i Jj)K. .Hie
l.rumu.gaiiun 0 (atlijL,
,P'dly h9usaridih.eAdtof;calile havo died
in,J3gypt pf an., epldejplo, lhaUias., rased
More Liberal A lettei froth IfambBj
HID lltat m irritlHU lm
taadb fo theenalbf tl. kulhorize Jews to
become purchaiers'ofih'oosds or land in
plrls of that ciy. Hitherto, they h
been ilfowed tJ mako phrchises "only j
particular streets., - - ,
auiu n.iiuau, mo inio. rosimssier Uen'
oral, is" said Id be tin the limits at Washing.
ton, on ajodgmfcnt obtalbid by Siocktod
anu atokKif a
The Banks of New Otleans haveresdmi
edf pecie payment-' ;- . ,
It K'aJmputed.'tHe Iosi'per annum, bv
t he deslruciibn of clothing- and tho extraf
expense pf washing,, f6ni sooty particles
in the air, amounts in Manchester alone id
30,000, dnd Londop, ai the seme aver":
age, to.l.03,520. , M. .
' BS9shtS9SSSSa9
Jonathan W Curtis, of 'Huron countvj
O., while out liuntirig-deer, 'a short time
sipce, was accidentally ahqt by his brother
in-law and" died', in about Is or 14 hours.
Ohio; On Tuesday, the j Sth. e. Ohid
Legislature e'lefeteo W; Allean U S. Sen
ator for six yesrs. A!en.ieteivdd,63 votes.
Phomas Ewing received ii: Governor
Shannon' was inaugurated the BamM5ay,-and
delivered an ipauguration addrssSi
More Rumon. It isVurapred in .Wash-
ington, that Judge Porter, brother of the
Governer of this State, is to be annointpd
Secretary of' War, and the present' incum
bent of that office, Mr. Spencer, to brt
Appointed Secretary of trio Tieas'ury.
Mr. A Inf. eus Harmon, a mormon preach
er, together with his nephew, Orsey .Har
mon, were frozen to deaih'on a p'rarie.about
seven'mifes from Naiivoo, on the 17th of
Nor. last; They were caught In a storm
became bewildered and perished.
U. S. Senatbf fr'ohfltoflti1 Carolina.
William H. 'tiyptb'&, ?Dem.) was "on
Tuesday Ust elected tJhilell 'States Senalor
from North Carolinfi.iri placo of Wm. G'ra
ham, whose terms expires on ftjd 4th of
March ne'xi." 'All other candidates having
been withdrawn, the votes stood! for Hay.
wood U5,' Graham 09; Saunders 2'.
MssMwsawssMsacBsjswsj '
A very wealing platiie'r' '"id Woodford
County', Kys-'sald1, lI had; rratiier'ba taxed
lo pay fdrlhe' Jioor hoy's 'education than tiio
poor m'ah'ff ignorance; for one or the other
I am compelled to do.'
CjThe winter "thus, farhas 'been very tight fully
s.ntwerinfef ibd oxfetations of' themost severe
prophets. Wo have now first ratolsicighing; which
'a well improved by Ibo.old pa wel young, vyhtla
enjoying the pleasures of IhcIl days. .,
Tho LcgialatureNewffampshire have sdoplcS
tho following: ,s
1. Any person, of good: moral character, on api
plicationo Iho supreme court shall be admitted, to
practiso as,an Attorney ,
S' Every party . n a, cause,-, prosecution or, it
may appear pleail, pursue or defend' in his' propi r
pcreon or by-'any citfreh bf good 'moral cbsrscter. '
m - j I (,!
The. Neiv; Hampshire House of, Repre
santatives has lesolved, jhat .they, will not
district tho Sata for, the, choice .of .Repre-
santatives in, Uongiess.
Diei), aj' M'ohegan, on ,li)e.' ifltji',, John.
Unca' pgd 8D years .tOjlost hjle . ofr,,'l"hft
rpyalino' of ilie-jcelqbrated Chief pf that
name. He was inl'crredln the ,Royal bu-
Fy nig groiina oi tno
op tho.
lf t"i
DIEb In Phlnl' mu,n.Wf' MUi... .'
liorland. coiiniy,"on' the Hth' Inst, Mf.''
JA,M,S IyEMON, .aged. about' 85iVearsit
TKYi hi'to joVcl.a.'at 'Conil'a'tloi.'e' k
property orVilimniEd$itdWtrWd Ifol'tJt
twq.aetts i pf .arnesj, two.i'leijF, piieClock, iwthlv
SUtk ofleVorWaceon' an,! hit' 'UnlV.zl
iapossfjiuoil 6f fcald Wdgai duilhg" ih plca1nrc 6
"Wmmm a.wKo.irtoijop.vU- tU lti.,t
,(1 -SllUHAEL LEMQfri
lMRf'egans,, ,
. , i ' - r ' V '
.,A. Er)iT-In Daltawissa.Qn.lhe.Sijtl,
lUM. by Ezra S". Ilayhurst fisqMr.'Jf. K.
; in